ellvhenan · 11 months
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she's giving grunge y2k
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snakesinhatss · 1 year
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Here comes the sun ~☼☁︎
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"Hiya, it's Sunny Starr. I'm starting this video series to document my life. I think the kids call it "vlogging". What inspired me to start this was my boyfriends kid actually. While she isn't my blood, she is important to me."
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"Shes a toddler now, she learned how to walk so fast. Perhaps when you're seeing this she's a lot more grown. Or maybe you grew up as friends. I don't exactly know when you're gonna be watching this."
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"Anyways, we had to add on to the house. I got a bigger kitchen and my boyfried's daughter got a room. I did most of the decorating. This defenitly won't be the last of the home renovations. The living room could be redone and lets not get started on the rest of the downstairs. More importantly though, another bedroom."
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"Kiyoshi and are doing great by the way. Completely smooth sailing, which is better then what i excpeted. The best part is I am for sure better at chess then him. Haven't lost yet!"
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"That is all for now though! Say goodbye to everyone, Kiyo~"
"oh- bye."
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annasletsplays · 1 year
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Astrology Challenge - Deutsche Übersetzung
Challenge by @taeskii, @leaflysims, @tropiccoconut https://www.tumblr.com/sims-4-challenges-ideas/180884581546/astrology-legacy
Astrologie Vermächtnis Endlich geht es los!! Ich glaube nicht, dass ihr alle wisst, wie aufgeregt ich bin, dass es endlich losgeht! Dieses Vermächtnis wurde erstellt von leaflysims, tropiccoconut. und mir! Sie sind alle großartige Leute und ihr solltet sie euch ansehen
Allgemeine Regeln: 1. Ihr MÜSST Beruf und Karriere abschließen, es sei denn, es wird euch gesagt, dass ihr es nicht tun sollt, oder ihr bekommt andere Anweisungen. 2. Minimale Cheats sind erlaubt, sehr kleine Cheats nur wenn nötig. freerealestate ist für Generation eins erlaubt. 3. Lebenserwartung Normal für das gesamte Erbe. 4. Alle Erben müssen die Farben der Planeten zeigen (Make-up, Haare, Kleidung, ect.) Pick Hautton, wie Sie möchten. 5. Du kannst leben, wo immer du willst, es sei denn, es wird dir ausdrücklich gesagt. 6. Du musst alle Aufgaben erfüllen, bevor du zur nächsten Generation übergehst. 7. Diese Generation enthält einige Päckchen, also lass die Aufgabe aus, wenn es keine Alternative gibt. 8. Tagge das Vermächtnis mit #astrologylegacy, damit wir es sehen können! Generation Eins: Sonne Seit du ein kleines Mädchen waren, dachtest du, dass sich die Welt um dich dreht. Du hast geglaubt, dass Geld das Einzige ist, was dein Leben glücklich und in Ordnung hält. Jetzt bist du eine junger Erwachsene, die in die "echte Welt" eintritt, und inzwischen ist es an der Zeit, sich einen Job zu suchen. Du willst zu den Reichen gehören und bist fest entschlossen, dieses Ziel zu erreichen.
Charaktereigenschaften: Snob, kreativ, materialistisch
Karriere: Kritiker
Streben: Herrlich Reich
Erreichen Sie Stufe 10 im Kunstkritiker-Zweig der Kritiker-Karriere - Großer Verwalter der Künste (Geschäftskarriere, wenn Sie keine CL haben)
Vervollständige das Bestreben Herrlich Reich
Verlobe dich als junge Erwachsene und Heirate erst als Erwachsene
Vollständige die Logik Fähigkeit
Ein großes Haus am Ende der Generation besitzen (mit etwas Kleinem anfangen und wachsen)
Niemals das Geld ausgehen lassen
Rechnungen immer pünktlich bezahlen
1 Kind zu haben
Zweite Generation: Merkur
Du warst ein Einzelkind und hast immer bekommen, was du wolltest. Als Einzelkind wurde die Einsamkeit zu deinem täglichen Gefühl. Als du endlich in die Schule kamst, hast du Freunde gefunden und angefangen zu kommunizieren. Soziale Kompetenz wurde zu deinem Fachgebiet, und als du ein Teenager warst hast du immer gegen die Sperrstunde verstoßen. Chatt-box war dein Spitzname und du fühlst dich geehrt, ihn zu tragen.
Charaktereigenschaften: Aufgeschlossen, Insider, düster
Karriere: Soziale Medien
Bestreben: Freund der Welt
War als Kind sehr einsam
Als Kind 8 gute Freunde finden
Vervollständige soziale Kompetenz als Kind
Verstoße als Teenager oft gegen die Ausgangssperre
Vervollständige die Fertigkeiten Charisma und Schelm
Bestreben vervollständigen  "Freund der Welt"
Erreiche Stufe 10 im Bereich Internet-Persönlichkeit der Social-Media-Karriere, Internet-Superstar (Entertainer-Karriere, wenn du keine CL hast)
Habe drei Kinder
Dritte Generation: Venus
Als junger Erwachsener hattest du das Gefühl, dass du die Liebe finden musst. Du wolltest einfach nur mit jemandem zusammen sein und den Moment genießen, den du mit ihm hast, auch wenn es nur ein One-Night-Stand war. Nach einer Weile warst du es leid, immer wieder das Gleiche zu tun. Du willst jetzt das Echte, aber dir geht auch langsam das Geld aus. Die Suche nach der wahren Liebe mit einer ganzen Reihe von Ex-Freunden wird viel schwieriger sein, als gedacht.
Charaktereigenschaften: Romantisch, Materialistisch, Faul
Karriere: Keine
Streben: Serien-Romantiker
das meiste Geld von der Familie erben
vervollständige Backen (Mixologie, wenn du kein GTW hast)
habe zwei Freunde als Teenager
vervollständige das Bestreben
als Teenager Angestellter im Einzelhandel sein, aber nach drei Tagen kündigen
8 gescheiterte Beziehungen als Jugendlicher (keine davon wird deine "wahre Liebe" sein)
heirate einen Kindheitsfreund
jeden Freitagabend ein Date mit deinem Mann/deiner Frau haben
als Erwachsener nie einen Job bekommen
Vierte Generation: Erde
Als Kind hast du die Natur immer geliebt. Du hast gerne gespielt, bist in Parks gegangen und hast dir Pflanzen angesehen. Wenn du allein warst, waren Pflanzen das Einzige, was dir Gesellschaft leistete. Für andere Menschen mag das seltsam klingen, aber für dich war es das ganz sicher nicht! Du hast gemerkt, dass die Menschen weder deine Pflanzen noch die Natur um dich herum schützen wollten. Das hat dich dazu gebracht, ein selbstbewusster Politiker zu werden, der für die Pflanzen kämpft!
