alexanderwesker · 1 year
yay im glad u liked them!!! heres some more cat hcs since that was ur fave :D
- at first, general was the one showing the most affection to their new pet since he was the one that found it first-- cuddling with it, hugging it, and letting it rest in his lap. soot was a little more cautious, he loved petting the cat but he was scared he would accidentally hurt it or annoy it. until one night he woke up from a nightmare and felt the cat crawl into his lap, calming him down. he ended up hugging it until he fell asleep again.
- soot also had a joking rivalry with their new cat-- he would joke that it was stealing his general away but he actually thinks it's really cute when general shows affection to the cat. a little bit of innocence he didnt know he still had.
- the cat likes to sleep at the foot of their bed and curl up by their feet. sometimes when theres a thunderstorm, it'll get scared and crawl closer to them, and cuddle with the burs for the night
- a continuation of one of my last hcs: on days where soot gets up earlier than the general and goes to surprise him with breakfast in bed, the cat likes to follow him and sit there while he cooks. soot didn't mind cooking alone in the morning, especially since he knew his general was only a few rooms down, but it was nice to have some company. he feeds the cat some scraps too
These are so cute! I like them so much. Thank you for sharing them with me!!
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ifievertoldyou · 2 years
thaw!tntduo enneagram analysis
so i've already been over thaw!quackity's enneatype, but now i'm going to add a few things here that i forgot to mention before. and after that, i'll analyze what thaw!soot's type is and then compare it to quackity's :]
ok, so read the original post if you want to learn more about what this all means, but just to review, thaw!quackity is a 8w7 with a sp/sx subtype. he's part of the aggressive stance and gut/anger triad, which means he struggles the most with anger and he expresses this outwards, against people.
but there are other triads that i didn't even mention in my last post. there's harmonics, which is how we handle conflict and not having our needs met, and there's object relations, or basically, how our parental wounds manifest and affect ourselves and others.
for harmonics, quackity is an 8, which is reactive. reactive types are the most emotional under stress, and since 8s are in the anger center of intelligence, their most emotional reactions have to do with anger. reactive types very deeply need to share their emotions with other people, so they're usually very emotionally honest (though 8s still refuse to let themselves get vulnerable with this honesty). when they face conflict, their emotions get brought up in it too, in contrast to the competency harmonic, where the arguments tend to stay more objective, or the positive harmonic, where conflicts tend to be avoided at all costs, but when they do happen, emotions get suppressed in favor of maintaining peace.
and in object relations, quackity falls under the 'rejection' category. this means that he rejects one aspect of himself, and he compensates this rejection by overemphasizing something else. in the case of an 8, he rejects his need for unconditional love and nurture, and compensates by acting much tougher and more independent, as though he didn't even need anyone to show him these things anyway (even though he very much did, and still does)
there's also tritypes. this is a stack of a leading/core enneatype (what i've been talking about up until now) along with two other enneatypes in the different centers. so quackity's core would be an 8, in the body triad, but he also has an enneatype for head and heart that, when all 3 of them merge, interact in unique ways to form a tritype for him.
for thaw!quackity, i'd say that he is a 835. this is sometimes called the 'solution master'.
one of the ways that the components of these tritypes interact is through the different triads of each enneatype.
for example, the 3 and the 5 are both part of the competency harmonic, so for both of them there's an emphasis put on being objective and doing things properly. 3s demonstrate this by repressing their soft feelings so they can be more productive, usually having a very good (and questionably healthy) work ethic, and 5s do this by seeking knowledge and trying hard to be detached from things. we already talked about 8s and the reactive harmonic, which is the opposite of keeping conflicts objective, so his core 8 kind of counteracts the 3 + 5 emphasis on objectivity a bit, though he still can separate his emotions from things when he needs to, and these non-leading types can definitely still be seen in quackity's conflict resolution. we definitely can see the 3 in how he (and now q) handles his internal conflicts, with his tendency to become a workaholic to avoid his feelings and stay productive, though he's started catching himself more on this little habit of his.
also, 3 and 8 are both in the aggressive stance, while 5 is withdrawing. this means that for 3 + 8, they are oriented against others when they need to get their needs met, they have a very strong sense of self, and are very action-based in getting what they need, while the 5 needs to move away from others to preserve themselves and their energy. 5s are much more detached from the world than the other types included here, and they meet their needs solely through themselves, and have difficulties with actually taking outside action for themselves.
in object relations, 5 and 8 are both in the rejection category, so they distract themselves from the pain of not getting a need met by amplifying another. in the 5's case, they likely didn't have a good sense of belonging growing up, so they try to take on everything by themselves, and work to protect themselves (usually through accumulating knowledge), but this makes them reject the vulnerability of the human condition, and makes them unhealthily independent. 5s settle for things that are known, rather than the unpredictability of love and vulnerability. meanwhile, 8s didn't get much unconditional love or nurture as a kid, so they amplify their toughness and act invulnerable, completely rejecting any need for these things, settling for being feared or respected, instead of loved. the 3, meanwhile, is in the attachment category, because they are very concerned with being likeable to others, to the detriment of their own well-being. 3s care the most about their image, and they are willing to be and do whatever it takes to get "unconditional" love from others, though they tend to just settle for being admired if they can't have that. they focus intently on being marketable to others as a person, and they get really ashamed when they do something to bring their "value" down, even when they're just being a normal human.
you can definitely see this with how quackity is with all of his masks around everyone, how he always shifts his body language to be less threatening when slime's around because he wants him to be comfortable around him, how in his first pov chapter, he literally is having a Breakdown over a nightmare, but he's more concerned with not digging his nails into his palm bc he knows the patrons will notice and question it, and he wants them to revere him and focus more on spending their money and less on questioning his authority. even him making a point to not take off his shoes anymore now that q lives with him is an example of this... i could honestly go on and on about quackity being just Such an 8 + 3 type, it's literally so him, man.
the 5 + 8 combo makes the 3 much more power-seeking, the 3 + 5 makes the 8 more competent, and the 3 + 8 makes the 5 much more aggressive, so these 5s are more likely to actually get things done.
all 3 of these types are the ones that are arguably the Worst with emotions; 3s, even while being in the heart triad, detach themselves from their emotions to be more efficient and impressive, 5s put a much higher emphasis on logic than feelings, because feelings are too messy and unknown for them to want to deal with, and 8s think that their emotions make them weak so they tend to only let themselves feel anger. when they're all paired together, you get one very emotionally illiterate motherfucker (/affectionate), particularly when none of them are integrated, or even aware of these problems to begin with.
they're a very blunt type, and are extremely good strategists, but they also have some deep struggles with being truly vulnerable with others.
ok, so we've gone over quackity's type and tritype, so now let's find soot's.
i implied last time that soot is an 8. but! i did some thinking, and actually, 4 is WAY more fitting for thaw!soot's core type (cc!wilbur saying a few years ago that eight, from sleeping at last's enneagram-themed album, being a fitting song for c!wilbur is still so true, but i really do think that 4 is a better type in thaw!wilbur's case. 8 is still very much in his tritype, but we'll get to that later...)
