#ateez smau series
alxtiny · 4 months
hi i hope your requests are open 😓😓😓 i was wondering if you could do an ot8 comfort fic thing for when the ateez members find out that reader used to selfharm because of the scars left behind. if you dw to do ot8 then just mingi is fine.
thank you sm!
I’m so sorry it took this long i got sidetracked 😭😭 but i hope you like it
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Ateez reacting to their SO’s self harm scars
Synopsis: ateez comforts the reader after finding out about their self harm scars
Pairing: ateez x gn!reader, domestic au
Genre: fluff, comfort
Word count: 3k
Warnings: mentions of past struggles with self harm
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• Hongjoong
The soft hum of music filled the cozy studio as Hongjoong focused on the delicate dance of his fingers on the MIDI keyboard, his laptop screen glowing with various tracks and effects. Beside him, you were nestled in a comfortable chair, engrossed in a book, occasionally shifting to find a more comfortable position.
As you moved, your shorts rode up slightly, revealing faint scars on your thighs. Hongjoong's eyes flickered with concern as he noticed, surprised to have not seen them before. He paused his work, turning to you with a gentle furrow in his brow.
"Jagi, what happened to your thighs?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for answers.
You looked down at your scars, a small sigh escaping your lips. "Oh, those? Just old battle wounds," you replied casually, trying to not fall back into painful memories.
Hongjoong's heart sank at your casual response. "But... how did you get them?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.
You inhaled sharply, setting your book aside. "It's... a long story. But really, it's all in the past. They don't bother me anymore."
Hongjoong's heart clenched at your stiff tone, but he chose not to pry further. He reached out to gently trace the scars with his fingertips, his touch hesitant, as if it might hurt you, but you found it comforting. "I wish I had noticed sooner," he murmured, his voice laced with regret.
You met his gaze, offering him a small smile. "It's okay, love. I got out of it. It not exactly pleasant to remember but I’ll be fine," you reassured him, squeezing his hand affectionately. "Besides, consider it character development."
Hongjoong pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if he could shield you from any pain. "Don’t make jokes now," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "But remember, you don't have to bear it alone. I'm here for you, always."
"Thank you," you whispered, feeling With warmth spreading through your body, grateful for his presence and understanding.
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• Seonghwa
Seonghwa sat comfortably on his bed, his back resting against the pillows as he played Animal Crossing on his Switch. You snuggled close beside him, the warmth of his body against yours, as you watched the screen together.
You continued watching with fascination, occasionally pointing out cute details or offering suggestions for his virtual paradise.
"Hwa, look! You should put a little picnic area by the beach," you suggested, your voice filled with excitement.
He glanced at you, a warm smile gracing his lips as he listened to your ideas. But then, as the light from the screen shifted, he noticed something on your forearm. Faint scars, barely visible except for when the light from the screen illuminated them but it was enough to catch his attention. He paused the game, concern flickering in his eyes as he gently traced his fingers over them.
"What are these?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with worry.
You hesitated for a moment, feeling a wave of vulnerability wash over you. But then, meeting his gaze, you offered a reassuring smile. "They're old scars," you explained gently. "I'm better now, Seonghwa. You don't need to worry."
He furrowed his brows, his concern evident. "But... how did I never notice them before?"
You shrugged lightly. "They're not something I like to talk about, anyways being with you makes me feel confident and content with myself and I don't dwell on the past when I'm with you."
Seonghwa's heart swelled with love and admiration for you. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "You're so strong, Y/N," he murmured, his arms enveloping you in a comforting embrace. "And you're not alone. I'm here for you, always."
You smiled at him, feeling absolutely content as you relaxed further into his arms.
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• Yunho
Yunho had always been passionate about his work, especially dancing. So when he dragged you along to the KQ dance studio one evening, you couldn't say no to his big puppy eyes, even if it meant sitting on the sidelines and watching him move with such grace that not even the best could replicate.
As he swayed and spun across the polished floor, you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His dedication and talent were mesmerizing, filling the room with an energy that was infectious.
"That was amazing," you whispered as he finished a particularly intricate sequence.
He grinned, sweat glistening on his forehead. "Thanks, love. But you know what would make it even better?"
You raised an eyebrow, already anticipating his answer.
"If you joined me," he said, extending a hand towards you.
You shook your head, chuckling softly. "No way, Yunho. I'm not half as talented as you are."
But Yunho was persistent, and before you knew it, he had pulled you up from your seat and into the centre of the studio. You stumbled a bit, feeling a little self-conscious as you stood next to him.
"Don't worry," he reassured you, placing his hands on your waist. "Just follow my lead."
You moved together, following his lead as best you could. It wasn't long before you found yourself lost in the music, the worries of the day melting away with each step.
But then, as you spun around, your shirt shifted, revealing the faint marks on your shoulder. Yunho noticed immediately, his expression shifting from playful to concerned. He stopped dancing, his hands dropping to his sides. You froze at his sudden shift in demeanour and looked at him in confusion waiting for him to say something.
"What's this?" he asked, gently tracing the marks with his fingertips.
You bit your lip, feeling exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. "Oh, um, it's nothing. Probably just from a cat or something."
Yunho raised an eyebrow at your answer, he wasn't convinced. "You sure about that?"
You sighed, knowing you couldn't keep it from him any longer. "Fine, I used do it when I got frustrated or angry with myself. It's stupid, I know."
Yunho's eyes widened in horror, his fingers still lingering on your skin. "Why would you do that?"
You shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "I don't know. It's like a subconscious thing, I guess."
"You don't have to do that anymore," he murmured against your skin, kissing the scars lightly. "You have me now. Whenever you feel like that, come to me. Lean on me, use me however you like. I'll be here for you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face in his chest, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.
• Yeosang
Yeosang had gone out for a while to run some errands, leaving you to enjoy a peaceful nap on his large bed. You decided to steal one of his shirts, the comfort of which immediately sent you to sleep. Unbeknownst to you,in your deep slumber as you shifted around, the shirt had slipped off your shoulder, exposing the healed scars that adorned your skin.
As Yeosang returned home, his heart swelled at the sight of you, peacefully sleeping. He couldn't help but smile fondly, thinking of how cute and tiny you looked in his clothes, quietly he approached to admire your peaceful face. Gently, he reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face, as he did his gaze shifted to the scars that marred your skin. Concern flooded his features as he leaned in closer, his fingertips hovering over the healed marks.
You stirred at his touch, blinking awake with a soft smile as you recognized him. "Hey, Yeosang, you’re back, " you greeted smiling at him, your voice still laced with sleep.
But as your eyes met his, you noticed the concern etched in his expression, his eyes fixed on the scars. "Is everything alright?" you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
Yeosang's worry spilled out in a rush of questions. "What happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me?"
Confusion flashed across your face before you realised what he was looking at, and you gently reached out to cup his cheek, soothing the furrow in his brow. "Yeosang, it's okay," you reassured him, your voice gentle yet firm. "Those scars are old. It's been nearly a decade since then."
You could see the relief wash over him, but he still looked troubled. "But... why? Why did you...?"
You placed a finger over his lips, silencing his questions. "I was going through a tough time back then," you explained softly. "But being with you... you make me so happy, Yeosang. I haven't had any bad thoughts since."
His eyes softened, and he pulled you into a comforting embrace, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay," he murmured against your skin.
You smiled up at him, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "I'm more than okay," you whispered, leaning in to capture his lips in a gentle kiss. "I'm better than I've ever been, all because of you."
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• San
After a warm evening shower you wanted nothing more but to get into your fluffy pyjamas and go to sleep. You stood in front of your mirror, carefully putting on your clothes, when the door unexpectedly swung open, revealing San on the other side. Startled, you instinctively grabbed a towel to cover yourself.
"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize you were in here," San stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"It's okay, San. Just give me a moment," you said, adjusting your shirt as you continued dressing. You had been with him long enough not to feel entirely uncomfortable with him seeing you like this.
As you finished, you noticed San's gaze lingering on a particular spot near your hips. Sensing his stare, you furrowed your brows and glanced down, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Is something wrong?" you asked, your voice laced with concern.
San blinked, seemingly snapping out of his trance. "Oh, no, it's nothing," he quickly replied, though his expression betrayed his curiosity.
You sighed softly, knowing he wouldn't let it go that easily. "They're just scars from my past," you explained, gesturing towards the faded marks on your upper thigh and hips. "Back then I struggled a lot with my confidence," you winced slightly at the painful memory.
San's eyes widened in realisation, and his features softened with empathy. "I had no idea," he murmured, stepping closer to you. "You're perfect, you know? I can't believe you would ever think otherwise."
A small, appreciative smile tugged at your lips, touched by his sincerity. "Thank you, San," you replied softly, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I'm in a much better place now."
Without hesitation, San reached out to cup your cheek, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. "I'm glad to hear that," he whispered, his gaze filled with adoration. "But just know, I'll always be here to remind you of how incredible you are."
His words melted away any lingering insecurities, and you couldn't help but lean in to press a tender kiss against his lips. "Thank you for always being so understanding," you murmured against his mouth.
"Of course," San replied, returning the kiss with equal fervor. "You don't ever have to worry about anything when you're with me.
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• Mingi
After ages of going to the gym, lifting weights and what not, you had finally convinced Mingi to join you for a workout session at home. He was a bit hesitant about it at first, but eventually agreed, eager to spend more time with you. You chose something slow and peaceful, as opposed to the usual fast cardio routine.
You rolled out your yoga mats in a quiet corner of the living room, ready to start your session. "Alright, Mingi, let's begin with some simple stretches," you said, gesturing for him to follow your lead.
Mingi nodded, a determined look on his face as he mirrored your movements. You guided him through various yoga poses, explaining the significance behind each one with patience and encouragement. As you moved gracefully from one pose to another, you couldn't help but notice Mingi's intense focus on you.
Eventually, you transitioned into a seated position, stretching out your legs. That's when you saw Mingi's gaze flicker down to your thighs, his expression shifting slightly.
Sensing his sudden shift in mood, you paused, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. "Is everything okay, Mingi?"
Mingi hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Y/N, I... I didn't realize..." His voice trailed off, his eyes fixated on the faint scars adorning your skin.
You followed his gaze and realized what he was looking at. You never made an effort to hide them, but you hadn't expected Mingi to notice them either.
You shifted closer to him and reached out, gently placing your hands on his. You took a deep breath, deciding to address it calmly. "Those are just old scars from before. I don't hide them, but I understand if it's a bit surprising."
Mingi blinked back tears, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "I... I never knew. I'm sorry, Y/N. I should've noticed sooner."
You shook your head, squeezing his shoulder gently. "You don't have to apologize, Mingi. You couldn't have known. What matters is that I'm here now, and I'm okay."
Mingi's eyes softened as he looked at you, his voice filled with sincerity. "Y/N, please... promise me you won't struggle alone anymore. I'm here for you, always."
You nodded, a warm smile spreading across your face, as you hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, making him crack a smile too. "I promise, Mingi.”
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• Wooyoung
It was one of those lazy afternoons when you and Wooyoung were both off from work and free from all worries, allowing just the two of you to enjoy each other's company. Of course the best way to spend it was by annoying each other and generally goofing around, engaging in your usual banter and playful teasing.
