#also just noting that in this story things like the book of the dragonborn are being taken by the dominion
throughtrialbyfire · 4 months
Director’s Cut!
"It's a rare edition these days. Keep this between us, but with Whiterun's neutrality, my buyer can't exactly come marching up the city steps."  "Stormcloaks?" Wyndrelis murmured, stepping closer. Belethor shook his head. "I'll give you a hint, if you're so keen to know." He made a sweeping motion with his index finger along his ear, bringing it up high along the side of his head. Emeros' blood ran cold. "Thalmor," he whispered. He'd recognize the Breton sign that indicated standard Thalmor earcuffs anywhere, the shape of an eagles wing that would arch out from the ear of whatever Justiciar wore them.  Belethor nodded gravely. "And if he doesn't get what he wants, well..." Belethor trailed off. Eventually, he turned on his heel, murmuring about writing a letter, something about a delay in the shipment, no problem, he'd miraculously get his hands on another edition, leaving the three to watch him as he shut the door to his shop. Athenath looked from Emeros to Wyndrelis, then back again. Wordlessly, the trio split to wander separate parts of the city, the conversation repeating in their minds like a stanza in a particularly cruel poem.
OOOOOOOOOHOHOHO okay there is a lot in that scene and i love it, thank you for sending this! >:3c
alright. with this scene, my main goal was to show that, well, there are consequences to not getting enough information and just grabbing whatever was wanted (whether to themselves or to others). athenath's actions in the previous chapter - stealing the Book of the Dragonborn - was done with good intent at the end of the day (hey, you and your new friends were just told you're dragonborn? okay, cool, get information on what that means), but… well, it was impulsive. and dangerously so.
this scene is like a warning, in a way. athenath stole something that was being sold to a thalmor justiciar (ondolemar, actually), but had no idea that was the case because they didn't even bother to search for information, didn't think this through, just went "i need this, he has it, i'll take it". if athenath had more foresight, they would have thought to check records in the shop, and while this wouldn't have changed their mind right now in the story, it would make him think this over a bit more. he would have hesitated.
it also acts to prop up the next chapter's conflict between emeros and athenath, two people who despise the thalmor for different reasons. some personal, some moral, and gives me a great way to show their perspectives. and it shows that while athenath is a damned good thief, that doesn't mean he always makes the best decisions. in my notes on this chapter, i have the sentence: "With how severe the consequences for Belethor could be, Athenath's impulsivity has the potential to cause genuine harm to others."
also it gave me a chance to give a nod to my headcanon thalmor jewelry >:3 which i need to draw more art of, bc it's very fun.
thank you again for sending this ask!!!! <33333333333
director's commentary
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moodcrab · 1 year
Fixing Delphine
This bitch.
I actually like that they made a character that is on your side but is somewhat unlikable, Delphine is Team Dragonborn, but she's not really one of the good guys. And that's cool, conflict means drama. So what's the problem? Well unfortunately, this drama is surface level and isn't used to drive the story, so It's kind of just annoying.
People oversimplify their hatred of Delphine into "She wants you to kill Paarthurnax," because unlike Delphine, people actually like Paarthurnax. Understandable, but barely scratches the surface. We'll get to The Paarthurnax Dilemma in time, but that quest is a symptom, not the illness itself.
If I could sum up Delphine in a word it would be "inconsistent." For example, she's a fugitive waging a one woman war on the Thalmor from the shadows, who's only survived this long from sheer paranoia - but she also uses her real name and leaves a note in Ustengrav for whoever happens to pick it up with directions and a pass word to her secret hide out.
She needs to go through her super secret contact Farengar to use the Jarl's resources to go into Bleak Falls Barrow, a tutorial level dungeon she can see from her house, and she's impressed that you did it - but she also goes personally to the other side of the country to delve alone into the massive Ustengrav to steal the Horn of Jurgan Windcaller, no issues, just a quick in and out twenty minute adventure.
She takes the fact that you found her Ustengrav note as proof you're the Greybeard's new guy and not some Thalmor plant even though she herself, a non Dragonborn, had also completed Ustengrav and taken the horn proving it's totally possible. She even points this out in her own dialogue then demands we prove who we are, even though that was the whole point of the Ustengrav note. It's also a pretty big assumption that just because I'm the guy the Greybeards call Dragonborn that I can't ALSO be with the Thalmor.
We are left with this awkward sense that the writers are flailing to make us think this woman is competent and objective, without actually having her do anything that clever. Just act like the dumb thing was smart and have her act like a cocky brat if questioned about it.
Inconsistency. It's her thing. Does she hate the Thalmor? That would make sense given what we know about her. But that gets dropped half way through the main story and suddenly she hates The Greybeards, for absolutely no reason at all. She gives a reason, but it's bullshit.
In her own words, "If the greybeards had their way, the dragonborn would sit on a mountain talking to the sky." But that's not true is it. We know The Greybeards, they encouraged us to fulfill our destiny. Even if you say you want to follow their Way of the Voice, they'll be glad to hear it but warn you not to let it get in the way of what needs to be done. Delphine even uses Tiber Septim as an example, which is even stupider because The Greybeards actively encouraged Tiber to conquer Tamriel. Have I read more in game books than the dialogue writers??
But that's not the end of it, when it becomes convenient for the plot this hatred is flipped once again from The Greybeards onto dragons. Not Alduin. All dragons. Despite the fact that, as a Blade, she should know about Nafaalilargus, a dragon ally of the Empire and the Blades for thousands of years, and the Blades don't just indiscriminately kill all dragons no matter the circumstances, and that Tiber Septim himself almost certainly met Paarthurnax at some point, she suddenly seems to be acting like she has a personal grudge against dragons. Which brings us to the Paarthurnax Dilemma...
See here's the thing, you could easily write off the frustration everyone feels towards this quest as Bethesda's crappy design, where there is no conclusion other than to kill Paarthurnax, or else leave an unfinished quest languishing in the menu. Bethesda apparently didn't consider the idea that anybody would actually prefer to turn on the Blades, even though the Blades have become a bit of a running joke among the fans, or that anyone would take umbrage with Delphine giving out orders and ultimatums.
But no, it's so much worse than that. Delphine being a surly unlikable c u n t from the day we met her is one thing, but the fact that she has been wrong about almost everything she's ever said in game, and still having the AUDACITY to treat us like her work bitch and us never, not once, getting the opportunity to put her in her place... That's not poor quest design, that's the game gaslighting us.
Let's do a quick list of every one of Delphine's theories, and how many were actually correct shall we:
You are not the Dragonborn ❌
The Greybeards shouldn't be trusted to identify a Dragonborn ❌
The dragons aren't just coming back, they're coming back to life ✅
The Thalmor have something to do with the dragons returning ❌
Esbern is dead ❌
The Greybeards just want the Dragonborn to sit on a mountain and meditate ❌
The Greybeards wanted Tiber Septim to just sit on a mountain and meditate ❌
Paarthurnax, having lived in exile for thousands of years, deserves corporal punishment ❌
As ACTING Grand Master of the Blades, she gets to boss around the Dragonborn ❌
She deserves a seat at the peace negotiations ❌
And these are just the things that are factually wrong, leaving aside opinions on her morality and shitty attitude. This is the woman the game presents to us as a shrewd strategist.
Like I said I like the idea of a character who is on your side but is somewhat unlikable. It actually won't take much to make Delphine endearing to the fans. We have to do a Boromir on her. A Lot of people dislike Boromir throughout the Fellowship of the Ring but weep at his death. We have to tweak three things to have the same thing happen to Delphine:
1. Make her actually competent and useful so that while we don't agree with her we can see why she does the things she does, and desire to keep her around.
2. Have her mistakes called out and have consequences.
3. Have her redeem her mistakes with a badass honourable death.
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muffant · 3 months
I got an adorable idea!
What if the animatronics in security breach played D&D! Now I'm not talking about the characters inside a fantasy realm I'm thinking what if a person left a players hand book at the pizza Plex and the gang devoured that shit up!
Id like to think Freddy would be a support roll, more the type to help the party indirectly. He feels like the most inclined to spell casting. Id put him as the type to do Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, or even Druid! Id say hed likely stick to the races in the players hand book, probably a human main. He's very into playing a character, even if that character is the same sweet person each time.
Chica is your major roleplay player, she would be all about getting into the mind of her character and really selling it. She plays any race, and class, and often is the one to pick her class race combo last so she has something to go off of, as a challenge. When she does choose you know my girl is Bard all the way. She's also the only one to actually read the history of the races and really get into the D&d lore.
Roxy likes playing a modified monk, (in fact as a over all rule they play with a lot of table rules!) or a rogue, she usually doesnt pick any other class, as well as loving being an elf. She's a little less on the roleplay side (but can't help but bounce off of the others when needed) she's more of a combat centric player. She loves winning encounters, loving puzzles, anything. She's likely to be the one min maxing her character. Which has lead to some fun experiences when Chica asks about how she became a Cleric, Paladin, Druid multi class.
Monty is exclusively a fighter dragonborn. He loves being allowed to smash shit up and have no *real* repercussions. However he's not actually combat driven, he's a roleplay player similar to Chica, only he expresses he can make 101 characters with out needing to change the mechanics of said character. It's scary how calm Monty can be when he's in the role. (Said calmness started to carry over to work life too!) That doesn't stop a burst or two which thankfully only results in a pouty gator. Monty loves exploring the worlds, it's his favourite thing. To picture landscapes and worlds completely different from his own. And then be able to interact with those worlds.
Sun and Moon are the DMs! Sun is a story focused DM, he loves crafting a narrative, playing NPCs, and developing the world's of his story. He's the one usually in the spot light for a majority of the time. The rest of the time is Moon. Moon is a challenge focus dm. He loves crafting riddles, puzzles, combats, and difficult choices at the party. When ever it's moons turn to take over the table all the lights go out and dark red ambient lighting fills the room. Moons challenges are to be feared as Moon takes death in the game as a real and possible thing. While Sun tries to avoid it happening all together. Funnily enough Moon doesn't like improf, he has his encounters planned almost to the T, including alternative paths the party takes, INCLUDING DEATH OUTCOMES. He is meticulous. Sun on the other hand has a half ass idea of what the session will be about related to the over arching story, have a few bullet points of required information, a few bullet points of optional information and just goes from there. He has a party who eagerly love to make their own decisions and discuss where to go and what to do.
I like to imagine that while one is running the work for the day, the other is planning out their portion of the session, always able to communicate and keep track of details together. While Sun is playing Moon is taking notes, more for himself really.
They play once a week on Sundays, seeing as that's their only day off. They play 6 hour sessions usually and go on many tangents. But they enjoy playing so much, after all its the closest thing they get to freedom.
Edit: I FORGOT DJ!!! Of course he would be allowed to play!! And the little DJ dudes too idk what their called. DJ seems like the kind of player to sit back and watch everything happen, communication is a bit hard but he's still included. I think he would play a bard (very classic) just so he could have an excuse to play sound boards during the game. Speaking of which they definitely play games in the west arcade, with DJ helping set the ambience with music and sound effects. I like to think he secretly downloaded files like leaves russling to add to it. DJ likes to work on theme songs for each character. He simply enjoys being included even if it's limited.
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argisthebulwark · 1 year
Most of what I’m seeing whenever I open tumblr are skyrim and bg3 content. So now an idea of crossover between the two has been planted in my head.
What if LDB got transported to BG3 world, retaining their powers and along with their things (armor, weapon, potions etc.). Whether they also become Tav in this world or not is undecided. So, LDB goes with the bg3 party and becomes a hero of their world as well, helping their companions with their past and all. Until another threat, this time involving LDB’s past. What if Miraak, angry and mad when the LDB was taken from him, found a way to get to bg3 world and wreaks havoc there as he looks for LDB?
Sorry, just wanted to kinda vent and share this idea with you since you’re one of my fav fic writers. Just really want to share it though if you like it and want to make it into a fic, that would be wonderful. Sorry if this comes out like I’m requesting but am really not.
YESSSS god i'm only on act 2 of baldur's gate and i want to do something big when i finish and can do it well but this is such a cool idea. i'm gonna share some of the notes i have laying around about this subject below the cut because i don't wanna potentially spoil any bg3 content.
"Where are the cultists?" "Which ones?" "The cultists that were just chasing me!" "Do you mean the Absolute?" "No! Miraak's cultists." "I have no clue what Miraak is."
The Dragonborn stomping their way through the forests with three strangers in tow, clueless as to how they ended up in such a place but willing to accept help. Bombarded with strange terms in every conversation, accepting weapons with unknown enchantments and clothed in armor visibly different from their companions.
They'd get sick of correcting people - they don't know what a drow is. They're a Dunmer and they know nothing about living underground.
"What school of magic are you trained in?" "School? It's destruction magicka, it just comes naturally. I read a book once I think." "You must be very powerful to obtain such a spell merely from a scroll." Gale purposefully ignores their pronunciation of magic. "Sure. I am a very powerful mage. Let's stick with that."
None of their companions know anything about the Thu'um. Or Alduin. Or anything. The Dragonborn stumbles trying to find some link between their worlds but there is nothing tangible, nothing that ties them to home. They resign themself to solving their friends' issues, acknowledging that the only way out must be through.
Meanwhile Miraak scoures every inch of Tamriel in search of the Last Dragonborn. Something had gone horribly wrong during their return from Sovngarde - the portal had opened and closed yet no one came through. He's frantic, concluding that he needed to step through the portal on his own.
Rumors of a new threat, one of unfamiliar power reaches their little party just as they're relaxing after another job done. The Dragonborn is still aware that something had gone wrong but they'd grown comfortable, learning that they liked having a camp to return to when the world became too much. At home in Skyrim they had houses but those were filled with generals and employees, stewards and political figures. Their camp is cozy, companions bickering and sharing food as day wore into night.
Miraak tearing through the Forgotten Realms in search of the Last Dragonborn, worry and rage fueling every step. Outright ignoring unfamiliar laws and summons from strange gods he ventures on, clinging to every rumor of a mysterious dark elf. There's horrible tales of tentacled monsters that remind him of Mora and Miraak fears that the Dragonborn has been taken hostage, surely they're imprisoned and need his help.
Miraak's powers would terrify Faerun, powers unpredictable and fueled by an unknown entity. He leaves a trail of destruction in his wake as he rushes from villages and towns seeking his Dragonborn. He follows stories of an elf who can Shout louder than the gods, frustrated that he's always just a few steps behind.
Miraak would probably meet them somewhere in the Shadow Cursed lands, whether it's Mora's protection or his lack of attachment to this world he finds that the shadows welcome him instead of plaguing him. He skulks through the dark in search of his Dragonborn, too many stories pointing him in the same direction for it to be coincidence.
When the Dragonborn and their friends finally confront this mysterious threat that's been stalking them, warded and high on an assortment of potions, they stop in their tracks. Facing them across the clearing is a mask they'd seen before, hands crackling with sickly green magicka. It's the first familiar thing they've seen since arriving. Miraak feels like home.
Their companions are stunned into silence when their new leader drops their sword, arms open as they bolt across the battlefield. To their horror their friend collapses into the arms of this villain, easily knocking the intimidating mask out of their way.
Gale would probably want to study Miraak. like a bug. Shadowheart would not be a fan i think. Karlach would think he's cool but in a kinda gross way - he didn't really need all those tentacle motifs, right?
these are just my silly little outline points, i'll def change as i get closer to finishing the game but you are so right anon these games need to be smooshed together. i need camp and romance systems with my skyrim men.
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Hiii arr u willing to answer all the TES months asks for Aneis and Murza and Dire please please please :} I know that's a Lot so if u want to skip over some that is totally understandable hehe
Morning Star - What was the first thing you gave your OC? Name, backstory, design, etc
Aneis: I guess technically the first thing I gave her was her name, even though I've since changed the spelling. I had liked the name Anais before picking up Skyrim (even though I was pronouncing it wrong lol) and had used it for my PC in Pokémon Sword and one of my SDV saves so I just used it again when I started Skyrim. Also side note, I've never watched The Amazing World of Gumball before today while babysitting and I had no clue that was the little sister's name.
Murza: The first thing I came up with for her was just a vague concept. I wanted to play around with mismatched race/class, so of course the first thing I wanted was an orc mage. The second thing I decided for her was that she was gonna be trans because hell yeah.
Dire: The first thing I came up with for him was also a vague concept. I had wanted to make a chaotic evil demigod type character and even though he's changed a lot since initial concept I figured the best way to achieve that would be to make him a demiprince. I wanted him to be kind of conniving and sly and settled on making him the son of Clavicus to get there. Originally he was going to be another one of Aneis' companions who was tagging along just for the vain glory of being a part of the dragonborn's adventures but you know how OCs sometimes seem to have a mind of their own and he eventually got to where he is now :)
Sun's Dawn - Does your OC have a love interest? What is their relationship like?
Aneis: Aneis was always a pretty promiscuous person. She knew she'd have to make Teldryn another one of her conquests from the first moment she saw him without the helmet. They hooked up a few times while traveling on Solstheim, but while going through Nchardak trying to get to the Black Book, he used his whole body to shield her from an automaton that had caught her off guard and that was it, she was done. That night in Severin Manor she sits him down and is like. Look, don't be alarmed and please don't leave because I still need you to guide me around this gods forsaken island. But I think I'm in love with you. To which Teldryn is like
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Murza: You know the "me doing whatever my hot witch wife wants" meme? That's Murza and Endurys. However before they were married they were the epitome of idiots in love. Just stupid long stares and longing sighs in camp at night until one day Aneis snaps and shoves them in an inn room together and yells at them to not come out until they've fucked all the yearning out.
Dire: Dire is aroace do no romantic interests for him! But his absolute favorite people in the world are his little cousins and his little brother
First Seed - Does your OC have any enemies or rivals? How did these rivalries start?
Aneis: I know there's lots of people who read into the LDB's relationship to Miraak and how tragic his story is and blah blah blah, he makes my blood boil so Aneis feels the exact same way. As opposed to any other big bad she faces, (Harkon is Serana's White Whale before anyone else, Ulfric had to go for the well-being of the people in her opinion, and defeating Alduin was more for the people she loved and needed to protect than anything else) Miraak makes it personal for her, acting like some sort of sibling rival to her when Akatosh is nothing more to her than a perverted puppet master playing with her fate. She actually loathes any of the Dovah who call her sister without having earned that respect from her first (like Paarthurnax and Odahviing have). As far as she's concerned she only has one father and he never used her to clean up his messes, he gave his life trying to protect his homeland from the Dominion.
