#atsv Peter Benjamin Parker
slutforsnow · 1 year
Chapter 5 of
The Blue Note
"Familial Priority"
Summary: Family Time<3
Start Notes: Ajax is the sona of @aratakiittogang on TikTok!! Yes, i do have his permission to add Ajax to the fic!!
After Miguel had left Koton to go see Ajax and wake him up for breakfast, Koton got dressed in her usual spiderwear.
Her spider suit was a really cool design, if she said so herself; it seemed normal with the usual tightness and webbing/spider symbol but she had sewn pure black cloth to where the armholes & legholes would be to minimize recognition. All along the black cloth, she had patterns of femurs and skulls in simplified forms on it. She also had the bone structure of her hands from her finger tips to her wrist. Then she had a hooded-cloak; a simple blood red cloak with a dark gold chain.
Walking out of her room, she put her hood up, locked her door, and made her way to Miguel's lair... well, the nicer looking part of it anyway.
He kept that section hidden because no one else knew about Miguel's secret family. Only that Koton and Ajax were his second- and third-in-command.
The other Spiders knew not to cross her or make her angry because she could report them Miguel if they crossed a line. Thankfully, that's only happened once.
But there were some spiders, other than Miguel and Ajax, that could put Koton in her place if need be such as Jessica or PB. Though Jessica could be more harsher and that wasn't really good for Koton's mental health, so it was usually Peter who put her in her place if Miguel or Ajax couldn't since he was much more therapist material.
"Papá? Dad? Where are you?" Koton questioned, walking into the more secure part of the lair.
"In the kitchen, sweetpea!!" Answered her other dad, Ajax.
Following the echoes of his voice, Koton found him, cleaning off the table and organizing the files.
"Good morning, honey, how'd you sleep?" He asked, smiling and cleaning off the table while his dual-coloured brown and blonde hair slowly started to curled into their usual form.
His snakebites shone against the light from the window, reveal that Ajax might have spilled something on them.
"I... well, I slept okay," She told him, making herself a cup of apple juice and smiling sleepily.
Ajax grimaced slightly hearing her small yet simple lie- over the years he picked up when she withheld the truth but he understood; if she didn't want to tell him that was fine. He knew that Miguel would tell him if it bothered him enough. Besides, the worsening of Koton's eyebags was worse than what Miguel had described.
But he played it off like that was fine.
"Well that's good to hear; I was worried about you since you didn't do your goodnight routine last night," He told her, examining the small cuts on her face; they weren't in any dangerous places like her eye or mouth and they'd heal right up and blend in with her skin.
"Yeah, but I'm okay though. I promise," She told him, propping herself up onto the counter, lightly kicking the cabinets with her heels.
Ajax nodded and gently pulled her hood down, kissing her forehead.
After a few moments of comfy silence, Koton gently leaned on her papa's shoulder.
She wasn't going to see him for who knew how long and her mental state wasn't fully ready for it. Would he and Miguel be okay spending so many days away from her?
Sure it was at most for a week, but she'd never experienced spending time away from her dads.
They'd always done everything together and they'd gotten closer when Miguel and Ajax got married... this was completely different and scary territory for all of them.
"You okay, pequeña espina?" Ajax inquired softly, placing one hand on her head, rubbing his thumb through her hair.
"Yeah... just thinking... it's gonna be weird without seeing you and Papá every morning and eating his world famous empanadas," Koton admitted, leaning into his touch.
Ajax chuckled, earning a small smile from his blue-haired child.
"You sure do love his empanadas, Koton," he teased, ruffling her hair.
"Whose empanadas?" came familiar voice in a teasing manner, earning smile and giggle as the answer.
Ajax pulled Miguel into his arms, and smiled greatly as the 6'9" Hispanic leaned down and kissed his cheek.
"You ready for the meeting, cuerva?" Miguel asked, earning a determined nod from her.
"Alright, but remember, don't traumatize them too much when we talk about your Earth, okay?"
"But my Earth is quite literally, Hell."
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brown-spider · 4 months
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Part 2 in the reblogs 💖
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i-ate-the-rats · 1 year
hehehehe oh shit indefinite sad dark shadow (⊙ˍ⊙).
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foolsocracy · 6 months
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gotta add another noir variant to the gang
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quozacheese · 1 year
i like drawing miguel being uncomfortable and awkward
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aimasup · 1 year
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Based on a Tumblr post
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babybirbb · 1 year
i don’t know what’s funnier: spidernoir and spider-ham being invited to the spider society and them turning it down, or just straight up not being invited to join lmao
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maishiia · 1 year
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Friends,,,,they are making pins
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yabee-tea · 1 year
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He's groovin
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redwuds · 7 months
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old art
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t1koy-roll · 2 months
This is how Miles reunites with Noir at Beyond the SpiderVerse
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brown-spider · 3 months
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He knows more than modern ppl think he does, but he’s still somehow exactly as confused as you’d expect him to be
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i-ate-the-rats · 1 year
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sillyahhchana · 9 months
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husband dump
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quozacheese · 1 year
spiderman doodles
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