As you playfully jabbed at Wooyoung's side while he was attempting to pour himself some water, successfully making him spill it, he retaliated by attempting to tickle you. You squirmed and laughed, trying to evade his grasp and running around the apartment, but he managed to corner you and began tickling your sides mercilessly.
"Ah! Wooyoung, stop!" you squealed between giggles, your cheeks flushed from the laughter.
His hands slipped under your shirt, tickling up and down your sides with no mercy as tears escaped your eyes from laughing too much. Abruptly his movements stopped, and a concerned frown creased his forehead as his fingers brushed against thin ridges on the side of your ribs. Gingerly he lifted your shirt, his eyes widened to discover pale white scars strewn across your skin.
"Hey... what's this?" Wooyoung's voice softened as he traced the scars with his thumb, his playful demeanor instantly replaced by worry.
You glanced at him, puzzled by the sudden change in his demeanor, until you followed his gaze down to your ribs. Realization dawned on you, and you gently placed your hand over his, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Ahh those, it's okay, Wooyoung," you said softly. "I'm okay now. You don't need to worry."
He searched your eyes, silently asking for confirmation. Your reassuring words seemed to ease his concern, but he still couldn't shake off the worry completely.
Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss against the scars, his lips warm against your skin. "I love you," he whispered softly, his voice filled with sincerity and affection.
Your heart swelled with warmth at his words, and a giggle bubbled up from within you. Wrapping your arms around him, you hugged him tightly.
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• Jongho
As you walked through the door after a painfully long day at work, Jongho couldn't help but notice the weary expression etched on your face. His heart clenched at the sight, knowing all too well the burdens you carried. He had always known of the battles you fought within yourself and the scars they left behind. Yet, out of respect and understanding, he never broached the topic, letting you open up at your own pace.
Today, however, he felt compelled to reach out, to offer you the comfort you so often extended to him.
"Hey, love," he greeted softly, setting aside his book and rising to meet you.
You managed a faint smile, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. "Hey, Jongho."
He stepped closer, his gaze gentle yet searching. "Rough day?"
You sighed, nodding slightly. "Yeah, you could say that."
Taking your hand, he led you to the couch, where he enveloped you in a warm embrace. "I'm here for you, you know? You can always talk to me."
You tensed slightly at his words, your gaze flickering to the floor. But Jongho's reassuring touch grounded you, as he smoothed over the jagged lines on your arms, easing the knots of anxiety that tightened within you.
"I'm just... tired," you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Silence settled between you, but it was a comforting silence. Jongho pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his arms secured around you.
Jongho nods, his hand finding yours, offering silent support. "You know you don't have to carry it all alone, right?" he says, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering sincerity.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you're grateful for the dim light that hides the vulnerability in your expression. "I know," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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wontune · 4 months
♡ ⠀ ⠀ mingi ⠀ ⠀ : ⠀ ⠀ lockscreenㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ( ateez )
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over-driving · 3 months
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seonghwa is worlds away from you. breaking up with him has become the best, and only, option left.
seonghwa x non-idol!reader
wc: 1.1k
warnings: angst, breaking up, crying, heartbreak, insecurities, talk about tour and being an idol, pet names (star, my love)
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as i sit on the edge of our bed waiting for seonghwa to come home, i think about all the memories we had together. the good, bad and ugly. the laughter, the tears and arguments, the kisses and 'i love you's. i sit and reminisce on when we first met, when we first started dating, our first kiss, and every other little moment i spent with seonghwa. and now i have to think about what i'm going to say when he walks through that door and i have to explain to him that i'm leaving.
i hear seonghwa open the front door and then the bedroom door. i stayed unmoving on the edge of our shared bed and silently watched him. he had his bags in his hands from their tour, similar to my bags packed beside me. seonghwa looked up at me and we made silent, knowing eye contact for what felt like hours. no one moved, no one said anything, the only sound in the room was the busy street outside. that was until seonghwa broke eye contact to put his bags down on the floor with a heavy sigh. i continue to stare at seonghwa and couldn't help the tears that welled up in my eyes, but i'll be damned if i let them fall this early.
"it seems like we need to talk." seonghwa said but he spoke towards the ground. you could hear the strain in his voice but you weren't sure if it was from his tour or if he was trying to hold back a heart-shattering sob.
"i don't know what you want me to say, seonghwa," i look into his eyes that refused to look back at mine, "it's time for me to go."
"but it doesn't have to be" seonghwa answered back quickly and desperately. his eyes glancing between my folded hands in my lap to my packed bags at the end of our bed. i stayed quiet, wanting to see if he would add anything else; if he would beg me to stay. but seonghwa didn’t speak up again.
“please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be” i say softly. i knew breaking up with seonghwa wasn't going to be easy, but his silent desperation was eating me alive.
“then let's stop all of this. here, i'll help you unpack.” seonghwa still refused to meet my eyes as he grabbed my luggage, opened it, and started putting my clothes back into the closet. with shaky and fast hands, seonghwa opened the closet and dresser drawers. the only noise in the room was the sound of coat hangers hitting each other and the tussle of fabric. i could feel his heartache from miles away. finally, i let my tears fall as i glare at seonghwa’s back.
“i can have someone pick up my stuff some other time, seonghwa. that won't stop me from leaving.” i break the silence this time. he goes completely still, like he's frozen in place. eventually, seonghwa lets his arms fall, slapping his sides, and hangs his head down. the recurring silence is eating me alive. i want him to say something, anything. i want him to scream at me, yell at me, tell me to leave, tell me that he never even loved me.
seonghwa slowly turned around to face me, his eyes meeting mine for what felt like the first time. the tears welling up in his eyes made me choke down a quick breath and bite my tongue.
“you're my star, y/n” whispered words spill from seonghwa’s lips. words that made my heart clench and my tears fall faster.
“you can't force the stars to align, seonghwa, we’re two worlds apart.” i raised my voice slightly at him. i hate playing this back and forth game.
“two worlds apart? what do you mean, y/n?” seonghwa takes a hesitant step closer to me as he searches my eyes for the answer.
“isn't it obvious? you're an idol, seonghwa. aren't you tired of having to hide our relationship, having to pretend i don't exist, having to constantly check up on me when you're on tour? i'm doing us both a favor.” i speak loudly with my hands but the words falling from my mouth were quiet and broken up by my sobs.
“is that what this is all about? we can go public with our relationship. i don't care what happens or what anyone has to say, i just want to fix this,” seonghwa spoke rationally but i can tell by his body language that he was getting just as frustrated as me, “don't leave over something like this.”
“i guess distance doesn't always bring fondness,” i sigh and haphazardly wipe away the tears on my cheeks, “i wish i could stay with you, seonghwa”
“then stay” he makes no move to wipe his cheeks like i did. the pleading was evident within his voice, but i wasn't going to change my mind. this was the only option we had left. this was how our relationship was destined to end. we used to fantasize for hours about what our future would look like. we would stay up all night talking about our hypothetically wedding and children, but in the back of my mind i knew our words would never become a reality. i'm surprised we got as far as moving in together let alone being together for the past 5 years.
i have nothing but love for park seonghwa. that's why breaking up with him is the right thing to do. “stop trying to keep us alive”
i grab the only bag of mine that seonghwa didn't unpack and walk out of the bedroom, making a b-line for the front door of our apartment. seonghwa was close behind me, spewing incoherent sentence after sentence, begging me to stay. he grabbed onto my arm once i had reached the door.
“we’ll never be two worlds apart, my star, we’re both mars.” i can’t bear to face my soon to be ex-boyfriend; i just keep my head down as i silently cry.
“you're mars, my love, and i'm saturn. its been like that from the start. we’ve been two worlds apart for the past 5 years,” i gently shake seonghwa’s arm off of me and grab the doorknob, “i was never your star, but you’ll forever be mine.” i give him one last tearful look before i opened the door and left, what is now, seonghwa's apartment.
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School of Mysteries Masterlist
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How far will you go for love?
Synopsis : They were just regular university students living their everyday lives when everything changed. No one is safe and everybody's a suspect.
Genre : murder mystery, horror, romance, smau, 18+
Warnings : This au will be dealing with mature and violent subject matter such as : murder, blood, drinking, swearing, obsession, kidnapping, sex, and more. Reader's discretion is advised.
Taglist : CLOSED (due to the nature of this story, I will not be using my permanent taglist for this story. If you're apart of my permanent taglist and would like to be tagged in this story, please let me know, thank you)
Release : October 1, 2023
⚠️ Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
{Let the story begin}
Final Girls | Suspects
0. Motive (1.8k)
1. Get Her Alone
2. Unknown
3. Sexy Beast
4. Cheater, Cheater (1k)
5. Billy and Stu
6. Shoulder To Cry On
7. The Nice Guy Act
8. She's Gone
9. Serial (1.4k)
10. Say That Again
11. Momma's Boy
12. Kink List
13. He Doesn't Know
14. No Homo
15. Binnie Fan Page
16. Thin Ice
17. Stay Away
18. We're Keeping Him
19. Mine
20. You're Scaring Me
Extra. Who Dunnit?
21. Unmasked (5.1k)
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hwaseonghwasworld · 5 months
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Arranged marriage chapter 3: Wedding Ceremony
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Word count: 1k
Genre: series Mafia au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Media au!
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
I hate this…
Getting married to a guy I only met once, and watching as people took pictured with me then going to go sit down at the main area, I rolled my eyes as people actually thought I was I love with this stranger, my grandma walked up to me and I tried smiling just for her, “you two look like such a beautiful couple, how did you two meet? Why didn’t you tell me about him?” I looked at my mom who decided to take a picture with both of us and she just smiled and laughed a little.
“You know kids these days, mother, they’re always keeping secrets” I sighed and they stood up and hugged me then walked into the main room. My friends hugged me and we sat down and took pictures, I nodded at them about the plan and we started, “Y/n your bun is loose” “really? Let’s go to my changing room to fix it” we walked away apologising to everyone and we walked to the changing room, I look at Setsuna since she’s the one that decided to switch with me. “Tsuna are you ready to get married again?” She nodded and we quickly switched clothes.
After putting the veil over her head and a cap on mine, before we stepped out Nina said something “why don’t we just run out of the venue instead” I look at her like she’s dumb “you know how obvious it is if I just run out, did you not see the amount of bodyguards here, it’s even risky doing this” she nodded and the girls and I went to go sit down at the main area, while Tsuna was getting ready to walk down the isle, my father got her to hold his arm while she made sure not to look at my father.
“Y/n I understand that you’re mad at me, but… this is for your safety” as soon as Tsuna was standing next to Yunho, Yunho could feel that something was wrong when she was avoiding eye contact
~ Yunho pov ~
Y/n was acting weird… when we first spoke she always kept eye contact even when she didn’t want to, now she was playing with her dress and avoiding eye contact. As soon as I finally got a good look at her… it wasn’t Y/n I look over at the seats and see a girl in a cap who hid her face with the cap but by looking at her lips it was definitely Y/n.
“This isn’t Y/n!”
~ Y/n pov ~
“Shit” I got up and was about to run out buy got stopped by two large body guards who grabbed my arms and dragged me towards Yunho “GET OFF ME” they finally let go of me as soon as I was face to face with Yunho, I looked into his eyes in anger. “I don’t know you enough to marry you” he took my hat off and ran his hands through my hair he grinned touching my cheek and bent down to my height and whispered something in my ear “Y/n trust me, please” i was confused but nodded, why should i trust him is my dad up to something?
