#atla ticklefic
ticklishraspberries · 2 years
hey homieeeee
for the prompts list if you’re still accepting (just delete this if you’re not): 8 with Sokka & Zuko? you can pick who you want doing what 😊
always happy to see you feeling good and excited to write, writer’s block is poo and i love seeing you in action 💪🏻
prompt list!!
8. “can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
Sokka was ridiculous, and it would have annoyed Zuko if he didn't find it so stupidly endearing.
Of course, when the ridiculousness led to Zuko also looking like a fool, he wished he could see through the thick fog of love and smack Sokka away like he would if he were a normal, not-smitten man.
"Sokka, I'm seherious—Stop!" he choked out, squirming like mad beneath the other's touch.
"What's that? I can barely understand you through all those giggles," Sokka replied, grinning.
"I don't giggle!" Zuko insisted, although he knew it was a lie.
"Um, yes, you do. And it's really adorable, too, have I ever told you that? I especially love how red your face gets when I give you all these compliments," Sokka rambled on, fingers still clawing into Zuko's sides with torturous precision. "Can you stop laughing? I'm trying to talk to you. How rude!"
"You just said it was cute!" Zuko replied. Sassing Sokka in that situation was probably not his smartest move, but if he was going down, he was going down fighting (half-heartedly, of course).
"It's absolutely adorable, but you're not listening to me when you're making such adorable sounds."
"Then quit it!"
"Hmm...No, I don't think I will."
Sokka was going to be the death of him. Zuko loved it more than he let on. Of course, Sokka knew.
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝Blood And Bandits❞
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Lee(s): thief! human! Hueningkai
Ler(s): vampire! Yeonjun, vampire! Soobin
Small Synopsis: Kai always knew sneaking into large suspicious buildings wasn't the brightest idea but who can help themselves when such expensive things are in sight? Unfortunately for him, he gets stuck between two vampires and a hard place in a very laughable situation.
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When a man is all out of options, he becomes desperate. He turns to the last thing he can turn to. And for Kai, that last thing is the lonely manor on the hill. Kai has spent most of his teenage life traversing Korea and had celebrated his twentieth in a little town not far from Seoul. This little town doesn't hold anything of great value, per say. In fact, it doesn't hold much at all. A few friendly people who had invited him into the community, but that's all really. And now, as the sun sets on his final day here, he has his sights set on the large house perched atop a hill in the near distance. He had become desperate, more desperate than ever before. And his last option was to steal whatever expenses he could get from the mystery house and take off into the night in search of a new home.
He just hoped he could find some things that were worthwhile. His pockets and bag were empty, waiting to be filled with something he could sell for a good price. He hoped. He quickly finds himself face-to-face with the sharp fence that closes off the spooky manor from the rest of the town. It really was far from any sort of community that had been built nearby, it was difficult to even say that the house was part of the town at all. Kai holds the weighty lock between his fingers, examining worn metal that somehow was not rusted closed considering the state of it. A once-silver fence was lined along the dewy grass, and Kai notices between metallic bars that there's a graveled path leading all the way up the gently-sloping hill and up to the house.
He pulls a lockpick from his pocket, made from random bits and bobs he had discovered whilsy traveling from place to place. Quickly, the cold metal falls to the flat of his palm and the gate threatens to creek open ever-so slightly. How creepy. The thief places the lock back into the darkened geen of the grass and slips his thin, tall body through the gap that the fence had created and he trudges up the hill beside the path, because he just knew that the gravel would give his footsteps away.
Up close, the house looks more than abandoned and yet - at the same time it looks lively. The windows were misted over as the evening cold sets in properly; the flowerbeds are tended to just fine. Roses of crimson stand tall from the beds outlined with bricks, sharing such pride as they accept the moon's cool shine upon them. The front door is grand, large and wooden with intricate details etched into its dark surface. Two windows frame the door at either side of it and to Kai's surprise, one is slightly ajar. His eyes light up and he grins, finally! His luck was turning around!
Now, Kai wouldn't consider himself naive at all, he's been doing all of this for long enough to know better. And he does know that something in the back of his mind is telling him it's a bit too coincidental for a window to be open. That doesn't stop him, however, because he finds himself in a lavish looking lounge that has more gold decorations than it does actual furniture. Kai's eyes literally light up brighter than stars in the sky as he reaches out for one golden swan sat on the mantlepiece of a very impressive fireplace; that's when he hears it.
A voice... two, actually. Oh gods, oh no. He had entered a house where people were still awake. What in the name of the gods was he supposed to do now?! Both voices sounded close... a little too close. He attempts to move back closer to the window so he can escape. He unfortunately finds himself face first in a fancy looking rug, hearing a clatter of something behind him being knocked over. The two voices have stopped, but footsteps grow louder as Kai attempts to push his long body beside one of the old pure leather couches so he was hidden from sight for anybody who walkes through the doorway.
"What in the name of hell was that?" One of the voices asks in a hiss, obviously sounding displeased. "Nevermind that, Jun, my china!!" the deeper one cries out. "Oh, boohoo! Our house is being broken into and you care about the china?!" the other one asks incriminatingly. A large inhale becomes audible and for whatever reason, Kai can hear the blood rushing through his body. "That smell,," the hissing one who had been addressed as "Jun" mumbles. "It's human blood, Soobin," Jun growls and the one named Soobin huffs. "A human, threatening to get this close to the abode of vampires??"
Vampires?! Goddamn vampires?! Oh, Kai was definitely screwed now if he wasn't before. The two vampires inhale again, both hissing at his scent, and the human thief is beginning to wonder why he didn't just dive out of the window after falling. He crawls slowly from where he sits, squeezed up between the side of the couch and the back wall of the lounge. He attempts to fit his lean body between the gap of the couch and the wall so he could hopefully escape freely. Only,, there was one thing wrong.... he miscalculated the length of the couch, and thus his ankles still stuck out of the space. If he were to pull himself further along between the wall and the couch, his head would stick out the other side instead.
Hopefully, it'd just go by unnoticed.
Unfortunately for the thief, things don't always go his way. Clearly. As the footsteps get closer, Kai can't help how tense his body feels. "Ah, what's this?" the voice he now pairs with Soobin asks curiously. Honestly, curse everything. "Oh? a pair of... feet?" Jun responds. "Yeonjun hyung, it's not just a pair of feet," Soobin snorts.
The human thief didn't think it could possibly get any worse for him at that point, this was it! He was a goner! Nobody would ever hear the name Heuning Kai ever again! However, in a different way than what he expected, it got worse. Two hands grasp at the black boots he was wearing, whilst another pair slide their way up his calves.. giving them a squeeze. He squirms a little, because he's stuck between this expensive couch and the wall, he can barely even wriggle himself forward. "Oh, it's sentient?" Soobin asks, a fanged smile apparent on his lips despite the human not being able to see.
The other vampire, Yeonjun, giggles lightly. "Sentient indeed, and... definitely human... worry not, young mortal! We know how to deal with intruders!" he promises, though the words sound teasy when they fall from his lips. Kai's eyes widen slightly as he feels a tug at his shoes, these vampires cannot be serious. He was far too ticklish for this!! Alas, there was not much to be done at this point. He feels the light sensation against his foot and can't prevent the cute little noise that comes from it. "Mmnneeehee! P-Please! I beg! Don't t-teeheeheeckle me!"
It appears his pleas fall on deaf ears, because he's soon being put into a light laughter. "N-Nohohohoho! plehheheehease the bahahacks ohohof my kneeeheheees are ahahaa baahahad spot!" Kai squeaks, feeling cold fingers lightly wiggle against the backs of his senstive knees. "Thanks for the information~" Soobin coos. The young theif can't handle such affairs, not when one vampire is tickling his feet and the other his knees. He was a particularly sensitive person, one of his few weaknesses - actually. But even as his begs and pleads become meaningless to his ticklish tormentors, Kai realizes that if he can just squeeze through to the other side... he'd be free.
Easier said than done, though. "Wahahhahahahhahhahaah! P-Plehehehehehehease!! Ihihihihi'll do aahhhahanything!" he begs, pulling his long body along the floor to try and squeeze his way through, the vampires weren't having it. "Easy, mortal, we're just taking care of you as hosts should when one breaks into their home! You can't escape that easily.." Yeonjun titters as he wraps a firm arm around Kai's ankles. "Hyung, I can't reach his knees anymore.." Soobin huffs. "No matter, his feet are still here.."
Kai thought he might as well be going crazy, smacking his hands against the hardwood floor to try and manage the torture being delivered to his soles. From heel to toe to scratching his arches, neither bloodsucker seemed to want to let up. Kai didn't necessarily blame them, he did break in after all. "nOHOOHOohohoo my feheheheheheet ahahahahare so bahahahahad stohohop!! stohohop it!!"
In a crazy stroke of luck, Kai gets so squirmy he realizes his foot twitches and connects with one of the vampire's faces. It must've been Yeonjun, judging by that hiss. He manages to squeeze his way through to the other side of the couch, frowning at how he was left in his socks. Ah well. Going back out the window wasn't an option now, so he'd just have to run. As far as he possibly could. After heaving the oxygen back into his body and still giggling from the ghost tickling sensation against his feet, Kai gets up and makes a break for it down the corridor.
Sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures, but young thieves like Kai were certain that all times were desperate times. If the human had learnt one thing, it would be... "don't sneak into a vampire's home if you're ticklish" because they will catch you and they will make you pay for kicking them in the nose. And that's what worried him as he neared the staircase to the first floor.
"You can run, brat, but you can't hide!"
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toweroftickles · 4 years
Toph and the Badgermoles (ATLA Tickle Fic)
Requested for @gigglebendingg on behalf of @the-atla-specialist
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Team Avatar groaned. They had unceremoniously trudged through the scorched forest around Gaoling for over an hour, seemingly without direction or guidance, and the unfamiliarity with their surroundings, not to mention the midsummer heat, started to weigh on them. But they rationalized their decision: it was for Toph, they told themselves. Supporting friends was more important than sore ankles. Or getting lost and possibly eaten by platypus bears.
