tapioca-puddingg · 2 months
Another mixtape! This one is a G-house/Midtempo Bass mix inspired by Cammy's from the Street Fighter series. It's heavily inspired by her baddie energy. Would appreciate anyone giving this a listen if you have the time
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
Whew! Finally got this one out! This is a Deep House mix inspired by Aqua. The art is by @jaysosillyart, a big thanks again to them for giving me permission to use their art for this video. Please check out their art as well 🙏🏽
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
Poppy Playtime Thinkpieces
This isn't a detailed analysis, just spit balling some headcanons
I'm actually telling the truth this time
EDITED 2/10/2024
So I don't think the protagonist is the only surviving (ex)employee
I think there were others that either called in sick or just weren't scheduled to work on the day the Hour of Joy happened
And also the higher-ups that probably work in some office miles away from the Playtime Co. factory
Maybe the higher-ups tried to reach out to the employees for something company-related, and when they couldn't get ahold of anyone, they pulled up the security footage and saw the massacre happening
They said "yup, shut it down"
The surviving employees probably received a mass email stating that they had been let go, effective immediately
Maybe the protagonist started asking the survivors and was like "hey wtf happened"
Or like "hey I haven't seen so-and-so for a long time, do you know what happened to them?"
They probably was like "shit idk"
Then the MC might've went to corporate directly to inquire about why they got let go
Most likely they got some kind of canned response, so they were of no help
Speaking of the Hour of Joy, that might've been one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen in a horror game
So after years of trying to find some answers and getting nowhere, they decide to go back to the factory and conduct some kind of investigation themselves, which was probably a huge mistake on their part
But this ofc largely depends on how high the MC was in the company and if they knew about the experiments
The Home Sweet Home PT section does heavily imply that the MC was aware of the experiments and was complicit in them
But the MC could be innocent and just has survivor's guilt. Who knows
Playtime Co. has an upwards of 200 employees, many of which had spouses, children, parents, friends, somebody that would miss their presence
Maybe we'll find out about the specifics later, but this had to have been a HUGE scandal. There's no way that that many ppl go missing and it doesn't cause an uproar
Playtime Co. must've tried extremely hard to suppress this case
Another thing I thought about was the fact that Elliot Ludwig's face is always redacted in the tapes
Why is his identity always protected?
It makes me think of the news report we heard where a boy's body was found on the "late Elliot Ludwig's estate"
"The late" meaning Ludwig had already passed away when the body was discovered
Maybe Ludwig was responsible for the murder, or at least was involved, and they censor his face bc they don't want to look bad
Also I can't imagine this story having a happy ending
Personally I think Poppy is manipulating the MC. I think Poppy and those that are aligned with her are using the MC to do their bidding and kill the toys that are in their way so that they can escape
But I can't shake this feeling that she's gonna betray the MC once The Prototype is killed
But whether her feelings are genuine or not, I don't know
There has to be a reason why she was the only toy to be imprisoned
Like once they're about to escape she'll pull a fast one
Okay that's all I got I think. Brain broken
Back to the shadows I go ✌🏽
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
Another mix! This is a Nu Disco and Disco House mix inspired by Jamie Siu from SF6.
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
Y'all, I created another mix! This is a goth mix that's inspired by A.K.I. from Street Fighter 6. I'd appreciate it if y'all would give it a listen if you have the time.
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
One, the Goddess of Diligence: A Drakengard 3 Analysis
Hey, it's been a while since I've done one of these. I took a break from doing these long analyses in favor of shorter and quicker content just because it's easier on my brain. I apologize to those that I may have kept waiting with this one, but I'm back now.
If you're new to my blog, I post analyses about video game characters that I think are interesting, amongst other things. This is my Seven Deadly Sins/Heavenly Virtues series of Drakengard 3. And do be sure to like, reblog or leave a comment if you enjoy my insane ramblings.
"Facing the people crowding the streets, I gave a wave from atop my steed. This caused them to cheer even louder, and I felt the animal tense beneath me. I am not fond of horses due to their strong odor, but in this case I could sympathize with the beast. We were both being forced to parade our way from the harbor towards the cathedral. I would have preferred to have snuck back after sunset; I wanted to be alone. My mind, exhausted from battle, sorely needed a rest. But I was not allowed to be so selfish. It was my duty as an Intoner to symbolize order and peace having returned to the world, even if that meant being made a spectacle of. And how could the innocent people know that their cries of elation were causing me, with my heightened senses, to feel as if my head were being split in two?"
