#at least hesh if nothing else
bluebellwrenart · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐨𝐠
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graysnetwork · 10 months
LISTENNN, Keegan during nnn???
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Keegan’s sex drive isn’t crazy, at least he likes to say that, but really it’s just 3 times a week; at least, he doesn’t like being too needy but he’s a man, and he has wants.
Hesh decided it’s be a good idea to mention ‘No Nut November’ to Keegan, and had the even better idea to challenge him to it.
And Keegan didn’t take challenges lightly, and hesh knew that well, so when he decided to tell him “I bet you couldn’t do it” he knew Keegan would get all riled up and he’d commit. So since Keegan has come home with you he’d text Hesh everyday and say “another day bitch” or something to that degree, you get it.
Soon though, it was getting hard, watching you through the steamed up glass shower door, in his shirt and panties (rarely) when you slept, you bending over and looking around the closet for an outfit while your body was wrapped in a towel, you looking for things under the couch making you go in downward dog position, or when you were relaxing on the couch (again) in his shirt and panties.
It was torture just having to stare at you.
And you’re obliviously doing these things and he knows it, he knows you can do these things purposely but half of the time he gets turned on by you it’s by subtle things that you do without thinking. He thought it was so much cuter.. hotter when you had not one thought behind those pretty eyes.
Keegan sat at the couch staring at the Tv in boredom, nothing seemed to make him interested at the moment. He felt like something was missing, like there was something else he had to do today. And that could be the dishes he said he’d do, or the laundry he said he’d help you with, or it could be the raging boner he had.
The tent in his pants were noticeable, how could you not notice them? You thought as you walked downstairs and sat next to him, he wrapped his arm around you and threw the remote into your lap as he stared at you. You were also bored, you simply put a Netflix movie on and turned to look at Keegan.
“are you su-”
“Yes” he interrupted you, he knew what you were gonna say— ‘are you sure you don’t want me to help you with that?’ —And no he wasn’t sure, because he wanted you so badly, but his pride had taken over already, he wasn’t going to lose against hesh.
“Okay” you said and turned the volume up. That was that, the end of the conversation and you rested your head on his shoulder.
At some point, you can’t really remember, but you had gotten up to go make some food, coincidentally Keegan got a message— ‘you win’ — from Hesh. It was a brief message, with no context it would have confused anyone. But Keegan smiled and texted back ‘I knew you couldn’t do it’
He chuckled and finally got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He saw you cutting some vegetables. He came up behind you and kissed you on the neck. Both hands were gently placed on your waist. One hand traveling down and toying with your cunt. You could hear his pants drop and he swiftly pulled your bottoms down too.
“m’baby.. i missed you” I groaned as he entered your tight pussy.
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mlmxreader · 11 months
The Curse of Crystal Lake | Keegan P. Russ x m!reader
↳ ❝ Fueled by the flood, we pay in blood
Throats get slit in this neck of the wood
Captivated by the violence
- Male reader with Keegan Russ ❞
: ̗̀➛ it's only meant to be a holiday, but you and Keegan are thrown into something far more powerful and violent than you could have imagined.
: ̗̀➛ death, blood, injury, swearing, alcohol consumption, sex references (nothing explicit), descriptions of dead bodies & mutilation
Admittedly, the cabin was beautiful; surrounded by lush green trees and bushes with plenty of berries. Deer and foxes ran rampant, which the dog didn't mind, but he was more than happy upon seeing the plenty of squirrels running around.
The lake was an olive green colour, and smelled every so slightly like fresh berries, probably from where the bushes dropped them throughout the season. It was gorgeous. Ajax was the first to go inside, followed closely by Logan. The former had the keys to the cabin, and hummed as he threw his bag down on the sofa.
Hesh stayed outside, letting Logan take their bags in so that he could keep playing with Riley; he threw a stick into the lake, and watched as the military dog had the one thing you all so desperately needed - a holiday.
But pulling you aside, Keegan cleared his throat as he looked you up and down; you were still a little shaken from the pit stop at the gas station.
An old man had approached you all, and looked you right in the eyes as he said: "You're all doomed."
"Don't worry about it," Keegan told you quietly, shaking his head. "He was probably just trying to ward away tourists."
You shook your head, swallowing thickly. "And what about the sign we saw? You heard Ajax, this place is Camp Blood."
He scoffed as he tugged at his shirt a little to stop it from clinging to his body. "We're miles from there… besides, the mum of that guy is dead. Her head was chopped off. Nothing's gonna happen… why else would Ajax's cousin let us have this place for the weekend?"
You scratched the back of your neck. "Did the Walkers at least check it out?"
"Yeah," Keegan shrugged. "Hesh, Logan and Elias, they all checked it out. Everything's fine… biggest problem will be keeping Riley away from the squirrels."
You wanted to believe him, you wanted to be reassured, but there was something at the bottom of your stomach saying not to; there was something at the bottom of your stomach telling you to grab everyone and run the fuck away from Camp Crystal Lake as fast as possible. The last time you had that feeling was before you were transferred to the Ghosts; an old comrade of yours, Simon, was injured by an avalanche in the mountains.
Moments before, you had gotten that feeling.
You weren't usually one to distrust your own instincts. You weren't often one to distrust your gut, but for whatever reason, you decided to trust Keegan. Maybe it was just nerves. Maybe it was just a slight anxiety at being so far away from the house that you and Keegan shared.
Granted, your home was standing right in front of you, and in his icy blue eyes, you knew that you could at least try to trust him and to put aside your gut feelings.
"Riley!" Hesh shouted, chasing after his dog. "Riley, come here!"
