#ats reunion
vampandvisiongirl · 9 months
Get Charisma Carpenter on Seal Team.
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lotus-pear · 8 months
ofc dazai is still alive. mf is like a roach that doesn’t die no matter how many times you stomp on him💀💀
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tapioca-puddingg · 8 months
I have something to say
Isa is unironically the funniest character in KH3.
This bitch just casually shows up on the clock tower in Twilight Town (right before the Keyblade War, mind you), takes one of Axel's ice creams, mocks him, then leaves. The fucking audacity™️
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And then this bitch still mocks him after he loses the fight AND has the nerve to be witty before he disappears
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His pettiness knows no bounds.
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mycatismyfriend · 3 months
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“...Some words of wisdom were once offered in your world that I found quite profound: If there is no great and glorious end to all of this, if nothing you do matters … then all that matters is what you do for and to each other.”  She was about to say that she didn’t find the words comforting in the slightest, but before she could speak Angel interrupted. “Hey, I said that!”
- Chapter 24, Book three, "The First Apocalypse" in MCorey1317's The Reunion Trilogy
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bylertruther · 1 year
not to be that guy but i hope s5's inevitable willel scenes hit so fucking hard that it makes the duffers regret not letting them interact more previously when they had the chance :/
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dailyats · 2 years
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DARLA | 2.10 - Reunion
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wildtornado-o · 2 years
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Date and Mizuki (starts sobbing) I Love them a normal amount. Aaa the shading looks a little weird on their clothes but I merged the layers so I can't fix it :/
Also heres the sketch I like it a lot (It says the duality of man next to it bcs its funny to me that its a detailed drawing next to a stupid drawing of Date in a milfs shirt)
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on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
December 19, 2000
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Reunion aired for ATS season 2, episode 10. The Drusilla and Darla reunion technically started at the end of the previous episode. After some initial tension, they come to an agreement and seal the deal by going shopping. They find the quality of customer service lacking, especially for shoe suggestions.
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hella1975 · 1 year
my rizz with security guards remains insane we were queuing yesterday and some context you need to know for this story is that my friend put social anxiety in the fucking dictionary like this girl once went months barely leaving the house because it got so bad and generally she's like a lost dog when asked to do things in public. so what of course happened? the cut-off for the bag search/pat-down queue separated us and she was forced to join the other queue while i stayed in the bigger queue. the terror in her expression was like you'd told her she was actually walking to the firing squad and i was begging the security guard to let me join her all 'it's only one more person please that's my friend i know her let me through' very dramatic. and my guy was having none of it he was like 'my boss is right there' and i was like 'your boss is a dick!' and he LAUGHED like full on belly laugh i was like yes you find me humourous boy now let me through. and in the end i was like 'it's international women's day and you're separating us >:(' and it fucking worked. like the way his eyes widened like id pulled out a trump card in that moment and then he quickly ushered me through when his boss wasn't looking still giggling to himself a little. i think he went home and wrote about me in his diary
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localcapricosimp · 7 months
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Not me remembering I have a tumblr just so I can post about Viviz.
Anyways they ate. Stream Untie.
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deathmaiidens · 6 months
ok I know I have Debbie and Constance and they're already so similar, but...the urge to add my headcanon movie-verse Esme Squalor... 😭
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caramello-styles · 9 months
how could you do this to me 😩 (Moving and my lovely liar ending in the same week)
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hyunubear · 6 months
Just finished watching yesterday's concert...
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mycatismyfriend · 3 months
If anybody wants to know what my latest gifset is about, it's based on a fanfiction I read earlier this year called "The Reunion Trilogy" by MCorey1317.
It's basically a Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series post tv series finale that is set in 2021.
The first three books are just over 800k, and is an epic that has multiple arcs and characters returning from both Buffy, and Angel, as well as amazing OC's.
This series changed my life, and it's here right now for you to read for the first time. I really hope you like it as much as I did.
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eilinelsghost · 9 months
Part 13: And Still the Light Returns
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Belen was near. He had passed the Narog that morning and must be well within the highlands by now. Any moment, he would appear from the trees, shifting from longing to presence through the twilit shadows. The parting would be mended, his son was coming home.
Now settled in Nargothrond, Balan looks forward to welcoming his younger son to join him there. But each has changed in the months since Balan’s departure and they navigate these distances in past and present, home and journey, presence and absence.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday, liz!! why does dean dislike sam's beard in s14?
hello hello happy wincest wednesday -- and ummmmm --
I think the truth is that, at heart, Dean is a wee conservative vanilla pudding. For all that he's on the fringes and is such a "rebel" (loling forever), the hard truth is that he's a lot more normie than not. In the very early seasons when he's trying extra hard to front an aesthetic he's got the ripped jeans and the leather jacket and oh, he sure watched a lot of James Dean movies to try to be so so cool, but... he's a dweeb, man. He submits to authority, he says 'yes ma'am' to older ladies. He's got his leather jacket, sure, but it's a specific kind of leather jacket that fits with a very specific kind of masculinity he's trying very very hard to adhere to. This is not punk and it is not particularly nonconformist. I love the guy but if he ran into anyone with green hair he'd start to sound a little like someone who watches Fox.
So, that's a particularly tough lead-in; sorry Dean-baby. I think he's resigned to Sam's hair at his point but guy-with-long-hair is just really naturally one of those things that guy-who's-conforming-that-hard-to-this-version-of-masculinity has to make fun of. And like, Sam doesn't give a shit. (Actually, I think he grew out his hair initially as rebellion against the whole concept but then ended up liking it, and whatever, it's what his hair looks like now.) Sam's solid.
I don't think Dean objects to beards-qua-beards, especially of the relatively tidy Bobby variety where it's just an aesthetic choice, but I can 100% imagine him objecting to hipster beards -- that is, *new* aesthetic choices born from fashion/trendiness. Does that make sense? No, not particularly, but it doesn't mean it's not something that might be thought, because people are inconsistent and illogical.
In Sam's case -- and I can't remember if this is canon or just headcanon, bear with me -- it's a beard born of distraction because he was too busy burning the candle at both ends and then he went, huh, I have a beard. But when Dean shows up, he jolts from stubbly Sam to bearded-Sam, and it feels like an aesthetic choice, esp as Sam says "some people say I look good." That files it into the 'you are making Fashion Choices' category, and that's a category that Dean's obligated to mock. Sam could've gotten some green hair and I think it'd be the same result. So, Sam shaves -- whether because Dean makes fun of him (unlikely) or because he finally got some goddamn sleep and went, huh, I guess I should take care of this (more likely).
There's someone out there who'd do like pleading-face emoji and go 'aww Dean objected bc Sammy was different and the world just couldn't change that much when he was so stressed, he needed his sammy-wammy's face back ;-; ' -- I am not that person, lol. I like allowing space for people to be petty and dumb and judgmental. You know, like people.
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