#atem has a full body pillow to help him sleep
sennenpharaoh · 2 years
[text] sorry to bother you. I'm having trouble getting back to sleep. Haven't been able to rest well for a few days. Any advice?
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He heard a small vibrate tone coming from his nightstand. Turning his head, he noticed a small notification on his phone. It was his mirror.
Hmm... how to sleep well? Atem chuckled at the question a little. Oh if he knew... Or maybe he did, and that's why he was asking.
[text] - Maybe try a pillow? One of those full body ones? I have one that I hold close to help me sleep.
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tyrantdk · 7 years
Would I lie to you Ch 5
So, this gets me caught up to what I have posted on AO3. This ride’s gonna get a lot more crazy and wild. I hope you’ll stick with me, everyone!
Minkah- name meaning justice
There’s a procedure Isis uses on Atem in the last scene. It is a real procedure used in ancient Egypt. I’m trying to keep this as accurate as I can.
Yugi glanced over at Atem as they stood before the entryway of the palace’s main hall. Both were dressed in blue, the only other color was his tail and the scarlet cloak. It brought a sad smile to his face to see his wedding gift clasped around his shoulders. He leaned over to nuzzle his mate’s cheek. Atem turned into the gesture, pressing his forehead against his husband’s. He wrapped him in his arms.
“Are you alright, Treasure? You don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to. I shall fry anyone who tells you otherwise.”
“I appreciate your words, my dragon. I owe it to Olufemi. She would have wanted the people to know of her passing and our union. Father raised us to think of Egypt before ourselves. He said one could only be a worthy Per’a’ah when one puts the people over oneself.” Yugi kissed him lightly. “Having you beside me makes me feel much calmer. I can do this, with you here.”
“I am not going anywhere, Atem. We are a mated pair; a dragon-god and his Per’a’ah. My place is at your side, as your place is at mine. We will weather this together.”
“I love you, Meri-I. You are breath taking today.” Yugi smiled as he leaned closer. He could steal a few more minutes with his mate.
“I love you, Koibito. You are the breath that gives me life. It is time.” Reluctantly, they released each other from their hold. The gates opened, people flooding the wide courtyard. Atem held his arm to Yugi, who laid his on top. He angled his hand so that it could be held by his mate. “When you are ready, my treasure.” The pair moved as one to the beginning of the steps leading to courtyard. The people cheered at the sight of their Per’a’ah.
“Good morn to you, our people.” Atem’s greeting was returned a thousand fold. It amazed Yugi. “We have glad tidings to bring, along with grief. Our joyful news is that we have wed! Beside us is our Prince-Consort, our god-dragon, Usire. He has blessed us with his hand. With our union, has come the end of the drought. The rain shall be plentiful as long as our consort desires.” Yugi’s smile grew large as the crowd roared. His tail wagged behind him. Children watched him in wonder because of it. He lifted a hand.
“I vow to be as faithful to you as my mate is. I will support Per’a’ah to the best of my ability. I will not abandon you. As you can see the palace is in mourning. Princess Olufemi was stolen from us not long ago. We ask for your indulgence while we mourn. This is a great blow to us, and we will find the one responsible for her death.” Beside him, his mate’s lip quivered almost unnoticeably. Yugi turned from the crowd. He cupped Atem’s face and brought him close. “If you need to cry, cry. No one will think any different of you.”
He broke. Atem’s arms wrapped vice like around him. He’d been trying so hard not to fall apart, but now here he was. He was unable to keep his emotions back. Yugi held him tightly, carding through his hair, rubbing circles on his back, rocking them as he whispered soothing words into his ear. He looked up as weight settled on his back. A child had run up the steps to hug him.
“Forgive me, Per’a’ah! I couldn’t help it. I lost my grandmother a few moon cycles ago.” Atem swept the boy into his and Yugi’s arms.
“There is nothing to forgive, Little One. I thank you for your empathy.”
“Forgive my boy, Per’a’ah! He just took off so fast.”