As soon as the vows finished we were meant to kiss, he grabbed my cheek and kissed me, I looked shocked but closed my eyes to make it look like I’m kissing him back, once he broke the kiss and smiled while everyone that didn’t know the truth plus my parents clapped. I broke the kiss and looked at how Yunho was just smiling at me.
After a while my older brother Hyunjin pulled me outside while I was talking to my friends, “You can’t be with that guy” I looked at him confused not knowing what he meant, I didn’t want to bring up the fact that it was forced upon me so I just asked him why “is there something wrong?” “I-It’s not being don’t worry” I looked at him pissed since he just bring me out here for no reason then “you can’t just do that asshole” he walked away and I ran up to him and slapped his head in anger “Hyunjin what is it?!” “I said don’t worry!” Yunho pulled me behind him and I could feel the tension between Hyunjin and Yunho.
I decided to just leave cause I didn’t want anything to do with this.
~ Yunho ~
“Stay the fuck away from my sister” “we’re married dumbass” Hyunjin rolled his eyes “look just don’t hurt her cause I know your group is pretty fucking sadistic” “I would never hurt her I love her…” “oh yeah right you had a crush on her in high school” him being that up reminded me about how she acted when we first met again at her house “why can’t she remember me” Hyunjin sighed passing me a cigarette.
“On her 18th birthday something happened and the trauma made her forget stuff” “what happened?” Hyunjin looked at me like he remembered that we hate each other “it’s not my part to say… just don’t ask Y/n about it she already hates her birthday cause of it, just don’t remind her” Hyunjin walked away and I said something before he went into his car. “Where’s your group at?” “I’m not bringing them here, I’m not trying to ruin my sisters wedding with rivals.”
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Arranged Marriage M.list
Main Masterlist
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chaeinedup · 2 months
1 + 1 = S2
Loud music could be heard from both rooms in the house. Your neighbours have probably grown accostumed to such thing, it meant it was going out night. Part of them was relieved it wasn't another noisy game night, which are pretty frequent as well.
You were seated on the floor, redoing your ponytails for the 3rd time. Your arms were on fire but you were committed to this look.
"Siri, call yuyu please."
"Calling yuyu."
"Hello ? Y/n ?"
"Hiii just wanted to ask where you are."
"We're almost ready to leave the house. You guys ?"
"I'm almost done if my hair cooperates with me. Wooyoung is most likely waiting for me. I'm surprised he hasn't barged in my room yet."
"Try not to be late!"
"AS IF!!"
"Don't give me attitude missy. Now I'm gonna get the car started, I'll see you in a bit. Bye"
"Bye Bye, don't miss me!"
After 10 more minutes you were finally done. One last look in the mirror and all that work paid off. The boots made your legs look longer and your mini skirt complemented the cropped shirt well. You grabbed your purse and headed to the leaving room where a very impacient Wooyoung awaited you.
"What took you so long ?"
"It takes time to look this good you know?"
"Don't roll your eyes at me wooyoung I'll hit you."
"And I'd like it so who's really winning?"
He gave you his signature smirk and winked at you from the couch.
"EW. Let's go. The others already left."
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The club was pretty crowded, expected for a friday night, but you weren't scared to get lost. You like to get loose. And it's not like you don't have 8 guys that are constantly keeping an eye on you.
"Don't run off on us again for the love of god."
"Seonghwa for your own sake if I stay none of yall are pulling anyone. Same applies to me."
"Why do you want to get with anyone ?"
"Wouldn't you like to know! I'm off, if you need me yell."
You made your way t the dance floor before he opened his mouth.
Since it was a 2000s night you were more than happy to have traded your comfortable apartment for the hell. It has it's perks.
You had no idea but someone was drilling holes in your head, Wooyoung was exceptionally bothered by how you left them behind.
"How can she just leave ?"
"Cause she can ?? What are you on about, chill she's not your girl."
Mingi's words were harsher than what met the eye. Sure you weren't dating but he can't lie that the though of some other guy touching you infuriated him. He kept denying his feelings and that maybe this was just him wanting to protect his friend. But Yunho smiled to himself when he saw Wooyoungs furrowed eyebrows.
"You should just tell her how you feel you know?"
"What feelings? It's just unfair we're her friends and she doesn't care."
"And you care too much for "just a friend" don't you think? Listen she can take care of herself she's always been this way, you get used t it."
Yunho tried to relax him but it just made Wooyoung get int his head. Maybe he should've stayed home. No, he couldn't possibly let you out of the house by yourself looking like that.
Meanwhile you were having the time of your life, you had met a group of girls that were on their bacherolette party. It's like you knew them all your life, screaming all the songs, taking pictures, clinking drinks. Girlhood.
You decided to go get another drink and since no one else wanted anything you went alone. Normally this would mean getting approached by a couple of random guys trying to smooth talk you and al of them failling to do so. But unlike other times, the voice behind you was familiar.
"So. Are you having fun ?"
"Oh my god Yunho, I am those girls are so fun. Did you know that the bride and groom met through mutual friends and they actually lived together for a while before he realised he had feelings for her?? How CUTE is that??"
He couldn't help but smile due to the resemblances.
"Yeah it's really sweet. I guess you really never know when love is ready to knock at your door. But what about you, have you gone maneater on anyone?"
"I kinda don't care honestly, I'm having a good time and that's all I care about."
"That's my girl. Now be sure to behave. If you need us, we're at the booth.
He kissed your cheek before disappearing into the sea of people.
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You looked at the time, 5:23am. Time to call it a night. You sayed goodbye to the group of girls that accompanied you through the night and wished them all the best. Making your way up to the booths you realised you were a lot more under the influence than you thought. You didn't really care, it's almost the end of the night and the guys are more then used to this side of yours.
Once they saw you they cheered and clapped, you bowed like a princess and smiled at their unnecessary but appreaciated "welcome back".
"How many fishes did you catch sailor?" Mingi gave you another shot he had brought upstairs.
"A THOUSAND" You yelled and chugged the green liquid. "I'm kidding 0, there's no cute guys here."
You sat down next a very pouty Wooyoung.
"What's up with you? What happened to my loud and energetic comrade?"
He gave you no answer, just his cold gaze.
"Damn are you really that upset that I didn't stick around? I thought you were used to it by now."
He got up and made his way to the balcony. There's no way he's throwing a tantrum for something so stupid, you thought to yourself. You followed his angry steps.
"Be so fucking serious Wooyoung? What the fuck?"
He turned to you and you could see there wasn't a hint of alchool in his system. This wasn't one of his drunk stunts that he pulled when he wanted a tad bit more of attention. He was actually upset.
"Okay, I'm sorry I'm being so agressive, just talk to me woo, please."
"I don't like you running off on us that's all."
"That's not all Wooyoung, we've never been mad at eachother and it's not gonna start now."
You got closer to him holding his hands and caressing them. You were giving him your most sincere eyes and he couldn't believe that he was about to kiss you.
It caught you by surprise, so much so you froze in the first few seconds, not knowing if this was a dream or reality. You decide to give in nonetheless. His hands soft, like you remembered from all the times he touched your skin in times of need. Heartbreaks, cramps, tickles, you name it. He was always there for you.
Yunho sipped his drink with a victorious grin, as he watched from the inside. He looked at the rest of the guys and let out a "I told you so."
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mingkist · 6 months
ardent love I j. yunho
3. cassiopeia ecru beige
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previous | next | masterlist
summary: cassiopeia is a five member girl group known for their mythological concept and being friends with almost everyone in the kpop industry. follow the girls and their journey through their career.
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— 💌: it’s been a while but i’m finally back!! made this update long bc it’s been a long time since i updated! i hope you liked it!
i’m no longer using my old taglist due to too many people having changed url and it’s a bit hard to keep up with so if you want to be tagged please do just send me an ask to be tagged!
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99 notes · View notes
monarcascension · 11 months
the less they know | j.w
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summary : You were always the kind of person to stay focused. You were determined to prove yourself in this new job and never let anything deter you from your path, that was … until you met Jung Wooyoung.
pairings: wooyoung x blk!femreader
tags: light fluff , angst, SMUT WARNING, foreplay, unprotected sex, vulgar language, creampie, MINORS DNI ♡
word count: 7.2K
Since you were a little girl, you were always interested in the fashion scene. Your grandmother would frequently watch fashion shows, whether on television or in person. Even designing clothes of her own. In fact, she was the one who taught you how to use a needle and thread in the first place.Thanks to her, your addiction to the art grew over the years, which led you to the heart of Seoul, South Korea for the Summer International Fashion Seminar. A home for artists, like yourself, who wished to put their works in the public eye. All of your accomplishments in your youth, made you the first Black woman and fashion creator to have ever made it to the Korean Division. Whether your luck went any further after this point, the feature itself was impressive.You worked your ass off every day to prove to everybody and to yourself, that you deserved everything you earned.
That was only the good part of it though.
Your nervousness was starting to overcome you little by little. This was your sixth interview this year with a company in South Korea and you were sure that it could possibly be your last if this didn’t go well. You had a dream of designing that you wanted to follow, and your parents sent you off on that quest in support of your journey, but for months you had nothing to show for it but half truths. Your mother would call and ask how work was going at your new job, and you would lie and say “Great!” almost half heartedly every time. You weren’t necessarily lying that you were working, which you had been — creating new pieces for yourself as well as filling your sketchbook with new designs for the future. Despite your lengthy background, despite your qualifications nothing ever worked out.
So, this company was your final hope or you would be leaving Korea for good.
Your leg shook violently in the chair as you stared forward at the empty seat behind the Director’s desk. Scanning over the structure, pictures of family and other knick knacks lined the wooden surface, making it known that it was clearly a space that was lived in and lively, which was not customary of most offices.
The other company buildings you visited were grand and uniform in design and color, but this one — still holding on to extravagance— had murals, pictures of staff, and plaques commemorating important figures. From what you could tell this was almost like a familial space, everyone had a bond with one another here. It was sweet to see, but it only made you realize just how alone you had been in Korea all this time.
You were pulled from your thoughts just as you heard the doorknob to the office click. You immediately stood to your feet as a woman stepped through the door, seemingly shocked by your presence. You greeted her with a polite bow and she returned the gesture.
“I apologize if I kept you waiting. I had to make some rounds throughout the department and lost track of time. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Director Yoo.” She said kindly, stepping around you to get to her seat. “Please, please sit.”
You retook your spot in the chair and re-adjusted so that you presented yourself well. You were perfectly dressed for the occasion, wearing a hand-crafted black plaid blazer that fit well against your frame; matching with a skirt and a nude turtle neck. It was formal, but also fashionable and eye-catching as well.
“Director Yoo. I appreciate you choosing to discuss this opportunity with me. I was happy to hear back from you.” You started, sweetly smiling at the woman.
“I must say, I was quite shocked to hear that you chose to apply here. What made you choose us?” She asked bluntly.
“Well, I have been in Korea for some time now and being in a foreign country you tend to do a lot of research on the things that are around you. Your company landed on my radar. So, the more I found out about you and the groups you have here it was an obvious choice.” You tried to explain with as much happiness as you could muster, hoping that it would hide your fear.