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One is the second eldest Intoner sister and is the head of the Cathedral City. As the second eldest, she is the leader of the Intoner sisters. She is level-headed, intelligent, and capable. Not to mention the fact that she is well-respected by her younger sisters. Of the Intoner sisters, One is the most interesting in my opinion. She's the only Intoner that becomes self-aware and questions the world around her.
As with the others, One's novella gives us more insight into her thought processes, as well as her struggles and curiosities. She behaves as you'd expect; calm, composed, deliberate, thoughtful, calculated. Every move she makes has an intent and a purpose, and her logic is always sound. As I said a second ago, she’s the only Intoner to question their collective existence; where they came from, why they’re so powerful, etc. Her assessment of her sisters is objective, as she sees the good and the bad in all of them. As such, she does her best to position them for success as leaders in each of their respective lands, and tries to play to their individual strengths. For instance, she tasks Two with governing the Land of Sands in hopes that her optimistic nature could lift the spirits of the citizens, given how hard life in the Land of Sands is.
And yet, One has her own struggles, just like any of us would. Each Intoner deals with a certain bodily aspect that continuously grows at an alarming rate. Two's physical strength/muscles, Three's hair, Four's fingernails, Five's breasts, and One's senses continue to grow far faster than that of a normal human. For One, it is easy for her to become overstimulated due to her heightened sense of smell, hearing, touch, taste, and sight. The taste of food is too intense, the body odor of humans and animals are too strong, and even the feeling of clothes on her body can be uncomfortable. It's the reason why she's always in solitude. Damn, she just like me fr. Anyway, on top of having to shoulder so much responsibility on her own due to Zero's absence, she also is having to battle with heightened senses that hinder her everyday life. That takes a lot of strength.
"A disciple is a tool for battle. But it didn’t feel right using someone else as a weapon. So instead, I created a copy of myself. And since it was a copy… no matter what happened to it, it would always forgive me. Or I would forgive myself, I suppose. I used the Cathedral’s magical energy to infuse my copy with disciple-like powers. More than enough to take on the lords of these lands. Thus, I gained a partner I could rely on. And a way to forgive myself for what I had to do."
Not counting Zero, One was the only Intoner to not be given a disciple. She created Brother One from one of her ribs as both a combat partner and a failsafe in case she died. She also admits in her Prologue that she was lonely, so I'm sure that also may have been a factor in this decision. One is also vastly introspective, always pondering over philosophical or moral dilemmas. She notes the benefits of having a disciple and lists her sisters' main motivators in their lives: sex, honor, cruelty, and romance respectively. But she struggles to answer what it is that she truly desires in this life. In being the primary leader, she's bound by so much responsibility and duty that she doesn't really get to be herself, whatever that may mean. She always has to put the needs of everyone else before herself.
"You pretend to be all grown-up and mature, but you haven’t changed since childhood. We all need some kind of mental support, you know? Even Intoners. Heck, you probably need it MORE than the rest of us." "I suppose there’s some truth to that. Perhaps we’re weaker than we’d like to admit." "Aw, come ON! You’re supposed to get all mad and yell and stuff! I don’t like this pensive you. Quit messing with my head!"
Gabriella, being the boss bitch that she is, calls out One for shouldering too much responsibility on her own. One agrees with this, which, surprisingly, catches Gabriella off guard. What I find really interesting is that she says, "I don't like this pensive you." This implies that One used to respond negatively to Gabriella's brutal honesty but has grown since then.
And speaking of Gabriella, I wanna talk about her for a bit before I move on. Her personality so unique from all the other characters in the game. It feels like if you took a person from the real world and plopped them into a video game. They say that a dragon can see a person's heart, their true nature. And she always lives up to that expectation. The One/Gabriella partnership is almost opposite to the Zero/Mikhail partnership. Mikhail is a literal child and Zero is sort of motherly to him. She softens up to Mikhail more and more as you progress through the other branches. Even though their dynamic is short-lived, Gabriella is like an aunt. She doesn't mince words, but I got the impression that she does care about One at least a little bit. She sees some good in her. So that has me wondering, what the hell happened to her? By the time the main game starts, Gabriella has been replaced by Gabriel, and Zero states that he's a demon dragon whose power has been enhanced to fight off her and Mikhail. She was about to talk about the consequence of doing such a thing, but she trailed off before the line was finished. One of the last things Gabriella says is that she's the boss of her own fate. With her being so headstrong, I can't imagine her going along with being transformed in this way. Perhaps she agreed to do it because she grew to trust One? We may never know this tidbit.