But it was too late, and Riley had bolted away after a squirrel. Sighing heavily, Hesh shook his head and chewed the inside of his lip as he looked between you and Keegan.
"He'll come back."
Of course he would. Riley was a loyal dog, and even though he was given some time off, he was still a working dog; he would end up either losing the squirrel's trail or killing it, and he would soon enough come back to the cabin.
Riley wasn't an idiot, and he wasn't a bad dog. Just a dog who finally got to have a holiday, a break from deployment and working. Just like the rest of you. A well deserved holiday, a couple of days to relax, recharge; Elias had told you all to make the most of it, and of course you all wanted to.
Hesh looked worried, though, and frowned as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"He will come back, right?"
You put your hand on his shoulder as you hummed softly. "Riley's a good boy, of course he'll come back! He's just doing what dogs do."
Hesh nodded, and Keegan cleared his throat. "Riley's gonna come back, he's just gotta get it out of his system. That's all."
"C'mon," you told him. "We'll go inside, unpack our shit and have a few beers - Keegan, you alright to grab our bag?"
Keegan nodded. "Yeah, I'll grab it."
He saw you and Hesh in, but as he headed back to the car, he hummed softly. An odd sensation came over him as he looked around, his gaze landing on the woodland to the right.
He assumed it was just a deer, the feeling of eyes on him couldn't have been anything else; it was too early for foxes to be around, and there were no coyotes in the area. The bears would have been further towards the mountains, as the lake held no fish or other food sources except the berry bushes, but they were scattered all around the area.
Keegan did his best to shrug it off, even if a cold shiver did run down his delicate spine, making him clench his jaw. There was a rustle amongst the trees.
"Riley?" He called, but when nothing answered, he assumed it was just some animal, and shrugged as he grabbed your shared bag from the car boot.
Yeah, it was probably just a deer. It couldn't have been anything else. There was nothing else. But still, Keegan didn't waste much time in grabbing the bag and heading inside the cabin; he was thankful that you and him were sharing a room, after all, it only seemed natural that the one couple should.
Ajax was sleeping in the master bedroom, with Hesh on the sofa and Logan on the floor. Already, the three had gotten their things sorted and settled for the weekend, while Keegan found you in the bedroom, sitting on the bed and typing away on your phone.
"There's no signal here," you huffed, shaking your head. "Only WiFi thanks to Ajax's cousin."
"We're in the middle of nowhere," Keegan pointed out as he tossed the bag down by the wardrobe. "What did you expect?"
"Fair point," you nodded. "At least we have internet - we can still watch TV."
He hummed, just shy of a chuckle as he unzipped the bag and opened it. "I'd be careful outside - there's a lot of deer around, you might get attacked if you go near a doe with a fawn."
You put the phone down, leaving it open on your conversation with Alex and Farah in the group chat, and gently leaned over to kiss his cheek. "You're sure we'll be safe here?"
"You're ex-SAS," he pointed out. "We're highly trained special ops. What do you think?"
You tried to squash your anxiety, helping Keegan to sort everything out; completely unarmed, you had to admit, you felt a little bit… naked, almost. Exposed. Vulnerable.
But when you settled in the living room with the others and started to crack open some beers, you slowly felt the nerves die away; maybe it was just a little bit of anxiety at being away from the house after all.
The night went well at least, with you sitting on Keegan's lap as he laughed with the others and kept his grip on you tight.
"You never told me," Hesh started, his words a little bit slurred, "who asked who out?"
"I had to ask him out," you replied with a grin, "old strong and silent here didn't have the gall."
Keegan rolled his eyes at the comment, doing his best not to smile. "Sure."
Ajax got up, hiccuping as he held his chest for a moment and giggled. "I gotta take a whizz - I'll be right back."
He left you all there, stumbling out into the dark to find the outhouse; he giggled to himself when he stumbled over a log, shaking his head as he grinned and sang softly to himself.
An old military canteen song.
The tune was sweet, and Ajax felt warm as he stumbled through the dark woods, trying to find the outhouse. When he collided into something large and looming, he only laughed.
"Get off your damn stilts, Logan!"
The body lurched forward, grabbing him by the arm.
"Logan, you're hurting me," Ajax said weakly. "Let go, man! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Intoxicated, Ajax struggled to fight back as he was pushed against a tree; he squirmed and clawed at the arm holding him, telling Logan to stop.
But when he looked into those lifeless and soulless eyes, he knew it wasn't Logan, and swallowed thickly.
He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could so much as breathe, a thick and heavy blade collided with his mouth and cut through his skull. The killer didn't move as he watched Ajax's body slump down; his head separated from the upper jaw, it slid over the blade, and fell to the ground with a thump.
Back at the cabin, you looked at the clock, and frowned. "Ajax has been gone for a long time…"
"Probably just taking a shit," Hesh giggled. "He'll be back soon."
"He's either taking a shit, or he's pissing like a racehorse," Logan agreed with a laugh. "He did just break his seal."
"Y'know," Keegan murmured in your ear, "if Ajax is off to the outhouse, we could have some fun…"
You licked your lips, and turned your head slightly to look at him, raising your brows. "What kinda fun?"
"Your favourite," he whispered.
You stood up, taking his hand in yours as you smiled. "We'll be back soon."
Keegan nodded curtly. "Goodnight, kids."
Hesh and Logan groaned in disgust, shaking their heads in disapproval; if there was anything that they didn't want to think about, it was the fact that you and Keegan were in the bedroom doing something that they would never mention.
It was bad enough when it happened at base, but at least they could easily escape; Hesh often took Riley for a long walk, while Logan usually decided to go and do some training at the on-site gun range.