At the head of the pack, Toph Beifong showed a certainty absent from her friends. The rest of Team Avatar knew full well how capable she was, but following the directions of a blind girl still made them kinda nervous. Toph took her strides firmly and grazed her fingertips against slabs of broken grey rock.
A tremor, imperceptible to all but the most heightened senses, vibrated up from underneath Toph’s feet. It almost tickled.
“Hmm...we’re getting closer.”
“Look, Toph, I’m sorry, but that’s what you said forever ago,” Suki blurted out, while attempting in vain to cool herself with a fan. Wearing her traditional Kyoshi face paint that day had been a bad decision.
Katara lazily unfurled a tiny snake of water from her flask, and it swam through the air into her draped-open maw.
“Are you sure we couldn’t have flown here? With Appa it would’ve taken two minutes,” the Avatar suggested, trying to seem helpful.
Toph looked as if she’d been slapped in the head by a raw steak.
“...I wouldn’t be able to see where we were going, Aang.”
Sokka involuntarily snorted.
Suddenly, Toph froze and pressed herself against a boulder.
“Yep! Here we go.”
With a vicious kick the boulder soared into the distant air, revealing a cavernous opening in the rock wall behind it. Zuko lit a torch for the rest of the group, and with a smirk, Toph led them inside.
The cave was a dry, rusty earth tone, sloped downward and only growing larger the deeper it went. A skittering noise occasionally slipped through the walls. Momo jumped and frantically curled himself around his master’s bald head like a coonskin cap.
“Are you sure they’re still here, Toph? What if they’ve moved on? Seven years is a long time,” Katara asked.
“Of course I’m sure, and I want you to meet them! Stop being such a spoil-YAHH!”
Out of nowhere, the rock floor in front of Toph became a slope of clay, and she found herself sliding on her heels down into a tiny alcove. With a high-pitched shriek, she managed to grip the fissure’s edge. Before any of the group could react, the young earthbender was dangling into a hole.
“Toph, are you ok?!” Katara called out. The others carefully started inching their way down the slope, toward the hole’s edge. Toph spit some dirt out of her mouth and struggled to pull herself up. She attempted to press her feet against the wall of the pit, but felt no vibrations.
“Ugh. I can’t bend this. The earth is too soft. I can’t see anything!”
But she did, however, hear something. Low rumbling, the collapsing of rocks, and a strange mammalian grunt permeated the space beneath her.
“Hey! I think they’re in here! Um...” Toph attempted to make a low-frequency squeaking noise. It sounded terrible.
“Uh, what is she doing?” Zuko asked.
“Communicating with her native species?” Sokka suggested. Suki smacked him.
But Toph wasn’t prepared for the sensation she felt next. From behind her dangling body reached a fuzzy snout, the size of human torso, raised until its massive nose pressed into her lower back. Every muscle in her body tensed.
“Ok, hang on, we gotcha,” Aang said, offering his hand.
Warm gusts of nostril air struck Toph, and the nose rapidly sniffed and wiggled on her side.
“AHH!” Toph shrieked. “HAHA-HAHA HA! Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! Stahahop! Wugou it’s me! AH!” She burst into hysterics and began pounding her fist on the ledge. Her fragile grip was barely maintained, and she almost slipped down the chasm.
“Toph what are you doing? Stop flailing!” Aang said with growing concern. He kept trying to grab her wrist, and she kept involuntarily swatting him away.
“I think something’s tickling her,” murmured Suki.
“HA-HA HA-HA HA!!” Toph roared at the top of her lungs. Her laugh threatened to shake the stalactites loose. No matter how much she squirmed and kicked, the mysterious animal below her kept tickling her sides with its curious nose.
“Haaa Haha; HA-HA HA-HA! Cut it OU-HOWT!!!”
“Should we help her?” Sokka interjected.
“Nah, I wanna see how this plays out,” came Suki’s curt remark.
With a loud thud, Toph kicked the animal’s head away, and it grunted. For a moment, it seemed as if she would be able to catch her breath. But that was before she heard a slurping click. A thick, fleshy tongue, sticky and adapted to pulling insects from cavern walls, stretched out and licked across Toph’s dangling foot.
“GYAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! N-HO-ho! That TIHICKLES!!” Tears burst from Toph’s wide, grey eyes. Every moment her fingers dug into the clay around her, or she pounded her fist against the dirt, massive shards of rock jutted out of the cavern walls. One threatened to stab Zuko in the head.
“Remind me never to tickle her,” Katara whispered to Aang.
The Avatar tried once again to grab Toph’s wrist, but with one final glass-shattering squeal, Toph slipped into the darkness below.
“Toph!” Suki cried.
Momo’s eyes bulged.
Team Avatar leaned forward and glanced down into the pit. There below them was Toph, grinning from ear to ear, sprawled out on the fuzzy back of an enormous badgermole, like some hairy mattress.
“Hey guys! This is Wugou!” she laughed. “He taught me everything I know!” The creature beneath her squeaked triumphantly.
Everyone just stared.
“Uhhh, hi! I’m Avatar Aang! It’s an honor to meet an Earthbending master like you!”
“Aang, that’s a badgermole,” Zuko sighed.
“You’re really not used to him talking to animals by now?” retorted Katara.
Aang glided down on a ball of air and enthusiastically tried to hug the massive creature. It let out a confused squawk and licked him from stomach to forehead arrow. Aang giggled.
It was an awkward day, hanging around in the dark with a group of massive earth-scented rodents. But the team couldn’t help but smile watching Toph reconnect with her Earthbending teachers. Before the Gaang, the badgermoles were the closest Toph had to a family. She was happier than the others had seen in quite some time. And soon, they all came to silently agree that the sweltering hike had been worth it.
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Not my greatest work, but I hope you like it.
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝The Ferocious Monster From Another Dimension❞
❝Discoveries In The Human Realm❞
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Lee(s): demon! Yeosang
Ler(s): tickle monster! Choi San
Small Synopsis: Yeosang is a feared beast among humankind, he's renowned for the souls he steals. His fearful front is broken when a dimension traveler happens to have a talent for causing laughter.
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Yeosang knows as soon as the sun sets its his time to roam. He knows better than anybody else. The streets of Seoul are his after dark. He walks around aimlessly it seems, but his movements are targeted, pinpointed and precise. He finds a soul to feed on after minutes of searching. It's always like that. But not tonight. Something's different today. Something in the air is different to how it usually is. Like the universe has a hole in it,, the human realm he wanders through is split. Which is strange. The only time that has ever happened is when the demon realm and the human world became connected.
Which means, to Yeosang, that something is up. Something isn't quite right. And, well, he is correct. Somewhere, in a dark corner in Seoul, the air ripples and an inter-dimensional portal opens.... releasing a beast so ferocious into the world of mortals. And that beast is hungry.
It's only when Yeosang sets eyes on his victim for the night that he notices it, a strange feeling near him. He blinks a few times and squints. What could it be? An imp? A faerie? Something soft brushes against his side and he flinches immediately. A giggle follows after. Before he even has time to process what just happened, a flash of light has Yeosang back in his bedroom. Huh? The giggle drifts through the air like honey. It's high pitched and mischievous. Now something was definitely wrong, an illusionist? "Nice to meetcha! I'm Choi San,, and I'm super hungry.."
The voice directs Yeosang's attention to his bed which was now being occupied by a pink haired male.... no... not male. "Who... are you?" Yeosang asks inquisitively and San giggles. A long, fluffy tail swishes behind him - looking as though it graced the softness of one thousand feathers. "I just told you, silly! I'm Choi San and I brought you here to eat!" he chirps. "You're making a meal for me?" Yeosang tilts his head, confused. San huffs out a laugh. "No, you're the meal!" he grins. "Oh,, soul eater?" Yeosang asks a very pointed question but any supernatural being would know how to pinpoint another. "Nuh uh, tickle monster,"
For a moment Yeosang smiles, and then he bursts into laughter. "A tickle monster?!" he asks through his laughter, making San frown. "Aren't they those things from made up stories? Like your hear about the tickle monster and how he lives under the bed or whatever?" he asks, eyes twinkling with mirth. This was honestly just too good. The highlight of his day, possibly. He expects San to laugh along with him, talk about how he was joking and what he really was.
but, oh, he was woefully wrong.
San clicks his tongue and hums lowly, voice suddenly dropping to a deep, threatening tone. "I'll give you something to laugh about here in just a second," the tone causes Yeosang to shudder and he quickly finds himself beneath San somehow. Whether San had used magic or whether he had pinned him by hand, Yeosang wasn't immediately sure but having San's threatening gaze over him suddenly caused his heart to thud quite quickly.
Somehow, that fluffy pink head of hair managed to get him nervous, a bit fearful even. "Oh... don't get all frowny now... you had so much to say about tickle monsters before... don't worry, I'm not mad! We'll make up quite quickly, I think.... we'll be laughing together before you know it~" San smirks, it's the kind of smirk that can only mean that he was up to no good. "However, it's pretty difficult when you're trying to tip me over like that..." The pink haired male quips, calling Yeosang out on how he was indeed attempting to tip them over so that he could escape whatever torture San had in mind for him.
Usually,, in the fight or flight response Yeosang would choose 'fight'. He's a powerful demon and most humans can't overpower him. It's only when he faces clearly stronger beings like San where his 'flight' response kicks in. He needs to escape but San thinks otherwise apparently. "Oh, tut-tut, little demon.... Yeosang is it?~" San asks with a knowing grin. "I have two options for you,,"
"The first option... you let me restrain you with magic..." San says, voice barely above a whisper as he gazes down at Yeosang. The way the demon's eyes widen causes San to titter with a growing smirk. "No? Then we'll go with option two, won't we?~" he says, eyes glistening with a certain evil. Before Yeosang's eyes, San sprouts two new arms from his sides. He flexes the fingers of his new hands and smiles widely. "What? I'm a tickle monster, silly, I'm all powerful.. well.. not yet I'm not," he hums. "Allow me to explain, I'm from another dimension! And I came here in search of giggly friends,, the more laughter I digest, the more powerful I become! I heard that humans are the most ticklish of all entities but their laughter doesn't give me as much power, hence why you, little demon, are my first target!" he explains as his new pair of hands grip Yeosang's wrists, pulling them up over his head.