"If you think you’re the only one suffering here, you’re out of your goddamn mind! Two, Three, Four, Five… You gave life to each and every one of them. Then you went and killed them all! What did you expect? Cursing the world then saving the world. You thought you could do everything by yourself? Well, THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET!"
As for the events of the main game, she is the voice of authority, as usual. By the end of Branch A, she's killed by Zero and is then killed by Two in Branch B. But come Branch C and D is where things get more interesting. By both branches, One is completely self-aware. She knows that the Intoners originate from Zero and that the Flower won't stop until it destroys the world. One has reached the same conclusion as Zero in that the Intoners should not exist, as they pose a major threat to the world. However, this is where they clash. Their goals lie within their names. Zero wants all the Intoners to be killed, including herself. One believes that she herself should be the only surviving Intoner. Maybe that's why the two of them share the same color scheme: they're more similar than they are different.
One hopes that her and Zero are able to understand each other since they both have a mutual understanding of their place in the world. But Zero of course shuts down the idea, calling her an "offshoot." Despite literally fighting for her life, she remained calm for a lot of this fight, but she does break her composure in the above quote. It's about time. She points out the contradictory nature of the situation, the fact that Zero created the Intoners just to destroy them in the end. She's technically not wrong, but we know that it's not the whole truth.
I mentioned One's loneliness earlier, and another wrinkle in this is the fact that she becomes the only sentient Intoner. Throughout the entire main story, she's aware of the aforementioned info about their link to the Flower, but she keeps it to herself. Maybe she thinks that her sisters wouldn't understand. And during the later branches, when the other Intoners start to become driven insane by the Flower's influence, she's the only one to remain sane. By sheer willpower alone! She is killed in all branches, never getting to bring peace to this world the way she envisioned. I start to feel bad for her when I think about it like this.
Because I gave her the title of the Goddess of Diligence, this would make her a foil to Three, as diligence and sloth are opposites. Both women have proven to be highly intelligent and curious. The difference being the way they wield their knowledge, right? Three constantly uses her intelligence for her own self-indulgence, without a thought or care of the people she's victimized. One, whether you agree with her actions or not, does what she believes is the right thing for the greater good of humanity.
Her last appearance is in the Final Song. Because she is an odd number, her dance is asymmetrical. One is usually so composed, and yet here she is, thrashing and flailing about. She's not at all timed to the music, nor is there a direction. Her movements are more controlled than Three's, for instance. But not as controlled as the others. Almost seems as if she's fighting. Fighting for control of her fate? Fighting for the peace that she envisioned? Perhaps fighting for her own autonomy.
TLDR: One was an intelligent, capable leader that only sought to do the right thing. Because Zero had no intention of being a leader, she was given a mountain of responsibilities to bear alone, until she created Brother One. She was also someone that dealt with her share of loneliness, as well as overwhelming sensory issues. She died by Zero's hand and shared the same fate as her other sisters, never getting to enact the peace that she wanted.
Phew! I changed things up this time around bc I felt that it flowed better this way. If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading and I do hope you enjoyed it. And I do apologize again for those that had to wait such a long time for this. I promise that I never forgot about these analyses, I just put them off bc they require a lot of brain power. Anyways tho, that's the post. Dunno when I'll start doing Zero's, but it'll probably be in two or three parts. Thanks again, until the next post!
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tapioca-puddingg · 3 months
Yo! So I created this Dark Techno/Cyberpunk/EBM/Evil Electro mixed that's heavily based on Juri Han from Street Fighter.
I've been getting into a lot of different types of music lately and Dark Techno was one of them. It gave me strong Juri vibes and so after months of listening, I was inspired to make my own mix. If you give it a listen, I hope you enjoy! 🕷️💜🖤🕸️
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tapioca-puddingg · 4 months
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Bro Aqua had Terra SPOOKED.