4, the individualist/romantic type- this type puts a massive emphasis on their self-image. they feel fundamentally different from everyone else, in both good and bad ways, and they may get overly attached to these differences of theirs, either by thinking that they don't deserve good things because they believe there's something inherently wrong or broken with them, or else by viewing other people as shallow when compared to them. 4s want to create and have beautiful things around them, and to find ways to express their intense emotions to others. they're very often very articulate and poetic people.
withdrawn stance- this type has a tendency to withdraw in order to protect their feelings and sense of value. being a withdrawing type, 4s have a tendency to focus on what happened in the past, and hold tightly onto the things that hurt them, constantly ruminating on how they could have done something differently. they often don't need other people to help them make decisions like the dependent stance does, instead making decisions in the privacy of their own hearts.
heart triad- also known as the shame or image triad, this triad is most concerned with who they're supposed to be to themselves and others. they feel intense shame when they don't measure up to that idealized image, and are very aware of their own emotions, sometimes to a painful extent. being in this triad causes 4s to feel a heavy amount of shame about how they are as a person, and they cope with this by putting more focus on their individuality and/or by living in a fantasy world where they don't have to deal with the bad parts of life, or themselves. 4s can feel extremely empty, incapable and ashamed because of this center.
4w3- these types are both in the heart triad, so they are very people-focused, and struggle with intense shame. the 3 wing makes these types of 4s much more ambitious and even more image-conscious than other 4s are. the aggressive stance of the 3 causes the healthy 4s to be more outwardly productive (though an unhealthy 4w3 can become stagnant, since unhealthy 4s often fall into major depressive episodes, and the 3 disintegrates to a 9, which is a Very unmotivated type when unhealthy).
sx/sp instinctual variant- sexual types are the types that crave stimulation and strong chemistry with other people. they need energy and deep connection in their relationships. these types often come off as more aggressive or emotionally intense, and sx 4s have no qualms being vocal about their needs, and may express their feelings of rejection, anger and frustration to mask how sad they really feel. meanwhile, self-preservation types adjust the environment around them so that they can feel more comfortable. these types need more security in their relationship, but there's less of an emphasis on it for wilbur here, since sx is the dominant one for him.
(dis)integration- like every type when under stress, 4s first take on the unhealthy aspects of their own enneatype, in this case they can become very rigid, moody, depressed, controlling, overly prideful and have more pity parties. and if their stress is particularly intense, or if it lasts for a while, they may eventually go to their disintegration point, which is 2 (kind of interesting how 2 is the integration point for an 8 and the disintegration point for a 4... ;]), so they begin to take on the unhealthy aspects of this enneatype too, becoming more clingy, manipulative, controlling, overly sensitive, codependent and overreaching, they also act out more, push and pull with people, and feel more like a martyr. integration, on the other hand, causes 4s to act more like a healthy 1, becoming more emotionally stable, objective, and principled than 4s usually are. they become much more grounded when they integrate.
tritype- 468, the 'the truth teller'
the thing that stands out the most for this tritype is that every single type that makes it up is part of the reactive harmonic, and they are in Entirely different triads everywhere else. so the big common thread between them is the fact that they are extremely emotionally expressive on all fronts. this makes them respond Immediately to anything that they perceive as a threat, regardless of whether it actually is or not. they are very skilled when faced with life-or-death situations. their arguments are always very emotionally charged, and they probably have the best instincts out of any other tritype, being very sensitive to Any potential threats out there. there is a constant sense of urgency that leads their actions, and they have very fast reaction times, which is sometimes useful, but other times, causes them to be seen as "too much" for it, particularly when the situation doesn't seem like a life-or-death one. 468s are great at finding flaws in things, and are also not ones to hesitate in voicing their concerns. (think: atol!soot Immediately picking up on a loophole in quackity's vow that could damn him)
when these types are stressed, they become even more reactive than usual, and may become more anti-social and defensive if people don't actually listen to the concerns they present. though 468s have a tendency to alienate people when they bring their concerns to light, which causes others to not want to listen to them, or even to be offended by it. these types have a very strong tendency to see things as a matter of black and white, causing them to come off as even more intense, and to see their fears as much bigger than they actually are. they have immense difficulty with self-soothing, because the dependent stance of the 6 causes them to need others to validate their fears.
these types deeply struggle with letting go of things, whether it's their deep emotions and feelings of betrayal, letting go of their total control of the situation and handing it off to somebody else, letting go of the need to convince others that they're right, or letting go of the things that they believe to be true. whatever it is, things tend to build up easily for these types, with the intense emotions from each type easily overwhelming them and putting them into fight or flight mode. it's only by letting go of their worries that they will start to actually find some peace. "if i can't have l'manberg, no one can" is a very good demonstration of this type's inability to let go of things, to the point where it ends up hurting both them and others. and atol!soot shows some good growth in this department, when he actually trusts that tubbo will be able to handle l'manberg, and so he steps down, but Doesn't head to the button room to destroy it all like he does in most of the other versions of the story, he lets it happen, and l'manberg and its people are way better off as a result of that. there's a reason why new l'manberg had so many more financial difficulties in thaw vs atol, and it has to do with wilbur actually finding peace and letting go.
since wilbur's type is led by a 4, this makes him much more emotional. expressive and argumentative than this tritype when it has different leading cores. this variation of the tritype is very often mistaken for an 8 core (and that's what happened to me with him before, go figure), since these types have massive fears of being misled and being powerless, and these fears only intensify with the core 4's extreme passion for everything. it also makes them very defensive and fiercely loyal to those they are attached to, and as a result, causes them to come off very 8-like, moreso than even this tritype with an 8 leading, since the non-leading types actually soften the 8's harsher characteristics.
and now have some object relations analysis
4- frustration. 4s developed a strategy of believing that anything outside of themselves is shallow, due to the frustration they developed for not getting protected or nurtured causing them to focus on themselves.