Murza: I've been wanting to play around with the concept of Savos Aren being the big bad of the College Quest line as opposed to Ancano. Like Ancano is still evil and shit, but like, Aren was actually in league with him the whole time. He needed the Thalmor's resources to get him to the Eye and the Staff and the second he has what he needs he betrays their shaky alliance. Anyway yeah I think Murza would kinda always be wary of Savos and it would also legitimize her succeeding him as opposed to any other member of the staff if she's the one who was able to fell him.
Dire: I wouldn't say Dire had any real enemies or rivals. I'm kinda keeping his story once he goes adventuring on his own open because of TES:VI supposedly being eminent and I might want to use him in that game. So as of right now, in the Skyrim timeline, he's just a lil guy? Who could hate that?
Rain's Hand - Can your OC use magic? If so what Schools?
Aneis: Aneis knows three spells: close wounds, clairvoyance, and muffle. All taught to her by her father as they're the most useful out in the wild while tracking prey. She can also do a bit of fire magic, but nothing more than just enough to light a campfire. She might later learn heal undead for the sake of Serana though.
Murza: I'm not sure what to say for her. She's the arch mage of course she uses magic. I guess she is particularly adept at conjuration, being a follower of Malacath and having a half daedric son
Dire: Dire would mostly be adept with alteration and illusion, but also conjuration because duh. I could see him as a very small child, using alteration to make his toys move without touching them, a slightly older child summoning small beasts from oblivion to play with (maybe even Uncle Barbas), and when his cousins are babies, using illusion to calm them down and keep them entertained.
Second Seed - Is your OC an alchemist? What do they excel at making?
Aneis: Araneth, Aneis' mother, was an apothecary. In the same way her father passed his hunting prowess to her, her mother also tried to give her as much of her knowledge as she could as well. She didn't much get it or appreciate it while her mother was alive, but later in life she put the effort into actually trying to understand her mother's teachings. She eventually becomes about as skilled as your average professional alchemist.
Murza: Gonna preface this with the fact that I still consider alchemy a school of magic even though it counts as a thief's skill in Skyrim. Anyway I think it would be the one school to slip her grasp. It's just too... material. Breaking an enemy's mind with a flick of her wrist? Summoning a sword from Oblivion that weighs nothing in hand but can slice through trees? Those are the kinds of esoteric things that Murza understands. Plants that need to be boiled at a certain temperature and creatures' innards that need to be removed in an exact precise manner? May as well be Dwemeris to her.
Dire: Dire is like his mother in that alchemy is just too far over his head. But he isn't as frustrated about his lack of comprehension as she is. Why would he need to worry about mixing potions when he can just find them well and good for the taking in every dungeon in Tamriel?
Mid Year - Does your OC have a favourite celebration? Do they celebrate holidays?
Aneis: Hircine's summoning day is a very special time for her. She always spends days hunting before hand, trying to gather as much a variety of pelts and trophies as she can for her offering. This is even though, as his champion, they are definitely not necessary, the woman fells dragons in his name. However she always prepares as much as she can for him, and once summoned she always has the same simple request for him. To deliver a message to her family in the Hunting Grounds, that she loves them, and misses them, and hopes she is making them proud.
Murza: Murza always tries to make it a point to be home at Lakeview Manor for the Witches Fest. She loves seeing the children dressed up and doing little tricks to entertain them. (This goes along with the headcanon that Lakeview Manor would eventually have a little village crop up around it)
Dire: He would very much enjoy the Jester's Festival, but his absolute favorite is Clavicus' summoning day. I've joked before that it's the only time he gets to play catch with his dad, but since he is also a small aspect of Vile in and of himself, I think the whole day he'd just feel a little closer to Oblivion and it makes him feel whole.
Sun's Height - What is your OC's favourite shop, in any of the games; what do they buy the most of?
Aneis: Aneis adores The Drunken Huntsman. Anoriath is a very talented fletcher and Elrindir is always game to swap hunting stories. They make the whole establishment feel like what she's been missing from Valenwood all these years away, even as a wooded building. They're probably the only people in Tamriel she trusts to service her family bow.
Murza: Murza actually likes hanging around Tel Mithryn. Neloth always has interesting, useful things to sell to her and she suspects he likes her company as she's much quicker to catch onto his teachings than his actual apprentice (sorry, Talvas).
Dire: Even though Enthir's displeasure at having a child on college grounds was always well known to Dire, he still likes bugging him to show him all the weird, cool things he has for sale, which he has no intention of buying. Just looking and maybe a little swiping to play with later.
Last Seed - What weapon does your OC use? Who taught them how to use it?
Aneis: Aneis' main weapons are her family's heirloom bow and the battleaxe gifted to her by Balgruuf. Her father taught her how to shoot and she's self taught with the axe. She'd honestly never touched a two handed weapon in her life before but she thought the nords might think it a great insult for her to not use a weapon gifted to her by the Jarl, so she just swung it around until she found what felt good and did the most damage.
Murza: Murza got her base knowledge of magic from Atub, but growing up in the stronghold she was also expected to learn to swing a sword. Though the swords she uses now are less... mundane. She uses summoned weapons. Idk if that got across lol.
Dire: Dire has had a natural affinity for magic since birth but he hones his craft under the tutelage of his mother and the other professors of Winterhold.
Hearthfire - Does your OC have a family (blood or found)? Who are they closest to?
I can answer this generally for all three characters. The whole of the found family (the people who live at Lakeview Manor) are Aneis, Murza, Teldryn, Endurys, Dire, Hab, Cinuri, Braiel, and the dogs, Sable and Merc. Aneis and Murza are closest to each other platonically, and though he'd never admit it, Dire is closest to Cinuri, she's his best friend.
Frost Fall - Where is your OC's primary residence? What city is there favourite?
Aneis: Aneis knows most of the Bosmer living in Skyrim find The Rift to be the closest approximate to their homeland, she finds the quite, backwoods nature of Falkreath reminds her much more of the area she grew up in. Of course she loves her quite little life on the homestead, surrounded by all her loved ones.
Murza: Technically, Murza's main residence is the college, but she tends not to spend much time there, mainly because she gets lonely. Endurys hates the cold having grown up in the shit hole of Eastmarch and avoids the college as much as possible and Aneis only goes if she's asked to specifically by Murza. So she ends up spending most of her year in Lakeview.
Dire: His parents have determined its much better for him to grow up in an actual stable home surrounded by actual stable adults, so most of his childhood is spent in Lakeview. However, once in a while, Murza will bring him with her on her trips to the college and he loves it. So many places to explore and get into trouble and so many people to bug until they relent and teach him something new.
Sun's Dusk - Is your OC religious? If so, who do they follow?
Aneis: Aneis' grandmother was a priestess of Hircine, her father a priest, and the rest of her family devotees. Their whole devotion is based on having such hunting prowess on their own, they have no need for the gift of the beast blood. This of course culminated in Aneis literally being born to be the greatest hunter of the greatest prey, the Last Dragonborn.
Murza: Murza has always felt like an outsider, even within her own tribe growing up, so she finds a lot of solace in the tenants of Malacath. She also keeps a quiet reverence for Dibella, as her priestesses were the ones who helped her become her most true self.
Dire: Dire doesn't really necessarily worship Clavicus Vile, he just kinda has this air of thankfulness around the subject of his daedric parent. After all it is through his connection to Oblivion that he is able to help so many people and keep his family together in the afterlife.
Evening Star - When is your OC's birthday?
Aneis: 27th of Hearthfire, 4E 153
Murza: 21st of Sun's Dusk, 4E 165
Dire: 30th of Mid Year, 4E 206
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late-nite-scholar · 1 year
Aug 11th (Day 7): Prompt- Profane / Sword
Day 7: Sword- Besharat finds the secret of something long lost to her people, and with it, a link to her culture that she sometimes feels she is losing by being the Dragonborn. A little off-canon but very much part of my personal story for her. For her, this is bigger than being the Dragonborn, because first and foremost, she is Yokudan. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest   
Redguard LDB x Farkas
Warnings- None
Wordcount- ~1500
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(I posted a picture of a mod that gave me the Book of Circles. This is what you make with it. Description in alt text)
I stared at the ancient page in front of me, dropping my quill onto the paper I’d brought to take notes. My hand shook as I brought it up to cover my mouth. I wanted to cry. I had jokingly grumbled to anyone who would listen about not actually being the first Redguard Harbinger of the Companions, but now I was infinitely grateful I wasn’t.
My predecessor had left me a gift more precious than gold, gems, or any kind treasure that could be had. He’d left a memoir, chronicling his leaving Hammerfell, his arrival at Jorrvaskr posing as a servant, to his time as a Shield-Brother, and then to Harbinger in his later years. But within those pages, I had just learned a life-altering secret.
He was a blademaster, but not just because he studied Hunding as I did. No, Cirroc the Lofty had been Ansei! And more than that, he’d written how to create a shehai, lamenting that the art was becoming lost even in his time!
I wrote down everything he had written on the subject, trying to keep my hand steady. I copied it verbatim, lest I miss something by taking a shortcut. My heart was beating so hard I thought it would burst from my chest. Could I use his writings to do this for myself? I could hardly dare hope that such a thing were possible, so far removed from the First Era when Cirroc had written this down.
There was only one way to find out.
Three days later I stood in the practice yard, ready to try. I’d studied Cirroc’s words, read Hunding, and meditated in the way of my people. I’d prepared as thoroughly as possible for this moment, ritually cleansing myself and giving offerings to my gods two hours ago in the early dawn. I had only a statue of Morwha here in Whiterun, but I appealed not only to her, but to all our gods; Leki, Tall Papa, Onsi, Tava, Diagna, The HoonDing, our ancestors, and the rest. Anyone who could help me achieve this feat, I prayed for their help. Never had I dreamed I would ever actually attempt this. Had these arts not been lost since the Second Age? But then again, had dragons not been as well? Perhaps nothing was truly lost forever?   
The yard was empty at this hour, minus me and Farkas, who stood beside me with a frown deepening the crease between his brows. I knew he wasn’t quite sure what I was doing and that my explanations over the last few days had probably sounded like mad rambling. But he also wasn’t going to let me try some sort of new and powerful magic on my own. I knew he’d been talking to Orielle about what he could do if something went wrong and I was fairly certain the scroll sticking out of his pocket was a dispel magicka ward. But I knew he’d only use it if he absolutely thought he had to. He was still a bit wary of magicka, but he trusted me to know what I was doing.
But that thought couldn’t dispel the excitement bubbling up inside me. I tried to keep it in check; after all, this might not work. In fact, it was more than likely that it wouldn’t. But just the idea… I pushed it out of my mind. I needed concentration now, to focus on my lessons.
“I’m going to try it.” I said softly, taking a deep breath. “Leki show me how, as you did my ancestors. May The HoonDing make way for this art, long lost and now found. Ancestors, if I am worthy to walk beside you on this path, let me be successful. Mother Morwha, guide me as you always do. Tell Tall Papa that Besharat do Bergama comes to test her skill as a warrior of Yokuda!”
I reached deep into myself, into the core of my being. Into the deep and hidden parts that most people would never think to access. And I could feel something. I reached for it, my hand curling around it as I pulled it free. From deep within, white light poured out. I was holding it, I could feel it swirling around me. And then it coalesced into a solid grip in my hands, a long curved blade rising up before me. It pulsed with my life force, my soul; the two of us attuned to one another in a way no two other beings had been in millennia. At that moment I was no longer one being, part of me was now this sword made of light.
I swung it, gently at first but then in a practice routine I used every day. And it was absolutely perfect in every way; no better weapon could be made by human, mer, or beastfolk hands. Not to compare to this. Even my beloved Skyforge steel sword, made to my specifications by Eorlund himself, couldn't compare to this actual extension of my being.   
“I did it. By all the gods and ancestors… I really did it. A shehai…” Everything blurred as tears streamed down my face, and I began to laugh and cry at the same time. “I made a shehai…”
I looked over at Farkas, whose eyes were wide enough to see the whites all the way around. He took this all in, whispering, “I’ve never seen anything like that. Not even those folks who use bound weapons. It’s not like that.”
“It’s not. This isn’t calling a blade from elsewhere to use. This is creating it from within, from yourself. It’s a piece of me. No one’s done this for thousands of years. There’s been no Ansei since the Second Era. But… but I could be one… a Sword Singer…”
The spell wavered, and the shehai dissipated back into me. But I still smiled. I hadn’t expected to hold the spell even that long on the first try. No matter what, this had been incredibly, wildly successful.
“If I did it once, I can do it again!” I laughed, throwing my arms around Farkas. But he didn’t hug me in return, and as I stepped back I saw a shadow in his eyes. I reached up to take hold of his face. “What’s wrong, my heart?”
“I’m glad it worked. But making this sword from yourself, from your soul, it’s not gonna hurt you, is it? Not gonna affect you somehow?”
“Not from what I’ve read. It’s like magicka, but it’s not. When it disappeared there it just went back into me. Long ago, the wielders of this ability were powerful beyond measure, they could do things far beyond regular mortals. It’s more like… it’s more like the thu’um, it’s part of you and you just have to learn how to use it properly. And like the thu’um, I’m sure you could hurt yourself if you were reckless, but I have trained my whole life and I will keep training to use this properly.”
“Okay. That makes it make a lot more sense. I just worry sometimes, love.” He kissed my forehead.
“I know. And I don’t like to worry you. But this is huge! For me, for my people…” My shoulders dropped a little. “All this Dragonborn stuff… I feel like an outsider to it. It’s not mine. It’s the history, the stories, the gods of others. I’ve felt a bit like I’m being pulled away from my self, from who I am. But this is mine, it’s in my blood and bones. I feel it inside and it’s right. It makes me feel like maybe I haven’t totally lost my Redguard self to the whims of a dragon god who probably should’ve picked a Nord instead.”
Farkas hugged me tightly. “There’s no one else that can do what you do, Eshi. Maybe that’s why he picked you. But I… I am glad you’ve got this if it helps you feel more like yourself. It was really impressive.” He admitted. “It’d be quite the thing in battle, I think.”
“I think so too! I can’t wait to test it out! And thank you, for understanding. Why don’t we go get some breakfast? Everyone will be getting up soon and I promised Orielle I’d let her know how things went. And I don’t know about you, but I’ve been fasting for this and I’m hungry.”
He slipped an arm around my waist. “Let’s go then, love. I think Tilma said the kitchen were making apple dumplings this morning. We can get some while they’re nice and hot.”
We walked back into the hall, and I felt like I was walking on air. No matter what destiny or fate or the gods threw at me, I was still Yokudan! My blood and my bones and my soul were still of Hammerfell, and of our lost home beyond the sea. And no matter where I went or what I did, they always would be.    
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honourablejester · 3 years
Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
So I bought the dragon book. Because of course I bought the dragon book. Some thoughts:
Of the new/returning dragons, I’m loving the Crystal, Topaz and Deep dragons the most. Topaz because funky necromancer dragons who hate being wet but live on the coast and are described as ‘curmudgeonly’ like it��s not 90% their own fault. I adore them. Deep dragons are subterranean fungus dragons who hoard knowledge, breathe nightmare spores and cover their lairs in ‘mossy sludge’. Again, I adore them. And crystal dragons are friendly little star dragons who live in the tundra and are just nice. They’re adorable. I kinda want to see a baby crystal dragon and a hollyphant befriend and adopt each other over here. Nobody hurt the crystal dragons.
Of the player options, I’m loving the new dragonborns most of all. (First character thought: Crystal Dragonborn Star Druid!)
There are now multiple options for undead and/or horror dragons! Ghost dragon is still definitely my favourite, though. The Dragonbone Golem is also really cool, and the Elder Brain Dragon is absolutely horrifying, so naturally I adore it.
I also love that Dragon Turtles got a bit of love, with wyrmling, young and ancient versions, and their own section in the Draconomicon chapter. I love me some boss-ass sea dragons.
Speaking of. The Draconomicon, the bit where they go through each type of dragon and try to set them in context, is easily my favourite part of the book. Mostly because of the Adventure Hooks and Connected Creatures sections, because they’re full of tiny stories. So many tiny hinted stories. They’re fantastic. The connecting creatures bits in particular, because they suggest all these potential relationships to connect dragons to the world and creatures around them.
And there were certain themes from that section that sprang out to me (yes, the entire rest of this review is going to be me babbling about cool stories from this one section):
There’s a whole theme of dragon adoption, dragons adopting or being adopted by other dragons/creatures. There’s the nearsighted sapphire dragon that thinks a blue wyrmling is its own child. The adult white dragon that brings gems to their ancient adoptive crystal parent who’s too old to go out anymore. The harried deep dragon who adopted a young brass dragon and cannot keep up with them. The tiefling child who found and reared a red wyrmling so the two could protect each other against the world. The ancient and childless blue dragon who desperately wants children and has resorted to adopting-slash-kidnapping any wyrmlings they come across. It’s a fantastic theme that runs through a lot of the sections and I adore it.
Then there’s Baby Dragon (Mis)Adventures TM, featuring various wyrmlings in peril and/or up to mischief. The black dragon wyrmling partnering with a gnome archaeologist to go treasure hunting. The crystal dragon wyrmling trying to follow and protect the bandits that robbed them, because they saw something bad happen to them in an omen. The moonstone wyrmling trying to find who made their enchanted armour ‘friend’, or the moonstone and white dragon wyrmlings who are convinced that the white dragon is a moonstone dragon cursed by a winter fey and set out on an adventure together to ‘break the curse’.
There’s also a bit of a thing with dragons and oozes, which I only note because I love oozes, but at least three dragons in this book decided to cultivate them: an adult black dragon who trapped a ruin with ooze traps for funsies, a deep dragon wyrmling trying to cultivate a gray ooze ‘garden’, and a sapphire wyrmling who just wants to protect their fledgling hoard so they search for minions who don’t want shiny things. It’s adorable, and I feel like the adult black should find and adopt the other two and teach them the finer points of ooze cultivation.
