#aubrey posen imagine
lgbtkendricks · 1 year
chapter 1 and 2 of 'with those holiday greetings (and gay happy meetings)' on ao3 now !!
fake-dating at christmas, mitchsen
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Beca Mitchell was an aspiring music producer. Because of that, she had been involved in extracurriculars relating to music for the majority of her life. She’d been in choir as a kid (and made sure her mother burned all the tapes). In high school she took every music-related class they had to offer, a job at the record store and saved up for all of her equipment. In college she worked at a radio station, DJed on the side and…joined an acapella group…but made said group better with her arrangements, a useful honing of her skills for future producer jobs. She made songs – sort of. She thought her mixes were her songs, anyway. The point was, Beca Mitchell lived and breathed music. All genres, all decades, all artists. A song was a song and she would treat each one with as much respect as the last. Beca still had yet to meet someone who could match her repertoire in their knowledge of music. Granted, she hadn’t yet met Beyonce, who she imagined was one of the few who could usurp her. She knew a lot about music and production, and she wasn’t afraid to be annoying about it. It was all she cared about and all she wanted people to know her for.
Through all that, Beca couldn’t deny that Aubrey Posen’s laugh was the most melodic thing she had ever heard.
She laughed…in a mixed belt. It was a perfect blend of her chest voice and her head voice, yet still high and pure and sweet and bouncy. Beca had never in her life adored someone this much, and it terrified her a little, but it was also far too fun to ignore. Watching Aubrey giggle her way through Blame It On The Alcohol, watching her comment on how accurate the drunk glee kids were to her own high school experiences, watching her agree with Rachel Berry’s understanding of alcohol tasting like pink, watching her pause and rewind several times to cackle at Puck, Quinn and Lauren in the background – it was everything to Beca. Not only was her heart filling every time Aubrey so much as smiled, but the knowledge that Beca was the one who was keeping her from the nervous wreck she had become pre-flight was doing something to her that the brunette wasn’t ready to unpack. It was pretty beautiful, the way just watching glee together could distract Aubrey entirely from her very real and valid fear of flying. And Beca knew they were annoying the other passengers on the flight. Even the flight attendants were oscillating between smiling at the fun the two were having and clenching their jaws each time Aubrey completely missed their offerings.
Beca wanted nothing more than to watch Heather Morris completely embody Ke$ha in their whole school performance, but being the hyperaware, Aubrey-obsessed embarrassment that she was, she couldn’t ignore the very real dangers of watching that particular performance. She reached forward and pushed down on the spacebar on her laptop. Aubrey looked at her immediately, cocking her head in confusion.
Beca stared back at her expectantly. When Aubrey still stared just as expectantly, Beca smiled a little wryly.
“You sure you wanna watch this part?”
Aubrey raised her brows. “Why wouldn’t I want to watch this part?”
“It’s…the part.”
“Which part??”
The younger girl couldn’t believe she had to spell it out. “The part that would put your ICCA finals of junior year to shame.”
A hand reached out and whacked her on the shoulder, making Beca laugh whilst Aubrey flushed red. “Press play, Beca.”
“I’m serious!” Beca said honestly. “Aubrey, somehow I don’t think that watching a bunch of drunk kids throw up mid-performance is gonna be conducive to you of all people on a plane. Watch it if you want but don’t come crying to me if we feel any turbulence.”
The eye roll Aubrey gave her could have put her own to shame. “I’ve taken anti-nausea tablets, Beca, I’m not stupid.”
“Didn’t say you were, and those don’t always work.” Beca argued back.
“I cannot believe you’re policing a glee episode right now.”
“I cannot believe you’re not taking precautions when you were the one who said she didn’t like flying.”
“Because it’s a death trap, not because of being sick!”
The middle-aged woman sitting in front of them turned round in her seat to face them. Both Beca and Aubrey expected her to tell them to shut up, but instead she smiled sweetly.
Her voice was teasing. “You two are the splitting image of my daughter and her wife. You argue just like they do.”
Both women went bright red. Beca opened her mouth to tell her they weren’t together, but nothing came out.
read the rest on ao3 :o
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No but can you IMAGINE Bucky Buchanan meeting Aubrey Posen??
