#zukka tickle
ticklishraspberries · 2 years
hey homieeeee
for the prompts list if you’re still accepting (just delete this if you’re not): 8 with Sokka & Zuko? you can pick who you want doing what 😊
always happy to see you feeling good and excited to write, writer’s block is poo and i love seeing you in action 💪🏻
prompt list!!
8. “can you stop laughing? i’m trying to talk to you. how rude!”
Sokka was ridiculous, and it would have annoyed Zuko if he didn't find it so stupidly endearing.
Of course, when the ridiculousness led to Zuko also looking like a fool, he wished he could see through the thick fog of love and smack Sokka away like he would if he were a normal, not-smitten man.
"Sokka, I'm seherious—Stop!" he choked out, squirming like mad beneath the other's touch.
"What's that? I can barely understand you through all those giggles," Sokka replied, grinning.
"I don't giggle!" Zuko insisted, although he knew it was a lie.
"Um, yes, you do. And it's really adorable, too, have I ever told you that? I especially love how red your face gets when I give you all these compliments," Sokka rambled on, fingers still clawing into Zuko's sides with torturous precision. "Can you stop laughing? I'm trying to talk to you. How rude!"
"You just said it was cute!" Zuko replied. Sassing Sokka in that situation was probably not his smartest move, but if he was going down, he was going down fighting (half-heartedly, of course).
"It's absolutely adorable, but you're not listening to me when you're making such adorable sounds."
"Then quit it!"
"Hmm...No, I don't think I will."
Sokka was going to be the death of him. Zuko loved it more than he let on. Of course, Sokka knew.
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august-anon · 1 year
His Royal Grumpiness
For Tickletober Day 11: Squeal
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ship(s): Zukko (pre-relationship)
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Zuko/Ler!Sokka
Word Count: 1050 words
Summary: Don't ask Sokka why Zuko was so fun to tease. There was absolutely nothing to read into, no matter what Katara said. Instead ask: just what was that noise that came out of Zuko's mouth, and how did Sokka get him to make it again?
[ao3 link]
Don’t ask Sokka what it was about Zuko that made him so fun to tease. He was just so reactive. A few annoying questions, a hair ruffle, a surprise piggy-back attack – anything, and Zuko was red in the face and telling Sokka to cut it out! at a volume and pitch that was likely unbecoming of a newly-crowned Fire Lord.
Aang was too patient with his monk shit and weird breathing exercises. Katara was too familiar with his particular brand of annoying, and he was too familiar with her reactions for it to be as fun anymore. Toph would just beat him up. But Zuko just made it too easy. That was the only reason he’d made it his mission in life to get a rise out of Zuko, no matter what Katara and Suki said.
The question Sokka wanted answered instead of that was: what was that noise that just came out of Zuko’s mouth? Or, an even better question, how did Sokka get him to make that sound again?
“Sokka,” Zuko growled, his cheeks and ears already flushed a bright pink. “What are you doing?”
Sokka grinned, flopping on his back in the grass next to Zuko, stretching his arms up and behind his head. “Oh, you know, just hanging out with the turtleducks. Me and them, we’re best friends, you know.”
Zuko shot a glance toward the turtleducks he’d been feeding before Sokka arrived, which had scattered to all edges of the pond with the adorable high-pitched noise Sokka had drawn out of him. He turned back to Sokka with a raised eyebrow.
“What? That was all you, your Fiery-ness. I’m not the one making noises that only polar bear-dogs can hear.”
Zuko pressed his lips into a thin line, his face growing a shade pinker. “That wasn’t my fault!”
“I dunno, man. All I did was say hi, and suddenly you’re scaring all the turtleducks away.”
“That was not all you did! You–” Zuko cut himself off, his cheeks puffing out a little with frustration, before he turned to face the pond once more.
Sokka popped up on his elbows. “I what, your Fiery-ness?”
Zuko had moved on to pouting, which matched adorably with the blush still staining his cheeks. He looked at Sokka from the corner of his eye. “You know that’s not a real title.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Sokka wagged a finger in Zuko’s face. “No changing the subject, mister. What could I have possibly done to scare off the turtleducks?”
“You– you surprised me!”
Sokka hummed, flopping back into the grass. “Still sounds like your fault then, doesn’t it? All those squeaky noises, looks like the Fire Lord startles too easily.” 
Scanning Zuko’s body, Sokka tried to aim another poke toward the area that earned him that noise in the first place – somewhere between the back of his ribs and his shoulder blade. Quicker than Sokka would have expected – which was his own fault, Zuko was the most skilled swordsman between them, even if he was loath to admit it – Zuko twisted around and snatched the offending finger out of the air, holding it tight.
“Don’t even think about it.”
Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Defensive. Careful, you’ll scare the turtleducks out of the pond completely.”
That earned Sokka a patented Zuko glare, the likes of which he hadn’t seen outside of a war room in a long while. Sokka frowned, eyes jumping between Zuko’s face and his upper back.
“Did I hit a bruise or something?” He asked, grabbing Zuko’s shoulder and forcibly twisting him back around. “Are you hurt and not telling us?”
