#at 7pm (whilst paying for a grocery shop) I realised i had no way of unlocking my house as my keys were inside
tinknevertalks · 2 years
Ok, so what am I gonna do with the hour or so I have before going to bed? Keeping in mind that Mark is away, and I have a bunch of things I would love to get around to. My list so far:
Trace dungaree dress pattern so I can have both the original and a smaller sized pattern (it's good for 3 year olds and 8 year olds - don't think I have enough fabric though)
Bite the bullet and print off 24+ sheets of paper to sellotape up a pattern for myself
Start a jigsaw
Write fanfic
Watch Stranger Things (only on ep four of S1 so shush)
Eat chocolate and veg out on the couch
And that's after I've loaded the dishwasher, which will need Tetris precision as I made Mac and cheese today.
Suggest something! Anything!
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