“I see..” Director Yoo spoke flatly. “I hope you don’t take this wrongly, but we.. don’t usually tend to higher foreign residents.”
You flet a cold shiver run across your body. Swallowing your saliva, and clearing your throat, you righted yourself to speak again. “Of course..”
“I’m well aware of the work that you have done. You’re extremely talented, however, it is only your Nationality that is an obstacle.”
“Director, if I may?”
She motioned for you to go on and leaned back in her chair, the leather stretching against the pressure.
“I’ve been into fashion my entire life. It’s who I am. And it’s everything that I have ever wanted to do. I applied at your company because I know that I’m good at what I do. Really good. I’m more than qualified. I understand that you take care of yours at home, and I respect that, but if you give me a chance, You’ll see that I’m trying to do the same. And I will work diligently to prove that hiring me erases all other obstacles for you in the future.”
Director Yoo stared at you as you spoke, intently taking in every word you said to her. It felt like your life was being analyzed in a weird way, and it made you nervous. As if you were being graded somehow without her ever seeing your work.
Suddenly, she sat up in her chair and rolled closer to her desk, clasping her hands together before letting out a soft sigh.
“We run a tight ship here. We work for the artists, and it's my job that I have the best of the best working on my team. They’re idols so their image is everything. Their image is our image. And we have to take care of that diligently or else we’ll be out of a job. Everything we do has to be quick and efficient. When I ask for you, you’re there. No If’s, Ands, or Buts. No distractions. Can you handle that?”
This woman was intense. That soft and sweet demeanor you thought she possessed was then replaced with business motive. She didn’t play around when it came to work, but you expected no less from the Head of the Fashion Department. You nodded your head quickly, accepting her challenge without fear.
“I’ll do more than my best.”
Standing from her seat, she walked to the other side of the desk where you sat and extended her hand. “Then welcome to the KQ family.”
You suddenly felt lighter as she said those words to you. Your shoulders affixing themselves to the light and feathery feeling now bestowed upon you. The opportunity to break down crying in front of her presented itself to you many times as you bowed to her with gratitude, but you maintained what resilience you had left. “I won’t let you down ma’am.”
“Good. We’ll finish the rest of the paperwork later. I would show you around myself, but we’re trying to finish prep for their comeback and we need all the hands we can get-“
“I can help!” You chimed.
The Director appeared confused at your eagerness and looked as if she was ready to shoot down your proposal, which made you feel guilty for speaking up in the first place, but she smiled and pulled open the door to the office.
“Let’s put you to work then.”
Following the Director through the KQ building, the two of you spoke in length about the expectations for this comeback as well as their concept. You didn’t know that much about Idol schedules, but from what you were being told, you definitely had your work cut out for you, and it excited you nonetheless. Taking the elevator up to the third floor, you were introduced to the calm chaos of the Art Department.
Racks of concealed clothing were parked outside in the halls or being loaded up by other employees, followed by them writing something on the labels in Korean. Some of them bowed at the presence of the Director, and looked confused at you but still greeted you warmly anyway before running past you to their next destination.
“We’re usually a little more organized than this, but it’s a little hectic today since we only have three weeks before the music shows. We were down a stylist so we are missing the finished pieces for one of their music show appearances. That is of the utmost importance and where you come in.” Director Yoo motioned you into one of the empty work spaces.
When you stepped inside it appeared like a dressing room combined with a waiting room with a vanity and a long body mirror, a couch and two side seats accompanied with a wall-mounted television and coffee table. In the corner was a rack of strewn about clothing and a desk with a large sewing machine and measurement map.
You took in the comfortable feel of the room , making note of everything at your disposal.
“Since it’s your first day, I won’t overwhelm you, but I want you to get used to things. The stylist left all of the equipment so use what you need. You’ll be working with Wooyoung today— he should be here in a moment. So take care of them. Any questions?”
“No- well, yes. One. I have complete creative control??”
“Anyone else's opinions would just slow you down in the moment. Just show us what you got and we’ll go from there. Good luck. No distractions!” The Director swiftly exited the room just as soon as she entered, leaving you standing in the center of the room with no idea where to begin.
It felt like you had been thrown in the heat of battle without a weapon, but if you didn’t find something quick, you were sure to be killed.
You placed your belongings on the couch, all except your sketchpad. Knowing what ATEEZ’s concept was, you tried to brainstorm something fast. From the research you had done on the group, you were privy to their style already, which gave you something to go off of. Since you of all people had the knowledge of what was hip, your pen started moving across the pad without hesitation.
“Excuse me?”
In the middle of you sketching, you heard a soft voice from the direction of the entrance. You quickly shot your head up from your paper and turned around to see—as unprofessional as it was to say— the most beautiful man you had ever laid your eyes on. You knew you shouldn’t stare, but it was almost impossible as he gazed upon you. His skin was a gorgeous light honey color. His jawline was chiseled to an inhuman perfection, accompanying his sharp nose and plump lips. He looked like trouble incarnate with long dark hair, but his brown eyes were so kind, you felt like they would suck you in within a matter of minutes if he stared at you any longer.
Shaking yourself free from your trance, softly patting your cheek as a nonverbal “pull yourself together”. You gave him a soft smile before bowing to him.
“I.. Hi. Hello. Sorry about that. I might have zoned out a little bit.” You chuckled nervously.
To your surprise, he laughed softly as he entered the room. “I noticed. You were staring at me for a while and didn’t speak. I thought I broke you for a second.”
That’s because you did.
But you didn’t say that out loud. “And you must be Wooyoung.”
“Gosh, what gave it away?” A sarcastic tone lining his words as he pulled his hair back behind his ears.
“The Director told me a loooooot about you.”
Wooyoung scoffed. “Waah. I don’t know if that’s a hidden compliment or an insult.”
“A compliment.” The two of you laughed for a moment.
“If I would have known I would be working with you, I would have prepared some compliments of my own.”
You grinned. “Well there’s still time for that.”
“You’re very pretty- I mean your outfit is. Pretty.” He stammered over his words, but tried to save himself and you laughed.
“Thank you. I made it myself. Which is exactly, what I’m going to do for you as your new stylist, so why don’t we get started?”
Throughout the rest of your session together, the conversation would flow as easy as it ever had with anybody else. While you dressed him like your personal doll, making him try on outfit after outfit in order to see your vision, he would hammer you with questions. Spilling jokes that would send you into laughing fits that had no return. It was non-stop. You don’t think you ever had this much conversation with someone since you came to Korea, but it felt nice. Being around him felt nice. Oddly, it was as if you were friends for a while instead of people who just met. It was so easy to talk to him, considering that he was an idol as well as a stranger to you. You would have thought he was snobbish in every way possible, but he just felt like a friend.
You had taken all of Wooyoung’s measurements and dimensions and finished up a good enough sketch that gave you an idea of how you wanted to style him, and he sat there with you and explained what kind of vibe he wanted to go for. You took all that information and drew it within minutes. It was complex, but doable. Portions of the design would have to be hand stitched, but that didn’t stop you.
“Alright, done!” You exclaimed proudly, flipping the sketchpad around to show him. “What do you think?”
Wooyoung kept his eyes on you the entire time, his fist resting on his cheek as he smiled. “Beautiful..”
You looked to him happily at the sound of his words and were met with those bright brown eyes flushing over every portion of your face. You thought he was referring to the drawing, but he was staring at you. Did he mishear you perhaps?
Your heartbeat was starting to pick up rapidly to the point you could hear it in your ears. You just met him mere hours ago, how was it that he managed to get you flustered so easily?
Laughing lightly to yourself with the hopes of trying to play it off as a joke, you set the sketch pad down and started gathering your belongings. “ I see why the girls love you, Jung Wooyoung.”
“Why’s that?”
“You're a flirt.”
“Here and there.” Wooyoung leaned back in his chair, working the corner of his lips up into a sly smirk while his head tilted slightly upwards. “But..I only flirt with the people I want.”
You believed that you had choked on air at that moment with your lungs seemingly collapsing in on themselves. From what you had learned about him since your conversation began, was that he was very up front with how he feels. He was one of the blunt ones in the group, but there was nothing that could have prepared you for that. A part of you wanted to believe that he was messing around, however the look in his eye was saying otherwise. He was staring at you like you were the only meal on the menu– his glare alone was a danger to you and you desperately needed to separate yourself from it.
Maybe all idols were like this with the new girls or the women that worked with them . Him flirting with you didn’t mean anything and even if it did, it didn't matter. He was an Idol and you were an employee with everything to lose. It wasn't like you could give into his advances anyway, if the two of you were even caught stealing sideways glances at one another, or touching each other in any way that was not becoming of an idol and staff relationship, it would be a disaster waiting to happen.
After months of agony you had finally managed to secure the job that you had been looking for to jumpstart your career, and nothing could get in the way of that. And a workplace affair was not on your bucket list of plans for your future.
“Boy, you play too much.” You played off Wooyoung’s statement once again, pushing the thoughts of his flirtatious notions to the back of your head.
No matter how unnervingly attractive he was. There could be no distractions. Not one. Not even him.
“Hey you two. We’re wrapping up for the day. Everything good here?” The Director’s voice came crashing into the room from the doorway, and you felt your heart lighten.
Saved by the bell. Thank god.
“Yeah! All done.” Quickly scrambling to your feet, you tossed your bag over your shoulder and fixed yourself accordingly. “I’m putting the pieces together tomorrow.”
“Perfect. You’re a lifesaver. Wooyoung. Hongjoong and your manager are looking for you, it's best you start heading out too.”
“Thank you, Director.” Wooyoung said, nodding his head in acknowledgment of the woman’s position and authority just before she walked away, leaving the two of you alone again.
You took the opportunity to try and weasel between the awkwardness brewing in the air, but you felt a light tug on your arm pulling you back. Your eyes landed upon Wooyoung who had your hand clasped in his. As strong as his physique was, the hold he had on you was gentle. The way the pad of his thumb brushed across your smooth brown skin sent goosebumps up your arm.
“W-Wooyoung?” You stammered, searching his face for some kind of reasoning behind his sudden actions. “What is it?”
And like he had just stepped out of a romantic movie from the 90’s, he brought the back of your hand up to his lips and softly planted a kiss in the center. The gesture set your entire body on fire. All of the gears in your brain halted for a moment, scraping roughly against the other as none of what you were experiencing made a single lick of sense. Not that you had the energy or time to make sense of it in the first place, but all you knew was that this shouldn’t happen. Right?
Wooyoung flickered his soulful gaze upon you once more. “Have a good night. I liked spending time with you today.”
Not knowing what else to say to him, you mustered up a smile through your obvious confusion and relative anxiety and bowed to him politely before pulling your hand out of his.
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.”
╚ ╝
When you arrived at your apartment, you collapsed in your bed almost instantly after finishing your nightly routine—plopping face down into your linens. The emotional weight of the day had completely tired you out, and you wanted nothing more but to sleep now. Letting out a thunderous, muffled groan into your bed sheets, you flipped your position to stare up at the ceiling.
Out of everything you had experienced today, only one thing— one person— was on your mind.
Jung Wooyoung.
And not the one thing that mattered which was keeping your job.
He kissed your hand. He flirted with you.
How could he be so careless to do something like that in public?
