#(.an art exhibit in memory lane: art)
ignisregina · 1 year
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I'm just Ben, anywhere else I'd be a ten because @honorhearted
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dxlaflamme-archive · 2 years
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I thought I'd seen the light But oh no
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
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Ch. 5: i thought we were the same, birds of a feather
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
By the time they leave their hotel room, most museums are closed for the day, but there’s still a few that are open. Achilles drags Patroclus from exhibit to exhibit in the Art Museum, telling him about each artist and art movement he has studied in detail beforehand. They stay there until closure, then they visit the botanical gardens, a vast swath of land filled with rare species of trees, bushes and flowers, fountains and streams and glass-like lakes with swans and other water birds gliding leisurely around them.
Achilles chirps merrily about this and that —botany has always been a shared interest of theirs, ever since they used to spend most of their summer in Chiron’s camp— and he laughs often, much more than Patroclus has seen him doing in years. Even before he left for Switzerland, when their relationship had already started getting rocky.
Patroclus had felt guilty about that for a long while, the fact that their… differences and arguments had soured the easy companionship they once used to share. He’d felt partly responsible for that: for disrupting the plans that he and Achilles had meticulously been crafting for years, then for not being able to be happy for Achilles for going on without him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t find a silver lining in the situation they’d both found themselves in. Besides, it’s not like Achilles had ever made things easy for him, rubbing his adventures and his glittering social life in his face one moment, then baiting him into endless arguments the next; so, really, feeling bad about it all had been pointless from the start.
But he still feels that sharp pang of hurt when he sees Achilles' smile now, genuine and sweet like it used to be, as he glimpses a side of him that he hasn’t seen in so long. As his heart jumps each time their hands touch. This is what he’d missed, more than anything, why he envied all those nameless new friends of his: being around him, talking and joking with him, simply having fun with him. They hadn’t done that in so long amidst all that turmoil, but somehow Patroclus finds himself falling perfectly in step with him as if they haven’t missed a single day.
“Look, Pat!” Achilles exclaims suddenly, catching Patroclus’ hand and pointing at a tall and robust tree a little down the lane. “That’s a Tebusu Heritage tree. It’s said to be one of the oldest in the world, over 170 years old. Remember those ancient trees we used to study on Pelion? You used to love those.”
Patroclus follows him as he rushes forth to examine them. These trees here are shorter and more slender than the ones on Pelion, but they still stir fond memories in him, of long summers spent idling in their shade.
“These gardens are great,” Achilles says enthusiastically, after his lengthy explanation of the trees’ properties and their specific characteristics. “Much better than the gardens in Zurich, I should say. Maybe London, too. I was there for a photoshoot for a brand collab a few months ago and they weren’t half as extensive or rich as these…”
He lets his sentence trail off, sneaking a shy glance at Patroclus. His throat bobs as he swallows, and he looks away.
“What’s wrong?” Patroclus asks softly. He gives his hand a gentle nudge. “Keep going. I want to hear it.”
“It’s just… you never like it when I talk about… you know. Travelling, being abroad, doing photoshoots and all that. So… I’ve been trying not to.”
Patroclus stares at him, taken aback. Achilles didn’t seem to have the same inhibitions a year ago, when he’d shamelessly send him photos from whatever club, restaurant or continent he’d find himself in. Patroclus wonders if Achilles knew it was bothering him, even then. Knowing him, it was probably to rile him up and get a reaction out of him rather than innocently sharing moments of his day with him. The implication stirs that particular brand of annoyance that only Achilles can get out of him.
But another part of him is mournful for all the little moments Patroclus has missed from Achilles’ life. Travelling and brand collabs have been taking up an increasingly big chunk of his time it seems, and Patroclus has been there for none of it, has stubbornly never shown the slightest interest in it. Not that Achilles had shown any interest in his own work until yesterday, when he helped him with his presentation. But that’s more than he’s done in years. And Patroclus is still so grateful for that. He wants more of it.
“I don’t mind,” he tells him finally, after a short pause. “I’d still like to hear it. Anything you have to say.”
Achilles beams at him, his eyes lighting up with so much joy that it makes Patroclus ache. Any reservations he had about learning more about Achilles’ life evaporate as he listens to him talk about his work the last few months, the modelling gigs he’s been juggling on top of buckling down for his last round of exams. Patroclus smiles at that; if anyone can do all of those things and still ace his exams, it’s Achilles.
“...I even got an offer to work with this new online platform for musicians,” he says, as they’re walking down a quiet lane lined with baobab trees. “They somehow found out I used to play the violin and they asked me to advertise it on my page.”
“You didn’t just use to play the violin,” Patroclus chuckles, strangely delighted to hear about Achilles’ recent endeavours. “You placed first in the string competition in Vienna in eleventh grade. I’d be surprised if someone hadn’t dug that up.”
“Yeah, that was fun, wasn’t it?” Achilles grins at him. His entire countenance seems to be glowing in the amber sunset light. “We used to train for hours every day but it was worth it.”
“Phoenix had us practising those pieces for months. I can still see myself playing them in my sleep,” Patroclus groans.
“I still think we should have gone for a duet. Then we would have both won.”
Patroclus chuckles under his breath, ducking under a low hanging branch. Achilles had needled Phoenix for months to let them play together, but the old man would never relent. Patroclus was good for his level and for the work he put in, but he was never exceptional like Achilles; he wasn’t born a virtuoso. In the end, he had been disqualified at the finals, missing the third spot by a hair with his rendition of Chopin’s Mazurka in A Minor, while Achilles had swept the crowds away with Bach’s Sonata for Solo Violin No. 1 in G minor. As long as he lives, Patroclus will never forget how Achilles had walked on the stage, a slender boy of seventeen, and had held a massive concert hall captive while he played and for several moments after he’d finished; and then the audience had erupted in cheers and applause, tears standing in some of their eyes, including Patroclus’ own.