San laughs lightly as Yeosang attempts to fight back. "Oh, your struggles are futile... see it's hard to fight someone when they have more limbs than you.." he grins. Yeosang quickly finds his words to be true. It also seems that it's hard to fight somebody who's... "tickle, tickle, tickle!~" The monster chirps, wiggling his free fingers all around Yeosang's already exposed tummy, causing the black haired male to scrunch up and giggle loudly. "Ohohohoh!! Nohohohoho!!! Plehehheeease don't!" Yeosang begs, but it appears to fall on deaf ears. "Noooope! Not gonna happen,, I'm gonna squeeze every last giggle from you!!" San says simply as his fingers spider their way slowly up the demon's sides. "wAhahahahahh!! Nohohohohot thehehehhere! Plehehhehease hahahahaave mehehehehercy!"
But no mercy is given.. "Oh, what delicious laughter you have, Yeosang!! So loud and free~~ just from these wiggling fingers!" The pink haired menace coos teasingly. Yeosang's sides appear to be a bad spot and San acts accordingly, tickling them with a great amount of skill. "Hmm~ your laughter is so loud already.. and I don't want to stop tickling your sides.... soo~" before long San decides he wants to kick things up a notch. Beneath his original pair of arms, two new ones sprout. These ones reach back behind where San was sitting on Yeosang's hips to teasingly squeeze his knees. "eEehehehheeeek! Ohohohohoh goohohod!" Yeosang helplessly squeaks. "Y'know, one of the most popular tickle spots on any being is behind the knee..~" San states in a tone so matter-of-fact, all with the biggest grin on his face.
His new hands set to work, wiggling fingers against the unshielded skin at the back of Yeosang's knees, causing the once powerful demon to break down into hysterics. "Yum, yum!~ Yeosang, your laughter is so delicious!" San teases lightly as Yeosang's head falls from side to side, trying again and again to fight back the laughter that spills so freely from his lips. He somehow manages to shut his mouth, much to San's distain. The monster pouts deeply. Now that Yeosang wasn't thrashing his head around, he could see the way that San's eyes were glowing. This must be him "digesting" the laughter.
"We're playing this game now? Try not to laugh? Oh I love this one! Wanna know why?~" San sings, pout becoming a wide, intimidating smirk. Yeosang shakes his head desperately, afraid that if his mouth falls open the only thing that will come out is laughter judging by the mean torment being directed at his sides and the backs of his knees. His eyes widen when something long and fluffy gingerly brushes over the tops of his feet. San's smirk widens. It was his tail, it must've been. San's voice drops again, deep and evil. "Because it's just so much fun watching them break all over again~"
Yeosang shrieks. The fluffy tail carefully threads it's way through his toes and pulls back and forth. He didn't even know his shoes and socks were off until now. He can't hold onto his resolve anymore, and that's fine because no doubt would San make things even worse if he had. It's so easy to squirm and writhe in San's hold as he becomes more powerful by the second, being able to do so much more than grow limbs and throw teases around.
It's a strange sentiment, being left breathless against the messed up sheets of his bed. He can't fight back, can't just eat San's soul. Not as the monster strides away from him looking more than pleased with himself. He got to analyze the male much better from here. His ensemble was black, a black fur hoodie and black pants. While his hair and tail were both a deep pink. "Thanks for the laughs, mister demon... I wish I could stay for tea but..... my work is nowhere near done yet!" San explains as he opens Yeosang's bedroom window, pushing it as far as it would go.
"There's plenty more beings to tickle in this world, and I'll find them all! I'll be the strongest entity the human realm has ever laid eyes on... hehe... and when we meet again I'll be able to make you freeze with just one look," San chimes, he appears to be pleased at the idea. "Look forward to it!~ I know I will~" he waves towards the breathless demon before slipping out of his bedroom window and into the night.
a ferocious monster now treks the streets of the human world, no ticklish mortal... or immortal for that matter.. was safe.
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝Revenge Of The Green Eyed Monster❞
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Lee(s): human! band member! Felix
Ler(s): sin of Envy! Hyunjin
Small Synopsis: after living with Felix for a few months, Hyunjin has grown close with the human. Close enough to seek revenge for the ticklish torment he was put through the night he was discovered.
also lil shoutout to @rina-sheep ,, your comment kinda gave me the motivation to blast my way thru this lil sequel piece. Comments and reblogs are always appreciated, anything from "I liked this <3" to "I loved when [blank] happened!" gives me tons of motivation!
This is a sequel to "The Green Eyed Monster" so read that first!
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It's the early evening once again. The dusk had just set and Hyunjin was sat at the table in the small kitchen, picking at the cuticles of his nails. His hair was wet after showering and eyes glistening in sage. Felix is in his room again, blasting some sort of chorus to one of their latest songs. It's quite catchy, it has Hyunjin tapping his socked foot against the floor. It makes him jealous, of course. Why couldn't he make songs that good? He gets that it's not just Felix's doing, of course, but he can't help the envy bubbling in the pit of his stomach. He glances at Felix's bedroom door and his jaw tightens. He wants to do something to relieve this envy.
In the few months he's been living with Felix secretly in his apartment, Hyunjin has noticed things about the human that he wouldn't have known before. Felix has the most beautiful laugh, and it's even more beautiful if Hyunjin is the one who causes it. When he isn't the one who causes it... well as expected he gets a little jealous. That, and he also has found more things to be envious of. Felix's junk journal filled with old lyrics his band didn't use, Felix's friends and band mates who don't even know of his existence and Felix's sense of style. It's the simple things that seem so silly but actually aren't that make Hyunjin's blood boil. So as he stares out the window at the moon he makes a decision.
He'd relieve the jealousy with vengeance.
It sounds a lot more intense than it actually is. He's just going to tickle Felix back after going back and forth for months about doing it. That night when they had met properly for the first time lead to a lot of ticklish anguish on Hyunjin's end. So he finally takes the initiative and decides that he wants to get Felix back. Now that they're closer, he has a better idea of where Felix is actually ticklish. Last time he had tried to tickle the male's sides but it hadn't worked out as well as he'd hoped. He's learned since then that past-him was a fool for targeting there first when the young aussie's hips and underarms were where he was really ticklish.
Hyunjin pushes himself up from the table and he quietly tucks the chair back underneath. He's been sleeping on a spare mattress on the floor of Felix's room for the few months he's been here, so he hopes his new roommate just thinks he's going to sleep. Or.... better yet,, maybe Hyunjin could sneak up on him. The loud music must be distracting him enough. The envious sin blinks for a moment before turning himself invisible to the human eye. This revenge plan was perfect. Although, admittedly it is a little silly to sneak into his own bedroom. Felix had demanded that he called it his own, too, since he was staying there.
He sneaks in with no problems, and he can see properly now. Felix was laying down on his stomach over top of his sheets, eyes glued to his phone that was blasting out music as he tapped away at something and cursing to himself for the little spelling mistakes he made. Ah, he must be talking to Chan. Felix looked up to Chan a lot. The small lamp was on and the blinds were already closed. Hyunjin can't help but take a moment to admire Felix's face in the dim light. It's a matter of principal for him, because being jealous of Felix's features was just so easy even though he knew his own attractiveness levels were up there. He gets distracted by looking at Felix's features, so much so he almost misses his opportunity as the human sits up and turns the music off. "Mm, Hyunjin must be done in the shower by now, we should go to sleep," Felix mumbles to himself and Hyunjin's heartbeat picks up for a moment. The aussie cared that much about him? Cute.
Felix's arms stretch high above his head and Hyunjin takes the action as an invitation, delivering a gentle poke to the male's leftmost underarm. It causes a satisfying squeak. "eEk!- whahat was that?" Felix asks in confusion as he looks around his room. Hyunjin knows that Felix is acutely aware that he's in the room. However, using the shock to his advantage, Hyunjin manages to successfully pin the Australian male beneath him. His fingers fly up to Felix's underarms and the boy shrieks "HyunjIIhihiiihin! WhAHAahaat?-" his arms clamp down by his sides in shock. That's when the sin reappears to his eye. "Peekaboo! I got you, Lix!" Hyunjin grins and it causes the other male to giggle. "Cute, if it isn't my favorite green-eyed sin~" he coos.
"I better be the only green-eyed sin you know," he jokes. "Y'know, Yongbokkie," Hyunjin only uses that name when he wants something and Felix knows it. "I've wanted revenge for a little while now and I finally decided today that I would do it,, how's that sound?" The question seems genuine but the two of them know by Hyunjin's tone that it's rhetorical. "And unlike you, I can play dirty,, because I can do this..." The envious male's green eyes shimmer and Felix immediately notices what's wrong. "Ah, you're mean... I can't move my arms!" he squeaks. There was a numbness to them that meant he couldn't move them, so Hyunjin takes advantage of this and moves them up again to rest above his head. "That's right, Lix~ just let me know if this tickles or not.."
And oh, it did tickle. Hyunjin was meaner than Felix was. He ruthlessly but ticklishly scratches the male's armpits with his longish nails. "WhAhaahhahaaaHaha!! Hehehehehey yohohohou're beheheheeing meheheean!!" Felix squawks. Now, Hyunjin wasn't as well-versed in the teasing as Felix seemed to be, but that didn't matter all that much judging by the flush on Felix's cheeks. It was immediately obvious how different they were based on the way they tickled. Felix could be light and teasy whereas it was apparent already that Hyunjin was not. "Heh, this was a good idea, I get to be the cause of this pretty laughter again," Hyunjin grins. It seems his freckled roommate has caught onto his plight of jealousy and attempts to smirk and tease him but the attack against his sensitive pits prevents him from doing so. "PfFT oHohOHOHO gOHOHOD!" The human howls.