Eigenschaften: Liebt die freie Natur, selbstbewusst, Vegetarier
Karriere: Politiker/in
Bestreben: Freiberufliche/r Botaniker/in
vervollständige die Fähigkeiten Mentale als Kind
als Teenager einen Teilzeitjob als Handlanger annehmen
vervollständige das Bestreben
erreiche mindestens Stufe 5 der Politiker-Karriere, aber schließe die Karriere bis Level 10 ab, wenn du kannst (Autor Karriere, wenn du keine CL hast)
heirate jemanden mit der Eigenschaft "liebt die Natur".
ehrenamtliche/r Mitarbeiter/in bei einer wöchentlichen Strandsäuberung.
vervollständige die Fossiliensammlung
vervollständige die Fertigkeit Gartenarbeit und bringe die Fertigkeit Angeln mindestens auf Stufe 2
Ziehe eine Kuhpflanze auf
Generation Fünf: Mond
Als du klein warst, wolltest du wie dein/e Mutter/Vater sein und dich dem widmen, was Er/sie liebte. Aber dieses Mal war es anders. Dein/e Vater/Mutter wollte, dass du "bodenständig" bist, aber du konntest deinen Kopf nicht aus den Wolken bekommen. Du hast viele Stunden in deinem Zimmer verbracht und vom Weltraum geträumt. Dein einziges Ziel im Leben war es, auf einen anderen Planeten zu fliegen. Als junger Erwachsener suchst du dir als Erstes einen Job in einem wissenschaftlichen Beruf, um dein Ziel zu erreichen. Du arbeitest und arbeitest und arbeitest und hast nie an die Liebe gedacht. Sie hat dich sowieso nie gereizt. Plötzlich lernst du bei der Arbeit jemanden kennen, der dich aus den Socken haut. Nachdem du zu Sixam gegangen bist, willst du mit ihnen zusammen sein.
Charaktereigenschaften: Unflätig, Genie, Einzelgänger
Beruf: Wissenschaftler (Astronautenkarriere, wenn du kein GTW hast)
Bestreben: Nerd-Gehirn
Vollständige mental Fähigkeiten als Kind
Vervollständige die Fertigkeit Holzbearbeit (wenn du kein GTW hast) und Raketenwissenschaft und erreiche mindestens Stufe 5 der Fertigkeit Logik
Baue eine Rakete und gehe nach Sixam (gehe zur Vergessenen Grotte, wenn du kein GTW hast)
Heirate eine Mitarbeiterin
Habe 2 beste Freunde (können Verwandte sein)
Sechste Generation: Mars
Als Kind hattest du nie wirklich Zeit, mit deinen Eltern zusammen zu sein, und da sie nicht da waren, hast du beschlossen, schelmisch zu sein, um ihre Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Als Teenager hast du ab und zu neue Liebesbeziehungen begonnen, um zu sehen, ob sich deine Eltern dafür interessieren würden, aber das hat nie wirklich funktioniert. Du wurdest wütend auf sie und bist an deinem Geburtstag weggelaufen, ohne es ihnen zu sagen, als du ein junger Erwachsener wurdest. Es wurde eine Stelle bei einem Kriminalkommissariat frei, und du hast beschlossen, es auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen. Unfug treiben und neue Liebschaften in deine Wohnung bringen war das Einzige, was dich glücklich machte und dir den Gedanken an deine Eltern aus dem Kopf schlug. Eines Tages wachst du auf, fühltest dich krank und hast einen Schwangerschaftstest gemacht. Du warst schwanger, wusstest aber nicht, wer der Vater war, also hast du das Baby behalten.
Eigenschaften: Aktiv, sprunghaft und hitzköpfig
Karriere: Verbrecher
Bestreben: Staatsfeind
Ausziehen, sobald man erwachsen ist und den Kontakt zu den Eltern verliert
niemals heiraten und als junger Erwachsener allein leben
Ziehe als Erwachsener zu einem Geschwisterkind
Mache dir mindestens 5 Feinde
5 Beziehungen in deinem Leben haben (sie sollten nicht lange halten)
Unbeabsichtigt schwanger werden (nur einmal)
Vervollständige das Bestreben
Erreiche Level 10 in der Boss-Abteilung deiner Karriere
Generation Sieben: Jupiter
Dein/e Vater/Mutter war ein/e Kriminelle/r und war sehr gut darin, schlechte Dinge zu tun. Als du ein Kind warst, hat dir deine Mutter schlechte Manieren, Moral usw. beigebracht. Als du aufgewachsen bist, hast du gesehen, wie deine Mutter andere Menschen behandelt hat, und du hattest Mitleid mit allen, die von Kriminellen schrecklich behandelt wurden. Du wolltest Gerechtigkeit... oder besser gesagt, Rache an all diesen Kriminellen, einschließlich deiner Mutter, und du wolltest gut sein. Bevor du ausziehen konntest, hattest du einen heftigen Streit mit deiner Mutter darüber, was sie getan hat, und hast sie gebeten, zu erkennen, was sie den Menschen angetan hat. Du wolltest trotzdem nicht den Kontakt zu ihr verlieren, so wie es bei deinen Großeltern der Fall war, aber sobald du ein junger Erwachsener warst, hast du dich der Detektivkarriere angeschlossen. Als deine Mutter älter wurde, hast du ihr geholfen, ein besserer Mensch zu werden, weil du ihr vergeben wolltest, aber all die anderen Verbrecher da draußen müssen verhaftet werden. Und jetzt? Sobald du Kinder hast, machst du es dir zur Aufgabe, dafür zu sorgen, dass sie nicht so werden wie deine eigene Mutter.
