oophclie-blog · 6 years
what is your character reluctant to tell people?
crucial muse development questions  ll accepting
   I think Ophelia is quiet reluctant to share her true feelings and opinions with people and that has so much to do with the environment she’s been brought up in. Polonius tells Ophelia to ‘think yourself a baby’ after she expresses her genuine confusion-she has learned how to keep to herself for it seems that any time she attempts to express anything, she is immediately shut down and shooed away, for lack of a better term.
   Ophelia has found that anytime she tries to open herself up to anyone, no one seems to bother to listen to her for even a moment. So she merely keeps quiet. 
   Of course, she wishes nothing more than to express all her emotions that she has kept bottled up within herself-after all, one grows heavy and weary with such thoughts running through one’s mind, but she is truly afraid to due to the fact that it seems as if everyone just ignores her-
   even her own father. And that is what hurts the most. 
    Ophelia is forced to keep her frustrations, her wants, her desires, her longings, and everything else within herself-and if someone is to ask her how she is or what it is that she is thinking (for her eyes seem to betray every single feeling and opinion he has), Ophelia grows scared and does not wish to scare the person away with an hour long speech about God knows what-
   after all, she has been taught to behave like a lady so she only smiles and says that she is doing well, even though she knows that she is doing anything but.
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matriarcarivera · 6 years
She was on the back of Pepita and when her  Alebrije landed on the ground once more, the earth shook just as Pepita growled. The woman she had come to find, this hechicera, was a sight to be seen, and probably frightened many, or at least itimidated. But not Imelda; she had not been intimidated by anyone in life, not even in the revolución, she would not would be intimidated in death. Not when when the hechicera was doing so much wrong. 
“This nonsense, it ends now,” She announced as she dismounted, without even introudcing herself, telling who she was, what she was. “This wars, they are effecting more than you. You conquer cities and take children and now even the dead, they do not stay where they belong”
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highpricstcss · 7 years
    “       AS A CHILD,   I remember the walls being perfumed with magic,   as the whole surrounding world held the humming echo of it...  ”    
    held in words is a bitter sweet tang, saccharine is the world she imagines.    a mere memory,    it is all she holds dear anymore. arid is its loss, charred and left to ruin,      it exists in splinters. 
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//*  @astriicus​  SC
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wyldlittledog · 7 years
🍋 - 🍌
Munday Meme [ACCEPTING]
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
Lmao! When does he not? Not even kidding, all the time. Though I feel like saying some of it might make other RPers feel guilty for things that don’t actually matter. Because he responds to RP like it’s real life, and… it’s not. Obvs. :p I will say that he’s been grumpy and mopey in my head lately, and I kinda want to shake him.
🍌 - What drew you into the fandom in the first place?
I was writing with another RPer who convinced me to watch Spartacus. They knew exactly which kind of characters and ships spoke to me, so they started trying to entice me with Nagron, showing me gifs and telling me cute stuff about them. I had to ask them to spoil me that both Nasir and Agron were alive at the end of the series before I’d watch, because I am just so tired of my LGBT ships getting fucked over. When they told me they were alive, I broke down and watched the show, even though it’s not one that would’ve normally been on my radar. And what do you know? They were 900000% right that I would love Nasir (and Agron/Nagron). He’s such a fucking badass. Now I’m here in Spartacus hell. ;)
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crouchback-mary · 7 years
What do you think about my portrayal?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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ofodinn · 7 years
Mun Interpretations -- > @astriicus -- > Accepting!
ALL OF 4A!!! From Yidu to the drugs, it all frustrated me. The only redeeming value it had with him and Lagertha bonding some.
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kissofthemuses · 6 years
@astriicus​ liked for Veronica
Veronica’s eyes moved about the room, taking in each of the guests there. A soft smile was plastered on her lips. She was so at ease among them, to have a smile, a look for them all. She hummed softly along with the music that was playing. She stopped beside someone, to look at a painting on display.
❝It’s lovely. Not a style I recognize, though. Do you know the artist?❞
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grimesucker · 7 years
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                                                                                      i passed a milestone !
i don’t know if this counts since technically i haven’t reached a milestone since my revival, but we’re still gonna take part in this FOLLOW FOREVER, BIAS LIST, FAVORITE FACES ---            whatever you want to call it, this is a list of everyone i love seeing on my dash. 
