#at the very idea of a hypothetical bi woman being attached to him!!?
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
Frustrated rn at all of the denizens of this site who are starting to critique the endless posts urging lesbians to "stop being so close-minded and just fuck men already!" because it's clear that they only care about people avoiding calling themselves bisexual (though I agree that's part of it) but don't give a shit about the entire ideological basis those posts have in condescension and cruelty directed towards lesbians because they fundamentally agree but just use different language and ideas to convey it
yeah I honestly agree with you and the same with the bi lesbian thing I feel like it's this balancing game to never suggest one thing affects one of us over the other. now I think it's worthwhile to point out that these things are also not in the best interests of bi women in order to prevent it turning into a "lesbians vs bi women" thing & point out that our needs are almost always aligned BUT it's really frustrating when people only care because it's like someone's saying they're too good for bisexuality like it's corrective rape rhetoric towards us at it's core and they are also bisexual people doing it. bisexual people with internalised biphobia, sure, but people acting like they're a secret third thing when ultimately its people who aren't lesbians that don't want lesbians to exist like can we talk about that 😭it's very much not the idea of attraction to multiple genders that they have a problem with in this case
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ellanainthetardis · 6 years
I loved yesterday's oneshot!! Could you do one where Effie and haymitch are maybe in bed or something and they properly discuss Effie being pan/bi? Maybe Effie brings it up because she thinks it makes haymitch uncomfortable :)
Here you go ! [x]
Who You Like
Haymitch’s body felt like lead.
He was panting a little, red in the face,trying to understand how there could be stars on the ceiling of his room. Ittook him a few minutes to recover and to gradually become aware of the rainhammering hard on the glass of the window. Lightning bolts were regularlystriking the sky, followed by impressive thunder, the only light in the darkcity at the moment.
The storm had hit the Capitol, too powerful forthe controlled weather to get a hold on it. Everyone had been ordered home forsafety measures a little before electricity had given in. He wasn’t sure if itwas better or worse that kids were still murdering themselves in an arenathousands of miles away for the pleasure of people who couldn’t even see it.The storm had saved him from a boring party though and for that he wasgrateful.
He hated those parties even more after Twelve’stributes had died.
All those shallow people, wasted food, stupidas…
Effie startled with the next roar of thunder, notused to that kind of untamed weather probably. He wondered what it was like togrow up in a snowball where nature had been whipped into obeying one’s wishes.Nature was deadly in Twelve. Blizzards, extreme temperatures… It killed itsshare of vulnerable people every year.
He watched in the semi-darkness as she bent herlegs and placed her feet firmly on the mattress, facing the window and flashingthe rest of the world. It was probably a good thing the Center was one of thetallest buildings in the city and that the penthouse was at the very top. Shehad ended up lying perpendicular to him, her head cushioned on his thigh. Herblond hair was half draped over his leg and he had to admit it looked goodthere.
“Can’t stay here all night.” he muttered.
They would fall asleep and he didn’t likesleeping with someone in his bed. Although he supposed they could have stayed there all night. Itwasn’t like they had anything better to do with the storm raging over theirheads anyway. Without electricity he couldn’t even go down a floor to have adrink with Chaff.
“I am too sore to move.” she complained.
He couldn’t quite dispute her that. They hadbeen in the middle of a very volatile – and public– argument when the announcement that everyone should head home had hit andthe sex, as a result, had been… He wanted to say kinky but athletic wasprobably the best word. He hadn’t known a human body could bend that much. Theyhad tested the limits of her flexibility.
He gave a noncommittal grunt, a bit exhaustedhimself, and let her grab his hand to play with his fingers. She was barelybrushing her fingertips against his skin but it was distracting. And relaxing.And before he knew how, he was drifting off, only staying awake because she wasflinching with every new loud boom of thunder.
Like a child, he mused.
He didn’t understand what she was so afraid of.They were in a solid building that wasn’t likely to be hit by lighting – andeven if it were, he was pretty sure there were measures in place to make surenothing dire happened. Try sleeping through a thunderstorm in a shack that hada leaking roof, he thought.