Hyunjin didn't stay in one place for very long, his hands fly down to Felix's hips soon after. Squeezing and fluttering his nails over the sensitive skin just after pulling up the other's sleep shirt. "oHohohoh my gohohohohohosh Hyuhuhuuhunjin! Whohohohoho tahahahaaught yohohou to tihihihickle?!" Felix asks in exasperation as his second tickle spot is exploited. Hyunjin merely smirks in response, squeezing a squeal out of Felix before actually replying "Well, I guess I picked up a thing or two from you. Not just when you tickled me but when you got Jeongin a few weeks back and even Changbin," he hums as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
Another thing Hyunjin had learnt, he was quite observant when he wanted to be, was that Felix's knees seemed go be a good tickle spot. None of his friends ever exploited it, but Hyunjin would be darned if he didn't try to. He shifts himself back from sitting on Felix's thighs to sitting at his calves instead. "hh,, hh,, whahaat now?" The human asks, clearly out of breath. That appeared to be another difference between them, Hyunjin had more stamina since he was a demon. That was a piece of information the two would hold onto for later. For now, the sin's hands trail up to Felix's knees, giving one an experimental squeeze with a growing smile at the way the human squeaks in response.
"Did that make you squeak? Like one of those stupid squeaky toys we saw at that store?" Hyunjin asks with a devilish grin as he squeezes the male's knee once more. "eEEHEK, HyUhuhuhunjin oh nOHOHO," the aussie protests. "Awh... does Felix have a "squeeze me and I'll squeak" feature? How cute!" and oh no. It might not have the right tone to it, but Hyunjin was getting there with the teases. If Felix wasn't careful he'd have a powerful ler living with him soon... nah, Hyunjin's a walking tickle spot,, he would nev- "eEEHEHEEK noNONOHO not thEHEERE Hyuhuhuhunjin pleh-pleheheheease!"
Apparently, Hyunjin didn't know what "not there" meant. Because he mercilessly squeezes both knees, sending Felix into ticklish hysteria for a good while. The sin can see he's wearing thin, however, because he heaves deep breaths when Hyunjin pauses just for a moment. "I think I'll stop there, anymore and I might lose you," he mumbles before ruffling Felix's fluffy blonde hair. It seems his magic has worn off because the human's arms flop down by his sides as he still giggles. "Lix?" Hyunjin asks quietly, checking the male is still with him. "Y-Yeah?" oh, good. He was still here. "Want some water?" The sin queries kindly. "Yes,, yes please,, and then cuddle me afterwards,, that was super mean!" Hyunjin chuckles at those words.
"Of course... you're welcome, by the way~"
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝The Green Eyed Monster❞
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Lee(s): sin of Envy! Hyunjin
Ler(s): human! band member! Felix
Small Synopsis: Hyunjin is the sin of envy from the underworld and he attaches himself to a bright, happy human who has everything Hyunjin wanted before he was turned into a sin. He hopes to get away with secretly envying Felix's lifestyle but when he's caught, the human has other plans for this "green eyed monster"
a/n: this is a fic for anon! I hope you don't mind the plot! I thought it would be pretty cute to have an envious Hyunjin tickled~ trigger warning, there is swearing,, like once,, Felix says a swear word once. Also it's mentioned a few times that Hyunjin is from the underworld,, but there's no graphic depictions of it. It's just a silly little tickle fic.
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In the short time he's been back on earth, Hyunjin has noticed a few things. One, Seoul is much more gorgeous than he remembers it being,, and two, there's a certain man that makes his heart ache. In envy. Lee Felix was a man who had moved to Seoul a couple of years back whilst Hyunjin was still in the underworld, and the long-haired male was unsure whether it was because he was the sin of envy, or whether it was that Felix was exactly everything he had wanted as a human but he was absolutely seething at the sight of him.
Just look at him! Sitting there with his friends looking positively gorgeous and having a smile that radiates warmth and happiness. He has blonde hair, freckles and such charming eyes. He looked well-off, but not necessarily rich. And it made Hyunjin angry. So for the past few weeks, his eyes have been glued to Felix. He watches him complete his daily routine from making breakfast to practicing singing. And the sin felt a pang of jealousy every. single. time. He doesn't remember feeling this envious when he was human, becoming a demon must've done something to his brain.
He thought he was doing just fine for a month or so, that Felix didn't notice his presence. He wasn't visible to the human eye, but one could tell another presence was there. And unfortunately for Hyunjin, he didn't go unnoticed for as long as he would've liked. It was the early evening and there was a storm outside. Rain thrashed against the windows of Felix's apartment and lighting clapped as the thunder boomed. As for the human himself, he was in his bedroom under the covers. Probably working on something for Chan, Hyunjin thought as he watched from beyond - invisible as per usual. The more his eyes bored into Felix, the more he felt the jealousy building up in his gut. He just couldn't help it! Felix's dimly lit room was so aesthetically pleasing. It had a neutral colour pallette, with off-white sheets that had brown embroidery. Everything was so neat, too, which was shocking considering the rest of the aussie's apartment was pretty messy.
A particularly loud clap of lighting strikes through the air and, alarmingly, its green rather than a bright glow of light. Was that Hyunjin's doing? His eyes were twitching as he stared at the perfect man before him. It was such an aggressive shock of lightning that it appears the power went out; Felix's lamp had somehow switched off. "Oh no,, shit, my laptop's almost dead!" Felix curses, quickly going to save whatever the heck he was working on so that he didn't lose that progress. "Why'd you do that? Huh?" he asks as he stares at Hyunjin. Wait a second. He's staring at Hyunjin,, like,, directly at him. How? How can he even see? "Your eyes are glowing green," Felix says abruptly as though he could hear the sin's thoughts. "My eyes are glowing,, what?-" Hyunjin squeaks, blinking a few times. "Oh, so that's what you look like," Felix says with a grin.
The glowing of Hyunjin's eyes fade and the Australian tilts his head "Oh, don't do that! There's no other light source!" he says with a smug smile. Wow, Hyunjin wanted to rip that smile from his face. Or did he want to see it..? The sin's eyes glow again as they bore into Felix's brown eyes. "What're you thinking about?~" the freckled male asks coyly. Hyunjin doesn't reply at first as he inches closer to the foot of Felix's bed. "I.. You have a pretty smile,, I'm jealous," he replies, all too seriously with an eye twitch. Before Felix can squeeze out another reply Hyunjin has pounced on top of him, attempting to squeeze his sides in the hopes of a reaction. But he gets no such reaction. Well, Felix does laugh, but not from the sensation. More so at Hyunjin.
"What,, what's so funny?" it sounds more like a threat than a question. "You are!" Felix giggles. "Trying to tickle me because you're jealous of my smile, do you know how ridiculous that is when you probably..." he trails off as he switches their positions, now sitting with his each knee beside the each of the sin's thighs. "...have a pretty smile of your own!"
Hyunjin instinctively sucks his tummy in as Felix leans down to poke him, the little prod causing him to squeak. To this reaction, Felix smirks "Ticklish at all, envy sin?~" he coos teasingly. His fingers spider along Hyunjin's tummy, making the sin snort quietly. He attempts to keep the laughter in,, because how dare this mortal attempt to tickle a sin! But it didn't help at all that Hyunjin was incredibly sensitive all over. "You're squirming but you won't laugh for me?~" Felix teases as he gently pokes his fingers all over Hyunjin's tummy. "Coochie coo~ I can see that cute smile but where's the laughter?~" he croons with a smug smile.
It doesn't take long for Hyunjin to lose it. "Pfft,, nohohohoho, hah, naahahAhaha! St-Stohop!" he squeaks out and Felix coos. "There it is~ what a pretty laugh,, why would you be so envious of my laugh when yours is this sweet?~" The young aussie asks with a content grin. He wiggles his fingers aaaall over the envy sin's poor stomach, even pulling up that baggy black shirt Hyunjin had dressed himself in to poke at his belly button. "noh,, noHohohohooo! Dohohohon't dohoho that!!" he pleads, but that pleading falls on deaf ears as Felix continues to spider his fingers upwards. "Let's see where else you're ticklish~"
Hyunjin was losing his mind, this was not what he hoped would happen! He didn't even know what he expected to occur but this wasn't it! "Let's count these ribs... I'm curious whether a demon like you has the right number of them~" Felix sings, giggling at Hyunjin's weak attempts to stop him. It didn't help that it was dark in the room as well, from the power cut Hyunjin had caused. He couldn't really see where Felix's fingers were going, but he could definitely guess now that the other was teasing him.
"One,, two,,, three,,, four,, fi- hey, could you cut that out?~ you're distracting me~" Felix coos to the male beneath him who was chortling and squeaking as his ribs were pinched and gently wiggled. "I c-cahahahaan't heheheelp it! You're beheheheing meheheean!" Hyunjin protests, much to Felix's delight because it causes him to grin wider. His fingers softly rake down Hyunjin's torso, making the male squeal and squirm more. "Cute," Felix chirps, much to Hyunjin's dismay as his cheeks flare up. Good thing it was dark, or else the aussie male would've teased him about his pink cheeks too.
"Hey, hold your arms up for a second?" Felix hums and Hyunjin obeys. He doesn't know why he obeys because he knows what Felix is going to do. Once he feels the delicate tracing against his underarms he loses it,, almost immediately. "eEeehehheek! Nohoho!" he squeaks, his arms falling to his sides immediately. Felix chuckles "You shouldn't have turned my power off, I wouldn't have acknowledged you in the moment~" the young male teases as he lifts Hyunjin's arms and dances his fingers mercilessly against his poor underarms. "nOHOohoHoho! StohohoOhop I'll tuhuhurn the pohohower baahhack on!" promises the sin, but that's not good enough for the other.
Felix stops, its abrupt but Hyunjin's slightly glad so he can heave in a few deep breaths. He does notice, however, that the male on top of him has taken it deep breath as well. "Oh, no,, no no no no- wait cmon, lets talk about tHIHIHIHIS!--" Hyunjin lets out a squawk of surprise as Felix lands a raspberry on his tummy. Right over his belly button. Would this guy give him a break already? "We can talk about it?~ but you're the one who's been jealously watching what I've been doing, I know it was you who caused the lights to flicker at our last venue," Felix grins as he meanly pinches at Hyunjin's sides in a ticklish manner, watching as the sin below him giggles helplessly.
He was right, Hyunjin had been at Felix's last venue. They had performed at a club on a Friday evening and Hyunjin had merely watched as the sunshine boy and his band nailed the performance. And God, he was jealous. So envious that he had caused the lights to flicker and whatnot. He had been causing small inconveniences to Felix entirely by accident, because he was too darn jealous.
