felixcosm · 5 months
It's criminal that no one is talking about Athan's Persephone.
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taytayheyhey · 7 months
Featured Solo!! Feat-Tayed Solo?? There's a joke to be made here but brain eepy.
Shoutout to @athansmusic for releasing the first album of music from @GrottoPod!! I could not be more proud to be involved with this incredible show. Linking my featured track on the album, but please be sure to check out the full collection of music!
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probsnothawkeye · 6 months
At midnight Central Daylight Time on Friday, March 29, 2024, @athansmusic released his debut album. Limbo, the album in question, is a story of hurt, addiction, regret, healing, recovery, and content. Over the course of three years, Athan worked to create this album, pouring his entire heart and incredibly personal experiences into each of the songs. I originally intended on doing short form reviews of each song, trying to fit all of my thoughts into a tweet or less; but Limbo deserves far more than that. Each song tells a story and each story has a parallel; to reduce that to two hundred and eighty characters would be a disservice to the album and to you, the person reading this. Before we begin, I should make a few things clear:
Things I am not:
A trained musician
A professional critic or reviewer of any sort
Things I am:
A lover of music
Someone who was deeply moved by this album
With this out of the way, we are ready to dive into the world of Limbo and the stories Athan has weaved into it.
Song 1 - Limbo
The album opens, as you might expect, with the titular track. Limbo immediately gives you the sense of being stuck; stuck in life, stuck in your emotions, stuck in your own mind. “I’ve been stuck here / Stuck in limbo for days” is the line at the heart of the chorus and this sentiment can be felt in every inch of the song. The instrumentals of this song start with a simple beat that grows over the course of the first verse and bursts into a full life in the chorus. Athan has a propensity for voice modulation that works so perfectly with the instrumentals that are being layered. What is especially noteworthy is the way the chorus progresses from one of finality to one of hope. “I don’t think I can / I don’t think I will / make it out of here / Maybe I never can” becomes “I don’t think I can / or maybe I will / Make it out of here / Maybe I can”. Despite this sense of being trapped, being stuck, there is still hope. It’s that hope that will become a thread throughout the album as it goes from one of pain and regret into growth and relief.
Song 2 - Chronic
There are two sides to Limbo. Side A deals with pain and that is seen very clearly in Chronic. As a person with pretty severe depression, I latched onto Chronic right away; it’s the kind of song that reflects exactly what I’m feeling without the song or its creator knowing what I’m feeling. The lyrics portray a sense of listlessness and a lack of belonging that digs deep into the heart and squeezes it from the inside out. “Hold on tightly / to what excites me / Otherwise I might drown, shit, it’s tempting.” I have felt this exact thing multiple times in my life; hell, multiple times in this past week. There is an incredible amount of relatability in Athan’s lyrics– something that clearly comes from his personal connections to the songs he’s writing. You cannot fake that kind of emotion and it is emotion that anyone can latch onto and relate to. Couple that with the slow, almost reverberating beat of the song and you get the masterpiece that is Chronic.
Song 3 - The Valley
The Valley is one of the shortest songs on the album, however that doesn’t stop it from being an emotional punch to the stomach. It’s a song about family, about the pain that family can cause and the ways that it impacts a person. It’s about the excuses that people make for themselves, for their families; how even when you know it is an excuse, you still end up craving it. It’s a song that both minimizes its own pain and allows itself to feel it fully. “And my problems are small / But they’re taller than me”. Two lines that encapsulate an emotion that I cannot name but have felt time and time again; two lines that help drive that punch to the stomach that this song provides. Athan has a way of creating these songs that have a beat to them that doesn’t feel like it matches with the emotionality of the lyrics, and yet it all blends together so well. The Valley is short. But it does so much with its runtime that you forget that it’s a short song.
Song 4 - WhatDoIDo
WhatDoIDo is one of my favorite songs on Side A. It hurts me in a way you might not expect when you listen to it yourself. That’s the beautiful thing about this album; its relatability makes each song hit differently for different people. “Well maybe I don’t know what I need / Maybe I’m running on empty” is a line that hits me square in the chest and pulls thoughts of my current depressive episode. This is different than what it might mean for you, it’s different than what it means for Athan, and yet it still hits all the same. WhatDoIDo is another song with a very heavy beat to it, similar to the reverberation of Chronic. It adds a level of depth to the song that makes it feel like it's dragging you down with it in the best imaginable way. Mix that with Athan’s love of voice modulation and effects that he used in this song and you create something absolutely incredible.
