#at least have him be a little judgy of other archers
chryzure-archive · 2 years
wait i might have an idea for a) where jacks got his cursed kiss, and b) the reason why chrysi’s immune to it. remind me to tell you guys abt it in the morning
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Jealous Magnus oneshot?
hello! i’m soso sorry i couldn’t get this done sooner! i was in the middle of writing everything else, and i’ve been quite busy the past fortnight. i’ll try my best to do something good! here you are:
Alec was quite introverted, Magnus knew that. He hated parties, stayed in as much as possible (Magnus liked to believe that he did that because he couldn’t bear to be apart from him, but knowing Alec probably not) and when any other Shadowhunter came up to him, whether a judgy older gen complaining about his newer way of thinking or a teen or child who looked up to him as a role model squealing with excitement at meeting him, he always had pretty much the same reaction; flush, and stumble over his words. Admittingly, he’d gotten better since they’d married, but part of him was and still would always be the soft, quiet side.
So when he randomly started going out more often, Magnus was confused. It was nearing December too; freezing cold. When he asked him about his sudden interest in the outdoors, he had simply replied, “The weather represents my inner turmoil and emotional trauma dealt to me by years of repressed emotions.”
Magnus hadn’t responded to that.
He’d even spoken to Jace, asking him if Alec was genuinely okay, and he had answered very shortly. One thing he always loved though, that always softened a sour mood, was waking up next to the beautiful archer boy.
He opened his eyes. Alec was still fast asleep, head on top of one arm which was sprawled across the golden silk pillows. He had rolled over incredibly close in his sleep; he always seemed to do that, as if he was afraid Magnus would leave. Magnus took his left hand and softly shifted his arm away from his head; he knew it would be numb when he woke up. Alec stirred a little. Magnus raised a ring-riddled hand, and raked his fingers through Alec’s twilight black hair. The bright white of the morning light (an: ha, rhymes) streamed through the curtains and seemed to shine directly onto Alec. Alec was so pale that you could only really see the outline of his body beneath the sheets, but it made him look angelic.
“Hey, Mags.”
Magnus smiled fondly at the nickname. He hated it, of course, but Alec saying it was an exception.
“Heya, bud.”
Alec suddenly flopped his body over and was now sleepily giggling to himself on top of Magnus. “You know, I love you so freaking much. You’re like, an icon. A skinny legend.”
Magnus snorted. “Who told you what ‘skinny legend’ meant?”
“Clary. And Simon.”
“Well, whilst I am of course the skinniest of skinny legends, and the most legendary, I don’t want you to ever say that again. Please. If you do I will seriously reconsider this relationship.”
Alec pouted. He swung his leg back over Magnus again and got out of bed, checking the time on his phone. “Shit.”
“What is it, honey?”
“I’m meant to be meeting Cl- someone from the Institute, uh in thirty minutes. Consul things.”
Now it was Magnus’s turn to pout. “No lazy morning makeout sesh?”
Alec laughed. “I’m sure you can wait an hour,” he said, kissing Magnus on the temple and running to get a shower. Magnus couldn’t help but think to himself; what was this meeting? Usually Alec told him every detail of the meetings, and complained about going, but he hadn’t even told him about this one.
He hated to realise it, but he was jealous. Jealous of the way Alec was spending so much more time with other people, of the fact that he always seemed to have something to do. A few minutes later, Alec was back from his shower, clothed and searching for his- credit card.
“Why do you need that? Aren’t you going to a meeting?”
Alec flushed. “Well- yes, a meeting of sorts. I need to buy something but I can’t tell you.”
“So you can’t tell me, your husband, why you’re going out? You always did. Now in these past few weeks you haven’t been telling me a single detail of anything.”
Alec felt bad for a moment. “I’m sorry. I really am. But this is important. I have to have this thing done with the next week. And it’s big.”
“I just,” Magnus started, “want to spend time with you.”
Alec was about to reply but was cut off by his own laugh. “I just realised. You’re freaking jealous.”
Magnus was indignant. “I am not!”
Alec rolled his eyes and smiled. “Yes you are. It’s okay. Just admit it- you’re jealous that I’m actually leaving the house.”