Ajax wasn't back in the morning, but you assumed, when you left the bedroom wearing Keegan's shirt, that he probably just went for a walk to cure his hangover. You tried not to think too much of it, although when Hesh said that he was going to look for Riley again, you shook your head.
"You can't do that," you protested. "Not alone, anyway."
Hesh tilted his head to the side as he furrowed his brows. "What do you mean? We're perfectly safe here."
"I dunno," you sighed. "Something just feels… funny. I don't like it."
He shrugged as he gently patted your back and smiled. "You're probably just a little hungover… go back to bed. I'll be back by the time you and Keegan sleep it off."
You thought he was probably right, so you sighed as you headed back to the bedroom; you tried to sleep when you snuggled up to Keegan's side again, listening to his quiet snoring like your favourite lullaby, but you couldn't settle.
Hesh headed out into the woods all alone without any protection, whistling and calling for Riley time and time again; he huffed as he sat down on a mossy rock, wondering where that damn dog could have gone.
A twig snapped, and immediately, he looked over. His heart was racing as he swallowed thickly, grabbing a large rock and holding it tightly, ready to throw it as he watched something, someone, draw closer.
"Dude," Logan scoffed. "Were you planning to kill me?"
"What?" Hesh scoffed, tossing the rock aside. "Of course not!"
Logan furrowed his brows as he shook his head. "You found him, yet?"
Hesh sighed, shaking his head. "No… heard him barking, saw the trail of dead squirrels, but… nothing."
"It's not like him," Logan admitted, sitting down on the same rock.
"You think I don't know that?" Hesh growled. "He's my dog, not yours."
"He's only your dog because Dad said so," Logan huffed. "Otherwise he'd be a family pet."
"Go that way," Hesh spat, pointing north. "I'll take the south."
"Fine," Logan begrudgingly agreed, getting up and starting to walk through the woods.
Hesh followed suit, going his own way; he wasn't really sure where he was going, but when he stepped in something wet and squishy, he groaned, assuming it was a pile of Riley's shit… but then he looked at his boots.
Red and pink.
He swallowed thickly, and took a step back before looking just to his right; a scream left his throat as he looked at Ajax's body. The top half of his head was missing. But Hesh's scream did little, as he looked around upon hearing something that sounded like whispers coming from the trees.
"Ki ki ki. Ma ma ma."
Quickly hiding behind a tree, Hesh searched the ground for something, anything that he could have used to defend himself; deciding on a slightly pointed stick, he picked it up, and took a deep breath before launching from behind the tree. He was quick, impaling the masked man to a nearby tree as he painted heavily.
His eyes landed on the bloodstained overalls, the soaked and stained hockey mask, the lifeless and soulless eyes. He swallowed thickly.
"Logan!" Hesh called loudly. "Logan, c'mere!"
Hesh kept the masked man pinned while Logan rushed over, panting heavily.
"Dude! What the fuck?"
Hesh scowled. "This fucker killed Ajax."
"Oh?" Logan scowled as he picked up a large rock and nodded to himself. "Then maybe we should show him what Ghosts are best at."
Hesh nodded in agreement, twisting the stick and ensuring that the masked man was pinned properly against the trunk. "My thoughts exactly."
The masked man huffed, and lifted his blade before crashing it against the stick, easily hacking it in half; Logan threw the rock at his head, causing him to turn as Hesh decided to go for the throat.
He jumped on the masked man, digging his fingernails into his skin as much as he could. But the fucker didn't even flinch as he grabbed Logan by the throat, and pulled him close.
With an easy jerk, a snapping sound echoed throughout the woods.
"Logan!" Hesh screamed, starting to punch and bite at the masked man until he was thrown off. "Logan!"
The masked man dug his nails into the back of Hesh's neck, ripping the skin clean; muscle throbbed as blood slowly trickled out, but the masked man didn't stop, forcing Hesh to the ground and putting a boot on his chest.
With little more than a soft grunt of effort, he forced the blade into Hesh's skull. Blood splattered everywhere, and with a snarl, the masked man picked up the brothers' bodies, and impaled them on nearby branches.
A warning. His business was almost finished as he watched the blood and entrails slowly drip down from the leaves. A soft nod of approval.
"Ki ki ki. Ma ma ma."
Riley came to the front door of the cabin whimpering and whining, scratching at the door until you opened it; you smiled, bending down and hugging the dog tightly as you laughed softly.
"Oh, you silly boy! Hesh is gonna be so happy to see you!"
Riley barked sharply, backing away from you and barking again.
"What is it?" Keegan asked as he came to stand beside you, his arm over your shoulders.
Riley barked again.
"Riley?" You tilted your head to the side. "Riley, it's us, boy."
But the dog only barked again, taking a few steps back and looking towards the woods.
"I think he wants us to follow him," Keegan said slowly, shaking his head.
"Maybe he found Hesh?" You asked with a shrug. "I dunno, maybe Hesh decided to take a nap or something so Riley wants us to make sure he's okay?"
"Maybe," Keegan agreed quietly. "But I haven't seen Logan or Ajax, either."
"Maybe they're all together," you said slowly, swallowing thickly. "Maybe they decided to get drunk in the woods?"
"Yeah," he breathed out, unsteady. "Maybe… we best follow him."
You agreed, jogging after the dog when he started to run off; Keegan wasn't far behind you, constantly checking over his shoulder. You weren't sure where you were going, but when you found a dilapidated and neglected shed, you paused, hesitant to go in as Riley barked and barked.
"Riley?" You furrowed your brows as you looked at the dog. "You good?"
Riley barked, hackles going up as he stared at the door.
Keegan glared at you for a split second. "We're not going in there."