Song 5 - Chameleon
 “I've got about / 50 different hats that I have to wear. / One for my mom, one for my job. / One for my friends, one to survive.” Once again I have to applaud Athan for the relatability of his lyrics. The first time I heard this, I paused the song and stared off into space for a minute before restarting the song and letting it hit me again. Chameleon is a song about fitting in, about finding your place in the world and how hard it can be to be yourself. “Who am I without you around? / Maybe I can blend in somehow.” How well do we really know who we are? So much of a person is influenced by those around them; what happens when all of that goes away? What happens when it’s just you? These questions don’t have answers, but Chameleon asks them anyway and puts a fun beat to it while it rips your heart out. 
Song 6 - Distance
Distance is another song with an incredibly fun rhythm to it that punches you in the face with the lyrics. I boxed to this song recently and it’s perfect for a high energy/fast boxing session but it also has lyrics that break my heart in half. “I’ve been treading water for so long / It feels like I might just give up” – another set of lines that pulls an emotion I have felt for my whole life right out of my brain when I didn’t have the words for it. This is a song that I pick up on a little more each time I listen; different lyrics will stand out, or different ways that the instrumentals hit will pop to the forefront of my listen. One thing that I always think about is how this song feels like a race. You can feel the distance growing and growing as the race is run but you’re so far behind the song. You’re so far behind everyone else, and that’s what the song is trying to do. Athan has managed to space the chorus and verses in a way that it feels anticipatory, like you’re waiting to catch up to what is being said. “The distance it feels like it’s growing / but I will not grow”; the instrumentals perfectly make you feel that line in the pit of your chest, growing and crashing over you before simplifying during the verses as though Athan can’t keep up with the instrumentals themselves. 
Song 7 - Moon
Moon starts out with these lovely and light instrumentals and soft singing that make you feel like it’s a love song until you listen to it. In some ways it is a love song, but the root of the song itself is actually in insecurity, selfishness, and feeling that you aren’t enough for the person you care about. “I’ve been staring at the moon and it feels like / I don’t need you for forever, just for the night / I don’t care if it’s only temporary / I’d rather be happy for a moment of your time” – This section of the song is the chorus and it starts and ends the song as this beautiful mirroring that misses all of the turmoil that lies in between them. There is a point in this song where everything drops and that sense of insecurity and fear and darkness seeps all the way into the lyrics. You may not know this by looking at him, but Athan can scream just as well as any metal artist out there. And you might not expect this song that I described up top to have screaming in it, but it does and it hits so incredibly well. There are a variety of different talents that Athan shows off with this album; screaming just happens to be one. It adds to the depth and darkness of this section before it flips back into the light and lovely chorus that rounds out the song as if that drop never happened at all. It’s a beautiful song that uses its catchy chorus and light beat to lull you into a false sense of security so when everything drops it hits that much harder. 
Song 8 - DNR
This is another one of my favorite songs on Side A. It’s one of my favorite songs on the whole album. The first time I saw the title I thought to myself “DNR as in… Do not resuscitate? Or is this going to stand for something else– Nope! Do not resuscitate, cool cool cool.” This is one of the many songs that made me say “Jesus fucking christ Athan” out loud in my room while listening. And yet these darker tones to the song are part of the reason I love it so much. It’s a song about death that doesn’t feel like it’s about death. Sure, the words “Do not resuscitate me” are kind of blatantly obvious in their being about death; but the instrumentals and beat of the song itself are very fun and punchy. It starts out with these lightly strummed guitar notes that pair perfectly with Athan’s gentle singing and then it grows into something that decides it wants to hurt you in the best way. I also need to be a Classics major on main again and talk about the line “I can feel the coins of gold and silver resting on my eyes” because it’s one of those lines that just constantly sticks in my brain. Athan is ready to pay the ferryman to take him to the Underworld; it’s a nice little reference that makes me so happy I have cast him in a mythology themed podcast.