“What? No! Sokka, come on–”
“I don’t understand what the big deal is, then–”
Sokka prodded his fingers into the area again, earning him another one of those high pitched noises. When he didn’t relent, Zuko tried to twist away, the sound turning into a full-blown squeal. Sokka paused.
“Wait a second–”
“Sokka, no–”
“You’re telling me–”
“Shut up!”
“– that his royal grumpiness–”
Zuko whirled around, tackling him back into the grass and slamming a hand over his mouth. His cheeks were stained a mottled red, and Sokka could feel his own face warming up to match as he realized how close the two of them were. Zuko, as usual, remained oblivious.
“– is ticklish?” Sokka finished, his voice muffled beneath Zuko’s hand.
“I am not!”
Sokka laughed, reaching up to pull Zuko’s hand away from his mouth. “You so are! Fire Lord Zuko is stupid ticklish, how did none of us know?”
“Well– you’re ticklish too!”
“Sure,” Sokka said. “But this isn’t about me right now.” He surged upward and hooked his leg around Zuko’s hip, using the leverage to flip them over so he was pinning Zuko. “This is about you and the frankly adorable noise you just made.”
“I’ll call the guards.”
Sokka scoffed. “No you won’t.”
Zuko’s mouth started to twist into a scowl, so Sokka decided he’d had enough of toying with his food. His hands immediately started scribbling up Zuko’s ribs, and Sokka was shocked that the guards didn’t come running anyway at how loud Zuko squealed. Sokka laughed again.
“You’ve been holding out on us!”
“Sokka, please!”
His hands jumped down to Zuko’s stomach, digging into the robes with the sort of nibbling pinches that always sent Aang and Toph into hysterics. Zuko’s squeals jumped into giggles as he tried to curl into a ball underneath Sokka, shoving at him with one hand and covering his face with the other.
“Man, you’ve got all this royal clothing in the way,” Sokka said, pausing his attack. “How am I supposed to find the best tickle spots in these conditions?”
Zuko pushed at Sokka’s face. “You aren’t.”
Sokka grabbed Zuko’s wrist and pinned it in the grass next to his head. “So you admit there’s tickle spots to find?”
“... No?”
“I hope you know that just makes me want to find them more.”
That adorable mottled blush bloomed on Zuko’s cheeks again as he narrowed his eyes. “I think you’re forgetting something important.”
With a startling lurch, Zuko rolled them back over, twisting his hand out of Sokka’s grip to pin Sokka’s own hand on the grass high above his head. Sokka gaped up at him.
“I already know where your tickle spots are.”
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hahanamegobrrrr · 5 months
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momos-servants · 6 months
Wait guys
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Favorite atla fic?
Oh. There was no way this wasn't going to become a list. Most of it is going to be maiko because I'm starved for content.
Basically any maiko fic written by annavale23. They have a way of writing the exact things that tickle my brain. My top picks are graphite and tea and fascinations. Both modern AU.
love is patient, love is kind by littlerosette: kataang fleabag AU. Read if you can handle the aansgt. I love Katara's characterisation in this one. And the writting is beautiful.
Saving Face by meltingglacier: Koh kidnaps Mai. It's very creepy and disturbing. I always imagined Koh and Mai encounter would be her bullying him. This is far from it, but it is absolutely amazing.
Dish Duty by Princeliest: Katara and Zuko try to make truce with varying degrees of success (or failure). Zuko gets into trouble (as is customary) and is surprised when Katara and Aang show up to save him. Has some whump.
Both Zuko vs Adults and The Little Lady serie by WinterSnufkin. Zuko vs Adults is exactly what is written on the tin. It has an Azula and Zuko story that's lovely. It has a maiko story too! The Little Lady is Zuko cross-dressing and all the feelings associated with it.
Nip it in the Bud by ranilla_bean: NSFW. Explicit. Zukka. This one is hilarious! Sokka is horny and dying.
reverberations by aerixlee: a modern AU maiko story I held off reading because it's modern AU. You would think I should've learned better by now. Anyways, this is actually amazing! (I've been trying to draw fanart for this one).
up in the city two-parter series by Madseason (naive_wanderer): Ba Sing Se era jetko with a lot of feelings.
Killing Me Softly by iCeDreams: NSFW. BDSM maiko. Involves shibari. Explicit. I'm a kinky mfer and maiko doesn't have enough kinky smut with the exact dynamics that I like. (i.e. dom Mai/sub Zuko). This is the only one I found that checks the right boxes for me.
The Narcissist's Prayer by BigPurplePeep: the characterisation isn't exactly canon-compliant. But as far as the theme goes... I wish canon had tried to do what this story does!
Ironing Out the Kinks by vanillabutspicy: kataang. NSFW. Crack. Nothing explicit though. People try to convince Aang to have children with multiple women. kataang come with receipts. Hilarity ensues: for the reader, not for the people present.