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Aubrey Posen x reader: (Set in first movie) Where Aubrey and R are secretly together because Aubrey’s family doesn’t like it. So, they hide it from everyone including the Bellas. Of course by constantly hiding, R feels like Aubrey is ashamed and whatnot. So, when Beca joins, her and R hangout a lot because of mutual interests. This makes Aubrey jealous (and somewhat possessive) and sad because she sees how well they get along.
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“Aubrey, what the fuck?  Why are you being so shitty to Beca?  She’s actually really cool...”
Aubrey’s expression shifted from irritation to angry amusement and her jaw dropped slightly. 
“Oh is that so?  Is Beca just the absolute coolest?  Maybe you should ask her on a date sometime!”
“Are you seriously gonna play the role of the jealous girlfriend when you can’t even tell your best friend about us?” 
The blonde was a bit taken aback by the way you suddenly shouted at her, and her gut twisted under the truth of what you had said.  She had no right to be possessive in the slightest, but here she was getting jealous over a freshman.
“Y/N, I-” she slouched, no longer feeling like the very high and mighty Aubrey Posen she had a moment ago, “-my father would-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.  Your father would hate it.  That’s why it’s so shitty for you to get mad at me for hanging out with Beca, once.  I love you even though you’re ashamed of it.”
“I am not ashamed of you,” Aubrey said, uncrossing her arms and coming towards where you sat on your couch.  “But I know that it feels that way, and I’m sorry.  I-I just, I can’t-”
“Hey, it’s okay.  I know,” you assured her before she could get any more worked up.  You hated it when she cried and your anger was quick to dissolve once you saw her eyes start to water.  “Look, all I need you to know is that Beca is just a friend.  I know you hate cheesy lines, but I only have eyes for you.”  
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marvel-wlw · 5 years
Over the Years
Aubrey Posen x Mitchell!Reader
Requested by anon
Request: A Audrey x reader request? (pitch perfect) Where the reader is Becas sister and is shy but rlly good at music (maybe writes her own). And her and Audrey like each other/date. The bellas are up for it but beca is pissed.? (sibling angust maybe?)
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, they belong to Pitch Perfect.
Tag list: @casey-anne-j @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @morbid-gaymer@geekycatlover @rainydaysrnevergrey @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov @alphalesbianwolf @dancurse @autumnjackson4
A/N: I haven’t watched the Pitch Perfect movies in a while so I’m sorry if anything is wrong, I’m going off of what I can remember. In this it’s set before Pitch Perfect 3.
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You’ve known Aubrey for years. You had met her when your sister joined the Bellas. You weren’t part of the group but that didn’t matter to them, they still saw you as a Bella. 
In a way you were like Beca. You were great at music, you could sing, and you write your own music. But you’re really shy and when it comes to singing you don’t like singing in front of people. That was why you didn’t join the Bellas.
Beca had tried to get you to join since she knew how amazing of a singer you were but you told her you couldn’t. She understood why, you’re her sister and she loves you. She didn’t want to make you do anything you weren’t comfortable with and for that you were very grateful.
Spending time with the Bellas over the years was amazing but spending time with Aubrey was even more amazing. Ever since you first met her you had a crush on her, over time Aubrey started getting feelings for you.
It wasn’t until after college that you two started dating. You had ran into each other and started catching up. Your feelings for her never went away and her feelings for you never went away either. If anything they grew.
The first person to find out that you and Aubrey were dating was Chloe. You were visiting Aubrey one day at the apartment she shared with Chloe. Aubrey told you that Chloe would be out for a few hours so you drove to see her.
You and Aubrey were making out on the couch when Chloe came home early. When Chloe walked into the apartment to find you two making out her jaw dropped and the bags she was holding fell on the floor.
“No way! I knew something was going on between you two! It’s about time!” Chloe squealed.
You and Aubrey pulled away from each other, your eyes widened. Then Chloe came rushing towards you two, pulling you both into a tight hug.