Charaktereigenschaften: spinner, gut, Perfektionist
Karriere: Detektiv
Streben: Super-Elternteil
Sich als Kind einen Feind machen
Als Teenager in einen großen Streit mit der Mutter geraten
Als junger Erwachsener ausziehen, aber noch Kontakt zu den Eltern halten
Vervollständige das Bestreben (erfolgreiche Abstammung, wenn du keine Elternschaft hast)
Erreiche Stufe 10 der Detektiv-Karriere - Chef (Geheimagenten-Karriere, wenn du nicht GTW hast)
Meistere die Fähigkeit Erziehung
Einmal pro Woche die Familie (Mutter/Vater, Tante, Onkel, Cousins usw.) zum Essen einladen
Achte Generation: Saturn
Deine Mutter hat dich richtig erzogen, vielleicht zu richtig. Du hast die Witze, die sie dir erzählt hat, nicht verstanden, obwohl sie mit dir über nichts anderes gesprochen hat. Du nimmst die Dinge sehr ernst, vor allem dein Essen. Seit deiner Kindheit war das Kochen deine Aufgabe in der Familie, und du hast es geliebt. Als du aufgewachsen bist, wolltest du ein großartiger Koch werden und vielleicht dein eigenes Restaurant besitzen. Als es an der Zeit war, auszuziehen, kochten Sie immer noch gern, und so beschlossen Sie, in einem anderen Restaurant als Koch zu arbeiten. Nachdem du einige Erfahrungen gesammelt hattest, hast du schließlich dein eigenes eröffnet.
Eigenschaften: Tollpatschig, Feinschmecker, Ordentlich
Karriere: Kulinarisch, irgendwann ein eigenes Restaurant.
Ehrgeiz: Meisterkoch
Als Teenager alle Aufgaben im Haus und beim Kochen übernehmen
Einsen in der Schule bekommen
Meister der Kochkunst
Erreiche mindestens Stufe 5 in der Fertigkeit Backen
Bestreben Meisterkoch abschließen
Beginne die kulinarische Karriere (bis Stufe 5), höre dann auf und besitze dein eigenes Restaurant (arbeite weiter, wenn du kein eigenes Restaurant besitzt)
Generation Neun: Uranus
Deine Eltern haben im Restaurant gearbeitet, während du zu Hause geblieben bist. Du warst sehr gut in der Schule, aber du hast Videospiele und Partys geliebt. Du spielst den ganzen Tag und feierst die ganze Nacht! Du liebst es, anderen deine Moves zu zeigen, und das gilt auch für deine Videospiele! Du gewinnst fast jedes Spiel und bist der Mittelpunkt der Party.
Eigenschaften: Streber, kindisch, Tanzmaschine
Karriere: Technik-Guru
Bestreben: Partylöwe
zweien oder Einsen in der Schule bekommen
einem Tanzclub/gruppe beitreten
fähigkeiten Videospiele und Tanzen maximieren
schließe das Bestreben ab
erreiche Stufe 10 im eSport-Gamer-Zweig der Tech-Guru-Karriere - Champion Gamer
habe mindestens 10 Freunde
triff dich mindestens einmal pro Woche mit deinem Club
gewinnen Sie 3 Gaming-Turniere
gehe immer zur Geekcon (wenn du eine CL hast)
Generation Zehn: Neptun
Deine Mutter feierte und tanzte gerne, während du gerne sangst und zeichnetest. Du hattest eine enge Beziehung zu ihr, aber nicht viele gute Liebesbeziehungen. Das Singen zog alle Blicke auf dich, und du mochtest die Aufmerksamkeit nicht wirklich, aber du fandest einen Weg damit umzugehen. Du hattest auch eine geheime Leidenschaft für die Kunst, die du aber außer deiner besten Freundin und deiner Mutter niemandem erzählt hast. Singen und Kunst waren deine Lieblingsbeschäftigungen, und du wolltest nichts anderes machen.
Eigenschaften: Kunstliebhaber, kreativ, hasst Kinder
Karriere: Entertainer
Bestreben: Musikalisches Genie
Vervollständige das Bestreben
Erreiche Stufe 10 im Musikantenzweig der Entertainer-Karriere - Konzertvirtuose
Levele die Fertigkeiten Malen und Singen
Tritt jede Woche auf der Straße auf (wenn du eine CL hast)
Heirate die Liebe deines Lebens als Erwachsener
Einen besten Freund und ein gutes Verhältnis zu den Eltern haben
keine Kinder haben
Alle Rechte gehen an taeskii, leaflysims, tropiccoconut für die Challenge. Ich habe die Regeln nur ins Deutsche übersetzt.
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nooboops · 2 years
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Generation 1: Sun I named her Ra and I have every intention of her living up to that name. <3
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lolob-plays · 2 years
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Rey was feeling lonely and invited Thorne over. One thing lead to another and....
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demaciana-sims · 9 days
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Legado astronómico
Finalmente isto vai começar!! Acho que nem todos sabem o quanto estou entusiasmada por ter descoberto esse desafio! Este legado foi feito por @leaflysims, @tropiccoconut e @taeskii São todos pessoas espectaculares e deveriam conhecer todos eles.
Regras gerais:
DEVEM completar a aspiração e a carreira, exceto se pedirem para não o fazer ou se receberem outras indicações.
É permitido um mínimo de cheats, apenas pequenos cheats de dinheiro se necessário. freerealestate é permitido na primeira geração.
Tempo de vida normal para todo o legado.
Todos os herdeiros devem ser baseados na cor dos planetas (maquilhagem, cabelo, vestuário, etc.) e escolher o tom de pele que desejar.
Podes viver onde quiseres, a não ser que te seja dito especificamente.
Tens de completar todas as tarefas antes de passares para a geração seguinte.
Esta geração inclui alguns pacotes, por isso salta a tarefa se não houver alternativa
Marca o legado com #astrologylegacy para que eles possam ver!
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Primeira geração: Sol
Desde pequena que pensava que o mundo girava à sua volta. Acreditava que o dinheiro era a única coisa que manteria a sua vida feliz e em ordem. Agora, você é um jovem adulto, está a entrar no "mundo real" e, nesta altura, está na altura de arranjar um emprego. A multidão rica é onde quer estar e está empenhado em chegar lá.
☀️Características: Esnobe, Criativo, Materialista
☀️Carreira: Crítico
☀️Aspiração: Fabulosamente rico
☀️-Chegar ao nível 10 do Ramo Crítico de Arte da carreira Crítico - Grande Comissário das Artes (carreira de negócios se não tiveres CL)
☀️-Completar a aspiração Fabulosamente Rico
☀️-Ficar noivo enquanto jovem adulto e casar enquanto adulto
☀️-Completar a habilidade de Lógica
☀️-Ter uma casa grande no final da geração (começar com algo pequeno e ir crescendo)
☀️-Nunca ficar sem dinheiro
☀️-Pagar sempre as contas a tempo
☀️Ter 1 filho
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Segunda Geração: Mercúrio
Era um filho único, que conseguia sempre o que queria. Sendo o único filho, a solidão tornou-se o seu sentimento diário. Finalmente começou a estudar, fez alguns amigos e começou a estabelecer relações. As aptidões sociais tornaram-se a sua especialidade e, quando era adolescente, violava sempre a hora de recolher. O apelido "tagarela" é a sua alcunha e sente-se honrado por tê-lo.