6- attachment. 6s don't like blindly following rules or guidance, and costantly feel the need to double-check things that seem certain to others, even their own brains can't be trusted sometimes. they usually turn to their support systems to listen to their worries, and for a sense of confidence in their concerns, though it also depends on the Kind of 6 for how much they take the opinions into account. 6s are the most motivated by fear, and are very prone to scrutinizing everything. they always need to have a backup plan, and constantly run through worst-case scenarios of everything in their heads.
8- rejection. i've already talked about this before. 8s didn't get protected when they were young, so now they act tougher, like they don't need to be protected anymore.
so, what does thaw!tntduo have in common with each other? of course they both share the 8 in their tritype, but it's a core type for quackity only. 4s and 8s do have a lot in common, though. they're both reactive so they express their emotions in very intense ways compared to the other types, and, as i mentioned a bit ago, they both share a point at 2, though 8s go there and take its healthier traits when they're relaxed, which is the exact opposite of what 4s do.
they also both have the same 2 instinctual variants, but sp is dominant for quackity, while sx is dominant for wilbur.
also, quackity is an 835, while soot is a 468. notice how their heart types, 3 and 4, and their head types, 5 and 6, only have a difference of 1? yeah, they're in each other's wings. this is a whole other thing that i'm not really going to get too much into rn, but i'd argue that the wings (because there Are actually wings and instincts for each part of the tritype) for quackity's other types are 5w6 and 3w4, and vice versa for soot.
quackity has a withdrawing head type, so when he's scared, he gets more inward about it, getting lost in his head, trying to logic his fear out without bringing others into it. his thought processes have a bigger emphasis on building off of the past. meanwhile, when wilbur's scared, he's more likely to share the fear with others, and he's more geared to what's going on in the present. wilbur also has a withdrawing heart type, so he can get stuck in the past (but moreso about his regrets rather than fear) and lost in his emotions quite often. quackity's heart type, on the other hand, is aggressive, so he's much more worried about outward identity rather than inward, and his motivation is much more future-focused. them having each others' wings does cause them to have some of each others' traits, though they still tend default to their actual type.
they also both have aggressive and withdrawn stances in their tritypes, but quackity has two aggressive stances, and they're both higher than his withdrawn stance, while soot has one of each stance, with withdrawn and dependent being higher than his aggressive type. i could Totally compare these stance combinations to their matriarchal archetypes rn but dont worry, i'll spare you guys from that, i'm pretty sure y'all get the idea by now ;p
both of their core types integrate to a dependent type, but soot's is in the competent harmonic, while quackity's is in the positive one. this causes soot to become more objective and balanced than he was before, while quackity gets more reassurance that people are good and that it's going to be okay (this also can apply to soot too, since he has an 8 in his tritype, but i think he's already Kind of there, since he has 'tommy' and 'things working okay' overlapping pretty dang closely in his brain, he just needs to be able to apply it in a more relaxed, further reaching way, like how he's started to do in atol)
but what about the relationship dynamics between type 4s and type 8s? well, they're the most emotional types in their centers, so they are both very passionate and intense, and chase excitement and feeling alive in relationships. both these types have a ton of intensity, which can work out well for them to have someone who can match their passion. but they also both don't want to be controlled by others in any way, and 4s have a tendency to dominate emotionally, which 8s may perceive as a threat, and it works the other way around too, with 8s striving to dominate socially, and 4s disliking that. confrontation has the potential to sprout easily between the two of them, with arguments quickly becoming a battle on who has the most control. often, these arguments of theirs will tend to spiral out of control and replace any real connection, since anger is also an intense emotion, just like love. things will work out a lot better between them if they learn to control their impulses and regulate their emotions more, so that they won't end up feeding this vicious cycle and burning themselves when they fan the other's flames too much so they can bask in the warmth for a bit.
i could go on, but yeah, basically, tntduo are both led a lot by their emotions, but quackity is led by his anger, while soot is led more by his shame and negative self-image. both of them are still very image-conscious, even if quackity's core isn't in the image triad like how soot's is, and both can still be very aggressive, though for quackity it's because his core's in the aggressive stance, while for soot, it's moreso because of the things that add onto his core type, like his wing, instinctual variant, and tritype.
ok that's all, hopefully this made at least somewhat sense. but thanks so much for reading !! ^^
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ifalik atoll, a beautifully strange island
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yushox · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
Fair warning: Long Read
Name/s: Eliot
Age & Birthday: 27, 10th of February
Pronouns: He / They
Nationality: Latvia 🇱🇻
Languages: Latvian (native); English (2nd); Russian, German & Spanish (rudimentary)
Religion: Atheopaganist
Political stance: Generally Liberal (leaning > Individual Anarchy)
Colors: Teal, Periwinkle
Food/Drink: Seafood, Sushi, Falafel, Medovik, Cafe Latte, Peppermint Tea
Season: Autumn
Animals: Foxes, Owls, Snakes, Housecats
Numbers: 2, 8, ∞
Interests: Astrology, Astronomy, Biology, Anatomy, Nature
Other: Cotton, Going out at Night
Food/Drink: Grapefruit, Aubergines, Store sandwiches (example)
Season: Winter
Animals: Spiders and similar creepy-crawlies
Interests: Sports
Others: Mold, Silk, Natural wool, Touch, Big cities
Other facts:
Phobias: Arachnophobia, Trypanophobia
Physical health: One-sided deafness (right ear), Nearsighted, Occasional sleep apnea
Mental health: Misophonic, Suspecting of being neurodivergent
Diet: Omnivore
Temperature preference: Above lukewarm
Language preference: English
Good/Neutral/Evil: Neutral, prefers the villains side regardless
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Aquittarius
Astrology: Aquarius (Western), Ox (Chinese), Amon-Ra (A. Egyptian), The Rowan tree/Dragon/Brigid (Celtic), Sērsnu Laiks/Meteņi/Pelnu diena (A. Latvian)
Other: "Out of the box" ideas, Night owl
Various things I like/liked that are significant enough for me to mention, in no particular order (may or may not have had a huge impact in my life):
Music: Vocaloid, AKB48, TVXQ!, Nightwish, Tatu, Eurielle, Annie (Anne Lilia Berge Strand), Pentatonix, Lindsey Stirling, Dimash Kudaibergen, Indila, Чи-ли, Gorillaz, Поли́на Серге́евна Гага́рина, Нюша, GARNiDELiA, Derivakat, CG5, Sati Akura, ATOLS, Tautumeitas, Alan Walker, Within Temptation, JubyPhonic, Mr. Kitty, Mother Mother, Lovejoy, Kerli, Pogo, Bella Poarch, Billie Eilish, Lollia, YOHIO, CASCADA, Avril Lavigne, Porter Robinson, ALYS, AmaLee, Owl City, DieAntwoord, SharaX, Asbjørn, Hi-Fi (High Fidelity), Демо, Evanescence, fnf
