#atticus Mitchell
june-julie · 10 months
Watching my babysitters a vampire isn’t enough anymore. I need to eat it.
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ilovelizzie0lsen · 2 months
thought i'd post this and hopefully this reaches out to the mbav community ;)
a lil' playlist i made that's mbav inspired on spotify! (updating almost everyday!)
enjoy and comment if you have any songs that you want added that are/give off mbav vibes 🦇🧛🏼‍♀️
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moonsjonghyun · 7 months
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the cast of my babysitter’s a vampire <3
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irdk6969 · 24 days
you know i think it's pretty ridiculous lame and extreme for everyone in the MBAV fandom to hate Benny's actor except me of course all because of one girl now if it was multiple girls and woman who came forward about him that would be different and i would understand but not liking him just cause of one person come on i think that's pretty low standards and that's all i have left to say about this
If u have a problem w me don't int, I respect ur opinion js like everybody else's but as I said I'm gonna support the victim 1st 👍👍
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maladaptivebb · 7 months
I think I’m liking getting back into fandom life a lot, cause instead of having sexy dreams of strictly Matthew Lillard, it is also now an age appropriate Benny Weir…very curious to see who pops up next
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foxsarah · 1 year
there are some things that are missed/ignored in the narrative of mbav.
in both the movie and the show, there's hardly anything "deep" in the story being told outside of "defeating evil with the power of love and friendship", which is a great message, but there's something people overlook. very easily. a lot of children's media have its central theme based on the power of friendship, reforming the darkness of a monster's wild nature, love and hardships and downfalls, compassion, learning to be better, and none of those are themes mbav skips out on.
i wanna talk about love and hardships and darkness for a second.
we all know what the metaphor between sarah and jesse stands for; he robs her of her innocence and forces her to choose between obedience and death. jesse stalks sarah, preys upon her, and doesn't care if her mortal body is unsuitable for his curse, and even at the end of the movie sarah is helpless to fight off her vampirism, her responsibility to take care of herself, her poison. these are things even benny and ethan can't fix, they just let her handle that on her own throughout the first season.
jesse does not love sarah, and sarah resents jesse even during his "reformation" arc in season two. turns out existing as a shadow in the mind of a 15 year old boy really does damage, or something similar. jesse still believes that vampirism will save her, and forces her to choose his path, to feed into his urges, become part of his future that sarah never once wanted to dive into. she does it to save ethan, her trusted friend who doesn't necessarily benefit from visions the way erica benefits from her vampirism or benny benefits from his magic. if there is one thing to be kept "pure," to be kept from having to make the same choices she was forced into, it is ethan.
and people miss this. people don't get it, or at least they see it as plot instead of reality.
when sarah is manipulated by a representation of pressure and non-consent, and has to save her only friend who understands her desire to keep her mortality from her abuser's violation, what do we learn from this? when erica, her friend, and fellow victim, revels in her decision to accept their doomed reality, is it an unseen tragedy? when a young girl is in a relationship with a man who does not love her, who forces her to choose death (silence) or poison (ridicule), who benefits from his world of vampirism (admiration, financial success, etc), what do people not see in them, what is so prominent in the media they are a fan of? what do they miss? what do they ignore?
in this case, "friendship defeating darkness" and keeping the sanctity of someone's integrity, of their worth as a human being, is as simple as allyship with victims. it is that simple.
understanding the context and narratives displayed in mbav is not difficult if you understand right and wrong, even if it has nuances in everyday life you don't think about. supporting and listening to the victim, empathizing with their social digitalscape-exclusive brand of poison is not a chore, nor a challenge. even if the vampire can give you immortality and flight.
stop defending atticus mitchell.
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bloodykora · 8 months
i pray that karma/payback comes for you and all your friends one day
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Everytime you piss me off. I'm gonna post the victim's video and her face so it gets through your thick fucking head that you are not the victim here.
And I pray to God you never go through what her and several other people like myself have gone through from men who know they have more power over little girls.