But he was so sweet. Gentle. Kind. Even staring up at the tall ceiling above you, you could perfectly trace out his smile with your eyes. The tender look he gave you when he called you “beautiful”. The spot on the back of your hand still tickled with the kiss he left behind, and you ran your fingers across it softly. His laugh made you weak in the knees and you could listen to it every day if you could. It made you laugh even thinking about it.
The words he said to you before you parted ways played on loop in the back of your head. You pondered for a moment if he was actually serious about them, but wiped the thought from your mind entirely.
You did not have the luxury for fantasies and what ifs. You had a job to do. The lives the two of you led were too different, continuing like this with one another would be dangerous. He was an idol. You only worked with him and nothing more. You could not allow yourself to be distracted by him any longer.
You had to come into work tomorrow focused.
And you did just that.
The next day, you came to KQ Entertainment a bit later than the other staff members at the request of the Director. You were more dressed down than yesterday now that you felt a little more comfortable. You wore a long sleeve, green, textured halter top with blue washed jeans that hugged against your waist, with green, suede sneakers you had made yourself. Your thick, kinky hair pulled into an up-do with wild strands falling across your forehead. Your makeup was done lightly, mostly highlighting your key features like your eyes, cheeks, and lips.
You greeted some of your co-workers as you passed them by in the hall towards your new office space. Flicking on the light in the still and empty space, you threw down your bag and immediately positioned yourself at the back of the room where you rummaged through the leftover clothing. Pulling a few pieces from the rack you folded them over your arm and turned towards the desk where you noticed something there that had not been there before.
Laying the clothes down on the table to get a better look, there had been a small rectangular box filled with the delicacies of Korean culture that you had grown to know over the half a year that you had been here, companioned with a beverage and a note that was written in the language left on top of it. Pulling the paper off, you put your months of studying to work and read the note.
You look even prettier with a smile on your face
so i hope this brings you one today, while i'm away
- Woo Young
So much for no distractions. You had just managed to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and insisted that you would not think about him again, just for him to go and do something like this.
You wanted to be angry , however you couldn’t help but smile.
“Ahh… Jung Wooyoung. You will be the death of me.” You ran your finger over the note and your heart fluttered.
You had never had anyone show you such kindness before. Regardless of his intentions, the gesture was sweet and you were grateful. Knowing that he was on schedule today saddened you a bit, but you had work to finish and now was the time to do it. Setting the lunch box he had gifted you to the side, you set your desk up with all of the equipment you needed and got to work.
Music played at a medium volume from the television across the room, giving you some kind of sound to work with as you attempted to create Wooyoung a dynamic look for his stage using the information you gathered from him yesterday. The sewing machine whirred as you raced against time, feeding it with a bright color that you imprinted onto the dark gray shirt you had found, which had taken a few hours at least to replicate it front and back.
Once it looked as good as you wanted it to, you cut the sleeves off of it, dipping down into the sides of the shirt so that the holes could give him some mobility while he was dancing. You would clean everything else up later, but your vision was coming to fruition. You continued on like this well into the late evening, and soon realized after almost pricking your finger with a needle, that you had not eaten a thing. Completely forgetting the meal that Wooyoung had left you hours before. You stood and admired your work, wiping the sweat off of your brow and nodded feeling accomplished with what you had gotten done.
Grabbing the box from the side table, you stepped out of the room and walked down the hall towards the break room that had a kitchen inside of it. There were a few lingering employees there, but it was mainly empty, not that it mattered to you. You stepped over to the microwave and heated your lunch before returning back to your work room, and to your surprise you found someone else there waiting for you.
You stopped in your tracks and peeked to the side to get a better look at them, but he did you the favor of turning around to greet you.
“Wooyoung? When did you-“
“I just popped in. Schedule ran a little longer than usual, but I wanted to check in on you. Something told me, you would try to work into the night if no one stopped you.” Wooyoung explained, looking you up and down from head to toe. “I see I was right.”
You snickered to yourself, walking back over towards your desk where you had been working. “Well, I have a job to do, fortunately enough for you. Somebody has to keep up with your image.”
“Sometimes work can wait. Look at you, you’re just now eating something and it’s almost eight o’clock.” He sounded as if he was almost scolding you, but more out of concern than anything.
You took the chopsticks apart that came with the meal, pulling open the plastic covering as your nose was hit with the most delicious aroma. “At least I’m eating now right?”
Wooyoung cursed under his breath and shook his head, “You’re really stubborn, you know that?”
You took a few bites of your food before setting the box to the side begrudgingly with a sharp sigh.
And for some reason, you snapped suddenly. “We only met yesterday and all of a sudden you think you know me?”
Wooyoung seemed taken aback by the tone in your voice, but for some reason you could not hide your growing frustration. “Well, I’d like to. But you won’t let me.”
“There’s a reason for that.”
“Why?” He asked sternly, furrowing his brows at you.
You laughed in disbelief . “Are you seriously asking right now? You’re an idol, Wooyoung. I work for you. I shouldn’t have even let you know as much as I have told you anyway..”
“If I cared about any of that shit, I wouldn’t have come here at all. I wouldn’t have asked you a single thing about your life. I meant what I said to you yesterday-“
“Jesus Christ..” You stood to your feet, completely thrown at his lack of understanding of your current predicament. “You don’t get it.”
“This is so unserious. I am not having this conversation with you, Wooyoung! I have work to do.”
“Does anything else ever matter to you other than work?” Wooyoung retorted, standing to his feet now.
You quickly moved over towards the door and shut it. “Look, I don’t know what image of me that you have carved in your mind in the last twenty four hours, but you do not know me. I don’t know you outside of work alone. I can’t even believe that half of what you said yesterday was the truth or how many times you have said it to every other girl that works here with you.”
Wooyoung stepped closer to you, an uncontrolled fire burning deep inside of his gaze. You felt like you were shrinking in his presence alone the closer he got to you. Your eyes darted across his face, terrified of what his rebuttal to you would be.
“Ever since I saw you yesterday, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you for a second. I asked you every question under the sun just because I liked the way you spoke to me. I told you the dumbest jokes just to hear you laugh because your smile made me smile.”
“Wooyoung-“ You tried to stop him, but he continued speaking and moving towards you.
“I wanted you the moment you looked back at me. When you left me last night, all I did was think about you. Today, I couldn’t think straight without seeing your face. You have been the only thing on my mind from the moment we met. Time means nothing to me.”
Wooyoung was towering over you now. Your back was pressed against the curtains on the door’s window leaving almost no room between you and him. You hung onto every word he spoke like it was his last. They were tied together so beautifully that it was almost hard to refute them. You wanted to believe them, but none of his words changed your reality: the two of you couldn’t be together. You swallowed thickly, licking over your lips to soothe the dryness lingering there.
“This can’t happen, Wooyoung. We could lose everything if someone found out that the mere possibility of us existed. One scandal could ruin your career. My career.”
You were almost pleading with him at this point, you had worked so hard for this life only to have it threatened by the possibility of a prohibited moment of weakness. However, you could not deny that you did feel something for him, though it did not yet have a name. Maybe it was because you were lonely all this time and just needed someone to make you feel good, or maybe you were just desperate for attention but were lying to yourself to make you feel better. You weren’t sure.
But you felt something, you just couldn’t say the words.
“So they won’t know. They won’t have to.” His voice had lowered into a sweet whisper now that caressed your ears like a tender melody. Wooyoung pulled his tongue over his lips, flicking his gaze between your dark brown pools and your glossed pair. He placed a finger underneath your chin and tilted your head up to face him. “But if you tell me, right now, that you feel nothing for me…I’ll walk away.”
“I..” You desperately wanted to say the words. In fact you were trying to force them to come out, but your tongue could not forge the sentence in time. Your eyes, instead, we’re carving out the line in his lips and how much softer they looked up close.
You felt like your heart was going to pound out of your chest. The pressure of the moment building and building so fast that you couldn’t keep up.
Just say it.
“Nobody would know, right?” You exasperated.
Wooyoung nodded his head. “No one.”
As soon as he gave you the confirmation you needed, you pulled him in closer by the nape of his neck. Your lips crashing hungrily against the others like you had been waiting for this moment your entire lives. Your hand brushed through his dark tresses, gripping onto them as the kiss intensified. Your bodies pressed firmly against the other with no promise of letting go. You could taste his cool breath swirling in your mouth as his tongue pressed between your parted lips and claimed entry.
His strong hands found purchase on the back of your thighs after sliding over every curve in your frame. He pulled you up in the air, you instinctively wrapping your legs around his waist as he moved you over to a new— more comfortable location. To where, you had no idea nor did it matter to you where he chose. In the matter of seconds, you found yourself placed on a high platform of some sorts, completely stable against it and him. The cool surface he had you against being a dead giveaway that he had you against the vanity with him trapped right between your legs. The next thing you know you were tearing off his clothes. Removing the distressed denim jacket he had on and tossing it to the side, along with the dark graphic tee he donned as well. Each article of clothing hitting the ground with a thud somewhere. With his upper attire now removed, you could fully admire the true beauty of his skin tone — the way it shined in the light and melded beautifully against your own as you caressed his shoulders and chest. Meanwhile, Wooyoung started going for the buttons on your jeans, undoing the fastenings prior to tugging them off of your waist and letting them fall onto the floor, kicking them off to the side in one push.
Hands falling down the ripples of his abs and down to his dark colored sweats, you hooked your fingers inside of them and started to pull them downwards and Wooyoung assisted you, leaving him in only his briefs that showed the massiveness of his growing bulge.
“I want you..” You moaned into his mouth, breaking the kiss to speak, which Wooyoung took as an opportunity to dress your skin with his lips. Canvassing your cheeks and your neck with ticklish, pillowy love notes that made you smile.
“Tell me what you want baby hmm?” He cooed sensually, pulling back for a moment to look at you, taking note of your desperate and needy tone with a devilish grin. His hands ran up your thick thighs, feeling the warmth growing between them. His fingers lightly brushed against your lips, pressing into the fabric with his middle finger just to feel how wet you were. “You want to feel me like this?”
You groaned in response to his touch, biting down on your plump bottom lip as you watched him explore you. Wooyoung was enthused by your reaction, but even more so at the slickness he felt in your panties alone. You hastily nodded in response to his question.
“Fuck, you’re already dripping and I barely touched you yet.” Wooyoung brought the tips of his fingers up to his mouth and sucked them, which turned you on even more.
He kept his eyes on you the entire time he tasted you, taking those same two fingers and dipping them back into your crevasse, pulling your panties to the side while using his other free hand to hook one of your legs around him while the other remained spread, giving him a clear view of your pussy. Using the pads of his fingers he circled your clit, soaking the duo with your juices as you moaned out for him, slowly writhing in place.
You threw your head back from the sheer ecstasy and cried out at the ceiling above. “Ooh shit-“
“Look at me.” He commanded, bringing your focus back to him once more. “I want to see how pretty you look when you cum on my fingers.”
Wooyoung planted a soft kiss against your cheek just as he inserted his two digits inside of you, pushing past your slick walls and beginning to pump his wrist inside of you, picking up that speed and translating all the power into his forearm and then his entire arm. The room was filled with the harmonious sounds of your juices squelching against his hand and your pretty moans that were music to his ears.