Movies: Timemachine (2002), Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), Avatar (2009), Rise Of The Guardians (2012), Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets (2017), Lucy (2014), Spirited Away (2001), 9 (2009), SPY Kids (2001), Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
TV series: Good Omens, Doctor Who, Bones, Lucifer
Cartoons/Anime: AKB0048, Full Moon Wo Sagashite 満月フルムーンをさがして, Ancient Magus Bride 魔法使いの嫁, Uta Kataうた∽かた, Tokyo Mew Mew東京ミュウミュウ, Powerpuff Girls Z, W.I.T.C.H., ATLA, Okane Ga Nai お金がないっ, Earth Maiden Arjuna 地球少女アルジュナ, My Hero Academia 僕のヒーローアカデミア
Games: Undertale, Sims 3, Chess
Books: The Chronicles Of Narnia (Clive S. Lewis), I Coriander (Sally Gardner), A Little Princes (Frances H. Burnett), Digitālo neaizmirstul��šu lauks (Ellena R. Landara), Good Omens (Terry Pratchett), Starp mums meitenēm runājot (Zenta Ērgle), Matilda (Roald Dahl), Dizzy (Katie Cassidy)
Writers: Ilze Liliāna Millere, Georgia Byng, Jacqueline Wilson
Comics/Manga: Bizanghast
Internet stuff: Homestuck, Tower Trapped, DSMP, ENA, QSMP, Hermitcraft, Alien Stage
Content creators: PewDiePie, Cryaotic, Jacksepticeye, The Click, EmKay, kingani, Kwite, Pixelade, Nux Taku, Kurzgesagt, The Queer Kiwi, Strange Æons, xQc, Shenpai, Doni Bobes, Mariah Pattie Worldbuilding, Billzo, optimistic Duelist, Wilburgur, Charmx, Wilbur Soot, Jschlatt, Eret, Quackity, Technoblade, Ph1LzA, Ranboo, Foolish Gamers, BadBoyHalo, Cellbit
List of characters I like, in no particular order:
Vocaloid: Miku, Luka, IA, Yuuma, LUMi, BIG AL, WY2
Good Omens: Crowley
Homestuck: Cronus A., Dirk S.
Ilze Liliāna Millere (book trilogy): Aurēlija
List of all of my AU's:
Winx Club - Onyx Triad (discontinued; insufficient information)
Vocaloid - Latroid (discontinued)
Homestuck - Earthenia; Nameless fanspecies #1
Tower Trapped - My OC's fansession
Undertale - Keytale; Valleytale; Blanktale; Grid!Sans; Recall!Sans (Recalltale (unofficial)); Kaleidoscope!Sans + Wane!Sans (nameless AU (unofficially Ricochet!Papyrus's Sans)); Mollusctale; Latviantale; Ricochet!Papyrus; Law!Sans; Wicktale; Domestic Villain Gang AU
Good Omens - Bad Faith
Minecraft - Minecraft Academy (1; 2; 3); Deranged DSMP AU + Hermitcraft Tommy; Q!ViennaAU
BNHA - Baltic Hero Academy; Nui
Standalone projects:
Homestuck nameless fanspecies #1 - this can work as just a worldbuilding project completely separate from Homestuck canon
Tower trapped OC's - this can work as just a worldbuilding project completely separate from Tower Trapped canon
Minecraft "Minecraft Academy" - this can work as just a worldbuilding project
Tower Trapped - Melle Aqiv Eksui
Sexual identity: Aegosexual
Romantic identity: Panromantic
Gender identity: Demiboy; Genderfluid; AFAB
Other preferences: Polyamory, Quadrants, Platonic love (ludus)
You'll find posts made by me under the following hashtag:
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spaceexp · 6 years
Space Station Science Highlights: Week of July 30, 2018
ISS - Expedition 56 Mission patch. Aug. 6, 2018 In addition to conducting investigations in the fields of human research, technology development, physical science and biology, the crew also prepared for the departure of the SpaceX Dragon capsule. Dragon returned to Earth from the International Space Station Friday, carrying research results and other station materials for analysis.
Image above: The SpaceX Dragon was packed with more than 3,800 pounds of cargo, including a variety of science samples that are being returned to Earth for further analysis. Image Credit: NASA. Read more details about scientific work last week aboard your orbiting laboratory: Crew member stores samples to explore changes in vision More than half of American astronauts experience vision changes and anatomical alterations to parts of their eyes during and after long-duration space flight. It is thought that the headward fluid shift that occurs during space flight leads to increased pressure in the brain, which may push on the back of the eye, causing it to change shape. The Fluid Shifts investigation measures how much fluid shifts from the lower body to the upper body, in or out of cells and blood vessels, and determines the impact these shifts have on fluid pressure in the head, changes in vision and eye structures.
Image above: A crew member captured this image of the Mataiva atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia. Image Credit: NASA. Last week, NASA astronaut Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor collected saliva, blood, and urine at multiple points during the day and stored them in the Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) for later analysis. Samplers deployed in station to test for potential hazards Aerosols are particles suspended in the air, and include soot, dust, pollen and other natural and human-made materials. Aerosols behave differently in microgravity than on Earth, posing potential hazards for crew members breathing the air inside the space station. Aerosol Sampler collects airborne particles in the cabin air and returns them to Earth for analysis using a variety of techniques including light microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.
Animation above: NASA astronauts Serena M. Auñón-Chancellor and Drew Feustel pack science samples into a tray for Polar, a cold stowage-managed facility that provides transport and storage of science samples at cryogenic temperatures to and from the station, in preparation for its stowing in Dragon for return to Earth. Animation Credit: NASA. Last week, aerosol samplers were deployed in Nodes 1 and 3 of the station. By flowing sampled air through a large thermal gradient in a narrow channel, these battery-powered samplers pull in air and collect particles. Data generated by this investigation could be used in the design and selection of particle detectors for future space travel, as long-duration human missions need to be able to monitor aerosol measurements to ensure crew health and comfort. Chemical Garden investigation initiated Chemical Gardens form when dissolvable metal salts are placed in an aqueous solution containing anions such as silicate, borate, phosphate, or carbonate. The most common solution used is sodium silicate, and when the two are combined, precipitation structures can form within minutes. The result is a vine-like array of buds, limbs and tubes. Gardens can range in color depending on the chemicals used. Last week, the crew began operations for the investigation by removing the ampoule kit, breaking the seal between the ampoules and mixing the contents in both. Learn more about the Chemical Gardens investigation here: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/news/chemical_gardens_ISS Investigation studies endothelial cells Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are the leading causes of death in developed countries. Angiex Cancer Therapy examines whether microgravity-cultured endothelial cells represent a valid in vitro model to test effects of vascular-targeted agents on normal blood vessels. Results may create a model system for designing safer drugs, targeting the vasculature of cancer tumors and helping pharmaceutical companies design safer vascular-targeted drugs.
