#i was in my house by 8:35pm
cry4mina · 6 months
Take Me Back to Eden - Ascensionism (Part 4)
(Nayeon x Fem!reader)
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Take Me Back to Eden - Choke Hold - Part 1
Take Me Back To Eden - Granite - Part 2
Take Me Back To Eden - Aqua Regia - Part 3
Word Count: 8.5k Angst/Angst/Smut Summary: Reader finds out the truth behind what Jihyo and Nayeon has been up to, she takes the steps to become more independent and heal her grief, only to fall back into old habits. TW: Betrayal, suggestive themes, lying, break ups, cheating, manipulative behavior, anxiety, top!reader x Bottom!nayeon, choking, degradation, truthfully its rough sex but anyways, let me know if I missed anything! A/N: After a reasonable amount of requests I decided to continue the series. I also decided to write smut for the first time. Thank you to @saiiidahyunee @neoplatinum and @miinatozakiii for the help/advice for this part! <3 (srsly, this wouldn't have happened without them)
“Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other?” 
Pulse radiating in every cell of your body, waiting to see if there’s another text from Jihyo. Absolutely baffled as the lie shatters your consciousness, returning you to the jagged spiral you were still reeling from.
It was true. She did this to you. 3 years of deception and it was all happening right under your nose. 
Knees buckling underneath you as you think back to the conversation you had in the kitchen the night prior. 
The tears she shed, the way she spoke…the way she studied your face… She was acting through the whole thing and you believed her. 
“Nothing has happened since, and nothing like this would ever happen again. I wanted to tell you but the person I was then and the person I am now are two completely different people. Even that version of myself would never dream of hurting you in such a way.”
 Stomach churning at the words previously said, fighting back the hatred growing in you. 
‘Please understand that I would do anything to remove this from my past…our past.” 
Nauseously fighting the tears threatening to spill from your eyes, remembering how your skin felt against hers as you slept next to her the night prior and you cringe knowing it was all fake and you had fallen for it. 
Nayeon’s phone vibrates in your hand again, revealing another text from the other responsible party. 
“We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you.”
As you stare at the screen, truth reflects back onto your face, flashing through your memories with her. Decorating the house on the holidays, her meeting your parents, anniversaries, going out to dinner; Even the small touches to show affection that intertwined themselves into everyday life hardened your exterior as you built your walls back up brick by brick wondering how long they’ll hold up with the digital reinforcement you’ve stumbled upon.   
The need for the truth pokes at your chest while opening the text thread between her and Jihyo. 
———————————Yesterday 11:34 pm——————————
Jihyo: Y/n didn’t seem to believe me when we spoke, I hope she listens to you or we might have a problem. 11:34pm
Nayeon: We might have a problem then 11:35pm
Nayeon: I don’t know if her and I will make it thru this 11:35pm
Jihyo: Do what u can. We will just have to cover our asses if the company finds out we are sleeping together. 11:37pm
Nayeon: It seems like she can’t really make a decision. I put her to bed a little while ago because she was exhausted. 11:38pm
Nayeon: She did bring me dinner last night… 11:38pm
Nayeon: She actually just came to the living room and def only in underwear…I’ll update u in the morning. 11:40pm
Jihyo: Just because she’s the piece that’s keeping the public and our company from finding out doesn’t mean I want to hear stuff like that, Nayeon. 11:42pm
———————————Today 8:12 am——————————
Jihyo: Did she believe you or do we actually need to stop seeing each other? 8:12am
Jihyo: We can lay low for a little while and let it all simmer down, if that’s easier. But I don’t want to stop being with you. 8:14am
Forgetting to blink as you’re reading the thread, in disbelief that you almost gave them the forgiveness they asked for. Caught between the smoke and mirrors, an illusion painted for the public eye to cover the secret that only they knew. 
Screenshot clicks lightly as you send yourself the evidence and delete the pictures from the text thread as well as Nayeon’s phone. You wanted to be able to look back on this and remind yourself that she was responsible, and that you'd never give her another chance. 
Sliding her phone into your pocket, you walk into the bedroom. 
Nayeon is distracted in the bathroom preparing for your morning shower together. Hearing the door of the shower sliding open and the sound of the head sputtering to start. The clashing of the water hitting the tile mimics the storm you felt brewing up inside of you.  
As your rage builds you quickly grab a backpack out of the closet, unintentionally knocking a tote bag down as you pull the straps. Trinkets of all kinds scatter across the floor, you flinch at the sound and look down at the mess before immediately unzipping the bag.
“Is everything okay, baby?” Nayeon yells from the bathroom, it's muffled by the foam of her toothpaste as you hear her spit into the sink.
Body tensing at the pet name, knowing the illusion of the past 3 years was uncomfortable and devastating. 
“Yes. Just dropped something.” You shout back trying to hide the towering rage that is rocking against the winds of change your digital confirmation created. 
 “Okay, my love, I’ll be waiting for you in the shower.” She sings back trying to play cute with you. 
You roll your eyes while shoving the bag full of everything you’d need for the next few days as quickly as possible. Clothes, charger, wallet, important documents, and your laptop. 
Putting on the first pair of pants you see and not even bothering to change out of the oversized sweater you threw on to cover up while you had your morning coffee. 
Quietly running to the dresser to grab some socks, your foot kicks some of the mess left on the floor. Sighing at the annoyance of it being in your way but it slows down enough to see what the contents were. Jewelry you’d never seen, love notes opened with a wax seal, and countless pictures of Jihyo and Nayeon together. 
Frozen in fury as you take in what you’re unintentionally uncovering, a singular tear drenched in anguish falls - the tap on the photo echoing in your ears. Reaching your limit and the overflow of emotions are about to spill out of you in a slurry of misery and hatred.
Grabbing the specific Polaroid of them kissing, tucking it into your pocket with her phone and leaving everything else where it landed. Preparing for the confrontation, knowing she’ll probably try to cover it again. No more running from it and no more hiding from it, you had her cornered with the proof that she was a liar. 
Hopping onto the counter in the bathroom, you waited for Nayeon to realize you’re there. The shower door is slightly open, she left it for your entrance. Opening her eyes momentarily to see you staring back at her, much like most mornings. 
This morning was different though, after the fight you got into that spread out over a week and the information you got this morning; there was a thickness in the air that wasn’t just steam. Almost visible in how it intimately caressed your heart into a conflicted mess of emotions, waging wars inside your chest.  
 “Aren't you gonna join me? I’ve got a blank canvas for you if you’d like to make more art out of me.” She coyly says, winking at you.
 Your cringe is covered by the steam coated glass, repulsed by the thought of this stranger touching you the way she used to. The trust was no longer there. Being past anger, past sadness, and clinging to the numbness so you could get through this conversation. 
Trying to keep your brain on track when Nayeon steps out of the shower and walks towards you, seductively. A thin layer of sweat is starting to appear on your skin as she gets closer to you, you’re trying to talk yourself out of the thoughts of what would happen if you just showered with her and forgot what you found. 
You can’t do that to yourself, you know that. You would never knowingly accept less than you deserve but your heart was fighting you with every step she took towards you.
She puts her wet hands on your thighs, allowing the material to cling to your skin, “why are you wearing these? Just so I can take them off?” Her pupils are wide as she fixates on your face watching you half glare back at her.
 Swallowing as you try to keep yourself from shaking as the numbness wears off and turns to despair and then shifting erratically to pure anger and then back to despair again. The pattern is familiar, you’ve lived it before a few times. Trying your best to conceal the rapidly changing mood and keep a straight face.
 It seems to go unnoticed as she parts your jean clad legs and slides her waist between them wrapping her arms around your neck. Shivering at the warmth of her skin against yours as her fingers lace through the hair on the back of your head, trying to get you to cave into her wants. 
Your body is definitely reacting to her being this close to you the way it always did. The ache in your core screaming at the familiarity but your mind is repulsed. How many times had she done this with Jihyo? 
Not pulling away, allowing her to set herself up, the same way she let you. Leaning into your ear, lips brushing against its shell as she whispers “I’d love to take this off, if you’ll let me.”
“Do you really think you deserve it after what you’ve done?” sternly leaves your mouth. 
Clench her thighs as you speak, she loves when you talk to her that way. Not realizing that your voice is heavy with a different type of malice, not the usual light hearted mask you wear for her when she wants some roughness. 
 Hands come off your neck and slide under the sweater. She’s relieved you don’t have a bra on as she scratches harshly down your back, like she always did during sexually driven moments much like this one, in an attempt to rile you up more. 
It works for a moment, you groan and chase after her lips as she teasingly pulls away from you. Challenging your power and being a brat, refusing what you were asking for to intentionally make things more heated. Two can play that game.
“Close your eyes and hold your hands out.” Softly spoken while only an inch away from her face. Her half lidded eyes looking up at you for a moment. The sparkle for you is still encapsulated in her big brown eyes. 
Immediately listening, placing full trust in you. Removing her from between your legs, you guide her back and against the glass shower door. It rattles on impact as she leans against it, inciting a gasp from her. 
Her hands are up and out, waiting for whatever you had in store for her.  She’s smiling up at you, eyes closed, intrigued about what you’d place in her digits. 
Reaching into your pocket and pulling out her phone and the picture. Looking at them one more time before placing them directly into her hands, almost as an offering, like it’s your ticket out of this mess you unknowingly found yourself in. 
“You can open them now.” Tone leaving little to mystery as it sneers out of you. 
Her brows furrow as she realizes something isn’t right. Nayeon opens her eyes and looks down at what you’ve placed in her hands. Confusion waves across her face until she sees the image of her and Jihyo kissing, staring back at her. Hearing the gasp leave her lips, a deep gust of air is still not enough for Nayeon as she almost starts to panic.
You’re out of the room in seconds, her quickly following behind you, she grabs onto the sweater leaving a wet handprint that matches the ones on your thighs. 
 “Please, let me explain!” she begs frantically and tugs on the sweater harder to try and get your attention while you’re gathering more necessities for your daily routines. 
“Drop the act, Nayeon. I don’t want to hear anymore from you.” Your tone is growing more callous as time goes on. It roughens up the few soft spots she had even if it was entirely her fault you were going through this life changing event.
 Her face shifts from worried to annoyed as you sprint around the room, not bothering to organize anything being placed into the backpack.
“And where are you going to go, huh?” she asks, tilting her head and dropping her arms to her side heavily, allowing her frustration to show for a split second before she remembers she’s still completely naked and dripping wet from the shower on the rug in your bedroom.
Taking a step forward to get in her face, you startle her, not expecting you, soft gentle y/n, to approach her in such a way. Leaning back when you stepped forward but not breaking eye contact. You watch her leg start to bounce as she gets more anxious realizing you were angry in a way she had never seen, fire behind your eyes noticeable as you adjust your stance to show her you weren’t backing down and you were no longer scared to lose her. 
Movement feeling foreign to her as she’s unable to keep calm like the Nayeon you knew of. Backed into a corner and baring her teeth as you confront her about her wrong doings, is an attempt to control the situation and she was about to try an old tactic that had worked previous to this. 
Playing with the belt loops on your jeans, she brings her voice back to the sweet one you used to know,  “Are you just going to keep running away from me? Or can we talk this out? I thought we were okay. I thought we could get past this together” Retorting in a semi-cooled tone. Eyes watering again and the block of ice in your chest is trying to thaw in you as she leans in to put her satin lips on yours for a small second of contact before you avoid the affection, knowing you’d crumble at the act. Not allowing yourself to fall into her grasp again, knowing she was willing to hurt you in an incomprehensible way, and feel no guilt.  
“That was before I saw those texts and before I found the bag of secret Jihyo shit in the closet, Nayeon!” 
Looking down at the phone you handed her to read the message. The realization of what’s happening washes over her face, it couldn’t be played off as a misunderstanding anymore. She had been caught red handed and had to deal with the consequences. 
Nayeon leaned in harder to her act of fake innocence, insinuating that you were in fact the big bad for violating her trust like she wasn’t the one who burnt yours to crisps and used the ashes as eyeshadow.