That has always been Achilles’ gift: changing things wherever he might be, down to their molecules. Shining so blindingly bright that the world around him can't help but be captivated by his light.
“I think perhaps it’s better that Phoenix never changed his mind,” Patroclus says. “I might have dragged you down with me because of some stupid mistake. Or I would have stolen your spotlight. We can’t have that.”
He says that with a smile, without envy or malice. A simple acknowledgment of facts, with a little bite of humour perhaps. But Achilles stops walking and turns to him, his features completely serious.
“You could never do that,” he says, very firmly. “You’ve never once dragged me into anything. Any mistakes I’ve made have been my own. As for the spotlight—there’s no other person I’d rather share it with, Pat. None.”
Once again, Patroclus stares at him, aghast. He doesn’t know where all this is coming from, why Achilles is speaking so seriously and earnestly all of a sudden. He has never known Achilles to lie to him—on the contrary, Achilles has always bluntly told him the truth even when it hurt—but hearing this from him now, after everything, makes it impossible to believe.
Another part of him though, the part that always ran back to Achilles after every heartbreak, that always yearned for him despite it all, wants desperately to believe him.
“You should start playing the violin again,” Patroclus says quietly, his voice thick with emotion he can’t quite hide. “You were always… so good at it.”
Achilles smiles, and the waning light falls so sweetly on his golden hair, his eyes, his beautiful skin. "You should take it up again too. Maybe one day we can play Handel’s Passacaglia together, like we always wanted.”
The fantasy is so potent, impossible to resist. He and Achilles playing together again, practising for hours every day just like they used to, the thrill after mastering a particularly difficult piece… Patroclus’ heart clenches with painful longing.
The path they're on is empty, and they’re shielded from view by the thick foliage. Before he knows it, Patroclus is stepping closer, reaching out to wrap his arm around Achilles' waist.
“I’d like that,” he whispers, leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss. "I really would."
Achilles sighs, melting into him, pulling him close to kiss him deeper.
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cheesysoup-arlo · 4 months
(not yet) Naked (but) in Manhattan (pt. 1)
Janis x reader
A/N: some of the words in here are exactly what it says in the song so full credit to that I did not come up with those parts
Turning your phone off of airplane mode and you had a few notification, one stood out to you at the bottom, a voicemail?
*voicemail from “Art cutie🎨”*
You decide to pop in your headphones to give it a listen
“Hey it’s Janis I know you just landed and I know you’re probably busy but I would love to see you so call me when you can”
Janis…your mind drifts back to your first time meeting her, exactly two months ago at the art exhibition back in California, it was a college student art exhibition for a few chosen students from different states to display their art. Getting the email that you were chosen and getting a free trip to California was awesome. You met so many amazing artists and you met this one person, Janis ‘Imi’ike. The prettiest person you’ve ever met, she was nice and helped you set up your display. After the event you to exchanged contact information to stay in contact given the fact you lived in different states from each other. Over the two months you two had gotten close, it felt different than any other friendship or even relationship you’d ever been in. She sends you good morning texts and good night texts which makes you have this warm fuzzy feeling that’s totally not a crush. You had a trip to New York planned for about 5 months now, when you made the plans you only knew one person living there, Damian Hubbar, you met him when you were working on set design on your last trip out here which was a work trip, he told you about his friend and shockingly you ended up meeting her without Damian, you’re snapped out of your trip down memory lane when you bump into someone “oh my gosh I’m so sorry” you say picking up your phone from the ground and you look up to see “Damian! What are you doing here man” you say a little surprise to find him at the airport “girl I’m here to pick you up, did you not get my text?” Damian said a little confused “oh shoot yeah sorry I saw it” you say remembering that Damian had sent to a few text “well let’s go bitch, we’re gonna head to my place to drop off your stuff and I was thinking we could maybe surprise Janis at her new studio, you know with the opening being today” Damian says grabbing one of your bags “oh yes absolutely” You said as you both continued to walk to the exit of the airport.
You guys made a quick stop at Damian’s apartment it was really nice, you dropped off your bags and Damian’s boyfriend decided to join you guys to go see Janis.
The drive was pretty short. The studio was absolutely beautiful, there was a mural at the entrance that you assumed Janis made. “All right we are about 5 minutes early so we can get out and hang out at the front before more people come” Damian said parking the car. There are a few people already there, “Damian omg what took you so long” the shorter of the three girls asks “I’m sorry Gretch I had to pick this one up from the airport” Damian says referring to you, you had seen these girls before but only in Instagram posts and stories “oh is this the famous y/n Janis won’t shut up about?” the tall blonde asks “um uh yeah? It’s nice to meet you guys” you say a little awkward “I’m Regina, this is Karen and-“ “I’m Gretchen” Gretchen says when Regina points at her to introduce herself “Regina, Karen, Gretchen, got it” you say giving them a thumbs up. The doors open to reveal a mildly stressed Janis “psst D, I need your help” Janis whisper yells causing Damian to rush over to her “I can’t reach the pamphlets” she says frustrated “it’s ok tiny gay I’ll save the day” he jokes, Janis rolls her eyes as he hands her the box “thank you, now you have to help pass them out” she says sticking her tongue out at him, you let out a small laugh observing their interaction. “Hey everybody welcome to the official opening of my art studio, thank you all for coming we have a lovely array of art and drinks” winking with the last word “please grab a pamphlet on your way in, they have descriptions of each art piece that I have currently up, when my next few art related events are, and my contact info for commission and other things” Janis says with a smile on her face followed by applause from the people attending. You go in and mingle for a while grabbing a drink and enjoying how amazing the art is, you’re especially drawn to her mix media pieces.