“You have raised a wonderful son. He has shown great compassion and you should be very proud of him. What is your name, Young One?”
“Minkah, Lord Usire!”
“Little Minkah, hold out your hand.” Yugi plucked a feather from his tail. He placed it in the boy’s hand. “What do you wish to be when you are grown?”
“I want to be a scribe, like my father.”
“Then, take this to one of my temples when you are ready for schooling. You will be welcomed and trained well.”
“Thank you!”
“No, Little Justice. Thank you.” Atem murmured as he kissed the top of the boy’s head. They sent him back to his mother. “I wish to retire, Meri-I. I am tired.”
“Of course, Treasure.” Yugi helped him stand, arms wrapped securely around him. They passed back into the palace.
Atem rubbed his head as another wave of nausea swept over him. He longed to retire to his room, to Yugi’s arms, and Olabisi’s little remedies. However, Akanadin was droning on about something or other. When would he stop? The next wave was worse, causing him to groan softly. Isis was the closest to him. She glanced over, noting his rather pale face.
“I believe we should wrap this up. I do not think Per’a’ah is well. Will one of the guards kindly fetch our Prince-Consort?” A guard nodded tightly as he slipped out. Atem leaned back in his throne as the nausea came and stayed. Isis and Mahado rushed to his side, one grasping his hand and the other pressing a hand to his forehead. “He just needs rest.”
The pair jumped out of the way as Usire’s dragon form curled around their Per’a’ah. Atem groaned as he rested his head against his husband’s scales. Yellow eyes looked at them. Isis repeated her assessment. He was off down the halls, his mate safely clutched in his claws. Usire placed him gently on their bed before turning back into his human form.
Yugi rushed about their room, throwing windows closed and tossing one of Atem’s ceremonial cloaks over the doors to their balcony. He lit incense scented in soft gentle smells. Next he stripped his mate of his jewelry and clothing, doing the same himself before shuffling them under the thin day blanket on their bed.
“Do you feel better, Koibito?” He asked softly as he carded through Atem’s hair. He shifted against him, laying on his chest.
“A little bit. Thank you, Meri-I. Is Koibito from your mother’s tongue?”
“Yes. It means ‘lover’. How long have you felt like this? I could have sworn you were well at the midday break.”
“I was. The nausea just came so suddenly. Some rest in your arms will do much good. I do not think I can return to court.”
“Sleep, Koibito. I will make sure you rest. No one shall disturb you as long as I am here.” Atem hummed as his eyes slipped closed. He listened to his husband’s heart beating, his breathing falling into sync. The nausea faded away slowly. He was asleep before it faded completely. Yugi played with his mate’s hair, drowsy, but not enough to sleep himself. He roused himself when he heard footsteps approaching their room.
“Lord Usire.” The old priest, the one who smelled of Sobek, opened their den’s doors. “If Per’a’ah has returned to full health, he should return to court.”
“My mate has fallen asleep. Court can be cancelled for the rest of the day to ensure his health.” The older human’s eyebrow twitched. “I am sure the petitioners would agree, if they knew the cancellation was for Per’a’ah’s health.” Yugi was beginning to grow annoyed. The old man hadn’t left yet. If he said anything about waking Atem, well, he might find himself on the receiving end of his lightning.
“My lord, with all due respect, it is Per’a’ah’s duty to the people.” Yugi shifted slowly, cradling his mate’s head as he set it on a pillow. His eyes were already changing. They glowed golden in the semi-darkness.
“Are you suggesting I disturb my mate’s slumber? You obviously know nothing of dragons or those of us with divine blood. A dragon would never wake their mate, even more so when they are feeling ill. I shall give you to the count of three. If you have not left our den and closed the doors, I shall chaise you back to your den.”
Atem bolted up a few minutes later to his husband’s dragon roar and his uncle’s fearful scream. He gathered the light blanket around him before racing after the scarlet tail. His cheeks burned in embarrassment as he ran. Every person in the palace could tell he was nude under the blanket, but saving his uncle’s skin was more important than his chastity. At least, he had an argument about why Yugi couldn’t scare the daylights out of anyone who had and would see him.