🌟Características: Extrovertido, reservado, sombrio
🌟Carreira: Redes Sociais
🌟Aspiração: Amigo do mundo
🌟-Ser muito solitário em criança
🌟-Fazer 8 bons amigos em criança
-🌟Completar as habilidades sociais quando criança
🌟-Quando adolescente, quebrar o toque de recolher com frequência
🌟-Completar a habilidade Carisma e Comédia
🌟-Completar a aspiração de Amigo do Mundo
🌟-Chegar ao nível 10 do ramo Personalidade da Internet da carreira nas redes sociais - Superstar da Internet (carreira de animador se não tiveres CL)
🌟-Ter três filhos
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Terceira geração: Vénus
Quando era um jovem adulto, sentia que precisava encontrar o amor. Só queria estar com alguém e aproveitar o momento que tinha com essa pessoa, mesmo que fosse só uma noite. Passado algum tempo, cansou-se da mesma coisa, uma e outra vez. Agora quer a coisa verdadeira, mas também está a começar a ficar sem dinheiro. Procurar o amor verdadeiro com uma tonelada de exs vai ser muito mais difícil do que pensava.
Características: Romântico, Materialista, Preguiçoso
Carreira: Nenhuma
Aspiração: Romântico em série
-Herdar a maior parte do dinheiro da família
-Capacidade completa de cozinhar (mixologia se não tiveres GTW)
-Ter dois namorados na adolescência
-Aspiração romântica em série completa
-Ser um empregado de comércio na adolescência, mas desistir após três dias
-Ter 8 relações falhadas na adolescência (nenhuma será o teu "verdadeiro amor")
-Casar com um amigo de infância
Sair com o seu marido/esposa todas as sextas-feiras à noite
-Nunca arranjar um emprego enquanto jovem e idoso
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Quinta Geração: Lua
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Quando você era pequena, aspirava a ser como a sua mãe, dedicada ao que ela amava. Mas desta vez é diferente. A tua mãe queria que fosses "terra firme", mas tu não conseguias tirar a cabeça das nuvens. Passavas horas e horas no teu quarto a sonhar com o espaço. Ir para outro planeta era o teu único objetivo na vida. Quando te tornam um jovem adulto, a primeira coisa que fazem é arranjar um emprego na carreira de cientista para atingir o vosso objetivo. Trabalhando e trabalhando e trabalhando, nunca pensaste no amor. De qualquer forma, nunca foi atraente para si. De repente, conheces alguém no trabalho e essa pessoa apaixona-te. Depois de ir ao Sixam, quer estar com ela.
Características: Pouco simpático, génio, solitário
Carreira: Cientista (carreira de astronauta se não tiveres GTW)
Aspiração: Cérebro Nerd
-Habilidade mental completa em criança
-Completar as habilidades de Artesanato/Madeiraria (se não tiveres GTW) e Ciência do Foguetão e obter pelo menos o nível 5 da habilidade Lógica
-Construir um foguetão e ir para Sixam (vai para Forgotten Grotto se não tiveres GTW)
-Casar com um colega de trabalho
-Ter 2 melhores amigos (podem ser familiares)
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Geração Seis: Marte
Quando criança, nunca tiveste tempo para estar com os teus pais, por isso, como eles não estavam por perto, decidiste ser travesso para chamar a atenção deles. Na adolescência, de vez em quando trazias novos interesses românticos para ver se eles prestavam atenção a isso, mas nunca resultou. Ficou zangado com eles e fugiu no dia do seu aniversário, tornando-se um jovem adulto sem lhes dizer nada. Surgiu um emprego num serviço criminal e decidiste passar ao nível seguinte. Fazer travessuras e trazer novos interesses amorosos para o teu apartamento era a única coisa que te mantinha feliz e afastava o pensamento dos teus pais da tua cabeça. Um dia acordaste a sentir-te mal e fizeste um teste de gravidez. Estava grávida, mas não sabia quem era o pai, por isso guardou o bebé para si.
Características: Ativa, descomprometida e de cabeça quente
Carreira: Criminal
Aspiração: Inimigo público
-Mudar de casa assim que se tornar um jovem adulto e perder o contacto com os pais
-Nunca casar e viver sozinho enquanto jovem adulto
-Quando adulto, ir viver com um irmão
-Fazer pelo menos 5 inimigos
-Ter 5 namorados/namoradas durante a vida (que não durem muito tempo)
-Engravidar acidentalmente (apenas uma vez)
-Completar a Aspiração de Inimigo Público
-Chegar ao nível 10 do ramo Chefe da Carreira Criminal - O Chefe
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Geração Sete: Júpiter
A tua mãe era uma criminosa e era muito boa a praticar coisas más. Em criança, a tua mãe ensinou-te maus modos, moral, etc. Ao cresceres, viste como a tua mãe tratava as pessoas e começaste a sentir-te mal por todos os que eram maltratados pelos criminosos. Querias justiça… mais propriamente, vingança contra todos esses criminosos, incluindo a tua mãe, e querias ser bom. Antes de poder sair de casa, teve uma grande discussão com a sua mãe sobre o que ela estava a fazer e pediu-lhe para perceber o que tinha feito às pessoas. Mesmo assim, não queria perder a ligação com ela, como ela fez com os seus avós, mas assim que se tornou um jovem adulto, entrou para a carreira de detetive. À medida que a tua mãe envelhece, ajudas a torná-la uma pessoa melhor, pois queres perdoá-la, mas todos os outros criminosos que andam por aí precisam de ser presos. Agora. Quando tiveres filhos, tornas teu dever garantir que eles não cresçam como a tua própria mãe.
Traços: Goofball, Bom, Perfeccionista
Carreira: Detetive: Detetive
Aspiração: Super Pai
-Fazer um inimigo em criança
-Ter uma grande discussão com a mãe na adolescência
-Sair de casa quando se torna um jovem adulto, mas manter o contacto com os pais
-Completar a aspiração Super Pai (Linhagem bem sucedida se não tiveres Paternidade)
-Chegar ao nível 10 da carreira de detetive - chefe (carreira de agente secreto, se não tiveres GTW)
-Dominar a habilidade Parentalidade
-Convidar a família (mãe/pai, tias, tios, primos, etc.) para um jantar uma vez por semana
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Geração Oito: Saturno
A sua mãe ensinou-o corretamente, talvez até demais. Não percebias as piadas que ela te contava, apesar de ser só disso que ela te falava. Levas as coisas muito a sério, especialmente a comida. Cozinhar era a tua tarefa na família desde criança e adoravas. Enquanto crescia, queria ser um cozinheiro fantástico e talvez ter o seu próprio restaurante. Quando chegou a altura de sair de casa, continuava a gostar de cozinhar, pelo que decidiu adquirir alguma experiência de trabalho como chefe de cozinha noutro restaurante. Depois de ganhar alguma experiência, abriu finalmente o seu próprio restaurante.