You can like Benny, but for God's sake leave us alone. You make Benny content, you talk about Benny, you do what you want. Stop harassing my friends.
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fangtasticgurl · 9 months
genuinely? i hope the brain rotting b*nny obsessed anon gets their head fumigated for the kind of shit thats infested in their head. i don't and never did see a reason to be nice or even civil to this person, especially now, when they've lost all senses of decency over an obsession with a has-been, F-list celebrity with such a Peaked In Highschool energy that he felt the need to date a highschooler.
b*nny anon, if you read this, and i know you will, because you have fucking issues... let me make one thing clear. no one gives a single sliver of a shit that you love benny. or that you love atticus mitchell. there is nothing and no one stopping you from eating garbage. you know what the problem is? that you expect no consequences when you publicly eat this garbage for the whole damn world to see. thats not how the world works.
you send all of these anon asks and harass shitloads of mbav blogs as if any of us is really stopping you from being the absolute fucking loser that you are.
you want to have your cake and eat it too. you want to be obsessed with your slice of soggy, moldy bread for a man and still be seen as a decent person when you publicly talk about it online. and you're willing to victim blame people who have been groomed, and just random people in general, just for your own comfort. thats sad. that's really, really fucking sad.
i have half a mind to think the benny anon is just atticus mitchell himself, because I can't imagine a person who isn't him doing something this incredibly pathetic.
benny anon, get fucking help. seriously. atticus mitchell isn't going to fuck you, if you're over 20, you're too old for him.
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sdashq · 1 year
ok hi mbav fans i’ve got a serious question
as someone who hasn’t been interactive w the fandom until, like, this year, i never really dived into the personal lives of the cast so WHAT DID ATT*CUS M*TCHELL DO 😭😭 i see so many “dni if you support him” but i have no idea what he’s done so i’d really appreciate a genuine response so i could know 🙏
update i was informed i definitely do not like him now but i’ll keep this post up in case anyone needs to read the replies to inform themselves :(
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agaypanic · 11 months
STOP SENDING ME MESSAGES/ASKS ABOUT BENNY WEIR’S ACTOR AND HOW YOU STILL SUPPORT HIM!! i dont care that you have a different opinion than me on the matter and i don’t care what your parents think about it. yes i’m still writing for benny, no i do not support the actor anymore, unless information comes out showing that the girl who came out lied about him grooming her, which i haven’t seen!! just because he messaged you when you were young and “didn’t groom you” doesn’t mean that he didn’t do it to another person. your experience DOES NOT erase someone else’s. also, if you really think there’s nothing wrong with a 23 year old consistently messaging a 16 year old and then speaking romantically with them and getting in a relationship basically the second they turn 18, you’re weird.
i said i’m done talking about this. i’ve given my opinion on the matter and i don’t want to hear about anyone else’s opinion. the fact that you people are so bothered by me no longer supporting an actor that you feel the need to send me lengthy messages about it is fucking weird. i literally write fanfiction and shitpost on this site, leave me alone. if you send me another ask about this shit, don’t send it anonymously so i can block you
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zackmartin · 2 years
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timestamp roulette ☆ my babysitter's a vampire (1.11) for @angelamoores
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june-julie · 1 year
i request you write the wookiee bunks or zombie Benny fanfiction please
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Zombie!Benny weir x fem!reader
— A/N; I’m so sorry I neglected this request for so long when it’s SO plotful!! My main reasoning was I tried to find the website where you can watch bunks in English but I didn’t find it however that will not stop me from writing my oneshot, it’s just who ever has understood the dialogue will know it’s not 100% accurate.
— summary: something horrible happened at your summer camp that somehow turned into something good.
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From as far as you got to know about Benny weir before what had yet to happen you could tell he was a confident kind yet charming soul who volunteered on the summer camp job for an extra few bucks and hey no hate in game, you were actually quite happy seeing a friendly face around.
You didn’t have much friends other than Rory, but you did have your occasional encounters with Benny but still not enough that you two would consider each other friends. Just polite greetings.