“Y/n? You-you made it? You actually came” Janis says as tears start to well up in her eyes “surprise? I told you I’d be in Manhattan, why wouldn’t I come to your opening?” You say pulling her in for a hug “I don’t know I thought maybe you’d be too tired to come you know jet lag” she says a little embarrassed “you’re right the jet lag is crazy but I wouldn’t want to miss something so important to you, you know I even moved to an early flight for you” you say with a small slightly embarrassed smirk “what! really?” Janis says genuinely surprised “yeah” you say with a nod. You and Janis mingle around and meet some new people until around 6:30pm. “Y’all wanna get tacos and then head to the nice gay bar” Regina suggests “oooo fuck yeah it’s the one by the theater right?” Janis asks “yeah and the really good taco place across the street” Regina says with a nod. You guys head to the taco shop, order and sit down together, you become the topic of conversation “Soooo how’s life, do you have a boyfriend or…girlfriend?” Gretchen asks “Boys suck and girls…I’ve never tried…” you say a little embarrassed about the last part “ooo ok but girls interest you?” Gretchen asks just out of curiosity “Yeah I guess you could say that” if you wanted to be completely honest you would say there’s one girl that interests you and she just so happened to be sitting right texting to you while your lovely new friend probes you with questions “Gretchen?” Regina says “I think you’re scaring her just a little” Regina says in the nicest way she can with a bitchy under tone “oh sorry, I just get excited” Gretchen says “it’s ok” you say forcing a small smile then picking at you chipped nail polish
You guys eat then head to the gay bar. “It smells like glitter and-“ you say “vodka?” Janis interrupts “yeah” you say with a laugh and smile “wanna go dance?” Janis suggests seeing Karen and Gretchen over there already “drinks first then absolutely” you say walking over to the bar you tell him your order and he hands it to you as your about to pay Janis slips him her card and says “put it on my tab” winking at you then ordering a drink herself “you know you didn’t have to do that right” you say “yeah but I wanted to” Janis say looking into your eyes with a kind smile, your face feels a little warm maybe it’s just your drink maybe it’s Janis (it’s definitely Janis) god why did this girl have such an effect on you. You decided to give yourself the limit of one drink, it was a new space with people you didn’t know well yet. Regina pulled you on to the dance floor, “heyyy” Regina said “hi” you said with a small laugh noticing her semi drunk state. You two were dancing close, your back pressed up against your front dancing to the music. Janis watches from the bar, her eyes trace your body from your face all the way down, biting her lip, she looks up at your face again to see that you’ve been watching her too, slightly embarrassed she blushes and looks away. “You know you two would be really cute together” Regina whispers right into your ear, her warm breath startling you slightly “what” you say quickly looking away from Janis “I said you two would be cute together, she talks about you a lot and I’ve never seen her look at someone like that so you’re definitely special” Regina says turning you around to look at her “how long are you here for” Regina ask “well um honestly I don’t have a return date and long as I go back eventually…for like my stuff” you say looking down at your hands, you’ve officially finished college and you honestly aren’t sure what you’re doing next “you really like her don’t ya” Regina says with a giggle “yeah, I do I really do fuck but I’ve never done anything with a girl before like not even kissed” you say embarrassed and realizing this is the first time you’ve admitted your crush on Janis “Y/n you’ll be fine, just be honest with her she love communication” Regina says putting her hand on your shoulder then turning you in the direction of Janis with a small push. “Hey y/n do you um wanna get out of here?” Janis asks “yeah um that would be nice” you say with a small smile “yo D, we’re gonna head out I got us an Uber” Janis says giving Damian a hug “byee see y’all tomorrow” Damian says followed by the rest of the group exchanging farewells. Janis grabs your hand and pulls you outside “we’re heading to my place, do you need anything?” Janis asks “no I’m good” you say fidgeting with your rings, she slides her arm around your waist looking at you to make sure you’re ok, you smile and blush creeps up on to your cheeks “it’s really nice to see you again” she says leaning her head on your shoulder, your breathe becomes a little unsteady, she had such an effect on you and she was barely doing anything. You two got into the Uber and headed to her house the ride was quiet and her hand rested gently on your thigh the whole time, you two would make eye contact often but not say anything.
Finally arriving at her apartment “welcome to my slightly messy home, make yourself comfortable sit literally anywhere” she says as she picks a few things up off the floor, you admire all the art around her house, the finished and unfinished projects “thirsty?, I’ve got water and iced tea” she says opening the fridge “water please” you say, she grabs two bottles of box water (I feel like she’s a box water drinker) “thank you” you say looking up at her from where you’re sitting on the floor (floor is the best place to sit not up for debate) she plops down next to you “how are you?” She asks “I’m really good…I’ve missed you a lot if I’m being honest” you say fidgeting with the cap of your bottle “I’ve missed you too, even with the calling and texting, I really like being around you” she says looking at you with her hand gently resting on your thigh, your skin feels like it’s on fire but in a good way, a light pink dusts your cheeks. You two just look into each other’s eyes for a moment, “um do you wanna stay over?, you can borrow some of my clothes and I have an extra toothbrush” Janis offers “yeah that’s sounds fun, finally hanging out after two months, just the two of us” that last part you say a little more quietly “wanna play a game?” Janis suggests “um sure what do you have in mind” you say a little hesitant “uh I got a couple Nintendo games or I got Jenga and Uno” Janis says “ooo do you have mariokart?” You ask “um yeah of course I have Mariokart” Janis says with a small laugh getting up to turn on the TV and grab the controllers “thank you” you say as she hands you a controller, she sets up the game, you pick your character and car (I’m personally a yoshi person most of the time) and she picks hers. You guys play a few rounds you won twice and Janis has too so now you’re doing a tie breaker “oh I’m totally gonna beat you” Janis says biting her bottom lip to focus, you let out a scoff “you said that last round and lost” your tongue peeking out the side of your lips as you focused on trying to beat her. You win “HA I BEAT YOU” you say standing up and getting close to her, Janis is sitting on the couch, she pulls you close by your belt loops, you get flustered and lose your balance falling on top of her causing her to lay down with you on top of her “woah” you say blushing at how close your face is to her’s “hey cutie” Janis says with a wink
A/N: pt. 2 coming soon (it’s smut lol) also let me know if you want to be added to the tag list <3
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chunkypossum · 7 months
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WIP Wednesday- Couldn't decide what to share today but this feels fitting....