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tapioca-puddingg · 4 months
Why GoWR Valhalla Is Important
Hey. It's me again. This time I'm not yelling about Kingdom Hearts or Drakengard, but I wanted to talk about God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla today and why I think it's important in trauma-centered narratives. This isn't a detailed analysis, just me spitballing.
SPOILER WARNING: There will be spoilers for God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla, so please proceed with caution!
EDITED: 2/26/24
As a brief summary, Kratos spent almost the entirety of GoW 2018 refusing to talk about his past. His guilt, shame, and trauma deeply affected his relationship with his son, to the point where he didn't want to be around Atreus bc he was terrified of being a bad influence on him. It was only when Atreus' life was in danger did it force him to finally admit just a sliver of the truth. Now I don't mean to say that Kratos revealing his godhood wasn't a big deal because it absolutely was, I'm just saying that it's just one piece of a MUCH bigger story. Anyway, he recognized his past mistakes, but the shame was too much for him to openly acknowledge it until damn near the end of the game.
Come Ragnarök, Kratos was pretty much an open book. He had grown SO much in those short years of fimbulwinter: He openly talked about his trauma to Mimir and Freya. He worked so hard to be a good father and a good support system to his friends. He went out of his way to make amends with Freya and restore their friendship. And he fought to restore peace to the Nine Realms.
But come Valhalla, Freya wants to recruit Kratos to be the new God of War of the nine realms, or at least to be a part of the new peacekeeping council that she's putting together. Kratos is extremely hesitant to take up the mantle. He doesn't feel worthy or deserving enough to hold this position given all that he's done. He and Mimir (and later on, Tyr) are constantly going back and forth about it. Both perspectives are completely valid. Valhalla is about Kratos facing his past in a more literal sense; parts of Greece have been manifested from Kratos' memories of it, so it's like he gets to be there in real time again. This is about helping him process what happened and to add some nuance to the conversation. It's like free therapy for Kratos.
It's funny too bc you have both opposing viewpoints being represented. On one hand, you have Mimir and Tyr being the supporting/validating voice, and Helios is the contrarian. Since he's a manifestation of Kratos' memories, he represents the doubts that Kratos has about himself. The harsh voice to show how hard he is on himself, and not without good reason.
The reason why I think Valhalla is so important is bc in media, survivor narratives are often linear. The character just "gets over" their trauma and then that trauma isn't addressed again. It's presented more as a hurdle than a lifelong battle. I guess this goes to show how misunderstood survivorhood is. But that isn't how healing works. We regress sometimes, and sometimes we still mull over the things that have happened to us. We might heal, but that trauma does leave emotional scars. So even after the many leaps and bounds Kratos has made, he's not "over" his past, far from it! It still haunts him every day and every night. Valhalla is Kratos still processing everything. From my own healing journey, I've learned that it takes a long, long time to fully process your trauma, if there even is a "fully", anyway. It takes a long time to learn and understand all the complexities and how it affects you in current day. And it takes even longer to process such a complicated history like Kratos'.
Generally speaking about the idea of processing trauma, I said earlier that survivorhood is extremely misunderstood by the masses. Imo, our society is very anti-victim/anti-survivor. So with that in mind, from the perspective of the audience, some might perceive the processing trauma bit as repetitive or "milking it". These are mediums of entertainment after all, so ofc I understand wanting to put out an engaging story where the audience doesn't lose interest. But screw those ppl lol. We have to understand why we do what we do if we want to do better, and it's amazing that a video game is willing to have these conversations. Being more open about all the nuances of processing trauma, grief, healing, etc will go such a long way.
Even the roguelite gameplay style perfectly reflects this theme. Processing this stuff is slow. It doesn't happen overnight. Unless you're in Valhalla, I suppose.