“Chloe.” You said once you pulled away from the hug. But Chloe was going on and on about how she has to tell the others which scared you. “Chloe!” You put your hands on her shoulders to make her stop and look at you. “You can’t tell them, especially Beca.” You could already feel your anxiety acting up, you felt Aubrey place a hand on your back she started rubbing calming circles to help calm you down.
Chloe pouts. “Please let me tell them! For years everyone could tell you both liked each other, we all ship you two!”
You were happy that they liked the idea of you and Aubrey dating but you couldn’t have Beca find out. You didn’t know what she would do when she found out.
When Chloe looked at you she could tell you were really scared. “Okay but what if I make the others swear they wont say a word about it to Beca?”
You looked over at Aubrey to see what she thought. You didn’t mind the other Bellas knowing about your relationship, it was just Beca you were worried about.
Aubrey gave you a loving smile. You took a deep breath before nodding. “Okay. But they have to promise not to say anything to Beca.”
Chloe squealed again before hugging you. She went into her room to call the others to tell them the news. When she was gone you sighed and put your head in your hands.
Aubrey wrapped her arms around you from behind, you leaned into her embrace. You could already feel your anxiety slowing going away just by being in your girlfriends arms.
“I don’t know how you deal with her.” You chuckled.
She laughed and placed a kiss on your neck. “She grows on you.” 
Over the next few weeks you’ve been keeping a close eye on Beca, you were trying to find out if she heard anything about you and Aubrey dating but so far she hasn’t showed any signs that she has. That was until you walked into the apartment you shared with your sister.
You walked in to find her siting on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest, you could tell she was mad. You gulped. “Everything already Beca?” You couldn’t move, a part of you knew she found out but you were hoping you were wrong.
“Everything’s fine.” She glared at you. Everything was not fine. “At least everything was until I got a text from Amy saying something about you and Aubrey dating!” Beca got up suddenly and walked over to you, causing you to jump and move back until your back was against the door.
“Beca I-”
“Tell me she’s just joking around.” Beca looked into your eyes. You tried to keep looking into her eyes but you couldn’t and looked away from her. “So she was telling the truth? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! I had to find out that my sister is dating Aubrey from Amy!” 
With the way Beca was yelling you had to get out of the apartment, your anxiety was going crazy and you knew if you didn’t get out of there soon that you would have an anxiety attack. 
You quickly opened the front door and ran out of the apartment to your car. You started the car and drove to Aubrey’s apartment. You needed to be in her arms, to be with her.
When you got to her apartment you knocked on the door, while you were waiting you tried to calm yourself down. Chloe was the one to open the door, when she saw the look on your face she knew something happened.
“Babe?” Aubrey got up off the couch when she saw you walk in. She was in front of you in an instant. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head. “Beca found out...” You told Aubrey and Chloe what happened.
Aubrey wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. You wrapped your arms around her as you nuzzled your face into her neck. Aubrey looked behind you at Chloe, she could tell Chloe was mad at Beca for how she acted towards you. She saw Chloe grab her keys and leave the apartment.
Chloe knocked on yours and Beca’s apartment door, she crossed her arms over her chest. Beca opened the door and Chloe could tell she had been crying. If it were under different circumstances she would’ve pulled her into a hug.
She pushed past Beca and walked into the apartment. “How could you act like that to (Y/N)?!”
Beca looked down. When she heard you leaving she knew she messed up, that she hurt you. She didn’t mean to act like that, she wasn’t mad at you for dating Aubrey. She was happy for you, she was just hurt that you didn’t tell her and that she had to find out from someone else.
“I didn’t mean to Chloe...” 
Chloe had an idea why she acted the way she did. “Seriously Beca, the reason (Y/N) didn’t tell you was because she was scared you would act like this.” 
“What do I do?” Beca looks up at her. Chloe grabbed Beca’s hand and left the apartment.
You and Aubrey were cuddling on the couch, Aubrey ran her fingers through your hair. “It’s going to be okay love.” You snuggled into her.
Suddenly the door opened and Chloe pulled Beca inside. You immediately sat up, Aubrey still had her arms around you. When you got a look at Beca you could tell she has been crying and you could see the hurt look on her face.