“Why did you go through my phone?” She crosses her arms, pushing her breasts together. She’s trying to distract you with multiple tactics but it wasn’t working, her act faltering when scrutinized. . 
Extremely angry, your brain couldn’t see her as anything other than an enemy. “Is that really what you’re worried about right now? Our entire relationship was a false front for you and Jihyo and all you can do is try to flip it on me?! …Who made you like this?” harshly asking just trying to understand what she had to gain from hurting you in such a way. 
“You don’t trust me?” Nayeon says sweetly, touching your torso again. Pulling away roughly, unable to  believe it’s even a question she thought would be a good to say out loud, when you both knew what the answer was. 
 “You have been cheating on me for the entirety of our relationship and you have the audacity to ask if I trust you? Fuck you.I gave you the opportunity to be honest with me and you threw it right back in my fucking face, Nayeon!” laying into her, letting out every drop of anger she caused you through your teeth.
“3 years of what?! You completely ruined everything, our entire relationship was fake so you could fuck Jihyo without suspension! So absolutely not, I don’t trust you in any sense of the word.” voice starting to crack as you tear up, “and to think I was actually going to propose to you” letting the sadness of the future lost memories drain out of you onto the person who caused it all. 
Speechless and not believing that the docile person who was head over heels for her could have such venom to spit. A new light is shining down on you as you display your livid behavior. Oddly, even more attracted to you than she already was, she was in a trance as she realized what you said. 
“You were going to…propose?” Quietly said back to you. Her eyes are saddened as she starts to understand the weight of her choices and all the things that will never happen again between the two of you. The guilt cuts deep, creating a sharp sting in her chest as a heart string popped.  
Rolling your eyes and open the drawer in the kitchen that normally is reserved for “junk” to pull out a little black box, slamming it on the counter. “I really wanted to…” allowing yourself to be vulnerable for a moment as she reaches out to open the jewelry box and sees the perfect ring. 
The pear shaped diamond in the middle was huge, with little diamonds laid into a rose gold band. This is how she described her dream wedding ring to you on your 3rd date. You wrote it down in the notes of your phone for the moment you would need it, thinking she was the one. 
Eyes matching the diamonds, sparking with light as they fill with tears. She never thought about how much you paid attention or how well you knew her. Too wrapped up in playing her role with both you and Jihyo to even think that you were set on her being the one you wanted to spend your life with.  
“I need you to tell me how it started. I need to know why.” speaking cold heartedly, keeping the distance between the two of you. 
“...It did start with a drunken night. That was true. I never tho-” She started as she lowered her eyes. 
“Look at me when you’re talking.” deliberately call her out, rattling her a little bit, her face turns red, eye wide as she goes to speak again.
“I never thought that it would go this far with her. I really was genuinely upset when Jihyo told me what happened the first time. I didn’t remember anything at all and then she convinced me not to say anything and then we hung out a few days later and…it happened again but sober this time and it just never stopped. There was no emotion behind it for me, I swear. I love you, not her.” 
A freight train crashes through you as you reel at the information hitting your ears. 
“You don’t get to say that. You don’t get to claim you love me when you’ve been living in a black light paradise with someone else this entire time.” hissing dispassionately to assert your words.
“But two things can be true at once, like you always say…” throwing back at you with a smirk knowing how much your own rhetoric being used on you makes you angry. 
Aggressively grabbing your backpack again and heading towards the door again, once intimidating, now a way to safety as you jerk it open, feening for escape from the heavy atmosphere. Your steps are quick and precise as you make your exit. 
 “I made a mistake, y/n. She’s not you. She will never be you.” Almost shouted at you as one foot stepped over the threshold. 
 “You were the mistake and I hope your guilt drowns you.” 
An anchor pulls your heart to the bottom of the ocean. You told Nayeon to drown but it was you who couldn’t swim. Pulling harshly at your arteries as you sludge towards your car, feeling as if you’re moving in slow motion just trying to escape the shark infested waters.
Remembering this same feeling from before, but this one was much more certain. With the evidence in front of you, the admission from both parties, and the way Nayeon spoke to you- there was no more safety in who she portrayed herself to be. The illusion has smashed into shards of false love, leaving you to pick up the pieces. 
You drive to Momo’s house, not bothering to call before showing up, you don’t think you could speak anymore, your jaw is tense the entire way there to hold everything in. 
Walking up to the door and hitting the door bell, the dogs bark to alert their owners. The locks click open and the door cracks open to reveal a surprised Momo. 
“Y/n, what are you do-“ cutting her off as you collapse into her arms. You kept it together long enough to get to your best friend, but now the dam was broken and unable to contain the pure pain that was born from the cruelness Nayeon showed you.
Momo drags you into the house and sits you on the same couch you slept on days before, sitting next to you and trying to comfort you as you shake and sob, wrapping your arms around yourself trying to create a sense of safety for yourself that couldn’t be torn from you.
“Y/N, what happened?” Momo is so concerned with your inability to calm down, it’s starting to make her upset. 
Dahyun walks into the room, hearing the commotion. The loudness of your sobs ringing in her ears with her heart sinking into her stomach as she sits on the other side of you, joining Momo’s effort to comfort you. 
Shakily breathing as you try to regulate yourself yet again, this time it feels harder than the last because at least last time there was hope. You are only experiencing extreme sadness and betrayal, with a lot of anger mixed in it but there was no hope present.   
Unaware of how long you’ve been crying as Dahyun gets up “I’ll go make up the guest bedroom.” Rubbing your back as she walks past you. 
“Thank you,” you squeak out through your teeth, struggling to calm down. 
Momo has a look on her face that could cut diamonds. Anger radiating off her cheeks as she grabs her phone, taps it a few times and brings it to her ear quickly, she stands and taps her foot waiting for the other person to answer.  
Nayeon is heard on the other side, “is she with you?” 
Momo’s face is repulsed by this considering the state of you in front of her but she answers the question anyway,
 “Yes, what happened? She’s obviously not okay. Tell me what happened.” Momo’s arms are crossed, standing up she shifts her weight from one leg to the other. 
“I don’t know, she just got upset and left”
“Nayeon, I have known you for years.You’re lying. Y/N wouldn’t just show up sobbing uncontrollably for no reason, so tell me what happened or I'm hanging up.” talking with her hands, raising them in a frustrated manner as the lies keep coming.
“Well if she didn’t want to hurt herself she should have gone through my phone.” annoyance present in Nayeon’s tone.
Momo looks over at you, devastated for the second time on her couch pulling your phone out in silence and showing her the text thread screenshots you had taken earlier.
“It’s not as big of a deal as it’s being made out to be.”
“Are you serious right now?” Momo harshly questions as Nayeon continues. 
“Are you going to question Jihyo like you questioned me? Or are we just gonna pretend like she’s not part of this too?” 
The sharpness in her tone was something you had witnessed before but the taste of her name coming out of Nayeon’s mouth was unbearable.
Momo gasps at the new knowledge that has now been thrown at her. Completely statuesque, as she tries to wrap her mind around what Nayeon just said.
 Momo’s eyes look up on your screen to reveal the name at the top of the text thread: Jihyo  
The rush of emotions she was experiencing was overwhelming to her senses, momo’s voice choked with tears as she spoke to Nayeon.
“Wait…what did you just say? J is Jihyo?!” Momo says in complete disbelief, shocked at not only what she’s reading on the screen but by what she was hearing from one of the parties involved.
“Yes. So please call and interrogate her. Can I speak with my girlfriend now?”
“No, you can’t. I am not friends with people who do this type of thing, Nayeon. How could you do this to y/n?” she shouts through the phone, hunched over with a hand on her knee, trying to understand all the pieces of this complicated puzzle.    
Momo, trying to keep the anger she felt under wraps, started pacing in the room taking laps around the couch as she spoke. 
“Nayeon…are you kidding me? How long has this been going on?” Confused was an understatement, Momo was completely overstimulated with the information she was being given. 
 Never noticing the connection between how close Jihyo and Nayeon were, always sharing hotel rooms on tour, finishing each other’s sentences, the looks across the room, Nayeon staying at Jihyo’s house frequently…it was all starting to add up and Momo is seeing red over the pain of her best friend being hurt beyond belief, and by someone who was supposed to be her family. She was just as angry as you were. 
“Momo, I don’t want to do this right now, Can I please speak to Y/n? I’m trying to save my relationship and not be put under a microscope by you.” 
“I can’t believe you would do this. You spoke of Y/n like she moved mountains for you and this is what you’ve been doing behind her back? I’m disgusted with you and your actions…and I’m pretty sure she’s your ex-girlfriend now but you knew that already, didn’t you?” 
Momo hung up quickly, not caring about what Nayeon had to say back to her. More worried about you and your emotional state than anything Nayeon had to say.
 “Did she tell you why or was it her avoiding the question?” inquiring as she took a seat next to you, giving an apologetic look and a bear hug to try to make you feel better. 
“She told me enough for me to want to leave my home, technically she didn’t even tell me, I found a secret bag of Jihyo stuff in our closet with a bunch of pictures of them together, and one shot of them kissing, wax sealed love letters and jewelry.” Voice cracking and shaking as you bite back more emotion. 
Momo gasps as the story unfolds before her, she can’t believe what she’s hearing. It is so polar opposite of what she expected of her members. She always thought they were kind and loving. She imagines what y/n might be feeling in all of this. 
“I am so sorry. Please let me know how I can help you get through this.” reaching for you to pull you into a warm embrace. 
“Well, I’m definitely going to need to find a new apartment so if you want to help me with that I’d be grateful.” half chuckling through some tears, trying to add a little light into the situation. You hated the idea of someone else being upset because of this situation.
“Consider it done” Dahyun walked back in with swollen eyes, sniffling. She probably overheard the argument Momo just had and was reflecting the same amount of empathy as Momo was. 
“We can start tomorrow!”
About 3 weeks went by and you were slowly showing signs of your old self. You were going out with friends again, hanging out with Momo a lot, and starting to become present again, no longer constantly seeing the rewind of Nayeon’s innocence faltering behind your eyes. Still receiving texts from Nayeon at least 2 times a day. They served as a reminder of what once was. 
Momo and Dahyun were patient with you, letting you speak with them about the effects this trauma was having on your mental health. It’s always hard to watch your loved ones go through something this difficult but it was obvious that they were proud of how you were handling it, even if it was hard. They were always there to remind you that you could do hard things. 
Finding a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom that was close to Momo and Dahyun’s, signing the lease immediately. It was a slight upgrade to the studio that you and Nayeon occupied previously. The kitchen was bigger, the natural light was brighter, and the bathroom had a large bathtub that you could fully lay down in, which you were looking forward to. 
Spending a week finding the perfect furniture for it, designing the interior however you wanted and making it your own space without someone else’s opinion in the back of your mind was fun. You enjoyed doing this for yourself, fixating on something that had to do with you alone. You felt the ashes from previous ruin sprouting stems as you tried to move on.
You had really been focusing on yourself, trying to resurrect yourself after total devastation. Pulling out the roots, and planting good ones so later on you could reap the benefits. Changing the perspective of your brain was hard, but well worth it.
Being in a better place mentally and emotionally as your sense of stability was so close to being present again, you thought it was time that you continue with the last step of separating from Nayeon.
There was still some stuff you wanted to get back at your old apartment but you didn’t want to run the risk of Nayeon being there. You had no desire to face her, especially while you were still mending. You decided to reach out to her to let her know you’d be coming by to get the rest of your things. 
“Hey, I’m going to stop by today to get my stuff. I’d really like it if you weren’t there.“ You hesitate to hit send, not wanting to come off in a rude way. Quickly realizing how absurd that was and hit send. 
 “So now you reply? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for weeks… are you doing okay?” almost immediately after the message was delivered, like she has been staring at the thread waiting for you to say something. 
“That’s not your concern anymore. What is your schedule like this week? I won’t be long. I’d just like my things, thank you.” you replied with haste, just wanting this to be over. 
