#at first i was like haha he has the bracelet thats pretty weird
youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
What a rather bittersweet chapter. Douman’s frustration with losing to Seimei and finally accomplishing what he couldn’t do. I suppose at first Douman saw Haruaki as Seimei but now sees him as his own person. Seimei sleeping with cat youkai reminds me of Haruaki in a way. Was Suzaku the one who killed Seimei or something?
this chapter gave me so many emotions its a knife to the heart every time principal or ranmaru says seimei
also, when ranmaru said "the principal owes you an explanation" to haruaki in ch90, in retrospect it wasnt because he's seimei, rather because he's his own person (punches walls bawling on the ground etc)
suzaku almost certainly wasnt the one to kill seimei, theres Probably more to the situation (you think this guy just gets murdered without having a say in it?? no way)
id also like to bring to everyones attention this panel
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thats all. rotate it in your head for a little bit
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 17
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
“Push me off the roof you coward!”
First< Previous > Next
“So do you want to be Batman or should I?” Marion brings out the two outfits identical in every way except size.
“It’s not actually dressing up,” Marinette scolds fixing her hair.
“Well then you single handedly ruined halloween,” Marion grins coming up behind her, “Everyone wears them for it,”
“Don’t exaggerate,” Marinette watches him warily in the mirror, prepared to defend if-when he makes a move to mess up her hair.
“So Batman or Robin?” Marion holds the outfits up, dangerous close to her head.
“I don’t care,” Marinette stands up, spinning around, using the chair as a shield.
“Coin flip then,” Marion drapes them over the chair, “Oooh foreshadowing!”
“Please tell me you're going to take this marginally seriously?” Marinette leans back on the dresser as he fishes for a coin.
“You’re starting to sound like our manager,” Marion flips the coin with extra flare, “Heads,”
“You should thank Kate for setting this up,” Marinette catches the coin before he can, “Tails,”
She takes the Robin outfit from the chair, ducking Marion as she passes.
“You know I don’t think Kate wants to see me,” Marion takes his outfit behind the opposite curtain, “She's pretty stressed something will go wrong,”
“In Gotham?” Marinette pokes her head out the curtain on the other side of the room.
“I know, crazy right,” Marion also peaks through the curtain, “Where would she get that idea?”
“Who knows?” Marinette cheekily grins before ducking back behind the curtain.
“If we get attacked again I think we might give aunt- I mean,” Marion pauses pulling on his grey turtleneck, “ugh, this is hard,”
“Mari, the outfits are designed for easy use,” Marinette teases, tone sounding half hearted even from this distance.
“What are you calling her in your head?” Marion pulls the turtle neck down all the way.
“Selina,” Marinette answers, as he shrugs on his hooded crop top over the turtleneck, split into two colours to make a vague bat-shape. “Although I just avoid saying it out loud,”
“Great minds think alike,” Marion pulls on his grey leggings, that Marinette had thankfully made into thermals.
“I’m the only great mind here,” Marinette teases, Marion lets out fake gasp as he pulls a pair of shorts over his leggings, “You just like to copy,”
“How dare you!” Marion pulls the curtains aside dramatically, Marinette doesn't even look up from where she's putting on bracelets, “Dishonour! Dishonour on you, Dishonour on your kwami! Dis-”
“Hey!” Tikki flies out of the backpack.
“Sorry Tikki,” Marion looks away from the fuming Kwami, trying to avoid her by pulling on his black and blue boots.
“It’s ok Tikki,” Marinette finishes putting green and gold bracelets up to her elbows, “He’s just trying to be funny,”
“And succeeding!” Marion corrects, smoothing a mask over his eyes.
“Ah-ha,” Marinette stands, black and yellow scarf flaring out at the back.
“You know I don’t think she agrees,” Marion stage whispers to Plagg from his bag.
“Ah-ha,” Plagg says in the same tone, as Marion is pulling on his black gloves.
“Traitors, all of you,”
“Hey look,” Marinette bumps his shoulder, nodding towards someone.
“It’s Jason,” Marion whispers back excitedly, moving to wave.