A squeeze to his hips pulls him out of his deep thoughts. "Heheheheheheey!- cuhuhut that ohohout!" he laughs. "Ah, were you even listening to me?~ I said I'm going to get you in a few more places as punishment for what you've been doing recently!" The Australian male preens at his own words and Hyunjin's head leans back against the soft mattress. "Ohohoho noho," he whines. Felix tilts his head to the side as he teasingly traces the tips of his fingers down Hyunjin's sides and back to his hips, causing the lee to titter ticklishly. "Hmhmhm ahaha! ihihihit tihihickles toohohohoo much!"
And yet, he didn't want the male above him to stop just yet because whilst the feeling was unknown it wasn't... unwelcomed. He couldn't say he'd been tickled like this before when he was human but,, he was quite ticklish wasn't he? Luckily for him, Felix didn't seem like he would be stopping just yet either as his hands trail down to experimentally squeeze Hyunjin's thighs, eyes glancing up to check if he was overstepping any boundaries. The lee beneath him merely snorted, giggling to his heart's content.
Minutes of pokes and squeezes and traces pass by and even though Felix wasn't being particularly mean to him anymore, he holds the other's hands and gives them a small squeeze to signal he's had enough. "Y'know, Envy, you're cute. Why are you so jealous of me in the first place?" Felix asks kindly as he flops down to the side so that he was laying beside Hyunjin now. After taking a few well deserved breaths and sipping some of Felix's now-cold fruit tea he hums. "That's just how I am, I guess you just have everything I wanted when I was human," the sin shrugs and Felix tilts his head, humming. "Well if you want more tickles, I can always give you some more~" the freckled male teases. "And if you want to be friends, I won't oppose,, so long as you stop watching me from afar.."
Silence rings out over the room as a clap of lighting brings life back to the room. The power was back on now and Felix smiles.
"Hey, Felix?"
"What's up, Envy?"
Hyunjin snorts loudly "My name is Hyunjin and,, could we,, I dunno,, cuddle?" he asks meekly.
Felix smiles widely "We sure can, Hyunjin,"
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝The Mind Is Plagued With Lies❞
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Lee(s): insecure! witchlet! Seungmin
Ler(s): Therapist-In-Training! witch! Minho
Small Synopsis: ever since Seungmin got his braces, people have been making fun of him. Well,, not really people,, but his brain has. He became a lot more self conscious of his smile. He asked his good friend Jeongin how he dealt with the insecurities and the younger male showed him to Minho, who uses practices he isn't quite familiar with.
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It's a calm morning in the heart of Seoul at one of the most prestigious magic colleges the world has ever known. Here, sat back against an off-white chair of plastic in the campus cafe, sits Kim Seungmin. He's squinting down at a piece of ripped paper, grimacing at what's to come. His fingers grasp the paper as if it were his enemy, eyes grazing over the words etched onto it like it was something he despised. It wasn't the words that made him nervous, though, it was.... the prospect of it all. Personally, he didn't care for the words on the paper,, the words "Lee Minho, Room 35, knock twice before entering" didn't mean anything to Seungmin. No, it was the conversation he had with Jeongin which lead to him receiving this tiny cursed piece of paper.
"If you're feeling insecure, Minho hyung can help! He's an expert with insecurities!" Jeongin exclaims with beaming smile. Seungmin can't help but smile in return and that was the problem. His hand covers his mouth quickly to hide what was being shown, his glasses sitting askew on his nose due to his sudden movement. Jeongin frowns immediately "Yeah, you need help fast," he hums and Seungmin sighs. Tell him about it. "You don't need to be insecure about your braces, Minnie, they're cute!" Jeongin reassures him with a smile of his own. "I know how you feel, when I had braces I also felt insecure... but Minho hyung helped! Here, I'll give you this paper so you can find him whenever you're free!"
And that lead Seungmin here, to this moment. His conversation with Jeongin had been yesterday. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't put off going to visit this guy any longer. He didn't have more free time this week besides today and he knew his best friend would ask about it. Because Jeongin was just so caring like that. So, begrudgingly, Seungmin lifts his bag from under the table and dusts it off, slings it over his shoulder and goes to find Room 35. He's scared, honestly, because he's never met this guy before. All he knew is that he was training in mind magic and he was a third year whereas Seungmin was a second year. Seungmin didn't know anything about mind magic, he was a ballad witch himself. But he was nervous to find out what this guy would do to him.
Would he make fun of his braces? Surely not, right? if he helped Jeongin he wouldn't be mean enough just to make fun of somebody. But what if he removes his memories or something? The guy's still only training! His worries don't stop as he reaches the door with a shoddy "Room 35" etched into a rectangular plate attached to the door. He looks at the piece of paper again and sighs, knocking once,, then twice just as the words on the parchment had instructed him to do. A soft "Come in," calls out from within the room and Seungmin slowly opens the door. He's startled at first, so many things to take in so quickly. First of all, the room smelt amazing, the scent of a lovely perfume of flowers wafting through the air which immediately relaxes tension in Seungmin's muscles. Next, there's a cat rubbing itself against his ankle as soon as he steps through the door. And there's two more from what he can tell. The one rubbing itself against his ankle was ginger with some white on it, the second one lazing on top of a desk in the room was also ginger but it's white parts were more prominent. The final one was laying on a cat tower and was grey with stripes.
"Ah.. forgive me.. Soonie, honey, you can't rub yourself against every new person you see," the male sat at the desk says fondly as he lifts himself up, carefully picking the fluffy friend Seungmin had by his ankles up and delicately popping it down on a small pet bed. "Sorry about that, he gets excited with new people," the male says sheepishly. Seungmin shakes his head and smiles, his hand following the movement and covering his mouth now out of habit. Minho gives him a glance and chuckles. "I can already see why you're here, can I have your name?" he asks kindly. "I'm Minho, Lee Minho, but I assume if you're here you already know that," he states.
"Oh, right,, I'm Kim Seungmin, second year.... My friend Yang Jeongin said you could help uh.. with my..." Seungmin trails off timidly. "With your insecurities? Of course I can, Seungmin! Jeongin did tell me he had a friend with similar problems, is it the braces by any chance?" he queries as he leans back against his desk. "You can shut the door and take a seat, if you want," he adds. Seungmin nods, placing his bag down on the floor and shutting the wooden door behind him. He steps further into the room and takes a seat on the chair Minho had motioned to. It was covered in cat hair but was exceptionally comfortable.
"Yeah, I got braces a little while ago but I've always been... somewhat self conscious of my smile.. I was wondering since you helped Jeongin, you'd help me too," Seungmin says with a certain timidity in his tone. "How much would I need to pay,, is this a paid thing?" he suddenly asks. The question appears to take Minho of guard because he releases a surprised giggle that startles the cat beside him awake. "Awh, sorry Doongie," he coos in a genuine tone as he softly pets the cat's head. "But to answer your question, no I don't need payment. So long as I can help you I'm not bothered about anything else. Besides, I'm still a student so it's not like my solutions are professional-grade," he explains, tone quiet and smooth.
Seungmin nods hesitantly "So like, it's not permanent?" he asks with a skeptical gaze. Minho fondly huffs "Well, I'm not taking your insecurities away or hypnotizing you or anything, it's as permanent as you believe it is; I'm just trying to help you feel better about yourself and your,, smile," he further adds onto his previous explanation. "The mind is a confusing thing, but know that when you look in the mirror and you see ugliness when you smile, that's your brain telling you lies. There's nothing about you that isn't beautiful, everybody is beautiful in their own way," Seungmin's cheeks heat up very quickly after hearing Minho's words. He nods in understanding and the older male hums "Do you mind if I use magic on you..? For this exercise I need to be able to... don't worry I won't do anything you're not comfortable with, this is the same trick that worked with Jeongin so I thought we'd start there,"
The younger witchlet found himself nodding his head delicately, murmuring a small "Yes you may," under his breath. Minho sends him a small, comforting grin. "I do warn you that the method I'm going to use may,, make you a little squirmy," he states, causing the witchlet to become confused. He tilts his head to one side, thinking for a long time with a frown. What did that mean? What was he going to do to him? It seems that Minho knows what he's worrying about and he shakes his head. "It's easier if I just show you, Seungmin,"
He feels it instantly, a gentle flutter against his lower tummy. It causes his body to jolt on the chair and Minho smiles. "Do you get it now?" he asks, and as Seungmin tries to nod, the gentle fluttery feeling travels up to his tummy which makes him giggle. "Hmmhmhmehe.. Hmmhm.." he quietly titters. "Can you answer my question, Seungmin? Do you understand what I'm doing?" he asks once more, a teasing grin about his face. "You're,, mhmhhehee.. you're teasing meheheeehe,, stohop," the younger witch giggles out, lips parting to show off his pretty smile. He immediately goes to bring his hand up to his lips to cover it but he finds very quickly that he can't. His arms are glued to the armrests of the chair. Oh, now it was settling in. Minho did mean to tease him. He can't cover his smile.
Now Seungmin begins to understand why Jeongin got a little bit flustered when he had asked what practices Minho had used to help him out. "Thihihihis ihihis a weheheeird tahahaactic," he says through his giggling. Minho hums in response, the fingers of his left hand wiggling to replicate the feeling onto Seungmin's tummy. "Yeah, I guess you could say it's, an,,, unusual method, but it helps people who are insecure about their smiles and their laughs out tremendously," he nods. He subtly twitches the fingers on his other hand as well with a little grin as he watches Seungmin squeak and twitch, feeling the sensation of two hands skittering their fingers about his sides. "See? There you are, you have such a pretty smile regardless of your braces, Seungmin," Minho compliments him, and it causes the second year witch to flush.
His little attempts to conceale his laughter appear futile as Minho's magic causes him to feel more sensitive than ever. "Hehehahhaa! Ahahahare you suhuhure you're nohohohot just,, mhmhmmhheee,, sahahaying that?" the laughing witch inquires and Minho hums for a minute. "Of course I'm not just saying that, you do have quite the pretty smile. I personally think that braces enhance your smile, makes you look cuter," he replies with a hum. Seungmin doesn't have anything to say back to him so he lets the light, scribbly sensation continue across his tummy and up to where his tummy meets his ribs.