“I’ve got something scheduled at 5 today. You can come then if you really don’t want to see me.” 
You can hear the pout over the text message without any hint of it present in the text. This instinctually sparks sadness in you. Biting the inside of your lip and type out a few replies before deciding to just drop it. A wave of the past just flashed in front of you, causing you to fall into loneliness, something you’d fought to keep at bay. 
Checking the clock and it’s already 3pm, you finish up what you’re doing in the living room and take a cold shower before setting out to the apartment one last time.
Stepping into the once familiar place, you are hit with the smell of vanilla and sandalwood. “That’s odd” thinking to yourself, wondering if she’s left a candle burning as you walk in, sliding your shoes off by the door. She always forgot to blow them out after lighting them or would fall asleep on the couch with one lit. 
You were right, but with an added twist, the candle was burning in the center of the coffee table flickering against the shadows in the room around you. The flame was blocked out by the shadow of someone on the couch in the dimly lit space. 
“I thought you had schedules.” sighing, irritate at being met with another moment of dishonesty.
“I just needed to talk to you…” she whispers, she had been crying. Hearing it in her voice and seeing it on her face as she turned her back to the candle, taking in your features like it was the first time she’d ever seen you. A  tinge of hope runs through her, your face must be showing sympathy.               
“I needed you to be faithful and that was too much for you so I don’t really want to do any conversing with you.” asserting that you’re completely vexed by her as you walk into the bedroom to gather the rest of the stuff you were taking with you. 
Following you closely, a habit you used to think was cute as she watches you pick up small knick knacks from your childhood, clothes, and some other important tokens left behind. Sorting through every drawer to make sure you got everything, wanting this to be the last time you’re in the once shared life.    
Almosting touching you with how close her proximity was, she wondered if you’d give her some of your time so she could plead for you to stay when you finally spoke up. 
“Can you stop hovering so I can do what I need to and leave?” 
“Can you just talk to me for a second?” Nayeon replied equally annoyed and choked up as she watched you tuck all she had left of you away. 
Turning around to face her, “Fine! What do you want?” 
You’ve never shown her such apathy, the emptiness that rings in your voice hollows her chest out as she takes a few steps forward, you are surprised by the sudden closeness when she leans in and kisses you roughly. 
You gasp which leaves an opening for her to slide her tongue into your mouth, the neediness pouring out of her drenches you with adrenaline and you slowly succumb to her as she bites your lower lip and tugs gently. The world stops.
Every ounce of love you ever felt for this person came slithering back into your mind for a split second, followed by anger as you remind yourself of the betrayal. 
You can’t believe she’s just throwing herself at you. Body reacting exactly how you would expect when your recent ex partner kisses you like this, the familiarity of her hands on your body sends jolts of comfort and excitement through you and you aren't strong enough to fight the primal urge. 
Trailing her hand up your back under your sweater while keeping you distracted with her mouth and sinking her nails into your shoulders, dragging them slowly down your back, causing you to lean into the kiss even more, moaning into her mouth as she smiles. 
Falling into the trap she was setting and you knew it. 
Hands slowly find their place on her waist, she kisses your jaw whispering sweet nothings into your skin. 
“Baby, please stay” she lays another kiss farther down your jaw
“I know you missed this” laying another kiss
“You are always so hungry for me…show me”
She ghosts her lips up and returns to yours as she kisses you passionately, revealing pure lust as she grips onto you. Bringing your hands up to cup her face, allowing yourself to get lost in the breathy haze, heart pounding as you feel your body temperature rise, effects of the love that once was and the lust that now is. 
Spiraling in the dizzying moment,you and Nayeon sink into each other, closeness returning as you’re swept away by the intense feelings you’re both harboring. Hands are exploring as you fumble around, not allowing space between you as you both collapse onto the bed, hungirly taking each other in as you gain control, Nayeon is lost in the essence of you and it was your turn to hold the power.  
In addition to getting on top of her, you place your knee between her legs- just enough out of reach so that she couldn’t get a good position on it. You were going to give her this moment to remember and you were going to make her earn it.
The heat emanates off her as you rip off your sweater tossing it aside. She’s looking up at you like you put the moon in the sky as you reach your arm around and unhook your bra, letting the straps slide down your arms slowly, her eyes wide with anticipation as you remove it, throwing it on top of the sweater. 
Nayeon’s hands reach up, eyes darkened as she tries to touch you when you slam her hands back down into the softness of the sheets, pinning her to the mattress forcefully above her head, glaring into her with white hot anger.  
“No,” as you hold her in place, your body pressed against hers, faces close enough to feel each other's quickened breath. Nayeon sees the flash of spite in your eyes as you press your mouth on hers, it makes her ache while she is refracting desperation, subtly grinding on your thigh as she lets your tongue dance with hers.
Pulling back from the kiss to admire the sight before you; Nayeon is anchored to the bed by your hands, whimpering and grinding on your leg practically begging for you to fuck her. 
Faces return close enough for your lips to lightly graze, teasing her as you remind her where you stand, “Tell me… does Jihyo excite you like this or is this only for me?” with a sultry nuance. She squirms underneath you as you taunt her, her eyes flickering down to your thigh as she tries to grind into you to get some friction to satiate the ache you’re creating within her, only for you to pull your knee back just enough so she can’t reach it. 
 She whines “y/n…please, it’s only yo-” getting up before getting the full answer and dragging her legs to the edge of the bed letting them bend over the edge, pulling her shirt off frantically, exposing her tits. 
 The knot in her stomach tightens as she watches you become completely carnal, continuing toying with her. Lightly tracing her chest with your finger before you kissed her again, this time more aggressively as if you are claiming what had been yours. She groaned into it, always loving when you got like this, you’re ghosting your finger along the waistband of her sweats as you pull back from the kiss again and attacking her neck leaving a trail of dark marks down to her chest. 
“She’ll have to admire my artwork for the next week and I hope she enjoys it” leaving bite marks and bruises as you descend down slowly.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth and swirl your tongue around it, you can hear her breathing hitch as you roughly pinch the other one. Without letting go of her bud between your fingers you detach your mouth and slide your other hand up to Nayeon’s throat, lightly squeeze and ask “Does Jihyo fuck you like the slut you are? Or does she leave you for me to ruin?” 
Nayeon let out a wail as the words cascaded off your tongue, completely bewildered at what is happening right now as she feels the intoxication of your agitated demeanor wash over her while she grows impatient. Pushing back and trying to take the power from you when you mimic your prior movements and slam her down on the bed, letting her know that wasn’t going to happen.
“Don't. Move.” Stoically said while standing up, sliding her pants and underwear off to reveal a string of arousal clinging to the fabric and the soaked mess that she was. She was already clenching around nothing. 
“Pathetic.” You smirk. 
“Does she ever make you this wet?” as you part her lips with one hand, gathering her arousal at her entrance with your finger, and slowly bring it up to your mouth, sucking it clean. She rolls her hips up at the sensation, body screaming for more. 
“I told you not to move.”
Nayeon whines loudly, “Please, Y/n…touch me” begging for some continuous form of contact and being sure not to move while your stand above her watching as tears well up in her eyes. 
“...so needy… does she make you beg for it like this?” the words daunting as they snake out. 
“You’re so good at lying, I’m sure she thinks you belong to her.” 
“What was it that you said earlier?” following up slyly while lowering yourself between her legs, knees on the floor and arms are wrapped around her thighs, with hands planted on her hips keeping them in place. 
“You’re always so hungry for me…” breathing out as you traces patterns on her lower stomach and bring your face closer to her pussy, 
“…show me” she sighs out as you dive down into her folds, moaning intensely as you tangle yourself between her legs. She feels you devouring her sloppily, not leaving a single place unexplored as she tries to buck her hips into your mouth.
Nayeon is seeing stars as past experiences flood back into memory, senses heightened as you consume her more possessively than usual. She loves this version of you. 
Hands holding onto her so tightly as you start sucking on her clit, she squirms under your grip, squealing at the erratic pattern traced with the tip of your tongue before giving her the rhythm she craved so desperately. 
Nayeon’s breathing gets heavier as you stick to the pace you know she likes, building her up to where you wanted her. The moaning gets louder as you continue lapping at her, hands go up to your hair, locking you in place as you bring her as close to the edge as possible. 
Hearing her high pitched whines and feeling her pussy clench around nothing, completely stopping everything that you are doing.  
“Wha?!-..” she let out a groan that could’ve shattered windows as you stood before her, watching her react to the orgasm being ruined. 
“Why would you do that?!” she groaned out, squeezing her legs together again. You lightly smack her thigh, telling her without words not to. The slap radiates through the room and leaves a small red hand print displayed. 
Enjoying the blissful anguish on her face as you licked the evidence right off your mouth while removing your pants and underwear. Getting on the bed, straddling her, wetness visible as it drips off of you, she looked up at you with wanting eyes, hips still rutting, and knowing exactly where this was going.
“Did you really think I’d give you what you wanted so easily?” you start scooting up so that your knees are on either side of her head, a mere inch from her face.
“You’ll have to earn it.” Leaning forward and head between your legs, tongue out already anticipating the taste of you. 
A gasp echoes in your chest as she licks the inside of your thighs, making sure not to waste a drop of you before taking one big slow lick up your slit, doing that several times, causing you to thrust into her more before attaching her lips to your clit and finding the rhythm she knew you wanted. 
Drowning in her all over again as you feel the knot in your stomach stir, you need more from her but she wasn’t going to give you that right away.
“Naye- ..fuck, just like that -on” you whine her name, slowly start to fuck her face. 
“More.”  Demanding breathlessly, feeling your release building throughout your body, muscles tightening as she shakes her head no, trying not to remove her mouth from you.
“Nay-“  a guttural moan stops you mid sentence, knowing what she wanted from you. 
“Baby…please, I need you” pleasure all consuming, you’re aching for her inside of you.
Before you can ask again, a long finger slides into your core and starts pumping forward to hit your g-spot a few times before adding another finger. 
Another loud moan, as you steadily rock your hips against her mouth, building on the list you were already feeling. Close to breaking, you feel one of her hands slide up to your chest and start tugging on your nipple, that’s what sends you over the edge. 
Throwing your head back as your breath quickens, grinding against her face, with a death grip on her hair. Shaking on top of her as your orgasm rips through you, she keeps going, letting you ride it out. 
“Good girl,” you say breathly as you scoot back to straddle her hips again, body feeling like static as you come down. 
Catching your breath while looking at her cum covered face, you know you aren’t finished with her just yet. Leaning up to you, wrapping her arms around you and kissing you. Tasting yourself on her as you pull her arms off of you.
“I missed the way you taste.” she cooed as you stood up again, half wobbling as you were still recovering. 
“Didn’t I say not to move?” sternly rolls off your tongue, her eyes widen as you push her back down roughly and spit directly onto her pussy. Not that you needed the extra lube, you spread it around her entrance before slamming 2 fingers into her.
“Fuck, Y/n…” she moans as you pump your fingers quickly into her, feeling how wet she is from the orgasm you stole. She thrusts harshly, forcing your digits deeper into her.
“You don’t cum until I say you can.” growled at her from between her legs - peering up to see her face, eyes clamped shut as she leaked out onto the sheets - impatiently waiting for you to stimulate her in some way. 
You can’t help but torture her a little. 
“Does Jihyo make you wet like this? Or is she a shit replacement fuck when I’m not around”
She doesn’t even hear what you’re saying while she’s writhing underneath you, completely fucked out and trying to focus on not cumming while you’re toying with her. Your mouth finds its way to her clit causing a frantic moan to rip through her chest, hands pulling at the sheets as she holds everything back.
“Ca- can I cum please?” She screeches between moans, nodding your head back to her while keeping the same circular motions going with your tongue on her clit, picking up the pace of the fingers inside her as she screams out - back arching, body tense, and clenching down on your fingers as she cums, gushing all over your hand. 
Trying to take a breath, she squeals because you never stop fucking her at a relentless pace; she’s immediately back to moaning your name. 