“MCD doesn't know him,” Marinette grabs his arm, “Let’s hope this isn’t as awkward as it was with Chloe,”
“I thought that was fun,”
“Of course you did,”
"Hi," Jason approaches nervously, completely different to how Marion's met him before, it's cute.
"Oh hello, stranger," Marion grins, ignoring the kick from Marinette, he'll be careful, it's fine he's got this, "Whats your name?"
"Jason," Oh my God he's blushing!
"Jasin," Marion repeats pretending to write on what he was handed.
"Um…." Jason looks like he's about to correct Marion, this will be perfect- "yep,"
Fuck fuck fuck i though he would correct me fuck, Marinette help!  Marinette rolls her eyes at his pleading look.
"Jason, CD," Pointing to the page without writing, "son,"
"Ohhhh Jason,” Marion says, as if he had come to some amazing realisation, Marinette looks like she wants to slap him, “haha, sorry, of course, I just didn’t hear you right, because I don’t know your name, why would I know your name? It's-"
Marinette rightfully cuts off his rambling with a swift kick, that both knew would never actually hurt him. At least Jason looks just as embarrassed as him, neither quite knowing how to start the conversation back up,"
"How about we take a picture?" Marinette says, their saving grace.
"Yeah, that would be great," Jason fumbles for his phone, Marion hopes his mask will cover his blush, as he remembers what Jason had said about him at dinner, the only reason he was blushing.
They take a nice picture together. Then one where Marion throws bunny ears behind MDC. She swats his hand away and he pushes her out of frame. The next picture is one of him and Jason with Marinette rising up, like a threatening blur in the background.
"Aw thats a nice picture" Marion looks over Jason shoulder, they were meant to be with the next person already but they were a design hopeful, babbling to MDC about her designs, "You should send it to me,"
"Of course," Jason seems flustered with his proximity, enough so that he didn't see Marion's trap.
"Great heres my number," Marion quickly writes it down on blank piece of paper, a picture seeming a bit too narcissistic at that point.
"Well you have to send it to me someway," Marion shrugs, conveniently ignori-forgetting that pictures were sent through his social media all the time.
"Right... right," Jason seems to be in a bit of a daze when Marion sends him off, standing next to Marinette as the fan leaves.
They watch Jason leave. Marinette starts giggling when he almost runs into a wall.
“Are you ok?" Marion asks, partly for the security guard who was waiting for their ok to send the next person up.
“You are such a dork,” She breaths through her upcoming laughter, “I think I need a minute,”
“Fine but if I get a hopeful fashion designer I’m telling them your new direction is crocs,” Marion huffs, not really insulted, but if he didn't act it she would only up the anti.
“Do it and your casket will be made out of crocs,” Marinette threatens ineffectively, walking to the backstage door.
“I kinda want to see that,”
“You’d be dead,” Marinette calls from the door.
“Minor issue,”
Marinette waves him off, which could have been an aborted swat. He watches as the crowd nearby begin whispering, some offering others to go first to stall for time. Marion plans to shove this in her face next time Marinette claims she isn’t popular. He’s about to take a camera out for evidence when one of the groups, fast tracked but the crowd, approaches.
Marion goes to do his more basic greetings when a gun is shoved in his face. The group made up of armed men surrounding him, one holding a camera.
“Smile for the camera,” The figure pulls his coat back, revealing the frankly disturbing face of the Joker.
“Oh it’s you,” Marion keeps a blank face, evidently confusing him, “Any chance two-face will show up?”
“.... No?” Marion fights to keep his composure as the crowd are threatened by the remaining thugs, pushing them to the ground.
“Pity, what a waste of good foreshadowing,” Marion shrugs casually, that camera is probably filming.
“What,” Marion supposes its a rare thing to see the Joker taken aback, but watching a group of armed men storm backstage distracts him from the sight.
“Nothing, I just made a brilliant joke earlier and you're sort of ruining it,” Marion makes exaggerated gestures, testing his limits, the guns follow him but don’t shoot. “Anyway are you here for an autograph or what?”
“I’m not-” He watches the Joker's face twist in gruesome realisation, “you’re trying to stall me,”
“Stall you from what?” Marion tries not to make his scan of the crowd obvious, “Please go in depth,”
“How about on the way up to the roof?” Chilling smile, but Marion is too used to fear to let it get to him.