"I dunno," you sighed. "It's like… like he's captivated by the violence of some run down shed… maybe the others are in there."
You pushed the door open, carefully stepping inside; the stench of death was one you were used to, but when you saw the shrine with the decapitated head, you couldn't help but to gag as you turned away for a moment.
"Fuck me…"
Keegan looked over, closing the door behind him as he grimaced. "What the fuck?"
"Look at this shit," you coughed, spluttering as you examined the shrine. "This is… this is Missus Voorhees…"
Keegan's face fell as he swallowed thickly. "Didn't she have a kid?"
"Yeah," you nodded slowly. "Jason…"
"Jason Voorhees," he grumbled. "Fuck."
"Keegan, throats get slit in this neck of the woods," you said softly. "You don't think…"
He swallowed thickly as he nodded. "Fuelled by the flood, we pay in blood… Crystal Lake is cursed… and we're at the receiving end…"
When you heard footsteps, you didn't think it through, shoving Keegan into the nearest hiding spot as you grabbed the axe on the floor and readied yourself, clenching your jaw tightly as you tensed up; Jason barged in, tilting his head to the side like he was asking what you were doing in his home.
"I'm sorry about your mother," you told him through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry about what happened to you as a kid - but why? Why my friends?"
Jason huffed, brandishing his machete.
"You killed my friends," you growled. "Why?! Why, motherfucker?!"
Keegan scrambled for something he could use, landing on an old iron poker as he slowly crept up behind Jason; quickly, he set it against the masked man's throat, tilting it up to expose the jugular.
"Do it now!" Keegan howled. "Chop his head off!"
You took the swing, and watched as Jason's head rolled to the floor with a slash of thick red blood; Keegan let the body thump down on the floor as he let out a shaky breath.
"We have to chop up the body," you told him. "It's the only way to stop him coming back."
"We have to find Logan and Hesh," Keegan told you, shaking his head. "Go into the town, get the sheriff - take the car. I'll find the boys."
You nodded, but paused to grab him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Keegan said quietly, murmuring the words. "Now go, Sir. Please."
While you and Riley ran back to the car, jumping in and desperate to try and get it to start, you failed to realise that there had been a hole slashed into it that had caused the petrol to leak out.
You cursed and slammed your hands on the steering wheel, sobbing before you ran back into the cabin. You tried to go on your phone, only to find that the WiFi was down and it had not charged. It was dying.
"Oh, fuck!"
You waited, barricading yourself and Riley in the bedroom; uneasy as you tried to remember your training and hoped that Keegan would be alright.
"I'm back!" Keegan howled from the window outside. "Why didn't you go?!"
"The car's dead!" You barked back, pulling him through before slamming and locking the window. "And the electric's out - all communications are dead!"
"Alright, alright," Keegan said quietly, nodding to himself. "So we'll wait it out until someone comes looking for us."
"He's dead," you whispered, clinging to your boyfriend. "Isn't he?"
"I hope so," he admitted. "I couldn't find Logan or Hesh…"
A stray tear left his eye as he sniffled. "It's just us…"
"We're really paying for the curse of Crystal Lake," you whimpered. "Aren't we?"
"We'll be fine," Keegan said shakily. "We'll be fine."
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tokillamockingbird427 · 6 months
You know what's funny is the "Accidental Werewolf Logan" isn't the only werewolf/supernatural kinda au where one of the Ghosts goes through the "Accidental Werewolf" shtick and then gets up to nonsense shenanigans.
The OTHER one has all the Walkers as werewolves already, and then Keegan gets jumped (Bitten) by a feral werewolf and then goes through what is basically werewolf puberty. And I say that because it literally is. Logan and Hesh and Elias all went through their growing pains as teens because they were born that way (Lady Gaga?!) but Keegan got bitten so he has to deal with it as a human adult. (Which, fun fact, makes him rank the lowest. Akin to actual wolves, parents/oldest are in charge, and Keegan is considered Baby because he just became a werewolf.)
The whole thing is basically "Get Adopted Dipshit." because he gets adopted. Like. Very near legally adopted. Elias, being the "closest" both in familiarity and actual space, is legally obligated to AT THE LEAST keep a very close eye on Keegan so he doesn't lose his shit and go feral. (Ferality is basically just "Stuck in the mixed form, going off instinct and nothing else." which is bad because instincts don't really jive with modern times.) (Also the reason closeness is a deciding factor in who has to watch newbies is that it helps reduce stress if a person is more familiar with who is basically their ward and stress can effect chances of going feral.)
Keegan has mixed feelings about the whole affair. On one hand, his teeth fucking fell out. (Not all of them, "milk teeth" are his incisors top/bottom. Rest of them stay.) On the other hand, his eyes glow in the dark now. (Elias showed him that during a doctors visit, Keegan was impressed.) On a third hand, Elias going "Good job buddy!" at him hits the same yet different as it did before.
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In Sickness & In Health (Dad!David "Hesh" Walker x Mom! F Reader)
TW: Mentions of stomach flu/symptoms, mentions of pregnancy and parenthood, some suggestive themes (not old enough to go to the bar legally - not old enough to be on my blog)
Blog HQ
"I know honey, I'm sorry" you whispered, rocking your son as he softly whined; still not understanding why he feels so bad. The fever, likely body aches, vomiting all day and lack of sleep all snowballed into you sitting with him in the middle of your dimly lit livingroom at 2:06am.
You've tried absolutely everything, medication, luke warm baths, cool compresses, even the meals your father in law made your husband when he was sick growing up. Every trick in the book, with no relief.
"Don't feel good" your son cried, pressing his face further in your chest as you leaned back into the couch.