“Baby, What are yo-” words cut off as she loudly moans, giving her a second to try and finish the sentence. 
“Use your words” as you pick up the pace even more, holding her down onto the mattress with your left hand on her hip, pounding your fingers into her. 
Unable to speak coherently, almost screaming as she tries to formulate sentences. 
“You wanted to cum so bad, so give me another one.” Answering the question she couldn’t ask while snapping into her g-spot, bending down to put your lips on hers again, giving her a taste of herself as she moans into your mouth, unable to hold back from the feeling of being over-stimulated. 
She feels the tension inside her forming again, threatening to burst at any moment when you lean over to ghost your lips over her ear. 
“I bet Jihyo doesn’t make you cum like this.” Violent combustion dispels from her body as she tenses underneath you, screaming into your mouth and sinking her claws into your back while riding out her orgasm.
Both of you lay on the bed, attempting to catch your breath. She rolls over to you, and tries to curl up in your arms but you get up before she can get too comfortable.
“Baby, where are you going? Sleepily stated while staying on the bed.  
Silence as you put your underwear back on.
Silence as you slide your pants on 
“…are you leaving?” She says in a sad tone, leaning up on her elbows, watching you put your shirt on and gather all the stuff you came to get. 
She is in complete disbelief as you walk out of the bedroom door, hearing you put your shoes on in the kitchen and then hearing the door open. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?…what is that on your neck?” heard from the kitchen. Nayeon’s eyes widen as she realizes the time and the plans she made…with Jihyo. 
“I don’t really think she will be much use to you tonight but you’re more than welcome to try.” You say condescendingly to Jihyo as she stares at you about to walk out. 
“Oh, by the way” , turning your head to her as you open the door.
“I hope you like the way I taste. Enjoy.” smiling at her as you walk right out of the apartment. She stares at the front door in disbelief as she’s figuring out her next move, now in a similar position to where you were.
“Nayeon!” screamed loud enough for you to hear while you’re walking toward the elevator. Not even being able to help the smirk across your face knowing she’s about to get an earful. Laughing to yourself as you call the elevator.
Starting the ride home, you think about exactly what just happened. Unable to believe you allowed yourself to fuck Nayeon and act like that towards Jihyo. Thinking about it not with regret, but with a blend of malice and sadness. They were both important to you, previously but that’s reality anymore.
Looking into the rearview mirror at the complex behind you, almost a far-well glance for you as your phone vibrates in your pocket. 
Pulling it out to see Jihyo’s name across the top and hit the end button, sending her straight to voicemail. She calls again, same response. The third time your phone vibrates, you answer it 
“Can you stop calling me? I obviously don't want to talk to you.” sounding heavily annoyed. 
“…Y/n?” A familiar softness rings on the other line as you look at the phone number that isn’t saved.
“Oh…uhm, sorry…I thought this was Jihyo. I don’t have this number saved in my phone…”
“That’s alright” a small chuckle follows, “It’s Mina.”
Take me Back to Eden - The Summoning - Part 5
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sunnydayroleplay · 2 months
We kinda made hcs about it, buuuuut how would Joseph handle his child that's been staying up wayyyyy passed their bedtime because they want to see their mama/papa and keeps escaping the bed to wait by the front door?
Hi..so I know I was supposed to respond to this months ago but shh.... I'm back from the dead. (For now)
Anyway! This is gonna be short and simple, you guys all know the drill!
18- DNI, though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is not. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
So, it's around 8pm
Joseph's youngins bedtime!
(For this case, let's say the kid is arouns 2-3.)
"Goodnight sweetheart" Joseph murmured softly as he kissed his baby's forehead and tucked them in.
He left the bedroom, turning on a small night light and leaving the bedroom door ajar.
Joseph is definitely a night owl, so he typically goes to bed around 12 or 1 on non-work days, and 11 when he has work.
He heads to his fridge to crack himself a cold one and unwinds on his couch.
A few minutes pass by. It's peaceful and quiet.
...Too quiet.
Joseph sighs loudly and pushes himself off the couch, putting his opened beer down on a nearby table as he began to walk towards upstairs and into his child's room-
-When all of a sudden he's greeted by his own kid standing there by the staircase, a plushie in hand.
"Jesus..you scared me bud." He chuckled nervously, but was overall relieved that his kid was alright.
He picked them off the ground, ruffling their hair before walking back upstairs to retuck them.
"You can't be getting up and away like that. You need to stay in bed kiddo."
Like before, he kisses his kid goodnight and tucks them back in, leaving the door slightly ajar again.
He figured maybe his kid didn't want to be so far away from their dad, so Joseph grabbed his beer from downstairs and walked into his bedroom right across their room.
He sat back in his desk chair, finishing off the rest of the bottle while reading some random magazines, newspapers, or catching up on the new SDJ scripts for the show.
The time is now 9:01pm.
As Joseph went to throw out his empty brown bottle, he once again had an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
It was once again too quiet.
He didn't hear any shuffling of bedsheets, or the light snores he could hear from anywhere in the house.
He exited his room, only to find his kid sitting down in front of Joseph's bedroom door.
"You should be in bed, why do you keep getting up silly?"
Like the other two times, he picked them up, kissed them, tucked them in.
But this time he stood by the slightly ajar door.
Not less than 2 minutes later, he sees his toddler waddle out of the room, immediately stopping once they see their father.
"Uh oh."
"Uh oh is right buddy, c'mon! Back to bed! It's wayy past your bedtime."
Now, usually, if his kid did this, he would stay with them and have his kid sleep with him for the night. (Only if the kid does it more than his usual 3 times.)
And usually after three times, the kid stops and sleeps.
But, if his kid continues to be stubborn and protest
Joseph closes the door and ends up sleeping on the floor in front of the bedroom door so the kid can't come out, but Joseph can make sure his baby isn't getting into any trouble.
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thexmistress · 11 months
Happy Anniversary Pt. 2
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5 years later Friday. March 20, 2023, 8:05am
It would be a lie if Satoru said he felt any regrets at this moment laying in bed with Utahime while their son came barging in their room and jumping on their bed making them laugh at his hyperness. “Look what I made dad! I drew a picture of me,” the boy pointed to the small blob on paper, “mommy,” pointing to the bigger blob in the middle, “and you!” Pointing to the even bigger blob making Satoru chuckle taking in the family portrait. Satoru sat up and placed Ren in the middle of him and Utahime.
He took the picture from the snaggle tooth child and examined it closer “This is a masterpiece Ren! I knew you took after me in many talents but this just takes the icing on the cake…. but why do I have black hair?” Satoru questioned the boy making the raven-haired child smile at him sheepishly “uh... I can’t find my white crayon, so I just made your hair the same as me and mommy” Utahime giggled and snuggled their child closer to her “well it’s perfect honey” she peppered kisses over Ren’s face making him giggle.
At that moment Satoru felt free watching the woman he loves with their child. He wanted nothing more than to savor this moment forever. Getting out of bed he looked towards them “Well how about we celebrate our son becoming the next Picasso and go out to eat for breakfast! I can call Uncle Suguru too so he can join us.” What Satoru thought was going to be another good day turned out to be the worst day ever in his life.
Breaking News: A car accident reported in Tokyo, Japan at 10:46am. A side-impact collision between 2 cars leaving 1 child in critical condition. The remaining passengers have been reported to face minor to no injuries.
JR Tokyo General Hospital 4:35pm
It has now been hours since they been at the hospital. Satoru never felt so scared and guilty in his life. It all happened so fast he didn’t see the truck coming from the side of them he blames himself for being too busy singing on the top of his lungs with his son and Utahime that he didn’t even had time to register the truck speeding towards them, towards Ren’s side. He had his face in his hands the entire time his son was in the operating room.
Utahime was embracing the sobbing man telling him it’s going to be okay trying to ease the pain they both were going through. They were so engrossed with one another they didn’t even notice Suguru running towards them looking frantic. Suguru stood in front of them and crouched down in front of Satoru before taking one of his hands, he turned to look at Utahime “Where is he? I came as soon as you called, what happened?”
Satoru was still looking down at the ground with tears that were silently flowing, face masked with guilt and anguish. “I-I… I didn’t see the truck Suguru, I swear I didn’t… we should’nt have left the house... it’s all my fault.” The man in front of them broke down again causing Utahime to reach out to him and pull him towards her into an embrace, rubbing her hands up and down his arm trying to console him. Suguru let go of his friend hand and looked at Utahime. They locked eyes for a few seconds sharing a moment of grief before she focused her attention on Satoru.
Another hour passed and the doctor came to them telling them their child was in stable condition but would need a blood transfusion due to the loss of blood during surgery. Satoru being the father hastily agreed to donate blood making Suguru glance at Utahime who was refusing to look the raven-haired man way. Satoru gave a quick kiss to Utahime before following the Doctor to do the blood transfusion while one of the nurses came to escort Utahime and Suguru to the new room Ren was transported.
Entering the room Utahime almost broke down seeing her child hooked up to an IV bag and a breathing tube. She quickly went to the side of the hospital bed and embraced her child’s hand tearing up at the sight of her baby. Suguru who was quiet this whole time was soaking everything in. It pained him to see Utahime and Ren in this state and he walked to the same side Utahime was on looking at her before glancing at the child that was unconscious……. “Is this our Karma?”
Blood transfusion denied. Reason: Not a match
“What?” Satoru srunched his face in confusion as he looked between Utahime, Suguru, and the nurse. Only two of them was refusing to make eye contact with him while the nurse looked at him with a look of pity. Utahime continued looking at their son laying in the hospital bed with tears threatening to flow down. “What do you mean it’s not a match? Is this a prank?” Satoru took a step towards the nurse “How am I not a match when that’s my son?!” Satoru yelled at the nurse who only looked at him with that same look that he didn’t want. She took a step towards him and placed her hand on his arm before saying the very thing Satoru was too blind to see. “It means you are not the father Mr.Gojo, I am sorry. But we need to find a match soon... When you all find a match, please come get me or the doctor so we can arrange the blood transfusion as soon as possible.”
With that the nurse left the 3 adults in the suffocating room. The tension in the room was unbearable and with Satoru still standing in the same position for the past 3 minutes the other 2 adults were starting to squirm in their seats. Suguru foot was tapping the moment the nurse told Satoru the news and it was at that moment Suguru realized he had enough, he couldn’t do this anymore so knowing the next few words that would come out his mouth would ruin the friendship him and Satoru shared he knows he couldn’t keep living in this lie. So, he stood up and faced Satoru who only looked at him with teary eyes and opened his mouth to say “It’s me. I’m the father of your child.”
It all happened to quick for Suguru to react because next thing he knew he was on the ground after getting punched in the face by Satoru. Security was called after many of the nurses tried to get Satoru to let Suguru out of a chokehold and soon after the white-haired man whose strands were painted red with blood had to be escorted off the premises. As he was being escorted out the room by police Utahime was clinging on to his arm rambling her sorries to him.
Her crocodile tears were making his ears ring and at that moment for the first time he truly felt regret, he couldn’t believe he was living in a lie for 5 years. He yanked his arm from her grasp and looked down at her with a look that made her stop her ramblings, “I don’t want to hear shit from you anymore, we’re done! I wasted 5 years! 5 years! That’s not even my kid in there! If you can lie to me about that, what else were you lying about?!” Before she could answer the police nudged him to continue walking out the hospital doors leaving the tear faced woman alone watching his silhouette grow smaller in the distance.
(Y/n)’s Apartment 11:20pm
You were glad you finally had a night off and Aimi was fast asleep on the floor with her blanket wrapped around her. Her white hair (that unfortunately she took after her father) was sprawled out in a tangled mess from all the playing she did at Yuji’s 6th birthday party earlier. You groaned because you could’ve sworn you dropped her off with a nice ponytail and was mortified when you came to pick her up and watched her running out the house with a bird nest on top of her head.
