#mbav show
foxsarah · 1 year
there are some things that are missed/ignored in the narrative of mbav.
in both the movie and the show, there's hardly anything "deep" in the story being told outside of "defeating evil with the power of love and friendship", which is a great message, but there's something people overlook. very easily. a lot of children's media have its central theme based on the power of friendship, reforming the darkness of a monster's wild nature, love and hardships and downfalls, compassion, learning to be better, and none of those are themes mbav skips out on.
i wanna talk about love and hardships and darkness for a second.
we all know what the metaphor between sarah and jesse stands for; he robs her of her innocence and forces her to choose between obedience and death. jesse stalks sarah, preys upon her, and doesn't care if her mortal body is unsuitable for his curse, and even at the end of the movie sarah is helpless to fight off her vampirism, her responsibility to take care of herself, her poison. these are things even benny and ethan can't fix, they just let her handle that on her own throughout the first season.
jesse does not love sarah, and sarah resents jesse even during his "reformation" arc in season two. turns out existing as a shadow in the mind of a 15 year old boy really does damage, or something similar. jesse still believes that vampirism will save her, and forces her to choose his path, to feed into his urges, become part of his future that sarah never once wanted to dive into. she does it to save ethan, her trusted friend who doesn't necessarily benefit from visions the way erica benefits from her vampirism or benny benefits from his magic. if there is one thing to be kept "pure," to be kept from having to make the same choices she was forced into, it is ethan.
and people miss this. people don't get it, or at least they see it as plot instead of reality.
when sarah is manipulated by a representation of pressure and non-consent, and has to save her only friend who understands her desire to keep her mortality from her abuser's violation, what do we learn from this? when erica, her friend, and fellow victim, revels in her decision to accept their doomed reality, is it an unseen tragedy? when a young girl is in a relationship with a man who does not love her, who forces her to choose death (silence) or poison (ridicule), who benefits from his world of vampirism (admiration, financial success, etc), what do people not see in them, what is so prominent in the media they are a fan of? what do they miss? what do they ignore?
in this case, "friendship defeating darkness" and keeping the sanctity of someone's integrity, of their worth as a human being, is as simple as allyship with victims. it is that simple.
understanding the context and narratives displayed in mbav is not difficult if you understand right and wrong, even if it has nuances in everyday life you don't think about. supporting and listening to the victim, empathizing with their social digitalscape-exclusive brand of poison is not a chore, nor a challenge. even if the vampire can give you immortality and flight.
stop defending atticus mitchell.
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spooksalotnoel · 5 months
The geek squad, and why MBAV had so much potential
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For most of you this show hasn't been in your mind since you were 10-12. But for the ones who have rewatched this show recently, you will totally understand. I couldn't count on my fingers how many times I've seen this show. When I first watched this show I didn't even know there was a movie. Typically coming into shows like this, without context of the movie the show doesn't make sense. In this case, I watched the show 5 times before noticing the movie, yes, the added information of the movie really ties into the show, but it's still watchable without it. My Babysitter's a Vampire had so much potential it actually makes me sad. As far as rewatching it recently, that final episode is brutal without closure. I don't think I'd be able to watch a reboot if that was even a possibility. The original cast has such great chemistry and on top of that there's just the 2000's flare to it.
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It sucks to see one of my favorite shows growing up lose everything. The fandom is also so extremely small due to its cancellation. But here's everything this show did right.
Casting, I think every actor incapsulates their characters greatly! They play their roles as 14–15-year-olds great and I think they display the awkward teen-age phase well. Every character is pretty likeable.
Soundtrack, the music directors/music compositors on this show put a lot of detail into their work. And mostly all of the songs were made exactly for this show.
Setting/environment, having the setting the way it is makes the show have such an amazing environment!
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Overall, it's a bummer to see a show like this taken for granted. And it's also been taken off of Netflix, so I am especially hurt. I really hope there are still people who enjoy this show!
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pocket-watcher · 2 months
Young woman who's warned against mythical creature (vampire, fae, siren, whatever). Meets one and goes into a gentle induction that melts away their anxiety and ends in hypnotic slumber ❤️
Ooo! Okay, how about some vampire hypnosis! I hope you enjoy!!
“I keep telling you, you shouldn’t stay out so late! It’s not safe!” Her mother had told her.
She’d never listen.
What was so dangerous? The dashing young men who danced with her? They followed her around with the puppy-dog eyes. Hardly dangerous, if you asked her.
So, she went out, and ended up walking through town at 3am.
“Excuse me, Miss. Do you mind if I walk with you?”
A woman, around her age, approached her.
“Of course not, please.” She gestured to the space on the path next to her.
“Cassandra.” The mystery woman, Cassandra, shook her hand.
“My friends call me Tia.”
“Well I hope we can be friends, Tia.” Cassandra smiled at her kindly. “Where are you heading?”
Tia pointed. “I’m a couple blocks that way. You?”
“Ah I’m heading the same way. Isn’t that lucky?”