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atla-confessions · 1 month
More a/b/o ATLA stuff because that ramble I made like a few days ago or something wasn’t enough to stop me from thinking about this stupid thing 😭 Sorry if this makes no sense I’m incredibly tired
Firstly, in that ramble I said healthy pups in ATLA present after their twelfth birthday. HOWEVER, I didn’t mention that in some cases, a pup can present earlier than their twelfth birthday due to harsh stress which causes a hormonal imbalance; the spirits assign your second gender earlier than expected so that it can balance your system out again. The earliest a pup can present is ten and a half.
With this said, I believe that Sokka and Katara all presented earlier than expected. In my AU, Hakoda left when Katara was ten and a half and Sokka was eleven years old and. A few months later (around 2 or 3 months) Sokka presented early due to having the weight of his entire tribe on his shoulders. Katara also presented early from a similar reason at eleven years and seven months old.
I know that with this logic, Toph and Aang probably would have presented earlier as well, but Toph was already twelve when they first met her and I don’t know much about her home life, other than the fact it was restrictive. Aang encased himself in ice when he was twelve and from the flashbacks we see about his past, he wasn’t very stressed (not to say he wasn’t stressed at all, of course).
I’m not sure about Azula or Zuko. Azula prides herself on being perfect and honestly? I think she would present the day she turned twelve, right on the perfect dot. Zuko had to deal with the trouble of his father’s… everything, and his mother’s disappearance. I don’t know for certain whether I believe he presented early or not but if he did present early, it was most likely when he was eleven and a half. Again, not sure.
Unfortunately there’s little to no information about Suki’s past (that I know of) so I can’t be for sure about anything nor can I truly talk about her without doubting myself 🙁.
OOH another thing. (If it’s not obvious I just type what comes to my head.) There was definitely a lot of conflict between Sokka and Katara when she presented as an Alpha; it wasn’t easy for either of them and they got into a lot of fights the first few months of her presentation, as newly-presented Alphas are a lot more emotional and angrier until they mellow out. Add a moody, angry Katara with a moody, sensitive Sokka (who is still somewhat new to being an Omega and is also stewing in self-hatred 24/7) and you get Chaos. And angst, lots of angst.
Right. In this AU, Sokka struggles with embracing his Omega side, hating himself for being a ‘weak babymaker’ or something else horribly rude. Because he hates himself for being an Omega, he lashes out at others and exclaims his dislike towards Omegas publicly (much to Katara’s and everyone else’s nerves). He’s not the only one who struggles with his second gender, however. Katara has problems with her own Alpha-like tendencies, much like Zuko.
(I don’t know if it’s obvious but I mostly think about Sokka and Katara with this AU; Sokka’s my favorite character and I love sibling bonding and angst!! *pats Katara and Sokka* these bad boys can fit so much pain in them!)
Anyways. Yeah, I mostly feel like there would be a lot of fights between the water siblings. These fights would be where most of Katara’s issues with being an Alpha and some of Sokka’s issues with being an Omega would come from; they’d both do things they regret. Katara would probably be aggressive without thinking and Sokka would not be able to argue back due to his mind going into ‘Panic! Stay safe from angry and scary ass Alpha!’ mode.
Anyways more than JUST Katara and Sokka. The GAANG!!
The Gaang are all definitely Pack. Like absolutely family-core (save for Kataang and Sukka, or Zukka if that tickles your pickle or whatever the phrase is).
I feel like Katara was very protective over everyone, especially in the first season when it was just her, Sokka, and Aang. She doesn’t see Sokka as weaker or anything, but her mind just can’t calm down unless she knows her brother is safe. Sokka is just as protective though, but shows it in a different way. The only other time Katara was protective to the point it was downright crazy was when Zuko joined. Another Alpha around, a potential threat? Katara would go crazy, scenting everyone to make sure Zuko understood that if he hurt any of them, she’d kill him.
I think Zuko would make sure not to upset Katara in any way, staying away from the others and making himself appear smaller and kinder so that she wouldn’t get the wrong idea.
I think Sokka would be especially protective over Toph and Aang, since they’re both pups (well, until months after the end of the war).
Ok that’s all I’m about to fall asleep. I’ll probs write more lol 😭 Still obsessed with this stupid a/b/o au thing UGH!
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
ah will u do zukka for the ship ask? idr if you ship them sorry if u don’t ignore this🙏
Thanks for the ask!
I do ship them!
Who said “I love you” first
Zuko. It was technically an accident but he did say it first.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Zuko doesn't have Sokka as his lock screen but he is his home screen. Sokka has Zuko as his home screen and lock screen.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Zuko. He knows Sokka forgets easily so he writes the notes to help him remember or just gives little inspiring messages which are actual proverbs he thinks his uncle would say.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Who initiated the first kiss
Sokka. Zuko was a little more reluctant to kiss because of years of growing up under the Fire Nation's homophobic laws.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Zuko(after he becomes more okay with kissing Sokka). Sokka isn't awake in the morning to kiss Zuko awake.
Who starts tickle fights
Sokka, but Zuko freaks out the first time because Sokka came up on his blind side so Sokka stopped doing it.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Sokka. Even if Zuko's in the middle of a meeting with his advisors, Sokka comes in and sets lunch down next to Zuko then leaves like it's the most normal thing in the world.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Both. Zuko was nervous he'd screw up the date and Sokka was nervous Zuko would realize he could do better.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
They get their sisters to do it.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Zuko. One time, a noble was telling Sokka about how Zuko would soon realize he didn't need a snow savage as a partner and how he'd get together with a Fire Nation girl soon so Zuko, on top of setting the man on fire, also loudly screamed at him that he loved Sokka.