There’s also a bit of a thing of sweet and/or tragic friendships between dragons and other creatures. A lot of the time with undead. Because lifespan difference, yes, but still. Ouch. There’s the ancient copper dragon who still takes the form of their long-dead and renowned gnome trickster friend, to help keep their legend alive. There’s the gold dragon trying to redeem a death knight because they feel responsible for the paladin’s fall. The deep dragon who lets themselves be attacked by mind flayers because they won’t leave the cave where an adventurer they cared about still lingers as a ghost. The shadow dragon and the death knight who were enemies before their respective falls but are now allies against a world/adventuring party that seeks both of them destroyed. The white dragon and the death knight who found the perfect listening ear for their ancient grudges and desire for vengeance in each other. The adult silver dragon and the vampire who are essentially academic rivals/penpals, writing scathing rebutals of each other’s work. The ancient gold dragon and the lich who’ve spent so long fighting each other that they’ve unwillingly grown fond or at least understanding of each other. I love it so much.
Also, on a theme of dragons and liches, stowing the phylactery in a dragon’s hoard is apparently a relatively common lich tactic, and it might go better or worse depending on the dragon in question. There’s the sapphire dragon guarding the soul of someone who was a friend and ally before undeath, the white dragon being extravagantly bribed to entomb the phylactery in ice … and the green dragon who uses their possession of the phylactery to extort the lich for favours. Heh. I do love greens …
There’s relationships between different dragons, whether romantic or otherwise. There’s the ancient gold dragon and the ancient dragon turtle who meet up to exchange chess moves. There’s the blue dragon who plans to romance a bronze by presenting them with courting gift of a specially trained unit of mercenaries. The moonstone dragon finally reunited with their recently-freed sibling, but having to deal with the fact that imprisonment in the Shadowfell turned them into a shadow dragon. There’s the ancient dragon lovers, one white and one deep, who only meet up every century or so to go on a horrific hunting spree together. There’s the adult gold and the adult green dragon skirmishing over the ruins of a floating mausoleum full of talking skulls (I have many questions).
And then there are just cool and interesting dragon adventures. There’s the copper dragon trying to engineer peace between two warring nations by enabling a romance between the heirs of the two rulers (coppers are such fey idiots sometimes, look at this Romeo-and-Juliet, Friar Laurence matchmaking nonsense, I can see no way this can go horribly wrong, no sir!). The adult dragon turtle who’s woken up to find that a group of halflings have unwittingly built a seaside tavern on their back (this is why I love dragon turtles, this Sinbad-the-sailor nonsense). The moonstone dragon trying to play psychiatrist to a beholder who’s desperate not to dream a rival into existence (there’s a thankless task, and one likely to produce an eyedrake instead).
There’s the ancient bronze dragon guarding a merfolk monastery that has mysteriously risen to the surface to warn of a looming apocalypse, for when you want your dragons with a side of Cthulhu. Also in a vaguely Lovecraftian vein, there’s the topaz dragon who’s ‘haunting’ a fishery that happens to supply their favourite type of eel, the disguised deep dragon who’s offering rare artefacts to adventurers willing to get in on a seafood-shipping business, and the ancient amethyst dragon who’s being kept forcibly asleep by a yuan-ti cult called ‘The Serpents of the Dreaming City’.
… There’s a lot of stories, is my point here, a lot of hinted stories, ready for expansion. This section of the book is far and away my absolute favourite. Dragon stories! All the dragon stories! Not just Smaug-type dragon stories, kill-the-monster-claim-the-hoard, but dragons woven into so many areas and connected to so many people and creatures and places. Giving people reasons to talk and interact with dragons. Add on the little one-word addition of ‘typically’ to the alignments of all the dragons, plus all the hinted individual motivations and relationships and values from all the stories, and this book does so much to make dragons much more varied and present as characters, not just monsters and set-pieces. I love it.
Ahem. I enjoyed this book. But then, it’s a dragon book, so I was probably guaranteed to. Heh.
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hgracieeees · 3 years
the poets play dnd
heavily inspired by something that @towoowomen + @color-and-care said on the fruity poet pebbles discord server
neil is the dm and he gets really into the roleplay the npcs are all his babies and he has a mega intricate backstory for all of them which he WILL act it out as dramatically as possibly for you would ask people to roll perception at the most random moments also gives everyone a lot of xp early on so they can level up and stop dying after one hit
everyone expects charlie to be a Horny Bard™ and he often a bard but he’s never a Horny™ one (although he might flirt with someone to get the story along if it’ll help) he makes characters with the weirdest class/race combinations and the most nonsensical backstories and names ”character creation loopholes are charlie's favourite kinds of holes” - dilfism  that also applies to rules, if he can find a loophole he will use it  (in saying that, he will never destroy neil’s carefully crafted plans if he can help it because he knows it makes neil sad when things go completely off the rails) is also very into roleplay but in a very natural way
todd is a druid and he does not like roleplay he only roleplays with neil, he hates roleplaying with anyone else in the party he also somehow always figures out the tiny thing that makes everything make sense  he loves delicate and beautiful things to keep sacred, and also things that mean life will actually yell at you if you do something stupid and get hurt in game only has healing spells for the first couple of levels
cameron is THE RULE BOOK PLAYER he’s a paladin and YOU BETTER FOLLOW THE RULES neil has had to stop him physically fighting charlie once or twice will also change the course of the campaign so that it’s more rules accurate, the one time neil got angry was when cameron wouldn’t let a major plot point happen bc it didn’t follow the rules will still heal you no matter what bc he doesn’t want to lose any players roleplay is not his strong suit, he’s just polite to every npc
pitts is a rogue (sorry to whoever said he was a sorcerer) but he’s a dragonborn rogue so big boi is always the one to go ahead and stealth his way in likes to steal things for fun but tried to steal things that will be helpful in the long run weirdly good at roleplay but also laughs at the others when they get too into it bc it’s just funny to him has never died in game
knox is surprisingly a fighter he’s also the only one with an in game partner definitely not because neil named an npc ‘chris’ freaks out and does stupid stuff in combat never sees the BBEG coming, when the big twist happens it’s always a shock to him neil likes screwing with him because he’ll react well but won’t be mad out of game good fighter despite stupid unthinking descisions  meeks is a sorcerer also the note taker always figures out the plot twist before everyone else but never spoils it chose proficiency in arcana and religion so he always knows what’s going on is the only braincell in the party 
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651 MODS.
Ok, bunch of details:
Project Proteus, it's a mod with a bunch of dependencies, anyway, it allows me to turn previous Dragonborns into NPCs with minimal issue.
This sets up a perfect 3 way story without having to sacrifice myself into playing something that isn't a mage.
So, here's the set up:
1) Imperial Mage: Servius Callidus. Dragonborn. He's my standard mage character obviously, Son of Great Way Veterans, They wanted him to go through the military cursus honorum but he's into the whole arcane mystery shit, "It's not a phase mom!", The mom is Legate Cassia from Legends btw, anyway he runs away from home and bang, gets himself into a cult because Cyrodil is terrible at teaching magic in the 4th era with the Synod, except the cult is actually a Thalmor Psyop, and the leader, his teacher, attempts to sacrifice him to achieve some sort of dread ritual to grant herself immortality. It fails, because a Dragon Soul can't be held in a Black Soul Gem, and overcharges the room, destroying the cult, and achieving the whole "Doesn't need to drink/eat/sleep also he can save and he can eat 100 cheese wheels in the fraction of a second by pausing time and also he can skip ahead in time by simply standing still in a place for hours because Time has pretty much frozen to him by now" thing. As a side note, this kind of attracts lots of attention on him from the Thalmor, who want to dissect him to discover how the ritual ultimately affected him. This leads to the Sinister Seven, a terrible mercenary group, to be hired to capture him dead or alive. As the name implies, despite being the titular last Dragonborn, Servius will be thought as the squire, the counselor of sort of the "real" last dragonborn, the Nord Warrior, who will get all the glory to much of her bewilderment and his relief. The imagery of a "Wolf protecting the flock" will be used at one point.
2) Nord Warrior: Ragna (Rag-Na) Will-Breaker. First Era War Maiden, Shield Maiden to Kyne, and a member of one of Morihaus cohorts who descended to Cyrodil to aid Alessia during the Rebellion. She dies during the taking of the White Gold Tower, and is interred with the other fallen in a crypt, the same crypt where the Cult is doing their dread ritual. The ritual, the same one who pretty much removed Servius from time, also happens to shoot her full of energy, resurrecting her on the spot, her soul mysteriously still trapped within her remains after her death, as of she was just slumbering. Her first sight after waking up is a room full of dead elves and one alive, very terrified Nede, suddenly coming face to abs with this gigantic Proto-Nord war maiden 3 times his size, so of course she just decides to stick to the guy for the time being until she gets a better idea of what the fuck is going on.
Ok, when you think about her, you need to imagine not Thor from the first movie, tho the comparison is not unwarranted, as much as that one Narnia Book where the Witch is suddenly in early 19th century London and she just goes around both completely bewildered while also acting incredibly smug about everything. Like, "Unroot a lamppost with my bare hands to use as a bludgeon to beat the shit out of cops" kind of Energy. Also it creates some great opportunities for situational comedy such as the always classic "What the fuck is a Talos?"
3) Candle. They/Them. Breton Thief from the Island of Alcaire, Who changed face and names many time in the course of their life, much like a Moth molts their skin, and is now, by sheer, dumb luck, on a one way trip to Helgen. Helgen, where the Warrior and the Mage are right now, Moving north to lose their pursuers and to have Ragna witness her homeland once more, as they get a room at Vilod's and Matlara's Inn, and plan on their voyages, as the rickety cart gets into town, as a tear in time and space opens on the top of the world, where the Sky meets the Heart in their final embrace, where an old Dovah slumbers, and as everything, finally...
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the-last-teabender · 4 years
FANFIC: Oxventure - Duel Destinies
WORDS: Just under 7k
SUMMARY: Corazón gets hit on the head.
A/N: This isn’t my first time writing fanfic, but it’s my first time in literal decades writing something that a) isn’t going into a charity anthology and b) isn’t single-sentence goofs in my Gchat window with @randomthunk. So I actually am a little nervous to just yeet my work out into the world without an editor/publisher frontline protecting me from looking foolish. I do have plans to fic more tho.
I approached this as though I was writing an official tie-in because that’s my comfort zone (and occasionally my job). Which was a little challenging because there’s a lot that’s not part of the story but is part of the viewing experience. I have not mastered it in one story but the attempt was fun. Also I haven’t smashed alt-codes this obsessively while writing since I wrote about Señor 105.
Thanks aforementioned Ginger for being my beta reader and basically sitting on me to post this instead of hide it in my writing folder.
Anyway, if you like what I’m throwing out here, I have actually a lot of stuff in print and even more coming.
“Right,” Dob said, pacing the length of the deck, “before we go, let’s review. Prudence, what happened yesterday?”
“We found a bad man killing off local slimes to make slime booze.”
“Good. Corazón, what happened yesterday?”
“I began my awesome new career as a detective and threw someone out a window.”
“All right. Merilwen?”
“Excellent. Egbert?”
“I set a tavern on fire and got my seal very drunk on slime gin.”
“All right, that’s us caught up.”
That wasn’t the entire catch-up, but all of them knew the events of the day before well enough. The forest outside the town of Esterwell was in turmoil, according to the wizard Binbag after he tumbled unexpectedly out of a pantry. It was suddenly bereft of slimes — the cute little blobby creatures generally used for target practice by up-and-coming adventurers. As it happened, slimes had other uses. Serving as the base for a delightful high-end alcoholic brew, for one. Serving as the base of the entire local food chain, for another. If the slime population continued to plummet, eventually the other animal populations would follow suit.
An investigation of the local slime hunters (led by DCI Jeff Crimestopper, a pseudonym Corazón was becoming increasingly attached to) turned up that they were all in the employ of the same man: one Alonzo Horgan, owner of the Horgan Distillery. One especially talkative young hunter revealed that Horgan intended to “wring all the slimes out of Esterwell Forest” before upping sticks to his next hunting ground.
The goal was, in short, to stop Horgan’s machinations before he destabilized the entire local ecosystem and went on to do the same to others. Somewhere along the way, Dob had got it into his head that the goal was to start a brewery of their own and hold a cider-making contest in the Esterwell town square… an idea the group at large now referred to as “Plan C.”
Plan A, currently underway, was to continue the detective lark and either talk sense into Horgan or (more likely) run him out of town. Plan B was burning down the distillery.
“I’m still very much in favor of bumping Plan B up to Plan A,” said Prudence, wiggling her fingers as the group made their way back into Esterwell.
“Mrow,” Merilwen the cat grumbled from Dob’s shoulder, which translated to something like, “But that doesn’t actually solve the problem of making him stop.”
“Oh, fine,” Prudence huffed. “Detectives it is.”
Corazón pumped a fist low and (he thought) out of sight. “DCI Jeff Crimestopper back on the case, bay-bee.”
They arrived at the home of Alonzo Horgan — a palatial manor in a town that really wasn’t the sort to have palatial manors. At least half a dozen residences would have to have been knocked down to make way for the place, which stood half again as high as the buildings around it that had survived.
Merilwen hopped lightly from Dob’s shoulder, turning back into an elf again, as the half-orc tapped politely on the door.
“No, no.” Egbert shoved past him, balling up one scaly fist. “You’ve gotta really punch it.” He slammed his fist against the door several times, making it bow slightly under the pressure.
“Open up!” Corazón shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. “We have a warrant!”
“Don’t just say we have a warrant!” Merilwen hissed.
The door was opened mere moments later by a tall, rail-thin man with an upturned nose and a downturned moustache. “Mmcan I help you?”
Corazón pushed past the man. “Yeah, you can take us to Alonzo Horgan. We’re taking him down to the station for questioning.”
“I’m afraid Mr. Horgan is not—” But the man was cut off as the rest of the group piled past and into the house.
“Where is he, then? Upstairs?” Corazón pointed up the stairwell, one foot on the steps.
The man at the door, to his credit, did his best to maintain his decorum. “Mr. Horgan is not taking visitors.”
“We’re not visitors,” Dob said gruffly, looming over the man, “we’re detectives.”
“Is that so? Well, I do hope you meant what you said about having a warrant. Otherwise I may have to take you to the authorities.” 
Alonzo Horgan’s voice silenced the group, but had it not, his presence would have. Fully six-foot-four, a stocky mix of fat and muscle generally only seen on back alley brawlers, stuffed into a fancy suit. His glare was imperious; his moustache was excellent.
Corazón swiveled and approached the master of the house. “Alonzo Horgan?”
“Yes, I’m… not sure who else I would be.” Horgan seemed put out for a moment, but recovered himself. “May I ask what business you have here?”
“DCI Jeff Crimestopper.” Corazón pulled a piece of paper from his coat, flashed it briefly, and put it away again. “This is my DI, Dob Tyler.”
Dob grinned toothily; had it not been Dob, it might have looked threatening. “Here to make sure my loose cannon superior does things by the book.”
Corazón gestured to the rest of the party. “DS Prudence, DC Merilwen. And, er, PC Egbert, he mostly makes the tea.”
“It’s really good tea,” Egbert piped up.
“No offense, sir…” Horgan gestured to Corazón. “But you look more like a pirate than a detective.”
“Deep cover, obviously. I wouldn’t expect a civilian to understand.”
Horgan waved a hand dismissively. “Even if I were to entertain the idea that you’re who you claim to be, I feel I’ve done nothing to warrant an investigation.”
Merilwen narrowed her eyes. “Nothing, Mr. Horgan?” Her voice was tense, hitting that slightly higher octave that her friends knew meant violence was quickly becoming an option. “Killing off an entire species for your own benefit is ‘nothing’? Allowing the local wildlife to starve is ‘nothing’?”
“Oh, it’s about the distillery, is it? I promise you, my dear, I’ve heard it all before.”
Dob gritted his teeth, giving Horgan a highly dramatic, highly knowing look. “I’d be careful if I was you, sir. DC Merilwen has a license to… er. Bear.”
Still, none of this seemed to faze Horgan. “If you think complaining about my methods is going to have any effect… let me assure you, it hasn’t yet. Now, unless you have any actual business with me…”
Prudence stepped up. “All right, look. Fine. We’re not actually detectives.”
“You don’t say,” Horgan deadpanned.
“That said… the whole slime issue is a real thing, and we really do need you to stop hunting them out completely. Or at least cut back.” Prudence looked back at Merilwen. “Cut back? Would that be good enough?”
“I prefer the idea of him stopping completely,” Merilwen seethed.
Prudence gestured to Merilwen. “Yeah, what she said. But I mean, it affects you, too. Do you like, uh… wild boar? I guess? Rabbit? Pheasant? I don’t know.” She spread her hands in an exaggerated shrug. “Screw up the food chain and you don’t get any of those.”
Horgan looked them all over, one by one. “You come into my home. You pretend to be something you’re not. And then you make demands of me that would effectively shut down my business. Give me one reason why I should even listen to what you have to say.”
Egbert had mostly detached from the scene in front of him, his eyes scanning his surroundings in search of something entertaining. They lighted on a pair of crossed swords on the wall, with a bronze plaque underneath: Esterwell Annual Fencing Championship, Second Place. Without thinking, he blurted out, “A duel.”
“I beg your pardon?” Horgan asked. The rest of the party fixed Egbert with confused looks.
“A duel,” the dragonborn repeated, with a little more confidence this time — confidence filled in a lot of blanks, in his experience. “If one of us bests you in a duel, you have to at least give us a proper audience.”
Much to the group’s surprise — including Egbert’s, truth be told — Horgan seemed to consider it. “Hmm. Well. I suppose it makes more sense than… whatever we’ve been doing.” He gestured at the room in general, then turned to Corazón. “On the condition that I fight this one.”
Corazón grinned. “Hell yeah. I’ll fight you. Prepare to have your whole scene wrecked by Corazón de Ballena.”
“I thought you said your name was Jeff Crimestopper.”
“I told you. Deep cover.”
Horgan sighed wearily and turned to his doorman. “See them out. Tomorrow at sunrise on the lawn. Come alone, whatever your name is. And pray you do not lose. I have no patience for time-wasters.”
The five were ushered out without another word.
“Not sure it’s wise to challenge a prizewinning fighter to a duel,” Merilwen noted when they were outside town again. “That sort of seems like the main thing he’ll be ready for.”
Egbert waved a hand. “Pff, it’s fine. The plaque on his wall said he was only second place. That means there’s at least one person better than him in town.”
“Still… What’s going to happen if Corazón if he loses?”
Corazón laughed. “Pff. Hah. Nothing. Because Corazón won’t lose.” He unsheathed his rapier and stopped to take a few jabs at a nearby tree. A heavy branch, near to breaking, creaked overhead. “You know what my crew used to call me?”