“Oh goodie, I hear it has wonderful views,” Marion claps his hands, probably getting weird looks from the goons hiding behind masks, but who are they to judge?
He’s guided to the elevator. The Joker making the mistake of not tying his hands, or gagging him. He feels Kaalki and Plagg tense in his pocket.
“Huh, no elevator music,” Marion observes as the elevator starts to rise, “I just kind of expected it at this point,”
“You are strange,” Marion makes the mistake of glancing over, the Joker does not seem perturbed by that fact.
“You’re telling me that?” Marion tilts his head, “Actually that's quite the achievement,”
The Joker starts to go on about his plan, something about throwing MCD off the roof in front of the crowd for whatever reason, he’s not really listening. No, instead he’s made his own plan. There's no way Marinette was caught, not when she has no one to look after. She must be somewhere in the building, probably as Sparrow. It’s best if Sparrow and Songbird are seen near their other identities as little as possible, so he had to deal with the camera. If she saw the footage, which was probably being broadcast (a brilliant idea, really, no problems with that) she would intercept them. The best position would be on the elevator, but he had to buy time.
The cameras closest so he strikes, hitting it out of the goons hand, mid sentence. In the split second confusion he hits the number panel, lighting up all but a few.
“Huh, that was easy,” Marion says with genuine surprise.
“And here I thought you were being a good hostage,” Marion feels several guns press against him, but it’s only the pistol with the Joker at the end that worries him.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Marion smirks cockily, the threats turning more violent.
No, not threats, promises. Marion debates calling on Kaalki, while he’s still able too. It wouldn’t be great for a miraculous to be seen in a different country, but better than the one that can teleport than Ladybug. If Marinette couldn’t stop them in time she would surely turn to Ladybug and pick him up as he falls, right in front of the crowd and cameras. Not great.
There were other heroes in Gotham, they both knew. And if it was just him at stake he would put faith in them. But it’s not. He’s Chat Noir and there's not enough time to train a new Black Cat, not anymore.
The elevator finally reaches the top. Marion braces to help Marinette fight on the other side of the door. It opens. There’s no one. Great, great, great .
“Well, well, well why don’t we see what's behind that mask and carve up your pretty face, hm?” Joker leads him close enough to the edge of the building that anyone else should be scared.
“That sounds counter productive,” Might as well try plan b, he should have come up with one, but as is he’ll have to wing it, “Weren’t you going to throw me off the roof?”
“Eager aren't you?” Not really  “After, promise,”
That grin paired with the knife inching closer should scare him, but honestly the only thing that truly scares him anymore is someone going for his ring, or Ladybug’s.
“What's the point? I’d be dead soon anyway, sounds like a waste of time,” Marion debates adding a yawn to match the tone, but it seems like overkill.
“A few screams are never a waste of time,” Marion is backed up further to the edge of the roof, able to see the fretting crowd below.
“Sounds to me like you just don’t have any confidence,” Marion says with all the sass he can muster, which is a lot.
“Oh, do explain,” The knife inching closer to the edge of his mask encourages the opposite, but he was never much good with warnings.
“If you really believe your plan will work and I wouldn’t be saved by I-don’t-know, Batman?” Yep that strikes a cord, probably not the best cord to strike with a knife in your face, oh well his wounds will heal soon anyway, “Then you’d throw me over the roof, a few cuts doesn't matter much when your dead,”
He can see the gears turning, debating if there's merit to his bullshit or if it’s just that. Honestly Marion doesn't know either.
“Revealing my identity and stuff is just a way for you to feel like you’ve won when Batman beats you,” He carefully doesn't emphasise the ‘when’, making it sound casual, like a given fact, “Cutting my face is just admitting you think the heroes will win,”
Just a little bit more. He’s almost pulled off plan ‘b’ for bat-shit crazy. He has the horse miraculous in his grip, Kaalki won’t like it but it's hard to put glasses on in mid air.
“Besides, won’t the mask leave a bit more impact?”
Hook. Line. Sinker.
“You really think the Bats going to save you huh?” The grin is unnerving, so Marion matches it with one of his own.