➤ 6R1M35UCK3R5  ( i would handcuff myself to all of you if i had enough hands )
@protegens grey baby to be honest i wouldn’t even Be Here if it weren’t for you. ...that means any complaints i get are being forwarded straight into your inbox. no but seriously. it’s thanks to you that i’ve been introduced to a place to expand my characters and creative process, and maybe it’s a pretty shitty platform, but i appreciate it nonetheless. i’m gonna try not to turn this entire post into an essay about how much you mean to me and how much i love you, but that’s gonna be hard. you’re just---the best. you’ve been the best partner in absolutely every way, and i will never NOT be grateful for you. you’re skilled, you’re creative, you’re entertaining, you’re cute as fuck. i love you so much boo------or do i get to call you pre-fiance yet ? ♥♥♥
@thewitchandtheangels f a t e. every time i go back to read old writings, i always look up what you and i have written together because it is some of my favorites. i mentioned once that you’re absolutely one of my writing soulmates, and i MEANT it. right from the start our muses clicked, and ever since i have been totally addicted to writing with you. it’s also Super Great that you yourself are amazing. you’re sweet and you’re fun and even though you like to Kill Me with angst, you’re also always there to make it all better in the end. i love you ;w;
@hybriidborn lori-bee is it hard to hide your halo and wings ?? you are truly an angel and i am So Extremely Glad to have you in my life. you mean so much to me and i’m so appreciative of your friendship. ---especially because it means i don’t have to feel bad when i want to throw ideas of our muses together, because my goodness i so totally adore the relationships we’ve built for our muses. you’re an incredible writer with so much care and thought behind your words, and trust me it does not go unnoticed. i cherish every word you share. i love you !
@aquaeques kiRA. i cry whenever i think about you because my affection just overflows. ...even though you have a habit of trying to break my heart every chance you get. ---but i encourage it, so who’s really at fault here ??? ( no one bc we love it bc we’re monsters. )  listen it doesn’t often happen that i have a muse who latches on SO STRONGLY to another, but regarding our keith and lance, my red boy just wants to let everyone know that your blue boy is taken. ...especially in the galra/altean AU. i honestly Live for it---out of all the AUs i’ve ever been a part of, spanning across every muse i’ve ever played, it is absolutely one of my top 3 favorites. like, look---i love talking to you, and i love developing storylines with you, and i love that you’re one of the best people Ever. you’re amazing and i love you c’:
➤ 6U773R-H34D5 ( i adore you guys to pieces )
@haharlarious lacy !! i have yet to throw this muse at you but i know that once i get the chance our kids are totally gonna hit it off. ...maybe not necessarily in a GOOD way, but writing with you always provides me So Much muse that i usually just end up word-vomiting but you manage to make something out of it anyway. ♥ like, i love you as an RP partner but also just as a person because you’re So Cool and so genuinely awesome and getting to meet you twice has been really friggin’ cool, even though i’m a socially awkward bean. i hope to see you again this year ;D love you !!
@spacefischy okay so holt honestly i have so much admiration for you because, dude, you have one of the most incredible OCs to have ever been developed. krie is cool as hell and i’ve always followed along to your posts even before we started talking just because i wanted to know what was happening to them !! it’s really amazing, this character you’ve come up with, and i constantly find myself just going back to read things we’ve talked about whenever i need a smile. ---also, i have spent hours appreciating the art you’ve made of krie. my favorite is still that one baby icon though ;0 ♥ plus, i know you’ve made my baby happy with what you’re writing between Krie and Newt, so now i am especially invested in their friendship. ilu♥♥
@tentaculi espy ! i can’t even begin to tell you how happy i was to find you still active. ;w; i remember with such giddiness all the threads we’ve written, and all the plots we’d chatted about. to this day, adam n’ charlie’s zombie encounter remains one of the most painful threads i’ve written, just because of how Into It we got in the IMs. ---and greyson ?? FML they’re the best family and i adore them. and i adore you ! you’re fun and you’re silly and you always make the mood bright and i will love you always ♥
@endlessdrifter dave i have that photoshopped picture of keith in an ‘adamaniacs’ shirt saved on my phone. l i s t e n everything we’ve written together has been so much fun, and i’m so excited to see what future plots we come up with. right now i’m so totally in love with the interactions between dox and raghan, and i just KNOW i will continue to be amused by them because you’re just such a wonderful writing partner ??? you’re fantastic ♥