At least your back felt relief if nothing else.
This was the worst case of the flu your house had seen in a very long time. Your oldest had it 2 days ago, your husband felt off yesterday, and now your youngest was suffering in their footsteps. You hoped and prayed that being cuddled up to your sick little one wouldn't cause you to fall into the same fate. Not that you hadn't been puking nearly every day for the past month for other reasons. But how do you say no when your child begs for specifically you?
"I'll take him" Hesh held his arms out, clearly exhausted as well. Being up with your oldest, then dealing with this himself yesterday. "Whatever he has I probably have already".
You nodded, shifting to hand the small boy over to him when a hand gripped the front of your shirt. Refusing to let go.
"No, just mama" he whispered, his little green eyes glazed over with a fever but begging you to stay. You always teased Hesh how it was incredibly unfair that you grew both boys, and they had the audacity to come out looking exactly like him.
He's been joking now that there's so much pressure riding on your third child.
"I've got this. Go get some sleep, you look exhausted" you gave your husband a small smile, leaning over to press a quick peck to his cheek as he left the room. Going to help your oldest get ready for bed.
Which left you here, hoping your son would calm down enough to sleep. That any of the medication you attempted to give him would take effect and soothe his sore tummy.
Rubbing his back slowly, you felt his small sobs become quieter and quieter as his breathing started to even out. You waited a few minutes to ensure he was actually asleep before scooping him up to carry him to his room.
He woke up when you tripped over Riley's back leg leaving the livingroom. Very groggy and half asleep, but still awake enough to feel off. Leaving you to curl up in his bed with him, rubbing his small back as he gripped the front of your shirt again.
You laid with the small boy, hoping sleep would take him into its embrace again soon. Muscles screaming from the position you were pretzeled in to fit on the bed, your bones feeling like they've been replaced with lead as the exhaustion hit.
"Night mama" you heard a faint, sleepy whisper from beside you as he curled further into his blanket. Fingers releasing your shirt slowly. Finally.
A small smile adorning your lips as you pressed a loving kiss to his hair. Watching him relax into a peaceful sleep, hopefully he'll feel better again when he wakes up.
Moving slow, making sure not to disturb your greatest challenge of the night you slipped out of the bed. Stretching your sore body before padding over to your shared bed, ready to get at least a couple hours of sleep tonight.
You couldn't help the pang of annoyance you felt looking at the time. Knowing if you were lucky you'd get 2, maybe 3 hours of sleep before your oldest was up. Pushing those thoughts aside you made your way to the bed, only to be greeted by your bedhog husband and Riley (who insisted on sleeping with all 4 legs spread right out in front of him).
"You're kidding" you softly groaned, rubbing at the dogs side. Hoping to wake him up and convince him to move. You doubted your ability to win, considering he was being spooned by Hesh right now.
"Riley, come on buddy. Let me in" you whispered, watching hopefully as the dog opened one eye to look at you before promptly closing it again and getting more comfortable in YOUR spot??
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you moved to your husband's side of the bed. Both hands on his back, you gave him a few small shoves forward. Ignoring his sleepy groans of protest. After gaining a few inches of room, you slid in behind the man. Arm wrapping around his waist as you cuddled in and let your body finally relax into sleep.
When you finally woke up, you noticed 3 things.
1). It was still fairly dark in the room
2). You were now alone in the bed, with your favourite blanket added overtop of you
3). Small giggles and your husband teasing your children about something from another room in the house.
You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, ensuring you read the time right. It was rare for you to sleep in, especially this late (no matter what time you went to bed the night before).
Now awake, you realized that Hesh must've closed the curtains and threw your favourite throw blanket (that he despised for some unknown reason) over you. Knowing it increased your chances of getting a few extra hours of sleep. Stretching in the bed, you smiled wide; even many years, 2 relationship status changes and 2.5 kids he never stopped showing his love and affection.
"Shush!" You heard a familiar trio of giggles coming down the hallway. "You're going to ruin it buddy, stop laughing"
"Stop talking dad! You're too loud" your oldest scolded back, in a rather loud whisper. You rolled over, pretending to be asleep when the door to your room opened. Small footsteps, and the sound of nails clicking against the floor caused you to slowly open your eyes and smile.
"Morning mama!" The boys cheered in unison, their green eyes lit up with love and excitement. "We made you mama juice and brekki"
Your cheeks began to hurt as your smile widened, opening your arms they crawled up on the bed. Cuddling into your sides as Riley laid by your feet. Both boys explaining their seperate roles in the morning surprise, and all the messes they decided to pin on Hesh.
"Hey! The egg wasn't me" he laughed from the doorway, 2 mugs of coffee in hand. "Breakfast is downstairs, these monsters couldn't agree who should wake you up with the surprise"
You pulled both boys a bit closer, kisses applied to both of their heads before they hopped off the bed. Excited to show you the fruits of their labour. You swung your legs over the side, before stopping dead. Squeezing your eyes closed, letting a deep sigh out of your nose as it hit you.
You heard Hesh direct your kids downstairs in the background, as you focused on not emptying your already empty stomach. Coffee temporarily forgotten on the nightstand, you felt warm hands rest on your thighs as he crouched in front of you.
"Morning sickness really kicking your ass this time around, huh?" He whispered, thumbs rubbing circles on your skin. Wishing he could do more to alleviate the symptoms.
"This" you gestured toward yourself, "is your fault. You couldn't have let one of them look like me" you teased once the wave of nausea passed. "Just need to get past this first little bit, then we're home free."
"You're amazing" he whispered, eyes filled with adoration and love. You felt your face warm up before pulling him into a soft kiss, arms slipping lazily over his shoulders. His hands slipping up your thighs to find purchase on your hips. You could stay like this forever.
