dvarapala · 1 year
@aubainmary / continued from here because tumblr
"oh, i'll ask them. definitely. xiomara might not be able to make it 'cause she always spends easter with her family. skyler would be down, i think. meilin too. daisuke as well. but i'll text them and let you know what they decide." a beat, and then: "anywhoozies, how'd you wind up being friends with the rohini persaud?"
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sialiia · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @aubainmary liked!
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓘 just wanna ask... But have you ever... come across like, hunters or other strange people- other than me.❞ Sydney blinked a couple times and then let out a light huff of a laugh from her lungs; then relaxed her expression again. ❝-being half cherub? Or does the while... halfsies thing cancel out anyone in particular being interested?❞
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floripire · 1 year
@aubainmary / continued from here because tumblr
"no, why would i...?" it sounds more like a question than an answer. she shakes her head once more. "seriously? you haven't heard of malivore? it's a being who eats monsters and erases them from the collective conscience. it also deploys monsters to do it's bidding. for a moment, i thought your ex-fiance might be one of them. and then we'd be in trouble. even more so than we already are."
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ignisregina · 1 year
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(Belated) happy birthday to @aubainmary! U get crowned as the Queen of Hearts UwU
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countlessrealities · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
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Sending my thanks right back at you, Dewdrop! I'm really glad that we crossed path, started to write together and also to talk OOC! I adore all your characters, they are so interesting and well-built! It's always a pleasure to hear about them and meet them in threads :3
Thank you for being such a delight in general <3
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17goiingunder · 1 year
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"You could make a strawberries and cream cake, right? It would fit in with the theme." Despite the fact that he'd tumbled out of the previous tournament in a humiliating second-round loss, Dave seems to be in a good mood today, the day before W.imbledon starts.
The crowds still love him; he's signing autographs and posing for pictures at every turn, and he's wearing a smile on his face that hasn't been there for a while. "Do you like it here? It's like my second home."
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waywardera · 1 year
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃 | @aubainmary​
“HAPPIEST woman, she says, but what if he realizes just how I make you happy?”
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Dax feels her eyes on him; pretends to ignore them in favor of slowly buttoning up the shirt. Long fingers loop the button through its respected holes, his face a picture of perfect innocence.
“What sentence will be brought down upon me, then, your Honor,” he teases, chaste kiss deepening slightly with a swipe of his tongue. “What time do we have to be there again?”
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fiirstnephalem · 1 year
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aubainmary asked: ❛ it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. maybe we can just sit here for a while instead. ❜
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TALKING WAS NEVER SOMETHING that came easy with Sima. She'd long learned to conceal everything and keep her emotions and how she felt bottled up to save having to explain matters to others. Yet there were times when she struggled. There were times when her demons and the voices in her head that had built up over time as a result of concealing everything got the better of her.
Relapses came and were fought often in solitude but this one had been seen. The shaking of her right wrist was not easily missed but she often shook it off as a need for sugar when it was questioned by those she worked with ~ it was a little hard to dismiss when a cherub was the one that had spotted it.
Now Sima had the hard choice of lying to a cherubim's face or telling her the true reasoning for the tremor of her wrist. Her hand came to hold her wrist --- an attempt to steady her tremor whilst her head lowered with the release of a heavy sigh. Mary's words rang through her ears like an alarm and truthfully, she was not sure how she could best answer. " I --- I am just tired... "
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musecaravan · 1 year
Is there a quote from a piece of literature that holds great value to you? What is it and why is it important to you?
// I'm going to assume this question is for me (the mun.) LOL!
I don't really have any quotes that consistently stick with me. I do A LOT of reading/listening and sometimes in the moment something will strike me as poignant or clever or whatever the case may be, but they don't often stay with me unless I actively write them down/do something else with them. That said, I do recall The Wonderful Wizard of Oz having a lot of good 'quotable' moments. :)
Right now, the quote that I keep coming back to a lot is actually from the musical, Hamilton. It's from a song that Aaron Burr sings, called Wait For It.
Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep living anyway We rise and we fall and we break And we make our mistakes And if there's a reason I'm still alive When so many have died Then I'm willin' to wait for it.
There's also another good quote from the same song:
I am the one thing in life I can control.
I think about that one a lot these days, too...
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What's Lucy's favourite thing to bake?
Anything she can make for her kids lol. But she's a bit partial to making cupcakes with them. In general though, it would be strawberry shortcake, as that's her favorite dessert anyways.
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dvarapala · 1 year
udyati has decided to either frequent aubain mary's, sarah's spot or hope baxter's bakery today because she fell asleep at 03:30 in the morning - which means she needs something to keep her going like coffee or food - and is not having a good time.
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sialiia · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ• . ° .┊┊ @aubainmary continued from here
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ㅤㅤ❝𝓢orry, I was quite abrupt about it all... If you need more time to think about it, you don't need to answer right now.❞ But Sydney was pleasantly surprised to find that Mary agreed to go out with her. She was always fond of the blonde woman, from her adorable looks to her shining personality; not to mention she knew how to make some delicious food. ❝Do you wanna get dinner sometime? Maybe go do something fun like a theme park or a movie? Though I feel like a movie has been over done so many times with first dates.❞ She grimaced at the idea. ❝Plus, all you're doing is just sitting there watching a giant screen. Can't really talk to the person.❞
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barajabruja · 1 year
@aubainmary from here
"I couldn't argue with that - that's the only explanation," she nodded in agreement before phasing out to a thoughtful state. "Cooking is a close second, but of course, nothing beats the eating part," Maki responded with equal enthusiasm, smiling from ear to ear. "Exactly! Perfect opportunity to catch up with everyone over a nice meal. I mean, suuure, they say alcohol's the way to go but for me, any nice meal would do!"
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tobeblamed · 1 year
"Dean, which of the holes in the human body is considered the cake hole?"
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" — i would assume whatever hole you use to eat cake... and if it's other than y'er mouth, then i dunno what to say. to each y'er own, i guess. "
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ignisregina · 1 year
❛      i   didn’t   know   you   could   use   a   bow   and   arrow.   ❜
weapon based starters | @aubainmary
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It took her two shots but Marianne's arrow finally hit its mark, a little off center, but good enough for someone who's been years out of practice. "Well, I haven't had a go at it recently I practically forgot about it myself," she confessed, nocking another arrow on the string. "I picked it up a few years back because I felt like being able to hit anything with my spirit bow was kind of... cheating. It's ridiculous, I know, but the fact that I don't know how to work an actual bow wouldn't let me sleep at night... amongst other things."
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She let her shot loose and without watching its trajectory, she put her bow back in its stand. It was off by a good meter this time. "I couldn't exactly bring one around with me - feels very limiting mobility-wise." That and fire was more natural to her. "You, thoughYou're a pretty good shot. How did you learn?"
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
❊ I want to roleplay with you
✸ I want to plot with you
( ✤ I want to ship with you ) if it happens
✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great
✷ I wish our characters were friends
✢ I like your characters
✣ I like the way you express your muse(s)
❋ Your blog is one of my favs
✦ I like seeing you on my dash
✪ You seem like a cool person
❄ I look up to you
❇ I love the way you write
* I want to learn to know you
Symbols for the mun || Always Accepting !
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Thank you so much for this! I know that we haven't written too much together, but I really enjoy what we've done so far and I really love how you write your characters! Each of them has their own peculiarities and you portray the really well <3 And it all comes with great writing :D
I've enjoyed the little plotting we have done too (I'll reply to Discord as soon as I get some brain power btw =.=) and I'm looking forward to see the storylines turning into threads and interactions :3 And you seem like a really cool person too, so I'm eager to get to know the mun behind these great muses too ^^
As for the shipping thing, I currently see Mary and Gabriel more in a mentor / mentee light (once she'll learn whom he really is), but never say never. And John is way easier to ship, so he could easily end up with all your characters xD
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