Okay I said this wasn't a detailed analysis but I lied. I'm a liar now
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
The Guardians of Light and Content Creation
More headcanons that no one asked for :p
Sora ❤️
plays fornite, minecraft and roblox
plays with Ven and Lea
i think horror games might be too scary for him but he tries anyway
tries to get Riku and Kairi to play with him but they ain't havin it
occasionally enjoys RPGs too
calls Riku when he gets stuck on a hard part
sometimes plays fighting games with Riku. He always loses
Riku 💙
I can't see him doing content, I feel like he'd be more of a private person
although i feel like he might show up in Sora's streams from time to time
he's the person Sora calls when he gets stuck on a hard part
Sora also calls him to get his reaction to certain things. if not in person, then thru discord
also plays fighting games and Mario Kart with Sora and Kairi sometimes. He wins almost every time, Sora accuses him of cheating
Kairi 🌸
as for gaming, i can see her streaming rhythm games, like Project Diva
also plays Terraria
plays Animal Crossing with Xion
sometimes plays Smash and Mario Kart with Sora and Riku. she's gotten a couple wins, but Riku is surprisingly good at the game and wins a lot
very down to earth and is sweet with her chat
Bonus: Namine 🤍
artsy fartsy
does art streams
maybe art tutorial videos
likes drawing the Guardians of Light
she takes requests from the GoL too
i can also see her learning to paint
also plays lofi hip-hop
didn't even know what games were until Lea showed him
now he's hooked
likes JRPGs and MMOs
convinced Lea to play FF14 with him
he's a hardcore raider. he gets very intense
stays up til the wee hours of the night until Lea and Isa force him to stop playing and go to bed
joins Lea and Xion for meme reactions
Xion 🐚
​i can see her streaming or doing videos of chill games like Animal Crossing or the Sims
​has lofi hip-hop playing in the background
​joins Lea and Roxas for meme reactions
also likes playing party games with the squad
Lea 🔥
​Horror games and asymmetrical horror games (Dead by Daylight, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc)
also ​Lethal Company with Ven, Roxas and Isa
​he tends to scream and freak out. Isa gets frustrated with him in-game
​Everyone else laughs at him (hey what are friends for)
​meme reaction videos occasionally
​plays with funny mods
Bonus: Isa 🌙
Similar to Riku, he doesn't create content, but he does play games sometimes
​also enjoys listening to podcasts and reading
​will tune in to Lea and Ven's streams on occasion
​is amused by Lea's screaming when he's not playing with him
​plays games with Lea and Ven
​does not understand Roxas and Lea's memes
Aqua ❄️
i think it's canon that she likes to bake, so i think she could run a cooking channel or a cooking blog
she'll have terra or eraqus come in at the end to taste test the food
canonically is into arts and crafts, so maybe she'll make videos about jewelry-making and 3D printing
i can also see her making crystal bracelets
maybe she could run her own online shop?
Terra 🤎
defo a gym bro
​does workout tutorials
​does those videos where he shows what he eats in a day
​canonically is into woodworking so he could do content surrounding that too
​and 3D printing
​i just think 3D printing is cool okay
​plays Smash with Ven. Things get pretty heated between them
Ventus 💚
also streams minecraft, roblox and fortnite
also Lethal Company
also likes Sonic
tries to get Terra to play with him, but those type of games just aren't for him
"You kids and your video games"
Aqua doesnt too much understand it either
plays with Sora, Lea, and Isa
tries to play asymmetrical horror games
plays Smash with Terra. that game might singlehandedly tear their friendship apart
Bonus: Vanitas ☠️
plays online games
CoD, Overwatch, etc
Typical toxic gamer. You don't wanna hear him in lobbies
Has been banned from vc multiple times
None of the GoL wanna play with him lmao
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
how you can help palestine
*i regularly update this post with any new info i find so please always reblog the original post*
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donations currently reaching gaza:
help buy e-sims for people in gaza (PLEASE HELP CONNECT GAZANS TO THE WORLD. if you would like to stay updated, please follow @/Mirna_elhelbawi on twitter)
donate to get food packages to gaza - care for gaza
support palestinians: buy a keffiyeh from the last and only factory in palestine - hirbawi
secondary donations:
palestine children's relief fund
palestine red crescent society
save palestine - islamic relief canada
send medical supplies to gaza - palestinian american medical association
click to donate - arab.org
help bring down israel's weapon trade - palaction
NOTE: journalists based in gaza are saying a demand for ceasefire is the priority as not all donations are reaching gazans (focus on the donations that are directly reaching gaza). so please contact your local MPs every single day demanding as such. palestine need a permanent ceasefire.