Características: Desastrado, Comilão, Arrumado
Carreira: Culinária: Culinária, eventualmente ser dono de um restaurante.
Aspiração: Chefe de cozinha
-Cozinhar e fazer todas as tarefas da casa quando era adolescente
-Tirar A's na escola
-Dominar a habilidade de Cozinhar
-Atingir pelo menos o nível 5 da habilidade Cozinhar
-Completar a aspiração a Chefe de Cozinha
-Começar na carreira culinária (até ao nível 5), depois desistir e ser dono do seu próprio restaurante (continuar a trabalhar se não for dono de um restaurante)
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Geração Nove: Urano
Os teus pais trabalhavam no restaurante e tu ficavas em casa. Eras muito bom na escola, mas adoravas jogos de vídeo e festas. Jogar todo o dia e festejar toda a noite! Adoras mostrar os teus movimentos aos outros, e isso inclui também os teus filmes de jogos! Ganhas quase todos os torneios de jogos e és a vida da festa.
Características: Nerd, infantil, máquina de dançar
Carreira: Guru da tecnologia
Aspiração: Festeiro
-Tirar B's ou A's na escola
-Entrar num clube de dança
-Dominar as habilidades de jogo e de dança
-Completar a aspiração Party Animal
-Atingir o nível 10 no ramo eSport Gamer da carreira Tech Guru - Champion Gamer
-Fazer pelo menos 10 amigos
Encontrar-se com o seu clube pelo menos uma vez por semana
-Ganhar 3 torneios de jogos
-Ir sempre à Geekcon (se tiveres CL)
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Geração Dez: Neturno
A tua mãe gostava de festas e de dançar, enquanto tu gostavas de cantar e desenhar. Tinhas uma relação forte com ela, mas não tinhas muitas boas relações amorosas. Cantar era o que atraía toda a gente para ti e tu não gostavas muito da atenção, mas lidavas com isso na mesma. Também tinhas uma paixão secreta pela arte, mas não contavas a ninguém, exceto à tua melhor amiga e à tua mãe. Cantar e arte eram as tuas coisas favoritas e não querias fazer mais nada.
Características: Amante da arte, criativa, odeia crianças
Carreira: Animador: Animador
Aspiração: Génio Musical
-Completar aspiração de Génio Musical
-Atingir o nível 10 da categoria Músico da carreira de Artista - Virtuoso do Concerto
-Dominar as habilidades de Pintura e Canto
-Performar nas ruas todas as semanas (se tiveres CL)
-Casar com o amor da tua vida quando fores adulto
-Ter um melhor amigo e uma boa relação com os pais
-Não ter filhos
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taeskii · 7 years
Astrology Legacy
Finally this is going up!! I don’t think you all know how EXCITED I am to be starting this! This legacy was made by @leaflysims,  @tropiccoconut. , and me! They’re all awesome people and you should check them out
General Rules:
1. You MUST complete aspiration and career unless told not to or given other instructions. 2. Minimal cheats are allowed, very small money cheats only if needed. freerealestate is allowed for generation one. 3. Lifespan Normal for whole legacy. 4. All heirs must be color based on planets (makeup, hair, clothing, ect.) pick skin tone as you wish. 5. You may live wherever you wish, unless told specifically. 6. Must complete all tasks before moving on to the next generation. 7. This generation includes some packs, so skip the task if there is not an alternative 8. Tag the legacy with #astrologylegacy so we can see it!
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Generation One: Sun
Ever since you were a little girl, you thought the world revolved around you. You believed that money was the only thing that would keep your life happy and in order. Now, you’re a young adult, joining the “real world” and by this time it’s time to get a job. The rich crowd is where you want to be and you’re dedicated to getting there.
Traits: Snob, Creative, Materialistic
Career: Critic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
-Get to level 10 of Art Critic Branch of the Critic career - Grand Steward of the Arts (business career if you don’t have CL)
-Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
-Get engaged as a Young Adult and marry as an Adult
-Complete Logic skill
-Have a big house by the end of the generation (start with something small and grow)
-Never run out of money
-Always pay bills on time
-Have 1 children
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Generation Two: Mercury
You were a single child, always getting what you wanted. Being the only kid, loneliness became your everyday feeling. You finally started school, and made some friends and started communicating. Social skills became your expertise and when you were a teen and you always broke your curfew. Chatterbox was your nickname and you are honored to have it.
Traits: Outgoing, Insider, Gloomy
Career: Social Media
Aspiration: Friend of the World
-Be very lonely as a kid
-Make 8 good friends as a child
-Complete Social skill as a child
-As a teen, break curfew often
-Complete Charisma and Comedy skill
-Complete Friend of the World aspiration
-Get to level 10 of Internet Personality Branch of Social Media Career - Internet Superstar (entertainer career if you don’t have CL)
-Have three children
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Generation Three: Venus
As a young adult, you felt like you needed to find love. You just wanted someone to be with to enjoy the moment you had with them, even if it was a one night stand. After a while, you got tired of the same old thing over and over again. You want the real thing now, but you’re also starting to run out of money. Looking for true love with a whole ton of ex’s is going to be a lot harder than you thought.
Traits: Romantic, Materialistic, Lazy
Career: None
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
-Inherit most money from family
-Complete Baking skill (mixology if you don’t have GTW)
-Have two boyfriends as a teen
-Complete Serial Romantic aspiration
-Be a Retail Employee as a teen but quit after three days
-Have 8 failed relationships as a YA (none will be your ‘true love’)
-Marry a childhood friend
-Go on a date with your husband/wife every friday night
-Never get a job as a YA-Elder
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Generation Four: Earth
As a child, you always loved the outdoors. You loved to play, go to parks, and look at plants. When you were alone, plants were the thing that kept you company. It might sound weird to other people, but it sure wasn’t to you! You started to see that people wouldn’t protect your plants or the nature around them. This pushed you to be a confident politician that fights for plants!