Song 9 - Break
It’s time to talk about horns! As in the instrument, not as in the thing on animals/demons/etc. You don’t expect them to show up and when they do you’re there like “Hell yeah horns!” Now you may be wondering why I am bringing this up now and all I will say for now is: it’s about the parallelism. But until we get to that part, let’s talk about the lyrics for this song because they do severe emotional damage to me. As I’ve said many times at this point, Athan is absolutely masterful at lyrics and relatability; this song is no exception. This whole album has a tone of parallelism from Side A to Side B, but this song in particular also parallels itself nicely. The first verse serves as a groundwork for the second verse to flip in answering. “Well I think you may have had it right / I’m tired of living in this life” versus “Well I think I may have had it wrong / Maybe I’m right where I belong”; “Mentally, I don’t think I can feel anything” versus “And yet I feel everything”. The way Athan’s lyrics speak to each other always ends up squeezing my heart in ways that are hard to put into words. Which might seem surprising given how long this is. The emotionality of it all feels so real because it is real. Athan has said time and time again that this is a very personal project for him and it bleeds into every second of the music in the best way imaginable. 
Song 10 - Persephone
We’ve reached what might be my favorite song on the album. It’s definitely my favorite song on Side A. This song is slow and soft and dark and beautiful; it is the musical equivalent of the John Everett Millais painting Ophelia. “Lay me down in the flower bed / Let it pull me undertow / I feel the darkness close around me / But I kinda like it though”. Something I haven’t talked about much yet is Athan’s vocals. Not only is he writing absolutely stunning lyrics and putting together these songs with a wide variety of different feels to them, he’s also an incredible vocalist. His vocals on Persephone are part of the reason I love this so much; there’s a point where his voice breaks just the slightest bit and it makes the song feel so much more real and poignant. It squeezes my heart in the best imaginable way. This song also includes a medley of all of the songs on side A which is absolutely stunning. The way the medley allows the different songs to speak to each other and in response to each other creates this beautiful picture of everything that came so far. 
Song 11 -  Diáleimma
We’ve officially reached the end of Side A! This song is the shortest on the album and also one of the most beautiful in my opinion. It represents the transition point between the two sides of this story; from pain and loss and regret into growth and love and recovery. The through line of the song is this idea that “I gotta be a better me”. The song itself is slow, almost reflective in the way it’s presented; it’s as if the song itself is thinking about how it is being perceived and is striving to be better. Diáleimma closes this chapter of the story, turning the page for us as it does so. 
Before we move on to Side B, we’re going to take a brief moment to talk about the album art for Limbo. It was painted by NataliesDreaming, who also happens to be Athan’s wife. Natalie is an incredibly talented artist and has produced an absolutely gorgeous cover for the album. The colors used feel like an extension of the songs themselves, tapping into the hope that grows throughout the album. Natalie’s work also allows you to feel the movement of falling; everything about it is absolutely stunning. This has been the brief intermission to talk about the album art and also to say that Natalie is super cool. Back to the album!
Song 12 - AmIDoingThisRight
Athan opens the second half of the album on an unanswerable question: AmIDoingThisRight? As we discussed previously, this is an album in parallels. If Limbo is about being stuck, AmIDoingThisRight is about trying to get yourself unstuck and the fear that still comes with that. You never know in life if you are doing things right, if the decisions you are making are the ones that you need to make. The bridge of this song lives rent free in my mind: “Cause I don’t think I appreciate everyone in front of me now / And I don’t think I recognize everything that’s detrimental to my health”. The voice modulation Athan does on that part specifically is so fucking good. 
Song 13 - Pocket
Pocket is one of my favorite songs on Side B (You’ll be seeing this phrase a lot coming up because I love so many songs). It’s a song about addiction and relapse which punches into that idea of relatability again. As someone who has struggled with self harm (albeit in a different way than Athan has) this song reached into my heart and pulled me back to my relapse, but in a way that felt healing rather than concerning. It’s a sad song that disguises itself as a soft song but it’s so beautifully done. The chorus makes me feel every emotion under the sun: “I feel so low / I swore that I’d let it go / It’s not a broken promise / I don’t know, I found it in my pocket babe”. This song feels so close to my heart in ways I cannot explain so I won’t try to. I will simply tell you that this song is beautiful and heart-squeezing.