Space to Ground: From American Soil: 08/03/2018
Last week, crew members performed microscope, sample and therapy operations for the investigation. Auñón-Chancellor observed various cell culture modules with respect to the drug treatment to which they were exposed. Other work was done on these investigations: CEO, Space Algae, Rodent Research-7, Story Time From Space, Micro-12, Tropical Cyclone, Food Acceptability, SPHERES, Polar, Meteor, MICS, Time Perception, ELF, STAaRS BioScience-9, SCAN Testbed, CASIS PCG-11, Micro-11, Plant Habitat-01, Sally Ride EarthKAM, ACME CLD-Flame, Lighting Effects, BEST, J-SSOD, AstroPi, and BCAT-CS. Related links: Fluid Shifts: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1126 MELFI: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Facility.html?#id=56 Aerosol Sampler: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=2034 Chemical Gardens: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7678 Angiex Cancer Therapy: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7502 CEO: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=84 Space Algae: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7446 Rodent Research-7: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7425 Story Time From Space: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1152 Micro-11: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1922 Micro-12: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7470 Tropical Cyclone: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1712 Food Acceptability: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7562 SPHERES: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=303 Polar: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Facility.html?#id=1092 Meteor: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1174 MICS: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7658 Time Perception: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7504 ELF: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=1738 STAaRS BioScience-9: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7783 SCAN Testbed: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=156 CASIS PCG-11: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7631 Plant Habitat-01: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=2032 Sally Ride EarthKAM: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=87 ACME CLD-Flame: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7564 Lighting Effects: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=2013 BEST: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7687 J-SSOD: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Facility.html?#id=883 AstroPi: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7534 BCAT-CS: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/experiments/explorer/Investigation.html?#id=7668 Spot the Station: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/ Expedition 56: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition56/index.html Progress 69 (69P): https://cms.nasa.gov/feature/progress-launches-arrivals-and-departures/ Space Station Research and Technology: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/research/index.html International Space Station (ISS): https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html Images (mentioned), Animation (mentioned), Video (NASA), Text, Credits: NASA/Michael Johnson/Yuri Guinart-Ramirez, Lead Increment Scientist Expeditions 55 & 56. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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andrewtheprophet · 2 years
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fumpkins · 5 years
Recent wildfire smoke was so devastating, scientists used it to study nuclear winter
Operation Crossroads, “Baker Day” undersea atomic bomb test, Swimsuit Atoll, July 25, 1946. (National Archives/)
In August 2017 wildfires wrecked the Pacific Northwest, funneling massive clouds of smoke into the sky. As the soot accumulated, raising towards the stratosphere, scientists understood they were observing the very first possible test of nuclear winter theory.
“Nature did the experiment for us,” states Alan Robock, an environment researcher and co-author on a brand-new paper released in Science who’s been studying nuclear winter because the 1980s. The 1.1 million acres burning throughout the Northern U.S. and Canada generated a pyrocumulonimbus cloud. Think of the huge, dark, effective clouds that include a thunderstorm—then include fire and smoke. These mega-clouds produce treacherous storms while all at once funneling smoke and aerosols up into the earth’s stratosphere. And in this case, scientists were able to utilize satellites to track its results throughout 8 months.
Initially the smoke settled around 7.5 miles above ground in what’s called the upper troposphere, drifting above where the majority of our weather condition occurs. However then the smoke started to “self-loft.” The black carbon (much better referred to as soot) within the cloud soaked up radiation from the sun and heated particles ended up being more resilient. As an outcome, the entire thing rose and up into the stratosphere. In simply 2 months the smoke went from 7.5 to 14 miles above ground.
Previous deal with nuclear winter—the concept that a nuclear war would lead to sufficient smoke to hamper sunshine, lower temperature levels, and modify the world’s weather condition—anticipated smoke might quickly increase with the aid of solar power, states Pengfei Yu, lead author on the study and environment researcher at Jinan University in China. However this is the very first time it’s ever been plainly shown. Self-lofting is critical to the theory of nuclear winter, since the smoke increasing into the stratosphere is what permits it to have enduring, harmful results. Usually, rain rinses smoke particulates out of the sky within a couple of days or weeks, however above the troposphere there’s no rainfall. Without rain, mega-clouds can in theory stay in the upper stratosphere for several years.
When it comes to nuclear winter, the concept is that massive quantities of smoke would self-loft into the stratosphere and expanded on the wind, producing a sun-blocking layer around much of the earth. Without rain, the smokey envelope might continue for several years, triggering cool, dry conditions that would interrupt food production. War in between simply 2 nations might seemingly trigger hunger around the globe.
The mega-cloud from the wildfire smoke took a couple of weeks to reach the stratosphere, once there it moved the earth for more than 8 months. This was around 40 percent much shorter than the life time the scientists had actually initially determined. They had not anticipated the extremely reactive oxygen particles in the environment to deteriorate the cloud, Robock states.
The study tracked the cloud’s habits and structure, however the smoke plume was too little to procedure or verify environment results. “The wildfire smoke injection is [around] 10,000 times smaller sized than a nuclear war,” Yu states. Nuclear winter would be the outcome of whole cities’ worth of facilities and plastic burning, which would produce more soot than burning trees can. The 2017 wildfire injected 300,000 lots of soot into the environment, however a war in between India and Pakistan might produce 15 million heaps, and the U.S. and Russia might produce the 150 million, according to approximates from Robock’s previous research study. Still, this brand-new info can assist verify and enhance existing nuclear dispute environment designs.
In the peak of the Cold War, research study from U.S. and Soviet scientists made it clear that a nuclear attack was not a separated occasion, however a devastating domino effect. There are now 9 nations that have nuclear warheads, the majority of which are far more effective than bombs the U.S. detonated over Hiroshima 74 years earlier, states Robock. And increased friction in between the 2 biggest toolboxes, the U.S. and Russia, has actually led reporters and scientists to nervously repeat the equally guaranteed damage of nuclear winter. Robock hopes his group’s research study will act as a pointer of the prospective repercussions. “Hopefully this work is helpful in making the world more peaceful,” he states.