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paramouradrift · 2 years
Touch Starved
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pairing: Zukka Modern AU in which Zuko is the captain of the fencing team
You can also find this on AO3 by clicking here.
The one thing that bothered Sokka about Zuko, the fencing team captain, was just how…touchy he was. It seemed like he couldn’t keep his hands to himself for two seconds. During practice, he was always going around and correcting people’s forms and stances by just…pushing their limbs into place, or gently taking their wrists or hands to show how the technique should look and feel. After practice, he would clap people on the shoulders and tell them good job, or go for side-jabs or ass-slaps. He once tickled Aang into total submission right in the locker room, both of them bare as the day they were born. Sokka, of course, was not exempted from this treatment, and he didn’t really so much like it. He craved it. It took him weeks to admit that he envied Zuko and his easy familiarity with the other members of the fencing team. He wanted to be able to just…let loose and not care what people might think of him. But that’s not how he grew up. He’d always had to be the man of the house, and that meant he had to put on a tough face and take a firm hand. Yeah, he was funny—hilarious, even—but he drew a line with others and rarely let them cross it. But Zuko just sort of skipped right over it on day one, and ever since then Sokka wrestled with an unpleasant, coiling sensation in his gut whenever Zuko was nearby. That sensation which told him that the happy chemicals his brain made whenever Zuko touched him were shameful and wrong, and that he should not want to put his hands on Zuko’s tense shoulders, or wrap them around his narrow waist, or ruffle his hair. Men didn’t do those things, they put each other in headlocks and bumped fists or chests. They didn’t hug each other or drape themselves across another man’s lap. They didn’t cuddle. Which was all to say, Sokka didn’t do those things. But becoming friends with Aang and being on the same team as Zuko made him long to change. To reach out. Holding back was agony, some days. “Hey! Good job today,” Zuko said, putting his hand gently on Sokka’s shoulder as they walked back to the dorms from the gymnasium. Zuko’s smile was bright and genuine. Sokka’s fingers twitched. “Thanks,” he said, instinctively brushing off Zuko’s hand, then hating himself for it, then hating himself for hating himself. “I think I'm finally getting the hang of the saber.” “When you remember to loosen up your wrists,” Zuko said with a cocky eyebrow quirk, clearly enjoying having spent the last forty minutes disarming and humiliating Sokka in front of the rest of the club (he hadn’t been the only one). Moments like these reminded Sokka that Zuko was a man just like him, that maybe he could reach out like he was used to. But then Zuko snaked his arm over Sokka’s shoulders, leaning into him just a bit too close. Crossing right over that boundary. Sokka’s fingers twitched harder. “Don’t stress about it. I started on saber, and it took me ages to get the turn right. I think you’re better than I was when I was a beginner.” “You really mean it?” Sokka asked, skeptical. Zuko nodded. “I do,” he said. “I wouldn’t just gas you up, Sokka. I think you have a lot of skill and potential, you just lack training. How about attending Piandao’s workshop over Fall Break? The club will sponsor it.” He was too close. His breath was in Sokka’s ear, and his body was pressed up to Sokka’s arm. They would be tripping over each other if they weren’t accustomed to automatically correcting their balance. Sokka sighed ruefully and gave in to his twitching fingers. He wanted Zuko’s touch, and he wanted to touch Zuko in return. He reached up and clapped Zuko on the shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. Zuko blinked in surprise as Sokka moved his hand down to his waist, pulling them closer together. “I’ll think about it,” Sokka said, and then jerked his head towards the student union building. “Now come on, let’s grab something to eat. I’m starving.”
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bearsandbeansart · 7 months
Tagged by @erisenyo
Last Song: Colors by Beck
Favorite Color: Jewel tones in general
Last Movie/TV Show: Into the Spiderverse
Sweet/Spicey/Savory: Can I pick all three?
Relationship Status: Solidly single/dating myself
Last thing I googled: The name of the man who owned the tea shop in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se. It's Pao, in case anyone is curious.
Current obsession: I honestly don't know? I've been so focused on working and parenting that I don't know if anything new has tickled my fancy.
Last book: a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's poetry
Looking forward to: the Zukka Big Bang.
I'm supposed to tag nine people, but I'm just going to say that anyone who wants to do this, pretend I tagged you :)
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erisenyo · 1 year
I didn't realize that I've been spending the last month reading your absolutely wonderful ~800,000 word epic Zukka fanfic until I clicked on the deleted scene you had linked in 'These Things Known' last night. It's nice to realize I followed you already.
First off, I'm thrilled you've been enjoying my lovely behemoth so much!