Apparently the soreness must have disappearedafter a while because she let go of his hand and left the bed. She camehurrying back with the next flash of lighting and settled in the exact sameposition she had been. He reallywanted to protest – or to at least make her admit she was scared of being alone– but he was tired and too content to keep his eyes closed.
At least until the familiar tang of nicotinehit his nose.
“Do you truly mind?” she asked.
Such a stupid question.
“You know I hate the smell.” he grumbled.
She usually kept her smoking outside, to bring it right into his bed…Well, actually it might have been just like when he brought his liquor into hers. Speaking of liquor… He glanced atthe nightstand, squinting his eyes to try and figure out if the bottle of winehe had snatched off the table the previous night wasn’t totally empty. He wasout of luck though.  
“I am not talking about that.” she countered, pretending not to understand the rebuke. Shemust have grabbed an ashtray too because he saw her flick ashes on her otherside, too close to his calf for comfort. Sheets were flammable and there wereno guarantees he hadn’t spilled liquor on them at some point. “I mean… You didnot look so happy with Cheryl chatting me up.”
“Don’t care what you do.” he repliedimmediately.
Even if the woman who had seemed sointent about getting into his escort’s pants had been… Well, she had beenattractive. There was no beating around the bush about that. Another time,another place, he might even have gone after her himself. She had beenattractive and there Effie had been, looking all attracted.
It had been sickening to watch, all thatflirting. Chaff had kept snickering like an idiot the whole time, keeping up aone-sided conversation about something straightly driven out of a porn-relatedfantasy… All Haymitch had seen was that the woman was touching his escort’sarm, smiling in an unmistakable come-hitherway and that Effie hadn’t been completely unreceptive to her offer.
He had cut in before the flirting could developinto more serious propositions. Then they had argued about his rudeness andthen a computerized voice had blissfully orderedeveryone to go their merry way.
“Ofcourse, you do not.” she sighed, sounding patronizing. “Nevertheless, you are never very happywhen anyone chats me up – which is fair since I do not quite enjoy watching people flirt with you either.”
“Effie.” he warned. They were getting veryclose to discussing something he didn’t want to discuss. He wasn’t sure whatshe did the rest of the year but it had been a while since there had been boyfriends in her life. And it had beena while since he had looked elsewhere for something she was always so ready togive him. So perhaps they had become exclusive without discussing it but thatwas the crux of the matter: notdiscussing it. He didn’t want anything serious. Couldn’t afford it.Certainly not with a Capitol of all people. Certainly not with her whom he still claimed he hated ongood days.
“It is just…” she insisted, apparentlyunwilling to see reason. She took a drag of her cigarette and blew out thesmoke impatiently. “Somehow, you always seem a bit more put out when it someonelike Cheryl and… Does my sexual preferences bother you?”
He blinked, not having seen that questioncoming. He stole the cigarette from her fingers because he didn’t have liquorto stall his answer and he needed something to keep his hands busy. She movedthe ashtray closer to him without comment. He made a face at the first draft,not understanding the pleasure she found in poisoning herself with those. Atleast liquor knocked him off.
“That you like women too, you mean?” he askedeventually, when he couldn’t put it off anymore.
They had had one very awkward conversation not long after she had become his escortand well before they had started sleeping together. He had known that people inthe Capitol were very free with what they did and with whom but he had thoughtthey were a minority and that they usually kept it discreet. He hadn’t beenprepared for his brand new pretty escort flirting with a pretty female model ina middle of a crowded room and that had thrown him.
She had laughed at his ignorance at the timeand it was only after that – an embarrassing amount of twelve years after he had first been introduced to Capitol society– that he had learned it wasn’t just about sex and it was more common than hehad realized.
“Not just women actually.” she declared, a bittentative.
That made him frown. “Men and women. What elseis there?”
She wasn’t into teenagers, that much he knewfor sure from watching her fend off Finnick’s playful wooing for years. Sheliked her men older than her. He wasn’t sure about how she liked her women. Hewasn’t sure he wanted to think about it at all.
She snatched the cigarette back from him.“Never mind. That might be too much for you.”