When Even Moonlight Burns
I almost have like... a full chapter for y'all lol....
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The descent into Hel is paved in cigarette butts and sticky rice.  As quickly as he wanted to get off the street, Eris still paused in front of the doors of the restaurant, painted in a day’s worth of greasy fingerprints, to finish his cigarette. Bright red and blue blazed against the bruised twilight sky in artful cursive, twisted sinister by the failing neon that read, The Hollow; Sushi & Hibachi.  City lights drowned out the entirety of the natural light of the night and all anyone was left with was the harsh, freakish glow, like this one, sputtering as it was. Eris preferred it that way, needed it to be that way. He had been living down in the depths for so long that even though blades could hardly pierce through, moon and starlight penetrated him as if he were made of cobwebs, no more than a memory of silken strength.   The long list of things Eris had found to be grateful for over the years, not so surprisingly, didn't exactly feature a quiet, unassuming existence. Unfortunately that was exactly where he found himself now. The thrill in what he was, demanded pride and exhibition and gods he was good at playing that game. Well, had been good at it. Now, as much as he loathed to admit it, he found an odd satisfaction in the simplicity he had agreed to. That was the catch of course, Eris had agreed to slow down, for now, and even if some nights, like this one, grated on him in an indescribable way, it was still his choice in the end.  He took his second to last drag, the cherry nearly blackening the tips of his frost white fingers as he mused. A brisk wind flew down the lane and loose strands of hair broke away from his half bun in protest to accost his face. Perhaps if he were interested in listening more closely he would have deciphered the warning in the way the bones of the earth spoke to the ancient instincts stirring once again beneath the cage of his ribs. A sign that tonight may prove to be more interesting than he had bargained for. Not in all his years could Eris have guessed precisely how interesting.
Azris Tag list: @iftheshoef1tz @born-to-riot @pathfinderofnight @fell-in-luvs @fieldofdaisiies @aktrain @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @secret-third-thing @acourtofladydeath @pippsmcgee
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hesterias · 9 months
hello lovely 😘 4, 5, and 13 for the arctic monkeys asks! 💞
Thank you so much for creating this and sending asks.
4. which member of the band would you like to spend an afternoon with, and why? how would you spend your time?
my first instinct is to say alex, because i'd love to pick his brain creatively and see what he enjoys doing on a normal day, see his habits. most likely go to the cinema or an art exhibit or a show or just have a nice day in the park followed by some pints at a pub. i think we both have an introverted extrovert thing going on, where we can talk to anyone but actively choose not to. BUT i think i'd most likely vibe best with matt, he seems so fun. we'd probably go to the beach (i live in CA), or stroll the city and take photographs/talk photography and people-watch. he seems hilarious. so either one of those choices would be good. matt would be a fun hang, alex would be an artsy, intellectual hang.
5. which album means the most to you?
definitely tbh+c. before the release of TC, i wasn't a big monkeys fan. not that i didn't like them, i just knew the AM hits and that's it, never investigating further. @reconciledviolence729 got me into the fandom and her favorite album was tbhc and she bought me the vinyl for my birthday last year. such a great, unexpected gift and i listened to it often. i even spent an evening listening to it with my dad while we drank wine and just.... listened to it. it was amazing, such a great experience, so yeah, tbhc is a special (and pretty perfect) album for me.
13. what are some of your favourite lyrics alex has written?
haha can i quote all of tbh+c? (seriously, all of tbhc) as you can probably guess by my blog (and the little nod to it in ASA) i love
i've been on a bender back to that prophetic esplanade, where i ponder all the questions, but just manage to miss the mark (such an introspective line)
My mistakes were made for you / And in the back room of a bad dream she came / And whisked me away
With folded arms you occupied the bench like toothache Stood and puffed your chest out like you never lost a war And though I tried so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction There was no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw
Yesterday's still leaking through the roof That's nothing new
I'd throw the rose tint back on the exploded view Darling, if I were you And how's that insatiable appetite?
There's all those places we used to go And I suspect you already know But that place on memory lane you like still looks the same But something about it's changed
You pushed my faith near being lost But we'll stick to the guns Don't care if it's marketing suicide We won't crack or compromise Your derisory divides Will never unhinge us
But seriously. All of TBHC is gold. Tagging @mrsnarl and @m0nkfys because they asked these too 🫶🏼
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slowroadtosantiago · 1 year
Day 28 - Leon
We’ve been away 4 weeks now!
Today was a rest day for Jane. We’ve managed to extend our stay at the Airbnb for another couple of nights and will make a decision tomorrow night as to what we’ll do.
It was a lazy morning and I went up to meet Nicole for a coffee at 11. I took her to a cafe we used to go to that gave you a piece of cake with your coffee, yum!
We then went looking for some of my old haunts from last year, down to the Parador and the resting Pilgrim before briefly going over the bridge to see if I could get a glimpse of the school I taught in. Couldn’t see the school but did go down memory lane with the coffee shops.
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I then took Nicole along the river walk and we eventually ended up back at the flat with Jane. She’d had a bath and was desperate to get out into some fresh air by then so we went for a soft drink in one of the cafes just around the corner in our local square.
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Nicole disappeared and Jane and I stayed on to have lunch, two enormous tasty plates of salad.
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It was siesta time so we chilled for an hour or two. I then walked up to town as I had booked a tour of the Gaudi house. Unfortunately the tour was in Spanish but they did have an English audio guide which was really good. It was an interesting place. Gaudi was commissioned by two merchants to build a house that was a shop underneath and apartments on top. He did it open plan which was pretty radical for the time.
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The tour showed what the downstairs would have looked like, along with what an apartment would have looked like. The upper floors of the building were turned over to an art exhibition so there was a whole room of Dali’s which was interesting and the ugliest Mary Magdalene I have ever seen.