So, from what you thought was gonna be an awkward and boring summer was ultimately brightened up a bit knowing he came, it surprised you he even got the job in the first place where you were so sure the substitute teacher was so determined to apply for help there and suddenly he for a sick day.
His loss your gain.
“Hey! Benny isn’t it? I didn’t think I’d see you here I thought your grandmother said you couldn’t come on the trip?”
Benny nodded having smiled back at you his rather charming smile once he was met with your familiar face. “That was before she knew there was money involved. Said I was applying for a job to help with my future college plans and bam! Benny boy is off the hook.”
“It isn’t entirely a lie tho, nice job.” You replied, “I hope to see you around more often. things are actually starting to look up now that I know your here.” You tilted your head to side as you confessed your true feelings about the matter.
“They are?” You nodded “mmhm, I was kinda bummed when you told me you couldn’t make it, glad things turned around tho.” You smiled pulling at your yet to be packed in backpack “well in that case I’m glad they did Y/N,” Benny chimed “after your finished with your stuff how about I show you around later?”
“I’d like that.” You replied happy you were making a new friend already first day of summer camp. with that his was back to finishing his job and you were back to smiling in thought,
You had always found Benny rather attractive though some may argue different, but you never really did anything about your silly little crush always saying there were more important things like your grades to keep on track than swooning over some Brunette Green eyed boy.
I guess what you didn’t know was he was gonna be a distraction for a long while from many of those things.
That was a 3 weeks ago.
Your favourite blonde haired best friend had offered you to sit around the campire with the rest of the gang that night but you had politely declined his offer, apparently they were all going around telling scary stories but you weren’t particularly feeling content enough to socialise some more after your social battery just about drained and you opted to just hitting the pillow instead, you heard the chatter and the music from a ukulele outside tho,
‘I bet they were having fun.. eh I’ll figure it out from Rory in the morning’ you figured.
It was around 6 o’clock in the morning when you woke again, obviously not voluntarily it was the abrutive banging on your cabin door that had did it for you, so groggily you shrugged on your shoes and whilst mentally cursing Rory for intrusively interrupting your dilfism dream you opened the door but not to be faced by Rory.
Oddly enough it was a sickly pale Benny weir. But what was he doing at your cabin door step this early?! And why was he sickly pale?
“Benny? Are you alright?” Was all you spoke out in concern through your groggy morning voice as you watched the boy struggle to form any coherent word at all never mind a sentence.
His hair was disheveled and his clothes were immensely dirty showing signs of struggle as you eyed his deathly pale complexion.
“M-mm I- I-“
you eyed Benny wearily as you saw him frustrated as he tried to fumble through his words at your door step, you had thought you were dreaming at this Rate and maybe this was all too early.
But that wasn’t the case as he desperately tried to figure out how to communicate what was wrong with him looking a little more frightened by the minute because what if his state is permanent, and you had no idea what happened at the camp fire last night
“What happened to you? Someone spike you or something ?” She said first, jokingly. This is usually where Benny would roll his eyes and blabber on before she could get a second word out. But he didn’t, Matter of fact he looked like he had no idea what she was talking about.
She got serious. “Come inside please sit down you uh… don’t look too well.”
Benny shook his head frantically as he fought back his impulsive urge to barge in and do something he would most definitely regret his mind is not in the right place. This was a mistake, it was wrong he shouldn’t have came to your door. He stumbled back and started to walk away
“Benny ? Where are you going!” You ran out from your cabins door as you eyed Benny running to the middle of the woods, is he out of his mind?! No way after that encounter were you gonna let him leave without a explanation.
Something had seriously gone wrong last night.
Unfortunately you didn’t find him immediately much to your dismay. “Y/N? what are you doing up so early? It’s not safe out here.” Said one of the workers to you confused which snapped you out of your worried trance “what are you talking about? it’s a summer camp of course it’s safe.” It was your turn to be confused as you looked her way. “last night?” She said as if it was obvious “ You weren’t here were you? One of our volunteers were murdered. there was this creepy asylum escapee who ran through here and Benny Weir had the bad luck of stumbling into him.”