“You’re not into animals, right?” he worried,suddenly hit by the ridiculous thought of her getting turned on by dogs or…
“Ew!”she exclaimed, slapping his stomach. “You are disgusting! Where do you even getthose ideas? Truly…”
“Don’t give me the defensive bullshit.” he retorted. “I’ve beenaround the city enough to know it’s not the worst you people get up to.”
She couldn’t very well dispute that point. Shebrought the cigarette back to her lips and blew out a cloud of smoke. The stormwas finally calming down outside.
“I like everything.” she clarified quietly. “Iam attracted to people not gender.”
He still wasn’t quite sure what that meant butit didn’t seem that different from her liking both men and women.
“Okay.” he shrugged. “So?”
“Well, does it bother you?” she asked againwith some impatience.
“Ain’t my place to be bothered.” he grumbled.“You do what you want, I do what I want. No strings attached.”
“Alright.” she hissed. “But, hypothetically, if there were strings attached, would it botheryou?”
He pondered that for a moment. “Hypothetically… Don’t see what it has todo with me. You like what you like.”
She handed the cigarette over and he took itwithout thinking twice about it, taking the final drag before crushing it inthe astray and moving that to the nightstand. As soon as he had done that, shegrabbed his hand and started playing with his fingers once more.
“Why do you always get so angry when a womanapproach me then?” she whispered. Before he could deny it, she continued in arush. “Because when it is a man you become all possessive and you always haveto make a show of strength. It is very caveman-like and it is actually veryarousing even if it is so, so rude ofyou. But women… When a woman flirts with me you always get angry.”
“Hypothetically.”he insisted because he certainly wasn’t about to admit being jealous of anyone over her.
“Of course.” she hummed smoothly.
“Guess…” he hesitated. “I know what you’d likein a man. I can compete. Now, what you’d go with a woman for… Don’t have theright plumbing for that, yeah? Itain’t anger, just…”
Fear of losing.
He didn’t say the words but she must havegotten the sentiment because she breathed in a sharp breath and squeezed hishand. “Oh.”
“Whatever.” he muttered. “All hypotheticalanyway.”
“I am veryattracted to you.” she stated firmly. “I am more attracted to you than I haveever been to anyone else. Even when I do notwant to want you, I do. It is… Very inconvenient. But it has its brightsides.”
She placed his hand down on her breast and hedidn’t pass on the opportunity to fondle her. He drew slow circles around hernipple, teasing rather than purposeful.
“What do you like in women then?” he foundhimself asking, curious despite himself.
“I do not really know.” she hummed. “They arebeautiful. I enjoy beauty.” She arched a little under his hand, letting herhead roll so her cheek was pressed against his hipbone. “I enjoy strength too.It does not matter to me what shape they come in.”
“Okay.” he accepted, letting go of her breastto brush her blond hair away from her face. Parts of him were starting to wakeup again and he wasn’t sure she was up to anything yet. That last bout had been on the wild side. “As long asyou’re attracted to me more. Hypothetically.”
She laughed and curled up on her side, pressinga short kiss over his hip. “As hypothetical as it is, there never was any doubtof that.” Her fingers randdistractedly up and down his side. “What about you?”
“What about me?” he snorted. “It’s the worstkept secret in this Center how attractive I find you.”
He didn’t think there was anyone left on theGames staff who didn’t know or suspected they were sleeping together. Theydenied and denied and denied again but at the end of the day, he didn’t think alot of people were fooled. It didn’t matter. Keeping the secret was paramountto his peace of mind. As long as it was just as a sex thing… It was safer foreveryone involved.
“That would be because I am the most attractivewoman you have ever met.” she purred. Her fingers chose that moment to leavehis side for his stomach, distracting him so much he forgot to protest. “But Imeant… Have you never been tempted by another man?”
He immediately made a face. “Hell, no.”
“You do not need to sound so defensive.” she scowled. “There is nothing wrong with it.”
“Never said there was.” he countered. “Just…Where I come from…” In Twelve, that sort of things were sort of taboo. Sex initself was traditionally reserved for after marriage – there were zero means ofprotection out there and it was stressed from early on that waiting waspreferable to ending up with children you would have to feed – which made for very traditionalist views. It wasn’tthat homosexuals were ostracized but the norm was woman and man and if therewere a few people who defy that, it wasn’t something that was acknowledged orflaunted. They kept to themselves. And, yeah,maybe Haymitch had realized that it was one area where the Capitol was actuallymore civilized than they were but the everyday lives were so different too…“Sorry, we’re not as liberal as the Capitol is, sweetheart.” he sneered.