Tia could’ve sworn she’d seen Cassandra’s eyes turn red for a moment, but chalked it up to the drinks she’d been downing an hour earlier.
“Are you new in town? I don’t think I’ve seen you before.” Tia pried slightly.
“You’d remember me if you had?”
Of course, Tia thought. This woman was gorgeous and made Tia feel… safe. And secure.
“I like to think I know most people here.” She settled on for her answer.
“Social butterfly, are we?” Cassandra’s tone was almost flirtatious.
Tia’s cheeks warmed up. She let out a strangely awkward laugh. Something about this woman had her so comfortable, so off guard…
“You okay? You seem a bit tense.” Cassandra noted.
“Me? Oh, yeah. All good. Just tired.” She said, trying to cover up her blushing.
Cassandra watched her in a way that made more blood flood to her cheeks. She felt relaxed, and slightly light headed.
“Are you sure? You’re not sick or anything?” Cassandra said, holding the sides of Tia’s face.
Tia immediately felt a strange feeling wash over her. It was like the comfort of Cassandra’s presence was washing over her whole body.
“N-no, I’m not sick. I’m okay…” she said, looking into Cassandra’s grey eyes.
“What’s worrying you? You’re safe. You’re okay. Breathe for me.”
And Tia did. She hadn’t even realised she was stressed until slowly her breathing calmed down and all she could focus on was Cassandra’s warm presence.
“That’s it… how are you feeling?”
“Tired. And warm.”
Cassandra smiled, revealing two sharp teeth.
“That’s good. Do you mind?” Cassandra gestured to Tia’s neck.
Tia shook her head with a smile, not fully registering what the other woman was asking her before fangs bit deep into her neck.
Tia had never felt such ecstasy.
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spiltsoup · 4 months
Benny: Hey I just got a pet snake. What should I name him?
Sarah: A pet WHAT?!
Rory: William Snakespeare
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irdk6969 · 1 month
Dear Netflix,
From your enemy, dearly, irdk6969.
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comicbookddr · 6 months
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s3when · 2 months
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▹ MBAV Social Media Challenge ◃ [ Week 6 — Favorite vampire moment ]
⟡ I like to imagine this is what happened after. The pain sinking in. Knowing you'd never recognize yourself again IF you could look in the mirror. Knowing the last bit of humanity left, to save someone dear. Okay I'm done :3
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dance-is-life27 · 3 months
Watching Blue Moon and y’know what I really think that Benny's spell is what turned David into a dog by the end which has gotta be so wild. Could you imagine being a werewolf and suspecting one of your fellow classmates has the gift of second sight and asking him to help you find a cure only to have his bestfriend accidentally turn you into something that's a subsection of what you were before? Like can we talk about this?
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Week 6: Old Prompt (Favourite Quote)
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It's a little late, but I wanted to pick a favourite that I've not already shared and it's crunch time for the week 8 project. Referring to necromancy as underkill is iconic.
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My babysitters a vampire you deserved so much better.
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i-crav3-blo0d · 2 months
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My face whenever Benny makes a cringey misogynistic joke in mbav
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roryweek · 2 months
Rory Week 2024 Prompts and Dates!
How it works: Create a post for one or both of the prompts for each day, or skip a day if you feel like it! This blog will reblog every post made in the #roryweek and #roryweek2024 tags on the day of each prompts (any late posts will be reblogged once the week is up!) here are the prompts:
Wednesday, October 9th - Video Games or Comic Books
What nerdy interest is Rory's favorite? Does he play more video games? Or read more comic books? If so...
Thursday, October 10th - Marvel or DC
Which comic book franchise does Rory love the most? Does he think Thor can beat Batman in a fight? Who are his favorite villains? If video games are his favorite then...
Friday, October 11th - Home Consoles or Arcade Games
Does Rory have a Wii, Play Station, or Xbox? Or does he love playing vintage games and heading down to the arcade with his friends more?
Saturday, October 12th - Free Day!
Have fun! Post anything Rory related or fulfill one of the previous/next prompts. There are no rules!
Sunday, October 13th - Prank Shows or Ghost Shows
Is Rory a fan of Doug Falconhawk's new prank show? Does he love Punk'd? Or is he still loyal to his heroes original ghost show, and jumps at the sight of night cam reality TV? Which one would he be likely to star in the most?
Monday, October 14th - Supernatural Hunting or Vampire Council
Does Rory love hunting spirits with his friends or standing guard for the vampire council more? Is he using the spirit speaker (even though he's not supposed to)? Or is he Jesse's lackey?
Tuesday, October 15th - Family
What does Rory's home life look like? In the future, is the fang gang his new found family? What does his biological family look like? And do they now know his secret?
Ask box is open if you have any questions! I can't wait to see what everyone creates!
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cr4shqueen · 4 months
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is the mbav fandom alive,.. are yall doin well
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freakerson · 1 year
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pollsofrandom · 2 months
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comicbookddr · 21 days
MBAV Disney Channel UK Monstober advert!
source: Disney Channel HD UK - Monstober Adverts / Halloween 2012. uploaded by VGX / TVHolidays
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