mahoushojoumonster · 3 days
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You’re always such a positive presence on the dash, and all of your characters (and their au!s) are so adorable and fun to play with. You are amazing. Thank you. 🤍 Katie / Cherri
Dear Kisara! You are such a big, strong girl, and I love you, always 🤍 Mana
Dear Tim, Thank you for always being so kind to me. You’re a very dear friend. 🤍 Mana
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my-ohh-mai · 15 days
Kisara is sitting by herself drinking a very sweet cocktail, stood up by her date or maybe they'd never planned on coming hell if she knew.
"Dating is stupid..."
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"Kisara? I'm guessing it didnt go well?" Mai couldn't imagine her date going badly. Her friend was naturally and effortlessly beautiful, and anyone would be beyond lucky to meet her.
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mutogamingco · 30 days
[*yeets Tim* pretty sure they've interacted before]
He had thought he had hid it well, but with the way Timaeus had been looking at him, Yuugi suspected he was catching on that something might be wrong. But still, Yuugi did not want to be a burden, so he continued to shrug it off.
"I'm fine, really. Just a bit sore."
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kazeofthemagun · 7 months
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@dragontamer05 asked the summoner:
send BLUSHED for a scene from my muse's past in which they received a compliment that really got to them
Fragments of the Past
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Love Me Sweet
[Note: this drabble takes place during Kaze and Aura's romance period, before they were aware they were siblings. No trigger warnings of note other than war mentions]
The trip to the Ladnajredvi keep had been uneventful. A rare opportunity to take an airship presented itself, and, well, who was he to deny it. And her, of course. Aura was always an enthusiast of the skies; Giving the young gunmage repeated heart attacks by leaning too close to the edge. The fence was only high enough to reach above her navel, so anyone willing to risk it could give her just a little push and easily claim the death as an accident -
"....Rorahm, you're catastrophizing." Inevitably, the words would leave her lips accompanied by soft laughter. Rosy cheeks and a slender digit pressing to his own mouth as he spoke up. He could never really win, with her. They were both freshly into their second decade of life and, as the Spiral willed it, life on Windaria was typically short. The ceaseless wars raging on the southern border made sure of that.
Lir Hassan was positioned further to the west, but their forces were still needed. Even within Lahriktaar itself, dissent only continued to build following the Priest Elder's assassination. That, and he had a reputation. The kind of reputation which tended to paint a target on one's back.
Combined, it all contributed to a simple fact; Svaardzjetrorahm was a worried man, and Haßhadjetraiya was gleefully reckless.
That, too, contributed to his overall state of mind.
Nevertheless, at least his visions of darling Aura splattered somewhere tens of meters below could finally come to a close when the hulking construct of metal began its steady descent outside the walls of the keep. The thrum of the Soil engine gradually quietened, a pulsating heartbeat in its own right. The airship was asleep now, with its segmented wings folded and tucked to its sides. Every great beast needed its due rest, and this one had done well to carry them here.
The ramps extended and the pair of Windarians proceeded on their way, blending into the stream of people. Then came the usual process of languishing outside the gate for a while, getting their papers checked and finally, they stepped into the fortress-city for the first time in months.
"I missed being here." The hazel-haired Windarian breathed in deep, taking in the fresh air tinged with the aroma of spices. The fair was in full swing, canopies of colorful fabrics shielding market-goers from the sun.
"Mm." The Black Wind replied with a hum as they walked, browsing various stalls and navigating the heavy traffic.
Come to think of it, he scarcely had the opportunity to even visit, nowadays. Campaigns with no end in sight and a talk of the potential Misterian threat to boot, ceasefire hanging by a thread... Something about the coming of the Demon Swordsman. Mostly lies and rumors, a targeted attack on the morale of the High Temple, no doubt. Briefly, he wondered whether the Maken was as impressive as that time he got to view the Magun in person.
Or, rather, on person. A champion who had since passed with the Soil, may the Winds guide his spirit. The man was formidable even in his final years. Rorahm's right hand reached for a satchel of saki, pouring a handful of jingling coins and sliding them ontop a counter. The old merchant stroked his rather tremendous beard before wordlessly nodding. Aura was already packing up the goods.