“I do,” He challenges, chin tilted up, “do you,”
He hears a cackle that would have surely appeared in his fear toxin dream if he heard it before. He’s pushed, vest twisted in the jokers grip, trying to stay balanced on the very edge.
“I like you kid,” And yeah, by that smile it’s not a good thing.
“Goodie,” Marion says sardonically, ignoring the shouting below, probably because his torso is all the way off the edge.
“Make sure to scream,” He feels the grip loosen, not having the natural response to grab onto something.
“I won’t,” he sends one last smirk as he’s dropped, weight sending him off balance and off the edge.
He’s in free fall and knows the screaming is not his own. He’s too busy debating the right time to transform. The street is getting closer and closer, no staff or grappling hook to save him.
The air gets knocked out of him at the sudden change in directions. He can feel the arm and hears the glass shattering. For all the speed of a few seconds ago he is not expecting the quiet that follows. He’s leaning forward against someone's chest, both crouched down inside the building he just fell from. He recognises the shade of red first, Marinette had spent weeks with it pinned up all over their room and Marion has been wearing it ever since. He relaxes.
“Are you ok?” He gets pulled back from the chest, his complaints are cut off, a gloved hand tracing over his cheek, he feels the sting so it must be cut.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Probably not convincing, since his crush is the closest he’s ever been and Marion is almost the same shade of red.
“You’re fine?” The disbelief is clear and it takes Marion a second to realise why.
“I mean… Oh no! Trauma!” Marion tries to fall dramatically but the arm still on his back catches him.
“Good thing you’re a popstar not an actor,” Marion feels relief at the stiff atmosphere relaxing.
“Excuse you,” He snaps back up, poking Red Hood’s chest, smirking, “I’d make a wonderful actor,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Red Hood looks away, as far as Marion can tell with the helmet, “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yes, are you?” Marion stresses, remembering that he broke through the glass.
“... what?” Red Hood's full attention comes back to him.
“Are you ok?” Marion tries not to get annoyed at the answer, humour then, “After all breaking through a window isn’t much fun,”
You idiot you can't use his line on him ! Not in different identities! What if he figures it out?!
“Yeah.. yeah," He looks away again, "I’m… great,”
Marion smiles, guess things did turn out great in the end.
“CD!” Marion jumps out his skin, both suddenly realising how they looked and stand, Marinette runs right up to him, “Are you ok!?”
“Yep I’m… great,” Marion exchanges a private glance with Red Hood as Marinette frets over him.
“Thank goodness,” She sighs, shoulders sagging, then coming back up to hit him over the head, “Then why are you such an idiot!”
“Natural talent?” Marion rubs the spot, she put some Ladybug strength in that one.
“At least you’re good at something,” She sighs, brushing her hand over the spot.
“Rude,” Marion pouts, even as his head feels better, and his cut is startling to close up.
“If every things ok then,” Red Hood says awkwardly, “I’ve got a clown to go beat up,”
I Forgot!! How do you forget that! Marion yells at himself When your crush saves you from falling to your death…. Less romantic than it seemed in the moment.
“Have fun….” Marion waves, increasing the awkwardness ten fold, “dear god, I am an idiot!”
He groans into Marinette's shoulder after Red Hood left.
“Yes, but blush later, we need to be ready to provide backup,” Marinette pulls him out of the room stepping over broken glass.
“Uh- yeah! Right! lets go,” Marion snaps out of it, running after her.
“You are such a mess,” She insults as they jog, or with their speed, sprint up the stairs.
“Of all people you don’t get to call me that,” Marion needn't remind her of how she spilt orange juice all over herself at breakfast.
“... You just fell off a building, I was talking about your clothes,” Marinette has on her, ‘you’re an idiot’ face, well practiced that one.
“But yeah you are a walking disaster,” She speeds up.
“Hey!” Marion sprints after her.
They reach the roof, not as out of breath as they should be.
“I thought I told you to stay put?” Red Hood snaps, alone on the roof.
“You didn’t,” They chorus coincidentally.
“I thought you had common sense,”
“We don’t,” They chorus on purpose.
Red Hood just shakes his head, probably smiling under the helmet.
“So the Joker escaped?” Marinette is the first to wipe the grin off her face.
“He was gone when I got up here,” Red Hood shrugs, “Waiting on intel,”
Probably from oracle.