“What are you saying? Do you know where he is now?” You asked “he’s uh,” she paused, almost preparing. “Y/N, we found him last night in the woods. We found him dead.” They had finally answered cautiously. But that’s not possible he was at your doorstep this morning. Did Rory do this to him?! But from as far as you knew about your best friend he wouldn’t hurt another person so it couldn’t have been. It couldn’t have been Rory’s friends Erica or Sarah either.
“Miss Y/N I’m gonna need you to go back to your cabin until further notice alright?” All you did was nod before heading back, why was no one getting sent home.
You couldn’t wrap your head around things were you hallucinating this morning? Or that whole conversation all together?
Opening the door to your cabin that was already unlocked, it was a stupid decision really even if they weren’t some kind of killer or (your own hunch) creature running about but desperate time came for desperate measure and when following a announced dead boy into the woods you don’t think of things like that.
You also wouldn’t think you’d find him inside your cabin fumbling through your stuff.
“Benny? Oh my god Benny!” You came over to him after finally closing your door, he turned to you frightened as if he didn’t know who you were as if he wasn’t banging down your door just an hour ago at 4 o’clock. So you walked gingerly slow near him as if he was a deer in head lights he stared at you with a look you couldn’t quite decipher.
Here you were trying not to scare off a dead guy in your cabin. Nice start to a Tuesday.
Then suddenly he went back to what he was doing and groaned angry with himself as he knocked over something and ultimately broke it. It’s like he didn’t know who you were or how to speak he just knew.. here. This place, Your cabin.
“I know you know somethings wrong Benny and I also know this is hard for anyone to hear but Benny… you died. I have no idea how you came back but you you’re back somehow! There was this murder who escaped and did horrible.. horrible things to you.”
As you went on to explain his current situation with tears brimming at your eyes he went into a frenzy like he definitely shouldn’t be here right now and he didn’t know how to act or why he was doing things at all but all he knew was he was aggressive, and your cabin had to show for it as he rushed to the bathroom before you could stop him.
“Benny what are you doing?” You asked Concerned and that’s when you rushed in right behind him, hearing him banging his head at the toilet seat frantically as he groaned. “BENNY! BENNY STOP!” You urged grabbing his head in your eyes and he did that confusing look again and he looked into your eyes like an innocent soul with those mesmerising Green eyes of his.
You grabbed a hand towel and was quick to dampen it at the new wound Benny had created and wiped away the blood as Benny winced at the touch and cold whilst eyeing the towel in both a confused and curious matter. You took the curtesy of wiping the wound that got him here in the first place as you lifted his bloodied up shirt revealing a nasty bite mark and slash, how vulgar.
He sat there absentmindedly as he looked daze yet kept his focus on you but not really paying attention. You wiped the bite where the chunk of skin and where the blade was slashed and lathered it with the only ointment your over cautious mother thankfully had made you bring.
You’d have to thank her later for that.
Once you were sure all blood was gone you put the stuff away. “Benny I’m just going to get you a clean shirt alright? “ you told the zombie boy in a clear tone so he’d understand, if he couldn’t speak you weren’t so sure he’d understand so you motioned to his shirt as he looked puzzled and then you walked away to get a shirt for him, Rory wasn’t in his cabin much but his stuff sure was! And by the looks of Benny he’d manage to squeeze into one of Rory’s T-Shirts.
Shortly enough you returned with a graphic tee nothing too special out of Rory’s pile so you know he won’t miss it gone but it’ll do Benny.
Thankfully Benny didn’t move from the position he was in when you returned. “Benny I’m gonna take off your bloodied shirt and change for a clean one okay?”
He grunts struggling with words, it’s like he has a hazy memory of what things are but he just needs help remembering things and you could tell, that’s where you’d come in to help of course.“
Raise your arms for me, love.” You showed with actions and a beat past he copied your motions, raising his own arms you gingerly removed his shirt and replaced it with the clean one.