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2019/08/09/recent-wildfire-smoke-was-so-devastating-scientists-used-it-to-study-nuclear-winter/
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garudabluffs · 7 years
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An early nuclear test at Bikini Atoll, 1946. When experts met in 2016 – and recommended officially considering re-naming our geologic epoch the Anthropocene – some felt the start of the Anthropocene should coincide with the beginning of nuclear bomb testing, which caused radioactive elements to be dispersed across Earth and thus laid down in the geologic record. Other experts pointed to other ongoing signs of the Age of Humans, which will also ultimately find their way into the rock record, including plastic pollution, soot from power stations, aluminium and concrete particles and high levels of nitrogen and phosphate in soils, derived from artificial fertilizers.
Our Age of Humans in a galactic context      Sept. 12, 2017
“A proposed new classification system – somewhat like the well-known Kardashev scale for classifying extraterrestrial civilizations – and a new way of thinking about human sustainability on Earth.”        
READ MORE http://earthsky.org/earth/anthropocene-era-kardashev-scale-galactic-astrobiological-context?mc_cid=9b35f9401e&mc_eid=ca0497550d        
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ntrending · 5 years
Recent wildfire smoke was so devastating, scientists used it to study nuclear winter
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/recent-wildfire-smoke-was-so-devastating-scientists-used-it-to-study-nuclear-winter/
Recent wildfire smoke was so devastating, scientists used it to study nuclear winter
Operation Crossroads, “Baker Day” underwater atomic bomb test, Bikini Atoll, July 25, 1946. (National Archives/)
In August 2017 wildfires ravaged the Pacific Northwest, funneling enormous clouds of smoke into the sky. As the soot amassed, lifting toward the stratosphere, scientists realized they were observing the first possible test of nuclear winter theory.
“Nature did the experiment for us,” says Alan Robock, a climate scientist and co-author on a new paper published in Science who’s been studying nuclear winter since the 1980s. The 1.1 million acres burning across the Northern U.S. and Canada spawned a pyrocumulonimbus cloud. Imagine the massive, dark, powerful clouds that come with a thunderstorm—then add fire and smoke. These mega-clouds produce treacherous storms while simultaneously funneling smoke and aerosols up into the earth’s stratosphere. And in this case, researchers were able to use satellites to track its effects over the course of 8 months.
Originally the smoke settled around 7.5 miles above ground in what’s called the upper troposphere, floating above where most of our weather happens. But then the smoke began to “self-loft.” The black carbon (better known as soot) within the cloud absorbed radiation from the sun and heated particles became more buoyant. As a result, the whole thing rose up and up into the stratosphere. In just two months the smoke went from 7.5 to 14 miles above ground.
Previous work on nuclear winter—the idea that a nuclear war would result in enough smoke to impede sunlight, lower temperatures, and alter the world’s weather—predicted smoke could rapidly rise with the help of solar energy, says Pengfei Yu, lead author on the study and climate scientist at Jinan University in China. But this is the first time it’s ever been clearly demonstrated. Self-lofting is pivotal to the theory of nuclear winter, because the smoke rising into the stratosphere is what allows it to have lasting, detrimental effects. Normally, rain rinses smoke particulates out of the sky within a few days or weeks, but above the troposphere there’s no precipitation. Without rain, mega-clouds can theoretically remain in the upper stratosphere for years.
In the case of nuclear winter, the idea is that enormous amounts of smoke would self-loft into the stratosphere and spread out on the wind, creating a sun-blocking layer around much of the earth. Without rain, the smokey envelope could persist for years, causing cool, dry conditions that would disrupt food production. War between just two countries could ostensibly cause starvation around the world.
The mega-cloud from the wildfire smoke took a few weeks to reach the stratosphere, but once there it moved around the earth for more than eight months. This was around 40 percent shorter than the lifetime the researchers had originally calculated. They hadn’t expected the highly reactive oxygen molecules in the atmosphere to degrade the cloud, Robock says.
The study tracked the cloud’s behavior and composition, but the smoke plume was too small to measure or validate climate effects. “The wildfire smoke injection is [around] 10,000 times smaller than a nuclear war,” Yu says. Nuclear winter would be the result of entire cities’ worth of infrastructure and plastic burning, which would produce more soot than burning trees can. The 2017 wildfire injected 300,000 tons of soot into the atmosphere, but a war between India and Pakistan could produce 15 million tons, and the U.S. and Russia could produce the 150 million, according to estimates from Robock’s previous research. Still, this new information can help validate and improve existing nuclear conflict climate models.
In the peak of the Cold War, research from U.S. and Soviet scientists made it clear that a nuclear attack was not an isolated event, but a destructive chain reaction. There are now nine countries that possess nuclear warheads, most of which are much more powerful than bombs the U.S. detonated over Hiroshima 74 years ago, says Robock. And increased friction between the two largest arsenals, the U.S. and Russia, has led journalists and scientists to nervously reiterate the mutually assured destruction of nuclear winter. Robock hopes his team’s research will serve as a reminder of the potential consequences. “Hopefully this work is helpful in making the world more peaceful,” he says.
Written By Donavyn Coffey
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alexanderwesker · 1 year
i have a TON of domestic burs headcanons to share omg 🙏🙏 they live in my head rent free
- whenever soot wakes up throughout the night and isnt able to get back to sleep, sometimes he'll get up and make breakfast and coffee as a nice surprise for his general
- general started keeping a sketchbook and will occasionally sketch soot whenever the other isnt paying attention. theres drawings of him cooking, singing, relaxing-- soot eventually found the sketchbook and thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. he'll occasionally take it and add his own drawings of the general for wil to find later
- general found a stray cat outside their cottage and started feeding it and got WAY too attached and ended up begging soot for them to keep it as a pet. he said yes (of course) bc he saw how happy it made the general and because he's always wanted a cat but never had the time to keep one
- this one is a little self indulgent but i like to think that the burs have a guest room in the governor's mansion OR some sort of penthouse in the capital whenever they want to visit the city + tommy for longer than a day. everyone loves them of course and it can be a little overwhelming at times, but it's nice to visit everyone
- whenever they do visit the capital, soot likes to take general around and show him all the best shops and restaurants and cafes-- (soot thinks that his general has never seen lmanburg post-independence, general is technically experiencing the beauty of lmanburg for the first time) and they just have so much fun together
sorry this was so long but i hope u enjoy!!! <3 i love ur works more than anything, atol is probably my all time favorite fic and one of the best fics ive ever read :) so happy that they all got a happy ending
You don't need to apologize! I like your head anons very much and they are so sweet!! Made me go 'aww', and it also pretty much fits with the Burs they are very sweet with each other.