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Jane was in town by the time I finished having been to the chemist for a very expensive tube of freezing gel, and after having a quick wander around the cathedral with Nicole.
After a bit of people watching (there was a group of people filming dance moves and acrobatics), we went down to our square to try out the other restaurant.
We shared some typical Spanish food - a plate of cured ham, a plate of delicious cheese, and some grilled veg.
We’re not sure if we’ll see Nicole again so after giving her some big hugs we’re back at the flat with a glass of wine. Jane has expertly wrapped up her ankle and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.
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azareeart · 1 year
Well, well, well. Look who's here again! It's your friendly neighborhood art writer. I took a bit longer to finish this article because trying to write about the “Painting with my eyes closed” exhibition by Youssef Raouchi at the Ada Contemporary gallery in Accra turned into a staring contest with a blank page. But I finally won, and you'll see why it was worth the struggle once you're done reading this.
As soon as I learned about the "Painting With My Eyes Closed" exhibition, I made plans with a friend to see it together. The gallery was painted in a stunning shade of blue, and honestly, It was a refreshing departure from the standard white walls of most galleries. The blue color brought an exciting energy to the room and the paintings. It wasn’t too bright or distracting, just enough to keep your senses engaged, it was just right.
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The first painting I saw had me feeling a little puzzled. I had already decided to write about this exhibition, so I was looking out for anything I could use as inspiration. I hadn't read anything about the artist or her paintings though, because I felt reading other opinions could taint your perspective. I prefer to draw my own conclusions, you know? But I digress. As I stared at the painting, I thought to myself, "hmm, this is really different." Then, I turned to the left and looked again at the title of the exhibition: "Painting With My Eyes Closed." And suddenly, everything made sense.
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Initially, the painting seemed pretty chaotic, with a mix of random subjects that looked like they were drawn by a child with a box of crayons. However, the longer I looked at it, the more it felt nostalgic. This painting was like a time machine, transporting me back to the days when life was all about pretty colors and drawings. It felt like a warm, fuzzy memory from childhood, like something I’d drawn before or seen in a children's book. It's amazing how art can have such an incredible power to take us to another time and place, and this painting did just that. Suddenly, I was seven again, and my only worry in life was my homework. But let's be real, I'm a super serious student and probably already finished it (don't hate, appreciate). It was such a lovely feeling to revisit that time and appreciate the moment once again. Thank you, Youssra, for that little trip down memory lane.
The next set of paintings however, were rather dark and spooky. From headless men to women in contorted positions, they all had a theme of confusion and disorientation. It was hard to understand what the artist was thinking when they created this series. Just when I thought I understood one painting, the next one was completely different. My friend loved those paintings though, and that made me realize that these eerie works did in fact have an intended audience. Even though I didn't fully appreciate that style, it was fascinating to see how subjective art can be.
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The painting that stole my heart had a vibrant red background, which brought balance and order to the chaos. As a nature lover, I was immediately drawn to a smaller image in the painting that looked like a photograph of a serene blue sky and lush greenery by a perfect little pond. It was like a little oasis on the wall, and I was ready to pitch a tent and move in. The painting was definitely neater than the others, with straight edges and clean finish lines. I stared at it for an inordinate amount of time, but when you find something that speaks to your soul, you just have to bask in its glory, right?
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As I was admiring the clean and calm painting, I couldn't help but think that the artist deliberately made the others messy. It's like she's saying, "I could be perfect, but where's the fun in that?" I feel like that’s what makes art so special. It's a space where you can be as wild, unconventional, or messy as you want to be, and still find people who resonate to it. It's like a free pass to be as crazy as you want, without having to explain yourself to anyone. Life should be more like art, don't you think? We should all be free to express ourselves without fear of judgment or ridicule. Whether you're into bright red paintings or eerie contorted figures, there's always someone out there who shares your passion.
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So, after struggling to come up with something for my article on this particular show, I ran into Youssra Raouchi, the artist, at another exhibition. She told me that the Ada Gallery website had an article up about her style of work and the series that I had seen earlier. I immediately checked it out because, let's be real, I was in desperate need of some serious help. The write up mentioned that her style was based on a philosophy called rhizome. I had no idea what that meant, so I did some digging. Turns out Rhizome is a philosophy created by French theorists Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. It's a way of thinking about things that involves a network of different ideas that can grow in different directions, rather than following a straight line.
Everything suddenly clicked! The paintings weren't related to each other in any way and seemed incoherent because they were meant to be that way. That's why I was having such a hard time coming up with a common concept to describe the different types of paintings that were on display. Youssra, you totally over delivered on the assignment! The intense chaos in some of the paintings and the rather aesthetic and calming vibe the other ones exuded showed how freely flowing and non-conforming this particular body of work is. I found it really inspiring, because life is indeed very much like that. It's a mixture of varying feelings at any given point in time, and the artist being able to evoke those reactions & take us on that journey of sensations is truly impressive.
I absolutely loved the whole experience and the wild ride of emotions it took me through. If you’re trying to find some colorful adventure in your life, then you have until the 6th of August, to see the painting with my eyes closed exhibition at the ADA gallery in the villagio apartments building. I’d really love to hear what you think about it. You can find me on Instagram on @azareeart, where I post updates on current and upcoming exhibitions, photos from the shows & every artsy thing in between!
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Samuel Sharp - Consequential - new album of multi-tracked saxophone serial minimalism, out today from Blackford Hill. (I am especially intrigued by the notion of a "post-classical club night.")
London-based saxophonist and composer Samuel Sharp presents 'Consequential', his second solo album and first release with Scottish label Blackford Hill. A playful, mellifluous and sometimes dizzying brew, Samuel layers and weaves his saxophone notes into intriguing, soporific and occasionally slapstick patterns, with only a small batch of effects pedals for accompaniment.