Song 14 - (Good) Goodbye
Athan shared the context of this song and it punched me in the face. This song parallels The Valley and takes that song about family to a more heartbreaking level. One of my favorite lines from this song is “I’m so scared that my last memories / Will be made from my bad days”. Again, it’s about the relatability; that fear is very real, especially when dealing with family while depressed. The pain from Side A still stays in Side B, it just gets grown around and expanded upon to let the hope into it. (Good) Goodbye works very well with this idea; it’s a song that hurts but also leaves room to heal.
Song 15 - Feel It In My Chest
Another one of my favorite songs on Side B! It is the first song on the album to make me cry; if you know me, you know that that is surprising since I cry at most things. “But your soul is destructive / And you’re gonna end up alone” did lasting damage to me personally and I did cry about it. Despite that, this song is hopeful and full of love. It parallels WhatDoIDo and the answer to that question appears to be: you love anyway. “Feel it in my heart / Feel you in my soul / Held you in my hands / The greatest thing to hold”. The first half of the album feels like someone struggling on their own whereas Side B feels like someone learning how to open up and ask for help. Feel It In My Chest feels like opening up despite the fear of it all; the fear of ending up alone doesn’t outweigh the love that can be found with someone. 
Song 16 - Concealer
Concealer is one of my favorite songs on the album. It also punches me in the chest in ways that make me cry. This song parallels Chameleon and both songs are about the masks that people put on. Where Chameleon asks how to be someone without the influence of another person, Concealer asks how much of yourself do you need to hide to get help. “I’m struggling / Under the weight / Well I don’t know how much more I can take. / Could fade into the ether / Or maybe I’ll wear concealer now”. The way Athan sings “I don’t know how much more I can take” haunts me in the best way possible. It’s raw and real and it hurts so incredibly. The instrumentals on this are light and soft so the weight of the lyrics can fully sink into your bones. It’s a beautiful song that makes room around the pain to facilitate growth.
Song 17 - Growing Pains
Growing Pains has sections of whispering which honestly make me uncomfortable but in a good way. It’s partially the misophonia of it all, but it’s also just the pain of it all. It is, as it says, growing pains. It’s the growth that Concealer made room for, the space needed to heal and become more. “Why the fuck am I comparing / All the lights in the distance to yours? / You’re all I need” – Remember how I mentioned the idea of Side B being about learning how to ask for help? This song helps to dig into that idea; it’s a form of growing. The instrumentals of this song are light and airy and a little spacey; I’m fully obsessed with them. 
Song 18 - Inside
The parallelism between Moon and Inside is some of my favorites. Moon is a sad song disguised as a love song; Inside is a love song disguised as a sad song. “Well maybe it’s supposed to hurt / This love it feels like work / But fuck it I know; it’s worth it to grow / Into the dirt”. This song is enhanced by the fact that Natalie (the aforementioned artist and also Athan’s wife) is also featured on the track. Athan has said that this is the first duet they’ve recorded together and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Their voices compliment each other so nicely and Natalie has a lovely singing voice. You can feel the love that they have for each other in the song, even in the sadder lyrics of it all. This brings me back to the parallelism: Moon is about something temporary, something that is thought not to last. Inside is about someone who has stayed, someone who will stay and will help and will always be there. It brings the hope back into this story because it proves that people stay. That help can be given. 
Song 19 - Motionsick
This song has a lot of religious symbolism that I fully missed until Athan mentioned that it had religious symbolism. And once I had that context, all of the plays on words and phrases were just. So incredibly well done. “Why don’t I know you / Why don’t I know you anymore? / Why, why, try? / I fight this devotion Feels like I’m motion sick” – You might look at that and go “Pine, that’s pretty obvious isn’t it?” To which I say yes, it is, I just missed it because me and religion haven’t exactly gotten on very well. This also has a parallel I love with it’s Side A counterpart DNR: “I’m throwing punches / Battle what’s inside of me” in DNR which becomes “I’m boxing with my shadow but I keep on landing punches / It seems I like to bruise” and this does things to my brain that I cannot stop feeling. 