"What's all that for, anyway?" The summoner inquired, one brow raised above the sygni of the Phoenix. It was certainly too much for either of them and he wasn't really a fan of makulu. The one time he's had them, they left a funny taste on his tongue for hours.
"You don't like them?" Aura turned, cranberry eyes looking up to meet sea blues. There was a degree of surprise, but also.. ah, that devious glimmer of Aura-scheme he had since learned to recognize. She was planning something, and the Wind wasn't about to let it slip that he had noticed.
"Tried them, once." He admitted. "Years ago." Speaking of, he really had no idea when.
"How much were those, anyway?"
Surely not much. He did not tend to spend a lot on sweets. That would just be irresponsible. But, Aura, oh, Aura. Whenever there was an occasion, treats were an absolute must. "Maybe a little more than ten saki."
The girl's expression shifted to a wide smile. "That's because they weren't the real deal, you dork. I swear, if you keep buying cheap stuff you're just scamming yourself. Why not get an actual special, once in a while? That way you're not wasting your money."
Well, she did have a point. As he opened his mouth to contest it -
- she promptly snuck a piece in. Her thumb remained on his lips, effectively shushing him.
"Au -" A complaint half-formed before the redhead gave up and began chewing. He was clearly determined to remain grumpy, and yet: the way the crispy exterior caved in to welcome cream filling with a slightly spicy taste, a sharp note of gaba fruit, and the all-encompassing sweetness must have done a number on his expression, because soon enough, Aura was knee-deep into a fit of giggling.
"...." A lighter shade of red than his hair crept onto Rorahm's features, and he turned his head away. A still-grumpy, yet also comically quiet, "...what," followed.
The laughter did not cease when he felt her arms wrap around his form, the woman's face practically buried in his cape as she continued to chortle in a, now, rather unwomanlike manner. Eventually, the giggling stopped, and she lifted her face from the sea of dark fabric. Her eyes were positively glowing. "You're so cute. I love you so much."
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"I'm... cute..?" The young Black Wind's voice was a mixture of emotion he was clearly not experienced with.
Golden Aura pulled him closer - or, rather, pulled herself closer to him. At least they were out of the crowd by now, it would be quite awkward for two entangled lovebirds to become a glorified speed bump.
With her own, slightly lighter, complexion now further warmed by a shade of pink, she sighed dreamily. "So cute."
Black Wind was a man who never expected to hear himself being labeled "cute", or "adorable", or even "nice". Adjectives such as "pleasant", "lovely", or likewise "delightful" were nowhere to be found on his list of words to be associated with.
And that was something Aura found infinitely hilarious. She had found her weapon. Pelting him with endearing terms he still hadn't built up his defenses against. Woe be him, indeed.
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"As sweet as a makulu pastry. The genuine kind."
Svaardzjetrorahm said nothing, pulling up the rim of his cape as though that would help hide his internal combustion. His heart was beating faster, a fluttering sensation building in his stomach that threatened to wrest control of his knees. If this kept up, he would actually have to sit down and process it all.
"Saßu." He commented, so intelligently. This only caused his darling Aura to smile even wider. A cheeky vixen, she could be. Twirling an edge of his garments, she rose taller on the tips of her toes and purred.
"I was planning to have at least some of them, but now I'm starting to think it will be so much more fun to just feed them all to you instead. If you're going to keep being so adorable, then I can simply not resist the idea!"
And the giggling was back, full force.
Black Wind groaned. He was still blushing.
...And still "cute".
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liecoris · 5 months
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「Tim~!」 Mukuro cheerfully called out to him, waving him down when she spotted him。「Did you see my announcements? I'm retiring soon~」 The news wasn't too much of a surprise to most, Mukuro was getting older and was honestly well past the prime idol age, even for underground idols, so the only people who were really devastated were her fans。
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「I'm looking forward to all the free time I'll have now。」
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closed starter for Tim 【 @dragontamer05 】 
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Headcanon hmm,
Much Big Sis/Mentor vibes between her and Smol Kisa (child really looks up to her tbh)
She already sees the little dragon as one of hers, so big sister vibes? A-ok.
