#athenath is well-meaning of course but we all know where the road of good intentions leads
throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
Director’s Cut!
"It's a rare edition these days. Keep this between us, but with Whiterun's neutrality, my buyer can't exactly come marching up the city steps."  "Stormcloaks?" Wyndrelis murmured, stepping closer. Belethor shook his head. "I'll give you a hint, if you're so keen to know." He made a sweeping motion with his index finger along his ear, bringing it up high along the side of his head. Emeros' blood ran cold. "Thalmor," he whispered. He'd recognize the Breton sign that indicated standard Thalmor earcuffs anywhere, the shape of an eagles wing that would arch out from the ear of whatever Justiciar wore them.  Belethor nodded gravely. "And if he doesn't get what he wants, well..." Belethor trailed off. Eventually, he turned on his heel, murmuring about writing a letter, something about a delay in the shipment, no problem, he'd miraculously get his hands on another edition, leaving the three to watch him as he shut the door to his shop. Athenath looked from Emeros to Wyndrelis, then back again. Wordlessly, the trio split to wander separate parts of the city, the conversation repeating in their minds like a stanza in a particularly cruel poem.
OOOOOOOOOHOHOHO okay there is a lot in that scene and i love it, thank you for sending this! >:3c
alright. with this scene, my main goal was to show that, well, there are consequences to not getting enough information and just grabbing whatever was wanted (whether to themselves or to others). athenath's actions in the previous chapter - stealing the Book of the Dragonborn - was done with good intent at the end of the day (hey, you and your new friends were just told you're dragonborn? okay, cool, get information on what that means), but… well, it was impulsive. and dangerously so.
this scene is like a warning, in a way. athenath stole something that was being sold to a thalmor justiciar (ondolemar, actually), but had no idea that was the case because they didn't even bother to search for information, didn't think this through, just went "i need this, he has it, i'll take it". if athenath had more foresight, they would have thought to check records in the shop, and while this wouldn't have changed their mind right now in the story, it would make him think this over a bit more. he would have hesitated.
it also acts to prop up the next chapter's conflict between emeros and athenath, two people who despise the thalmor for different reasons. some personal, some moral, and gives me a great way to show their perspectives. and it shows that while athenath is a damned good thief, that doesn't mean he always makes the best decisions. in my notes on this chapter, i have the sentence: "With how severe the consequences for Belethor could be, Athenath's impulsivity has the potential to cause genuine harm to others."
also it gave me a chance to give a nod to my headcanon thalmor jewelry >:3 which i need to draw more art of, bc it's very fun.
thank you again for sending this ask!!!! <33333333333
director's commentary
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