“Yes,” said Prudence, “you’ve complained about it several times.”
“I mean in battle. You know, when we captured ships. My swordsmanship is second to none. They used to call me Corazón the—”
There was a crash, and silence.
Egbert stopped walking, waiting for the punchline. “Corazón the what?”
“Er.” Merilwen pointed back toward the tree hesitantly. “Corazón the unconscious, apparently.”
Prudence turned and lifted away the branch, wincing at the sight of the pirate splayed out on the ground. “Oh, dear…” Then she looked up at the group. “So does this mean I’m captain now?”
The general consensus had been to let Corazón be once he’d been carried back to the Joyful Damnation and bundled into bed. He would likely be full of opinions and complaints as soon as he woke up. That, and he’d need his rest before dueling Horgan the next morning. 
There was no bleeding as far as they could tell. Just a big bruise that would get bruisier over the next few days. Egbert dropped a quick bit of healing on Corazón which, while it would likely be helpful in the long run, did nothing to wake him. Eventually, Dob took up a seat by the enormous bed in the captain’s quarters, keeping an eye on the patient and picking out a few chords to pass the time. Just as he was getting a good riff worked out... 
“Ow?” Dob leaned over the bed. “Did you say ow?”
“Yes, I said ow. Because I’m in pain.”
Dob jumped up from his seat and threw the door open. “Guys! Guys! He’s awake!”
Prudence was the first to run in. “Is he okay?”
“Sounds like it.”
Egbert followed, with Merilwen bringing up the rear. They crowded around Corazón’s bed, realized at the same time that that would probably look weird from his vantage point, and backed off a bit.
“Corazón?” Dob leaned in slightly. “How’s your head?”
He squinted up at Dob. “What did you call me?”
“Oh, right.” Dob laughed. “Silly me. How’s your head, DCI Crimestopper?”
This just seemed to confuse him more. “Who… what are you talking about?” Then he pulled himself up to sitting, perhaps a little more quickly than he ought, and pressed a hand to the top of his head, looking around. “I feel like I’ve been beaned with an entire tree. Where the hell am I?”
“Your room,” Prudence offered. “We figured you’d want a nap after the bludgeoning.”
He shook his head, still sounding a bit dazed. “No… this isn’t my room. My room is bigger. And it doesn’t rock and creak. Are we… are we on a ship?” He looked up at the others again, as though seeing them for the first time.
“... who the hell are all of you?”
There was an awkward silence.
“He’s messing about, right?” Egbert grinned nervously at the others. 
“It’s Corazón,” Prudence said quickly, “of course he’s messing about. Just humor him, he’ll be on to something new when he’s tired of it.”
Dob was already on board at humor him. He pressed a hand to his forehead. “Oh, no! Corazón! All our precious memories, lost forever! Please say it isn’t so, old friend!”
If Corazón was acting, he was really leaning into the deadpan delivery. “Is this some sort of prank? It’s not a very good one, if…” His gaze wandered down to his hands resting on the bed sheet, his sleeves wrinkled back somewhat. His eyes went wide, and he made a sort of choking, stammering sound.
Then, again far more quickly than he probably should have, he threw himself out of bed, shoving past Egbert on the way to the largest of his mirrors. Carefully, he pulled his collar aside. And gasped.
“Oh, my God, I’ve been tattooed in my sleep!”
“Gosh,” Egbert said with an admiring smile, “he’s really devoting himself to the bit, isn’t he?”
Merilwen shook her head slightly. “I… don’t… know if it’s a bit.”
“Which one of you did this to me?!” Corazón pointed at the tentacle tattoo emerging from under his collar. “Why would you do that? Why… what happened to my hair!? How long have I been asleep!?” He grabbed the nearest person — Egbert — by the collar. “Are you trying to change my identity!? Am I going to be sold off to the highest bidder!? What’s your plan!? You have to tell me!”
Dob grabbed for his lute, a nervous grin plastered on his face. “Ooooh! Oh, dear! Looks like someone could use a nice lullaby.”
Merilwen held out a warning hand to Dob. “No? No. One second.” She waved a hand to Corazón, the way one might a skittish fox. “Hey, over here.”
“What!? What do you want now!?”
“Just. Okay. Calm down for a second. Calm…” Merilwen inhaled and exhaled slowly, guiding the breathing with her hands. Corazón, surprisingly did the same. That in itself was a sign that something was off.
“Okay, just keep your eyes on me, all right?”
“Sure.” Corazón’s voice was strained.
Merilwen rooted around in the pocket of one of Corazón’s jackets, folded neatly over a nearby chair. She found what she was looking for — a little leather pouch of gold coins — and poured the contents out into her hand. She showed them to Corazón, as though setting up a magic trick. He watched and nodded tensely, his jaw set.
“Dob,” she said with a sweet smile, opening the cabin window. “Would you do the honors?”
“Would I?” Without hesitation, he took the little handful of coins from Merilwen, slid over to the window, and chucked them out into the sea, one by one.
All eyes turned toward Corazón.
“Yes, and?” The nervousness was tinged with irritation. “What?”
Another awkward silence, this one longer. And awkwarder. As they all, in their own time, came to terms with the fact that Corazón was not, in fact, acting.
Prudence tapped him experimentally on the shoulder. He flinched away, balling his hands into fists and holding them in front of his face.
“Hey, hey, whoa! No, no, we’re your friends! It’s us!” Prudence smiled, gesturing around the room. “You know. The Oxventurers! Can’t you recognize us?”
Corazón lowered his fists. “If you mean could I pick you out of a lineup, then yes, I certainly could.”
“Hff… and stop calling me that! It’s weird!” He brushed off his sleeve where Prudence had tapped him. “If you’re my kidnappers, then I would hope you already know who I am.”
“Y-Yeah.... Sorry.” Prudence frowned, then smiled. “Percy?”
“Thank you. That’s more like it.” And Corazón made a break for the deck. 
“All I’m saying,” said the half-orc with the large hammer and the very nice hair, “is that we could be having a cider-making contest in the town square right now.”
“Or burning things,” said the tiefling, as a pair of ancient tomes played around her heels like rowdy puppies. “We could also be burning things right now.”
If this was a kidnapping, it was a very civilized one. Percy hadn’t had any practical experience with being kidnapped, to be fair. His father had suggested that it might happen once or twice in his youth, because that was just how life was for the children of rich and influential people. But after making it to adulthood without ever waking up in a dingy cellar surrounded by leering mercenaries, he’d just put it to the side.
He’d also been a bit disappointed, as escaping from said mercenaries could have been fun. But in retrospect, he might not have done as well at that as he liked to pretend.
He wasn’t tied up, or locked up. At worst, he had been prevented from leaping off the ship by all four of his kidnappers (and a seal, he was still contending with that information) piling themselves on top of him. They’d bundled him back into the captain’s quarters while they consulted with each other. Percy took the time to shave — the itch from his stubble was frazzling his already-frazzled brain — and change into a shirt that still had functional buttons.
The change had gotten a slight stare of disbelief from his captors, as though he’d gone and swapped heads, but no actual comments were made. And now, the dragonborn was sitting by him on the deck and handing him a cup of tea, and it smelled suspiciously like what he drank at home, and yes, this was absolutely one of his teacups.
“So!” the dragonborn said with a toothy grin. “Cora-... er, Percival. Percy? Mr. Milquetoast? Sorry, not sure what to call you now.” He had a cup of his own, but rather than sipping from it, he opened his long snout and splashed the contents inside. Judging by the reaction that followed, the tea was still very hot.
“Just, er… whichever? I guess?” Why was he sitting on a ship drinking tea with his kidnappers while they asked what to call him? Why had his father not been mentioned yet? Was that still incoming? His teacup rattled against the saucer.
“Mmmm… Percy. I’ve always thought you looked like a Percy.”
“Always?” Percy put his teacup down shakily on its saucer. “Then you’ve been spying on me? For how long?”
“No!” The dragonborn waved a hand frantically in front of himself. “No, no, I mean… we’re not…” He looked behind him, where the other three were peering at the scene thoughtfully. “Um, guys, I’m not doing great. Someone else try.”
The elf stepped in and tapped him on the shoulder, as though relieving him from duty. Good. As far as Percy could tell, she was the most logical of the group. She wasn’t panicking… not that he could see, at least.
“So you’re Good Cop, then?” Percy eyed her warily.
“No…” The elf sighed, a sort of long-suffering sigh that made him feel like this was not the first long-suffering sigh she’d issued him. “We’re your friends, really. And we’re just trying to figure out how to help you.”
Percy narrowed his eyes. “My friends.”
“Not magical kidnappers looking for a piece of the Milquetoast fortune.”
“No. Not magical kidnappers looking for a piece of the family fortune. I promise.” 
“I mean, I have friends at home. I can just go home to my actual friends, and not whatever you guys are pretending to be.”
The elf’s face settled into an expression that somehow managed to be both neutral and confrontational, her lips pressed into a line. “Name four friends you have at home.”
Damn. “Uh, th-there’s, uh… there’s Steve… F-Friendsman.”
“There’s, a-um, Roger… M’buddy.”
The elf pressed a hand to her face. “Please, at least let us try to help you.”
She seemed absolutely genuine. It was making his head hurt. This was not how criminals acted. As far as he knew. “Fine, help me, or whatever it is you want to do.”
“All right, so…” The elf clasped her hands together. “It’s probably just a matter of jogging your memory. You got a little bop on the head, it shook things up, but we can help you connect things up again. Right?”
“Sure,” Percy said hesitantly, now with the added wrinkle of wondering when and how he’d been hit over the head. He considered asking, but he could already hear the answer. No, we didn’t hit you over the head intentionally. It was a love tap. Something like that.
The elf smiled. It didn’t seem like a kidnapper’s smile. But again, he had nothing to go on. Maybe kidnappers had really nice smiles. “Okay, good. So let’s just rattle out a few of the high points, and see what your brain latches onto.”
Percy nodded, taking a sip from the teacup he still held in a death grip.
“Okay. Spicy rat?” She paused, and he wasn’t sure what for. After a short silence, she picked up again. “No? Okay, that was a while ago, admittedly. Uh… baby-making watch?”
“Babies don’t come from watches,” Percy scoffed. “They come from under cabbage leaves.”
The elf ground to a halt in her questioning, but picked up again with a shake of the head. “What about the party? The one where you went dressed as a sexy nurse and made a teenage girl cry.”
Percy scowled. “I would never do that!”
The half-orc chuckled. “Oh, you very much did.”
“I will not allow you to paint me with the same brush as you, you… s-scoundrels!” Percy felt a chill down the back of his neck. “That’s what this is, isn’t it? You’re trying to convince me I’m one of you and whisk me away to do unspeakable crimes, is that it?”
“Hasn’t taken much trying so far, mate,” Merilwen grumbled.
“Waaaait wait wait wait.” The tiefling squeezed up next to the elf. “We’re coming at this from the wrong angle. He’s clearly forgotten stuff from before we met him, too, right? What we need to do is remind him of why he became a pirate.”
Percy looked around the ship. Then down at the clothes he’d woken up in. And the tattoo on his wrist. “I’m a pirate?”
“Yep, you are a pirate.”
“So… this really is my ship?”
“Er, our ship, yes.” The tiefling seemed to take a lot of pride in saying that. Well, being co-owner of a ship was something to be proud of… if it was true, he’d probably let himself feel a bit proud, too. “So, maybe if you can summon up the feelings that made you want to run away from home and be a pirate, the rest will follow. So, tell us about your dad.”
“He’s… dumb?” Percy shrugged. “He’s annoying? I don’t know, it’s a lot of effort to run away from him for being dumb and annoying. I’ve got nothing.” 
The tiefling leaned in conspiratorially. “Nothing about what a bad dad he is? How he has ridiculous expectations of you? Doesn’t want you to have fun and live your own life?” She paused. “How he’s got a stupid wig and he’s all stuffy and bossy?”
Percy leaned away from her. “You seem to have plenty against him already.”
“Oh, no, no. I don’t hate him. You do.”
“No, it really does sound like it’s you.”
The tiefling laughed, waving a hand. “Oh, no, that’s just because he bothers you. It’s a support thing. I’d totally love to live in his big ol’ house.”
“So you’re telling me you don’t like my father, but you do like his money, and that’s supposed to make me feel better?”
The tiefling’s face twisted into a confused frown. “Oh, man. Yeah, we do kinda sound like we kidnapped you for ransom, don’t we?”
Percy flinched away, nearly dropping his teacup. Oddly, the tiefling was once again trying to reassure him. “Which we didn’t?? Which we didn’t. I’m just saying.” She sighed. “I guess he forgot whatever happened that made him want to run away, too. How about you, Egbert? Got any paladin magic for him?”
“I’ve got something better!”
All eyes, Percy’s included, turned to the dragonborn — who was now swinging a mace from one clawed hand.
“So, you know how in all the stories, right? Someone gets knocked on the head and gets amnesia, but then they get hit in the same spot and all their memories come back. Let’s just do that!”
The dragonborn strode over to Percy, winding up the mace. Percy stumbled backwards, his teacup falling and shattering on the deck. “Don’t you dare!”
“Egbert, not that mace!” the elf shouted.
“Oh, it’s fiiiine. I had to hit whatsisname loads of times before he actually turned into a seal.”
Percy looked at the seal. The seal looked back.
The dragonborn raised his mace over his head. Percy stumbled backwards towards the door to the captain’s quarters, eyes locked on the cursed weapon. He reached behind him for the doorknob and twisted frantically. The door wouldn’t give way.
The elf flung herself at the dragonborn, turning into an octopus in midair. The two hit the deck, the mace rolling harmlessly across the deck as the octopus held the would-be attacker in place. Percy finally managed to yank the door open, racing into the captain’s quarters and slamming the door behind him.
“I meant a spell!” Percy heard the tiefling yell from the other side of the door. “You’ve got more healing spells, don’t you?”
“Oh, riiiight…”
There was a gentle tap at the door. Percy eyed it nervously.
“Heeey, buddy. You okay?” It was the half-orc. “Can I come in?”
“No, you absolutely cannot come in. You’re all insane and there’s a seal man out there saying egg.”
“That’s cool, that’s cool. I’ll just sit out here, how’s that?”
Percy heard a gentle thump against the other side of the door. “So… you really don’t remember anything, do you? About us, or your pirate crew, or any of that?”
“Last thing I remember is going to bed at Milquetoast Manor and thinking tomorrow night’s party was going to be very boring. Then I woke up in bed on a strange boat, with all of you standing over me looking ready to dissect me or something.” Percy sat down, leaning on the other side of the door. His head still felt foggy. “So? Which one of you blackjacked me?”
“You blackjacked yourself with a tree.”
Percy frowned. “Is that the sort of thing I’m likely to do?”
“Oh, yes,” the half-orc said cheerfully. “Merilwen had a stack of tree puns ready to go, but under the circumstances it seemed, uh… bit tasteless.”
“The elf. Don’t worry, you can hear them later. You know, when your head’s right again.” A pause. “Oh! Haha. Of course. I’m Dob, by the way. The tiefling is Prudence, and the big dragon man is Egbert. And we’re all your friends, and we all do super cool things together.”
Percy nodded, still not completely convinced. Then he realized Dob wouldn’t be able to see him on the other side of the door. “If you say so.”
“Gosh. Introducing myself to you. That brings back memories.” Dob stopped himself, fumbling, as if he’d just said something extremely offensive. “I mean… you know…”
Against his better judgment, Percy got up and opened the door. Dob, leaning heavily on it, tumbled backwards… but turned the tumble into a backwards somersault and landed lightly on his feet. He gave a little bow, and Percy felt he ought to clap. Just considering the effort.
“You ready to come out and talk to the others?”
Percy leaned to one side and looked out onto the deck. Egbert was on his feet again, with Merilwen (now an elf) still clinging to his back, as though uncertain whether the dragonborn could be trusted on his own yet. Prudence wore a friendly smile that seemed to say “I’m not going to sacrifice you to my eldritch god, but I’m also not not going to sacrifice you to my eldritch god.” His trusted friends. Apparently.
Before Percy could answer, Dob slapped him on the back and walked him out onto the deck. “All right. We’ve all had a little breather, a little think, and I think… and this is just me… we should back-burner the memory loss issue and focus on the bigger problem.��
“There’s a bigger problem?” Percy looked at Dob incredulously.
The group at large winced. “Yeah…” Dob continued to speak for the group, and no one seemed to mind being relieved of that duty for the moment. “See, Percy. Percival. Friend. Our good friend of so long…”
“Just tell me what’s going to happen to me.”
“You have to duel someone tomorrow morning.”
Percy extracted himself from Dob’s friendly side-arm. “What? Why? Why would I do that?”
“Again,” said Dob, “if it makes you feel better, it is extremely on brand.”
“Hsfd… it doesn’t make me feel better! I have to fight someone tomorrow and I’m not me! I mean, I am me, but I’m not this other me who went and did a thing I didn’t do!”
Amongst them, Percy’s friends(?) laid out the entire situation. All he managed to retain were slimes, collapse of the natural world, very large man, and imminent swordfight. The rest was a sort of blur, and one he was in no mood to attempt to figure out.
“I can’t do this.” It was a statement of fact. “Maybe this Corazón guy can do this, but I can’t. Horgan’s going to be expecting some jerk pirate who can swordfight.”
“We can try another refresher,” suggested Merilwen.
Egbert reached for his mace. “I could try—-”
“No,” said everyone, possibly even the seal.
“Look,” Dob said gently, “we’ll have puh-lenty of time to work on the memory thing, right? All we have to do is get through tomorrow, and if it hasn’t cleared up by then, we’ll find someone to help you, no problem.”
“How can you be so sure?” Percy asked, the fretting feeling coming back even stronger than before.
Egbert shrugged. “It’ll happen. That’s how it tends to go. A problem comes up, and then a couple days later someone comes along with a quest that’ll fix it. It’s really handy.”
“Okay, that’s great for after tomorrow morning. But what about me, tomorrow morning, with swords? What’s my guarantee I get past that alive? Because I’ve never actually stabbed a man.”
“Yes you have,” Prudence pointed out.
“Like a lot,” Merilwen added.
“Apparently you kicked a man to death once,” said Egbert. “I mean, I found out later, but I believe it.”
“But I don’t remember that!” Percy flailed an arm helplessly. “It’s… hds… that’s some future guy and I’m not the future guy, I’m the me guy. How is the me guy going to survive?”