(You probably should watch out when Kisa hits her teens, because Mana will 110% become a worried momgician and you will get away with nothing, young lady!!)
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@dragontamer05 (ment. @lil-kissy) | send me a headcanon...
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flamesignite · 1 month
Actually even cooler his name is 3 fast rides funfact, Horse, Car and aircraft too. his actual name origin is a war plane
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North American P-51 Mustang
(Arakwa named all the military people after Military Vehicles and i think that's neat)
So what does he think about sharing name with a plane.
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"That's definitely interesting to know."
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(♫♪) “Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Ouran Academy. The Ouran host Club is where the school’s handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran academy’s elegant playground for the super-rich and beautiful.”
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cyberdragoninfinity · 11 months
shows up late
Trick or Treat
2005 Starry Gelert Plush !
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mahoushojoumonster · 13 hours
@dragontamer05 liked a thing
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It’s not uncommon for the apprentice to sneak her way out of the palace. At first, it was a dare from the Prince. He didn’t think she could do it. Then, it became a convenient way to skip out on her lessons and meditations, because the priests weren’t really supposed to leave the palace grounds either, so Mahaad couldn’t (or at least wouldn’t) follow her out.
These days, it’s to escape the weight of what’s to come. Mahaad has been pressing on her to work harder, Set has her drilling her physical training harder than ever before. The expectations are stifling, especially when the remainder of her time is the chores she is meant to do as a servant.
And so, she’s outside the walls as the sun is rising. It will be at least a little while before anyone is sent out after her, and she can see the markets already beginning to fill. But that’s not what has her attention.
What has her attention (and enraptured it) is a woman not too far away, with pale skin and hair and the most piercing of blue eyes. To Mana, it is nothing short of beautiful, and she can’t help but stare at the woman who looks so different to everyone around her.
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shiroi---kumo · 6 months
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Colorful Interview || Accepting
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@dragontamer05 // @expressionbean
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|| I would say that what works for me might not for someone else but I have things in my brain constantly and generally when I cannot write my muse I try to expand them - their world - their society - their background - etc. I ask Kumo and the rest of the puffs a lot of questions and let them talk to me and tell me whatever they want.
I know not everyone writes the same but this is how I do it. If I cannot write the puff, I might write someone else for a moment or I might write new meta. Sometimes I just need a break so I'll play a video game for a minute or read other people's threads or draw new people. Sometimes I just need to draw the OCs I have been meaning to get to.
Me staring at Kiri's teachers
If I cannot write a thread I might go to that partner and try to talk it out with them to throw ideas around. I might listen to music or Kumo's playlist because I have playlists for nearly all of my muses. If I cannot write one muse I might see if I can explain more of their world instead. I might re-watch source material even too. Most of the time though, it's just a lot of talking to my muses and seeing what they need to tell me.
And not stressing about it. We're here to have fun, so just let your muses vibe. Don't worry so much about sticking to absolute canon and just let your muses exist and grow and get better or worse but just be people. Don't worry so much about a "perfect performance". None of us are perfect. That's what it means to be alive.
I spend a lot of time on Kumo's end thinking about what it means to be human because whatever it means to me is something Kumo probably doesn't know or do. I spend a lot of time thinking about how much differently he'd view the world.
I just gotta let him be the weird cloud puff cat bird that he is and not worry so much about what other people are going to say is right or wrong. Kumo is Kumo and I just need to let him be puff. That's what he's best at. Being a puff.
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kumoofthemaken · 7 months
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@dragontamer05 asked the prince:
send IMPRESSED for a scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successfully or not
Glimpses of the Past
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"Brother, brother!!!"
The pitter-patter of small feet soon quietened; Not because the younger prince stopped in his tracks, but rather because he was now flying at his elder at dangerous speeds. Zooming right past palace staff with little regard for the expensive crystal china which proceeded to tumble to the floor with one final, pitiful shriek as it shattered into fragments upon the ornate tiles.
If Prince White Cloud had slowed down enough to witness the carnage, he would have likely cried. All big, teary eyes and trickles of snot, he would have likely become a rain cloud in his own right.