And second, I'm tickled that you liked the vibes enough to follow me over here, too, and have only just put it together :)
(And thirdly I'm so glad that link still works lol, sometimes tumblr gets weird with that)
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babydotcom · 3 years
just thinking about sokka wanting to be the fun tall uncle who drags kataang and toph’s kids around and lets them hang off of him and how he probably can’t be because of his leg so zuko takes up the fun tall uncle responsibilities so they can still have that relationship with their nieces and nephews
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august-anon · 2 years
In His Arms
TickleTober 2022, Day 6: Cuddles
i bet you can guess what i’m gonna say lol. this is unedited!
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ship(s): Zukka
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Zuko/Ler!Sokka
Word Count: 402 words
Summary: Zuko's been a bit stiff while cuddling. Sokka tries to convince him to relax.
[ao3 link]
“You’re so stiff,” Sokka grumbled. “It’s like trying to snuggle a plank of wood.”
Zuko huffed and grumbled out, “It’s not my fault.”
He’d always been like this, as long as he could remember. Stiff with hugs, stiff with affection, stiff while standing. He just wasn’t good at the whole “relaxing” thing. Why would he relax when he might need to be on his feet within seconds, running or fighting for his life? Sokka was lucky Zuko had bothered to even take his shoes off, this time. He was just sick of Sokka grumbling about dirt in the blankets.
They literally slept on the ground most nights, in the dirt. What was the point?
Sokka groaned and jostled Zuko, grabbing the shoulder furthest from him and shaking it a little. “Loosen up. Even Toph would be a better cuddle buddy than this.”
“Toph would kick you out before you could get within five feet.”
Sokka paused a moment. “Would you at least kiss it better?”
Zuko scoffed. “After you called me stiff as a board?”
Sokka pressed his pout against Zuko’s neck. “If Toph kicked you out, I would kiss it better.”
Zuko rolled his eyes. Sokka huffed a put-out breath against his neck, and Zuko couldn’t help the shiver that ran through him, the way his tense body instinctively tried to jerk away. Sokka went eerily still. Sokka was never still.
“Don’t you dare–”
“I think I know how to help you relax.”
Zuko didn’t get to finish his protest. Instead, he had to slap both hands over his mouth to muffle his mortifying giggles. If he was going to be made a fool, he didn’t need the rest of the Gaang as witnesses. Sokka nuzzled into his neck, huffing out quiet breaths and utilizing his lips where he saw fit. Meanwhile, Sokka’s hands started sneaking around Zuko’s body, seeking out weak points. Unfortunately, the disadvantage of being so on-edge all the time was that his body and mind got tired, and a tired body and mind didn’t have the energy to keep from flinching when those weak points were reached.
As Sokka snickered against his neck, Zuko resigned himself to his fate. Even if this didn’t get him to relax, it would at least help him get a good night’s sleep. And a good night’s sleep in Sokka’s arms was a win in Zuko’s book, playful torment and all.
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tickly-tufts · 4 years
Even Better Than Chi Blocking
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Chi blocking... a technique so formidable that even powerful benders had reason to be wary. Capable of paralyzing with just a few precise strikes, it was an advantage Team Avatar sorely lacked. Having narrowly escaped the Boiling Rock mere days ago, they were once again reminded of this by Ty Lee.
“Maybe we can figure it out on our own!” 
Sokka's proposal immediately earned looks of skepticism.
“I suppose there’s no harm in trying,” Suki conceded.
“But how would you even do that?” Zuko questioned.
Sokka tapped his chin, looking thoughtful, before realizing they already had the perfect test group. Suki and himself, two nonbenders, could attempt chi blocking on their resident firebender. All they had to do was check Zuko's reactions. However, as soon as he voiced this plan...
“No way. I’m not agreeing to that.” Zuko crossed his arms.
“Aw, c’mon, it could be useful!”
“Why do I have to be your practice dummy?!”
Suki watched them argue for about a minute before taking matters into her own hands.
“There’s no way I’m letting you- Wha- Hey!” 
Zuko flailed when Suki suddenly grabbed him from behind. She swept his legs out from underneath him, then caught him right before he hit the floor. By the time he processed what was happening, she’d already wrapped her legs around his upper arms. Nothing short of firebending was going to break her hold.
Zuko dropped his head back in resignation.
“Relax,” Suki reassured. “We’ll stop if anything hurts.”
That was the least of Zuko's worries, but he could hardly admit that. As Sokka crouched over him, considering where to begin, Zuko resisted the urge to squirm.
Then the poking started.
While Zuko fought to stay still, Sokka tried to remember where he’d seen Ty Lee strike. He jabbed his fingers in a few random spots, before noticing Zuko was holding back.
“Hey, Jerkbender, you know we need you to react, right? I won’t know when I hit a pressure point if you hide how you’re feeling.”
“Th-this is stupid!” Zuko stubbornly insisted. “Chi blocking’s an ancient practice. You can’t just master it by-” The rest of Zuko’s sentence caught in his throat as Sokka hit a particular spot on his side. 
Curious, Sokka pressed it again, making Zuko yelp and squeeze his eyes shut.
“Did you find a pressure point?” Suki asked. Sokka would have thought so, if it weren’t for Zuko’s expression.
The corner of his mouth was twitching upwards, and Sokka had too much experience as an older brother not to recognize what it meant.