The group fell silent.
“... did I actually kick a man to death?”
They all nodded.
“And see? That’s why we believe in you, Cor… er, Percy.” Dob threw an arm around Percy’s shoulders again. “We know what you’re capable of. We know it’s in here.” He jabbed at Percy’s chest with one finger. “And in here.” At his head.
“The head, Dob,” Merilwen hissed, “watch the head.”
“Right, right. Look. We’ve got tonight to train you up into a believable Corazón de Ballena. You’ve already got the look, you’ve already got the voice. That’s more than most people start with.”
Percy let out a weak groan.
“Hey! No, this is good! We can do this! And maybe, somewhere along the way, something will trigger the ol’ bean and the memories will just come flooding back. Right, guys?”
The rest of the team seemed to believe it about as much as Percy did. Which wasn’t much.
“Are you sure we can’t just…” Percy motioned to the anchor rope. “Leave?”
“No,” Merilwen said firmly. But her expression was still hesitant. “No, we have to stop Horgan. More than anything else, that has to happen.”
She was insistent. This was important to her. Percy groaned again.
“Come on, buddy.” Dob lifted his arm from Percy’s shoulders, grabbing him by both arms and staring him in the eyes. “Look me in the eye.”
“Yeah. Looking.”
“Now. Are you a Thieves Cant, or a Thieves Can?”
Merilwen, at least, seemed to appreciate what Dob was going for.
Plan B no longer stood for Burning. Plan B, as indicated by a wild-shaped Merilwen taking up a spot behind the topiaries on Horgan’s lawn, now stood for Bear. And possibly Bomb, and Blast, and Bard Casts Thunder Wave, depending on who got trigger-happy first.
No amount of swordfighting or storytelling brought Corazón’s memory back. Nor did any amount of actually insisting on calling him Corazón. Their last ditch hope — that he’d wake up the next morning acting like nothing had happened — didn’t pan out, either. Dob gave pep talk after pep talk as Corazón fretted uncharacteristically, the latter eventually wrapping the uneaten bacon sandwich he’d made for himself in a piece of paper and stowing it in a jacket pocket. Finally, though, they’d all had to take up their positions and leave the rest to luck.
Corazón was left to make the walk up the lawn alone, but the other four had formed a perimeter: Merilwen in the topiary, Dob in a nearby tree, Prudence behind a fence, and Egbert peering over a hedge. Dob promised to shoot Corazón an occasional prompt if things got hairy; but, by and large, it was all him.
As the sun began to rise, Corazón walked up the paved path to the appointed spot. He’d not quite gotten his own swagger down, instead walking slow, measured steps with his hands stuffed in his pockets.
Try to look like you’re too cool for the room! Dob thought; Corazón looked up and around, surprised, then seemed to remember what Dob had said about sending mental messages. He stopped where he was, pulled his hands out of his pockets, squared his shoulders, and walked even more awkwardly up the path.
Fine. It’d have to do.
Just as the light of sunrise hit its best and most aesthetic hue, Alonzo Horgan and his servant walked out. The former wore a rapier at his belt.
“Corazón de Ballena,” Horgan said broadly, his voice dripping with fake friendliness. “Or are we going by something new today?”
“No, er, that’s me.”
Dob thought another swift message.
“I mean… that’s right! That’s me, Corazón. The mighty pirate. Here to run you through like a tasty kebab and grill… grill you on the fires of justice? What the hell does that mean?”
Just go with it, Dob thought irritably, but the moment had passed. Shame. He was rather proud of that one.
Horgan eyed Corazón with amusement. “I can wait if you need a moment.”
“No, no. Erm. Yes, that’s me.” Corazón’s hand hovered over the hilt of his rapier. He was tense. He was ready. He might have been about to faint. It was hard to tell.
Horgan’s retainer’s voice was soft. None of them could hear it from their respective points along the perimeter. Corazón didn’t look especially surprised by any of it, which hopefully meant there was nothing odd about the rules of the duel.
From their spots, separated though each of them was, they all had the same thought at the same time: what would it take? What hadn’t they done? Would they need a spell? Some sort of quest? A skilled healer? Would another bop on the head really have done it?
A shrill whistle blew. Each of them was shaken out of their thoughts to see that the duel had begun, and Corazón was already flagging quickly. It was less of a duel and more of a chase, the enormous Horgan lumbering across the lawn after his smaller opponent. Corazón, for his part, was holding his ground… though “his ground” was constantly moving backwards across the lawn in zigzags.
His heel came dangerously close to a stray root, nearly hidden by the grass.
“Look out!” Egbert shouted. Merilwen, Dob, and Prudence shushed him. Horgan looked up and around for the source of the voice. Corazón, on the other hand, missed the warning entirely. His heel caught on the root, and he windmilled backwards, landing flat on his back.
Merilwen hesitated behind the topiary, one huge, clawed paw creeping around the side of the greenery. Was it go time? The others were in the same state of indecision, poised to attack but waiting to see what happened.
Corazón lifted his head slightly. The massive form of Horgan hovering over him, blade raised threatening, blocked out the faint light of sunrise. The sword hung there for a moment… then was flung across the lawn, accompanied by a disgusted sigh from Horgan.
“How very disappointing.”
The group shot each other quick glances. The message was clear. Well, clear-ish. “Stop Horgan before he can leave” was clear enough, but what would be done with him once apprehended was likely still up in the air. Corazón, unaware of any of this, propped himself up on his elbows.
“Where are you going?” he asked weakly. “We’re not done here.”
“I rather think we are.” Horgan shook his head in… amusement? Disappointment? It was hard to tell. “What a shame. You were so full of piss and vinegar yesterday, and today you’ve got no real fight in you.”
“I’ve got fight… I’ve got plenty of… hhhh.” Corazón put a hand to his head.
“Serves me right, thinking I’d get a good fight out of some puffed-up fake pirate.”
“... what did you say?” Corazón’s voice was suddenly oddly sharp and cold.
Horgan chuckled. “You heard me. You’re less convincing than the chap I hired for my niece’s seventh birthday party.” He waved a hand to his servant. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve not had breakfast yet and I’m peckish. Think I might go to the kitchen and have a bit of a graze.”
On his next step, Horgan’s booted foot slid forward, sending him falling backwards into a puddle of grease that had absolutely not been there moments ago. Now it was his turn to look up at a looming silhouette: Corazón de Ballena, sword pointing down threateningly in one hand, bacon sandwich in the other.
“How appropriate. You fight like a cow.”
Horgan spluttered, eyes bulging. “You… what nonsense is this!?”
“It’s called the power of grease, that’s what nonsense this is. Now get up and fight me so we can have our little talk. Or would you rather we just go ahead and burn your whole scene down?”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Yeah, you’re right, I wouldn’t. I think Prudence might, though.” Corazón shouted toward the fence. “Prudence! Plan B for burn?”
Prudence threw her hands in the air. “Plan B for buuuurn!”
Horgan had managed to pull himself up to one knee, the grease still dangerously slick beneath him. “I said to come alone!”
“Yeah, well, pirate. Don’t know what you expected.” Corazón stepped back, taking a bite of his sandwich. “So, I’m calling this a win for Team Oxventure. Which means it’s time for some negotiations concerning your, er, current business model.”
“But…” Horgan looked in the direction of his servant. He was long gone. Whether he’d run off, or whether the large bear standing where he’d stood had disposed of him, Horgan couldn’t tell.
“Oh, yes. That’s our sustainability advisor, Merilwen. She’ll be taking over from here.”
Merilwen growled.
“So what you’re saying,” said Egbert, “is that my plan was the best and would have worked.”
“Hff… no! Absolutely not.” Corazón was rubbing a hand over his chin, displeased with the lack of facial hair. “A one-in-six chance of being turned into an animal is not a best plan. Why did you let me shave? I hate it.”
“It’ll grow back.” Prudence poured out a mug of slime beer… the last remaining barrel, which they’d taken with them as a gratuity after aggressively convincing Horgan to discontinue his fermented slime line. She offered the mug to Merilwen, who waved a hand in front of herself emphatically.
“No, I don’t want to drink the poor baby slimes…” The rest became too high-pitched and tearful to translate.
“I’ll drink the poor baby slimes.” Dob grabbed the mug and necked half of it, much to Merilwen’s chagrin. “Anyway, what snapped you out of it? Was it hitting your head again?”
Corazón wrinkled his nose and shook his head. “Don’t know. I know I got really mad when whatsisname called me a fake pirate, and I wasn’t having that.”
Prudence’s eyes lit up. “Ohh, spite! Literally the one thing we didn’t think to try!”
“Well,” said Dob, passing Corazón his mended teacup topped off with beer, “I think we’ve all had a chance to learn something about friendship and patience and being true to ourselves.”
Egbert poured himself a pint. “I haven’t learned anything.”
“I have.”
Everyone looked at Corazón. “Have you?” Dob asked.
“Yep.” Corazón took a sip of beer from the teacup. “We are absolutely terrifying.”
Merilwen nodded sagely. 
“Yeah,” Prudence said dreamily. “It’s good.”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to my room, and I’m not coming out again until my good facial hair is back.” The door to the captain��s quarters slammed behind Corazón.
And that is the story of how the Oxventurers brought down a corrupt businessman with a breakfast sandwich.
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rakimaiirisa · 4 years
Heres a few asks for Arisa again: How would she react to be confessed to? Who would she be willing to be with and who would she reject? If she is already in a relationship who actually confessed first? How did the other react? How would the person confessing react if the confession was turned around?
How would she react to be confessed to?
Depends on the person.
If she is already in a relationship who actually confessed first?
They had always had unrequited feeling for each other that had developed more strongly as she continued along the companions storyline. He was very attracted to her when they met but he figured that she would be like so many other women and choose his brother over him. They didnt get along very well in the beginning, Vilkas is arrogant and can be abit of an smartass. Arisa didnt take his shit and gave him no pass and handing him smartass remarks and additude right back. But they grew to respect each other as time passed. He saw she was willing to work hard and quick thinker. He also appreciated that she wasn't interested in just fighting. She wanted to learn. He would often lend her his books and notes and answer her questions she had that ranged from Tamriel's history to court etiquette. In the moments they found themselves alone, they both felt the desire they had for each other.
Vilkas, confused about how they felt about each other at the point, would leave before his beastblood nature could overwhelm him as he would scent her lust. Eventually tho, they do end up giving in to those urges and sleep together, him being her first. After that, it wasnt a confession but more a feeling of belonging to each other. It was a unspoken relationship, I guess. After discovering her dragonblood, things changed in a way.
How did the other react?
There ws alot of conflicting emotions for Vilkas. Finding out that she was the legendary dragonborn, not just the companion that he fell in love with, I think it caused him to feel that she deserved better what he could offer her. He took alot of solo missions to avoid her and the swirl of emotions he had every time he saw her. Confused and unhappy, Arisa finally managed to confront him.
I think what really got to me in her story, was him continually referring to her as dragonborn instead of using her name during that confrontion. She finally snapped and cried out, that regardless of what she was, she was still Arisa, the woman that loved him, only him. And his response to her outburst was to brokenly tell her that he could offer her nothing but himself. That she deserved more that he could ever offer her. She took his head in her head and made him look her, telling him "You are all I ever wanted." and kissed him. She presented him with the amulet of Mara that night. And they were married in Jorrvaskr after she came back from recieving the final blessing from the greybeards .
Than you for the ask ❤
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felassan · 4 years
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but... How exactly does lyrium potions work? I mean, lyrium can't be digested because it's literally poison, right? So how do mages replenish their mana during fights, given that they are unable to simply sip the mixture and throw the bottle away? Is there any explanation of this process?
hi Nonnie, no you’re fine, it’s not stupid. I encourage folks who have questions or things they’re wondering about to hmu like this becuz I genuinely enjoy talking about this stuff and tryin to help :) I put this answer under a cut because it became quite long (although Tumblr coding is doing something whack with it idek).
as you say, lyrium is a really dangerous and volatile substance, and can cause both psychological and physical harm, especially to mages. there’s not an out-and-out explanation on your query or how lyrium potions work that I’m aware of, but there’s a few things at work here. (mages are definitely able to sip the mixture of a lyrium potion and replenish mana for the record! we see this in the books, and drinking lyrium potions also grants mages such things as the ability to enter the Fade when fully awake and temporary short-term access to power levels far greater than their natural magical potential. this is supported in the lore. mages also don’t need lyrium potions to perform magic, it only enhances what they can do and speeds up the replenishing of their strength. the average combat-experienced mage can probably cast more than three spells in battle without needing to chug a potion.)
now first, the explosive and seriously dangerous kind of lyrium is actually lyrium in its raw form, the ore as it is untouched in the earth. the most experienced members of the dwarven Mining Caste are capable (just about) of safely mining it. they can do this due to their natural resistance, though it must be noted that they’re not immune, that the resistance is only partial, and that if they go to the surface it’s lost over time. they then process and refine it into a form which is less dangerous. it’s this processed, refined lyrium which is in lyrium potions. the reason why we don’t know much about how the dwarves go about this mysterious process of processing and refining is because they keep it secret, and a jealously guarded one at that, to the point that only a handful of Mining families know how. but whatever they do, it renders lyrium into a variant form which is less dangerous, although not harmless of course. it needs to be processed like this for mages to even be able to approach it.
next, only a small quantity of lyrium is in a given lyrium potion (per the item description they have in one of the games). I suspect this (what feels to me as essentially amounting to dilution) also has an impact in lessening the potential for harm, or the extent of the harm done. this idea is supported by lore: “mages [consume it in a] diluted form... [overindulgence is bad,] particularly in more concentrated amounts”. in addition, to make a lyrium potion, the lyrium is “mixed with liquid”. this is just a feeling of mine, but I can’t quite imagine that a lyrium potion is simply a small quantity of lyrium diluted/dissolved/mixed up in a larger quantity of water. this is bordering on headcanon, but it’s possible that whatever other ingredients are in there, they help to render the lyrium to be.. more inert? more stable? less harmful to the body.
the lore also does actually acknowledge that lyrium potions have a damaging effect on the body for mages (see Vivienne’s comments on mana imbalance). there’s an element of what’s called gameplay-story segregation here. mages in Thedas aren’t truly chugging lyrium potions all the time on the field of battle the way we do in-game to restore mana, just like Dragonborns in Skyrim don’t really stop in the middle of a battle to eat ten wheels of cheese and five loaves of bread in order to regain HP. as a function of gameplay, spells require mana to cast, and so we require a way to restore mana. in reality mages wouldn’t be drinking lyrium potions anywhere near as often, and use of lyrium potions by (sensible) mages would be considered and measured. this is because the lore does actually say/acknowledge that long-term or excessive use of lyrium (i.e. potions) by mages can even lead to physical mutation (the uppermost magisters of the ancient Imperium reportedly became unrecognizable and inhuman-looking due to this). so it’s a resource that would be used sparingly and at time points which would be ‘spread out’, so to speak (or so I think). it should also be noted that unlike templars in the later stages of lyrium addiction, which is progressive and doesn’t get better, mages with mana imbalance are somehow able to recuperate from the effects. whatever the reason for this is, it’ll be do to with their being mages.
also, during the development of DAO, the effects of lyrium use and addiction were originally going to be shown in both mage characters and those with the templar spec. drinking the potions was supposed to yield diminishing benefits. DGaider wrote once on this saying:
The implementation we had was that, if the addiction developed, the use of lyrium had diminishing returns. You needed more and got less. The problem we encountered, is that mages pretty much needed to drink lyrium potions [note: this ties to gameplay-story segregation as mentioned above]. Addiction was practically guaranteed. So there needed to be some method of dealing with the addiction without rendering it pointless, and ideally some kind of story implication...
...and you can see why it suddenly became costly. If we could come up with some other implementation that was meaningful, I'd like to see return in the future -- it was something templar characters were meant to face as well as mages, after all.
ultimately they dropped it because they couldn’t find a way of implementing it that was both playable and cost-effective. the fact that this was dropped in this way contributes [on a meta level] a bit to the origin of where your question comes from.
hope this helps make sense of things somewhat :)
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hannibaltabu · 3 years
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One of my true joys of the last few months has been Dungeons and Dragons. After plowing my way through two seasons (and many one shots) of Critical Role and Shadows of Drakkenheim and Rivals of Waterdeep, as well as being a cast member on Warp Tumblers: Dark Matter (a space-based 5e game) the concepts and possibilities were swirling in my head. Coincidentally, I was asked by an as-yet-unnamed source to begin work on a POC friendly home-brew D&D world and spirit, it has been liberating.
Despite running two smoke test campaigns, I’m not at liberty to go into too much detail about what I’m doing. Nonetheless, I am discovering a few fun things …
1: World building is my JAM. 
One of my favorite things about playing GTA (back when I had consoles, before I had kids) was just getting in a car and driving around, seeing what there was to do and see and hear. How close can I let the cops get before I get to a save point and erase my stars? What will Fernando say after this song? Open world roaming was a big part of my joy.
Now, I am making an open world. I have a very extensive map for the main part of the world and several areas beyond that mapped out in some detail. I keep saying to myself, “what if they go this way?” Then I have to write out and plan out anything they might encounter. Creating a very in-game relevant encounter table was crucial to this, but a lot of it is writing stories of people that the characters may never interact with.
 Best example: the open hand path monk has a brother she would do anything for. That brother has a gambling problem. In the first session together, the party was on their way to do a job for a local merchant, and the city guards asked why they weren’t going the other way, to see a pit fighting tournament like everybody else. They, of course, went on their merry way.
Six sessions later, they’re about to find out the monk’s brother went, gambled way more than he could afford, and if the party doesn’t do something fairly ridiculous, the whole family will suffer. I wrote the “guards ask why you’re not going the other way” gag to show the world had stories they weren’t doing, but when she said “brother with a gambling problem,” I knew immediately how to play that in.
That’s fun for me as a writer, and for them the surprise is a total “chef kiss” situation because I incorporated their ideas into the bigger tale.
2: Players prevaricate too much
The same party has a trickster cleric who has gone very far to try and avoid every fight they’ve been in, even though she agreed to take on jobs that would necessitate combat. As such, they sit and talk about whether or not they should do things, going back and forth on decisions, a lot. They had an oni mage charmed and literally, in front of him, debated killing him for twenty minutes. I played it as the charm made him think they were joking, even though the monk was holding a sink over her head, ready to bash his brains in.