Magnus chose not to admit it and instead huffily cross his arms like a toddler.
“I’ll be back soon. Promise.”
And he was gone. Suddenly, for some reason, tears rushed to Magnus’s eyes. Alec’s words were so simple, but not for a Shadowhunter. For mundanes, that usually meant a definite yes. For Shadowhunters, it was a fifty fifty situation. They could be killed during any battle. Any day. Any time. They might leave their family one morning and return the next on a funeral pyre. Magnus was aware of the high possibility this could happen to Alec one day. That he would say those words and those would be his last. But this was what made their love special; mortal life was so precious, so beautiful. Magnus envied it. He’d been alive for four hundred years and enjoyed maybe fifty of them. Mortals got to escape their pain. Immortals couldn’t. Magnus knew that falling in love with Alec had these cautions; hell, his first love had died in his arms. He remembered so vividly her last breath, the way she held onto him. He didn’t want to imagine this with Alec. Alec was the first person he’d married. His first husband. Alec was so special, so important. Not that his other loves’ deaths weren’t awful and harrowing to go through, but Magnus couldn’t begin to imagine what would happen if that did.
“Mags? Are you okay- oh, my angel. Oh honey.”
Magnus was sobbing. He hadn’t realised it. Alec mustn’t have left right away. But he was crying so hard. With anger, with frustration, with pure sadness. “Please don’t leave me. Please don’t die on me. I can’t bear losing another loved one like you.”
Alec was near tears himself. “I’m not going anywhere. I will never leave you, so long as blood runs in my veins.”
Magnus was still crying, but they weren’t sobs that physically hurt his chest.
He was just glad Alec was there to hold him.
“Took you long enough!”
“Sorry,” Alec said as he sat opposite Clary. “Magnus wasn’t feeling great at all and I wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Clary furrowed her brow. “What happened?”
“He was just emotional I guess.” Alec didn’t want to elaborate. Magnus had known Clary for far longer than anyone else, but he felt like this was private.
Shrugging, Clary flipped open her notebook. They had been meeting up- sometimes with Jace and Isabelle and Simon too- for the past weeks. In secret. It was almost Magnus’s birthday, and although he didn’t think he was worthy of it everyone else wanted to have a little party for him. He’d done so much for them all, and almost died several times in the process. They figured it was high time he felt honoured. Everyone’s parents were going too; a good crowd, but cosy.
“Simon ordered the stuff on this list two days ago. The streamers are here and balloons, but some other things are still to come. You know, he didn’t tell me you could make a special order for the bunting. As in, like an image you wanted on it. He told me he did it, but refused to say what it was. It could be your face,” Clary thought, trying not to laugh.
“Tell Simon that if it has my face on it he’s being strangled with it. All love though.”
“Noted,” the redhead replied. “How many days again?”
Clary sat back from the table.
“This is going to be a long few days.”
D-Day had arrived. Magnus’s birthday. Magnus seemed perfectly happy to pretend it wasn’t occurring but Alec, on the other hand?
“GOOOOOOD MORNING!” Alec shouted. Magnus shot up, head butting him in the process.
“Thanks, you idiot,” he said, rubbing his temple.
“You know what day it is?”
“My birthday?”
Alec smiled. “Yes! And you have a very busy day ahead of you so get your ass OUT of bed!”
“Alexander. I’ve had at least 430+ of these. I can stay in bed if I wish.”
Alec tilted Magnus’s chin up to his face and leaned in close. “We have arranged something for you, so you’re gonna get OUT!”
“Alright alright! But on one condition.”
We can fast forward this bit
The day had been lovely so far, to tell the truth. Alec had taken Magnus to a beautiful spot, and they’d spent some time together enjoying each other’s presence. Now, it was 8pm, and Magnus was being dragged somewhere with a blindfold and having no idea where he was going.
“Alec, what is going on? Why are we going up stairs? You know I can’t see shit-“
“That’s technically the point of a blindfold.”
“Yes well. Can’t you just tell me where we’re going??”
“Well, I would,” he said, ringing a doorbell, “except we’re here.” Alec pulled the blindfold off Magnus as one of his other favourite people answered the door.
“Happy birthday!”