Samuel Sharp has two secret weapons for captivating his audiences. His saxophone and his storytelling. Innovatively crafted soundscapes blur the lines between classical, jazz and electronic music. He uses harmoniser and delay pedals to create live loops as he plays, but there’s a folksy, grassroots approach to the way that he presents these heady, hypnotic melodies. “I noticed that I connect much better with the audience when I introduce my tracks beforehand,” explains Samuel, who is also known for co-founding and curating the post-classical club night Counter Chamber in Hoxton. “I rehearse the talking bits of my shows as well as the music. I’ve been to stuffy classical recitals over the years and seen baffling sets in arts venues so I want people to feel comfortable at my performances. Every track on the album has a story behind it so it makes sense to repaint the scene live onstage.” Over nine tracks, Samuel dips into his childhood memories, merging pastoral snapshots from frogspawn-spotting holidays in the Lake District with more recent family trips, where the sight of darting rabbits in the moonlight leaves him standing transfixed on a quiet country lane. Based in Hackney, with a recording studio on the edge of Walthamstow Marshes, Samuel lets East London seep into the record too, as heard on the steady rhythms of 'Train Across The Meadow', where he counts carriages thundering past him on his run, or 'Canal Crash', where sharp, punchy bass notes build steadily to a loud splash as he recalls a bicycle accident which propelled him over his handlebars into the Regent’s Canal. Sketches from what he calls his ‘parental diary’ also feature, including spritely, crisp tones on 'Upon York Wall' where Samuel’s saxophone echoes him pretend marching with his daughters along the Roman wall, or the Steve Reich-like minimal repetitions of 'Krasner With The Kids', where he shares his children’s sense of wonder at abstract expressionist painter Lee Krasner during an exhibition at the Barbican. Samuel’s running commentaries during his live sets have been translated into sleeve notes for the new album, allowing listeners to join him on his journey.
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ignisregina · 1 year
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POV: You forgot to tell your witch he's the handsomest man to ever walk on earth and he's so hot, amazing, powerful, is/has a great ass and you might be kinda in love with all that (he is and you are, you're just shit at telling him), so now he's having a tiny meltdown | feat. @heksery
Reference under the cut, ofc it's Barbie
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dxlaflamme-archive · 2 years
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PumpCrane | @arkhampsychiatrist
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warningsine · 2 months
The Young V&A in east London has won the prestigious Art Fund Museum of the Year award, fighting off competition from the National Portrait Gallery to win the £120,000 prize.
Judges described the museum as a “truly inspirational” institution that engaged with the local community of Bethnal Green and radically rethought the museum with young people in mind.
Jenny Waldman, the director of Art Fund, said: “The Young V&A has done something completely rare, it’s completely reimagined the museum. It started with its target audience and then it fit all the pieces of the museum – the building, the collection, display, interpretation, exhibitions, learning – around that central focus of young people. It’s the world’s most joyful museum.”
Its previous incarnation as the Museum of Childhood was described as “a place where childhood went to die”, inhabited by rows of Victorian doll’s houses that were designed for older visitors to “take a trip down memory lane”.
The renovated building, which had a three-year makeover at a cost of £13m, was a different proposition all together: light, airy and playful or, as the Observer called it, “serious and playful at once, sophisticated and direct”.
Waldman said that, even on an incredibly impressive shortlist, the Young V&A stood out with ideas such as, in the 0-5 years area, the curators grouped items together by colour to be more accessible to young minds.
“It’s mind-blowing, a brilliant concept perfectly executed,” she said.
The Young V&A was among a shortlist of institutions which had undergone extensive renovations in the last few years.
The National Portrait Gallery’s £41.3m makeover, which took three years and included Tracey Emin-commissioned doors that serve as the new entrance, was in the running, as was the Manchester Museum, which reopened after a £15m refit in 2022 and included a new South Asian gallery. A partnership with the British Museum, it was co-curated by 31 people from Manchester’s South Asian diaspora – who were “just ordinary folk, not museum folk”, according to its director, Esme Ward.
There were also nominations for Dundee Contemporary Arts in its 25th year, and the tiny Craven Museum in Skipton that was helped by a local authority that increased its funding rather than cutting, which has been the pattern around much of the UK.
Before the shortlist was announced, Waldman called for greater financial support for the museum sector, telling the Sunday Times that investment in museums was “contracting in a very worrying way”.
“Museums, local authorities and the national government all need to think together about how to empower museums to create the conditions for people and communities to thrive,” Waldman said. “Museums are absolutely up for it, they’re already doing incredible work.”
The new culture secretary, Lisa Nandy, said: “This year’s Art Fund Museum of the Year was a tough competition with an exciting shortlist representing institutions from across the country. Congratulations to the Young V&A on this achievement, recognising their hard work to create a unique space dedicated to young people.”
The Young V&A opened a year ago, and is part of the Victoria and Albert Museum empire, along with London’s V&A in South Kensington, plus outposts in Dundee and another at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in east London, which is due to open next year with an inaugural exhibition about Black British music.
The new Young V&A contained architectural references pulling from postmodernist architects Hans Hollein and Michael Graves, while the renovation was the work of two different architectural practices: De Matos Ryan and AOC.
For a project located in the heart of east London’s Bethnal Green, the architects consulted children from the nearby Bangabandhu and Globe primary schools and Morpeth secondary school for their ideas.
The result was a fun, colourful and tactile space that one critic said had become one of “London’s great indoor public spaces, a British Museum great court ruled by the under-15s”.
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Exploring First and Main Town Center in Colorado Springs: A Complete Guide
Nestled in the picturesque city of Colorado Springs, First and Main Town Center stands as a vibrant hub for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor to the area, First and Main Town Center offers a myriad of experiences to discover and enjoy.
Retail Therapy
First and Main Town Center is renowned for its diverse shopping options, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're searching for fashion-forward apparel, electronics, home decor, or specialty items, you'll find it all here.