“Meri-I.” He spoke as he finally caught them. Akanadin was cornered against an outer wall. Usire’s massive body blocked his escape. From the way his tail flicked, Atem knew he was playing. “My dragon, please, you’ve given my uncle enough of a scare.” He groaned as the hall began to spin. The dragon-god curled about him, shrinking slightly. He took one look at him before retreating back to their bedroom. Yugi spent the rest of the day caring for him undisturbed.
“Isis.” Atem groaned as he sat on the chair. He rubbed his stomach, which could not decide if it wanted to be hungry or sick. She ignored him as she sat a clay bowl on his lap. She placed cup of milk beside him, and gestured for him to drink. He did as bid. He had learned very quickly that Isis was not to be trifled with when it came to simple remedies. He chugged the milk. As soon as the full amount hit his stomach, he was doubled over the bowl, vomit filling it.
“As I suspected.” Isis sighed as she handed him a cool towel. “I know about your body, Per’a’ah. I know it is both male and female, and your womb is fertile. You are pregnant with Lord Usire’s child. The milk I had you drink was from a woman who recently gave birth to a son. You got ill. You are pregnant.” Atem looked at her in shocked silence. His eyes shifted back and forth in their sockets as he tried to think.
“I have not had my bleeding since Yugi and I- The nausea does not come in the morning!”
“The nausea can come in the morning or the afternoon. Yours comes to you in the afternoon. Not having your cycle of bleeding is a good early sign of pregnancy. Forgive me for saying this, Per’a’ah, but you are gaining weight. Set the bowl aside and turn sideways for me.” He did so. Isis nodded. “You are beginning to show. When was your last cycle? The last time you remember?”
“A ten day before I wed Usire. We consummated our union not long after he scared you. I have not had my bleeding once after we wed.”
“I can surmise conception was close to that moment. At the very latest, you are about three lunar cycles along.” Isis smiled gently as she placed a hand on Atem’s shoulder. “The news is wonderful. I know it seems so frightening, Per’a’ah, but you shall have me, the other advisors, Mana, Olabisi, and Usire at your side. When we can no longer hide your belly, I will suspend petitions for your health.
“We can ready your bedroom for the birth closer to time. Per’a’ah?” Atem held a hand over his mouth. He looked at her with frightened eyes. “You are in shock.”
“Isis, I need- I need time.”
“Go. I will send Lord Usire to you and suspend court for the rest of the day.” He fled to his rooms as fast as he could. He curled into a ball. Tears flowed from his eyes. He couldn’t believe it! It was almost as if Amun knew his sister would be taken, and was giving him a new life to care for. He cried into a pillow, not sure why. Perhaps he cried just for the sake of crying.
Eventually his sobs quieted as he tired. Atem let himself fall asleep. He was exhausted. Yugi slipped in when the crying had stopped. He sighed softly as he pulled the thin blanket back. Slowly, so he would not wake his mate, he stripped him. He chuckled softly at how his stomach was now pudgy. He secretly loved it. It looked so much like a belly in the early stages of showing a pregnancy.
He rubbed his hand over it. Yugi frowned. He must be imagining things. He had felt the spark of life in his mate. It had to be his imagination. Creating an egg was the only way they could have children. He couldn’t have gotten so lucky. He wrapped his arms around Atem, holding him close.
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sennenpharaoh · 4 years
30. What makes them feel safe or secure? What makes them feel insecure or unsafe?
angst questions
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Atem has a full body pillow that he sleeps with to help calm him down, especially when he gets a bad bout of nightmares, and thanks to Yuugi @mutogamingco it’s a nice galaxy pattern, despite what many people may think is on it.
There isn’t really anything in particular that makes him insecure, mostly if someone just walks away from them or leaves them without telling him why. Then it makes him think... to the point of overthinking.
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