They hugged briefly and Alec watched Magnus’s smile. It was so genuine. What Alec really loved about Magnus was that you could tell when he genuinely cared for someone.
This was one of those times.
“Thank you. Do you have any explanation as to why Alec blindfolded me to take me here?”
Clary’s face lit up with excitement. “Why don’t you come in and find out?”
Magnus was taken in to the huge main room of Clary and Jace’s apartment- everyone was there. All his friends. Catarina. Raphael. Ragnor. Jace, Simon, Isabelle and even Maia and Luke were there. And Tessa and Jem.
“Everyone’s here? For me?”
Everyone yelled happy birthday. Isabelle rushed forward to shower Magnus in hugs and kisses. Jace approached them too, and dramatically unzipped his jacket to reveal a shirt that said ‘I ❤️ MB’ on it.
Magnus’s eyes widened. “That shirt is awful. I want ten of it.”
Jace laughed, and the two talked for a bit. Then he talked to everyone; he found out Tessa was pregnant! And Maia and Bat were engaged!
Magnus snuck away from the festivities for a moment, finding Alec lightly chatting with his mum.
“Sorry, Can I steal my husband for a sec?”
Maryse smiled. “Of course! And Happy Birthday, by the way.”
Magnus said his thanks and took Alec to the side. “Hey, my darling. Thank you so much for this. You and your friends are so kind to me. It really means a lot, and I want to apologise for how I acted several days ago. The way I freaked out about you going out so much. Truth is, I was scared. I’ve loved so many people and seen so many pass away. It’s tragic. My whole life is a hot mess. And I’m always scared that when I love someone, they’ll leave. Even though you’re my husband, I worry.”
“You don’t have to, Magnus. You know you don’t. I can’t do anything about your past, but I can make your present memorable and your future enjoyable. I fucking adore you. I would go the ends of the earth and further for you. Never forget that.”
Magnus smiled. The two kissed for a moment, taking in each other and admiring each other. Being in love really did feel incredible.
“Sorry for a being a jealous dumbass.”
“Apology totally accepted.”
lol i’m so sorry there’s like. zero jealousy but i got carried away with emotions yano
anyways i tried my best, i hope it’s good!!
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magicrobins · 6 years
please 13 for the dnd asks!!
I’m so sorry this took so long! Honestly idk why it took so long…
13. Introduce your current party.
Considering this was asked before the Eberron campaign was even planned and also the Eberron campaign hasn’t started yet, I’ll go with the Second Breakfast Club gang! Ngl my descriptions of these characters might be bias based on how my own character sees them.
So let me start with my character: I play the drow rogue, Valas Telenna. He’s nonbinary, pansexual/panromantic, and polyamorous. He has roughly one-hundred years of angsty af backstory ‘cause I’m a piece of shit like that lmao. He’s also a piece of shit. He’s a chaotic neutral assassin who has good tendencies, though he won’t admit it. The good tendencies mostly come from the influence of the previous party he was a part of, as well as his childhood best friend and lover. He’s reckless, suicidal and often depressed. He struggles with self-harm and low self worth. Despite that he’s also cocky and vain af. He’s good looking and he knows it. He’s also extremely protective of those he cares about even if he thinks he doesn’t deserve to have those people in his life.
Now onto the rest of the party!
Firstly, Rihiri Valtari, played by @jellyfishlovesloki. Rihiri is a fucking goddess. My sis and I have discussed it and we’re pretty sure Rihiri’s the heart of the party atm. She’s a tiefling druid and currently in a friends with benefits relationship with Valas - She was probs the first he’s allowed in the party to call him Val without getting pissy at them. But like I said she’s a fucking goddess and she’s so kind but she’ll fucking cut you with her scythe in a heartbeat if you hurt someone she cares about or threatens them. Val finds her immensely attractive, obvs, but also as a shoulder to cry on when needed. He didn’t want to form a friendship with her (he doesn’t want to form attachments in general ‘cause angst and he’s a shit), but now after roughly a little over a year of knowing her, he can’t imagine his life without her. She travels with a sunbear (I had to google it to make sure I had the right bear) named Paz who loves honey. She’s also very good at throwing halflings.