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Vegetarian
Career: Politician
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
-Complete Mental skill as a child
-Get a part-time job as a Manual Laborer as a teen
-Complete Freelance Botanist Aspiration
-Get to at least level 5 of Politician Career but complete career if you can (writing career if you don’t have CL)
-Marry someone with Loves Outdoors trait
-Volunteer at a Beach Cleanup every week.
-Complete Fossil collection
-Complete Gardening skill and get Fishing skill to at least level 2
-Grow a cowplant
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Generation Five: Moon
when you were little, you aspired to be like your mother, dedicated to what she loved. But this time its different. your mom wanted you to be ‘down to earth’ but you couldn’t get you head out of the clouds. You’d spend hours and hours in your room dreaming about space. Going to another planet was your only goal in life.  When you become a young adult, the first thing you do is get a job in the scientist career to achieve your goal. Working and working and working, you never thought about love. It never was appealing to you anyway.  Suddenly, you meet someone at work and they sweep you off your feet.  After going to Sixam, you want to be with them.
Traits: Unflirty, Genius, Loner
Career: Scientist (astronaut career if you don’t have GTW)
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
-Complete Mental skill as a child
-Complete Handiness/Woodworking (if you do not have gtw) and Rocket Science skill and get at least level 5 of Logic skill
-Build a Rocket and go to Sixam (Go to Forgotten Grotto if you don’t have GTW)
-Marry a co worker
-Have 2 best friends (can be relatives)
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Generation Six: Mars
As a child, you never really had the time to be with your parents, so since they weren’t around, you decided to be mischievous to get their attention. As a teen, you brought over new romance interests every once in awhile to see if they would pay attention to that, but it never really worked. You grew angry at them and ran away on your birthday turning into a young adult without telling them.  A job opened up at a criminal service, and you decided to take it to the next level. Mischief and bringing new love interests to your apartment was the only thing that kept you happy and keep the thought of your parents away from your head. One day you woke up feeling sick, and took a pregnancy test. You were pregnant but didn’t know who the father was, so you kept the baby for yourself.
Traits: Active, Noncommittal, and Hot-Headed
Career: Criminal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
-Move out as soon as you age up into a young adult and lose contact with parents
-Never get married and live alone as a young adult
-As an adult, move in with a sibling
-Make at least 5 enemies
-Have 5 boyfriends/girlfriends in your lifetime (don’t have them last long)
-Accidentally get pregnant (only once)
-Complete Public Enemy Aspiration
-Get to level 10 of the Boss Branch of Criminal Career - The Boss
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Generation Seven: Jupiter
Your mother was a criminal, and was very good at doing bad things. Being a kid, your mother taught you bad manners, morals, etc. Growing up, you saw how your mother treated people and it started to make you feel bad for everyone being treated terribly by criminals. You wanted justice… more so, revenge on all those criminals, including you mother, and wanted to be good. Before being able to move out, you had a huge fight with you mother about what she was doing and asking her to realize what she’s done to people. You still didn’t want to lose connection with her like she did with your grandparents, but as soon as you became a young adult, you joined the detective career. As your mother grows older, you help her become a better person since you want to forgive her, but all the other criminals out there need to be arrested. Now. Once you have children, you make it your duty to make sure they don’t grow up to be like your own mother.
Traits: Goofball, Good, Perfectionist
Career: Detective
Aspiration: Super Parent
-Make one enemy as a child
-Get in a big argument with mom as a teen
-Move out when you become a young adult but still keep contact with parents
-Complete Super Parent aspiration (Successful Lineage if you don’t have Parenthood)
-Get to level 10 of Detective Career - Chief (secret agent career if you don’t have GTW)
-Master Parenting skill
-Invite family (mom/dad, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.) for a dinner party once a week
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Generation Eight: Saturn
Your mother taught you correctly, maybe too correctly. You didn’t get jokes that she told you, even though that’s all she talked to you about. You take things very seriously, especially your food. Cooking was your job in the family ever since you were a child and you loved it. Growing up, you wanted to be an amazing chef and maybe own your own restaurant. When it was time to move out, you still loved to cook, so you decided to get some work experience as a chef for another restaurant. After gaining some experience, you finally opened up you own.
Traits: Clumsy, Foodie, Neat
Career: Culinary, eventually own a restaurant.
Aspiration: Master Chef
-Do all the cooking and chores in the house as a teen
-Get A’s in school
-Master Cooking skill
-Get to at least level 5 of Baking skill
-Complete Master Chef aspiration
-Start off in the culinary career (until level 5), then quit and own your own restaurant (continue working if you do not own dine out)
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Generation Nine: Uranus
Your parents were out working in the restaurant while you would stay home. You did very good in school, but you loved video games and parties. Gaming all day, and partying all night! You love to show off your moves to others, and that includes your gaming movies too! You win almost every gaming tournament and are the life of the party.
Traits: Geek, Childish, Dance Machine
Career: Tech Guru
Aspiration: Party Animal
-Get B’s or A’s in school
-Join a dancing club
-Master Gaming and Dancing skill
-Complete Party Animal Aspiration
-Get to level 10 of eSport Gamer Branch of Tech Guru Career - Champion Gamer
-Make at least 10 friends
-Meet up with your club at least once a week
-Win 3 gaming tournaments
-Always go to Geekcon (if you have CL)
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Generation Ten: Neptune
Your mother liked to party and dance, while you liked to sing and draw. You had a strong relationship with her, but didn’t have many good love relationships. Singing was what attracted everyone to you and you didn’t really liked the attention, but dealt with it anyway. You also had a secret passion for art, but didn’t tell anyone but your best friend and mother. Singing and art were your favorite things to do, and you didn’t want to do anything else.
Traits: Art Lover, Creative, Hates Children
Career: Entertainer
Aspiration: Musical Genius
-Complete Musical Genius aspiration
-Get to level 10 of Musician Branch of Entertainer Career - Concert Virtuoso
-Master Painting and Singing skill
-Perform on streets every week (If you have CL)
-Marry the love of your life as an adult
-Have one best friend and a good relationship with parents
-Have no children
If there are any problems with the legacy, message any of the creators. We haven’t played this, so if there are changes to the legacy that will make it better then we will tell you. Happy Simming!
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notsoscreenie · 6 years
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So I made a sim for the Astrology Legacy by @leaflysims @taeskii and @tropiccoconut. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to actually play it but I’m in love with this sim! Her name is Ayla Erdve.
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priestesstirilan · 7 years
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Phoebe Solaris was such a spoiled girl. She always thought the world revolved around her. Since she has been a little girl, luxury and money were the most important things for her. Now she moves to San Myshuno and is absolutely sure that her life will be more than just perfect. Her parents sponsored the interior of her flat but from now on she has to take care of her own. Phoebe wants to be part of the high society - no matter the cost. Her traits are snob, creative and materialistic. She works as critic and wants to be fabulously wealthy.