“That’s it baby. Let it out..” Wooyoung coached into your ear, holding you tight while he watched his middle and ring finger appear and disappear inside of you repeatedly, fully coated in your liquids. “That shit feels good doesn’t it?”
“It feels so fucking good..” You cried out to him with a shaky voice. “Please don’t stop..”
The intensity of him pushing into you was almost too much for you to bear, but it just felt too good to have him pull back now. You wrapped your arm around where his wrist and forearm met and gripped onto him tightly, your toes curling at the sensation running through your body. You were teetering at the edge now— your eyes rolling steeply to the back of your head, your vision growing more hazy by the second. Wooyoung kissed the side of your head, your jawline, your neck rhythmically fulfilling your every desire.
You were growing closer to your end, every moan increasing in pitch and frequency. If there were anybody passersby outside the door, you were sure that they could hear you, but you almost didn’t care. It felt too good to hold back.
“Your moans are so pretty. I can’t wait to hear how good you sound when I fuck you…” Wooyoung growled into your ear.
You inched your hand up towards Wooyoung’s neck, cupping it just around his jaw and turning him towards you. “I want to feel you inside me. I can’t take it anymore..”
You searched his face for a moment. His eyes were glossed and practically sparkling with a deep, unsatiated lust. He had a need for touch— a thirst for it. A soul that required physical connection. That was a quality you both shared. Now that you experienced him, you couldn’t get enough and wanted more. If you didn’t have him now, you felt like you could explode. Wooyoung recognized this and pulled his fingers out of you, soothing your throbbing mound with the palm of his hand; giving you some time to breathe. He stepped back and removed his last article of clothing. His briefs hit the ground with a dull thud as his girth jolted from the seams, pointing stiffly towards you. Your mouth started watering at the sight. His dick was just as pretty as the rest of his body and the size fit him perfectly.
Inching towards you, the man pulled you off the surface of the vanity by your waist and eagerly flipped you around to face the mirror. With your frame slightly bent over the counter you saw him snake himself into the cusp of your neck, moving the thick strands of your hair out of the way so that he could see your face. “I want you to watch yourself.. don’t look away.”
You couldn’t believe that you were doing this. Tucked away in a dressing room with an idol. With him. At your own place of work. As much as you wanted some semblance of shame to come, it just never did. As all you could think about in this moment was him taking you and equally how bad you wanted him. You were reminded how good this moment truly felt when he planted a kiss on the exposed part of your shoulder and slowly eased his way inside of your slickness. Your mouth fell agape as did his; your tight walls gripping around the curve of his inches the more he pushed inside of you. His length fit you perfectly, as you completely gloved his inches.
“Fuck..” he whined. “You feel so good.”
With him so close, you could smell the freshness of his cologne. It was strong and commanding, but also hypnotic in many ways. His breath capes your neck, making your hairs stick up on end. His deep, guttural groans as he started stroking inside of your moist cavity only triggered your own moans. And still you did as he instructed you to and watched him fuck you so lovingly. The vanity rocked underneath your weight, causing you to slightly shift off balance and grip onto the table so it did not move. Wooyoung started to pick up his pace, the force of him hitting you from behind, sending your ass colliding against his pelvis in thick waves. He pulled back, catching the force head on as he reached forward and grabbed a handful of your coils and pulled your head back just a bit to where you can still see yourself in the mirror.
“Mmm, you’re such a pretty fucking whore for me.” Wooyoung chuckled lowly. “Look at how good you take that shit.”
The sensation was overwhelming your senses. Your walls pulsated across his thick member, releasing and gripping him constantly. Still reeling from when he was fingering you just a few minutes prior, you could still feel yourself coming closer and closer to your inevitable demise. The pressure in your abdomen was building like a dam about to burst. Even with the stamina that you two had, you could feel that he was close along with yourself. His breath was beginning to hitch and grow more rapid than before. You could feel his dick twitching inside of you as well even with the strength of his pumps.
You dared to stare at him amidst the euphoria you were experiencing out of curiosity as well as purely being enamored with the beauty of the man before you. You watched the way his chest rose and fell from his heavy breathing followed by the intensity of his orgasms. Sweat beads across his skin, giving way to the light that shines overhead. It was more pleasurable for you to know that he was enjoying himself as much, if not more, than you were.
Your lips curled upwards, licking across your own as Wooyoung sang your praises for taking him so well. Especially since it wasn’t just coming from anyone. Despite the circumstances of how you may have gotten here, you knew that he felt that this was more than just sex. You weren’t just engaging in a little hit it and quit it, no, it meant more. The purest form of connection that any person could ever experience, especially, when it stemmed from deep yearning – hoping that each other would wake up to the truth. There was no turning back from this moment forward.
“Fuck, I’m about to cum!” You exclaimed in a huff, urging him on as his thrust kept pumping into your tight walls, and his grin grew wider as he felt your coming climax brewing.
“That’s right, be a good girl and cum for me.” He coaxed. You felt like you were on cloud nine as you coated his dick with your juices. He leaned down into you, pressing your stomach against the table, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and gripped your neck so roughly that you could see the veins in his arms poking from beneath his sandy skin.
Your moans were broken and incomplete, forming into a ball of nonsense tumbling from your mouth. You put the last bit of your energy into giving him everything you had, bucking your hips against his length.
“Cum in me baby..I want all of you. You primed softly. You didn’t know what came over you just then as you had never uttered those words to anyone before, but you just couldn’t control yourself in the moment and neither could he.
Sending his hips forward in powerful bursts of passion, Wooyoung growled hellishly into your ear the closer he got to his own end. The fullness of his climax painting your insides like his own personal canvas. You came with, riding out the last of your cum, before you dropped to the table, digging your nails into the wood and scratching against it from the final feeling of release. All your pent up frustrations over the last few months flowing down your thighs and onto his inches.
A light laugh escaped his lips, sighing as he closed his eyes and hovered over your weakened and fragile body.
“Do you think they’ll know?” He asked playfully.
You let out a half-hearted chuckle. “I guess we’ll have to find out.”
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mingihttps · 2 months
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seonghwa x non-idol!reader
seonghwa is worlds away from you. breaking up with him has become the best, and only, option left.
wc: 1.1k
warnings: angst, crying, breaking up, heartbreak, insecurities, talk about tour and idol life, pet names (star, my love)
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as i sit on the edge of our bed waiting for seonghwa to come home, i think about all the memories we had together. the good, bad and ugly. the laughter, the tears and arguments, the kisses and 'i love you's. i sit and reminisce on when we first met, when we first started dating, our first kiss, and every other little moment i spent with seonghwa. and now i have to think about what i'm going to say when he walks through that door and i have to explain to him that i'm leaving.
i hear seonghwa open the front door and then the bedroom door. i stayed unmoving on the edge of our shared bed and silently watched him. he had his bags in his hands from their tour, similar to my bags packed beside me. seonghwa looked up at me and we made silent, knowing eye contact for what felt like hours. no one moved, no one said anything, the only sound in the room was the busy street outside. that was until seonghwa broke eye contact to put his bags down on the floor with a heavy sigh. i continue to stare at seonghwa and couldn't help the tears that welled up in my eyes, but i'll be damned if i let them fall this early.
"it seems like we need to talk." seonghwa said but he spoke towards the ground. you could hear the strain in his voice but you weren't sure if it was from his tour or if he was trying to hold back a heart-shattering sob.
"i don't know what you want me to say, seonghwa," i look into his eyes that refused to look back at mine, "it's time for me to go."
"but it doesn't have to be" seonghwa answered back quickly and desperately. his eyes glancing between my folded hands in my lap to my packed bags at the end of our bed. i stayed quiet, wanting to see if he would add anything else; if he would beg me to stay. but seonghwa didn’t speak up again.
“please don’t make this more difficult than it has to be” i say softly. i knew breaking up with seonghwa wasn't going to be easy, but his silent desperation was eating me alive.
“then let's stop all of this. here, i'll help you unpack.” seonghwa still refused to meet my eyes as he grabbed my luggage, opened it, and started putting my clothes back into the closet. with shaky and fast hands, seonghwa opened the closet and dresser drawers. the only noise in the room was the sound of coat hangers hitting each other and the tussle of fabric. i could feel his heartache from miles away. finally, i let my tears fall as i glare at seonghwa’s back.
“i can have someone pick up my stuff some other time, seonghwa. that won't stop me from leaving.” i break the silence this time. he goes completely still, like he's frozen in place. eventually, seonghwa lets his arms fall, slapping his sides, and hangs his head down. the recurring silence is eating me alive. i want him to say something, anything. i want him to scream at me, yell at me, tell me to leave, tell me that he never even loved me.
seonghwa slowly turned around to face me, his eyes meeting mine for what felt like the first time. the tears welling up in his eyes made me choke down a quick breath and bite my tongue.
“you're my star, y/n” whispered words spill from seonghwa’s lips. words that made my heart clench and my tears fall faster.
“you can't force the stars to align, seonghwa, we’re two worlds apart.” i raised my voice slightly at him. i hate playing this back and forth game.
“two worlds apart? what do you mean, y/n?” seonghwa takes a hesitant step closer to me as he searches my eyes for the answer.
“isn't it obvious? you're an idol, seonghwa. aren't you tired of having to hide our relationship, having to pretend i don't exist, having to constantly check up on me when you're on tour? i'm doing us both a favor.” i speak loudly with my hands but the words falling from my mouth were quiet and broken up by my sobs.
“is that what this is all about? we can go public with our relationship. i don't care what happens or what anyone has to say, i just want to fix this,” seonghwa spoke rationally but i can tell by his body language that he was getting just as frustrated as me, “don't leave over something like this.”
“i guess distance doesn't always bring fondness,” i sigh and haphazardly wipe away the tears on my cheeks, “i wish i could stay with you, seonghwa”
“then stay” he makes no move to wipe his cheeks like i did. the pleading was evident within his voice, but i wasn't going to change my mind. this was the only option we had left. this was how our relationship was destined to end. we used to fantasize for hours about what our future would look like. we would stay up all night talking about our hypothetically wedding and children, but in the back of my mind i knew our words would never become a reality. i'm surprised we got as far as moving in together let alone being together for the past 5 years.
i have nothing but love for park seonghwa. that's why breaking up with him is the right thing to do. “stop trying to keep us alive”
i grab the only bag of mine that seonghwa didn't unpack and walk out of the bedroom, making a b-line for the front door of our apartment. seonghwa was close behind me, spewing incoherent sentence after sentence, begging me to stay. he grabbed onto my arm once i had reached the door.
“we’ll never be two worlds apart, my star, we’re both mars.” i can’t bear to face my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend; i just keep my head down as i silently cry.
“you're mars, my love, and i'm saturn. its been like that from the start. we’ve been two worlds apart for the past 5 years,” i gently shake seonghwa’s arm off of me and grab the doorknob, “i was never your star, but you’ll forever be mine.” i give him one last tearful look before i opened the door and left what is now seonghwa's apartment.
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requests are open !!
reposted from my old account
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ughsimpp · 3 months
did that make sense? LOL
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mxnsxngie · 10 months
Meant For Me (P.S): Chapter 9
Warnings: little bit of language, SMUT, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, biting and marking, choking, breeding kink
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
Word Count: 3166
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The conversation between you and Seonghwa the whole drive back to your place flowed as easy as ever, filled with easy conversation, plenty of laughs, and just as many stolen glances at each other when you thought the other wasn’t looking. Before you knew it, he had pulled up to your place and came rushing around to help you out of the car.