"Ohohohohoh! eeheheeeEheek! Thahahaahahat's a bahahahahad spohohot wahahait!" Seungmin weakly protests as he feels the magical sensation caress the bottom of his ribcage, a sweet spot. "Awh, is that a really ticklish spot? I'm sorry.. I'll move upwards then," Minho grins as he hears the satisfying squeal that leaves Seungmin's lips following the proding of his individual ribs. "The teasing's just for me, by the way, I just think you look cute,,, I just can't help myself~" he coos to Seungmin. It's a different manner than how he had cooed at the cat earlier,, what was he called? Soonie? It didn't matter really, but what did matter is how his cheeks turned a darker scarlet at the cooing.
The sensation stops for a moment, and Seungmin catches his breath for a second. "Hhh,, that was,," he mumbles shyly. "Do you want a drink of water? I heard it helps during breaks," Minho offers. "Is water all you have?" Seungmin tilts his head to the side rather cutely. "Mhm, although I can put a slice of lemon in it if you'd like? Or orange?" Seungmin nods at the offer with a smile. "Orange is fine," he confirms. Now that he thinks about it, this method may be a little odd. But it worked well on Jeongin. It also apparently worked well on Jeongin's friend Felix, who went through the same treatment for a different reason. So there must be some weight behind it. Seungmin suddenly ponders how Minho came across such a method to help with insecurities.
His pondering is cut short when he feels something fluffy swipe against his right foot, he squirms immediately and squeaks. But wait,, he was wearing shoes and socks,, so how...? "It's part of the magic, I'm making you think you're being tickled, giving you the same sensations,, like I said before: the mind is a confusing thing," Minho interrupts his thoughts as he places a glass of water in Seungmin's waiting hand. The younger witch takes a few swift gulps of the cool liquid and sighs contently, placing the glass on a small coaster atop a little side table. "So Seungmin,, how do you feel about your smile?" Minho asks suddenly, breaking the silence with his deep question and even deeper eyes, staring right at Seungmin through his glasses.
Seungmin shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. "I mean,, I feel a little better to know it's mostly in my head... I just... I don't know,, I'm still feeling a little bad about it," the younger explains. Minho nods with a hum, grinning ear to ear when Seungmin falls back into delicate giggling at the soft, feathery sensation caressing the soles of his feet. "Well then, we're just going to have to continue, aren't we? And perhaps book a few weekly sessions while we're at it, how does that sound?" The third year asks, giggling softly when he's met with a squeal for a response.
"Excellent, let's look through my planner,"
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
little itty bitty tickle timestamp from the "In The Meadow" universe with lee! wooyoung and ler! san,, wooyoungie gets some feet tickles ٩(◦`꒳´◦)۶
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"EEEeheheheeheeek!! Sahahahahahaaan!!" Wooyoung shrieks as San's fingers glide across his bare soles. They had been doing this for what seems like forever now. About a month or two had passed since Wooyoung had requested his partner to tickle him and since then, their sessions had gotten more adventurous in nature. San knew all of Wooyoung's tickle spots like he does the patterns on his own wings. His feet were one of these "special spots" that made Wooyoung absolutely squeal with laughter.
"oHOHOHohohohoho nohohohohot thehehehehere!" comes the elf's squeal upon feeling San's teasing fingers caressing the spot just beneath his toes. He was going to lose his mind, for sure. It was so relaxing, though. To laugh freely without the stress of the Elven Clan upon his shoulders. San certainly knew how to get him to shriek with laughter at this point, having him in tears occasionally.
If anything, it furthered their relationship in a way. Because they had grown even closer at the affectionate squeezes and the teasing tummy tickles. It made Wooyoung realize how lucky he was to have such a sweet faerie as his partner, even if by all means they were star-crossed lovers. San pinches his toes one by one in a ticklishly affectionate manner, causing Wooyoung to snort cutely at the action. "SnRt ohohohohoh,,, ahahhehehehahahhaa!!" Wooyoung's head is thrown back and he's cackling wildly now San scribbles beneath his toes. It was a sweet spot.
The best worst part of it was that San didn't even acknowledge his laughter. He'd comment on how cute his noises were from time to time, but he wouldn't tease him often. He'd just sit, talking about his day and what kind of week he's had. It was cute, really, listening to San talk about the small forest critters he had run into while his nails skitter across any sensitive part of Wooyoung's body, in this case his feet.
"Mm, it's one of my friend's birthdays soon, his name is Mingi," San comments with a smile as he traces the little wrinkles on Wooyoung's feet, making his boyfriend squeak. "He's the one who knows about us, y'know the tall one?" he asks, grinning when he realizes Wooyoung wasn't paying attention to his words at all. "Hm, hey, Young-ah! Listen to me better okay?~" he asks teasingly as he mercilessly scribbles his fingers over both bare feet. "I wa-aAHAHAHAAAs!" Wooyoung attempts to sass him but is cut off by his own loud cackling. "Gosh, you're too much fun to tickle... Love you~" San coos, giving his partner a small break. "Hhh,, love you too..." The elf mumbles back.
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝Pass Me The Controller❞
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Lee(s): human turned video game character! Chenle
Ler(s): human! Jisung
Small Synopsis: being Chenle's gaming partner can be very frustrating at times, but when his best friend gets trapped within the walls of a corrupt video game they bought at the game store - Jisung decides to take revenge before lending a helping hand like usual.
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Yells and sounds of competition ring throughout the apartment. It was a Saturday afternoon. And on Saturdays, Chenle and Jisung spent the morning running errands so they could play video games in the afternoon. Currently, Jisung sits on the floor - head resting against Chenle's knee, who is seated on the couch mashing the buttons of his controller, as he releases a sigh of defeat. "You always win at this game, Chenle, can't we play something else?" Jisung pouts and glances up at the male who's still shrieking happily at his victory.
Chenle smirks and shakes his head "No way! I love winning!" he chortles as he goes to load up another round. "Besides, you're just really bad! If you practiced more you could have a chance," he stated in a tone that was akin to teasing. Jisung huffs and snatches the controller from Chenle's grasp. "If we play this all afternoon, we won't be able to play the new game we bought this morning!" he groans and Chenle gasps. "Oh! You're right! I forgot about that game, what was it called again? "Glitch Mode" or something like that,," he mumbles as he searches through the still unpacked bags from that morning's shopping venture to pull out the game's box.
The front of the box was strange, the art displayed five characters that looked somehow familiar to Chenle. The location they were standing in was strange, too. A blue background with a very fake looking lawn that was in front of a tech store similar to the one he and Jisung had purchased the game from. The game's title "Glitch Mode" was also strange to him, since the store's title had been "Glitch" just like the one on the front of the box. Strange. Maybe the workers there had made an indie game? But the guy at the counter, nametag saying "Jaemin" as far as Chenle can recall, didn't seem to recognize the game at all.
Whatever, he thinks, since Jisung is telling him to put the disk in. The younger male had seated himself on the couch now, the two controllers waiting in his hands. Chenle frowns and blinks a few times as he stares at the back of the box. There was no gameplay details on the back, which was really, really strange. "The only thing it does say on the back of the box is that it's singleplayer only, so we'll have to take turns," Chenle explains as he pulls out the disk, swapping it for the game they were previously playing. He giggles a bit as Jisung grumbles, putting his own controller down on the ground.
When the game flashes to its title screen, it's also very strange. Chenle was sensing a pattern as he sat back down with his controller in hand. "There are four options, but one's crossed out..." Chenle states in confusion as if they both weren't looking at the screen. The four options displayed were:
->Exit Game
->Reset Characters
"What the heck does "Reset Characters" mean?" Jisung asks with a frown. His roommate shrugs his shoulders "I guess we'll find out, let's just press play,"
Tapping "play" appeared to be a mistake. Their screen starts to shake, even more strange - Chenle thought - their TV screen doesn't usually do that. The screen flashes a bright white and by some force of magnetic attraction, Chenle is being pulled forward from the couch and being sucked into the TV screen. This was a new realm of strange. "Ah! Jisung,, help!" he shrieks as his legs are pulled forward. Jisung gasps, clinging onto his roommates hands as he tries to pull him from the screen. His attempts are futile, however, as Chenle is sucked further and further into the TV.
Before Jisung could even process it, his roommate had disappeared from the room entirely, his controller laying on the floor and his presence nowhere to be seen. The youngest panics as he grapples for the game box, staring at it in awe when he notices something new. Chenle was on the game's box art! So that means... "Choose Your Character!" a voice from the game echoes, startling Jisung nearly half to death. His eyes glance up at the screen and they widen comically. On the screen before him were the profiles of those five guys at the tech store,,, the only catch was,,, his best friend was there too. "Oh my gosh," Jisung squeaks. "Jisung?" Chenle's voice sounds the same, but it's very daunting to hear it from the speakers of the TV instead of next to him.
"Oh thank goodness, you're still okay in there?" Jisung asks in exasperation. "Yeah, I think so... try and go to the character reset to get me out!" Chenle suggests, his profile on screen not moving at all as he spoke. The younger male had a different idea.. "Pass me the controller," Jisung says to nobody in a determined tone. He picks up the controller and selects Chenle as his character. Well he wasn't expecting this kind of game. There were no details on the back of the box, so Jisung didn't know what to expect. He certainly didn't expect this. Chenle is on the screen, presented just how he might be in real life, except his arms are suspended over his head. "Ji,, what are you doing? Go back.. get me out of here!" Chenle complains, but as soon as Jisung sees the X Button's prompt he grins evilly.
"I think it's time I get you back for beating me in all of those games, Le," he says simply and Chenle raises him a brow. "What is the game about exactly?" he tilts his head to the side. "Well... let's see here.... it says "Press X to tickle him <3" so,, let's see what that does~" Jisung playfully sings, listening to his best friend's protests turn to bright, bubbly laughter in the span of a few moments. By pressing the X Button, it seems Jisung had caused a pair of gray, ghost-like hands to spider up and down Chenle's tummy. "Awh... The options here are so cute!" The Korean teases as Chenle helplessly giggles. "Ehehhahahahaa~! Nohohoho mahahahahake ihihihit stohohop!"