Fashionistas will delight in browsing the latest trends at stores like Buckle, offering stylish clothing and accessories for men and women. Meanwhile, Lane Bryant provides fashionable options for plus-size women, ensuring everyone can find something flattering and trendy.
For tech enthusiasts, a visit to Best Buy is a must. From cutting-edge electronics to home appliances and tech gadgets, Best Buy offers a comprehensive selection to meet your needs.
Dining Delights
After a productive shopping spree, indulge in a delicious meal at one of First and Main Town Center's many dining establishments. Whether you're in the mood for a quick bite or a leisurely dining experience, you'll find a variety of options to satisfy your cravings.
Buffalo Wild Wings is a favorite spot for sports fans and wing enthusiasts alike, offering a laid-back atmosphere and a mouthwatering selection of wings and burgers. If you're craving Mexican cuisine, Chipotle provides fresh, customizable burritos and bowls made with high-quality ingredients.
Entertainment and Recreation
First and Main Town Center is not just a shopping and dining destination—it's also a place for entertainment and recreation. Movie buffs can catch the latest films at the nearby Cinema Point, featuring state-of-the-art screens and comfortable seating for an enjoyable cinematic experience.
For those looking to stay active, the center offers opportunities for leisurely strolls and outdoor activities. Whether you're taking a relaxing walk or enjoying some time in the fresh air, First and Main Town Center provides a welcoming environment for all.
Community and Events
Throughout the year, First and Main Town Center hosts a variety of community events and activities that bring residents and visitors together. From seasonal festivals to live music performances and art exhibitions, there's always something exciting happening at the center.
These events create a lively and engaging atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among attendees. Whether you're attending a concert under the stars or exploring local artwork, First and Main Town Center offers opportunities to connect and enjoy memorable experiences.
Convenient Location
Located conveniently near the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Carefree Circle in Colorado Springs, First and Main Town Center is easily accessible from major highways and surrounding neighborhoods. Ample parking and convenient access make it a stress-free destination for shoppers and diners alike.
Plan Your Visit
Whether you're planning a day of shopping, enjoying a meal with friends, catching a movie, or attending a community event, First and Main Town Center promises an enriching experience for all. Discover why it's a beloved destination for locals and a must-visit for visitors to Colorado Springs.
Come and explore First and Main Town Center—a place where shopping, dining, entertainment, and community converge to create lasting memories and enjoyable moments. Experience the best of Colorado Springs at First and Main Town Center, where every visit is a delightful adventure waiting to be discovered.
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inboundremblog · 4 months
Top Things to Do in Mobile, Alabama: A Comprehensive Guide
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Credit: Image by roamincajun | Pixabay
Enjoy All of Alabama with the Best Things to Do in Mobile!
Mobile is one of the most attractive cities. It has the lovely spirit of the Deep South and a complex history. Located along the Gulf Coast, there are many points of interest and fun things to do in Mobile, Alabama, for travelers, story lovers, and athletes.
If you are a resident of Mobile, a new experience seeker, or a visitor who wants to experience the city's charm, here are the best activities in Mobile, Alabama, that you shouldn’t miss!
Explore the U.S.S. Alabama Battleship Memorial Park
If you are considering a great tourist attraction center, then one cannot underestimate the U.S.S. Alabama Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile. This historic park is where the landmark WWII ship USS Alabama (BB-60), the most decorated battleship of the Pacific War with nine battle stars, is located.
Discover the USS Alabama
Some famous ship identifiers that various visitors commonly refer to include the USS Alabama, mainly called the 'Mighty A. Most battleships are open to the public; thus, you can move around the hull and look into the engine, the quarters, and even the command triangle called the bridge.
There is a museum on this ship, and most of its exhibits are meant to exhibit the historical background of the boat and the gallant sailors who crewed it.
Special Events and Activities
USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park often organizes dramatic presentations, educational activities and services, and recognition ceremonies. These events provide a feel-through that educates the guests, especially the young ones, to know more about history.
Wander Through the Mobile Museum of Art
Mobile Museum of Arts is a must-visit place for art lovers. This museum in Langan Park has a collection of more than ten thousand pieces of art from different eras, traditions, and trends.
Diverse Collections
These are categories of the museum's artwork collections: American art, European paintings, Asian art, and contemporary art. These paintings and others by great artists like John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt, and Winslow Homer are displayed.
Not so to say that the museum has an African and decorative art collection that is detailed and diverse, providing a harmonious view of artistic work all over the world.
Temporary Exhibits and Special Programs
However, the Mobile Museum of Art displays most of its works in its permanent collection, although there are also consistent temporary exhibitions. The museum also focuses on providing educational programs, workshops, and lectures to enhance art's importance in society.
A Beautiful Setting
Located in Langan Park, the Mobile Museum of Art offers a peaceful setting that helps one reconnect with one's roots. The park also has benches, shaded areas, walkways, a lake, and some designated places for picnics.
Stroll Through the Historic Districts
Mobile is one of those cities with a rich historical background and many historical areas. The traditional city homes, with their beautiful structures and unique lanes, give an idea of the city's historical background.
The Oakleigh Garden District
The Oakleigh Garden District is acknowledged as one of Mobile's most beautiful zones. This place has a historical and preserved building. The House MuseumØit is an excellent example of a Greek Revival-style building.
On display at the museum are items that tell much about the lives of the people in Mobile during the 19th century, and there is always room for guided tours. The district is characterized by tree-shaded streets and houses that appear to be of significant architectural importance and thus make for a nice walking area.
The De Tonti Square Historic District
The De Tonti Square Historic District is the second place to be visited. This district derived its name from Henri de Tonti, a French explorer and the founder of Mobile.
It exhibits the Italianate, Greek Revival, and Federal Square style architecture of the buildings built in the 19th century. Due to the old architectural design and the red brick-paved streets, most of the buildings in the district look very beautiful and evoke a bygone era.