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petition to investigate war crimes committed by israeli military
demand ceasefire - amnesty.org
open call for immediate ceasefire
american government call for immediate ceasefire
american government to stop funding israeli military
ceasefire and increase humanitarian assistance - oxfam au
petition to get canva to address their pro-israel stance
invoke the genocide convention to call for ceasefire in gaza - world beyond war
location specific petitions
gaza call for ceasefire - oxfam (UK)
end israeli occupation - parliament uk (UK)
email your MP - medical aid for palestine (UK)
protect gaza civilians - islamic relief (UK)
stop fuelling genocide - action network (USA)
@ biden: call for ceasefire now - move on (USA)
ceasefirenow.com - jewishvoiceofpeace (USA)
call congress and demand a ceasefire - uscpr (USA - they provide a script of what you should say, so don't worry about it)
note: you can call everyday. they tally the number of calls per issue. so more calls = higher chance for them to take action. p.s. you mainly go to voicemail so don’t worry about phone call anxiety. fight through it just this once please.
australia call on israel to stop attacking palestinians - apan (AUS)
immediate ceasefire and increase in humanitarian aid in gaza - actionaid (AUS)
email your MPs - stand with palestine (AUS)
[EN5622] call for ceasefire and end to occupation - parliament of australia (AUS)
closes 13 dec @ 8.59pm AEST
[EN5628] retract governmental support to israel and demand ceasefire - parliament of australia (AUS)
closes 13 dec @ 8.59pm AEST
sign to send letter to MP for ceasefire - nccm (CANADA)
ceasefire now! - ijv (CANADA)
ceasefire and allow aid to enter gaza - oxfam (CANADA)
house of commons petition 4661 (CANADA)
closes 9 dec @ 11.03am EDT
cessez-le-feu et un couloir humanitaire - le mouvement (FRANCE)
write to your député - assemblée nationale (FRANCE)
skydda civilbefolkningen i gaza! - mittskifte (SWEDEN)
singaporeans call for immediate ceasefire (SIN)
contact your elected reps and demand a ceasefire (GERMANY)
write to the EU demanding a ceasefire (EUROPE)
template of letters you can send (EU)
guide on how to contact your MPs in EU
multiple actions you can take to help palestine - plant een olifbloom (NETHERLANDS)
includes: links for donations, emails to MP, emails to media, links to petitions and demonstrations
den haag, maak nú werk van vrede in israël/Palestina - the right forum (NETHERLANDS)
māori call for palestine - ourActionStation (NZ)
basta ao genocídio em Gaza! - awaaz (BRAZIL)
globo e grande mídia, parem de desumanizar civis palestinos - the intercept (BRAZIL)
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friends of al-aqsa
❥ UK-specific
urge your MP to speak up for palestine
hands off al-aqsa
stop administrative detention
petition for UK to stop arming israel
❥ International
boycott puma — email them to end their partnership with israel
boycott coca-cola
palestine action
join the resistance
islamic relief canada
urge your MP to rally for ceasefire
decolonise palestine
poster campaign to raise awareness on the war crimes being committed against palestinians | (very very important please share + read the sources provided)
text/call campaign for people living in USA
text CEASEFIRE @ 51905 to call for a ceasefire
text RESIST @ 50409 to send a letter to your representatives to pass HR3103–a bill that prohibits tax dollars from going to israel
download 5Calls app to contact members of your congress | (more info)
fax campaign for people in the USA
go on this website to send 5 free faxes per day
here’s a link to a pre-written fax copy you can download to send (the first link on the linktree)
here’s a video that explains how to fax your senator (it’s very easy and all you need is a valid email address)
BDS movement
get involved in boycotting companies associated with israel
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please let me know if you have any more links. i will add them in. and please reblog the original post!!
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
The Riku vs Terra Discussion
Hey y'all. So as you can see, I didn't choose violence today.
I've already spoken about this in my Terra video, but I'll reiterate my talking points here bc it's quicker to consume than a video.
So because Riku and Terra have similar story arcs related to darkness, a lot of us are naturally inclined to compare their stories and their behavior. However, I feel like some folks compare them with the added context of Riku’s redemption arc as ammunition against Terra. It’s comparing the life of someone who’s struggling to someone who has already succeeded, so that wouldn't be fair. So if we’re gonna play the comparison game, it’s only fair to start by isolating Riku’s behavior in KH1 and Terra’s in BBS since that's where these two made their starts.