"Make it stop?~ But, LeLe," Jisung starts in a playful tone. "I have so many options available! I can press A to feather tickle you... I can press Y to give you the sensation of tummy kisses... not to mention all of the places I can already tickle you right now!" Jisung explains with a smirk as he moves the control stick upwards to tickle Chenle's ribs, making the male absolutely shriek at the attention. "wAAHAahahahaahaait! Jihihihihisung I'm sohohohorry!! Pleheheheease chahahange me bahahaack!" Chenle pleads cutely, the smile on his face somehow growing wider as Jisung presses the option to tauntingly pluck his ribs.
Poor Chenle is in hysterics by Jisung's every move. Every button press sends him further into ticklish torment. Feathers swipe across the soft skin of his tummy whilst he still feels fingers scratching at his underarms. "Thihihis ihihis sOHOHOHO UNFAHAHAAIR!-" Chenle squawks out through his laughter as his ticklish body is at the mercy of the player, one Park Jisung. He couldn't move at all, except from the minimal squirming he could do. His arms were stuck firmly above his head and no amount of squirming he was doing could move his shirt back down to cover his tummy so that he could have at least a little protection.
Chenle barks out even louder laughter when the younger male teases his belly button rather meanly. "Pl-Plehehehheheease, Jihihihisung! Hahahhahaave meehehheercy!" The helpless lee whines out before dissolving into light giggles again as he feels tracing at his lower tummy. He couldn't handle this much tickling in real life! He's wondering how he can even handle it in a video game..
Jisung hums, leaning back against the bottom of the couch as he lets Chenle have a breather (though he doesn't think that the Chinese male necessarily needs it in this game, since Jisung was supposed to mercilessly tickle him until the bar at the side of the screen had filled) "Let's try one more spot, shall we? Then I'll let you go.." Jisung says with a grin. After pressing the prompt, Chenle feels a light sensation against his scalp which makes him immediately burst into giggles. "Mhmhmahhaa nooohohohooo! Eeheee ahahaa it's sohohohoho muhuhuch worse!" Chenle squeals as the fingertips gently brush over his scalp. "Awh.. can't take it? Tickle tickle..." Jisung teases with a little giggle of his own.
Eventually Jisung has tried all of the prompts and he fills up the meter beside his ticklish best friend. The game is over and he's back at the title screen. With a smile he chuckles "Ah, that's what "Character Reset" means, got it," he nods. It's a feature only unlocked after the game has been beaten with one character. He clicks the option and right before his eyes, Chenle appears back in the room with him, still a little sweaty after Jisung gave him such a hard time. "There you are you little brat, c'mere!" Chenle hisses and dives for his younger roommate. Someone clears their throat and it grabs the two roommates' attention. "Uh, hi? I guess we were in the game too? I think?" The guy who's nametag read "Mark" speaks up sheepishly. "Oh, yeah I guess you were... what's up?" Chenle greets. Jisung only had a moment to wonder what the seventh empty character slot was all about before being dragged into a conversation with the newcomers about the game.
It was probably nothing... right?
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
❝Under The Moonlight❞
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switchie switch(es): witch! Shotaro, Deer Spirit! Sungchan
Small Synopsis: on the night of his moon ritual, Shotaro has a special guest watching him as he performs the seance. Ever the curious one, Shotaro invites the being to join his ritual... only to find what Sungchan's true intentions were.
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The moon was set high in the sky, glistening perfectly among clouds of darkness. It's light gingerly brushes the treetops and reflects against the lake. Stars twinkle beside the ever-glowing moon and below its wonder, a certain witch is preparing his seance. Shotaro Osaki was a witch who lived on the outskirts of this forest, and it was the time of the month where the moon was its fullest and he would perform his ritual. Unbeknownst to him, a creature from beyond watches. He hides behind one of the many tall trees and his eyes glitter as he takes in the beauty of the man before him.
This wasn't any sort of unusual occurrence. He often watched the witch from afar. They have only spoken a handful of times. He knew the witch's name, and he knew his. Shotaro. A pretty name for a pretty witch. He watched from the safety of his hiding place. To be honest, he was slightly scared of the witch. Not like Shotaro was intimidating by any means, he was actually rather soft looking. He was just a bit shy when talking to pretty people.
From those tweed trousers to the linen button down that loosely cups his shoulders as a fair few of the buttons are open. Shotaro was a very pretty witch. Jung Sungchan, deer spirit of the forest, watches the witch with curiosity. He had caught glimpses of him from afar before, but had never gotten close enough to see what he truly looked like. And now he was close enough, he could see that Shotaro was a very charming man. The witch sits at the lake's edge, his hands dipping into the water in the shape of fists like he was holding something within them. Beneath his breath, Sungchan can see that the witch murmurs words that must be a spell of some kind. He lifts his hands from the water and opens them, revealing crystals that shimmer as he examines them. He places the damp crystals beside him on a blanket that had fit within his satchel.
Sungchan's ears curiously twitch as he continues to gaze at the witch before him. At some point while his eyes are fixed on Shotaro as he prepares for his ritual, Sungchan steps on a lone branch on the ground, causing it to snap beneath him. He startles and falls back. Shotaro seems to notice him but he says no words, and instead focuses on his task at hand, he only had one night after all. When Sungchan gets back up, dusting himself off, he looks and Shotaro is surrounded by candles. A protective circle so that he doesn't get eaten whole by some of the magical beings here. "You're welcome to join, if you'd like," the witch offers with a friendly smile. It's warm, comforting and inviting.
But the problem presents itself in a rather prominent fashion. Shotaro is squishy. Sungchan wants to squish him, tickle him, squoosh him. So he takes his chance. Quickly. He stumbles over to the edge of the protection circle and he gazes at Shotaro with sparkly eyes, making the witch smile even wider than he had previously. He offers his hand to the tall spirit and Sungchan takes it, squeezing it lightly as he's willed into the circle's protective spell. Shotaro steps forward, unlinking their hands so that he can bask in the moonlight's pleasant glow. A squeak involuntarily leaves his lips when Sungchan experimentally pokes his side. He turns to face the deer spirit again with a timid grin. He giggles, its the purest sound Sungchan had ever heard. "Please don't, I'm ticklish," he smiles. "Unless that's what you intended to do?" it's posed as a question but there's a knowing smile on Shotaro's face.
Sungchan answers the rhetorical question with another poke to Shotaro's side. As the witch squeaks once more at the squeeze Sungchan sends to his sides, the deer spirit manages to wrestle him to the ground and wiggle his fingers against the witch's tummy easily. It's a soft, fluttery feeling and it has a similar affect on the witch as his head tilts back, giggles pouring out freely. "Ehehehahaha~! Ohohohokay yohohou cahahan,, but nohot for toohohoo long!" Shotaro nods his head lightly, eyes shutting as he feels Sungchan's delicate fingers adventure across his tummy.
It's smooth and squishy looking, so naturally adorable that Sungchan can't help but smile at the endearing laughter of the witch. He quickly feels a sensation across his own tummy and he releases a surprised giggle. Shotaro smiles widely and hums "You dihidn't thihink I'd juhuhust lehehet you tihickle me did you?" he asks with a teasing smile. Sungchan smiles, so it'd be like that would it? He'd just have to out-tickle the competition!
Sungchan quickly scritches upwards to tickle Shotaro's ribs, causing the witch to squirm a little and laugh. "Heeehehey! Dohohohon't tihihihickle me theheheheere!" Shotaro giggles out, stopping the magic he was using to get the other back. It was hard to focus on tickling the other in return when the sensation was traveling up and up and he was getting more sensitive. "Eehehhaa, wahahaait-" Shotaro protests as Sungchan manages to wiggle his fingers beneath the male below him's arms. "Tickle tickle!" Sungchan beams with a wide smile. It's posed less of a tease and more like an affectionate phrase.
Shotaro wasn't expecting the evening to go thusly, he didn't have long before the moon set and he went a whole month without moon water, something he didn't really feel fond of doing. So he manages to gain focus and cause a skittering feeling across Sungchan's tummy once more. "Mhmhmhmhehee, thahahahahat kinda feeeheheheeeheheeels weheheird!" Sungchan titters. Shotaro sits up, effectively pushing Sungchan from his lap with a smile. "Stay there for a moment while I complete the ritual!" he explains as if it were the simplest thing.
The ticklish sensations overcome Sungchan's body very quickly whilst Shotaro continues casting a spell for the ritual. "eEehehheeheeheheek! Hehehehey, I wahahahaasn't this mehehehean to yohohou!" The deer spirit claims as his head falls back, laughter pouring out of his mouth. The sensation was multiplying like it was everywhere! On his tummy, his ribs, his underarms too and even somehow knowing to squeeze at his wobbly knees. He couldn't focus on much else besides the tickles. It caused him to squirm around with contagious laughter that even had his witch companion giggling whilst trying to recite his ritual spell.
It doesn't take long for the spell to conclude, Shotaro leaning down over the water to bottle up some of the now enchanted liquid to place it delicately in his satchel. He turns back to a laughing deer spirit with a smile. "Having fun?" he asks in a taunting tone as he sits cross-legged beside Sungchan. "Hahahahhehehee,, I cahahahahan feheeeheheheeel ihihit eheheheverywhere!!" Sungchan explains through his ticklish plight. It makes Shotaro's smile widen and he affectionately pinches the taller man's cheeks.
"Well this is for always hiding from me, silly!" The witch hums as he watches the deer squirm and give him a laughter-seized plea at getting the sensations to stop. And yet, Shotaro can't bring himself to right then and there. The taller spirit was cute! His deer ears press flat against his head as he continues to quietly cackle. "Hehehhahaaahahaa,, ohohohoh Tahahaaro please stohohop!" oh, a nickname? How sweet. Taro? He liked that. "Alright, alright, I'll stop," Shotaro muses "But if you didn't need to breathe I definitely wouldn't..." because you're cute, he wanted to add.