"Ew!" Or not.
Your youngest stood in the doorway, pouting with his arms crossed. Clearly unimpressed by the sight before him. Chuckling, you rested your face into Hesh's neck. Whispering that you should probably make your way downstairs before you were dragged down there by toddlers.
Grabbing your coffee in one hand, and your sons little palm in the other; you let yourself be guided downstairs to the dining room. Where pancakes, fruits, bacon and....Logan sat. Listening happily as your oldest rambled on about something, using his entire body to convey his excitement.
"Mama and dad were being gross!" Your youngest declared halfway though your meal. Proceeding to rant on about the disgusting scene he was exposed to. Cheeks heating up, you kept your eyes focused on the plate. Actively trying to avoid the amused gaze from your brother in law.
"Already planning a fourth? The third isn't even done growing yet" your head shot up, as you heard Hesh burst out laughing from beside you. Before you could make any remark, you felt the telltale sinking in your stomach, and breath catching in your throat.
Swiftly excusing yourself, you made a beeline out of the room. Shaking as you kneeled on the bathroom floor, groaning softly. This sucked so much.
Leaning back after a second, you heard small feet running down the hallway. Soon after your youngest walked in the room, a glass of water held firmly between his small hands. You wondered if they filled it half full initially, or if he accidentally started washing your floors on the way here.
"Sorry I got you sick, mama" he frowned, holding the glass out to you. "Dad and Uncle Lo said this would make you feel better" you happily accepted the glass, drinking the cool water. Closing your eyes, relishing the feeling of the liquid soothing your throat.
"It's okay honey. Are you feeling any better?" You asked, standing up from the floor and following your son back to the kitchen. Silently thanking the higher powers that your floor somehow remained dry through the delivery.
"I'm full of pancake" he shrugged, wandering out to the livingroom to play with his brother and Uncle. Leaving you and Hesh alone in the kitchen.
"Bug or baby?" Your husband asked in a hushed tone, pulling you into a hug. You shrugged, resting your head against his shoulder.
"Hopefully the latter, considering Logan's taking the boys until tomorrow" he explained, grabbing a handful of your ass for a second before rubbing his hand up your back.
"You seriously called your brother to babysit so you can get laid?" Pushing back, you laughed at his sheepish expression. "What if I do have a that bug and I end up sick all day?"
"That's actually why I called him. Give us the day off to sleep, cuddle and recover without the tiny hurricanes destroying the place. Let them destroy his house, good practice. If you however feel up to it, I'm not about to deny you the DLC activities" you laughed at his offer, pressing a loving kiss to his throat before turning out of his arms and walking to the livingroom.
"You three have a sleepover planned I hear?" You smiled, watching their expressions light up as they sat on the floor, bricks of lego strewn about. Your two talking over one another telling you about all the plans they had for tonight. From blanket forts and ice cream to maybe getting to go to the beach later. You were just glad to see them both feeling better.
"No beaches, ice cream or raiding Uncle Logan's blanket supply if you don't get packed" Hesh called from the kitchen, putting the last couple of plates in the dishwasher. His arm swinging in the room, causing your sons to shoot up from their spots - excited to pack up for the night.
"They do love hanging out at Uncle Logans house" you teased lightly, poking the man on the floor with your foot. "Thank you for taking them on short notice"
"I don't mind, they're fun. Plus we're taking Riley too" Logan was downplaying the excitement and love he had for these visits. The childlike imagination and energy bringing him back to his own childhood. "You focus on feeling better, yeah? You're 3D printing my first neice there".
"Or third nephew. The jury's out this time" you chuckled, the only detail your friends and family could agree on for baby Walker #3 was they would be happy, healthy, and spoiled right rotten. And look like their dad.
"Let's go!" Both boys came running into the room, arms raised above their heads as they cheered. Backpacks hanging off their shoulders. "Come on Riley, sleepover with Uncle Logan!"
"That is my cue" he chuckled, pulling you into a quick side hug. Reminding you to feel better ASAP, and that the kids were welcome over for as long as needed.
Pressing soft kisses to both of your sons heads, reminding them to be good and that you loved them you watched them follow your brother in law out the door. Happily chattering away about something you didn't catch.
"So," you started, leaning into your husband who was now beside you. Your stomach empty and finally settling from earlier.
"About those DLC activities"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja @ai-luni
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callofdooty · 2 years
Just us
Keegan P. Russ & Thomas A. Merrick (Platonic)
Warnings: Angst, spoilers for the story of COD: Ghosts
A short, messy and incoherent drabble because I desired Angst :) Set shortly after the events of the game. Just Merrick and Keegan having a heart-to-heart. Extremely rough around the edges, but this is my first proper dive into writing these characters.
Keegan is cold.
It's nothing new, really. He's always been cold, and not in the emotional sense. Literal. Physical. Running colder than the rest was something of an inside joke for the Ghosts. Or, at least it used to be. Rorke used to rib him about needing an extra layer all the time, and back then he couldn't tell if the man was just joking or genuinely held some sort of distaste for the fact. He never had the courage to ask.
With the perspective he has now... Well the lines only become more blurry. Even now, he's not sure what to think.
The cold is its own type of twisted comfort at this point. The chill of a high vantage point, for example, was familiar, a home he could find almost anywhere, a place to put his heart and no one else could find it; because it is his heart, it's everything he dedicates himself to. Gun at the ready. Eyes sharp. Wits sharper.