This isn't me trying to say that one is better than the other. They both come from different lives, have different insecurities, and have different personalities. They are both flawed in their own ways. This is just a compare and contrast type of thing.
Riku was far more problematic at the start of his journey.
He actively antagonized Sora and co., worked with Maleficent (albeit it was to try to find a way to save Kairi, but still), was manipulated by Maleficent, was later possessed by Ansem, and attacked Sora while he was possessed.
Not to mention that he was selfish. He was totally fine with never returning home or seeing their parents again. Zexion calls him out on this in Re:CoM; that he was the reason why Destiny Islands fell to darkness.
I guess to give him the benefit of the doubt, the situation was more dire, as one of his best friend's heart was missing, and he was willing to do anything to help her.
Terra showed a lot more self-awareness and restraint. He was trying to do what Master Eraqus told him to do while simultaneously trying to figure out how to control his darkness. However, the desperation combined with his own insecurities made him vulnerable to being tricked by villains, like Hades.
Sadly tho, I don't think that he exercises discernment with some of the villains; Cap'n Hook in particular. And with Xehanort, he doesn't realize that he's been fooled until it's too late (which isn't his fault, Xehanort was playing 5D chess).
Beyond KH1, Riku had a lot of time to self-reflect and come to terms with his darkness, and he also had a good support system in Mickey. Mickey was someone that was genuinely curious, compassionate, and open-minded with him. He was willing to stand by him and support him no matter what. That’s somebody that Terra needed.
This might be a hot take, but Terra didn't have the best support system to be able to deal with his darkness issue. Eraqus was Eraqus-ing and Aqua assumed the worst about him after seeing the aftermath of his actions. Ven still supported him, but I think the distrust from Eraqus and Aqua had way more of an impact on him.
Honing in on Aqua for a moment, she always arrived in the worlds after Terra. From her perspective, it looked like Terra was doing a lot of fuckshit. He did leave the worlds pretty unresolved, so I understand why she was suspicious of him, especially with Terra’s lack of communication. BUT at the same time, she also didn't ask him what really happened. But anyways.
Terra and Riku were both manipulated and possessed at one point. They also both protected their friends from their possessed bodies; Riku protected Sora from himself in Hollow Bastion and Terra tried to protect Aqua from Terranort in the realm of darkness.
Riku is able to succeed where Terra couldn't. Riku was lucky to have Sora when he was possessed, otherwise he might've ended up being possessed for who knows how long. Like I said, he has a year and some change to grow as a person, whereas Terra has that opportunity taken from him.
Currently, Riku already has gone off to rescue Sora. Terra's story arc from this point forward has been undetermined and I have no idea what they plan to do with his character. In terms of the Wayfinder trio, Aqua will be training Kairi (and maybe they'll explore new worlds together?), and Ven might embark on a new journey based on his forgotten memories of the Age of Fairytales. Maybe Terra will help Aqua in training Kairi. Maybe he'll go on his own healing journey. Or maybe he'll eventually retake the Mark of Mastery exam and become a master.
I don't have a conclusion to this, I just like talking about things. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
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Zero Outfit Inspo Collage.
The theme for this collage is 'sexy.' I felt that some of the pieces here are sexy but also have some elegance, much like Zero. Also tried my best to include the floral motif. I quite like how it turned out. 🌸🤍🩷
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
Master Eraqus Ain't Shit
So I decided to wake up and choose violence today.
"Oh brother, this guy stinks!"
In Dark Road, we see that Eraqus has always had the same black and white mentality. He’s always believed that only light should exist, and that darkness should be destroyed. Even Xehanort, who was the same age as him, could understand that there needs to be a balance between light and darkness.
And even well into his old age, Eraqus never changed his mindset.
This line of thinking was so pervasive that it stopped him from making Terra a keyblade master. If Terra had never visibly manifested his darkness, it’s possible that both him and Aqua could’ve been made keyblade masters. Not that I’m blaming Terra or anything, I’m just sayin.
Xehanort told Terra in Radiant Garden that he could study under Eraqus for years, and yet he would never make him a master. I think he’s 100% right.