He smiled down at you as he offered his hand for you to take to help yourself out.
“Thank you” you say as you smile up at him with a slight blush.
“You’re welcome” he says, shutting the door and adjusting your hands so he’s holding yours in his own. “Lead the way?” He says, looking at you.
“Follow me” you say as you lead him by the hand up to your apartment. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you climb the stairs to your door and you open it, the both of you going in. You turn on the lights and set your purse down as he takes his shoes off before looking around a little.
“Your place is really nice” he says as he glances at the art on your walls while walking to where you’re standing in the living room. He smiles as he takes you in his arms, just holding you as he looks at you, that same adoring look in his eyes.
“Thank you, I put a lot of work into it” you whisper as you look at him. “I guess we should talk about things, huh?” You ask shyly.
“We probably should. You know I want to be with you, but we should probably talk about it more, since our friends seem to know more about how we feel for each other than we do” he chuckles as he plays with your hair.
“That’s true” you laugh as you take his hand, leading him to the couch to sit with you so you can talk. “So I take it by how things at dinner went that you likely feel the same way I do” you smile as you let him hold your hand, his thumb rubbing over it as you talk.
“I’d say that’s a safe bet” he says with a smile. “But no, in all seriousness, I meant what I said at the restaurant. Take soulmates out of the equation. I want to be with you, I want to be yours. There’s just something about you. Whenever I’m around you, I just feel like I’m home. I’m at peace, and comfortable, you feel like home. And when I’m not with you, I can’t stop thinking about being with you. I know it sounds weird, and I can’t explain it really. It’s like, I don’t know? Like-”
“Like you were meant for me” you interrupt, knowing exactly how he felt, how you felt.
“Yes! Like you were meant for me” he says, a look of calm washing over his face as he realizes you get what he means and he’s not making a fool of himself.
“I get it, I feel the same way. And when we almost kissed those couple of times, it was like I was burning up the closer you got, and I loved it” you whisper, slightly shy at your admission.
“You felt it too?” He asks in surprise.
“I did” you nod, smiling now that you know you weren’t the only one who felt it.
“Maybe our friends were right” he mutters as he looks deep in thought.
“Right about what?” You ask in confusion.
“I want to test a theory, but before I do, now that we’ve talked” he pauses, taking your hand. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks, a little bit of a pleading look in his eyes as he looks at you, waiting for your response.
“Of course I will” you smile widely as you squeeze his hand before rubbing your thumb over his hand. “Now what’s this about a theory?” You ask, confused at what he was thinking your friends may have been right about.
“I just want to try something, do you trust me?” He asks as he leans closer to you, his eyes flicking down to your lips and struggling to look back to your eye.
“Of course I do” you whisper as he continues to lean closer, your body feeling warmer and warmer the closer he gets, just like both times before.
“Good, because I’ve been dying to do this” he whispers, a centimeter from your lips, before leaning in and capturing your lips in his, his hand cradling the side of your head and back of your neck as he does.
The second your lips connect, the warmth you’d been feeling explodes under your skin, consuming you from head to toe before fading into tingles across your whole body. You moan into the kiss at the feeling before pulling back just enough to speak, still keeping your lips close.
“Was that?” You whisper in shock,eyes blown wife, realizing what he had been wondering about.
“Yeah, they were right. We’re soulmates” he whispers against your lips and you can feel the smile spread across his lips.
“Thank god it’s you” you say, unable help the giddy giggle that leaves your lips before you’re both diving back into each other.
This kiss is much needier than the last. It’s full of passion and heat and is more intense than any kiss you’ve had before and you’re still tingling everywhere. You’re both putting all of the built up tension and relief of finding your soulmate into the kiss. Your hands are tangled in his hair and his are wrapping around you to pull you onto his lap. You both groan into the kiss as he settles you on his lap. You break away for a second to catch your breath, both your eyes wild and needy, before kissing again.
This time, you can’t hold yourself back, everything about this, about him, feeling more right than anything. Before you can stop yourself, you’re grinding yourself down against him, his grip on your hips tightening at the euphoric feeling as you both moan into the kiss. The feeling of him hardening under you is addicting and all you can do is continue grinding yourself against him, moaning at the feeling of his hands gripping you so hard that you’re sure you’ll have bruises. Nothing had ever felt as right as he does.
You moan into the kiss as he unexpectedly reaches a hand up and tugs at your hair and your mind is clouded with nothing but Seonghwa. You can’t get enough of him, can’t get close enough. You need him. As you grind down against him again, he surprises you and picks you up, breaking the kiss so he can carry you towards your room.
As he's carrying you towards your room, you can't help but lean in to kiss his neck. You start where his neck meets his shoulder, slowly working your kisses up his neck until you hear his breath hitch at one particular spot. You giggle with a smirk before latching back on to the spot that made him weak. You start with light kisses before slowly working up to sucking and nipping to leave a mark, causing him to gasp. You giggle against his neck as you suck at it again, causing him to let out a small moan as you feel your back being pressed against the wall. You pull back to look at him with a gasp. He rests his forehead against yours, panting against your lips.
"You drive me insane in the best way possible" he whispers as he looks at you, his eyes filled with passion and lust for you.
"I've barely even done anything" you say in surprise, breathing just as heavily as he is.
"Everything about you drives me insane, you don't even have to do anything. Look what you've done already" he groans as he grinds his clothed length against you. You let out a surprised moan at the feeling, tugging lightly at his hair.
"Fuck, Seonghwa, I need you, I need you so bad" you moan, your head tipping back against the wall as you grind back against him.
“I got you, don’t worry baby” he groans, kissing you as he pulls you both away from the wall, kicking the door to your bedroom open as he carries you to your bed. Without breaking the kiss, he carefully lays you on your bed, moving to hover over you. He finally pulls back to look at you, panting to catch his breath.
“You look so beautiful princess” he whispers before leaning down to trail kisses along your neck, nipping here and there as he goes until he finds the spot that makes your breath hitch.
“Hwa, please” you whine, your hips bucking up to grind against him, desperate for any friction you can get.
“I’ve got you, gonna make you feel so good kitten” he whispers in your ear before pulling you up to help remove your shirt and bra. He lays you back down and starts kissing down your chest, pausing to nip and mark your breasts as he undoes the button on your pants and helps you out of them and your underwear as he continues kissing down your stomach as if he has all the time in the world. And he does.
You can’t help the whines and sighs escaping your lips as he worships your body, kissing everywhere he can as your hips rut up against him. He pins your hips down with his arm as he moves his body lower, so he can be eye level with your pussy for the first time.
“Fuck, you look so beautiful like this” he mutters against your inner thigh as you feel two of his fingers glide through your folds, gathering wetness along the way before they catch against your clit, pulling a startled moan from your lips.
“You’re so fucking wet. And all for me” he groans as he starts slowly rubbing circles on your clit as his tongue licks through your folds for the first time.
“Fuck, you taste fucking perfect” he groans before diving back in, cause you to let out a loud moan at the contact. He ate you out like a man starved, his tongue fucking in and out of your dripping hole while his fingers on your clit sped up, pulling a constant stream of whines, moans, and cries of his name from your lips. His long tongue reached depths in you that you couldn’t even reach with your fingers, causing your hips to buck against his face.
You were starting to clench around his tongue before long, your hand tugging on his hair as your walls started fluttering and your moans for higher and louder as you tried to warn him of your impending orgasm.
“H-hwa. I’m gonna cum, fuck. Please don’t stop” you cried as the knot was just about to snap in you. He only hastened his efforts, slipping two of his fingers into you as he pulled back so we could watch you.
“Cum for me kitten, all over my tongue” he said before attaching his lips to your clit. With one strong suck, you were falling apart on his fingers in the most earth shattering orgasm you’d ever experienced, tugging tighter on his hair as you moaned his name. He slowly worked you through your orgasm before removing his fingers and licking them clean as he looked down at you. You couldn’t help but stare up at him in awe.
“Fuck you’re good at that” you pant as you catch your breath, watching him smile as he leans down to you.
“Only the best for my girl” he says and you can’t help the butterflies that swarm in your stomach and the fluttering of your heart when you hear him call you that.
“Claim me as yours then” you whisper as you pull him down to you, kissing him with all of the love and passion you could put into it, trying to show him how thankful you were to have him.
He groaned into the kiss before pulling back to quickly strip himself before crawling back over you, grinding his cock against your soaked folds as he reattaches his lips to yours.
You moan into the kiss at the feeling, as you grind yourself against him.
“You’re so big” you whine, trying to find some friction against him.
“I’ll be gentle, don’t worry” he says, kissing your forehead as he starts to line himself up to slide in to you.
“No, don’t be gentle. I’m not made of glass. I want you to ruin me and claim me as yours” you tell him as you look him in the eye. The second the words leave your lips, his eyes darken and a switch flips in him.
“Just remember, you asked for this kitten” he says before sliding into you, causing you to let out an almost pornographic moan at the feeling of his large cock filling you up.
“Fuck, you really were meant for me” you whine as you buck your hips against him, trying to urge him to move.
“So were you, you feel fucking perfect” he says as one of his hands grabs your hips and pins them down against the bed while the other grabs both of yours and pins them above your head as he leans over you. “But you’re going to be good for me now, keep those hips still for me baby” he whispers.
The next thing you know, he’s thrusting into you hard and fast, hitting deeper than you’ve ever felt before. The moans pouring from your lips only spurring him on more as you try your hardest not to fuck yourself back against him like he told you. You want nothing more than to cling to him, to grip his hair and neck, but his hand holding yours down won’t let you and that only turns you on more.
“Perfect, you’re fucking perfect, fuck” he groans against your neck as he bites down, leaving a mark on your collarbone. The bite pulls an unexpected orgasm from you, causing him to groan as he feels you flutter around him, but he doesn’t stop.
“My naughty little kitten, so good for me. Now, let’s give you one more, yeah? I know you can do that for me” he says as his hand that’s holding yours slides down to rest at the base of your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asks as his hand rests there, waiting for your permission.
“Yes, please choke me” you beg him, your eyes pleading. With your new found freedom, your hands are immediately flying to grip to his back to ground you.
“God, you’re going to be the death of me kitten” he says, his hand tightening around your neck just the slightest bit, causing your head to go a little fuzzy.
“Oh you really like that, I can feel you gripping me tighter. My precious kitten. I want to breed you so bad” he says, which prompts one of the loudest moans of the night yet from you, which is impressive considering his hand on your throat, and you to clench down on him hard as you squirm in his grip.
“You like that? You want me to breed you nice and full? Make it so everyone knows you’re mine? Maybe even get you pregnant?” He whispers, removing his hand from your neck so you can breathe and respond to him.
“Yes! Fuck, please! Please breed me sir. Please, want to be nice and full of you, wanna have your kids. Please fill me up, please” you beg through your moans.
“Fuck, how can I say no to that? Whatever my little one wants” he groans, his hands sliding to move your legs to rest on his shoulder as he bends over, quickening his pace.