But up here, there is no gun. And there is no target. Just him, staring off into the shining lights of a city, distant familiar glimmers taunting him, because of all the things to remain constant in his life, it was the reminder that he's always been alone, far removed from the world around him, isolated in a way that's never felt like a choice, like he had any control over it.
Even in the Ghosts, Keegan had his moments of feeling out of place, especially starting out. A young kid, a quiet kid who didn't actually know how to be... a kid. A person, even. And it's not like anyone around him knew how to do that either - most of them jaded adults who lost any semblence of their youth long before Keegan was even on this earth - so nobody could teach him how. Ajax and Merrick tried, they... really tried... but the lost can't lead the stranded; they barely knew how to act either. So of course, it was an awkward middle ground. Too "mature" to relate to anyone his age, but too young to actually find any sense of belonging outside of Merrick and Ajax.
Even then, he's lucky that they even put up with him. Keegan knows he's not exactly fun to hang out with, even less so when he was younger and lacked any practice in anything that wasn't strictly serious business. Their insistence of including him probably did more than they, or even Keegan himself, realised at the time.  It didn't magically make him into some social butterfly - he still prefers to let others do the talking - but it sure as hell taught him that he had the capacity to be something other than a weapon. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but it meant a lot to him. Without them, he figures his life would lack the pitiful embers of warmth it has.
Or perhaps it moreso of an ember, now, seeing as the other one snuffed out not too long ago. Slipped right through his fingertips, ashes whisking away in the wind to join the vast desert comprised of the shit. He wonders, idly, if the rest of the men on that mission greeted Ajax on the other side. Wonders if he's now greeted Elias.
He wonders, ever so bitterly, if he threw away his youth for nothing.
Fourteen men against hundreds. And that now amounts to this: two survivors left to shoulder the weight of a legacy that's since been crushed in the hands of the very fucker that made it.
And for what? A crime none of them even commit. A crime that none of them would ever dream of committing, apart from the son of a bitch persecuting them for it.
Fucking traitor. A roach that refuses to leave, no matter what you do to get rid of it. And now he has Logan, doing god knows what to that poor kid. The kid that Elias had trusted them with.
Fuck. He doesn't even know if Hesh is okay yet.
Familiar footsteps break him out of his thoughts.
"Gonna catch a cold out here, frosty."
"Not how that works," he replies dully, refusing to look away from the distant glimpses of light and life. He hears Merrick sigh, those heavy footsteps slowly approaching until they were right next to him. Merrick slumped down in that spot, looking out at the same skyline with the most resigned, exhausted eyes he's ever seen on the guy. They don't speak for a while, letting the gentle winds fill the dead air between them, until Keegan finally breaks it.
"'s the kid okay?"
Another sigh, shakier this time.
"Stable," Merrick reports, "Kick's watching over him with Riley."
"You know hell's gonna break loose when he wakes up, right?"
"I think hell's what we'll need to actually kill Rorke."
"As if we haven't raised enough of it the last few times we've tried."
"Takes a lot to kill a Ghost."
"Unless you're him," Keegan could taste the bitterness as it rolled off his tongue, "then it's easy pickings across the board,"
"We're fucked, Merrick." Keegan hisses, turning to glare at the other, stunning him into silence. "He got Ajax. He got Elias. And now he has Logan. We were barely keeping with it in the first place, nevermind now! We're a thread away from losing everything." At this point, Keegan was shaking, breaths shuddering as words spilled out, built up over who knows how long. "That sick fuck knows he's won, and he took Logan just to piss in the wound."
Merrick breaks through his shock almost immediately, shaking his head. The stress - the loss - had gotten to all of them. Ajax should have been the final straw, the point of no return for Rorke. It should've been the moment where they stopped fucking around and got on with it. And yet here they are. Four men down, the rest breaking apart like glass. In the exact state that Rorke wanted them in.
Fuck that.
"We're going to get him back, Keegan." Merrick refutes, "I know you, brother, and this isn't you. You don't lay down for anyone, especially not Rorke." He watches as Keegan averts his gaze, stubbornly keeping it to the floor. He frowns, and grabs the other man's shoulder, firm but not harsh, "Hey. Look at me."
Keegan isn't a particularly emotional guy. Merrick's known that since they met a whole 22 years ago. Hell, the kid didn't even really joke until a good few months into being friends with him and Ajax. Much like the rest of them, the easiest thing to resort to is anger; raw and powerful, fuel for action and a momentary relief from fear, or hesitation. But Keegan's anger, even so, wasn't exactly the same. Just as brutal, but hardly ever as explosive. It was contained and precise, much like everything Keegan did, much like everything Keegan felt. So when Keegan looked up at him, it almost took him aback to see the amount of grief in those eyes, uninhibited and nothing short of painful.
"I miss them." Keegan chokes out finally, voice fragile and breaking, barely audible. Shame stirs in his stomach, making him nauseous before working its way up, gripping his heart and then balling up to cause a lump in his throat that he tries his best to swallow around. "I miss him." The shame ignites like a gasoline trail, flaring quickly into anger (whether it's at himself or Rorke... it's hard to tell with all the smoke) that only makes him feel more sick. "God damn it, I miss that piece of shit."
And Merrick understands. Because of course he does. Rorke was their leader, the one they all depended on and the one they thought would always guide them instead of turning into the nightmare that he is now. It was the worst fear of any Ghost.
Keegan's head thumps against his shoulder in defeat, and suddenly they weren't in - or just shy of - their 40s. They were teenagers again, with only each other to truly trust in. Just as lost, but even more alone than they ever had been.
"What do we do Merrick?" Keegan mutters, "God, what do we fucking do? It's over... We can't win this shit."