Song 20 - Bend
And we have reached the other contender for my favorite song on the album! This is my favorite song on Side B for sure, but I cannot figure out if Bend or Persephone is my favorite. Bend is such a hopeful song; it’s bright and beautiful and we’re back to the horns! Athan played the horns for Bend and they are always always in my mind. He didn’t play the horns on Break (this song’s counterpart) but that’s okay because he has played the brighter version of the horns and I’m obsessed with them. This song rounds out that idea of learning to ask for help even when– or perhaps especially when– it’s difficult. “Opening up doesn’t come easy for me / For me now / But I gotta learn how / Cause I don’t think I can help myself up tonight” – a line that perfectly encapsulates that idea. Part of the reason this song ends up feeling as bright and hopeful as it does is because it tells you that when you ask for help it will be given– “Oh, I know that it might have been a bad fall / But you’ll be there to catch me at the bottom after all”. This song has only been in my life for a week but it has made a home in my heart that it is never going to leave. It means so much to me already and it’s absolutely gorgeous. 
Song 21 - ESC
ESC has a very space-y vibe that feels like it is built for escape. The entire song feels like it is floating and then the lyrics pull you back down to earth again. It’s one of the shorter songs on the album, but it has a gentle beauty to it that leaves it lingering in my mind. “And I’ll fall / Down in insecurities/ I; I’m buried in shit surrounding me” is another one of those lines that really does things to me as someone who has been depressed for most of my life. That’s one of the most beautiful things about Athan’s music: short, beautiful lines that can make anyone feel connected to them.
Song 22 - Telos
And we return to the line introduced at the end of Side A: “I gotta be a better me”. Where in Diáleimma it feels like a judgement, like an impossible command, in Telos it feels like it’s something that is just around the corner, almost within grasp. Telos is bright and full of life as opposed to the darkness of Diáleimma. They compliment each other so well– as was Athan’s design. It also includes another medley of things from the entire album and it’s incredibly fun. It’s the perfect way to round out the main portion of the album– it closes the story and feels like a celebration of the whole album. And it’s an album very much worth celebrating.
Song 23 - Chronic (Piano Version)
You get a brief reprieve from my ridiculous amount of words since this one is a piano cover. It’s a very beautiful version of the song though.
Song 24 - Intertwined (Acoustic) 
This is an acoustic version of one of Athan’s older songs. It has beautiful instrumentals and lyrics that feel like they grew into some of the songs that are on the album as a whole. Athan didn’t put the lyrics on Bandcamp so I can’t pull examples for you but trust me they’re good.
Song 25 - Chronic (House Version)
There’s not much that I can say about this version that I hadn’t said about Chronic originally. But it is a fun additional version!
Song 26 - Hallelujah (feat. The Grotto)
This is one of my favorite versions of Hallelujah that I have ever heard in my life. The style is different from the other songs on the album, but fits perfectly into the music that Athan did for his podcast The Grotto. The Grotto is a liminal horror podcast about grief and it is absolutely incredible. The reason that this song is listed as ‘feat. The Grotto’ is partially because it’s Athan using that style of music but also because he included some of his screams from The Grotto in it. Don’t look too closely at why he was screaming. It’s not important. But this version of the song– because of the style that it’s done in– feels so unique and has a depth to it that can only be achieved in this medium. Athan had originally released it for The Grotto patreon and I listened to it after a bit of an emotional breakdown. It is as close to a religious experience as I am capable of experiencing. Hallelujah is the only cover Athan has on Limbo– he does more covers for The Grotto which are also excellent. Of all of the covers that he could’ve included, this one feels like the perfect fit. It mixes with the content of the songs Athan has written so well and showcases another style that he is able to pull off.
Song 27 - Bend (Acoustic)
Athan called it the acoustic version but I think of it as the silly version. There is a levity to the song that is palpable– it feels like a test run of the song but in the best way possible. It also gives a bit of insight into what the process of creation was like for Athan. In the original version of Bend, there is the line “I don’t think I will reach thirty if I’m lucky now”; the acoustic version follows up with Athan laughing at the fact that he’s much closer to 30 than he was when he wrote that. “I’m so glad to be alive”, a small little bit of this version but such a big change from the original words that were written. If you couldn’t tell by the amount of words I’ve put into this, I’m also glad Athan is alive. He’s written absolutely incredible music that he has shared with the world despite (or perhaps because of) the intense emotional weight of the content. 