‘It’s going to be a pain to brush her hair tomorrow’ you thought to yourself. ‘She’s still adorable though… even with that bird nest on her head.’ You giggled to yourself before turning your attention back on your show taking a few sips of your wine. You hate to admit it but ever since you gave birth to Aimi you’ve been drinking a lot more and now it became a habit, a routine. If you didn’t have at least 1 glass of wine before going to bed you were going to get a little cranky.
Your parents mentioned going to counseling because they were convinced you were depressed…. which they’re right of course but you felt like talking about the hurt you went through with your divorce and the 2nd half of your pregnancy wasn’t going to change anything. You just wanted to stop feeling hurt, but you wouldn’t even say you’re still hurt…... oh, who are you kidding, you’re still hurt but it’s more on the numb side. You don’t feel your heart leaking but it’s leaking.
Having to take care of a spitting image of him doesn’t help either and don’t even get you started on how Satoru’s instagram was filled with the birth of him and Utahime’s child but none of yours…. he didn’t even show up to the labor. He came the day after and in the words of Satoru “I guess that counts for something right?” You started feeling irritated again thinking about that while you take another sip or four of your wine. You weren’t even paying attention to your show at the moment. Just thinking how lousy of a baby father he is. He barely even sees his daughter, the agreement between you both was you have her on the weekdays, and he would have her on the weekends. Before she could even turn 1 the agreement of him having her on the weekends turned into every other weekend which now turned into once a month or whenever he can “make time”. ‘That lousy son of a-’
*ring**ring* *ring* your phone going off interrupted your thoughts and your face immediately sours after reading the name. Now what business do he have calling this late at night? “What is it Satoru?” You asked answering the phone. You were met with silence and white noise. You were starting to get impatient and almost hung up until he sighed and spoke in a low voice. “Sorry to call so late.. I-I was wondering if I can come over tomorrow night to see you and Aimi… I-I want to discuss some things… there’s some things I need to apologize to you for. To apologize to both of you.” It was now your turn to be silent. He wanted to apologize? ‘Aren’t you about five years too late?’ Is what you really wanted to say and end the call right then and there but at the same time it’s been about 4 months since Aimi got to see her dad and she has been asking about her “Toru-ru” (a nickname she came up with since she learned to talk) you sighed and internally rolled your eyes before saying “okay, come over around 7pm.” You hung up tossing your phone beside you and eyed the wine that you still had in your glass…. After 5 years now he wants to apologize. You gulped down the rest of the wine feeling it warm your belly. ‘I guess that counts for something right?’
Saturday. March 21st, 2023, 6:52pm
“Mommy! Are we really going to see Toru-ru?” Your daughter was excited, her blue eyes were gleaming as she swayed in her seat. You never thought to correct your daughter into saying daddy instead of the nickname she came up with because in your eyes he was never really a good father to her anyways. “Yep. He’ll be over here in a few minutes, and we’ll spend some time with him, he wants to see his little princess.” You gave her a kiss on the forehead and finished adding the final touches to dinner.
You made creamy shrimp pasta with sun-dried tomatoes since pasta was Aimi’s favorite meal to eat. She loves pasta so much you always tease her that she’s going to turn into one which she would reply “That would be the best thing to ever happen!” You turned the stove off and started to wonder to yourself if you were really cooking this for Aimi or for yourself. Well…. you’re really doing this for yourself. You hate to feel this way but you long for the look in your daughter eyes when the 3 of you are all together spending time even though it doesn’t happen that often. You can’t help but to feed your crazy delusions in having that family moment of just you 3 eating dinner together because you felt like you were robbed of it. Of everything. And it hurts you that you couldn’t provide Aimi with that stable family environment like her friends. She may not mention it, but you know deep down it affects her.
The doorbell to your apartment broke your thoughts and before you could react your daughter is already opening the door yelling “Toru-ru!” Holding her hands out for the blue-eyed devil to pick her up. He chuckled and tried to match her enthusiasm as he picked her up giving her kisses all over her face “Hey my princess, now why are you answering the door?? What if I was a stranger? That’s not safe” He gave her more kisses to her face making her giggle “But you’re not a stranger to me dad” She gave him a toothy grin. ‘Bullshit. He damn near is’ you thought to yourself before setting up the dinner table.
Satoru walked into the kitchen looking at you and taking the sight of you in. It’s been about 4 months since y’all seen each other and he can’t help but to feel a little awkward, not knowing what else to say he put Aimi back on the ground before walking closer to you making you look up at him. He smiled at you, and you noticed his eyes were a little puffy. ‘Was he crying?’
“Hey (y/n) thank you for allowing me to come over and spend time with you and Aimi” he took a seat at the table and you placed a plate in front of him, “I mean you are her dad, you’re supposed to spend time with her right?” You couldn’t help but to let the attitude show through your voice and you scolded yourself because you didn’t want Aimi to catch on, it wouldn’t be healthy for her to know you absolutely hated her dad’s guts. Aimi took the other chair and scooted it closer to her dad so she can soak up as much quality time with him as she can. “Toru-ru! You wouldn’t believe what happened at Yuji’s birthday party yesterday!” She started rambling to her dad and as you were placing the food on their plates you were started to relish this time
With Aimi catching up with her dad you glanced at Satoru who was giving his daughter all his devoted attention laughing when she would say something ridiculous. You started to feel your heart leak again. You took your seat at the table near them after you filled your plate with food telling them they can eat. “And one time mommy had a friend over, and he was helping make spaghetti, but they spilled ALL the sauce on the floor, and they fell! It was so funny!” At that Satoru head perked up from his plate and he glanced at you “Mommy has a friend?”
The question was geared more towards you, and you couldn’t help but to feel irritated of that accusing tone. “Yes, I had a friend over last week and his name is Toji. He came over with his son for a play date.” Satoru only looked at you as his ears perked up at the name and couldn’t help but to feel jealous. Throughout the whole 5 years he knew you were single so hearing you have a new ‘friend’ and it’s a guy that also has a kid was kind of eating at him as selfish as it sounds, he knows he has no place to say anything but Satoru being Satoru couldn’t help but to let his jealousy show. “So, you’re setting up my daughter on play dates with boys now?” You scoffed because you couldn’t believe the audacity this man has. “You’re daughter? Do you even have the right to say that?”
You both were glaring at each other and Aimi wasn’t a dumb child she started to have a feeling this family time wasn’t going to go well so she sneaked out carrying her plate to the living room with her iPad trying to hold in her tears. You noticed the change in your daughter demeanor which made you even angrier at the man glaring at you. “Do you see what you are doing? She wants to spend time with you and you’re just letting yourself absorbed feelings get in the way of that!” It was now his turn to scoff
“me? You’re the one who just denounced my fatherhood in front of our child!” You rubbed your forehead already getting tired. You’ve been so tired for so long and the emotions your heart was leaking was starting to get a bit too much for you to handle. You got up grabbing your plate “you know what, you’re right I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that in front of her. I’m going to go upstairs you can still spend time with her.” You put the scraps of food in the trash and the plate in the sink and began to head out the kitchen until Satoru grabbed your hand softly turning you to face him. You looked up at him trying to hold back tears. He looked at you with so much emotion and he bit his bottom lip to keep him for crying for the 10th time today.
“What is it Satoru?” You softly asked as you glanced away. You were suddenly taken aback when he embraced you into a hug. You felt him place his hand on the back of your head while his other arm was wrapped around your torso. He held you so close to him that you could hear his heartbeat and you swore you could hear his heart leaking like yours. “I’m so sorry (y/n), for everything, for cheating on you to abandoning you when you were pregnant, God, for not being there for Aimi,” he started sobbing on your shoulder and a part of you wanted to console him, but your arms just laid to your side. “Satoru please let me go so we can sit down and talk.” he didn’t want to let you go but he listened and sat down at the same table where he left you 5 years ago. It felt like déjà vu for him and if he could rewind time to stop himself from betraying you, he would. At this moment he would give up his kidney to be able to go back in time. He couldn’t help but to feel like this was his Karma and he never felt so wrong in his entire life.
“Why now? Why after 5 years?” You broke his train of thought as you stared at him from across the table with a stoic expression and arms crossed. “I –“ He began to answer but you cut him off, “why didn’t you show up when I was in labor? Why didn’t you keep your promise to see your little princess every weekend? How could you cheat on me while I was pregnant? While you were living with Utahime in her big house playing daddy I was here working overtime as a single mother…. And I still am, we would’ve got evicted out of this apartment if it wasn’t for Toji who paid our rent 3 months in advance to give me breathing room. God! I’ve only known him for half a year and he’s already been more of a father to Aimi than you ever been for the whole 5 years she’s been on this earth. He’s spent more time with her than you ever did, and I’m not even dating the guy, he does it because he wants to!” You sighed rubbing your face with your hands feeling the tingling sensation of your eyes water,
“I just felt so abandoned and alone Satoru. The trauma from the pregnancy to the birth to now is just too overwhelming for a simple Im sorry. I honestly don’t even want to hear it because it’s not going to change anything that I went through. It’s not going to change the hurt Aimi would feel when she can’t spend time with her dad cause she doesn’t ‘fit in his schedule’…. So why now after all of that are you here to apologize?”
You were breathing a little heavy after your rant and you still sat across from him waiting for his response. It was like your words knocked the wind out of him. He was so riddled with guilt and regret that he couldn’t keep his eyesight from blurring due to the tears. “I wasn’t a man… I’m not going to make excuses for my actions because there are none…. I found out yesterday that Ren isn’t my son. Suguru is the father and at that moment I felt so betrayed by both of them that I thought about you and how I betrayed you. I’m sorry that it took all this time for me to see that…. I... came here to apologize to you and I want to do better for our daughter. I wasted five years raising a son that wasn’t mine when I neglected my own daughter. I know what we had is over and what I did to you is unredeemable but,”
Satoru got up from the chair and walked in front of you and started to get on his knees keeping eye contact with you before bowing to the ground with his head touching the floor. “Please let me redeem myself to our daughter, please let me show you both that I will be a better father for her, please.” He was still bowing on the ground, and you couldn’t help but to feel a little pity for him…. But at the same time, you felt like why should you give grace to the man that was literally the cause of your depression until you remembered the sight of your daughter when Satoru came and how happy she was. You may not be as forgiving but a child seems to always forgive their parent for their shortcomings. You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed before giving in. “Okay... let’s start with you having her on the weekends.”
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powderpinkandsweeet · 14 hours
Abby x Reader
Some sfw hurt comfort since I was craving it. Unoriginal but we ball. Abby keeps getting held up at work, missing date nights and coming home at all hours of the night, and you’re getting sick of it.
The waitress had refilled your glass three times now, and the wine stopped burning on the way down by now. Abby was late. Over an hour late, but it felt like so much longer. Each minute going by slower than the last, especially with the repeated visits from your over-attentive waitress. 'Abby oughta learn something about attentiveness from her' you joked to yourself bitterly.
You tap your phone screen to check the time once again. Opening it, you see no notifications from Abby and your long string of worried texts.
5:25PM - Hey! I got us a table :) see you soon <3
5:37PM - Are you on your way yet? I can order you a drink
6:00PM - Everything okay?
6:10PM - Abbyyyy
6:11PM - Abby
6:35PM - Abigail.
6:45PM - Abigail Anderson.
You decided it was the last straw, and prodded her once more.
7:00PM - I'm so done. If you're not here in the next ten minutes I'm going home.
You practically threw your phone at the table, and crossed your arms to wait out the next ten minutes, just you and your fourth glass of wine. Ten minutes later, your glass is empty and you're flagging down the waitress for the check. You pretended not to notice the pitying look she gave you.
7:04 - I'm venmo requesting you for my drinks
You called an uber and steeped in your anger all the way home. Wine-drunk and pissed off, you kicked off your shoes and fell into bed, still dressed up with nowhere to go. Your phone buzzed, and you were on it immediately.
Abby, 7:30PM - Held up at work for a bit, check in just a sec
"Oh you've got to be kidding me," you blurt out loud, "you didn't even read them, did you?" you called to the empty room.