@frequencied / @0xa00001 ecto. brah. we haven’t known each other all that long but already i am So Very Attached to You. you’re seriously so much fun to talk to, to the point where i end up giggling in my chair because the things you say just make me feel all bubbly and cheery. i’m so looking forward to any and all future interactions ;w; ---and i am still so ready for keith to punt wheatley into space ;P ♥
➤ UPP3R-L3V3L3R5 ( i admire you guys so much you’re all so cool )
@nekrikos & @therevcnant & @thewillfulones & @theimpalpable & @ourbcst & @contrarymuses & @cursia & @gigglcwatcrr & @astriicus & @tragiciisms & @securitrcn & @southcrnfightcr & @creatingxdragons & @rezamuerte & @viiennawaits & @assassiniism & @oddyssea & @carnigora & @sugarcrafting
A thousand thanks to everyone who has taken the time to interact with me. It’s really an honor to be able to write with so many talented people, and even though i’m slow as fuck, i really do have so much fun with you guys. All the words you’ve ever shared with me are true gifts to my eyes. You guys make my brain happy. ♥♥♥
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drafts / starters owed
Margo Hanson:
Elizabeth of York:
@historialudiio​ x2
Natalie Martin:
Lydia Branwell:
Rosaline Capulet:
character calendar
inbox memes
lydia martin blog
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titansruler-a-blog · 7 years
BOLD what your muse can do. ITALICIZE for something they can do to some extent.  repost !!   do not reblog !!
bake a cake from scratch   /   ride a horse   /   drive a submarine   /   speak a second language   /  dance   / catch a fish  /   play an instrument   /   throw a punch  /   build a deck  /  ice skate   /   unclog a drain  /   program a computer   /   change a flat tire   /   fire a gun  /  sew   /  juggle   /   play poker  /   paint  /   fly a kite   /  sculpt  /   write poetry   /   change a diaper   /   sing   /   shoot a bow and arrow  /  ride a bike  /   swim  /   sail a boat   /   do a backflip   /  play chess   /   give cpr   /   pitch a tent  /  FLIRT   /   stitch a wound   /   read palms    /   use chopsticks   /  write in cursive/calligraphy   /   use an electric drill   /  braid hair   /  make a campfire  /   make a mixed drink  /  do sudoku puzzles   /   wrap a gift  /   give a good massage   /   jump start a car /  roll their tongue  /   do magic tricks   /  do yoga  /  tie a tie  /  skip a rock  /   shuffle a deck of cards   /   read morse code   /  pick a lock  /   fly a plane   /  train a dog/cat  /   fix a car   /  apologize   /   write a business letter   / write in a second language  /   say the alphabet backwards  /   read music   /  cook complex meals  /  change oil   / paint nails  /  draw   /  socialize  /   march   /   take apart a gun  /   drive a rig  /  operate a tank   /  climb a tree  /  rock climb /   tie a cherry stem   /   basic first aid   /  draw blood  /   put out a fire
TAGGED BY.  @skullkceper​
TAGGING. @somethingviolent @oddyssea @astriicus​ @warpromised​ @reignofolympus​ @rheaeaseandflow​ @vindictiveolympianqueen​ @queenofkur​ and everyone that sees this
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crouchback-mary · 7 years
♥️ ♣️ Send a playing card to my ask box! ♦️ ♠️
Mary is not an easy one to gain trust from. Her entire life has been full of false friendships and jesting. If someone confessed love of her, she would be confused, most like thinking they are trying to play a nasty joke on her. It would take much convincing that any proclamations were true and heart felt. 
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ofodinn · 7 years
Mun Related – > @astriicus – > Accepting!
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
This is extremely hard, but honestly, Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy is forever my favorite. James Potter is my second favorite. I played him for like six years and I am very protective of him and I love him very much. And also, I know this can be problematic because of the actor now, but Noah Puckerman from Glee is my third. I played him for like 4 years, mostly in an AU Glee/TVD RP, but he is very important to me. It is the character that I love, the development, not the actor. I’d still write him if I could come up with an alt fc.
Honorable Mentions: Ragnar & Louis XIV
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copperveined-blog · 7 years
Real life has been hectic & I’ve decided for my own sanity to move Ross over to my new multi muse at @astriicus. It’s still under construction but I’m open for interaction nonetheless.
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bxrnqueen · 7 years
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This is why I love @astriicus guys lol. this is why she is wifey
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