“Wait a minute...” Excitement seeped into his voice. “Are you ticklish?”
"N-No! Of course not!” Zuko opened his eyes, then paled when he saw a pair of matching grins. “Stop looking at me like that!”
Suki and Sokka shared a brief glance, then nodded once, settling on a new goal. Zuko could feel his heart sinking into his stomach as he became increasingly aware of his vulnerable position.
Sokka cleared his throat.
“Well, in my opinion, this calls for some research!” He hovered both hands over Zuko’s torso. “It’s crucial that we know if our test subject is ticklish.”
“Absolutely,” Suki agreed with mock-seriousness.
“Wait! Hold on! Don’t I get a say?!” Zuko struggled as Sokka drew closer. Twisting and turning didn’t help at all, and with just a light touch, he burst into giggles.
“Interesting reaction for someone who’s not ticklish,” Suki remarked, openly amused.
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Zuko protested, only to squeal when he felt pinching.
“What was that?” Sokka was delighted. He hadn’t thought the prince capable of making such a noise. “Suki, did you catch that?”
“I think that was the cutest sound I’ve ever heard.”
Unaccustomed to such teasing, Zuko instantly turned red. Suki was quick to point it out, which only served to fluster him further.
“Aww, are you blushing?” she practically cooed. “That’s adorable.”
Zuko swore he was going to melt.
Once Sokka was done tickling his sides, he moved in towards his belly. 
“StohohoHOHOHOP!” Giggles made way for laughter. “EHEHENOHOHOUGH AHAHALREHEHEADY!”
“So that’s what you sound like when you laugh... I like it!” Sokka decided. “You should try doing it more often, or I guess I could just tickle you more. Your smile’s pretty nice, too!”
Somehow feeling both flattered and embarrassed, Zuko turned his head away in an attempt to hide his face. Suki, however, stopped him in his tracks, tickling the side of his neck until he had to turn back.
Just when Zuko thought things couldn’t get any worse, Sokka’s focus shifted higher. He slid his fingers between the prince’s ribs, redoubling his efforts when Zuko’s laughter grew frantic. It soon became apparent that he’d discovered a sweet spot.
"What’s that? You like it right here?”
“I think he does,” Suki played along. “Have you ever seen him so happy?”
Hysterical was probably a more accurate description. All Zuko could think about was how much it tickled. Sokka had proven to be a terrifyingly good tickler, and Zuko couldn’t remember ever laughing so hard.
He breathed a sigh of relief when Sokka relented.
“You know what?” Suki piped up. “I think this works even better than chi blocking. Who would’ve guessed tickling was all it took to get the Prince of the Fire Nation pleading for mercy?”
Zuko could tell they were staring at him, but he refused to meet their gaze. His upperbody still felt like it was tingling, while his face burned with humiliation. 
“Think we should tell any of the others?”
At that, Zuko’s eyes snapped up in horror.
Sokka made a show of considering it, before finally shaking his head.
“Nah, let’s keep it between us. No one else has to know. In other words, it’ll be our secret technique.”
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momos-servants · 1 year
Hungover mornings with Zukka<3
The pounding on the door broke the silence, causing Sokka to wince, pulling the pillow over his ears. He requested this day off for a reason, nobody is getting in the way of him and his all-day nap. Maybe if he holds his breath and doesn’t respond, the stranger will just walk away.
But the door knob jiggles, rattling as the person tries to open it. He groans, clutching his head. If this was an assassin, he would be royally toasted. He has no strength to even move the blanket closer around him, shivering from the exposed air on his very naked body. Why is he naked? He doesn’t really know either. He thinks down the line he tossed off all his clothes, most likely got soaked with more alcohol.
The voice called out, saying a few dotting words, but it was all mumbled to him. He couldn’t possibly comprehend what someone could say to him unless they were screaming in his ear.
But then, the door opens, cursing Sokka and his exposed skin to more cold air. He shivers, curling his body up into a ball. He needs another blanket, stat.
Sokka doesn’t open his eyes as the intruder walks in, no energy in doing so. He just hopes they actually aren’t assassins. He curses at his past self, forgetting to lock his door last night.
But a hand reaches out, grabbing the blanket that’s pooled by his stomach, and gently lays it over Sokka some more. It covers him up better, but he’s still quite cold. He can’t tell why he’s freezing so much, since he was born and raised in arctic terrain.
The warm hand’s fingers card through Sokka’s hair, making him sigh in ecstasy and lean into the touch.
“Sokka,” the voice says, sounds quite familiar and disappointed, “Why are you naked on the floor?”
Sokka groans, that explains why it’s so cold.
He begrudgingly opens his eyes, squinting up at the mysterious intruder. To his delighted surprised, he’s met with colorfully warmed gold eyes, and a slight croaked smile. Zuko.
Sokka tries to reach out a hand to touch his boyfriends face, but winces at the cold air. He shivers back into a ball, pulling his limbs into himself.
“‘Cause…” Sokka states, pouting, “my clothes got gross.”
“So you decided to strip and lay on the cold tile, naked?” Zuko questions him.