And I really like the cat one!(Cause I love cats and I find the idea of them having a cat very cute)
I'm glad to hear you enjoy my works so much!! It means a lot to me. And I'm glad you liked the ending of their story(I hope you'll like the epilogue too ^^)
Thank you for sharing your headcanons with me ^_^
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ifievertoldyou · 2 years
silly little thaw and atol character comparisons post bc this has been on my mind for Quite some time now
atol!soot and thaw!quackity
sky gods' favorites
speak two languages (common & ancient + common & the language of the archipelagos)
have chronic pain from an injury (back + eye) and there's the possibility that their younger selves will suffer a little less than they did when they get it (massaging newly formed scar tissue + more potions instead of vinegar)
tortured people that are or have to do with dream
have a country that they love a lot, and use the thought of to distract from their other thoughts
father (even if quackity is in denial)
brother(figure) to tommy.
distrust anything relating to the gods, and doesn't follow them
are the first ones to beat the sky gods (in their fucked up games + in a gambling match against them)
Trust Issues(TM)
wear masks in front of people, hiding all of their vulnerabilities
thoughts about making their younger-selves match (soot to a higher extent)
minds have been fucked with by the sky gods (darkness from their Games + madness from the broken vow to them)
despise the ram and fantasize about getting revenge on him (also, wants to hang his head over the white house + mounts his horns and others' horns in his office)
and probably more that i'm forgetting
--------younger-selves section--------
atol!wil and thaw!q
MCs both slowly losing their sense of identity from before the events of their stories
Dissociation(TM) after realizing just How Much harm their storytelling inadvertently caused (not only for his older-self, but just in general, since so many people died in a war that was supposed to be fictional and only a few people + for his older-self after q realized the implications of all his remarks)
their first kills are mobs that were very high in magic (a Fresh fresh zombie + phantom), and they were both to protect other people (tommy + tntduo). and they had literally no idea what they were doing (accidentally ripped open the thing + made it choke on a poker chip without meaning to)
fit in almost seamlessly with the world, especially in comparison to the other people sent there
their older-selves being weirdly comfortable with them on their first day (soot thinking that wilbur not shrugging off his constant physical affection meant that he was ok with the closeness + quackity making those "suggestive" quips at q)
flirted with quackity or soot, though not really meaning it.
both "from" very dark times in their older-selves' lives. coincidentally, both either from a war, or else right before one (if you count like. 3 years before as Right before but)
older-selves threatened to kill them and made them answer questions when they first arrived (simone + ace of spades). (also the injuries the older-selves caused both nod to trauma that they have and that their younger-selves will experience eventually: wilbur's back scrape against the wall nodding as well as foreshadowing to the acid tears that scarred his back + q's bruised wrists nodding to what happened in manberg and foreshadowing to the burgundy cosmos and serenity park...)
their older-selves are very used to violence, and expect them to be the same way
^ they have to get used to violence quicker than anyone else sent here as a result of that, just so they won't get immediately found out.
got very violent against dream and regretted it after they realized just what they had done, and who they had become
progressively become more and more like their older-selves over the course of their stories
+more that technically haven't happened in thaw yet, but i can practically smell them off in the horizon...
atol!phil and thaw!charlie
have to come to terms with no longer having human features (wings and talons + Literally Everything.)
must figure out how to work their non-human features without being too suspicious to people (phil knocking things and people over with his wings + charlie needing to figure out how to keep himself solid and not drip slime everywhere)
their horror over seeing their non-human traits being mistaken as something else by others ("philza must have made him ashamed of his talons" + "he's sad my skeleton gift to him is melting :(")
are absolutely horrified by the violence and disregard for life being displayed in this world. and how desensitized everyone is to it.
very worried for the people in this world, Especially the MCs.
have been taken away from their partners when they were sent to the shattered!verse
still have some hope of returning home
the first character they meet is someone who caused loads of trauma to the MC's older-selves. they get very bad vibes from them, even though they aren't sure why exactly at first
atol!dream and thaw!wilbur (youngerbur)
been in the shattered!verse just as long, if not longer than the MC.
becomes very much like their older-selves
MC immediately distrusts them and hurts them (watches him get tortured and punches his face + bruises wrists)
their older-selves aren't trusted by the MCs' older-selves, so that tends to translate to the MCs also not trusting them
they meet the MC for the first time once the MC is acting almost indistinguishably from their older-self
terrified of, and feels betrayed by, the MC
has the memories of their older-selves (currently unsure if this is due to godly interference or not, but if it is, that's another similarity.)
actively go to where the MC is (pogtopia + las nevadas), which just causes suspicion, since they aren't supposed to be able to find the place/get in. and are considered enemies of the place (maybe not #1 enemies, as that would be the ram for both, but they're still pretty close on that list)
i'm using "younger/older-self" for everyone, since youngerbur's identity has not yet been officially confirmed as of writing this, so it might not be accurate to say cc for him. plus, so many ccs have changed that they're hardly the ccs at all anymore yk
MC is referring to the person that the first chapter is about and whom the story mostly centers around.
thank you for reading ^_^
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alexanderwesker · 1 year
do u think soot and general would ever get matching jewelry? i think itd be really cute for them to have like netherite+diamond rings or necklaces or smth :>
I mean I can see them do that, maybe have a simple leather necklace with a diamond and netherite small pendant.
Thank you for the ask ^^
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alexanderwesker · 3 months
it has been 639 days near exactly since I first read A Twin of Light, and it's permanently shifted the way I interpret characters, relationships, and fic (as well as normal writing) as a whole. I re-read it every four months or so and it's never any less incredible.
ATOL jump-started my own fic-writing experiences, and haunts my brain; it's the quality baseline for anything I read, the source of my standards for things I write. I've drafted fic-of-fic for it more times than I can count, I've scribbled General and Soot designs on the walls of my room; when I'm bored driving or much anything really, I tend to invent new stories for them, new scenarios taking place in that wonderful world you've made.
ATOL is my favorite fanfiction. Full stop. I can count on one hand the number of fanfics that have changed my life, and make no mistake ATOL is on that list. (The House Always Wins is similarly incredible; your dedication to what you do, what you write, keeping it up no matter how long it takes to complete, is insane.)