I, of course, find all this wildly entertaining. Like hosting karaoke, watching people stumble their way to decisions they kind of can’t avoid making (so many times, I hit play and said, “can’t wait to see what this voice does with the high notes on the bridge”) has a kind of anticipation and amusement to it that may be my sadism showing, but still is a hoot and a half for me.
I will say, when the party found a battered looking human knight in a dragon’s lair, urging them to help him flee and they ignored it, the shock in their voices when he shape changed into a green dragon was so, so rewarding (I linked two layers for the tokens in Photoshop, which I keep running the whole time, had the dragon layer out of sight as I moved the knight layer around, and then just switched them when I did it, making a big visual surprise for the party).
3: If you have a plan, everything has a use
A different party running the same basic campaign helped stop the invasion of a Drow city, becoming heroes in the process and opening the city to less xenophobic ideas. This came due to the photo, which was a sleeping uthalarid that they snatched incriminating papers from and avoided a very funny fight and chase scene. The image here is from that, and yes, that’s a bra under the bed, and yes, there’s a story there that they players rushed by and didn’t notice, which is also hilarious to me. 
(Sidebar: when Matthew Mercer revealed that the Frigid Doom was to be a mate for a bigger, ancient white dragon called the Nightmare in Ivory but died before it could happen, that kind of “y’all never even inquired” story fascinates me and needs to exist in a world so the characters realize many lives have nothing to do with theirs)
I wrote up a battle on a bridge, an assassination attempt at dinner and a second chase scene in a dragonborn castle. The group avoided all of them by, in order, being sneaky, rushing to find out something else interesting and not trusting someone who they were right to distrust.
I use Dungeon Scrawl to draw up close area encounter maps (and maps for cities if I need them) and got a lot of tokens and useful map elements from the very helpful people at 2 Minute Tabletop.  I have a map for the bridge battle, the dinner scene and the castle chase.
I’m not even mad I didn’t use them. I am going to put them in the proposed campaign book my aforementioned silent patron has asked for (am I a warlock now?) and they will live on in different choices from different people. Just like when I discovered new areas of Vice City in Vice City Stories, I am delighted to have more story to tell — especially if it turns out profitable down the end, but even if not, it’s fun.
So, to sum up …
As a world-building heavy writer with literally hundreds of OHOTMU-styled character descriptions for characters I will likely never put on page, I’m enjoying myself quietly at home, safely socially distant and minding my own business. I sincerely hope we all can find such immersive joys.
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afni-fics · 4 years
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 15: Not of This World (Part 2)
Elder Scrolls DC - A Reluctant Dragonborn - Chapter 15: Not of This World (Part 2) by C_R_Scott Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Red Robin (Comics), DCU (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Tim Drake, Lucien Flavius Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Skyrim/DCU crossover, Reluctant Dovahkiin | Dragonborn, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Skyrim Fusion, Modded Skyrim, Skyrim Spoilers, Tim Drake is Dragonborn | Dovahkiin, Batfamily-centric (DCU), Tim Drake-centric
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More information is revealed between Tim and Lucien as they rest for the night after escaping Bleak Falls Barrow.
Tim had been feeling uneasy since he asked Lucien if he had a copy of a world map. While listening to the scholar's story and history, he became curious about this land called Cyrodiil. From what he could gather, it was somewhere beyond Skyrim, but the further Lucien went into his stories, the more frustrated he became.
Having no frame of reference for any of the locations was bothering him.
Knowing so little in general about this world he was trapped in made him feel extremely uneasy.
So... He asked, "Do you have a map of the world?"
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The map Lucien spread out across that stone floor was a functional work of art. As Tim studied the map of Tamriel, a part of him was awed that someone had created such a beautiful detailed thing by hand with just pen and ink on parchment. He felt similarly about the parchment map of Skyrim he had sitting folded neatly in his own bag.
It was beautiful.
But it wasn't a map of any country on Earth. 
A part of Tim had been harboring a small hope that perhaps he was dealing with some sort of Multiverse-shenanigans. Perhaps he was on an alternate Earth where sword and sorcery were king instead of science and technology? Or maybe there was time travel high jinks in play? This world was clearly set on some sort of medieval timeline. Magic and dragons loomed large in old legends in Europe, so perhaps there was a kernel of truth to the fairy tales?
But as Tim studied the map, trying to find any familiar shape among the coastlines, lakes, and mountain ranges, he felt his heart sink.
His face must have been reflecting the encroaching despair that had been chasing him ever since Helgen as Lucien's voice disturbed the silence. "Does nothing on that map look familiar to you?" Then, a bit later, Lucien asked "Then... Where on Nirn do you come from, if not from Tamriel?"
In that moment, Tim decided to take a chance. He looked at Lucien and asked, genuinely, "Nirn? Is that another continent, or is that the name of the entire world?"
As Lucien stared at him in disbelieve, jaw working to form a response but no words escaping him, Tim felt a wave of regret wash over him. He chuckled humorlessly and shook his head. "Shit. Shouldn't have opened my big mouth. You probably think I'm crazy or stupid."
Finally Lucien found his voice. "No. Of course not!"
Tim gave him a deadpan, "don't try and bullshit me" stare.
Lucien sighed. "Well... Perhaps a touch of madness is on the table as a possibility, but certainly not stupidity! The expression of your intelligence in the Barrows was quite indisputable." The scholar took a measured breath and tee-peed his fingers in front of his face, tapping his lips with the apex of his joined fingertips. "Honestly, I was leaning more heavily towards some type of memory loss triggered by the trauma you experienced at Helgen." He looked at Tim over his fingertips.
Tim smiled wearily. "That might make a nice plausible cover-story later on, if anyone asks about my past," he mused. 
"But that's not it..."
"No. That's not it." Tim looked over Lucien appraisingly, trying to mentally gauge how much he should and shouldn't tell the scholar. Then he got an idea. He pulled out his own journal as well as a quill and a bottle of ink. Then he set to work carefully sketching the basic forms of all the known continents of his Earth from memory. Once the shapes of the large land masses were set, he added more details, such as borders between major countries and the locations of major cities along with their names. Lucien watched him work with great curiosity. 
Once he was done, Tim took a steadying breath before he offered Lucien the drawing. "This is a map of the continents of the place I come from," he admitted solemnly. Tim pointed to the dot on the North American continent he had labeled "Gotham City". "And this city is my home." He looked to Lucien. "In your studies, have you ever seen any land masses or maps that are similar to any of these places?"
Carefully, Lucien took the journal and held it a little closer to the light from the campfire. As he studied the rough drawing, his brow furrowed and absent-mindedly he stroked his mustache and goatee as his expression became more thoughtful and inward. After a few quiet moments, the scholar shook his head slight. "I'm sorry. I have studied a fair number of historic maps over the years, but I've never seen any that resemble the land masses displayed here." Lucien set the open journal down next to his own map of Tamriel, so he could look at both at the same time, arms crossed across his chest as he still let his eyes wander from one map to the other.
The silence between the two of them was agonizing to Tim. He could feel a coil of anxiety tightening in his chest, though he tried to keep it suppressed and his expression neutral. "What are you thinking Lucien?" He finally worked up the nerve to ask.
Lucien closed his eyes. "I... don't know yet," he admitted. "I don't have enough information." He finally looked up at Tim. "If you are comfortable with it, can I ask you a few questions?"
Tim nodded, even as he drew his cloak a little closer around himself, as if he was cold even despite the roaring fire in front of him, looking more guarded than forthcoming.
Lucien pulled out his own journal and flipped to a clean page. Then he began to voice a few questions, keeping them with a simple yes/no format. 
"I'm going to give you a list of names. Let me know if any of them are familiar to you. Yes or no answers will suffice."
Tim nodded. 
"Clavicus Vile?" '
Tim tilted his head. "I know the word 'vile".
Lucien paused in his notes. "But as the name of a being?" 
Tim shook his head.
"Hm... " Lucien murmured thoughtfully. He went down the rest of the list of Tamriel's known Daedric Princes.
Hermaeus Mora. 
Mehrunes Dagon. 
Molag Bal. 
To each name, aside from recognizing "nocturnal" and "sanguine" as common words, but not necessarily proper nouns, Tim responded in the negative. He clearly had no knowledge of the Daedra Lords of Oblivion. 
Lucien then moved on. He offered Tim another list of names. It was going to be shorter this time, just the list of the Eight Divines.
"Let's start off with Akatosh--"
"Akatosh..." Tim echoed as memory shards darted through his mind. 
                  ... an ancient temple?                                           ... "A-ka-tosh?"                                                             ..."Dude?! You can read that?"                                                ... "Detective?! What are you--"                                 "DOVAHKIIN!!!"...                                             ... "MEYZ NU YSMIR, DOVAHSEBROM!...                                                                                  ..."ROB!"...                                                                            ... "TIM!!!"                                                                                     ... FALLING!!!..
"Timothy?! Timothy can you hear me?!"
Tim felt hands on his shoulders, shaking him... Until he realized he was the one trembling, and Lucien's hands were trying to hold him steady. Lucien's eyes were wide with concern.
The scholar breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. You went catatonic the moment I mentioned Akatosh. Are you alright?"
Tim buried his face in his hands. The shaking was settling, but not completely gone. "I... don't know," he admitted. "That name... it's familiar, but my memories." He groaned as he felt the spike of a migraine building behind his eyes the harder he tried to remember. "I can't sort them out. Like they've been ripped to pieces. Hurts..."
Lucien pressed a hand to Tim's forehead and noticed he seemed to be far warmer than normal. He frowned. "Here now. I think that's enough for tonight. You are still injured and you need to rest." He helped to lay out Tim's bedroll, despite the weak protests from the younger man. "We'll start off in the morning to Whiterun and as soon as we finish dropping off that Dragonstone with the Jarl's wizard, you're going straight to the temple for proper healing. I think your luck's run out regarding that burn not becoming infected."
Tim tried to protest, but he felt so physically, mentally, and emotionally wrung out. Gingerly, he laid himself down and drew his cloak around himself to stay warm. "Lucien?" 
"Yes?" Lucien had taken a length of linen wrap from Tim's bag and soaked it with water from the rain still falling outside their shelter. He knelt beside Tim and placed the cool compress on his forehead.
"Do you think I'm crazy?"
The scholar gave him a reassuring smile. "I think... I don't believe you're crazy, but I do think you have experienced something that neither of us can quite explain. Don't worry... Once we've completed your task and once you are healed, I will help you find your truth."
That seemed to reassure Tim enough that he finally relaxed to a point where he could let exhaustion drag him under into unconsciousness.
Once Lucien was assured that Timothy was fast asleep, he went back to the maps on the ground, and also to both their journals. After a quick glance to make sure his companion was still resting, Lucien picked up Tim's journal and flipped back to the start of the book and read over the few earlier entries that existed. His brow furrowed at some of the contents he read.
"January 23, 20XX... 24 hour days? Is he's on a different measure of time?"
"Gotham... That's name of his home city, but where is that from? His map of his world is so strange? Could it be a land from a plane of Oblivion? But which one, and how? Could it be there's an active Oblivion Gate somewhere in Skyrim? Terrifying thought...."
"Also... Is it possible he is from Nirn, but crossed paths with a Daedric Lord and just didn't realize it? Sheogorath's touch perhaps? But those who are touched by the mad god are usually completely manic or violently insane. Timothy, by comparison, seems quite in control of his mental faculties, if a bit confused at most."
"Medieval? What does that word mean?"
"Oy... no wonder he bristled at the mention of the Imperial Legion... Better be careful when we make our way back to Solitude. He might react poorly if we're approached by anyone that looks like a soldier."
"Clearly no understanding of potions or magic. Maybe they don't exist where he comes from? Hm... Seems the same way regarding Septims as well. Likely different monetary units in his homeland."
After reading the only four entries in the book, Lucien felt marginally guilty about reading Tim's private thoughts, but now he had a little bit more information about his travelling companion.
Too bad he ended up with more questions than answers.
"Who is this young man, and where is his homeland located?"
"How did he get to Skyrim, and for what reason was he brought?"
"Why did he react so unusually to the mention of Akatosh?"
"Is it possible a Divine or a Daedric Lord is involved somehow?"
"How can we get him home?"
Timothy Drake-Wayne was certainly an intriguing puzzle he really, really wanted to solve.
Warning: This is being pantsed more than plotted, and this is not beta read. We'll see where this journey takes us. Mostly I'm just doing this for my own amusement.
Note1: If you have any questions about the playthrough and Tim's feelings/experiences that aren't described in the chapters, please ask me in the comments. I'll do my best to answer your questions as best I can.
Note2: Dragon Tongue Translations: - DOVAHKIIN - Dragonborn - MEYZ NU YSMIR, DOVAHSEBROM - Come now Ysmir, Dragon of the North ***** So ends the evening of rest before making their way back to Whiterun.
#elder scrolls dc#fanfiction#tim drake#skyrim fanfiction#batfam fanfic#red robin#batfam#crossover#lucien flavius#wip#afewnovelideas
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creativerogues · 5 years
What’s It Like To Create Your Own Spell?
An Example
While shopping for high quality Parchment and Ink in the Capitol (while the rest of the Party goes shopping for magic Items and Healing Potions), the Wizard takes interest in a burnt and extremely weathered spellbook that still seems to still have some esoteric arcane runes within.
After speaking with the Shopkeeper, the Wizard buys the ruined spellbook at a great discount, as well as some fine Parchment and Ink.
The Wizard takes the Book back to the tavern, only to discover that most of the pages are burnt beyond recognition. A flash of inspiration and a Mending Cantrip later soon restores the book to its former glory, though does not restore the page's missing texts.
An Investigation Check into the Book's Contents soon reveal the Book's age, the Book easily dating back to before the Time of King Hirdall and perhaps even to the Time of the Floating Sky Cities of the Dragonborn...
Fascinated by their discovery, the Wizard looks into the Book even more, and with their previous Investigation Check finds the book appears to be in a different script, with elements of it appearing in Draconic, confirming to the Wizard the age of the Book.
The Wizard then goes out during their Downtime to the local Library to expand their knowledge of the Dragonborn Cities of Old that once ruled the sky. After speaking with one of the scribes working at the Halls, they are guided to a section on Ancient History, and another successful Investigation Check allows the Wizard to find the History Books they were looking for, gaining far more knowledge about the Dragonborn of old.
Returning to the Tavern later that night, the Wizard then decides to use Comprehend Languages in an attempt to translate the Ruined Book's Pages.
However, it seems as though only parts of the Book seem translatable, and another Investigation Check reveals that the Book, while written in Draconic, has been written in an old and strong cipher.
A quick Intelligence Check says that this could take the Wizard hours to decrypt and translate, as well as multiple castings of Comprehend Languages.
Left a little demoralized, the Wizard goes to bed and wakes up with only one mission, to translate this entire book.
As the Wizard explains to the rest of the table, by studying the occurrence of vowels, consonants and key words, and some aid from Comprehend Languages and the Rogue's knowledge of ciphers and Thieve's Cant, they hope to make a "Key" of sorts to this Ruined Book.
The Rogue helps out where they can, but this is clearly above their knowledge...
So as the Rogue and the rest of the Party go out to do some Downtime Activities, the Wizard shuts himself in his Room at the Tavern and begins to create a pile of papers, spending the whole day translating and then deciphering the texts and symbols of the Book.
Another Intelligence Check (aided by a little luck) let's the Wizard go well into the night without any sleep while they decode these arcane glyphs, and by the morning of the next day, even though they now have 1 Level of Exhaustion, they have now translated the Book, and it seems to be a part-Journal part-Spellbook, noting the works of a Dragonborn Wizard from ages past. 
The Dragonborn was working on a Spell of their own, and seems to of completed it according to these Journal entries, but whatever flames the book was subjected to have seem to of partially ruined the spell the Dragonborn had completed, but it still excites the Wizard that there's a Spell out there that no one else knows, and in theory, the Wizard could replicate...
The Wizard then collapses from exhaustion and spends the next day sleeping.
Finally, as this part of Downtime comes to a close, the Wizard shares their discovery with the Party...
This is just one example of how I would allow a Wizard Player to craft their own Spell in D&D, while still hanging onto the Story and making the process of discovering & creating a new Spell exciting.
And there are many ways to go about making a Spell, maybe if there's two or more Wizards in the Party, or a Wizard and another Arcane Spellcaster such as an Artificer, Warlock, Sorcerer, Arcane Trickster or Eldritch Knight, then they could work together to create a Spell.
They could also talk to NPCs, from Archmages to Historians, Librarians, Magic Item Sellers and more to "unlock" this new Spell.
But if you want to make your own Spell, always communicate it first, and talk to your DM about the possibly of weaving that into the overall story.
In my Homebrew Campaign Setting, this is why I created places like the Library of Saturnity in the City of Fostin, a place where Wizards and people of the Arcane can come and research, as well as the whole host of places to visit in Capitol; From the Edhel Halls Library to the War College to the Tower of War, the Tower of Evocation and all the other Archmage's Towers, Magic Item Shops and more that a Wizard could visit to learn more.
And that's why magic is beginning to boom in my Setting, with so many resources available to those that need them, it means its easier than ever to create your own Spells!
I also like to connect the Spell to a Place, Person or Object. In the example above, I’ve used a ruined Spellbook, but I’ve used things like a solid sphere made of silver with elven texts etched into its surface...
The whole point of crafting a new spell is that it’s a challenge: You don’t just wake up with something new in your spellbook.
A Wizard has to do research, perfect their idea, find the perfect Verbal, Somatic and Material Components they need for the spell before they can even think of writing it down in their Spellbook.
It’s a story in itself!
106 notes · View notes
tabletopjourneys · 4 years
Session 29 Notes
Completing fae deals and sailing out to sea with magic whales and a fortune in ambergris. Tags: @aradow @gher-bear @telurin @epimetal
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On this day we successfully trick our way into completing Ixayl’anu’s bargain with Diem’s patron without having to fight anything. Said patron then immediately turns around to have Diem hold on to the item retrieved for awhile - the chaotic deck of many things. Diem and Ixayl’anu then deliver the fungus sample and make arrangements for possibly more samples and by-journal communications with the fungus expert, Professor Whitskey. Afterwards, we all set sail the next day for Anesh to continue our main quest. On the voyage, we encounter weirdness that includes a vanishing crew member and a group of whales doing ancient singing magics alongside and under the ship for a part of the voyage. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the meteors though. Ixayl’anu helps us discover and haul in some ambergris that’s gonna be worth tons of $$$$.   *Details below the “Keep Reading” break*
(Additional details noted before we knock on Dima’s door.) We agree that at some point while we’re all in the room, Phi found a good time  to tell us about Averni being run by vampires. This will possibly get threaded into a previous notes session if I find a good place. Either way, it happened.