“I didn’t say thank you!” Marion realises, not used to being the one saved.
“You don’t have to,” He looks away again, “Just doing my job,”
“But I want to,” Marion walks into his line of sight “So thank you,”
“Yeah well… thanks too I guess,” He looks away again and it's starting to get annoying.
“For what,” Marion leans over enough that he should be in sight, but he can't see his eye to confirm.
“I like the outfit you designed off me,” Marion freezes, almost stumbling over, “The interview was… entertaining,”
With that killing blow, a grappling hook is sent out and Red Hook is whisked away.
“.... Hey, can I borrow your miraculous?” Marion says blankly when Marinette comes to stand by him, “I need to wish myself out of existence real quick,”
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam
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flawnle · 4 years
My brain decided to have angst for my weird au thing. Feel free to ignore if you want nothing to do with it.
Dmitri spotted the fucker, the one who’s been messing up his prison. He gives chase, just barely keeping the person in sight as he followed. They make a right turn. He knew this would lead to a dead end. Dmitri slides into the hallway ready to confront them but instead sees someone a bit more familiar.
Wallace, his son, was standing around where the person he was chasing should be. He seemed unbothered. Like someone hadn’t just ran by. He noticed Dmitri and greeted him with a wave.
“Uh, hey kid. Did you happen to see a person run past here? I’ve been chasing them down and I’m sure I saw them run in here!”
Dmitri says quickly. Not wanting to risk the person who’s been running his place to the ground getting away. Wallace just looked confused.
“I didn’t see anyone sorry.. maybe they went the other way?”
“Im sure I saw them run in here kid. My eyesight is perfectly fine.”
“Well I honestly saw nobody.”
Dmitri groaned in annoyance. Looking down the other hallway.
“Maybe they went the other way... I can still catch them!”
He was about to go off again but Wallace stoped him.
“Actually I wanted to talk to you for a second.”
“Wallace. I really got to go after this guy..”
“They are probably gone by now, they’ll be back eventually. Next time you can get all of us to help conner them property.”
Dmitri thought for a second. The guy will indeed come back, he doesn’t seem to have finished his job.
“.. fine. What did you want to talk about kid?”
“Well it’s just I’ve realized I haven’t exactly been completely honest with you about some things..”
He said nervously. Wallace figgeted with his bracelet. Dmitri raised his eyebrows in a bit of surprise. Out of all the topics he thought Wallace was going to go to he never expected that.
“Well whatever it is I won’t be mad at you. Just explain alright? How many things are we talking about here?”
“O-only two..”
“What’s the first thing?”
“... it’s about my nightmares.”
Dmitri sighed. He knew how bad Wallace’s nightmares were, plus the fact he’s been dealing them them for about 20 years. He didn’t know much about them asside from the one time he found Wallace crying when he woke up. That was also the time he found out he had nightmares to begin with.
“What about them? Have they gotten worse or something?”
“Not exactly..”
Wallace looked Dmitri in the eyes as two lengthy looking figures rose from his shadow. Their faces looked the same, eyes not seemed to exist. They scared down at Dmitri. He took a step back.
“These... are my nightmares..”
“Kid I don’t know what to tell you but, nightmares are dreams. They don’t come out like that physically! It’s like some sort of cryptid shit!”
“I can’t expect you to believe me.. but I’m telling the truth, these things are the stuff that make my nightmares what they are.”
“May we speak now..? Speak now..?”
Wallace shot the two a look after one of them spoke. Their echoing voices seemed to bounce off walls that didn’t exist.
“Not yet.”
“... did that thing just ask you permission to speak??”
“Y-yeah... one day they just decided to leave me a alone and start listening to what I tell them too. They said I wasn’t worth the trouble if I was already this far gone.”
Wallace’s words confused Dmitri. What does he mean by ‘this far gone’? As far as he knew Wallace was the same as he has been since the day he came to the wall.
“Kid.. what are you talking about?”
“You wouldn’t notice the difference... it’s been like this for awhile...”
He gave a small nod to the creatures. They move forward a bit to speak.