In about three months will be the two-year anniversary of my reading ATOL, and if I had even a fraction of the wherewithal I wish I did, I'd be making some huge animation or art piece in celebration, but I don't know how I'd ever manage to capture all that ATOL means to me in something like that, let alone how I'd ever manage the motivation- but if I could, I would in a heartbeat.
The relationship between General and Soot-- I've only read a relationship in fic even somewhat like it *twice* in the near two years since first discovering ATOL, and still nothing comes close to the way their bond was woven into every fucking aspect of that book in a way I've never seen since.
Your meticulous world-building, too; the way you craft gods and goddesses and magic and turn Minecraft into something *real*, the unique systems and ideas and consequences and costs of everything the characters do- it's so fucking good. It's so so well thought out , I can't imagine how long it must have taken to flesh out.
ATOL has gotten me through some really hard times in my life; knowing I had a fantastically made escape, knowing I could slip into the universe you've so carefully wrought, has let me get up and keep going on days I felt I'd never get back up. And it's all because of you and your passion!
You do this for fun, and because you want to, and I think that's the most stunning thing of it all! Human passion, human joy, used to make something like ATOL, something that impacts perhaps thousands of others, imprints on them for the rest of their lives-- I can't imagine anything more beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you so, so, so fucking much.
Whatever you do, whatever you write, you will always have my Internet - stranger self's undying support.
I've also got some questions pertaining to your realistic!verse & the ATOL characters, if you don't mind! :)
1. What exactly happened with Quackity and the Sky Gods? What game, what demands, etc?
2. How do others perceive Jack with his Nether-type power; did Wil ever treat him differently for it (while he was, y'know, without his General, before everything went down?)
3. Are the Sky Gods two entities, one, or more?
4. Are there stories told about Soot and General post-ATOL? How is their relationship seen in those tales?
5. What does Phil do about Wil's disappearance once in the real world once , more? (You do not need to answer this if it makes you uncomfy, as always :)
6. How did Soot and General feel during the Tommy -blessing misunderstanding discovery? How would the story have changed if their relationship had been more romantic?
7. Is fic-of-fic accepted for your universe? Any ground rules, yes/no's of what one could write?
Thanks for your time in answering, and thanks for everything you've written & given us all. ♥️
I don't know what to say, Anon. It really means a lot to me to hear that my story means so much to someone else other than me. And know that your words made me really happy to read, I've been going through a rough patch recently and your message means the world to me. To know that Soot and the General and their relationship helped you, that the world I made could be of help. Really from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for your words and I hope you have a wonderful day ^-^ --- To answer your questions(and don't worry I'm always up to answer questions ^D^) 1. Quackity challenged the Sky Gods, specifically Scott, though he is called Dawn in the Realistic!Verse, at a game of Poker. The game was played with as prize, if Quackity won to get the power to reach his goals(the Gods gave him his magic seeing eye because of that), and if the Sky Gods won for Quackity to be their plaything forever. There is to say though that even if Quackity won the Sky Gods did not fully keep to their promise. 2. The people in L'Manberg are the most normal about Jack's Situation, and those that don't know the whole story think that he is just some kind of Nether Hybrid) about Soot he didn't treat him that much different from how he did before, but he did keep him arms distance away because he wasn't sure if he could really trust him(like all others) 4. The Sky Gods are multiple, their names are based on the phases of the Sun in the Sky and the oldest of them is the Sun itself. And of course, the youngest of them, being Night. 5. That is a good question, I think Phil would try to help people come to terms with the fact that their streamer would not be appearing anymore, but if he can he would still try to reassure them that he is okay, but other than that sadly there wouldn't be much he can do. Since he would be hiding, as best as he can, the particular traits that that world left onto him. 6. They were kind of embarrassed about the whole situation once they discovered what Tommy had been thinking was going on between them but I can't see that changing anything on how they act towards one another. As for the second question, I don't believe the story, or the way it was told, would have changed that much had the Burs had something romantic going on, if only because their relationship is already so profound and close (even being platonic) that I cannot see it change in any particular way had their love been romantic, though they would have probably had even more gestures(not to say that they don't have many already in my canon) to show each other their love and care. 7. I am completely fine with people writing fanfics of my stories, and I'm always happy to see what you guys come up with and what ideas to explore. I just ask to have the original story linked(even better to get a related story link so I can directly connect them to my work :D) I don't have any hard 'No's when it comes to fics of my fics ^^ As for ground rules the only one I have is for the characterization of the characters to be based on my own than the DSMP one because then it wouldn't really be a fic about my stories :P Other than that feel free to write whatever scenario you imagine be it following my canon or being an AU, a "missing scene" kind of thing or a slice of life. I welcome all fanworks ^D^
Thank you again for your ask ^D^feel free to ask more questions if you have any more.
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alexanderwesker · 3 months
hiii sorry i know AToL ended awhile ago but i still love that work <3
what do u think general and soot are doing? i think they r having a nice dinner and holding hands maybe :)
Hey, it's okay ^^ doesn't matter that I finished AToL a while back you can always send asks about it if you have any.
To answer your question, yeah ^^ I think they are having a good time now. Maybe taking long walks in the forest and around the lake in the mornings and being able to spend time together without worrying about things. ^^
Thank you for the ask, anon
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alexanderwesker · 6 months
Just realized since I randomly found your blog on Tumblr the other day after being on your ao3 since basically the start of aToL, I can finally give you the terrible fan art I made years ago, literally the first fanart I did for any fic ever :D its pretty bad and I've improved since but your writing inspired me to art more and now I'm actually okay at art
Tumblr media
Okay thank you bye have a good timezone 🫶
I'm honored to know that you have been following my stories for so long!
And about the fanart, I think it's pretty good, and I like how all the eyes have different shapes and different pupils. I think it conveys the situation of Soot seeing the eyes in pogtopia and how that disturbed him quite well.
Thank you for sharing your fanart with me ^^
I hope you are also having a good day/night ^__^
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alexanderwesker · 6 months
ok. but. imagine twin of light right? but instead of ccbur its revy. smiles im high and drunk
Hey anon!
Oh, it would be very interesting to see how AToL's plot would go if it was Revidedbur there. Since him and Soot would be on a closer mindset.
Though it makes me wonder how it would go with the actual General too.
They would both be interesting stories to tell.
Hmmmmm.... I'll be thinking about it, because they both would be interesting stories to tell.
And I miss writing about Soot.
Thank you for your ask anon. Wish you a good day ^-^
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