The Church Street East Historic District
The Church Street East Historic District is another example of Mobile's rich history. This area has old plantation homes and old churches, among the oldest of which is the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, a Gothic Revival.
The district has a lot of history and architecture of splendid buildings, which would be attractive for locals and tourists alike.
Enjoy the Outdoors at Mobile Bay
Mobile Bay is a marvelous creation that will provide an excellent ground for fans of outdoor activities and natural richness. Are you interested in boating, fishing, or just the scenery? Oh, all of it! Mobile Bay offers fun for everyone!
Boating and Fishing
Mobile Bay attracts many people who want to boat and fish. Due to its shallow waters and large concentration of fish species, the bay is excellent for both game and recreation fishing. Kids can go fishing on a boat for the day or rent a yacht and cruise leisurely on the bay.
Dauphin Island
Located at the Mobile Bay Dauphin Island entrance, it is the perfect vacation destination for lovers of the great outdoors. The island has several generically stunning beaches, trails, and visitor attractions, such as the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, an educational institution and research center focused on marine life.
Lovers of nests and birds will be happy to see the Audubon Bird Sanctuary, where many migratory birds start their journey.
Mobile-Tensaw Delta
The Mobile-Tensaw Delta, also known as "America's Amazon," is one of the most biologically productive places in the country and is suitable for kayaking, canoeing, or touring purposes. Get acquainted with the many curves of the delta and the vegetation to find deposits of various plants and animals.
Experience the Magic of Mardi Gras
Most individuals think of Mardi Gras in New Orleans; however, Mobile is the origin of Mardi Gras in America. Mardi Gras celebrations in Mobile are as old as those in the United States; the first Mobile Mardi Gras was held in 1703, and thus, Mobile passed the title of the oldest annual Carnival to no other city in America.
Parades and Festivities
The Carnival, known as Mardi Gras in Mobile, is famous for its brightly colored parades, interesting floats, and boisterous celebrations. Some activities include parades with floats, marching bands, and various broadcasters in costumes.
Throwing and catching beads, moon pies, and other items from the float are some of the fun traditions for children and adults.
Mardi Gras Museums
It would help if you visited the Carnival Mobile Museum to learn more about Mardi Gras' history and culture in Mobile. With its flair for costumes, floats, and memorabilia, this Museum Mud offers a great view of Mobile's cultural aspect, notably Mardi Gras.
Family-Friendly Fun
Unlike some other Mardi Gras celebrations, Mobile's is not infamous for being lewd; on the contrary, it is a comparatively family-oriented event. Mobile's Mardi Gras has activities for children, excitement, and live performances, which makes it for everyone.
One of the cities that can provide an array of histories and scenic, cultural, and artistic vistas is Mobile, Alabama. You will be satisfied considering closing down at the Mardi Gras Madness or relaxing next to Mobile Bay!
Explore what the area has to offer by visiting https://localpropertyinc.com/mobile-alabama-al-things-to-do/.
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beckyapgar1001 · 3 months
Hidden Gems and Off-the-Beaten-Path Spots in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Exploring Shawnee, Oklahoma, beyond the usual tourist spots reveals hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path treasures that showcase the city's unique charm. From historic sites to outdoor adventures, here are some lesser-known attractions worth discovering:
Santa Fe Depot Museum: Step back in time at this beautifully restored train depot, which now serves as a museum showcasing Shawnee's railroad history. Visitors can admire vintage railcars, explore exhibits on local transportation, and learn about the impact of the railway on the region's development.
Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art: Nestled on the campus of St. Gregory's University, this art museum houses an impressive collection of international and Native American artwork. From ancient artifacts to contemporary pieces, the museum offers a diverse cultural experience in a serene setting.
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center: Delve into the rich heritage of the Potawatomi people at this cultural center, featuring interactive exhibits, traditional crafts, and educational programs. Visitors can gain insight into the tribe's history, language, and customs while exploring the center's engaging displays.
Shawnee Splash Water Park: Beat the summer heat at Shawnee's hidden oasis, where thrilling water slides, lazy rivers, and splash pads provide hours of family-friendly fun. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping rides or leisurely lounging areas, this water park offers something for everyone.
Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge: Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the tranquility of Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge, located just a short drive from Shawnee, Oklahoma. This protected area boasts diverse ecosystems, including wetlands, forests, and grasslands, providing opportunities for birdwatching, hiking, and wildlife observation.
Seminole Nation Museum: Discover the fascinating history of the Seminole people at this museum, which features artifacts, photographs, and interactive exhibits documenting the tribe's journey from Florida to Oklahoma. Visitors can learn about Seminole culture, traditions, and contemporary life through immersive displays.
Shawnee Twin Lakes: Escape the hustle and bustle of the city at Shawnee Twin Lakes, a serene recreational area offering fishing, boating, and picnicking opportunities. With scenic trails, peaceful shorelines, and abundant wildlife, the lakes provide a tranquil retreat for outdoor enthusiasts.
Pottawatomie County Historical Society Museum: Gain insight into Shawnee's past at this local history museum, housed in a historic building dating back to the early 1900s. Exhibits showcase the region's pioneer heritage, including artifacts, photographs, and documents that illuminate the city's evolution over time.
FireLake Bowling Center: Embrace some friendly competition at FireLake Bowling Center, where state-of-the-art lanes and lively atmosphere make for a memorable outing. Whether you're a seasoned bowler or just looking for casual fun, this hidden gem offers entertainment for all ages.
Veterans Memorial Park: Pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served their country at Veterans Memorial Park, a peaceful sanctuary honoring military veterans from the Shawnee area. Featuring monuments, plaques, and a tranquil reflecting pool, the park provides a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served in the armed forces.
These hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path spots offer a glimpse into the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of Shawnee, Oklahoma, inviting visitors to explore beyond the familiar attractions and discover the city's hidden treasures.
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wisdomdance · 4 months
A HISTORY OF ENJOYMENT IN PECKHAM - pubs, clubs, nightlife + the rest...
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