Both Terra and Aqua would end up internalizing this mindset in different ways:
Since he was on the receiving end of the darkness slander, Terra developed a deep insecurity. And some of the villains, especially Xehanort, were able to take advantage of him partially as a result of this insecurity and partially due to his own naivety. His journey was all about finding out how to control it, but bc he wasn’t properly mentored on how to do so, he failed.
Aqua took on this mentality along with Eraqus’s self-righteousness. She was about to prematurely attack or possibly even kill Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella if she hadn’t been stopped by Fairy Godmother. And later on, I feel like this mentality contributed to her thinking differently of Terra. But then again, there was a lot of miscommunication between the three of them. And that miscommunication caused a rift in their friendship.
And with Ventus, when Eraqus learned that Xehanort was planning on using him to form the X-blade, his immediate response was to kill him. Albeit, with some remorse.
Like sir, that’s your friend. You decided to let him back into your life after he wrote that sorry ass apology letter to you. You invited him back into your home. That means he manipulated you too. If he’s the one that’s putting your kids in danger, you need to go after him, not Ventus.
Imagine for a second if Terra had arrived too late (or didn’t arrive at all) and Eraqus succeeded in killing Ventus. The amount of emotional damage that would’ve done to him and Aqua is unfathomable. He put both Ven and Terra in so much danger. Yes, in the end, he realized the atrocity that he almost committed, but it was too little too late. He was lucky that the best-case-scenario happened. Well, I guess the best-case-scenario would have been for all of them to survive and jump Xehanort, but it's better that the kids survived.
As a follow up to that, imagine if Terra lost the fight and was killed. Eraqus is a master keyblader after all, so he's no slouch in battle. He whooped my ass many times when I played it recently. But anyways, that could’ve been two bodies on Eraqus’ hands. He is so unfit to be a mentor to anyone.
SPOILERS for Dark Road: now given what Eraqus and Xehanort went thru in DR, it makes sense as to why he would have such an extreme response to darkness. The fact that darkness is what killed their classmates, and the fact that Xehanort had to put down Baldur himself when he got corrupted. That moment would change the both of them forever. And any child would be deeply traumatized in seeing their friends get murdered on by one. But it doesn’t excuse what he attempted to do. Again, he put the lives of two of his three students in danger.
As a rewrite for this scene, maybe he could’ve contacted Aqua and told her to come home immediately once he realized what was happening. Maybe go to Yen Sid’s tower and link up with Mickey, Donald and Goofy, and the six of them plan a coordinated jumping on Xehanort. Sometimes ppl need to be jumped, you know? Like “Hey, Xehanort has gone off the deep end. He nearly used Ven to try to form the X-blade. We need to stop him before he tries this again.”
EDIT: I did really enjoy the reunion scene in KH3. It was nice that the Wayfinder trio at least got to see him one last time.
And in his character file, Terra feels immense guilt and wants Eraqus's forgiveness. I can only imagine the amount of guilt one would feel after an experience like that. There was no way he could predict the consequence of being Xehanort's pawn for 10 years.
But as a childhood trauma survivor, I know as much as the next survivor that you don't owe your parents/parental figures forgiveness. They owe you. Eraqus should've been the one asking for Terra's forgiveness, not the other way around.
I think bc he's presented as one of the "good guys" some folks may have been quick to overlook some of his actions.
But then again, if he did everything perfectly, this wouldn’t be as interesting to talk about.
TDLR: Eraqus fucked around and found out
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
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One Outfit Inspo Collage.
This time, the theme is 'preppy and sophisticated.' Being that she's the overall leader of the intoners and given her serious demeanor, I felt that this style was fitting.
Also as a side note, next to one of the black wings, I included a sheer top that has angels on it. Idk what about this shirt screamed 'One' to me but it just felt right. Maybe it subconsciously reminded me of the watchers. 🤍🖤
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tapioca-puddingg · 5 months
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Two Outfit Inspo Collage.
I gave her the Y2K aesthetic because I thought the bright colors and general youthful style of Y2K suited her upbeat personality. 💙🪻🩷
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tapioca-puddingg · 6 months
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Five Outfit Inspo Collage. I gave her the baddie aesthetic.
Given that Five is very into dresses and jewelry, I think she definitely would have the most expensive brands irl. Very bourgeois if I do say so myself. 👑💛🖤
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