You, 7:31PM - cool, have so much fun
Abby, 7:40PM - ???
Abby, 7:52PM - We were getting drinks tonight?? Where at? I can still meet you there if you give me just a bit.
You: 7:53PM - Dinner, not drinks. Made a reservation 3 weeks ago and sent you the invite. It's on the calendar on the fridge."
You: 7:54PM - And don't bother, I'm already home.
Your message was read instantly, but you couldn't see the three dots so you knew Abby wasn't typing.
'You fucked up. Fucked up real bad this time' Abby thought to herself as she grabbed a bouquet of grocery store flowers and a tub of ice cream from the passenger seat of her car. She took deep breaths as she climbed the steps to your shared home. After the door locked behind her and she'd toed off her shoes, Abby checked her phone for the time, '8:48PM.' "Fuck..." she whispered under her breath. Hours late for your date, and it took her far too long to get out of the office, pick up the flowers and ice cream, bear through Seattle traffic, and make it home to you.
The lights were out and the house was silent as she made her way to your bedroom. She saw you through the partially opened door, flopped face down in the bed, wearing a dress and stockings that were far too formal for bedtime. Maybe it was a little too late for flowers and ice cream. Abby pushed the door open, and it gave her away as the hinges creaked.
You stirred, tiredly lifting your head to turn and glare at Abby. She had to hold in a wince at the two tracks of mascara down your cheeks. You didn't seem excited to see her, rewarding her presence only with a "hmph" and dropping your head back onto the bed. Muffled, she could barely make out your complaint of "bout time you showed up." She held in a chuckle at your stubbornness, knowing it would only get her in more trouble. It didn’t help that you were so cute when you’re angry.
Abby sighed and started to peel her blazer from her broad shoulders, "I know I'm late, I didn't mean to let this happen. You know I hate disappointing you, honey."
You sat up quickly, "oh don't you honey me, Abigail."
"Mhm, so we're using government names now?"
"Yep," you quickly replied.
Abby called out for you with a pleading tone, "Listen, I'm sorry. I got wrapped up at work and-"
"They needed you, yes, I know," you looked her straight in the eyes, "we've been here before, Abby, but it never changes. No matter how many times you say sorry, it's not worth much unless you actually change the action you keep being sorry for."
"Baby, you know I never want to disappoint you."
You sat upright and threw your hands in the air, “then stop doing it! Yeah okay your job needs you, but I need you too. I don't think it's selfish of me to want one night alone with the woman who claims she loves me.”
Abby stepped closer to you and pointed an accusing finger in your direction. “Don’t. Don’t say that, you know I love you more than anything.”
"Then act like it!" you sob, "because sometimes it feels like you love your job more. Because this isn't the first time, Abby, and it obviously won't be the last." You had realized right when you said them that your words were too harsh, and choked on your next breath.
Abby was hurt but overcome with shame at the realization that she’d been hurting you consistently. For you to feel second to her hit her like a ton of bricks. Abby sat beside you on the bed, leaning forward with her head in her hands. After a heavy sigh, she looked up to meet your eyes, "how long did you wait at the restaurant for?"
You chuckled humorlessly, "psh... nearly an hour and a half."
"I see... well you look really pretty if that's worth anything."
"Ha! You should have seen me two hours ago when my mascara wasn't on my chin."
Abby smiled. Even though it was sarcastic, you still kept your humor, and that was a good sign. "Well, I think the mascara tracks bring the whole look together."
You chuckled again, "you really think so?"
She smiled wider, dimples showing on her cheeks. "You look gorgeous, sweetie. Now come on, up up, gotta get you ready for bed." Abby gave your wrist a gentle tug, but you groaned and remained firmly in place. Your many glasses of wine must have caught up to you. Sliding her arms under your limp frame, Abby lifted you from the bed and carried you to the en suite bathroom.
You sat on toilet lid as she ran a hot bubble bath. While the tub filled, Abby grabbed makeup wipes from your drawer and set to cleaning you up. She held your chin gently with one hand and wiped the smeared makeup from your eyes and cheeks. You had relaxed into her touch and let your eyes slip closed while she wiped them, being drawn from your reverie by a kiss on the nose. "There, all clean. Lets get you in the bath now."
After you had submerged your aching muscles in the water, you looked up at Abby expectantly. "Need anything else, princess?"
"I need you to come sit in the bath with me."
Abby couldn't stifle a laugh, making out through chuckles, "baby, I'd hardly fit in there, plus there's too much water in it right now. It'll overflow if I try to get in there with you."
You pouted and looked away at her refusal. After a moment, you pulled the plug from the bottom of the tub to lower the water. Abby smiled, thinking she must have earned back your favor if you were being this stubborn for her company. She couldn't resist when you looked up at her and plead "I just wanna be close to you." Abby's heart thumped in her chest at you admission, so she undressed.
She was right that the bath would overflow, even after you had drained a few inches of water. But it didn't matter when you were snug between Abby's spread legs, back pressed to her front and your head resting against her shoulder. Her fingers scratched at your scalp and played with her hair as she hummed. You melted into her gentle touch, content. All you had wanted was her time, and her presence.
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
She’s My Mother - Mapi Leon
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Italics = Spanish
Mapi Leon/Maria Pilar Leon Cebrian = Ma
Mapi’s Adopted Daughter OC = Avery Cole Leon Cebrian
Today Avery was supposed to go out with Mapi for dinner but once again Mapi had text to say that she was with some of her teammates and that there was money on the counter in the kitchen for takeaway.
Avery sighs before opening uber eats on her phone and ordering a pizza with fries and a coca cola. She sits on a stool in the kitchen waiting for her food to arrive as she scrolls through tiktok.
The one thing that Avery hated was when Mapi would promise to do something with her and cancel at the last minute. She understood that she was busy doing interviews, training and playing matches but she never saw her Mama anymore and she was starting to miss her.
From Avery to Ma <3
When will you be home?
Read 8:45pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Read 9:00pm
From Ma <3 to Avery
There’s money for takeaway on the counter in the kitchen xxx
Read 9:27pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Whatever…be safe. I’ll be asleep when you get back, so be quiet plz?
Read 9:30pm
From Ma <3 to Avery 
Sorry. I’ll be home in an hour. I love you cariño xxx
Read 9:32pm
From Avery to Ma <3
Love you too Ma xxx
Read 9:35pm
Avery looks at the text messages in disappointment with her head in her hands and rubs away a tear that fell down her cheek. She didn’t want to seem too clingy because she knew that Mapi could send her back whenever she wanted to, which scared her a little.
This home was amazing from some of the others she had been in and not seeing Mapi as often as she wanted…she could deal with that. Just then the doorbell rang and Avery ran to get her pizza.
After paying the delivery guy she sat down on the sofa and turned on Warrior Nun, it was one of her favourite shows at the moment. I mean why wouldn’t it be? It's an amazing show and there are a lot of gorgeous girls in it as well which is a plus.
Avery finished the pizza and fries quite quickly before she headed to bed, she did not want to be awake when Mapi got home because she knew that they would have to talk and she just did not feel like it. 
Falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow at 10:30pm wasn’t something that ever really happened, usually Avery would stay up till 2am playing video games on her pc but for some reason she was very tired.
Avery woke up to her Ma shouting for her to come downstairs into the kitchen because she had made chocolate chip pancakes. Which made her groan in frustration, it was too early to be awake and functioning. 
Since Mapi didn’t get an answer she walked upstairs into Avery’s bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. “Cariño…come on. It’s 10am, you need to get up now.” Mapi says as Avery huffs and turns saw which makes Mapi sigh before sliding under the quilt with her and pulling Avery into her, cuddling her.
“What’s wrong?” Mapi softly says to Avery but she just pushes Mapi away from her and faces the opposite way. “I’ll get up now, just go away.” Avery angrily says not wanting to have to explain why she was angry and upset with her mother.
“Alright. I love you cariño.” Mapi says but Avery just completely ignores her while playing on her phone which causes Mapi to sigh sadly and walk off into the kitchen.
After a while Avery gets up to get dressed in a comfortable tracksuit and walks into the kitchen, grabs a few pancakes on a plate and goes to sit down in the living room to watch some tv as she eats.
“I have to head to training now. I’ll be back around 4:30pm okay? I’ll leave some money on the counter for you to get some lunch and I’ll bring us some dinner on my way home. Bye!” Mapi says giving you a quick hug before grabbing her training bag and running out of the house.
Avery sighs, yet another day she would be spending with her mother. She just decided that she was going to play video games until she gets back and leave her chores just to piss Mapi off a little bit when she gets home.
As usual Mapi was late and she had texted Avery earlier to say that some of her teammates were joining them for movie night which really annoyed her because movie night had always been their thing but apparently not anymore.
At 5:30pm Mapi, Alexia, Lucy, Ingrid, Keira, Jana, Aitana and Claudia came through the front door loudly while laughing as well causing Avery to groan. “Yo cariño! I’m home, I've got sushi and people.” Mapi shouted up to her and she slowly got up, walked downstairs and gave Mapi a hug.
“Oh, have you finally got out of your mood?” Mapi jokes causing the girls who heard to laugh as Mapi hugged her daughter tightly and kissed her head. Avery rolled her eyes, ignoring her mother before taking the bag of food out of Mapi’s hand and walking into the kitchen to put some on a plate.
“Don’t ignore me, Avery!” Mapi raises her voice slightly as she follows you into the kitchen and gives you ‘the look’. 
“Are you joking? You’ve ignored me for the past fucking 3 months! Everytime we plan something you just don’t turn up or cancel at the last minute because you are with your teammates. If you didn’t want to be around me then why would you adopt me! You obviously hate me! Tonight was supposed to be our night Ma!” Avery shouts at Mapi who just stands there shocked which causes Avery to just storm off to her room and start packing a backpack.
Alexia pops her head into the kitchen to talk to Mapi. “We are gonna go. You obviously need some alone time with Avery.” Alexia says before ushering the rest of the barca girls out of the house.
Mapi waits for about 30 minutes just to let Avery cool off before she knocks on the bedroom door, then enters and sees Avery curled up on the bed with tears streaming down her face.
Walking over to her daughter, she sits down on the bed next to her before wrapping Avery in a huge hug. “I’m sorry I made you that way bubs. Look, tomorrow I’m going to phone Jona and ask for a month off. We will spend everyday doing whatever you want okay? I promise.” Mapi promises Avery and rubs her back comfortingly as she nods into Mapi’s stomach where her head was laying. 
“Can we cuddle Ma?” Avery mutters but Mapi is just able to work out what she said and lays down so Avery can cuddle into her a bit more comfortably.  
“I missed you.” Avery says slurs sleepily as she drifts off into a peaceful dream filled sleep.
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Taglist:   @sofakingwoso @dutch-gay86 @gt713 @mmmmokdok @xxforeverinadayxx
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remembertheplunge · 6 months
Anti Gay Marriage Prop 22 overturned
May 15, 2008 Thursday. 3:16 pm
Jim puts a room Air Conditioner in our den fireplace for our first hot day. 85 degrees on his hand held thermometer, the talking one.
Bob, a friend, called to congratulate us: The California Supreme Court over turned Proposition 22 for the moment. I million signed a petition to amend the state constitution to out law the out. Laws.
Tom, a  friend (calling to congratulate us re: over turning off Prop 22): “You too persons have a great evening”. Gay marriage hits Modesto. A tsunami!
The cool in the den is delightful from the fireplace AC.
California is the second state to legalize gay marriage. Gavin Newsom, San Fransisco “It’s about human dignity, It's about civil rights, it's about time."
Massachusetts was the first state to legalize it.
End of this part of the entry
Prop 22 was a law enacted by California voters in March 2000 stating that marriage was between one man and one woman. Prop 22 was overturned by the California Supreme Court on may 15, 2008, In November 2008, Prop 8 was passed by the California voters again banning gay marriage in California. Prop 8 was later ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court and Gay Marriage resumed on June 28, 2013.