Get to level 10 of the Critic Branch of the Critic career - Grand Steward of the Arts
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Get engaged as a Young Adult and marry as a Adult
Complete Logic skill
Have a big house by the end of the generation
Never run out of money
Always pay bills on time
Have one child
The Astrology Challenge is by @leaflysims, @tropiccoconut and @spicymoodlet. It’s all about the solar system. It starts with Generation Sun and ends with Generation Neptune. Check out the rules here: https://spicymoodlet.tumblr.com/post/165488797212/astrology-legacy
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ellvhenan · 11 months
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there's something strange about the bailey boy...
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snakesinhatss · 1 year
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☼☁︎ SUNNY STAR ☁︎☼
art critic ███████▒▒▒ [7/10]
fabulously wealthy ███▒ [3/4]
logic █████▒▒▒▒▒ [5/10]
get engaged as young adult []
get married as an adult []
have 1 child []
have big house []
x never run out of money
x pay bills on time
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tropiccoconut · 7 years
Astrology Legacy Challenge!
Finally this is going up!! I don’t think you all know how EXCITED I am to be starting this! This legacy was made by @leaflysims, @spicymoodlet, and @tropiccoconut. They’re all awesome people and you should check them out
General Rules:
1. You MUST complete aspiration and career unless told not to or given other instructions. 2. Minimal cheats are allowed, very small money cheats only if needed. freerealestate is allowed for generation one. 3. Lifespan Normal for whole legacy. 4. All heirs must be color based on planets (makeup, hair, clothing, ect.) pick skin tone as you wish. 5. You may live wherever you wish, unless told specifically. 6. Must complete all tasks before moving on to the next generation. 7. This generation includes some packs, so skip the task if there is not an alternative 8. Tag the legacy with #astrologylegacy so we can see it!
Generation One: Sun
Ever since you were a little girl, you thought the world revolved around you. You believed that money was the only thing that would keep your life happy and in order. Now, you’re a young adult, joining the “real world” and by this time it’s time to get a job. The rich crowd is where you want to be and you’re dedicated to getting there.
Traits: Snob, Creative, Materialistic
Career: Critic
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
-Get to level 10 of Art Critic Branch of the Critic career - Grand Steward of the Arts (business career if you don’t have CL)
-Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
-Get engaged as a Young Adult and marry as an Adult
-Complete Logic skill
-Have a big house by the end of the generation (start with something small and grow)
-Never run out of money
-Always pay bills on time
-Have 2 children
Generation Two: Mercury
You were a single child, always getting what you wanted. Being the only kid, loneliness became your everyday feeling. You finally started school, and made some friends and started communicating. Social skills became your expertise and when you were a teen and you always broke your curfew. Chatterbox was your nickname and you are honored to have it.
Traits: Outgoing, Insider, Gloomy
Career: Social Media
Aspiration: Friend of the World
-Be very lonely as a kid
-Make 8 good friends as a child
-Complete Social skill as a child
-As a teen, break curfew often
-Complete Charisma and Comedy skill
-Complete Friend of the World aspiration
-Get to level 10 of Internet Personality Branch of Social Media Career - Internet Superstar (entertainer career if you don’t have CL)
-Have three children
Generation Three: Venus
As a young adult, you felt like you needed to find love. You just wanted someone to be with to enjoy the moment you had with them, even if it was a one night stand. After a while, you got tired of the same old thing over and over again. You want the real thing now, but you’re also starting to run out of money. Looking for true love with a whole ton of ex’s is going to be a lot harder than you thought.
Traits: Romantic, Materialistic, Lazy
Career: None
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
-Inherit most money from family
-Complete Baking skill (mixology if you don’t have GTW)
-Have two boyfriends as a teen
-Complete Serial Romantic aspiration
-Be a Retail Employee as a teen but quit after three days
-Have 8 failed relationships as a YA (none will be your ‘true love’)
-Marry a childhood friend
-Go on a date with your husband/wife every friday night
-Never get a job as a YA-Elder
Generation Four: Earth
As a child, you always loved the outdoors. You loved to play, go to parks, and look at plants. When you were alone, plants were the thing that kept you company. It might sound weird to other people, but it sure wasn’t to you! You started to see that people wouldn’t protect your plants or the nature around them. This pushed you to be a confident politician that fights for plants!
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Vegetarian
Career: Politician
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
-Complete Mental skill as a child
-Get a part-time job as a Manual Laborer as a teen
-Complete Freelance Botanist Aspiration
-Get to at least level 5 of Politician Career but complete career if you can (writing career if you don’t have CL)
-Marry someone with Loves Outdoors trait
-Volunteer at a Beach Cleanup every week.
-Complete Fossil collection
-Complete Gardening skill and get Fishing skill to at least level 2
-Grow a cowplant
Generation Five: Moon
when you were little, you aspired to be like your mother, dedicated to what she loved. But this time its different. your mom wanted you to be ‘down to earth’ but you couldn’t get you head out of the clouds. You’d spend hours and hours in your room dreaming about space. Going to another planet was your only goal in life.  When you become a young adult, the first thing you do is get a job in the scientist career to achieve your goal. Working and working and working, you never thought about love. It never was appealing to you anyway.  Suddenly, you meet someone at work and they sweep you off your feet.  After going to Sixam, you want to be with them.
Traits: Unflirty, Genius, Loner
Career: Scientist (astronaut career if you don’t have GTW)
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
-Complete Mental skill as a child
-Complete Handiness/Woodworking and Rocket Science skill and get at least level 5 of Logic skill
-Build a Rocket and go to Sixam (Go to Forgotten Grotto if you don’t have GTW)
-Marry a co worker
-Have 2 best friends (can be relatives)
Generation Six: Mars
As a child, you never really had the time to be with your parents, so since they weren’t around, you decided to be mischievous to get their attention. As a teen, you brought over new romance interests every once in awhile to see if they would pay attention to that, but it never really worked. You grew angry at them and ran away on your birthday turning into a young adult without telling them.  A job opened up at a criminal service, and you decided to take it to the next level. Mischief and bringing new love interests to your apartment was the only thing that kept you happy and keep the thought of your parents away from your head. One day you woke up feeling sick, and took a pregnancy test. You were pregnant but didn’t know who the father was, so you kept the baby for yourself.
