grahammacintosh · 4 years
text 💬 granthony
Graham: How much blood should there be when you slice your thumb open?
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jessgibbs · 4 years
Jess: How are you not a prince, Anthony? I mean, that’s rhetorical because I know why, but you have, like, all the makings of a prince!
Jess: If I saw you walking around with a crown and didn’t know you, I wouldn’t even question it.
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angelinatremaine · 3 years
text 💬 tremAines
Angelina: I’m still laying in bed cuz I don’t feel like adulting yet.
Angelina: I'm supposed to be the baby forever!!! You said so yourself! So why do I have to do GROSS GROWN UP THINGS?
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gastonthethird · 3 years
text 💬 gasthony
Gaston: Your lack of great college experience of margaritas and foam parties scares me.
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dizzybydesignx · 4 years
text 💬 dizthony
Dizzy: have you ever felt sad for like no reason?? because that's definitely the mood this week even though i have no reason to really be sad at all?
Dizzy: [unsent] well, maybe i do but it's a dumb reason that i don't wanna talk about
Dizzy: maybe i miss my favorite cousin too much and that's why i'm sad 🥰
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auradonstate-events · 4 years
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Auction Results: Baskets 11-20
Basket Number 11, submitted by @harperofsherwood, was won by @hannaharendelle.
Basket Number 12, submitted by @portiaratigan, was won by @hookedonharriet.
Basket Number 13, submitted by @melodytritonx, was won by an NPC.
Basket Number 14, submitted by @nadiadecordoba, was won by @anthonytremaines.
Basket Number 15, submitted by @caramellavonschweetz, was won by @aliciatriton.
Basket Number 16, submitted by @mayariverax, was won by @lunadealva.
Basket Number 17, submitted by @louiselefou, was won by @squeaky-smee.
Basket Number 18, submitted by @cassieadale, was won by @charliefagin.
Basket Number 19, submitted by @chastityfrollo, was won by @icemasterbents.
Basket Number 20, submitted by @pucksherman, was won by @maisy-macguffin.
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janekensington · 3 years
text 💬 janthony
Jane: I still don’t know his name but his ass is spectacular. Like he should never wear pants.
Jane: I realize that is more than you need to know, but I will have my thoughts known on the subject.
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hookedonharriet · 4 years
text 💬 harthony
Harriet: Do you support metaphors that claim the night shines, or do you prefer when they include the intermediate step of stars, which are what's actually shining?
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malbfaery · 3 years
text 💬 malthony
Mal: Hyyypothetically, what would you do if you happened to see my boobs on the internet?
Mal: I was letting Evie use me as a test dummy and I'm pretty sure she Zapped a picture that showed WAY more than I ever wanted anyone to see.
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deliallyr · 4 years
If you weren't a fan of the Matchmaker's Valentine's suggestion for you, then who would you choose for yourself instead?
Not that a Valentine has to be a potential future husband candidate, but well, I’ve never been a big fan of kissing just for the sake of kissing! What if chemicals react and I accidentally fall for someone who’s not suitable for me or my kingdom in the longterm.
And not that a good Valentine’s date needs to have a kiss, but well, doesn’t it always seem like the best ones include one?
And so, with all of that out of the way, any of the following would have made sense as suggestions:
And perhaps @anthonytremaines
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bobotomago · 4 years
seduce, steal from, serenade -- kyo, jess, anthony
send me three names + a number…
Seduce: @jessgibbs? She’s for sure the closest to my type in this group, even if seducing her makes it sound like I’m doing it for a bad reason or something.
Steal from: @kyohamada? I steal food from him all the time.
Serenade: Guess I’m singing to @anthonytremaines!
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fredcilier · 4 years
Who would you like to be caught under mistletoe with?
Y’all know it’s all about the abs. @anthonytremaines, @jaynassar, @liamdvbois, @lishangjr, they all got ‘em... And @marcoalandale, you’re almost there.
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nadiadecordoba · 4 years
Who would you like to be caught under mistletoe with?
After discussing with my girls, @anthonytremaines seems to be the elite answer for this year!
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angelinatremaine · 4 years
This is going to make him feel OLD, but @anthonytremaines is more than just a brother to me! He also has always kind of felt like a dad, too. Someone I can look up to and who can protect me and who I can learn a lot from, and someone I respect and admire a lot! Some people would find it overbearing or overprotective or whatever, but having Anthony in my life really just makes me feel safe and loved instead.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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dizzybydesignx · 4 years
text 📲 dizthony
Dizzy: I’m so hungry, you need to feed me!! It's your job as the older one!!
Dizzy: Also I'm kidding! I'm just so indecisive idk what to eat!
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cassidystabbington · 4 years
adopt, be adopted by, marry -- dizzy, anthony, chad
send me three names + a number…
I find @dizzybydesignx and @chad--charming to be completely useless, and @anthonytremaines relation to the vastly overrated fetus makes him less desirable, too. Pass.
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