Benny looked down at the new shirt he was now sporting and tugged at the fabric looking at you with a curved lip of what seemed like a ghost of a smile.
“Okay Benny I need to you to learn what you want to say when you need something alright?” It had been a few days since you took Benny in seeing he was at his most vunrable state, 2 other people fell the victims of whatever psycho killer turned Benny into whatever he was now but they didn’t have the same affect as Benny did.
Your roommate Rory has assumed it was because maybe he was a witch or something but you laughed at the idea, having said that he was a vampire so anything’s possible. Which was another problem you found a fix for,
Rory who was supposed your roommate in this cabin could definitely not find out about Benny yet when everyone was grieving the boy just days ago, and Rory was absolutely no good with secrets so you couldn’t tell him just yet so made up excuses.
So here you were now teaching Benny words yet again, he was getting better at showing his emotion and affection! A few times now he had hugged you randomly when you returned to the cabin in the afternoon.
You held up an image on your phone that had the word food underneath “so when you’re hungry I want you to say food? Can you say food?” You worded out ‘food’ clear and slow so he could get it, being patient with him.
“Fffff… oood.” He stuttered out but he said it nonethless, you grinned.
“Great Job! Okay now when you’re tired say this,” you scrolled to another image which underneath said bed.
“Can you say Bed?”
“B… b..” his brows furrowed in frustration and he groaned after a while of trying and went nowhere. “sss-stu-“
“No Benny you’re not stupid.” You placed a hand on his pale cheek as you gently positioned his head to meet your eyes instead of looking down in shame.
“You have all the memories of things in here I know you do, you just need someone help you remember them which is what I’m helping you with.” You smiled kindly to Benny who averting his gaze for a moment before looking back at you and holding up his hand,
This is something Benny had done to show affection lately you noticed. You laced your fingers with his as he watched your two interlaced hands “Y-yyy-y/n.. nnno more.”
“It’s okay you did such a good job.” You assured “you wanna know what I do when I’m frustrated?” Benny tilted his head.
You got up from your position on the bed as Benny watched you in Curiousity wondering what you were doing, you rummaged through your draw to pull out headphones and giddily went back into the same position.
“This is called music okay? You used to show me a bunch a songs before, but this one was your favourite.” You played said song on your iPod and watched Bennys face intently as the song played through the headphones.
Immediately Benny began looking around for the sound being played in his ears as he hummed, you stood up to clean to place as a smile tugged on your lips.
you bent down to retrieve your dirty clothes and place on your nightstand once folded so at least it wasn’t in the way Benny came behind you humming the rhythm of the song playing through the device. When suddenly he hugged you from behind,
Your smiled grew as your turned so you were facing his, brushing some stray brown hairs away from his face as you eyed his beautiful features Benny smiled. You pecked his nose and his smile grew along with his blush as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder in a shy manner which you found so cute.
You pulled his face away from your shoulder after a moment and shared a sweet kiss with him and pulled away to hug him further.
“Cc… c-cuddles, y/n.”
“Yeah okay Benny.”
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OH MY GOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM WITH THIS I MIGHT MAKE WAY MORE !! Again sorry it took so long but im so thankful you encouraged me to make this your love is very much appreciated @iloverosesforever but man did this take long. I hope you like it as much as I do after all this wait time my lovely ! <33
Taglist; @iloverosesforever @redc4ts
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b3nnyrabb1t · 7 months
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Transfem Benny Weir collage!!!
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makesme-smile27 · 7 months
A month ago, I got the opportunity to get a Zoom interview with Atticus Mitchell! For those of you who've been following me for a while know that I'm one of his biggest fans, and I still can't believe I was able to get to actually talk to him. I'm really proud of this video. This comes from my resume channel that I have on YouTube.
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contranymss · 1 year
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miscellaneous gifs of jb cox
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shinwings · 4 days
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Feeling kinda weird bc i found some dirty pictures about this guy haha
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