Jim was my gay partner at the time. We owned a house together. We spent a lot of time in the den. It wasn’t insulated  and got hot quickly  in the late spring and summer months. Thus, the need for the air conditioner in the fireplace, which was elevated off the ground about 4 feet.
Bob  and Tom were straight friends of ours who were gay friendly and aware that the overturning of Prop 22 was a huge event in our lives.  
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lover-girl-estxx · 1 year
Nate Diaz x reader (N31 R25)
Fluff + Angst | asked . Not my gif
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'I can not believe hes with her' 'he could do so much better' 'bro she's mid' 'who even is she?' 'he'll get sick her soon trust' 'out of all the girls really @ natediaz209 ??' ' how old is she?'
I read comment after comment on the video of me at Nate's last fight, I took a drag from my joint. why would he want to be with me? I mean if you think about Nate is Nate, hes a Diaz one of the GOATs of the UFC and me? a 'author' with one book no one knew about who worked as a sever most my life. I sighed powering off my phone throwing it to the side. I turned on the TV turning the office on after already watching the damn show 100 times. I woke up the next morning reaching over for my book at the moment starting and finishing it.
| Nate's POV |
N: goodnight Love you! 11:09pm nothing N:morning baby! 7:54am nothing N:i'm gonna be training most of the day lmk what you doing later. 8:23am nothing N: you okay? 10:39am nothing * Call* 1:32pm nothing N: if you don't want me to text you I wont, just lmk but you're worrying me 1:35pm nothing
She always replies fast that why I though it was weird, "she's still not texting back" I told Nick "she must just need space" he said shrugging "no she would've told me" "just leave her be for a bit" Nate didn't like the way that sat but nodded.
*call* 8:48pm nothing N: please just tell me your okay, love you 9:00pm nothing
The next morning no text so I texted Nick that i'm not coming in for training. I got in the car driving to her house, I open the front door with my key. No light's on just sound from her room TV "Baby!" I said loudly, I opened her door she looked over blanket around her "you're okay thank god" I said "nate what are you doing here?" "I came to check on you, i've been trying to text you for three days" I picked up her phone from the floor "sorry" she said softly "whats going on?" I sat next to her "nothing" "Y/n" "did you read the comments on UFCs video of us?" "no I don't really read that shit why?" "thats why i'm upset okay" "don't read that shit " she shrugged "have you left this room?" she shook her head "you want to go on a date" "i'm not- I don't know" I nod "nothing crazy baby" I kiss her forehead "i'm gonna shower then" "okay" I smile as she got up going into her bathroom.
I cleaned up her room while she showered, then the shower stopped. I opened the bathroom door and took the brush out of her hands, she had her towel around her as she turned in my arms wrapping her arm around my waist while I brushed her hair. "i love you" I kissed her head "love you too". She threw on a pair of shorts and a zip up hoodie, "thanks" she said as I opened her door I smiled and nodded "you hungry baby?" I asked "very" she smirked. We got food then drove to the beach parking to see the view "i'm sorry for not texting you back" she said taking a sip of her milkshake "it's okay baby" "no it's not really i'm sorry" "hey... don't worry about it" I grabbed her hand kissing the top she smiled then she leaned over and pecked my lips "love you champ" she said I laughed "love you mamas".
a/n: sorry it's short.
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gothicmoisturee · 2 years
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I Tried but He Found Me
Mikey x Reader
Chapter 2
March 3rd,2017 7:48pm
“You’re really early Kazu-“ I stood in the doorway shocked. I felt as if I was paralyzed I couldn’t tell if I was happy,mad,frightened, or confused by all this. He shouldn’t be here at all. He said he cut ties with all of us long ago. Why is he back? I don’t understand him and never will. Why is Manjiro Sano here?
Mikey’s POV
“Nice seeing you too Y/N” I give her a small smile before letting myself in their home.``Seems nothing really has changed,I hope you haven’t changed either.” Watching her stand there like a deer in headlights is amusing and pretty laughable though. “Say Y/N, can we play like we used to?” I ask cheerfully And smile at her waiting for a response. She nods slowly and I grab her wrist tightly “Let’s play hide and seek you hide.” I drop my smile immediately.``And we try to find you until 8:00 , try to not get caught, if you do get caught though, who knows what will happen to you .” In a blink of an eye she took off running out the house. I stood and watched chuckling. I pull out my phone calling Sanzu, hearing him pick it up.” Start the chase, make sure she won’t make it to her “date” , don't want my pet running off after all these years, do as you must just get them!” “Yes Boss, me and the Haitani’s are on it. Anything else you want us to do?”
I chuckle a little” Yeah, make sure “Lover Boy” doesn’t go looking for them, let alone try to find my precious Y/N.” I end the phone call and start walking around Y/N’s house taking some of her things here and there.
Flashback Mikey’s POV
I woke up drenched in sweat,it was another nightmare again. I slowly get out of bed looking around the room, everytime feels so hazy and I feel like I could fall. Stumbling my way to the bathroom I start the shower turning the water on cold and heading back over to the mirror. I noticed that the longer I Stare at my face the more I notice how much I dislike the person I’ve become. Ever since Bonten started every single night was between hanging out in strip clubs, taking or dealing drugs, and by the end of the night Gambling with a random guy his life and most likely they lost and we killed them and took his money. By the time I get back home I get lonely and think about the old Toman days. Everything was so fun then, I miss everyone but I know I can’t be around let alone near them. I have a problem and I realized it early on, I can’t be fixed,,,,Well there is one person, she can’t really fix me but I would say she’s more of an aid to me.
“I can’t wait to see you again…….Y/N.”
I call up Sanzu as always he answers immediately, “Sanzu I need you to track down an old friend of mine you know her well.” “ Huh? Who specifically are we talking about?” he said, sounding so confused, most likely because last night we tried a new supply from the cartel.” Hunt down and find Y/N! And don’t take too long doing so knowing her she's doing a lot these days but is private about her personal life, also find out what she’s doing tonight I want to see her again myself” I ended the call and took off my clothes hopping in the shower. Taking really cold showers everyday helps me wake up more since everyone can tell I'm always tired.
March 3rd,2017 5:35pm
I was doing paper work trying to sign off on a property to make another club when I got a call from Sanzu, I answer the phone in a tired tone”I reckon you found her already?””Yeah, but there’s a problem. I know your relationship with her and you aren’t gonna like this when I tell you” confused I stated”What’s the bad news? It better not be something that isn’t that big ….” Sanzu went silent for awhile then in a low tone said” When I stalked her today she was headed to the Petshop Chifuyu Matsuno and Kazutora Hanemiya own, I overheard them talking when I snuck in that she’s going on a date with Kazutora and that she chose him over you.” shocked I dropped the phone immediately I didn’t know how to feel. I went from shocked to angry.
“She can’t forget me”
“She can’t leave me “
“We never really officially broke up. I still own her….”
“I own her still so she’s kind of cheating yeah that’s it”
I kept telling myself those things till I finally picked the phone back up addressing Sanzu.”Give me the time of the date and her address, we are gonna pay (N/N) a little friendly visit.You know how much I can’t stand cheaters.” “Yes Boss” Sanzu said before hanging up and texting me the details.
“She’s gonna wish she never left me for him.”
I was running all throughout Tokyo trying to get somewhere or to someone's house I knew was safe. A black car was chasing me everywhere I went,every corner I turned , every ally , the car was there that jackass probably sent his men to spy on me. I ran towards the pet-shop banging on the door the lights were still on Chifuyu couldn't have been locking up this early "Chifuyu!!!Open up it's Y/N!" . The more I banged and banged on the door I felt like I was loosing hope and he didn't hear me. I turn around seeing the black car again parking as two men get out the car. I know one guy was Sanzu and the other I barley recognize he had a mullet and Burgundy and Light Lilac hair with a blue suit . I took off and ran into the back alley of the pet-shop hearing them chase me from behind. I kept running looking back a few times to see how close they were,I looked back one last time before I bumped into someone he had black hair with white streaks ,a scar on his face near his eye ,and a cigarette in his hand blowing smoke . He looks at me then smiles saying" I think we found you , little Y/N"
Next thing I know I was grabbed by the arms of Sanzu and the purple haired guy, I kicked and screamed trying to get out of their grasp then next thing I know.
I blacked out.
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paperocksyringeii · 9 months
It’s exactly 6am, I am still bursting with anger because my husband told me “Anong ano jan” with a tone that ticked me off because for the love of peace and quiet in our household I CANNOT FIGURE OUT HIS PC. My brain is to squirmy to even come up with words when I wish to write something as bland as this blog. I feel like my efforts in life are always overlooked because it’s “what I am supposed to do” as a wife, a mom, a non working human in this household. A little back story might be helpful to understand my postpartum rage.
7am woke up to feed crying baby then fell asleep.
9am woke up again, chapped lips from dehydration, drank water and fed awakened baby from waking from the bed.
10:30am fixed the bed (half) with asleep baby, went downstairs to thaw the chicken and had a peaceful 30mins choking on my cheerios and figuring out if there is a faster way of finishing it because I know I am unconsciously timed by my husband if I am taking too long downstairs bc he is working upstairs.
11:30am finished cooking, cleaned kitchen, living room and I went up. Fixed the baby’s bath tub and clothes, and while the husband bathes the baby, I clean the room, I sweep, I tidy, I fix. Then he calls for me to pat the baby dry and groom.
12:30 husband goes for lunch, I stay with the baby to feed and his 1st afternoon nap. I get my peace too for 30mins until he “does” things “quietly” for him and wakes up the baby. It’s 1:30pm, and I have a dental appointment with an empty tummy and reek of sweat and breastmilk.
1:35pm I power shower/ clean myself as I fell exhaustion reach my eyes and I feel a tad bit warm on the eyes. I refuse to cry, this is everyday, I can’t be too surprised, nor disappointed.
2:15pm reached dentist and the procedure goes. I wish he didn’t have to ask questions so I could have my quiet time.
4:30pm I went for a quick Mcdo fix, staring blankly into the students thinking “ang lalandi netong mga to ke babata” squeeing their delight in seeing a group of sweaty boys enter the premises. I can’t even eat in peace, the student next to me keeps shouting.
I booked a Joyride (not sponsored, charot) and asked the rider to kindly stop by any Dunkin Donuts kiosk, I added the fare, ofcourse. I was fast and sure of what to get and in less than 5 mins we were on our way to the house, the home? I don’t know.
My baby was wide awake when I got home, good, I said because my boobs were exploding. I fed the baby and he proceeded to working again - checking his phone again - to trading again - to playing switch again - and not finishing his work again due to the many stop overs to a finished contract.
I know he is making a living while trying to earn on the side (stock trading) but when your baby is almost 99.99% facing his cellphone and monitor, always having to catch the baby on his “improper” position while sleeping, ticks me a great deal specially when I keep reminding but never listened to. Paulit ulit ako na hindi dapat ganun position ng baby dahil baka makasanayan ng likod with his unsteady bone structure. ANG TIGAS NG ULO NG ASAWA KO.
It’s dinner time. I told him to fix his own plate, walang nadinig. I had to say “wow don na don ha, nag aabang na lang ng pagkaen nakaupo na” and prepred his food with a grin. The baby cried while we ate and I didn’t stop. My last meal were 30 pcs of cheerios at 10:35am and I am hungry. He was on his 2nd bowl tho.
He washed the plates, I go back to wipe the counter. Fix the dishes and arrange. Every. Single. Day.
We went up at 8:30pm after the news. I told him to clean and change the baby to his sleepwear while I cleaned the room again and prepare for sleep. Emails to Cafe Kai keeps coming about bazaars, rentals and opportunities, I reminded him to make an LOI and he nodded.
My back hurts, I feed the baby again, and this was about the start of our fight.