“About 3-4 years to be exact~ be exact~”
Dmitri was stunned. How could this be happening for years when he’s seen how these very nightmares effected Wallace first hand. Then a new thought crossed his mind. Could Wallace had faked that? Pretended the nightmares effected him the way it did when that wasn’t the case? He shook his head slightly, getting rid of the thought. Wallace wouldn’t fake something like that, he had no reason to. He trusts his son.
“Is something wrong? Something wrong?”
“Yeah, your fuckin voices.”
“That’s enough guys..”
The two returned back to Wallace’s side after he spoke.
“I’m sorry for not mentioning them before, there never really was a good time for me to tell you..”
“It’s fine kid. That was then, this is now.”
“Thanks.. there still the other thing though..”
Dmitri almost forgot about that. Seeing the two creatures made him lose track of the fact wallce said there was two things, not just one.
“We’ll go ahead. Surely it can’t get weirder then you having cryptids at your command.”
“If your sure..”
Those words from Wallace made Dmitri nervous. The figures seemed to smirk, as if they knew what was to come.
“... I’m still a tophat.”
He said simply. After he spoke his posture changed. Dmitri couldn’t tell how though, he was more focused on his words.
“You.. WHAT?! Your still a tophat? Why didn’t you tell me sooner!”
“I didn’t think it was necessary. I’m still actively working here. It just made it easier to say I didn’t work with them anymore. But I feel the need to come clean about it.”
“Kid, you really should have told me. We have an alliance with them, it doesn’t matter if you are or aren’t one.”
“... I know.”
“He just didn’t want to~ want to~”
Wallace nodded at what the figure said. Dmitri finally figured out what was different. Wallacw was standing more straight, as if more professional. He didn’t like the implications of that.
“Didn’t want to..?”
“Exactly! Like Wally boy said, it was unnecessary, so why bother? Besides, he didn’t want to ruin what you thought of him. Of him.”
“Is this true?”
Dmitri asked. Now more on edge, there’s something off about all this. Wallace was still hiding something, he just knew it. And god be dammed if he didn’t find out what.
“Of course it is. They wouldn’t lie, at lest not to you. They’d only really try to lie to me.”
“I wouldn’t have thought any less of you if I knew Wallace..”
“I know, I know. I didn’t know then but I do now. That’s why I’m telling you.”
“And that’s it? That’s all you wanted to tell me?”
“Pretty much, yeah..”
Wallace started acting a bit more like one he knew. But Dmitri planned on finding out more.
“.. who exactly were you chasing just now..?”
The question caught him off guard, he was about to say something before Wallace did. But Dmitri composed himself, trying not to let Wallace know he knew something was up.
“Just the fucker that decided they could march on in here and try to sabotage my complex..”
He says with a growl. Wallace seemed to think for a second.
“Oooohhhh THATS who you were after! I know who that is.”
“Wh-what!? Yow KNOW!? Why didn’t you tell me!”
“Why wouldn’t I know who I am?”
“Wha- that’s not what I-“
Dmitri’s voice trails off his gaze matched Wallace’s as realization sank in. He smirked as he saw Dmitri’s expression.
“You.. you..”
“Come on now Dmitri. You can say it.”
“Your the one who’s been sabotaging the wall..”
His voice was shaky. Dmitri couldn’t believe it. How could he? His own son, the one who he was thinking of possibly handing the wall over to, is the one who’s been setting it up to fail. A look of satisfaction rested on Wallace’s face.
“There you go. I’m surprised it look having to say it outright for you to realize~”
Everything about Wallace changed. How he stood, how he spoke, it was startling. It was like someone flipped a switch in him. But for some reason, Dmitri got the feeling he was finally meeting the real Wallace Pemberton.
“Why..? Why would you..?”
“Sabotage the wall? It was my duty. I wasn’t just a spy, my job was to break everyone out, and I was going so slowly but surely, by taking the wall down completely..”
“But there’s a-“
“An alliance, I know. The reason’s quite simple. You were too late. The plan was too far into motion. I can’t reverse it now, so why should I stop? Might as well go all in.”
Wallace smirked once again, the nightmares behind him smirked as well. He was scary. Dmitri backed up, wanting to try to run. He couldn’t kill Wallace, he’s his son for gods sake! So his only option was to get out of there.
