#atp fandom ppl Are the more chill ones
absentmoon · 8 months
i think also like the jump to blocking longtime mutuals or people you talk to just bc they draw a character you like and themselves together is so like. Like
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itsjaywalkers · 1 month
Hiii, how was your day Laurie? Soo you're one of my favorite people on here and I wanted to ask someone for a lil advice and you were the first person that popped up in my head. I've been working on a little microfic for some time and it's such a small little thing of 500 words and I want to post it but every time I try I get extremely insecure and anxious about it. I never posted anything before and I'm just like, what if what if what if..How do you get over that fear? I love writing and I want to engage more in the fandom but I'm just so scared, and also so self-conscious about my English, which is not my first language
hiii nonnie!! u sent this yesterday and yesterday was Awful, one of the worst shifts i've had in a while (it was bank holiday..). i started at 9 bc i was in the open i didn't get my break until 4:30pm??? and only bc i was about to pass out from both stress and hunger. it was Shit but it ended nicely and today should be a lot more chill!! hopefully!!
how was yours tho babe?? or how it's going so far??
please i'm blushing and smiling so hard, it's always so sweet when any of u tell me my blog or ME in general is one of ur favs in tumblr.. it's also a bit . nervewracking when u guys come to me for advice bc i feel like i'm the least qualified person in the world and i'm also scared of fucking up. but it's such an honour too!! i just hope that i can actually be of help <3
in my experience, u never truly get over that fear/anxiousness. it's been years for me atp (not in this fandom specifically), of . sharing my writing on social media . and i still get nervous and hesitant and second-guess myself every step of the way. i can't even count how many times i've posted a snippet and i've wanted to delete it right after. and with actual fics is even worse. i have this habit of always posting/updating very late at night and going straight to sleep to avoid thinking about it or seeing anyone's reactions/opinions
since this is something i can't seem to ever get rid of, my advice is to just . go for it . do it scared . which i'm aware fucking sucks and it makes the whole process a lot harder but . deep down u know u wanna share it, u want people to read it and u want to engage with the fandom as an author. focus on the side of u that is excited and happy about what u wrote!! the fear is still there, and it may always be, but it's not the emotion that actually matters here. if u still don't seem able to, ask someone to press the post button for u!! or maybe program it to post a few days later so u forget about it until u suddenly see it on ur dash!!
and i totally feel u on being extra insecure bc english isn't ur first language, i've been there and . i still am . i'm always scared i don't sound natural enough, or even right enough. i feel like all my writing is filled with . errors and mistakes . but honestly the fact that u managed to write 500 words in a language that isn't yours is already impressive enough and u should be proud of yourself!! people are gonna appreciate it more than u can imagine, and also, the way u write in english or use it is always gonna be so different from a native speaker's for obvious reasons and that's so fucking beautiful. some of my fav fanfics are written by ppl who didn't have english as a first language bc they have a way to approach it that i've never seen anywhere else and it's fucking magical
and ur english is absolutely perfect, just btw
i wish u the best of luck and i'm sending u a big hug, i can't waittttt to read that microfic (i'm hoping i'll be able to somehow)
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