"Look at me." Merrick repeats, almost wincing at seeing Keegan's mournful gaze again. "We're not losing, alright? We're gonna get back out there, we'll find Logan and we'll take down that son of a bitch. For Elias. For Ajax. For everything he's taken from us."
Keegan hesitates, searching Merrick's eyes before sighing, nodding meekly.
"Right. You're right." He almost loses his balance as Merrick pulls him in. Neither of them had ever been the touch-y feel-y sort, far from it actually, especially in Keegan's case; but both of them know this hug is overdue, something they've needed for longer than either wants to admit. And they stay like that, leaning into each other, watching the skyline in silence. For the first time in a while, Keegan takes comfort in warmth.
"It's just us, now, Keegan," Merrick sighs. "Let's make it count."
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simonxriley · 2 years
OC Interview!
I was tagged by the wonderful @natesofrellis and @thomrainer to do this oc interview. Thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @nightwingshero @sstewyhosseini @chuckhansen @hoesephseed @echo3-1 @leviiackrman @cameoninja and anyone else that wants to do it!!!
Went with Liz's canon verse and the one and only Simon "Ghost" Riley is the interviewer. Because she would tell everyone to fuck off and Price wouldn't care either way. I also thought it would be cute to have him interview her.
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"Elizabeth Anne Walker or shall I say Liz Riley! No one calls me Elizabeth and I prefer going by Liz anyways."
Are you single?
"I don't know Simon? Am I single?"
Simon: "No, we're married." He chucked. "Silly."
Are you happy?
"Probably for the first time in my life, I can truly say that I am."
Are you angry?
"As much as my life has changed for the better, I'm always going to be angry. Between the years of emotional abuse and neglect from my father to Shepherd's betrayal, that anger will always be there."
(Simon nods)
Are your parents still married?
"No, my mom died when I was two years old." She sighed. "I wonder what my life would've been like if she lived."
Birth Place?
"San Diego, CA."
Hair Color?
"Dark brown, black."
Eye Color?
"July 20th, 1992."
"Content, maybe a little annoyed."
Simon: "That's what you get from trying to prank Price, love. It isn't going to happen."
Liz: "We'll see about that."
Simon: *Scoffs*
Summer or winter?
"Before I moved here I would've picked summer, but now I'd say winter. I like being all cozy under a blanket and wearing sweaters. You don't get that in San Diego."
Morning or afternoon?
"Neither. No, wait. Morning."
Simon: "Is it because you like hiding my balaclava so I have to search for it and I'm late for work?"
Liz: "I would never do such a thing."
Simon: "Sure you wouldn't."
Liz: "Shush."
Simon: *Laughs*
Are you in love?
"Hmm, let me think." She begins tapping her chin with her index finger. "Yes, Yes I am!"
Simon: "Good, I am too!"
Who ended your last relationship?
"He did." She sighed. "I deserved it for what I did."
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
"Yes. In most cases I wouldn't have cared, but Dunn didn't deserve it. He was nothing more than good and kind to me and I ripped his heart out like it was nothing. It's one of the few things I regret."
Simon: "At least you two made up and became friends again. That has to mean something?"
Liz: "It really does."
Are you afraid of commitments?
"I wouldn't say I'm afraid of commitments, I just didn't care for them at the time. Times have changed."
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
"Obviously. You and our daughter."
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
"Uh, no."
Simon: "Really?"
Liz: "Yup."
Simon: "Wow."
Have you ever broken your own heart?
"Unfortunately. It's only human."
Love or lust?
"Younger me would say lust. Now it would be love."
Lemonade or ice tea?
"Ice tea. I wasn't really a fan of lemonade and Logan thought I was weird for it."
Cats or dogs?
"Both. Can't choose, won't choose."
A few best friends or many regular friends?
"A few best friends. The smaller the friends group the better in my eyes."
Wild night out or romantic night in?
"My wild nights out are over, romantic night in with my favorite person."
Simon: "Unless you get drunk at home, then your wild nights are not over. Makes for an entertaining night though."
Liz: *Heavy sigh*
Day or night?
"Night. I'm a night owl as you know."
Been caught sneaking out?
"Not by my dad, but Hesh. Which didn't do much in the long run."
Fallen down/up the stairs?
Simon: *Trying to hold back the laughter*
"Don't you say a damn thing, Simon."
Simon: "I haven't said a word."
Liz: "Good, let's keep it that way."
Simon: "Okay, lil miss I trip up the stairs."
Liz: *Facepalms*
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
"Yes, who hasn't?"
Wanted to disappear?
"No, my father made me this way, he's going to have to deal with me as well."
Simon: "He did have to deal with you until you got reassigned."
Liz: "That's true."
Smile or eyes?
Shorter or taller?
Intelligence or attraction?
"Intelligence, attraction is just a bonus."
Hook-up or relationship?
"Past me would for sure say hook-up, I've had enough of those in my life. Now, however I would say relationship."
Do you and your family get along?
"No, the only person I get along with is my brother, Logan. The only one that actually treated me with respect and love."
Simon: "He is a good big brother. And uncle."
Liz: "He really is!"
Would you say you have a "messed up life"?
"If a messed up life is having your dad emotionally abuse and neglect you for years because you didn't want to join the military only to join the military because you thought he would love you more only to realize it wouldn't change a damn thing? And because of that I became reckless and rage-full. Then yes, I would say I have a messed up life."
Have you ever run away from home?
"Nah, I liked my house and I had Logan."
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
"I would've liked to see him try."
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
"Yes. I don't think it's a secret though. Soap knows I don't like him that much."
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
"For the most part, yeah."
Who is your best friend?
"You and Logan."
Who knows everything about you?
"Also you and Logan."
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