Sokka looks away, curling his head underneath, so he can go back to trying to take a nap. “Yes.” He answers, not elaborating anymore.
He hears his firebender sigh, before there’s two warm hands touching him. One underneath his shoulder and another under his legs. Sokka grumbles, whining as the blanket is moved slightly off of him.
In a split second, he’s lifted off the cold ground and into the arms of his boyfriend’s. He gasps, wincing as he’s being moved. His head is dizzy and the sudden movement makes his head spin. He whimpers and mewls as he’s being manhandled.
“Shhh, you big baby. It’s okay,” Zuko coos at him. He walks over to the massive queen size bed that Zuko bought Sokka, decorated with furs and water tribe patterns. He gently lays sokka in the bed, watching at his nonbender curls back up into a ball and lean into Zuko’s warm touch. Zuko smiles, rubbing his fingers though Sokkas hair. There’s little knots that need to be undone, but for the most part it’s neat. The courting braid he made Sokka is still in his hair, never messed up. Zuko runs his index finger over it, playing with the bead at the end.
“Zukooo…” Sokka whines into the sheet, making grabby hands with his boyfriend.
The firebender laughs at him. “Sokkaaa…” he mimics and sits next to him on the bed.
He gently grabs hold of Sokka’s arm pits, lifting partially of his body into Zuko’s lap. Sokka hums, as he places his head down on Zuko’s shoulder. Zuko rubs endless circles onto his back, some traces will make sokka squirm as it tickles him. But Sokka relaxes into his heat, digging himself a nice spot situated on his lap.
“Penguin, how much did you drink last night?” Zuko gently asks, as he counts the freckles on Sokka’s face. He pinches the baby fat on Sokka’s cheek, who weakly tries to swat his hand away.
“Dunno, Ty Lee and I played a drinking game,” he groans, shuffling his head closer into Zuko’s neck. “Tell me to never drink with her again.”
Zuko chuckles, looking down at him. He forgets how much of a lightweight Sokka truly is. One sip of alcohol and he’s done for. But, in all honesty, Zuko finds it to be on the list of adorable things about Sokka.
“You know there’s no stopping her,” Zuko says. He looks down at Sokka, who’s on the verge of consciousness and sleep.
“I was away for one night, and I heard from Mai that you and Ty Lee decided to throw a party while I was gone,” Zuko says, raising an eyebrow.
Sokka shake his head weakly, denying it. “No party. Just fireball, lots and lots of fireball.”
Fireball?” Zuko looks at him in shock. “Baby you know you shouldn’t drink that stuff, it’s too strong for you. Last time you drank it you were vomiting all day. Remember I dragged you to the physician.”
Sokka nods, crouching his head down as Zuko lectures him. “I know, it was stupid. I’m sorry, but Ty Lee brought it along last night and I couldn’t find myself saying no…”
There’s a pregnant pause, before Sokka cuts the silence. “I really want seal jerky…”
Zuko laughs.
“I think we have some left down in the kitchens, can I go grab you some?” He replies. Sokka in returns clutches onto Zuko’s shirt, holding him closer.
“Noooo…” Sokka grumbles, “don’t leave. Let’s sleep. Sleep sounds good.”
“Alright then, we can nap. But you need something for your head and you need to drink water. Do you want to do that now or later?”
“…Now” Sokka replies.
Zuko shuffles, gently moving forward. He tries to lift Sokka off his lap, but his boyfriend starts to whine at the lost contact. “I gotta get your medicine, Penguin. I’ll be right back.
Sokka huffs, letting go of his grip on Zuko. He lets himself be dropped on the bed, curling back into his ball. Zuko grabs the heavy comforter, draping it over his lover. He tucks him in tightly, barely enough room for sokka to move in. He looks like a mess between a pile of sheets crossed with a caterpillar. He smiles, laying down a kiss on Sokka's forehead, who’s already seemingly gone back to sleep.
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tklpilled · 4 years
giggles and kisses
summary: in which sokka learns something new.
a/n: this is for squealing santa 2020! merry (late, sorry about that) christmas, @amazingmsme ! and thank you to @ticklygiggles for hosting this year! i changed the prompt slightly because i don’t know how sparring actually works, so i hope that’s okay
“You totally cheated.”
Zuko glares at the other boy light-heartedly. “No I didn’t! You’re just bad.”
Sokka splutters. “I am not! I was the best fighter in the Southern Water Tribe!”
Zuko rolls his eyes. “Compared to who?”
Sokka pauses, going quiet for once. Zuko shakes his head at his friend, smiling slightly.
“Oh, so you can smile!” Sokka exclaims. “You should do that more often.”
“Why should I?” the noirette asks, struggling to fight his smile back.
“It’s cute!”
Zuko isn’t prepared for the comment and he falters, unsure of how to respond. He feels his cheeks going warm.
Sokka coos at him. “Aww, and you can blush, too!”
Zuko shakes his head again, bringing a hand up to cover his face. “Shut up.”
“Oh, come on, don’t be like that.” Sokka steps closer, poking his side once. He’s opening his mouth to say something more, but he stops himself when he hears a soft squeak.