His little Rain Cloud. A common nickname used by the elder, a smirk creeping onto the Fog's features as a pale hand ruffled the storm of white fluff adorning the top of the much shorter youngster.
Alas, the time was scarcely for rain. The little bullet of white practically slammed into his brother's form, earning a muffled "oof" from the taller Misterian.
"Chén loa! What's the matter, you little scoundrel? Missed me this much already?" The Red Fog teased relentlessly, slender digits already buried in his brother's hair. A few giggles escaped the snowy prince, even when his entire frame was being shaken with the energetic ruffles.
Prince White Cloud had always been a timid child, prone to indulging in various degrees of escapism. Perhaps sitting hours upon hours in the royal tutoring halls did not serve him as well as the King and Queen hoped - yes, he was indeed a naturalborn prodigy, absorbing knowledge like a hungry sponge and picking up skills with near unprecedented speed. But here was the catch:
The timid Prince White Cloud was also a ball of pent-up energy. Eyes darting to-and-fro, captivated by every noise and sight, especially when he was supposed to be sitting quiet and doing maths. Needless to say, his half-completed papers oft earned him quite the scolding from his father.
Scorned jade eyes looking down upon his son whose own likewise verdant gaze failed to meet his. Lord Crimson Haze could easily fill the room with his presence, even without the use of Mist. Every true King ruled with love and fear alike, commandeering both with the practiced finesse of a maestro - and the nation was his faithful orchestra.
It was something that the Cloud liked to question. Why did one need fear to keep a people obedient..? "Because each people is made up of sound minds and fools alike. And the sooner the fools get tall ideas, the sooner a nation teeters on the brink."
He never did like how freely his father deemed other Misterians "fools". When his Brother called him an idiot, it was somehow much kinder.
His Brother was kind. Grumpy sometimes, but kind.
He wanted to be like Brother. Dutiful. Focused. Worthy of being called a Prince of Misteria. Perhaps even, one day, worthy of the Sword in Crystal.
Crystals were supposed to focus light, weren't they..? Single-minded. Channeling fire from the sun without the use of magic. He liked to imagine himself in a similar manner. That, if he could only set his mind to one, singular thing like Brother, that his passion could set fire to the sky.
So he took up the blade. Not because he truly loved the weight of a handle in his grip, or the dangerous glimmer of cutting-edge lethality. Not because he honestly believed that the sword was his spirit, nor wanted to bind a part of himself to it forever.
"Brother!!" White Cloud hollered, a red flush of excitement flooding his cheeks. "Let's spar!! Right now!!"
Red Fog allowed one brow to climb higher. "Sure, I should be free after class -"
"No! Not after claa-aass! I don't wanna wait! Please! Now!"
"Brother I -"
"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepl -"
The heir to the throne let out an incredulous sigh. If there was anything the boy was truly weak to, it was his little brother's barrage of pleas. "Fine."
And so, that was what became of Prince Red Fog and Prince White Cloud's lives from then on. Daily spars, wooden blade against wooden blade, cautious and afraid to draw blood. Eventually, the elder's thrill-seeking, crazy streak demanded live weapons. White Cloud obliged gladly, happy to delve deeper into the mind of his beloved Brother. Was there a meaning in the rush of adrenaline, leaving them panting and their hearts racing rabbit-like with each close call as their weapons met? Was this... the true Red Fog, the feverish glint in his eyes as he gave everything, everything that he was -
- to mastering this one thing.
The one, singular thing that made him, truly him. His Brother. His, and no one else's.
They became one another's obsession. But there was still one thing that the Red Fog valued higher than his own kin. It was the art of combat. It was the weight of the handle in his grip, the dangerous glimmer of cutting-edge lethality. And he honestly believed that the sword was his spirit, and one day bound a part of himself to it forever.
....Naturally, if his Brother was obsessed with swords, so was White Cloud.
"Keep going! Have at thee!" The crimson prince swung wildly, a strength behind the slice that sent his younger reeling. A puff of white Mist escaped the shorter boy's lips, dissolving harmlessly into the cool air of the courtyard.