Limbo is an album that longs. It grieves. But it also hopes. It hopes so much and shows that healing and recovery are possible. Athan spent three years working on Limbo and now it’s here; it exists in the world to be listened to and shared and written about and loved. This album has so much heart to it. The lyrics are beautiful, the instrumentals brilliantly crafted, and the vocals are stunning. It is an album that deserves to be spoken about in depth. It’s an album that deserves your time and attention. As far as debut albums go, this album showcases so much of what Athan can do while still leaving room for growth and new ways for him to surprise and delight anyone who is listening to his music. It also punches directly into the heart in the most amazing way, letting you know exactly what he can do with music moving forward. I feel very fortunate to be able to listen to this album and to know that I will be following along with whatever else Athan will be doing next. I’m also fortunate enough to get to collaborate with Athan on projects– he’ll be in my next podcast and I will also be paying him to do music for the show. Getting to work with someone so talented is a wild feeling, but I’m so excited for it. 
Thank you for joining me on this very long, very in depth review of Limbo. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the album!
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winterstaryu · 4 months
It's day THREE of drawing a monster in my notes app to celebrate the Forged Bonds' kickstarter launch! Which means this bad boy is going live TOMORROW!
Day 3: Cyclops, and he looked lonely so bonus sheepies
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You can sign up to be notified as soon as the kickstarter goes live TOMORROW at
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thefringespod · 3 months
Doing something different for #AudioDramaSunday this week because I was very busy and the only thing I listened to was the new @woebegonepod episode (COWBOYIFITAYTION!) So we're taking a page out of @audistorium 's book and shouting out some of the lovely people in this space
Starting with the man, the myth, the Lemon himself, Landon Lemon Whisnant who is just a beacon of light and supportiveness and talent. Everything he does is fantastic (check out @thefinderskeeperpod ! He and @madd-vo kick ass!) I feel incredibly lucky to know and ve friends with him
Of course we're gonna talk about @totcoc0a in this thread. Tot is kind and funny and would go to battle for her friends in a heartbeat. They are endlessly talented and getting to work with them is a gift. There isn't much I *haven't* said about Tot already because I adore her
And can't talk Tot without talking @taytayheyhey who is another incredibly kind and talented person I'm so lucky to be friends with. I got to meet him in person this week and it was a highlight of my year. Tay is incredible to work with and be friends with. I love him dearly
Tay is also the one who introduced me to @doomedbythenarrativ who is wonderful and amazing and so fucking talented. Everything they do just bursts with this incredible energy, from their voice acting to singing to art. Getting to be her friend is also a gift, I adore her so much
@louis-dc is my brother in every way that matters. I love him dearly, he's talented and kind and amazing and commits to the bit so hard. If you've never gotten to work with Louis, you need to snap him up for a show he's incredible as a VA and as a director (and as a friend)
@kit-n-kboodl sent me a discord dm asking to be friends and I have been pack bonded to him ever since. Not only will Kit hype you up, he'll help you destroy your enemies. He's an amazing artist, a superb writer, a fantastic VA, and a wonderful friend. Everyone needs a Kit <3
@delaylays is one of the coolest people that I've ever met in my life. They make an incredible show that does so much emotional damage to me, they're funny and fun to talk to, they would also do battle for their friends. I know I keep saying I'm lucky to know folks, but its TRUE
@athansmusic doesn't check tumblr much which means I can say nice things about him without him knowing hehehe. Talented doesn't begin to describe Athan. Idk how he does what he does because it's literal magic happening right before our eyes. He's chaotic and amazing
This thread is very long but I would be remiss if I didn't mention CL Hendry ( @ethicstownpod ) and Cai Gwilym Pritchard ( @chainofbeing ), two of the first people I got to know in this space. They have been endlessly supportive and are also so fucking talented. Knowing them is a gift and I thank the universe for it
I should hopefully be getting caught up on podcasts this week because gods I miss listening to my lil stories. Until then, thank YOU for supporting our show! Season 3 will be coming in the early fall and I'm so excited for yall to experience it
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forgedbondspod · 6 months
Hey remember how I mentioned @athansmusic's album?? It's out now!!! I've been lucky enough to have been listening to it all week ahead of official release and now that it's here I am encouraging all of yall to listen because it's SO GOOD
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grottopod · 7 months
this is your official reminder that if you binge the whole show you can be caught up before episode 6 drops tonight and watch it with us http://twitch.tv/athansmusic
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400wordsahorror · 1 month
12. Wicked Love
Would you let the wicked into your heart?