Phi would have also told us during fae deal planning that Dima is a follower of Selune the moon goddess and that he’s pretty much not very tolerant/caring about other religions/gods/goddesses
Together we all figure out what Selune’s about, slightly a trickster (but not really the aspect Dima follows), for sailors, the moon and the night, etc.
(The visit with Dima - ‘Waiting Room’)
Ixayl’anu walks up to the door, Alfred the butler opens the door and looks at our ragtag bunch, spotting Phi in the back. “Yes, can I help you?”
Phi: We were wanting to talk to Dima, something’s come up.
Butler: Mr. Lenkov is in a meeting with Aristin Pilwickin (cousin 2nd removed) currently, but you can certainly come in and wait until they are done.
Phi: Yes it’s that important, we can wait.
Rest of us: Yeah we’re okay with waiting.
Phi: How’s it going Alfred? 
Al: *steps back opens door, responds*
Phi continues making small talk.
As we walk past the doors down the long hallway, past the doubledoors Phi gets whispered what’s going on because she’s the only one with perception for it and on high alert.
The exterior walls are def stone, but interior walls are plastered wood slats (a note for Rana)
As we reach the room we’re ushered to we see a scholarly blue and white dragonborn and fucked up gnome chick, not related to Phi, def looks like she had a hard life, low London rough and tumble accent.
Phi parses this as odd because she doesn’t really ever see these two together and they were both doing whispery voiced arguing that clams up when we enter.
Gnome lady stays quiet
Payton (scholarly dragonborn): Ah, leaf pick, haven’t seen you in awhile.
Rana gives Phi a confused look because this is like name #15
He’s one of the more stable potion makers of the group (Payton) soooome minor enchantments
Phi: Hey! How ya doin, Payton?
Rana and Diem hug the wall together not feeling great about the group’s chances in this situation.
Phi and Payton have awkward chitchat.
Phi gives Bamfina Lockley (the rough and tumble London gnome) a nod: Hey.
Lockley gives her a cool look in response, something of a glare.
Payton glazes over that about how great it’s going, lots of shipments and good time for working on my projects.
Phi: Have you heard anything about the weird meteors we’ve been having, lots of sciencey people talking about that?
Payton: I have seen them but I’ve been really busy this past week so I haven’t been...why have you heard anything?
Phi: We were talking to some people at the university and it just sounded pretty crazy, right?
Payton: *quetioning look* I didn’t realize you were so interested in astronomy
Phi: New hobby of mine, been spending a lot of time outdoors looking up at the sky and it’s just become fascinating to me.
Neither Payton nor Bamfina look like they know what to do with that.
Payton takes interest in Phi’s friends, we briefly greet back.
Phi asks if they’re waiting to see Dima
Oh we’re just gonna go in then
Lockley stroms off
Rana: Bye!
Phi’s cousin walks out from a door in the side hall on the east wall. “Oh, Selphina! I haven’t seen you in forever!”
Phi: Oh, hey *nickname for level 2 familiarity* Small chitchat in the hall about wishing their loved ones well follows.
He gives the rest of us a wtf are these people doing here look as he goes by but Diem doesn’t even notice him until he’s already past them while Rana tries to start obviously awkward conversation with Payton after Phi dropped him like a hot potato. (The meeting with Dima)
Phi knocks on door where Dima is waiting.
Dima: Enter
Phi peeks in “I brought my friends with me this time, is it okay if they come in?”
Dima gives her a look: It’s better than having them in the hall.
It’s a cozy little office with french doors leading into a garden/well area. 20x30 office
Diem comes all the way in and crosses with Phi to the french door area to allow room for Rana and Ixayl’anu, then sits in the chair on that side of the office.
Dima thinks this is unusual that Phi’s brought people in, but she’s not in trouble for it. He casually closes his books and sets them aside as we come in.
Dima: Phi what is this about, I thought we’d spoken earlier?
Phi: Yeeeeah, but it turns out my friends realized they have something to talk to *you* about and so I brought them here to talk about it.
Dima: Interesting *makes go on hand gesture*
Ixayl’anu: (rolls a 10 on persuasion) and she says something to the effect of “I’m on a mission from Selune, and you have something she requires to complete my quest.” Dima is intrigued
Diem doesn’t think he looks intrigued enough and decides to use phantasmal force to convince Ixayl’anu Selune is now talking through her to tell this story, and hopefully Dima that it’s true/help really sell the story. Sleight of hand casting succeeds/Nobody notices Diem cast it, but Ixayl’anu makes her save enough to know what’s going on and let it happen.
Ixayl’anu then rolls a nat 20 on persuasion with the rest of the story, letting herself believe she’s possessed by Selune. Diem adds a little moonlight prestidigitation to Ixayl’anu’s eyes to really sell it. Both trickstery deities involved probably fully approved and thought this was great fun (Dima’s and Ixayl’anu’s)
Dima: Yes, Ixayl’anu, whatever you need, name it.
“Selune”: Ixayl’anu will know it when I see it through her eyes.
He leads us to the basement where there’s a sleeping black dragon it looks up and snorts.
Peace Antimony, (words I missed).
It hisses some toxic green gas and lays back down.
Dima leads us around. “This is just general storage, but I’ve got a vault down here.”
Rana and Phi have been flabbergasted. We all stand back and just act like we’re not interested in snooping. 
1st item: metal globe with protection runes “thaumaturge’s orb.”
2nd item: A staff with a golden hand at the end with one finger extended “Staff of Midas”
3rd item: Multi-faced star-shaped cut glass/shimmery crystal reflecting light in prismy way “The sky crystal focus” about the size of a basketball.
4th item: Beautiful finely made silver circlet with a large multi-faceted, mostly purple gemstone in the middle with 3 little motes of light that float around it in diff shifting colors “Arcanist’s Circlet”
5th item: A tiny hummingbird out of enamel or jade, in flight “Valonte’s vitalium”
6th item: Another orb, jet black with 2 copper bands runes carved into the orb. “Orb of passage”
7th item: A sword longsword with kind of twisted metal and hilt is standard wrapped hilt that merges into the base of the blade like grasping vines, cross blade is thorny “constrictor blade”
8th item: Just looks like a deck of fine playing cards, kinda plain. “The Deck of Many Things”
9th item: Amulet on a jeweler’s bust, inside is a beautiful topaz (yellow), large cut to shine brilliant, around it 2 sphinx’s and a four winged angel on top with sunrays behind it. It looks very ornate. “The Sunheart medallion.”
If Rana was looking she might be able to say more about it, but she isn’t.
Dima: I did just acquire this as well. 
*shows wine decanter sized crystal vial with a metallic, shimmering in all the colors kaleidoscopic liquid, I’m not exactly sure what this does yet, I haven’t had it identified, but it may also be what you seek.
Arcana check of 22 to see if I know any stories about the item names: Enough to Cross off staff of midas, volantes vitaleum, and constrictor blade.
Diem manages to sleight of hand cast message to share not these 3, but my patron said you would know it when you see it, so maybe...communicate with your god in front of each one or something? “You can respond to this message”
Ixie: Maaaybe.
Rolling a d6 at a 5 (for where she’s drawn): Ixie narrows it down to the skycrystal focus, the arcanist circlet, and the deck of many things.
Ixayl’anu tries to use divine sense in front of the 3. It doesn’t tell her any more.
She’s doing the slow loop around the room kinda thing, holding a hand out, dowsing rod kinda passing each one. Loops back around to the deck, decisively points at the deck “That one.”
Dima: Yeah, that completely makes sense, let me unlock that for you.
Phi rolls investigation to see if there’s a magic component to these keys or anything. As he puts in the key and turns it there’s a faint puff of coloured magic smoke that comes out, and she knows it’s just like a simple alarm spell - it would make a noise to alert something or someone elsewhere. Takes out the deck and hands it to Ixayl’anu.
Phi notices the back of these cards is an exact match to the card she’s been carrying. Dima’s deck is complete, Phi got it within a year, but not from Dima. Meta info none of us realize: Vizier: At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. In other words, the knowledge comes with Wisdom on how to apply it.
Ixayl’anu tries to give him a good faith I know it’s not enough token of 100gold
Dima: No, this is between us and the deities. (but he appreciates the gesture)
Ixayl’anu: May her light shine on you.
Dima: And you as well.
We don’t linger and follow Phi out.
He invites us to a drink after with some chitchat. With as little detail as possible and as much truth as possible (not sure what I meant by this statement lol). We get very good bourbon.
Charisma check for how Dima views each of us moving forward: Rana 15, Ixayl’anu 15, Diem: 10, Phi: nat 20 (22 total).
Level up!
We go back to the inn and Rana buys us dinner.
We talk about when we’re doing the professor meeting and will they meet us at night.
We both are like as soon as possible, but we’ll say it’s an emergency.
Rana exchanges a look with Phi.
Diem: What? Wait did you guys get message while I wasn’t paying attention?
Rana: Yes. Phi tells Diem the truth though (no, we didn’t)
Diem talks about maybe appearing on the boat after it’s already set sail - they don’t know how these things work.
Rana: Won’t the captain have questions?
Diem: Well we’re already paid for so it’s not like we’d be stowaways.
Rana and Phi talk about how mad her mentor might be, they talk about not knowing it wasn’t an actual message from Selune and what if Dima finds out. Rana doesn’t for a moment believe Selune was involved. 
Phi: That won’t be explained until the future either and if a catastrophe was averted by then it could make him less mad.
Rana: Let’s hope it was worth it.
Phi: Yeah, let’s take it one day at a time. Cross that bridge when we come to it.
Rana: Let’s just hope we don’t burn that bridge.
*cut to Diem and Ixayl’anu for a deal’s a deal scenes*
Diem does as last time, with the sense Ahrune heard.
Ahrune pops in “That was fast, what have you brought for me?”
Diem: We may have convinced him it was ordained by his goddess.
Ahrune: More interesting than what I had in mind.
Ixayl’anu *huffy*: It wasn’t exactly clear, but I brought you these.
Ahrune: *examines them* Yes, these will do quite nicely *hands them over to Diem* Why don’t you hold on to these for me.
Diem: *thanks in shock*
Ahrune makes us a door directly to the guy, and hands Diem a return portal orb to the inn when we’re done. “Forgive me if I don’t want to stick around for this part.” *disappears*
*Diem tucks the cards into their inner suit pocket before following Ixayl’anu through the door.*
As soon as we walk in he looks up: Oh! Hello I didn’t...office hours are closed!
Ixayl’anu: Forgive the intrusion but I need to talk to you.
Whitskey: You don’t look like one of my students…?
Ixayl’anu: No we haven’t met before, I have an unusual question...well...maybe *looks at all the vials of fungus and thinking maybe not* Wondering if maybe you can identify something for me.
I’m given to understand you’re professor Whitskey?
Whitskey: Yep that’s me.
Ixayl’anu: Do you...I think this question is self evident but do you happen to study lichen and fungus and things?
Whitskey: That is my specialty
Ixayl’anu: I have a substance that I - well a group of us found recently and I was hoping you’d know more about it.
Magical lichen - you understand magical lichen very well?
Whitskey: Yes do you have one you want me to identify?
Ixayl’anu digs in her pack and pulls out the vial to hand over
Diem: before you open this you should know *tells about it briefly and where it was sampled from*
Whitskey: Yeah I recognized it so I wasn’t going to throw magic at it but thanks for the warning.
You said you found this in the shadowood? You’re quite far from home.
One of us: We spoke to professor Leonis he wasn’t sure if it was native here or if they came with the meteors, he kind of led us to think it was native
Whitskey: Professor Leonis, I can’t say that I’m too familiar with him but I don’t get out much. I have heard all this hullabaloo about these meteors but I didn’t realize it would have anything to do with my work.
We talk about it growing directly on the meteor.
Diem illustrates it for him.
Whitskey: Hmmm *adjusts glasses* (has very large eyes behind the glasses)
Ixayl’anu brings up the dwarf too.
Whitskey: There was a dwarf? Tell me more about this.
Diem does a 22 on telling the story again and all the details they can remember.
Whitskey looks at the lichen in the jar and studies it. His excitement continues to grow as he looks up things in books and compares, etc. 
He keeps it in the jar and he brings the mage light closer to the vial. *Diem steps back*
The lichen grows toward the source of the magic with quite a speed, spindly bits and deeper colored. Whitskey quickly separates it out again.
Whitskey: This is quite a find! This is a very...I haven’t actually seen this before!
Diem would let him know what officials in Miova know, what little they don’t, or even the local Miovan professors about this fungus and that he might want to put a team together to stress the importance of this to his local magistrates/officials/etc, asks whether it might be wise to take a protected sample back there as well.
Whitskey: If I’m correct this line is very aggressive. Transporting it could be quite problematic, we’d have to set up a containment field, quite frankly I’m surprised it stayed in this method of containment.
Diem agrees on the point of transporting it back through another, different magical door and that it’s probably best to leave the whole sample with Whitskey after all.
Diem and Ixayl’anu talk about her mission and what they can do if they encounter more of it. Whitskey gets excited about the possibility of more samples then and happily gives us containers of his own.
Tips for future encounters: Bring someone who can create a null field, anti-magic area to contain it, and it is best you get the samples when they’re small, when they’re large they have a self-fulfilling mist about them and they become quite difficult to contain. At that point it can do certain things, take over other living organisms.
Diem: Like that dwarf - oh and maybe those gnolls.
*tells him about the gnolls now too*
Whitskey: Oh yeah some cults do use them to infect themselves with various forms of these lichens to become part of their deities. Usually those cults get found and irradicated. Some small discussion about that. We find out it’s common though with known species and not necessarily tied to this new one.
Diem asks about the care of the vessels
The containers are inert until you open them and put something inside, and once you shut them they become their magical versions and he wouldn’t recommend putting them in magic holding things like bags of holding or anything like that, but near those bags is fine.
(Rana:This guy is totally going to turn out to be evil
Leonis: "I can't just hand out University materials, I'd have to get permission."
This guy: "Take my personal vials.")
We get 3 containment units.
He goes around to the other side of his table and give us a small book of sending so we can keep in touch and we can coordinate how to get samples and such back and forth.
We verify we can send warnings through and not just notes, and he will contact us too about things he learns.
How durable are the contaminants?
More durable than glass, they can break, handle them with care, don’t smash them on the floor or throw them at things. They’re made of magical pyrex. Thick enough to drop from waist height and they’ll be fine.
Whitskey: You’ve made my whole night, my whole year, I have so many things to do!
Ixayl’anu has something else she wanted to ask but can’t think of it right now.
Diem makes sure it’s okay to ask him a question in the book later if she thinks of it.
Whitskey: Oh yes, so long as it pertains to all of this.
Diem: Can this book be stored in a bag of holding?
Whitskey: Yes absolutely.
Ixayl’anu: Anything else you can think of?
Diem: Nope I think we did a pretty good job.
Ixayl’anu smashes the portal and we go back to the room we were in, taking 45 minutes total.
Rana and Ixayl’anu played with their rats. *rewind a little (to prevent potential disaster lol)*
Before we left, Phi brought up that she had a similar card to the deck we got and she tells us it’s a deck of many things that have wildly varying effects that could be really good or really bad and she knows you have to declare how many cards you want to draw and select them. She has an enchanted card to be whatever card she needs and now that she knows this it’s revealed its true nature to her so now it probably doesn’t work as intended.
Phi asks if she can see the deck and Ixayl’anu hands it over (in the velvet bag Dima had tucked them in).
She puts them face down on the table “I have one of these cards that I thought was just a trick card. I use this to turn into a different card *she tells it to change by illustration* the fact my boss had cards like this tucked in his treasure room tells me this is more than just a simple trick.”
It’s def a trickster element to it. Diem realizes they know stories about these cards (21 arcana check), gives some examples of people dying, being lost, become more powerful or rich, getting wishes granted.
Rana makes a face when the wish spell is mentioned.
Phi: Sounds super dangerous but also kind of fun
Diem: Yeah, but also the epitome of fey fun, so it makes sense why you picked that one, Ixayl’anu.
Phi: *tucks her card away and talks about getting it identified*
*Phi and Rana time while Ixayl’anu and Diem are at Whitskey’s*
Rana: So how do you and Dima know each other?
Phi: He’s the head of an organization I used to be a part of.
My family is very involved still so I kinda don’t talk about being involved with it anymore so I kinda just go off and do my own thing but Dima is one of the people who knows I don’t wanna be a part of it anymore. He makes sure I don’t get any heat from not wanting to be part of it now.
Rana: Well your sister seems nice and he seems nice
Phi: He’s NOT nice, but my sister doesn’t know much about it, she’s just a family person, focuses on that. Her job’s not so intense (I have a lot of sisters though).
Rana: What do your other siblings do? *confused*
Phi: You know
Rana: No, I don’t.
Phi: Just stuff that isn’t necessarily on the up and up, you know, like...below the law things that you may not wanna do if you have kids you gotta feed. I don’t know, she’s just a different person.
Rana: Is that why she had so many kids?
Phi: Oh no that’s just normal and they’re not all hers.
Rana: Dima did help us. Well, we tricked him into it but he really did help us.
Phi: Yeah I was actually a little surprised by that. I think he’s just very devout so I don’t think he saw an option to not help if that makes any sense?
Rana: Either way if he’s been supporting you and he’s willing to help us out, he can’t be that bad right?
Phi: Sure. I mean he’s not supporting me out of the niceness of his heart, we made a deal.
*I missed Rana’s response, sorry*
Phi: It wasn’t like a favor it was a trade
Rana: At least we’re not making deals with the fae
Phi: That’s some crazy shit right? I’d never do something like that.
*Back to the present*
Diem stores coffee can sized containers in their bag with a tight fit and takes the sending book downstairs to meet the others after we decide to tell them about the deck in addition to the meeting with the prof.
They are cuddling very fat very happy rats right now when we find them.
Diem: Good news and...interesting news.
*we tell them*
*we go over our primary goal*
We decide to let the local lawmaster know our statement too and told the front desk lady. Rana didn’t come along, she went to bed.
Diem mentioned meeting them again for breakfast because they have last night of potential company.
Phi asks about that on the way and Diem dishes about the sexy librarian with his dark teal skin. 