“Oh, we are not that liberal…” she objected quietly. “For instance… Same-sexmarriages are allowed but most people still choose to marry someone from theopposite gender even if they are to keep a lover on the side. It is consideredmore proper, particularly in the upper circles. Then again, a lot of marriagesin the city are of conveniences. It is all about influence and power.”
He found himself combing her hair. He loved herhair. He loved touching it, playing with it…
Her hand was resting flat on his stomach, nolonger teasing. He didn’t know if that was because he had hurt her feelingswith his quick denial or because she just wanted to sleep.
“Never been into anything else than breasts.”he shrugged. “Only thing I could think about when I hit thirteen. Girls andbreasts and how to get one to let me touch them.”
She chuckled, her blue eyes visibly sparklingin mischief even in the semi-darkness. “Were you very successful?”
“Not quite.” he smirked. “Not until I was fifteen,at least. Then they were all over me but by that point I was head over heelsfor…”
He abruptly stopped talking. It seemed wrong tospeak Mabel’s name there. Naked in a bed with another woman – an escort, no less. He closed off andturned his head away from her. He hadn’t gone far with his girl. She had madehim run after her for months. She hadplayed hard to get and it had made the sweet inevitable surrender all the moreso satisfying for the long weeks of suffering. He could still remember the rushwhen she had let him kiss her for the first time. She hadn’t been the firstgirl he had kissed but at that moment he had sworn she would be the last.
Look how thathad turned out.
Effie teeth closed on a fragile patch of skinright under his hipbone. His hips jerked up in surprise at the small pain. Heglared at her but she was licking the abused flesh now. She sucked it into hermouth next and it would leave a mark but he couldn’t begin to care. Not whenshe was sucking things so close to where he reallywanted to be licked and sucked.
He wanted to ask what she was up to but itwasn’t what came out of his mouth.
“Chaff thinks watching two girls together isthe ultimate fantasy.” he said.
It gave her pause. She propped her chin on histhigh, studying him as best as she could in the dark.
“I could arrange that for you, if you want.”she suggested. “I have friends who do not mind threesomes and who are discreet.It wouldn’t get out of this room. You could watch. You could even play withus.”
“No.” he refused immediately, without needingto think about it.
He didn’t share. That was another thing he wassure of. Sharing wasn’t for him. He liked having someone’s whole attention andhe liked giving his attention back. All the more so when it was Effie. As for watchingsomeone be with her when she shouldhave been only his? Hypothetically. No. No, he really wasn’tinto that.
“I also have male friends who would likenothing else…” she grinned.
She was so obviously teasing now that hegrowled.
Man or woman, it didn’t make any difference tohim. He wouldn’t watch her get it on with anyone else. It wouldn’t end well forthe other participant. He could be very possessive.
“Shut up.” he ordered.
“You are the one who brought threesomes up.”she pointed out. “I have nothing against it. I have had my share.”
He so didn’twant to hear about all her sex exploits. She was younger than him and it feltas if she had done everything twiceover.
“Seriously.” he mumbled. “Shut up.”
She rolled her eyes. “I love sex. I do not makeany apology for it.” She winked at him. “Besides, I excel at it.”
And with that for only warning she lifted herhead and she licked him from base to tip. She was a tease and she knew how towork him up. In a matter of minutes, she had him hard and throbbing. She wasstill curled up on her side and he threw caution to the wind and grabbed herknee.
She let him pop out of her mouth with a smallsqueal when he manhandled her.
“What are you doing?” she gasped.
He waited until he had her where he wanted her,on her stomach on his chest, with her legs on either side of his head, beforehe replied. “Making it a race.”
Turnabout was fair play after all and shemoaned when he licked her.
Her lips closed on him again and he forgot allthoughts about who she liked or didn’t like. It didn’t matter. Not as long ashe was the only one she took to her bed.
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