This is the first episode sound designed by @justjenah
Featuring @athansmusic
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gemaydin · 7 months
teaching how to use Tumblr to @athansmusic is a done job now. everyone knows that talking about shaving your asshole is how you use Tumblr.
if you wanna see more unhinged posts, follow @thegrottopod and then listen to the show. LISTEN TO THE SHOW!
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felixcosm · 8 months
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felixcosm · 5 months
TY: Yes thank you we'll do that…er.. TROY: It's- it's Troy. Like 'Try' but with an o. You know like Helen of Troy and Troy Better. Yo, we could start a band! Three Troys! Tres Troys. The Troy Boys- Troy Boys! Oooh! I call bass. I can't play bass but I think it looks cool whenever I swiggle my fingers like that.
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winterstaryu · 4 months
My drawings are terrible, but you know what's going to be AMAZING?
Forged Bonds!
The kickstarter is launching in TWO DAYS!!! and I could not be more excited. So, I'm doing my own little countdown by drawing a monster in my notes app every day. Day 2. Medusa, I gave her a little flower bc I love her
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felixcosm · 5 months
Athan and Natalie's duet on Limbo is heavenly
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winterstaryu · 6 months
Just gotta listen to my lullaby before bed
(Milestones from The Grotto another 500 times)
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probsnothawkeye · 6 months
Tag game! nine people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by the lovely @podcast-bookclub and @thenightpost! Starting my own thread so I can tag them both and also so the threads don't get too long
Last song: Bend by AthansMusic off his debut album Limbo, an album I'm definitely normal about and definitely didn't write 5000 words on
Favorite color: Green! Forest green specifically (which I think makes sense since I'm Pine)
Currently watching: Rewatching all of Buzzfeed Unsolved (again)
Sweet/savory/spicy: spicy food my beloved
Relationship status: Trying and failing at Hinge
Current obsession: Limbo, that album I'm totally normal about I mentioned before. Also Stardew Valley. I play Stardew and listen to Limbo it's a great system
Last thing you googled: largest rodent in North America (its the beaver)
Tagging (if you want!): @souloperatorpod @grottopod @jaz--hands @winterstaryu @felixcosm @fortunechaos @baseballboots @fenraheart @moookar
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thefringespod · 5 months
Welcome to another #AudioDramaSunday wanderers! Starting off with public release of @souloperatorpod ep 8 which broke me in half. Tot wrote an incredible show and I will never forgive her for what she's done. And Mike LeBeau ripped my heart out as well I'm a wreck
@tellnotalespod once again hurt me so bad. Just a dyke who is connected to her car because it's where she did *activities* with her wife and then she died and her wife wasn't able to take care of the car and I just 😭😭 also all of Leo's guilt just all of it I can't
@woebegonepod 154 has immediately cemented itself on my favorite episode list it had everything you could want: @totcoc0a, David Ault, @doomedbythenarrativ, AND @athansmusic along with the always there and always wonderful Dylan Griggs. Episode of all time it was so good
@audistorium has publicly released Remembrance which was read by @madd-vo and gods its SUCH a good episode yall if you haven't listened to it stop what you're doing and go listen right now im not even joking
The fine folks at @224bbaker are still crowdfunding! They're 76% of the way to their goal AND just released a little audience vote based bonus episode which was a delight. If you're able to support them, please check out their crowdfunder!
Athan betrayed me in a public space so here's a reminder that The @grottopod has a patreon with many lovely perks that goes to support this incredible show. It's truly one of my favorite shows and not just because my friends are in there
Here on the Fringes the q+a has been recorded and im working on editing/the transcript but it should be up in the next week or so!
And over on @forgedbondspod I am writing the last 8 episodes and the cast is sending in their recordings and im so fucking excited yall are gonna LOVE what they're doing
That's all for us this week! Submitting a few auditions this week to get a bit more practice on the auditioning end. Also starting to build out my post-Forged Bonds project so keep an eye out! It will have magic, husbands, and murder :)
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