“And where do you think YOUR going? Your going?”
Wallaces voice mixed with the nightmares. It startled Dmitri so much he froze in place. The one of the nightmares take the opportunity to come up behind him. Stoping his attempt of escape. Wallace’s a kind of “tsk tsk tsk” sound, like he was about to scold a child.
“What made you think I’d just let you leave? There’s still some stuff I want to say~ don’t you know it’s rude to leave a conversation early?”
“Good to know your smart enough to know when to shut up.”
The nightmares laughed a bit at that. The echoing laughter made Dmitri’s head hurt.
“You know, I was planning on waiting until you give me the wall before I revealed myself. But I’ll admit, I made an amateur mistake, I fumbled. You caught on end it was either I show myself willingly, or you find out in... a situation I wouldn’t find favorable.”
“You didn’t want to be ambushed..”
“Exactly! I’m glad you understand. I always knew there was some kind of brain in that hollow skull of yours~”
Wallace looked at Dmitri. Raising an eyebrow in amusement at his expression of confusion and betrayal.
“I get why your so quiet now. Your betrayed, backstabbed, by the man you concidered your son. Confused as to why, how, I could possibly do such a thing.”
“I thought you cared..”
Wallace freezes at that. Maybe he’s feeling some form of remorse? Gult? He knew the answer almost immediately after those thoughts, because Wallace started laughing. Similar to the laugh of the nightmares. He was laughing at him, absolutely losing it. It seemed like Wallace tried to compose himself after his laughing fit.
“You.. you really thought-“
It’s hard for him to speak through his giggles.
“You really thought I cared! Haha! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard! YOU THOUGHT I CARED ABOUT YOU!”
Dmitri flinched. This was his son, his son who never cared.
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“I CANT BELIEVE IT! Why would I care for a sorry old man like you!? Your a useless waist of a man who can’t even lay a finger on the person who betrayed you. All because I’m your ‘son’ “
He put son in air quotes. Cackling here and there.
“Oh Dmitri how far you’ve fallen. You’ve made my job so much easier! I was going to kill you here and now but now I don’t want to anymore.”
“I think I’d rather see you SUFFER. I want to watch the pain in your face as you watch your son ruin the one place you call home. The place you’ve spent your life keeping together. IM GOING TO RIP IT TO SHREADS! And you won’t do anything about it.”
Dmitri started to shake, he was actually scared of Wallace. And he knew he wouldn’t do anything to him. He couldn’t, it’d break him to put Wallace in harms way, even if he’s betrayed him.
“Your.. your a monster..”
“Oh how you flatter me. Monster is such a tame word to call me.”
He chuckled, his eyes glancing to a clock on the wall. Wallace’s expression turned into a sickly sweet smile. The nightmares disappearing.
“Sorry to cut this short.. but I have a very appointment to get to. I’ll see you again I’m sure of it.”
Dmitri watched Wallace walk away cheerfully, like nothing ever happened. He was at a loss for words. He collapsed on the ground, taking a few deep breaths, as it felt like he wasn’t breathing.
He couldn’t believe what just happened, but he had to. Dmitri couldn’t do anything but prepare for his pain. As much as he wanted to stop Wallace, he couldn’t do it. And so Dmitri walks somberly back to his office.
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stardust-static · 6 years
Shades of Blue Asks
Baby blue
- what’s the best compliment that you’ve ever received?
Back when I worked at Disneyland some random Irish guy told me that I resemble a rose and then walked away and another time a little girl told me that I was beautiful like a princess with the biggest smile on her face. Still the nicest things anyone's ever said to me... And My best friend says that I tell the best stories, and that’s always made me smile because I feel really self conscious when I speak most of the time. Like I’m just rambling and the person on the receiving end just wants me to stop.. So yeah, that’s really nice that she thinks that. :] haha
Light blue
- what’s the best advice that you’ve ever received?
There’s no changing the way that other people are. So don’t carry that with you.
- what’s the best thing that’s happened to you this week?
I got fired? Which sucks because I won’t have money for awhile, but it’s also awesome because it opens up my time to focus on other things and I feel like I now have the chance to get my life on a better track.
Powder blue
- what are three objects you own that describe you?