Traits: Active, Noncommittal, and Hot-Headed
Career: Criminal
Aspiration: Public Enemy
-Move out as soon as you age up into a young adult and lose contact with parents
-Never get married and live alone
-Make at least 5 enemies
-Have 5 boyfriends/girlfriends in your lifetime (don’t have them last long)
-Accidentally get pregnant (only once)
-Complete Public Enemy Aspiration
-Get to level 10 of the Boss Branch of Criminal Career - The Boss
-Live with your sibling and their family
Generation Seven: Jupiter
Your mother was a criminal, and was very good at doing bad things. Being a kid, your mother taught you bad manners, morals, etc. Growing up, you saw how your mother treated people and it started to make you feel bad for everyone being treated terribly by criminals. You wanted justice… more so, revenge on all those criminals, including you mother, and wanted to be good. Before being able to move out, you had a huge fight with you mother about what she was doing and asking her to realize what she’s done to people. You still didn’t want to lose connection with her like she did with your grandparents, but as soon as you became a young adult, you joined the detective career. As your mother grows older, you help her become a better person since you want to forgive her, but all the other criminals out there need to be arrested. Now. Once you have children, you make it your duty to make sure they don’t grow up to be like your own mother.
Traits: Goofball, Good, Perfectionist
Career: Detective
Aspiration: Super Parent
-Make one enemy as a child
-Get in a big argument with mom as a teen
-Move out when you become a young adult but still keep contact with parents
-Complete Super Parent aspiration (Successful Lineage if you don’t have Parenthood)
-Get to level 10 of Detective Career - Chief (secret agent career if you don’t have GTW)
-Master Parenting skill
-Invite family (mom/dad, aunt, uncle, cousins, etc.) for a dinner party once a week
Generation Eight: Saturn
Your mother taught you correctly, maybe too correctly. You didn’t get jokes that she told you, even though that’s all she talked to you about. You take things very seriously, especially your food. Cooking was your job in the family ever since you were a child and you loved it. Growing up, you wanted to be an amazing chef and maybe own your own restaurant. When it was time to move out, you still loved to cook, so you decided to get some work experience as a chef for another restaurant. After gaining some experience, you finally opened up you own.
Traits: Clumsy, Foodie, Neat
Career: Culinary, eventually own a restaurant.
Aspiration: Master Chef
-Do all the cooking and chores in the house as a teen
-Get A’s in school
-Master Cooking skill
-Get to at least level 5 of Baking skill
-Complete Master Chef aspiration
-Start off in the culinary career (until level 5), then quit and own your own restaurant
Generation Nine: Uranus
Your parents were out working in the restaurant while you would stay home. You did very good in school, but you loved video games and parties. Gaming all day, and partying all night! You love to show off your moves to others, and that includes your gaming movies too! You win almost every gaming tournament and are the life of the party.
Traits: Geek, Childish, Dance Machine
Career: Tech Guru
Aspiration: Party Animal
-Get B’s or A’s in school
-Join a dancing club
-Master Gaming and Dancing skill
-Complete Party Animal Aspiration
-Get to level 10 of eSport Gamer Branch of Tech Guru Career - Champion Gamer
-Make at least 10 friends
-Meet up with your club at least once a week
-Win 3 gaming tournaments
-Always go to Geekcon (if you have CL)
Generation Ten: Neptune
Your mother liked to party and dance, while you liked to sing and draw. You had a strong relationship with her, but didn’t have many good love relationships. Singing was what attracted everyone to you and you didn’t really liked the attention, but dealt with it anyway. You also had a secret passion for art, but didn’t tell anyone but your best friend and mother. Singing and art were your favorite things to do, and you didn’t want to do anything else.
Traits: Art Lover, Creative, Hates Children
Career: Entertainer
Aspiration: Musical Genius
-Complete Musical Genius aspiration
-Get to level 10 of Musician Branch of Entertainer Career - Concert Virtuoso
-Master Painting and Singing skill
-Perform on streets every week (If you have CL)
-Marry the love of your life as an adult
-Have one best friend and a good relationship with parents
-Have no children
If there are any problems with the legacy, message any of the creators. We haven’t played this, so if there are changes to the legacy that will make it better then we will tell you. Happy Simming!
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lolob-plays · 2 years
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Okay So Thorne Invited Her OUT AND PROCEED TO FLIRT WITH HER. And she met someone else gotta keep the options open.
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astrologsims · 6 years
100 OC Character asks
I got a bunch more than I expected so instead of spamming my page with asks I put them all in one post!
2 10 & 21 for sunnie :D
2 - What is their voice like? She has a soft cat like voice really. But she knows how to get loud and catch ones attention with it.
10 -  What is their favorite food/kind of food? She likes fruit, particularly her berries she growns in the garden.
21 -  Favorite kind of weather? She likes warm sunny weather just like her name c;
18 19 & 21 for miss luna
18 - What kind of music do they enjoy? Ahhh Luna... She enjoys alternative and rock music... stuff like that. Not quite the type you’d think she’d like tbh.
19 -  Are they right or left handed? My Baby girl is a rare Lefty!
20 -  Favorite kind of weather? She likes thunderstorms with lightning. She finds it pretty. (COUGH EA I NEED WEATHER)
9, 11, & 15 for my favourite :D (Luna)
9 -  Describe the way that they sleep. She sleeps like a cat, curled up or sprawled out tbh
11 -  What do they feel most insecure about? Being alone despite how often that is.
15 -  What is their greatest achievement? She loove’s her paintings and wooden sculptures you’ll see here soonish.???
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You were a single child, always getting what you wanted. Being the only kid, loneliness became your everyday feeling. You finally started school, and made some friends and started communicating. Social skills became your expertise and when you were a teen and you always broke your curfew. Chatterbox was your nickname and you are honored to have it.
Traits: Outgoing, Insider, Gloomy
Career: Social Media
Aspiration: Friend of the World
-Be very lonely as a kid
-Make 8 good friends as a child
-Complete Social skill as a child
-As a teen, break curfew often
-Complete Charisma and Comedy skill
-Complete Friend of the World aspiration
-Get to level 10 of Internet Personality Branch of Social Media Career - Internet Superstar (entertainer career if you don’t have CL)
-Have three children
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priestesstirilan · 6 years
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Phoebe is pregnant! Time for our two lovebirds to move in a bigger apartment or maybe they’ll move in a house?
Get to level 10 of the Critic Branch of the Critic career - Grand Steward of the Arts (80%)
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration (64%)
Get engaged as a Young Adult and marry as a Adult
Complete Logic skill (40%)
Have a big house by the end of the generation
Never run out of money
Always pay bills on time
Have one child
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