#atl tonight
fotographee · 2 years
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instagram archive: Really hipster picture ft. Phone I never use. #iminlesbianswithyou #atltonights
april 26, 2014
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nateezfics · 2 months
y’all i see ateez tomorrow. 😀
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f1reakingout · 11 months
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catsinmugs · 2 months
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got to play for 30 minutes at 6am today WE R SO BACK!
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akascow · 9 months
i have to ‘get up’ before the sun is even up bc FLORIDA TOMORROW WOOOO
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putergenius · 1 year
she can’t come to atlanta and leave thique off the setlist like!!
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Pete Davidson
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danswank · 2 years
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ceauximgone · 1 year
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atldiscourse · 2 years
i have listened to this album purely so i can asses How badly they have fallen from grace, and having listened to the first 10 seconds i can say confidently that they NEED to break up
genuine question - who would be upset at atl breaking up? weird 36 year olds who have clung on since towson days? weird stans who excused jack’s consistently creepy behaviour? weird women who live on a farm with goats and horses and take their exes back at the drop of a hat?
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lady-starkiller · 2 years
category 5 bruce springsteen posting inbound
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threecheersslxt · 3 months
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bettyrightnow · 1 year
so many grad parties, so little time
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jackinalex · 2 years
I think it’s surprising he was so young when he dated her and was so nice and caring because I think most guys in their early 20s are douche bags and grow out of it 😂
Jack is a mama's boy and May is much older than him and babied him, so I think he's got that youngest child syndrome. Which, to an extent, does make one sweet, but it also turns them into adult-babies, which is annoying. The whole band says Jack is a baby and wants to be taken care of, which is probably cute for two seconds before it gets intolerable. Nobody wants to parent their boyfriend, but at the same time, it did make him very soft-hearted, which is so sweet.
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durnesque-esque · 1 year
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This is their plan. They want to break the writers. They want to break this industry and everyone around it for their bottom lines. They do not care about anything, but profit.
And it will not stop here, it will impact EVERY CONTRACT DOWN THE LINE FOR EVERY UNION IN THE INDUSTRY. And the impact will ripple through every industry in entertainment hubs: LA, NY, ATL, etc.
"Convinced that “giving in,” as another insider put it, to the writers will result in every contract cycle from the WGA, IATSE, the Teamsters and more ending in a strike, the AMPTP is aiming for the bottom line."
Please continue to support the Writers. If SAG-AFTRA joins in tonight, support them too.
This is not just about the entertainment industry, this is about the impact and power of workers standing together. Everyone in this country is suffering from being underpaid. Unions are our power to fight against that.
The holdouts are NOT the workers on strike, it's the Producers & Executives. It's THEIR fault this is going on. It's THEIR fault the industry has ground to a halt because they won't pay fair wages and they would rather use AI to spin endless and souless profit than pay people to do the work.
Here's the article I quoted. Here's another discussing the AI issue.
July 12, 2023 9AM PST.
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Yall don’t get ur hopes up lol Paige is most likely on a plane for overtime atm lol she will NOT be at the game tonight ( hope I’m proved wrong)
negative attention anon NEGATIVE ATTENTION
they're gonna be sitting courtside together and then after the game take pics with li and dorka, do a tiktok, then have dinner and then hop on a plane to atl together (let a girl hope)
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