Hmm... I’m not sure I own objects that define or describe me? That’s a strange one... The only thing that I can think of is my Alex and Ani bracelet that has the number 7 on it. The number 7 has always meant a lot to me. 
Ice blue
- what’s your favorite cuisine/style of cooking?
Oooh that’s most likely Mexican. I don’t think I could survive without good Mexican food. A close second is sushi, and then Thai, and then Italian... I like food. ^-^
Morning blue
- what age do you wish you could permanently be?
But hopefully that doesn't mean that I have to live out this year over and over? I don’t think it’s been the best. I just feel like 27 is a good age to be. 
Medium blue
- what do you take for granted?
Time is the first thing that comes to mind. I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of it.
Argentinian blue
- if you could switch closets with any celebrity or fictional character, who would it be and what would you wear?
There’s this show I used to watch called Reign. And the main character queen Mary had the most beautiful gowns in every episode. I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason I watched that show after awhile. So i’d trade wardrobes with her for sure and be royalty. Hands down. 
Ruddy blue
- what are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of?
Lately I've been really into Greek mythology. Particularly the story of Hades and Persephone the goddess of spring. Greek mythology is just all together a fascinating topic to me. I also want to find/restore a goddess rain lamp and everyone kind of side-eyes me whenever I tell them that and then they google “goddess rain lamp”.. I think they’re awesome! 
Spanish blue
- what’s your pick-me-up song?
Honestly? Any trashy hip hop music, if I’m in a not so hot mood and I need to get pumped up. Or like Beyonce... I can’t be sad listening to that... that would be weird. But if I’m really sad I’m probably listening to some equally sad shit like Snow Patrol or Lifehouse or something, because I need to cry. I’ll also listen to my favorite bands/singers to get me in a better mood -- Halsey, Lana, Marina, Florence... etc. It really depends. 
Liberty blue
- what do you hope never changes?
The love that I have in my life. 
And if it must change I hope it only becomes greater. 
Egyptian blue
- what’s something you really want that you can’t afford?
Everything on Modcloth.com 
Also, I need to get my hair done... 
- do you have any favorite/significant numbers?
7. The number 7 is everything.
Neon blue
- what could you give an hour long presentation on with zero preparation?
Nothing. I can’t talk to crowds of people. I shake and my mind goes blank. 
And I turn into a potato. 
It’s upsetting.
Delft blue
- what mistake do you keep making over and over again?
Well you know somehow I just keep ending up at these shit jobs, so... Trying to work on that.
Duck blue
- what have you created that you’re the most proud of?
A home. I created a home filled with love and light between myself and the man I love. We created it together and it’s my favorite thing. 
Dark blue
- what’s your favorite genre of book or movie?
Book - Scifi
Movie - I’d say thriller and horror. 
Resolution blue
- what hobby would you get into if you had the time + money?
Archery. Someday!
Also I’d like a miniature farm someday when I have the space/ money.
I’ll have miniature donkeys, alpacas, miniature goats, and maybe chickens in case the world ends and we need to survive. That’s the only reason I want chickens.... 
Polynesian blue
- what’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
The handwritten letters people have wrote me over the years. I love to go back and read them.
Also Winston was a gift and he's the best little creature in the whole world, so...
Navy blue
- what is the title of your current chapter of life?
Fuckery & hope
Midnight blue
- what song gets you hyped?
Why are the two songs that I'm thinking of so wildly different?
Howl by Florence and the Machine-- and are you ready? Disco Inferno by 50 Cent. If you want me rapping and dancing, there you go.
- do you have any personal ‘rules’?
I don't fuck with people who show no signs of empathy and don't smile real genuine smiles. New rule.
Picotee blue
- what skill do you want to master?
The skill of being an entrepreneur and not answering to anyone but myself.
Independence blue
- where’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
Hmm... I've been to Jamaica.
Space Cadet
- if you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be?
Be kind.
Flourescent blue
- what’s your favourite inside joke that you have with your friend group + class + family?
Ooh so many.
All mostly inappropriate.
So... yeah.
- what’s something horrible that everyone should try once?
Date someone awful.
Because then you'll be able to appreciate someone wonderful all the more. :)
(Just kidding! Thats probably really bad advice 😂)
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