Ixayl’anu got a 13 on her insight check to the first story she overheard.
Contested against 23, she believed it all, but it was definitely just singing the praises of Teagan and nothing revealing at all about Diem themselves. (Insight checks were arranged after, Phi’s is yet to be determined)
(Getting on the boat)
Next day Diem doesn’t make it to breakfast but they do make it just in time.
Rana on stone: I have your stuff and bringing it with me to the boat, be there.
Diem: I’m already on my way I promise, I’ll be there soon *flying clothes on totally not already on the way*  Diem also manages to get a pearl on the way for their new identify spell.
Rana is a bit grumpy as she eats her breakfast taco
Ixayl’anu tells Rana she has something that might help, even though she seems to have a handle on water forms now *hands over water walking ring*
Rana: If you don’t mind I would like to hold on to this for the journey.
Ixayl’anu: Sure
*brusquely nods*
Diem: Oh my pack is making up, you guys <3
Rana spent all night preparing all the water spells.
Ixayl’anu dumps 4 shark teeth
Phi: What’s with that?
Ixayl’anu: It’s so we have a safe trip?
Diem: What? What’s what about?
Ixayl’anu: Don’t you have anything to give too?
Phi and Diem: No, do we need to?
Ixayl’anu looks worried and gives us shark teeth and tells us to throw them in too.
We do so and I’m totally interested in the story behind it. Tell me Ixayl’anu, pretty please!
Ixayl’anu: You just do it for safe passage from the spirits.
Clearly the guardian spirits of the ocean are the sharks. This just insures nothing that’s beyond the sailors skills will happen on this journey.
Diem talks about that being fair - no shark teeth is probably why they ended up overboard in a barrel their last trip to sea.
*Ixayl’anu hands Diem a small bag of shark teeth just in case.*
Diem: Do I dump all these in now or for later?
Ixayl’anu: Later, you shipwrecked seems you’ll need them. Diem gives a fair point shrug and happily holds on to them.
During all this talk, Rana has tossed in one of the prettier stones from her pocket and while stressing out, is looking to spot it in the water. Rana manages to spot her offering.
Phi tries to distract by asking Rana about her homeland.
Diem internally pouts over not hearing Ixayl’anu’s story about how she lost her body guards the first time around that didn’t go so well, but is also interested in stories about Rana’s homeland (and distracting her). (I think I missed some of the initial talk)
Rana: Don’t wanna be caught out in the desert without protection either from the sun, cold at night, etc.
Phi: Well you just have to trust the experts that know about the place we’re in, like we trust these experts in the ship we’re in.
Rana looks over like “I know what you’re doing” Yes we do don’t we, let’s get on this boat before I change my mind. *Throws in all her shark teeth too*
When we get on, we mostly get ignored by the crew.
(Aboard the ship, talking about Anesh, Rana sees a new animal form!)
Phi does 14 perception, few new faces, mostly the same crew. “Hey how many shark teeth did you throw in the water today?” to the one she knows to be the nicest/most tolerant.
Person looks at her with sheer incredulity “what are you talking about?” and walks away.
Phi 11 retro-active perception checks superstitious stuff among this crew, but hasn’t noticed any.
When shown their rooms, Diem asks Rana if she wants to share a room since there are only 3.
Ixayl’anu attempts to bring her elk aboard and gets a few looks from the crew, but they don’t deny her. The captain is nowhere to be seen. It can roam around 9 or put it in 12 (the actual hold). She bought elk supplies bedding/food for the trip.
On their rush to the boat, I did manage to buy a pearl because my patron tipped me off to check my spell book.
We all hang out on deck, Diem tries and fails to come up with positive ship stories to distract Rana.
Ixayl’anu asks Rana about where they’re going.
Rana rolls 14 history check: She knows it’s a port town (Farford), they do a lot of the trade that comes in from Petarus rather than overland - specialty seeds, various animals (not the metals which come from Bouldergap). She didn’t stick around too much. Before she met us she didn’t stick around anywhere very much, sold her goods and moved on.
Ixayl’anu: What’s it like in Anesh?
Rana: It’s pretty dry, it’s a desert - most of it, near the mountains you have more brushy cover. You don’t wanna go to Lake Nitron.
Phi: Why not?
Diem: What’s wrong with Lake Nitron?
Rana: It’s pretty deadly, only a few birds can survive out there it’s not really a place that you’d want to live. Sunhame is right in the middle of it all but most of the towns are either on the coastline or nearer the mountains where there’s cover.
Ixayl’anu: And that’s where your home is, up in the mountains?
Rana: Yeah, that’s where I learned all my druid craft at too
Ixayl’anu: What do your parents do?
Rana: It’s just my mom, she’s a tailor. My dad died before I was born so I can’t really tell you much about him. My brother is a blacksmith.
Sunhame is not as large as Miova but the rest of the towns are about the size of Budelia.
I’ve been to Sunhame a few times, it’s heavily religious. I spent a lot of time traveling between them all between my mom’s business and my brother’s blacksmithing. We don’t have anything like the shadowood where we’re from though, that’s a you guys thing.
Ixayl’anu: Do you have trees?
Rana: Some, a few up in the mountains scattered near them, but not a lot of them. It’s not as green, you guys have a very green country
Diem: Do you prefer it that way?
Rana: I like both places, nature exists (I missed the rest of this) yeah it’s not as green as Rethwellian but I think you guys will like it, it’s a nice place.
Ixayl’anu: I get the impression it’s really hot though
Rana: Yeah, it’s warm. It’s a desert.
(Established that Rana’s staff is made of hazel, found in the mountains.)
(I may have missed some more things. You’ve probably guessed but even when I don’t note this, it’s probably true even for conversations that seem whole.)
Rana talks until someone stops her, but we’re all on team distract Rana, so we encourage it.
We have occasionally seen the captain if we notice.
Calm sailing so far.
Ixayl’anu rolls a d20 for us for mysterious reasons.
About 3 hours into the day, noonish, we see a pod of killer whales hanging out with the boat. 
Rana ventures closer to the rail by then and adds it to her animals seen list.
Diem asks how her animal form hunting went.
Rana: I found a loud seal.
Diem: Did you try swimming?
Rana: No I just transformed into one so I know I can do it and watched them swimming so I’m sure they can. It’ll be fine.
Diem: Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be just fine. (As text this sounds like sarcasm but it wasn’t lol)
Rana: Yeah we’ll be okay.
Diem: We will absolutely be okay. (Also not sarcasm, but let’s not point out she didn’t try swimming in that form)
(Aboard the ship, Diem has identify now!) 
Before the end of the day, Diem picks a time when everyone’s near enough to hear them to tell Phi “guess what I learned how to do?”
Phi: What?
Diem: *brandishes pearl* I can identify things now!
Phi: And what’s that?
Diem: Oh the pearl I need to cast it.
Phi: So does that mean you could find out what this card can do?
Diem: Maybe, wanna try?
Phi: Yeah *hands it over*
Diem starts trying 
Phi: Oh but I also wanted to ask you how your night went.
Diem: *tries to concentrate on ritual but gives up to just answer the question* do you want to know that now or after I cast the ritual?
Phi: Oh later is fine.
Phi leaves so they can concentrate.
Diem finds it out after 15 minutes instead of just 10 and tells Phi it is the vizier and what it does.
Phi looks disappointed (I think because the card also lost its ability to be any card she wanted at a thought but all I literally wrote here is “Phi looks disappointed scene” and then failed to remember details I was so sure I could fill in later :P) (Aboard the ship: Keeping company with spiderwalking elks, Phi and Diem have a talk)
Ixyal’anu goes to keep her elk company after awhile.
Before the end of the night, Diem and Phi go to Phi’s room to dish the details on Diem’s last night with Teagan. By the time they get there, however, Diem has a more serious, related topic on their mind that alters this discussion (Sorry at the time I was stuck in the “no live awkward rated R details” mode and forgot something happened that would give Diem pause over the “after hours” story time).
Rana casts spider climb on the elk again to make herself feel better.
Ixayl’anu, confused, asks it “did you do this? How do you do this?”
Elk: I’m on the ceiling, it’s great!
Unfortunately realizes he can’t swallow upside down so comes down to swallow his food.
Ixayl’anu: You need to teach me this trick
Elk: I don’t know how I do it, it just happens.
Ixayl’anu insight checks 18 *stares down the elk*
Elk: Sometimes when your friend comes around I can do this.
Ixayl’anu: Which One?
Elk: The copper one
(Aboard the ship - next day shenanigans, I think? Day 3 shenanigans? I didn’t make the timeline very clear in these notes) At some point during the day, Diem snuck in Phi’s room to take back the doll from her packs, then tried to sneak it into her arms that night 20 stealth vs 25 perception, Phi wakes to see Diem looming over her, reaching out. 
Diem quickly hides doll behind their back and is very awkward about this. Rana doesn’t cuddle and I wanted to see if you would.
Phi wants to know what they were doing, why they were reaching out for her face though.
They awkwardly try to explain that there was something on her face.
Phi tells them they’re being creepy. Diem: Oh, and who snuck into my room in Budelia just sitting on the end of my bed watching me? That wasn’t creepy? Deflection fails so Diem shows her the doll and pretends they were trying to get rid of it for her before she woke up and freaked out.  This backfires as Phi gets really really freaked out and Diem decides they can’t go through with that either and admits that they did it, they were actually trying to *leave the doll in her arms* to find later and it’s just one of those normal dolls of the queen they were handing out at the festival.
Phi: I changed my mind, you’re not getting cuddles tonight.
Diem *crushed to lose cuddles*: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were that scared of it - What if I throw it overboard right now - an offering to the sharks?
Phi agrees to cuddle after all if Diem throws the doll overboard. We do so and then go sleep in the same room with Rana. Note: I think I forgot to note the passage of some uneventful days mixed up in this trip somewhere because otherwise we’d have only 2 full days out to sea, arriving in the morning of day 3. As such, I went back through the notes to note when an (the?) uneventful day(s?) might’ve occurred. (Ocean Voyage Day ?: What happened to Kelly?)
By the time the rest of us wake up, Rana is probably already on deck sitting miserably.
Diem tries to cheer her up but it’s mostly cause she’s not feeling well.
Ixayl’anu begins to notice how weird it is that this crew is quiet and antisocial
Diem doesn’t really notice but tries to encourage sea shanties. A few look my way (19 persuasion) and catch themselves humming before quickly cutting off and going silent again.
Ixayl’anu starts talking to phi about how strange this is
Diem agrees, noting how the ships they’ve been on always sing shanties and clearly some of this crew knows them…
Ixayl’anu: and they’re usually shouting back and forth about things they’re doing/seeing.
Phi: Maybe they don’t need to communicate like that?
Diem: Yeah maybe they all follow old ones...? Wait that sounded way more ominous out loud than in my head.
Rana is glaring at us.
Ixayl’anu: *Grumbling* it’s usually more lively than this, I just don’t like it.
Phi realizes something about something Tel whispered her: Wait a second guys, I wanna go ask somebody something *goes to find the guy who thought the whole shark teeth thing was weird*
Phi makes a 17 investigation roll, she does not see the person she was looking for, but she had seen him since launch.
Phi returns and tells us she can’t find the guy she spoke to yesterday when we set out.
Diem: Are all the little boats still here?
Ixayl’anu casts divine sense but doesn’t sense any celestial, fiends, or undead: Do you know his name? Maybe you could ask about him?
Phi doesn’t know why we’re worried, but she knows his name (Sean something I missed) and could go asking even though she’s not worried.
Diem messages: Are you really not worried or are you saying that for Rana’s benefit, you can respond to this message.
Phi: Well I’m not worried but I’m getting worried that you’re worried. You can respond to this message.
Phi goes off to ask the captain and knocks, hears sigh.
Cpn: What can I do for you Selphina?
Phi: I was gonna ask Kelly a question but I can’t find him, do you know where he is?
Peter gets quiet and then says “Oh no, Mr Kelly had other engagements and didn’t join us this go around.”
Phi: But I saw him yesterday…?
Cpn: You must’ve been mistaken.
Insight check 10. She knows he’s lying but doesn’t know anything else about it, only that something about this is not right. It’s also suddenly degrees colder in this room.
Phi: I guess I was mistaken.
Cpn: No worries it happens to everyone
Phi: How’s the trip going, are we on schedule?
Cpn: Oh we’re making excellent time, we should be there by morning.
Phi: Excellent
Upon returning to us, Phi: Guys I don’t think we should be talking near the captain’s door in the future, but I was clearly mistaken
Phi actively tries to get out of the conversation and drop it.
Diem suggests maybe it’s this crew’s own superstitions like “quiet passage for quiet passage.”
Ixayl’anu says maybe she’ll be be less worried about it then. (Aboard the ship: Ambergris!)
At some point during the day we see a lump of grey goo overboard about the size of 2 milk crates. Definitely smaller than a chair.
Ixayl’anu notices it first, rolls a 12 on nature check, it’s not something her culture uses but it’s whale vomit and worth its weight in gold.
She points it out, gives fancy ambergris name to us and looks for a bucket, Phi tries to help.
We found a bucket, it’s probably not big enough for this. Ixayl’anu hits the thing, but realizes the bucket is too small.
Rana casts control water to keep it with the ship. Diem runs to get their special rope. 
When they return with rope, it ties off successfully and Ixayl’anu manages to get it up to the boat, with all four of us pulling we successfully get it on board (mostly Rana’s 21 and no thanks to my 2 lol).
It smells not great.
Diem: Oh that’s awful *prestidigitations it to smell like flowers* (Except it’s old enough to be hard and not smell too awful anymore)
We talk about getting it in the black of holding and breaking it in pieces so we don’t rip our bag.
Rana asks about what it’s for, is it part of the meteor?
Ixie: No, it’s...well it’s whale vomit.
Diem: Oh, gross... *looks at their hands and casts prestidigitation*
Rana goes back over to sit where she was before like oh my god as the rest of us talk about it being valuable. She leaves the bag of holding with us to break it and stick it in the bag.
Phi: This is awesome, the best day ever, I’m going to throw shark teeth in the water every time!
Ixayl’anu: *excited* yeah the teeth just show up on the beach it’s so easy to find them. (not knowing if that’s true everywhere).
Diem: Or maybe the whale just saw that doll (as an aside to Phi)? 
Phi laughs.
We have a pleasant evening, no plans.
Ixayl’anu gives a heads up to the elk: Watch listen tonight so you can stay up. Keep your ears open.
Evening perception checks: me (literal 0), Ixayl’anu: (nat 20), Rana: 21, Selphina: 10. (Ancient Whalesong Magic!)
Rana can’t sleep tonight. She hears a low wailing that goes into a series of clicks. She hears it all night long.
Rana goes to Ixayl’anu’s room and asks “What is that?” It sounds like they’re following the boat or just all around us.  A lot of them and very close.
Ixayl’anu: It’s whale song
Rana: Why are they so loud?
Ixayl’anu: Well it’s...I don’t know what they use it for, but it’s communication
Rana: But why are they so loud?
Ixayl’anu: I don’t know *both go above deck to check it out*
Rana makes 7 perception, Ixayl’anu a 14. She knows what to look for - occasionally she sees a spout but they’re not hanging out at the surface, only coming up to breathe and going back down, unlike what she’s used to.
Looking out over the water for a little bit they speak with animals at about the same time. About 10-14 whales.
Rana or Ixayl’anu: What are you singing about?
A whale: We’re working
Another whale: We’re busy
Now that they can hear what they’re saying, it doesn’t make sense at first, it has a weird strange poetic cadence to it, it kinda sounds like chanting or a ritual spell.
Ixayl’anu makes an 8 on arcana check
Rana wants to see if this is natural and rolls an 18 nature check. It seems like a natural thing, these are natural whales.
Ixayl’anu: What’s the song about?
There are words they can recognize, but she didn’t pre-arrange the song (Bless you if you know what I meant at the end of this statement).
19 perception from Ixayl’anu to get the meaning through the overlapping song. It’s about wrapping something around things and tying things together and binding something, repetitive in the round song way (row row row your boat lol) about keeping something together, apart from everything else.
Rana is leaning over the railing intrigued by all this.
Ixayl’anu is looking for any visual signs, 14, little waves, but not enough to disturb the pretty view of moonlight on the water. She doesn’t hear any birds or any other splashing. Very quiet other than the whale song.
Rana excitedly runs below deck to wake Phi and Diem up to experience the whales too! Diem actually does manage to perceive whales. It is very cool.
Rana (to whales): Are you coming with us?
A Whale: No we have our own business to attend to
Rana: Where are you going?
Whale: Here
Ixayl’anu: Are you hunting?
Whale: No, we are not hunting. We are very busy.
Rana: Do you need help?
One of the whales spy hops, large whale between humpback and blue whale (fin whale).
Diem: Wow that is so cool.
Rana gets the sense it’s looking at her and comes back down with a snort: I don’t think you could.
Rana: You’d be surprised. I might be able to help if you need help, but what’re you doing?
Whale: It is old magic for our kind.
Ixayl’anu and Rana ask them more about it, find out they’re doing some kind of binding ritual.
Rana casts locate object looking for pieces of the meteor.
She does not sense anything within a thousand feet of her. 
Rana: Is it about a rock?
Whale: It is about the project
Rana looks at Ixayl’anu with an unspoken question.
Ixayl’anu shrugs.
Whale clarifies: The Great Project
Rana: Good luck!
One whale acknowledges with a little fin wave
Rana: They clarified it wasn’t about a rock
Diem knows of sailors telling a few tales of whales helping shipwrecked people and other species and some people say the whales seem to be very benevolent forces, not really heard of magic, just weird sailor tales.
Diem suggests maybe the great project has to do with the sharks teeth thing.
Eventually over the next half hour we get out of immediate range, but we hear them for the rest of the night.
Phi dozed off leaning against something.
We go back to bed and the whole thing puts us at a later rising time. (Farford on the horizon!)
When we wake up we see Farford in the distance.
We’re gonna get 30k platinum for the amber gris (7500 each)
Next session: Jan 14th 5pm. (But really...tomorrow, it’s tomorrow!)
We don’t need to rp out selling whale vomit.
Phi kept a little jar of amber gris for future trade options.
Ixayl’anu tries to find more shark teeth.
(Omitted notes to self with note of omission so I remember to reference them for establishing some previous details)
Diem promises when they receive their cut of the amber gris, to name their firstborn after Ixayl’anu lol.
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