“What was that?” he asks. He pokes Zuko’s side again, causing the same reaction.
Sokka grins. “You’re ticklish.”
It’s not a question. It’s an observation, and Zuko knows there’s no getting out of this. Sokka has a plan, and he’s learned not to interfere with Sokka’s plans.
It still comes as a shock when wiggling fingers meet his stomach. He squeals, beginning to squirm away and trying to fight back laughter.
“I can’t believe it. The whole time we were running away from you, we could’ve just tickled you and you would have given up!” Sokka scratches at Zuko’s lower ribs experimentally, causing the Fire Lord to yelp and jerk away. “Come on, just laugh!”
Zuko thought he’d be good at holding his reactions in. He’s gotten good at hiding his emotions, at least. But he’s unfairly ticklish and Sokka is unfairly good at this, and when the younger reaches a spot just below his underarms, he breaks.
“Sohohokka!” Zuko pleads through frantic giggles. “Cuhut it ohohout!”
There isn’t a response, and Zuko looks up to see Sokka’s eyes wide, staring.
“Wh- whahat ahare you lohohooking at?”
Sokka blinks. “Oh! Sorry. It’s just that I’ve never heard your laugh before. It’s so cute!”
Zuko flushes, reaching up to cover his mouth. “Noho it’s nohohot….”
Sokka frowns. Suddenly, he tackles Zuko to the ground, pinning his arms above his head. “There! Now you can’t hide!”
Zuko doesn’t like feeling vulnerable. He might even hate it, really. And being stretched out on the ground with his weakness being exploited is definitely being vulnerable. But there’s something about the fact that it’s Sokka that makes him feel strangely okay with it.
Although, when Sokka starts up again, it doesn’t make the feeling any less unbearable.
“You’re so cute!” the non-bender exclaims.
“Noho! I’m nohohohot!”
“Really?” Sokka asks. “What about your squeaks? And your blush? And your laugh and your smile? That’s very cute to me.”
Zuko’s never been tickled for very long, or even at all in the past few years, and this can’t have gone on for more than a few minutes but he’s nearing his limit. He can’t form a coherent sentence, with Sokka switching between his ribs and hips. He needs it to stop. Desperately, he leans up and kisses the other boy.
The tickling stops, which Zuko is grateful for, only for a split second. His anxiety kicks in almost immediately, though. He pulls away. “I’m sorry, I—”
Sokka shushes him with a finger over his mouth. Silently, he connects their lips again.
Zuko knows how this must look; his hair disheveled, Sokka straddling his hips, their cheeks flushed red. But at this moment, he doesn’t care. What matters is that he’s kissing Sokka and Sokka is kissing back and he can’t remember the last time he felt this happy.
For a moment after they pull apart, neither of them move. And then Zuko feels a spark of mischief and in a quick movement their positions are reversed.
Zuko grins. “So, about my revenge.”
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offlamesandblueeyes · 4 years
Random Thought, but...
Zuko is extremely ticklish. Like, he screams if you so much as grab at his sides. And there's not a single spot on him that isn't sensitive to that kind of touch.
Sokka takes full advantage of this.
It's hot in the Fire Nation, year-round, and the only times Zuko is actually required to wear his long, multi-layered robes is when there are ceremonies, or during speeches. Which happened a lot at first, but it's been a few months so those things aren't as common anymore.
So these days, even during meetings, Zuko takes to wearing light layers and clothes that reveal his arms and legs a bit more. His collars are open wider and he can usually be found in tightish shorts (think short leggings) under a semi-long tunic, to keep him both cool and mostly modest.
All this extra showing-of-the-skin is way too tempting for our resident SWT Ambassador though... And he loves tormenting the poor Firelord any chance he gets.
Of course, he knows when to lay off and keep professional, but the advisors and other ambassadors have seen the two play fighting in the throne room before on several occasions, so really, what's the worst that could happen? (At this point, even the guards don't get alarmed anymore when they see Sokka suddenly tackle Zuko from behind, or snatch him in a headlock, and so on)
So Sokka takes every opportunity he gets to make Zuko laugh.
They're sparring out in the courtyard and Zuko's winning, so Sokka dives headfirst and wraps his arms around Zuko's chest, wiggling his fingers into the Firelord's ribs and Zuko absolutely loses it.
Or they're in a meeting with the advisors, going over policy changes, and Zuko's getting a little too frustrated. So Sokka, who is always sitting right next to him, reaches over and scribbles his fingertips on Zuko's thigh, earning a startled giggle. He gets smacked promptly, but it's worth it.
Or maybe they're in bed, cuddling, but Zuko is letting bad memories flow through his head too easily, so Sokka pins him down and wrecks him. Zuko goes feral, kicking and screaming and helpless- because when he's being tickled his body goes completely weak- and laughing and laughing, and Sokka cant get enough of it.
He eventually stops and lets his partner breathe, and whispers into Zuko's ear how beautiful he is when he's laughing like that, and Zuko blushes a brilliant red color.
But honestly? Zuko hasn't been able to laugh like that in such a long time. And he really likes this new change of pace.
...of course, that doesn't mean Sokka is exempt from the same treatment, though.
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