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atashaking · 10 months
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It’s 8:35pm, I’m ending my day waiting for dinner to be delivered that my sister ordered for the family. Today was a great day. I woke up at 7:30am. I departed the house at 8:44am. I drove to Walmart, picked up a few items. One of the items were a green 0g of sugar Vitamin Water. While sitting in Walmart parking lot I listened to RC Blake’s lesson on Dignity. Between God’s unwavering love, my will to heal, the support of my sister Angie & brother Johnny opening their home & hearts to me, & Listening to RC Blake’s teachings, all of this has been a great help on this well needed spiritual journey that I’ve been on. I posted on my IG story today after not posting since February. So, it’s been 10 months since my last story post. One new rule I have for myself to protect my self esteem & my relationship with others, is to not look at who watched my story. I can check to see who liked my story but I can’t check who looked at my story and really it’s best to not even look at who liked my story. My purpose for sharing anything on IG or any social media isn’t for likes it’s for expressing myself.
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laresearchette · 1 year
Thursday, October 12, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CRAVE TV DOOM PATROL (Season 4B - Episodes 1-2)
NHL HOCKEY (SN1) 7:00pm: Rangers vs. Sabres (SN1) 10:30pm: Knights vs. Sharks
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 7:00pm: Pistons vs. Thunder
DRAGONS' DEN (CBC) 8:00pm: A New Brunswick entrepreneur and her business partner try to smooth things over with their hair product; things get rocky for a West Coast couple and their paddle boards; a Montrealer's invention is music to the Dragons' ears.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 8:15pm: Broncos vs. Chiefs
CRIME SCENE KITCHEN (CBC) 9:00pm: Red, White and Clue
FIVE BEDROOMS (W Network) 9:00pm: Liz bears the brunt of Harry's anger and grief. In an effort to rescue their friendship, she throws herself at the mercy of the last person on earth she would ask for help.
AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: The Gold Devils race against the elements; Jacqui and Andrew push to new extremes; mechanical issues leave the Ferals divided.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm: Handwritten clues left by Leif's late father help the Mooka Boys hunt for an abandoned mine; the Blacklighters battle choking dust on their dry claim and the Tarantos make emergency repairs on their bulldozer.
CANADIAN REFLECTIONS (CBC) 11:30pm: I do(n't); The Tragic Fall of Valerie Mallory Finkerstein
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shesmyboot · 2 years
Hey boo, hope ur well and all. Just curious to know what a typical day in your working life looks like for the ask game you posted?
sweet dreams luv
So I just worked a full day at one of my jobs, so here’s a time-stamped day in my working life, enjoy :)
7:45am: wake up, stretch, scroll
8:15am: get dressed (semi professional)
8:25am: Brush teeth, skin care, makeup,
8:45am: work emails and texts to be dealt with before work
9am: breakfast
9:15am: finish packing bags (most was packed last night) and leave for work
9:30am: Arrive at work, open clinic, restock shelves and carts, emails, voicemails
10am: Insurance adjuster meeting for a patient
10:30am: emails, phone calls, greeting clients
12:40pm: grab charts from inactive patient cabinet for returning clients
12:50pm: make new patient charts
1pm: lunch break
1:30pm: phone calls, emails, greeting clients, paperwork
2:45pm: break (basically make a hot chocolate bc I needed to wake up and I don’t drink coffee lol)
3pm: charting client anecdotes, paperwork, phone calls, greeting clients
5:15pm: dinner break
5:45pm: prep for tomorrow, make to do list,
6pm: calls, emails, anecdotal reports from clients, paperwork, greeting clients
7:10pm: lock up and pack up
7:15pm: leaving work and walk home
7:35pm: eat a snack (I’m a hungry girl, what can I say 😂)
7:50pm: tidying, dishes, odd jobs around the house
9pm: tv time (currently watching grey’s anatomy if you’re curious)
10:30pm: pack lunch/dinner for tomorrow, set out work appropriate attire
11:15pm: bedtime (to do it all again tomorrow, because I work only this job again)
Total Hours Worked/Paid: 9.75
Total Hours Awake: 15.5
0 notes
remembertheplunge · 1 year
Never forgot. Never forgave. Never get over.
4:48pm. Jim sleeps.
5:58pm  Jim’s appointment tomorrow for a blood test is at 9am. Get there 15 minutes early
I just for the first time in years taped off all of the phone messages.
That tape is like the soul.
What’s, is.
10:04pm. Watching a TV show about death. “I’m tired. I can’t take another life time. If the heart weighed less than a feather…red feather in the computer room doorway tonight.
Not much democracy once you have died.  Your body returns to the earth or to the fire.
“When I grow up, I want to be an old woman. Kaiser.
Centurium silver for your prostate.
Who would advertise on a show about death?
Plastination: meant to last 10,000 years.
Tuesday. 11/3/2009
Jim’s back. Elderlys overflowed the blood bank. So, he will try again tomorrow.
Jim drove, twice.
Fed the Weegan’s.
Now, he’s in his chair. Exhausted.
10:35am. Jim is so ill
5:16pm. Jim Eazes into our common evening twighlite.”
6:22pm Jim has stopped eating and walking pretty much. As we walked to vote he said “I need to walk, I am deteriorating."
 On the TV, 2009 Maine Question 1: should the Maine law legalizing same sex marriage be repealed?
Cleeve Jones is interviewed. He was a friend of Harvey Milk. “People don’t really know us. Gay people are 2nd class citizens."
Obama is silent as to Question 1
8:08pm. Jim goes to bed. Man, he is really slammed.
On the TV, vote to close to call on Question 1 in Maine. Governor of Maine John Baldacci said it’s 50% Yes 50% No.
11/3/2009. 8:58pm. Jim is on the edge of himself.
So, in a way now our lives fall apart and come together.
11/4/2009. 3:16 am Wednesday.
Early morning is interesting, cool. Dark. Quiet. Peace. Full.
11/5/2009.  10:19pm
Just back from the neighbors. Jim watch. Dan W. Called.
Our house is wrecked up.
But, everybody 2day was strong.
10:35pm.  So, where do I sleep?
No calls (from the hospital) yet. 
I’m shocked.
Never forgot.
Never forgave.
Never get over.
End of this part of the entries from November 2-November 5, 2009.
My partner , Jim, was sinking into death from liver failure on November 2 through his actual death November 9, 2009. I was not aware, however, that he was dying.
In found him on the bedroom floor incoherent around 3am November 5, 2009. He was taken to the hospital. He never regained consciousness. He was returned home 2 days later where he died.
The voters in Maine voted to repeal the legalized gay marriage in Maine on November 4, 2009, another death of sorts. 
Jim’s descent into death and the Maine vote to repeal legalized gay marriage are now intertwined in my memory. Two major gay related tragedies happening at the same time.
Weegan’s was Jim’s nick name for his cats. We had another house about a mile from our house where the cats lived. We called it Hilton House. This would be Jim’s last time to visit Hilton House.
Jamie and Cameron were our neighbors.
Dan W. Was my brother.
Our house was wrecked up I guess from the fireman and ambulance crew that came to transport Jim 11/5/2009.  
I can’t remember why a red feather represented death to me. But it did. So, to find a ten inch  red feather in the computer room doorway just days before Jim died was, in retrospect, a powerful symbol.
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tinknevertalks · 2 years
Ok, so what am I gonna do with the hour or so I have before going to bed? Keeping in mind that Mark is away, and I have a bunch of things I would love to get around to. My list so far:
Trace dungaree dress pattern so I can have both the original and a smaller sized pattern (it's good for 3 year olds and 8 year olds - don't think I have enough fabric though)
Bite the bullet and print off 24+ sheets of paper to sellotape up a pattern for myself
Start a jigsaw
Write fanfic
Watch Stranger Things (only on ep four of S1 so shush)
Eat chocolate and veg out on the couch
And that's after I've loaded the dishwasher, which will need Tetris precision as I made Mac and cheese today.
Suggest something! Anything!
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
Posts Referencing Keira: 1 & 2
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Mathilde House, Ahtolia (8:35pm)
Mary (to the phone): I need to go. Inej is calling me. You take care, alright? Send my regards to Alfie too.
Catalina (on the phone): Mhm. Tell everyone there I said ‘hi’.
Mary: I will. Goodnight, dear.
Edward: Was that Lina? Is she okay?
Mary: Yes, she’s fine. She said hi to you.
Edward: Oh. That’s good to hear.
*phone rings*
Mary: Hello?
Inej (on the phone): I’m sorry for calling you this late, your majesty.
Mary: It’s alright. I assumed you have something to tell me.
Inej: Yes, ma’am. I received a tip from an informant in Old Burgundy yesterday. The informant told me that Miss Johnson had a visitor last month before she was released.
Mary: Miss Johnson?
Inej: Keira Johnson. She was involved in the Crown Prince’s kidnapping.
Mary: Oh, I remembered. She’s the one who returned Alfie to Darien, right?
Inej: Correct.
Mary: Has she not received visitors before?
Inej: No, ma’am. This was the first time she had a visitor since she was incarcerated.
Mary: Does our informant know where she’s gone to after she was released?
Inej: Unfortunately, no. The prison staff told me that she was picked up by someone and was never seen again.
Mary: Are there any records of her visitor? On paper or tape?
Inej: Yes. I’ve managed to get ahold of the CCTV footage of the person. I’ll send it to you in a moment.
Mary: Of course. Thank you, Inej. You did good.
Inej: It’s a pleasure, ma’am.
Mary: Get some rest. Let me know if you have more leads.
Inej: I will.
Edward: Mary—
Mary: Give me a moment, Edward.
Mary: Look at this.
Edward: What is that?
Mary: A CCTV footage. Do you recognize anything?
Edward: That’s my mother’s favorite gloves. I can see the letter “AB” on it.
Mary: Damn it. It is her.
Mary: I need to let Sofia know about this. Alfie and Lina might be in danger.
Edward: I agree. You need to call her now.
Mary: I will.
Mary (to the phone): Hello? Soph, I’m sorry for calling you this late. But it’s urgent—
Edward (in the background): *sighs* God, I need a drink.
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hwangyeonjun · 3 years
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smut [ s ] ; angst [ a ] ; fluff [ f ] ; suggestive [ sg ]
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reactions, etc (ot8)
their kinks (s)
their love languages (f)
their reaction when you call him bro (f?)
their reaction when you tell them you hate them during an argument (a)
mtl (ot8)
to be into spanking (sg)
to be possessive (sg/s)
to date a person who loves freedom (f?)
to have a marking kink (sg)
ass vs tits (sg)
to take someone’s virginity (s)
rough vs soft (s)
to hide their sensitive side (f/a)
to be overprotective (f)
to be shy around their crush (f)
nothing yet.
[8:15pm] (f)
kinktober day 19 - corruption kink (s)
winter falls (f)
summary: what’s worse than a heavy snowstorm when you’re on your way to your parents house on a christmas eve? your broken down car in the middle of nowhere and the only source of living around was a small cafe with a cute guy working there. maybe the day was not ruined after all.
[1:43am] (f,a) [7:17pm] (f)
kinktober day 09 - thigh riding (s)
“you’re gonna regret this later” (sg)
nothing yet.
[7:33pm] (a)
kinktober day 06 - hair pulling (s)
“hands behind your back” (s)
nothing yet.
[6:45pm] (sg)
kinktober day 05 - temperature play (s)
“you look so good with my hands around your neck” (sg)
deadly flowers (f)
summary: you loved working at the flower shop, especially when you had han jisung as your frequent customer who came to buy custom-made flowers from you every week, as you assumed, for his girlfriend. but later you found the same flowers in a place you least expected.
[1:37am] (f) [6:12pm] (f)
kinktober day 29 - hate sex (s)
“now everyone’s going to know you’re mine” (s)
nothing yet.
[9:18am] (f) [7:35pm] (f)
kinktober day 28 - shower sex (s)
nothing yet.
[12:18pm] (f)
kinktober day 25 - vanilla sex (s)
nothing yet.
[2:52pm] (f)
kinktober day 14 - hand kink (s)
february 8th (f)
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© HWANGYEONJUN, 2021- . All rights reserved. All original written works posted on this blog are protected under the international copyright law. I do not allow any reposts, translations or derivatives of my work, regardless of credited or not.
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