Clang. Clang! Their blades met, casting sparks. It was more than combat. It was art. Their steps like ancestral dance, passed on throughout the generations. Tracing the lines carved in the dust and taking to the sky, circling one another like raptors, locking talons. Like a pair of mighty Mist Dragons, ensnared in the coils of one another's strength. Nothing in the whole world existed aside from them, their personal accelerando, their shared passion and the bond of understanding forged, steel-strong, between their thrumming hearts.
And it was then that he parried the Madou, a masterful stroke redirecting its fury like one would calm a racing melody into softer notes. The impact deflected, the younger Prince tensed his whole body and delivered a powerful kick that finally threw the crimson swordsman off-balance.
The blade of his sword stopped a mere hair's breadth away from his Brother's jugular. Something in his mind screamed that it was wrong. You idiot, you absolute fool! You could have killed him. He could have killed you.
"Brother...!" He called, breathlessly. Jade eyes alight with the burning ardor of victory.
Crimson eyes, so unshakable, were wide. For once, his elder did not speak. Did not chuckle and twirl his own weapon, ever the showoff. Did not reach over to find a head of snowy locks and ruffle the Cloud until it became a rightful Cumulus. Prince Red Fog was silent, and suddenly, the bond of understanding was broken. White Cloud had no idea what could possibly be going on behind the veil of vermilion.
"B....brother..?" The younger Misterian took a step forward, jade orbs overcast with worry. This wasn't... right. It did not feel right. Was victory supposed to taste this bitter? When the rush of adrenaline was so sweet?
...Would his Brother love him more now, when he finally surpassed his singular obsession? Now that he was the one who held his sibling's life in his hands, the thin red line of everything that he stood for.
"Did I do good, Brother?" White Cloud let out a broken giggle, panic rapidly consuming what was once a crystal-clear mind. "Or d-did I do something wrong? A-are you mad at me?"
He shattered something. He shattered something. He shattered something.
Red Fog, seemingly zoned out, snapped back to reality. Dusting himself off, he rose from the dirt, holstering the Madou and abruptly taking off. All that was left as a reminder of his presence - the swift red streak across the sky.
Their secret sparring ground was found out a few days later - and they were both punished severely for their recklessness in playing with their lives. However, as terrifying as his father's righteous wrath was - there was something infinitely more terrifying to the youthful Cloud, a shadow that now haunted his thoughts every passing day.
Brother did not want to spar with him anymore.
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Not even with wooden swords.
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a-basket-of-muses · 1 year
Royal Knights (private rp)
Aiden sighed and laced his fingers behind his head as he walked. The night was mostly quiet and he planned on doing one more lap around town before returning to his bunk. He was still learning the town, so the extra lap would help him remember where everything was. He was given an allowance as knights so knowing where to get food and clothes would be a good thing.
As he was walking by an alley of sorts he heard a commotion and turned to take a look. A couple of guys harassing a young woman. With a grown Aiden ran over and forcefully inserted himself between the men and the woman, putting a hand to the sword at his waist as a warning.
"It's well past curfew. I suggest the two of you go home. Or your bed for the night will be a cell."
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liecoris · 4 months
Send 👍 for a random headcanon I have about our muses
»» @dragontamer05
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— I can easily see her more actively pushing to have a relationship with Tim now that she's a graduated idol lmao :3 she'd probably be a lot more bold about wanting to spend time with him.
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【 a random headcanon for our muses 】 ♡ 【 accepting】
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seekingfancytuna · 1 year
Now that's an unexpected surprise, weren't they in the host club? So why were they shopping at such a small market?
Not wanting to be too much of a bother Tim simply offered a smile and a wave
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Was he looking at her? Tilting her head to the side, Haruhi peered at the other for a second, when a harrowing realization struck. He went to her school. Did he recognize her?
He was waving. He recognized her.
Gulping a puff of air, Haruhi waved back and offered a smile.
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+ @dragontamer05
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sweetcobaltblue · 1 year
💗 Kisa/ Kisara (but a smol) [lil-kissy if it's okay I know we haven't interacted much/at all yet]
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// Hii I can't remember what the meme was but if you do feel free to re send it letting me know? please? it isn't that old of an ask but i feel bad just deleting it...And we can interact i'm just slow- ;;
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