“Hwa, fuck! I’m so close” You moan, feeling the familiar knot tighter as he’s hitting even deeper inside you than before.
“So am I princess. Gonna fill you nice and full like you want. Cum for me kitten, I’m right behind you” he says as he reaches one hand down to quickly circle your clit to help get you there. It was all you needed before the knot is snapping and you’re falling apart all over again, scratching at his back as your orgasm takes over you.
The feeling of your spasming walls clamping down on him makes him let out the neediest whine as he comes, thrusting sharply into you, rutting all of his cum into you as deep as he can get it, biting your neck as he does, causing you to let out a small moan at the feeling.
The room is filled with heavy breathing as you both try to catch your breath, coming down from the best orgasms you’ve ever had. The wifeys weren’t wrong when they said soulmate sex was on another level. And you finally understood what they meant. You’ve never felt more pleasure in your life, nor as complete as you do now.
You feel Seonghwa slowly place light, gentle kisses where he had been biting down on your shoulder as he slowly comes back to you, causing you to let out a content sigh at the feeling.
“Are you okay? I wasn’t too rough was I?” He sweetly asks as he leans up a little to look at you, moving some of your hair out of your face.
“No, you were perfect. That was amazing. Hands down the best sex I’ve ever had” you say, smiling up at him as you leave a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I’m inclined to agree. And I definitely get why the guys were holed up for days after finding your girls now. That was incredible” he says, looking at you with nothing but adoration.
“I was just thinking the same thing. I already can’t get enough of you” you say, melting under his intense stare.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m far from done with you princess. We just need to catch our breath” he says kissing your forehead as he plays with your hair.
“Can’t wait. Soooo we’re going to explore that breeding kink of ours more, right?” You whisper, immediately feeling him twitch inside of you and begin to harden again at your statement as he groans in your ear.
“You really are going to be the death of me kitten. God I love you” he says with a chuckle.
“I love you too Hwa” you smile. “But is that a yes or?” You say, cutting yourself off with a gasp as he gives you one sharp thrust in warning.
“Oh it’s a yes. But just remember, you asked for this” he says with a smirk on his face and a dark look in his eyes.
This was going to be a long night.
Tag List: @yxngbxkkie @channiechxn @imagine-a-life-like-this @maeleelee @bunnyiix @acrylishly @hobasimp89 @cadenonlinelive @babyboyquokka @l3visbby @kpop-in-new-albion @adoringsof @jisuperboard @zoe8stay @i-love-ateez @thatfavouritesong @okkkcausewhet @bouncyyunho @smally97
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escapewriter · 2 years
chai latte masterlist
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⤷ school was finally out which meant you had time to relax and hang out with your best friend. but everything about your laid back summer was put on hold the moment you agreed to help out a stranger and become his temporary summer love.
pairing : student!yunho x student!reader
genre : fluff, angst, humor, smau, fake dating au, strangers to lovers
warnings : swearing
status : ongoing
started : 08/19/22
ended : tba
updates : friday’s every other saturday when i want to
coffee house diaries masterlist || main masterlist
send me an ask/dm if you would like to be on the taglist.
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-> intro - profiles
-> part 1 - it could work
-> part 2 - wont be so bad
-> part 3 - sure
-> part 4 - t r a s h
-> part 5 - word for word
-> part 6 - wooed my way to a job
-> part 7 - i dont like you
-> part 8 - cant-man
-> part 9 - very silly
-> part 10 - who knows
-> part 11 - live updates.
-> part 12 - he’s not voldemort
-> part 13 - spilled some beans
-> part 14 - A SPRAY BOTTLE
-> part 15 - win a dinosaur
-> part 16 - i literally work there
-> part 17 - peace was never an option
-> part 18 - pixie dust!!!
-> part 19 - yunhocation
-> part 20 - bite your kneecap
-> part 21 - oh god thats terrifying
-> part 22 - im back
-> part 23 - ME, I DID IT
-> part 24 - hurry up
-> part 25 -
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wifeytrio · 5 months
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Flatline (series)
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Jeon Jungkook
Makeup Artist
Music Video
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Park Seonghwa
Matz (smut)
Kim Hongjoong
Matz (smut)
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hwaseonghwasworld · 4 months
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Arranged Marriage Chapter 8: This Wasn’t My Idea
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: series Mafia au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Media au!
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
Yunho pov
"I downloaded the tracker on her phone during our honeymoon" Yeosang nodded as he checked if he could look into her text messages. "Ok we're in" "she texts her friend group chat a lot" Yeosang said as he pressed onto the texts. "U-uhhh Yunho are you seeing this" "shit" we all looked at each other as we saw how her friends are telling her about me being Y/n's childhood friend "shit! It's too soon" I looked at the text messages seeing that Y/n isn't texting anymore. I immediately ran back home.
As soon as I got home I saw Y/n on the floor passed out, I picked her up taking her to our room, I put a warm towel on her forehead and sat next to her waiting for her to wake up. "Y-yuyu?" I turn to her and helped her get up, are you ok? Are you hurt?" "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her apologetic "I didn't want this to happen Y/n" "please forgive me. I'm so sorry" "I just need some time to think about this" she stood up walking out the house.
Y/n pov
As I was walking to my house I felt someone restraining me, I tried turning around but has passed out because of the cloth that probably had chlorophyll on it. Waking up, I saw a short but buff guy holding a gun at me, I looked at him with low tone eyes and he spoke. “Y/n I’m a huge fan” “so you kidnap me? And hold a gun at my face” “no, no, no. This is business, you’re married to a rival” I glare at him as his smile faded “never meet your hero’s they say” “BITCH YOU HAVE A GUN TO MY FACE” he stood up from his seat holding the gun to my temple “like I said… business” a taller buff guy with curly brown hair who looked like the leader walked in “take the gun out of her face Changbin, we’re not killing her.
More people walked in as I saw Felix and Hyunjin approach us “WHAT THE FUCK” both hyunjin and Felix helped untie me “what are you doing!!” “THAT’S MY SISTER” I stood up and Felix checked if I had any cuts or bruises. “Are you ok?” I smiled and nodded to Felix “I’m ok” “just because she’s married to Yunho, doesn’t mean you get her attention involved in stuff like this.”
Bang Chan called Yunho on your phone “Y/n I’m-“ “this isn’t ur little wife” “if you want to see her then-“ Yunho ended the call leaving everyone confused.
Yunho pov
I ended the call immediately running out and tracking Y/n’s phone, as soon as I got there I ran grabbed Bang Chan punching his face, he chuckled and looked at me wiping the blood of his lip with his thumb “how did you find us?” “Oh right… Hyunjin told us he found a tracker on her phone, tsk tsk tsk” “What?” I looked at Y/n as she said that and walked up to her “are you ok? Did they hurt you?” “I’m fine… you put a tracker on me?” “Let’s talk about this at home” I grabbed her hand and she immediately pulled away “anyway I didn’t bring you here for nothing” “come.. sit” Bang Chan smirked and held his hand out, pointing at the seat in front of him as he sat down too. “Come on Y/n let me take you home” Hyunjin looked at me worried and she nodded showing her the exit and walked out with her and Felix walking right besides them.
Yunho pov
“I brang you here to tell you to have a truce since the other reason doesn’t matter anymore” I looked at him confused wandering what is going on “this wasn’t my idea” since Hyunjin and Y/n are siblings, and you’re married to his sister we can’t be rivals, or try not to be” “wait so you kidnap her?!” “No… that was Changbin’s idea” I looked at Changbin confused and he looked at me and Bang Chan “what? I’m her fan” I roll my eyes and stood up “is that all? I’ll go tell Hongjoong… the leader…the in that you should’ve had the chat with” “because you’re married to my members sister” i nodded and walked out, calling Hongjoong and sitting in my car driving home.
“Hey what’s up? Did you talk to Y/n” “well it’s a long story, she got kidnapped” Hongjoong cut me off shouting “WAIT WHAT” i reassured her that everything is good “everything is so good that Stray Kids has a truce with us now” “wait what?” “ yeahhhh… umm, Y/n is Hyunjins sister” “WAIT WHAT” “can you say anything other than that please” “I didn’t know that out boss had a son” “well I mean he is in a rival group” “yup that makes sense” I ended the call and once I got home I called Y/n.
Y/n pov
Hyunjin helped me into the car, he looked at me and asked me a question “do you want me to take you to your house?” “No can you take me to bina’s” Hyunjin nodded and drove to her house. As soon as I got there I walked in since I have the keys and Bina ran to me hugging me “Y/n you scared us, where were you” I held Hae-won cradling her in my arms “well… where do I start” “I talked to Yunho then needed time to think, then I got kidnapped, turns out it my brother gang then now I’m here since my brother and Felix took me here” hae-won cooed and I smile feeling calm in her and Bina’s presence “you got kidnapped!” I nodded and she looked at me shocked “I don’t want to go back to Yunho house” at that moment Yunho called me and I looked at her and threw my phone on the couch.
Bina looked at he shocked and answered the call and we were quietly arguing since I didn’t want her to do that, she put it on speaker and we stayed silent. “Y/n please come back, look the tracker is in your phone, I just wanted to protect you” “and about the conversation earlier I liked you in high school but saw how you and Vernon started dating so I left” “Y/n please talk to me” I ended the call in shock and I didn’t know what to say, me and Bina looked at each other in shock.
“Maybe you should-“ “can I stay here?” For today “but you have modeling tomorrow, what are you gonna wear?” “Your clothes” I stood up and walked to her room and she shouted at me running after me. “You can’t just hide from him forever” “Isn’t that what you did to me when you and Jihoon were arguing” “fine but only for today, communication is key, and Yunho did a lot of it today” I nodded and gave Bina her daughter back and put pajamas on since it was getting dark. I fell asleep in her room and once Jihoon came back he was confused “Y/n is staying over. He nodded and I was in the spare room so no one had to move.
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instafic-for-readers · 2 months
Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3
Lee Know x Fem!Reader
Magic School!AU | SMAU | Fluff | Rom-Com
With a large friendship group, Y/N had her fair share of laughing and teasing; but with her large small crush on Minho, the group is ready for mischief… Add a little magic and you have a whole love story on your hands!
Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 Masterlist | Main M.List
ATEEZ Profiles:
Seonghwa: a wizard, studies Astronomy, prefect vibes, always looking after the younger ones, dating Hongjoong.
Hongjoong: a wizard, studies Magic History, often found helping the SKZ boys with their music, dating Seonghwa.
Yunho: a wizard, studies Magic History, a gentle giant.
Yeosang: a wizard, studies Potions & Medicine, everyone’s favourite, swears that if he could shift he would be a Doberman.
San: a wizard, studies Astronomy, cat lover, all round cutie, cousin to Jongho.
Mingi: a wizard, studies Magic Modification, gentle giant P.2.
Wooyoung: a wizard, studies Magical Art Studies, loud but the sweetest person you’ll ever meet.
Jongho: a wizard, studies Magic Modification, a teddy bear on the inside, cousin to San.
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Oh To Be A Cat In Love <3 Masterlist | Profiles Three |
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mingkist · 6 months
ardent love I j. yunho
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summary: cassiopeia is a five member girl group known for their mythological concept and being friends with almost everyone in the kpop industry. follow the girls and their journey through their career.
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— 💌: some interactions finally!!! we cheer!!
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