Speaking of halflings: Bilbo Swaggins, played by @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus (tUMBLR WON’T LET ME @ YOU WHY). They’re… they’re quite interesting. They’re a halfling rogue - I believe an arcane trickster? I don’t really know anything about their backstory except they met Rihiri in a bar fight. Valas doesn’t know much about them either, which bugs him and makes him more inclined not to trust them. Though he had no real problem with Bilbo until Bilbo sTABBED him (and not in a fun way -wink wink nudge nudge- … -coughs- anyways). Bilbo’s also good at being thrown but not at landing lmao. They’re never gonna live that face plant down lmao. But yeah they’re quite the mystery. Val’s gonna kill me for admitting this but the fact that he knows jack shit about Bilbo actually really intrigues him and there’s moments when he finds that attractive but then Bilbo opens their mouth or gets drunk off their ass and the moment quickly fades lmaooooo.
Speaking of people Val is attracted to (the list is long): Zeager Steelheart, played by @nutellanewt. When I think of how quickly Val has fell for him, I like to think of him as Zaegar StealYourHeart. Y’get it? Lame joke but it forever makes me laugh. Zaegar is a shirtless half-orc monk. He’ll say he’s not attractive but Val very much begs to differ. He’s very kind, though I don’t know much about his backstory and him as a character. Valas doesn’t know much about him either and that bugs him but he’s afraid to ask, to get to know him better. He’s afraid to grow closer to him like he’s done with Rihiri because he swore to himself he wouldn’t get close to anyone again after some events in his past but oops he fucked up and grew close to Rihiri, he doesn’t want to fuck up again but gdi boy get some. -coughs- Imeanwut. Zaegar’s also like the king of flexing. It’s a guaranteed way to distract Val that isn’t used as often as it should be when Val’s about to make a bad decision. Zaegar and Rihiri are also basically the voices of reason or diplomacy in the group.
Then there’s Sefhana Brenlynn, a half-elf ranger played by my sis, @bxtgrl. While Zaegar and Rihiri are being diplomatic, Sef and Val are sassing the shit out of people, especially each other. Val doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like Val. It’s a mutual dislike. She’s become quite close to Rihiri (I ship it. I already multiship this fucking party guys send help I’m multishipping trash over here - as in the trash is me, not the ships or characters lmao). She travels with a white wolf named Echo that I’m surprised she doesn’t send to maul Val. I know Sefhana’s backstory only ‘cause I’ve read it, but Valas doesn’t know it. Again, he’s not inclined to trust people he knows hardly anything about but they’re breaking down his walls (I mean they also know jack shit about Val sooo -shrugs). He does trust Sefhana not to murder him in his sleep… At least while Rihiri’s around. Sefhana’s also badass. She killed a giant spider with her bow and arrows. She’s also an archer. So like instant brownie points there ‘cause I love archers ok. I don’t think she and Val will ever truly get along but I do hope they can come to some kind of mutual understanding of each other someday.
Onto the newest members of the party! (Both of these players don’t have tumblrs to @ that I’m aware of.)
Thursdorious Lightningborn (I hope I got that name right) is a dragonborn druid. I know… nothing about him? He owns a fat liger. I think he grew up with Rihiri. They seem like close friends which does spike some jealousy in Val because he wishes he could be that close to Rihiri without worrying about hurting her. Val also doesn’t like him strictly because he shoved Val off Rihiri’s lap. That was his first impression of Thursdorious and he hasn’t forgotten it. Val’s also not sure if Thursdorious is the sharpest tool in the shed, but Val’s a judgy shit sooo -shrugs-. Yeah I don’t know much about Thursdorious. He’s new to the party and while I hope he stays, Val doesn’t lmao. Sorry about Val.
Vox Forzare, the gnome wizard (please tell me I remembered that right. It’s late, I’m tired) played by the newest member of our campaign! He likes to light shit on fire lmao. I don’t know much about him because he’s fairly new. Val doesn’t know anything ‘cause they haven’t officially met but they’re not gonna like each other. Vox’s first impression of Val was when Val was under a wizard’s control and forced to attack his fellow party members only Vox doesn’t know Val was under a spell. I’m sure they’ll eventually become friends, but idk how long that might take. Definitely sooner than Sef and Val lmao.
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