Sungchan takes a moment to heave a deep breath and he ponders for a moment. He did initiate this, so technically it was on him. But he really wanted to get Shotaro back. He leans his head to the side and looks up at the male sat cross-legged beside him. "Um,, can I?" he asks softly, blinking up at the other with big doe eyes. Shotaro knows what he's asking but pretends not to. "Can you what?" he hums in response, chuckling slightly as he hears the tiny "Can I tickle you?" in response to his question.
He nods, its subtle but Sungchan can still tell its a nod. The deer spirit sits up fully and he giggles a bit, noticing their very clear height difference now that he's properly sat up in front of the witch. The protection circle is still strongly surrounding them, so no unwanted predators could meddle with them. Sungchan takes his chance, fingers rapidly wiggling against the free skin of Shotaro's neck, making the witch yelp in shock and giggle. It was enough of a distraction so that the deer spirit could quickly trail his hands down to squeeze Shotaro's knees. He doesn't get the response he wants but there is a little "Pfft, hehehahahee~" there.
It turns out Shotaro can't take much tickling because for the little while that Sungchan is able to tickle his sides and his tummy, he's asking the other to stop. "Hehehahhaa! St-Stohohohohop!" he gently pleads as his hands fall over Sungchan's. "What's up, did I already tire you out? How?" The curious deer queries. Shotaro smiles and shakes his head fondly "It's not that, just, do you want to finish this in my cottage? It's getting very late and laying against my bed whilst being tickled is probably more comfortable than the ground," he offers and Sungchan human for a moment.
He sends a swift prod to Shotaro's side once more, grinning at the way the male twitches. "I'd love to, so long as you can treat me to some tea,"
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ticklishraspberries · 3 years
Warrior Training (Suki/Ty Lee)
Summary: Suki is training Ty Lee to be a Kyoshi warrior, but Ty Lee has something more entertaining in mind. (This pairing was so fun to write!! Part of my Femslash February fics, hope you enjoy it!)
“C’mon, try to block me,” Suki encouraged, taking another swing towards the Fire Nation girl.
Ty Lee, who’s fighting style was similar enough to that of the Kyoshi Warriors, was fitting right in. Still, Suki had been practicing one-on-one with her to...Well, to get her acquainted, obviously. No other reason.
“Don’t we ever strike first?” Ty Lee asked, easily blocking the hit, but pouting nonetheless.
“We use our opponent’s strength against them,” Suki replied. “Knocking them back with their own force. So, yes, we can and will strike first, but it’s about using their own attacks to best them.”
The answer seemed to make Ty Lee perk up, a new spring in her step as she put her hands back up. “You block me this time, then,” she said, and only gave Suki a moment to prepare before she launched her next move.
Suki easily caught her wrist and took her to the floor. “You struck first, and I used your strength to get you down. Understand?”
Ty Lee pouted again. “Yeah, yeah,” she mumbled, but she got back up, ready for more.
As beautiful as Ty Lee was, something about seeing her in the traditional garb of Suki’s people was incredibly distracting. Her many braids had been pulled back into one simple style, the makeup accentuating her features.
However, Suki supposed her old Fire Nation outfits had revealed much more skin, which would be twice as distracting for her.
While she was lost in thought, Ty Lee took a cheap shot to chi-block her left arm, making Suki yelp. It wasn’t a very powerful shot; Suki’s arm could still move limply, and she knew from experience that the feeling and full movement would return shortly. If she were a bender, it would be a much more devastating hit, but it was simply an annoyance to her.
“Hey!” she said.
Ty Lee giggled innocently. “Maybe striking first isn’t such a bad idea, hm?”
Suki gave her a glare. “That was so not fair.”
“No, this isn’t fair,” Ty Lee replied, before she pounced, tackling Suki to the soft mat on the ground, and because the other girl had one dead arm, it was easy to get her pinned.
“Very funny,” Suki grumbled. “Do you want me to say you won?”
Ty Lee grinned down at her. “Well I did win, didn’t I?”
The feeling in Suki’s arm had returned, and a grin curled on her own face as she quickly switched their positions so that she was on top of Ty Lee, who squealed in surprise as she was straddled by the Kyoshi native.
“I think this means I won,” Suki said. “And while I’m all about using my opponent's strength against them, I’m not above using their weaknesses.”
Ty Lee eyed her warily. “What do you mean by that?”
In response to her question, Suki began tickling Ty Lee’s belly with one hand while the other attempted to hold her squirming body down.
The Fire Nation girl burst into laughter almost instantly, the high-pitched sound like music to Suki’s ears. Ty Lee was already an adorable, bubbly person, and her laughter matched that perfectly. It made Suki’s heart melt, watching the helpless grin spread on her face.
In fact, she was so distracted by the sweet picture, Ty Lee managed to flip the two of them over, a delighted battle cry leaving her lips. “Got you!” she declared, her hands going for Suki’s sides.
Suki wasn’t quite as sensitive as Ty Lee, but she was unable to fight the laughter that bubbled in her chest and spilled from her lips.
“Not fair!” she gasped, legs kicking out to no avail.
“Not fair? You seemed to think it was pretty fair when you did it to me,” Ty Lee replied, hands creeping up to prod at Suki’s ribs.
The Kyoshi warrior was brought to a giggly mess underneath the hands of her new friends, and it would have wounded her pride had she not been so happy to roughhouse with someone she liked so much. But she needed to breathe eventually, and so she allowed herself to beg for mercy.
“Okay, okay,” she heaved, batting uselessly at Ty Lee’s hands.
“Had enough?”
“Hmm…Oh, alright, but only because I’m so nice,” Ty Lee said, and her hands went still.
Suki sucked in a relieved breath, but before she could say anything, Ty Lee leaned down and pressed a kiss to her reddened cheek.
Too stunned to say another word, Suki laid there on the floor as Ty Lee grinned, clambered off of her, and said something about resuming their training.
When she finally regained enough of a brain to do so, Suki stood, and pulled Ty Lee in for a kiss, on the lips this time, and Ty Lee returned it enthusiastically.
“I guess I won after all,” Suki breathed once they’d pulled away.
Ty Lee giggled, shaking her head fondly. “Oh no, I definitely won this one.”
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daybreak-tkler · 2 years
Just so the requesters know,,,
• anonnie who requested the sequel to "The Green Eyed Monster" that will be uploaded today! ^^
• anonnie who requested nomin, that will hopefully be uploaded on Monday or on Tuesday
•anonnie who requested minhyunlix, i will work on your fic as soon as possible!
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ticklishraspberries · 4 years
Day of Rest (Sokka/Suki/Zuko)
Summary: Sokka keeps filling the relaxing silence with dumb jokes, and Suki and Zuko find another way to fill their vacation with laughter. (Based on an anonymous prompt. This is my first shot at writing an ATLA fic, so I really hope you enjoy!!)
As adorable as Sokka’s optimistic, smiley attitude was, the one thing that could be a little grating was his sense of humor. Normally, it was cute, but there were only so many bad jokes that Suki and Zuko could take.
Yet, Sokka never seemed to know when to quit.
The trio was spending a lazy afternoon together, an opportunity they hadn’t had in a while. Saving the world didn’t give much room for relaxation, it seemed, but now the world was back in order and they had time to act like teenagers again.
But did acting like a teenager really excuse Sokka’s awful puns?
“Hey, hey, Suki? What do you get if you breed a sky bison and—ah!” Sokka’s next joke was cut off in a yelp as Suki expertly maneuvered him to the floor, pinning his hands at his sides and straddling his waist.
Cheeks flushed, Sokka pouted up at her. “What was that for?”
“We’re trying to have a nice day off,” Zuko chimed in, sat close to Sokka’s side. “And you keep filling the silence with your jokes.”
“Your bad jokes,” Suki added, not holding back the truth.
“My jokes are hilarious and tasteful!” Sokka said, his tone playfully offended. “I’m just trying to fill our vacation with some laughter.”
Suki and Zuko exchanged a glance, before each smirking.
“Well, if it’s laughter you want…”
Suki was quick, pinning Sokka’s hands beneath her knees before fingers darted out to dance up his sides, as precise and skillful as her fighting. Sokka had wondered if the Kyoshi warriors had ever been trained in the art of tickle torture, with how quickly his girlfriend could take him apart.
Zuko’s fingers were a bit more clumsy and unsure, but still effective as he moved behind Sokka’s head to tease his neck, making sure to cover the spot from jaw to collarbone, leaving no patch of skin un-tickled.
Sokka’s laughter was bright and would probably be described as obnoxious by strangers, but Suki and Zuko’s fondness for the water tribe boy outweighed any annoyance at the shrill giggles pouring from his mouth.
“This is nohot what I meant!” he cried.
“What do you mean? You said you wanted laughter,” Suki said.
“At jokes, not tickles!”
“Maybe if your jokes were funnier, we wouldn’t have to resort to such drastic measures,” Zuko replied cheekily. He was still getting the hang of playful, teasing banter, just like he was adjusting to the physical closeness of having both Suki and Sokka in his life, especially because they (Sokka especially) could be quite affectionate in a way he wasn’t used to.
He certainly wasn’t complaining, though. Especially in moments like these, where they could be silly and have fun. All three of them had been deprived of those chances, the cost of growing up in a war, but with newfound happiness and safety, they could lose themselves in the moment and act as childish as they wanted.
Which usually manifested in tickle fights such as these, although Suki and Zuko weren’t giving Sokka much of a fight.
Suki twisted around to squeeze at his thighs, while Zuko prodded around his ribs, and Sokka’s laughter became breathless and his words became scarce, giving them their cue to back off.
“That was cruel and unusual punishment,” Sokka wheezed. “What happened to love and peace among the nations?”
“You’re the one who was disrupting the peace,” Zuko replied, stroking Sokka’s hair fondly.
Suki got off his waist and laid back on the floor beside him, snuggling up to his side and placing her head in Zuko’s lap. “I think that was a beautiful show of love,” she said.
“Oh yeah? Let’s see how you like that kind of love!”
And soon, Suki’s laughter was filling their day of rest instead.
Though, who’s to say that some silly fun wasn’t an act of relaxation?
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