“(Y/N) I’m so sorry about how I acted...” Beca couldn’t look at you. You slowly got up and walked over to your sister. “I wasn’t mad about your relationship, I’m really happy for you. I was more hurt that you didn’t tell me and that I found out through Amy...”
“It’s okay Beca.” You pulled her into a hug which surprised her at first but she hugged you back tightly. “I forgive you.”
Chloe smiled and so did Aubrey. Beca pulled away from the hug to look at your girlfriend. “If you hurt her in any way Posen I swear-”
“Beca.” You warned, you glared at her.
Beca held up her hands. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I promise I will never hurt her Beca.” Aubrey walked up to you, she wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into her. You blushed and leaned into her.
Beca smiled and nods. She knew Aubrey would never hurt you but you’re still her sister.
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Jealous- Aubrey Posen
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Pairing: Aubrey Posen x Reader
Characters: Aubrey Posen
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Aubrey Posen imagine, where the Reader is jealous of Chloe’s and hers friendship?
Word Count: 428
Author: Charlotte
“Chloe and I are going to go out for a drink before Bella’s practice,” Aubrey explained, pulling her blonde hair up into a ponytail.
You didn’t mean to but a loud tut escaped your lips as your eyes rolled. You had known Chloe for almost as long as Aubrey had and you knew that she was a kind and caring person who although did have a thing for girls, saw your girlfriend platonically and you knew that Aubrey felt the same. They were the best of friends and rather inseparable. You trusted the wholeheartedly that Aubrey would stay loyal to you and that she wouldn’t cheat on you, not even with Chloe but you had become unable to stop your jealousy when it came to the two women.
As they were both in the Barden Bella’s they spent a lot of time together for practices and shows, let alone for them to just be best friends and it had started to feel as though she preferred spending time with Chloe rather than with you. You knew it was a stupid thing to think but it was always a nagging thought in the back of your mind.
“What?” She frowned, having noticed both the noise and the eye roll.
You let out a sigh, knowing it was you whom had been in the wrong and it was a shitty thing for you to do. You didn’t want Aubrey to hate you for being a jealous girlfriend, nor did you want to become one regardless, but you couldn’t help how you felt.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Chloe’s lovely and I really like her, and I know that she is your best friend. It’s shitty of me. I’m sorry.”
She cocked an eyebrow at you, a sly smile upon her lips. “Are you jealous?”
You huffed, knowing she would take great joy in your jealousy. You reluctantly nodded your head, feeling terrible for being jealous.
She playfully pinched your cheeks, a grin curling onto her lips.
“You are so adorable,” she squealed.
You rolled your eyes again, hating when she called your adorable especially when it was over something such as this.
Aubrey leaned in to press a gentle kiss to your lips lovingly.
“You have no reason to be jealous,” she assured. “Chloe didn’t even know if she could go for a drink so I’ll cancel, and we can spend some time together before practice.”
Before you were able to argue, not wanting to ruin her plans, she had pulled you into another kiss.
“You’re the only one for me.”
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onegayastronaut · 6 years
Being the Youngest Bella and Dating Aubrey Posen Would Include...
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Requested by anon: Can you do an imagine where the youngest Bella(reader) confess to Aubrey Posen and how Aubrey would treat her? maybe a hc, I dont know. Sorry about my english tho.
Being the youngest Bella was great because everyone treated you like a little sister
You always thought Aubrey was really pretty, but you never dared to say anything to her
Beca, Emily, and Fat Amy could all tell you were thirsty, so they would constantly give you chances to be alone with her
Finally getting the nerve to tell Aubrey your feelings, and being surprised that she liked you too
Going out on dates after practice at least twice a week
Even though Aubrey seems very controlling, she’s not too bad in your private life
Aubrey is extremely soft and blushes a lot when you do something romantic for her
After graduation, Aubrey calls you every day and reminding you how amazing you are
She loves it when you reach over to hold your hand when the two of you are walking together
Aubrey makes sure to attend every one of your performances and cheers you on
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ghxst-heart · 3 years
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*Listed in alphabetical order by last name and then by the first initial if the last name is unknown!
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luckyfaeth · 6 years
during the credits when Aubrey finally gets to see her dad and Emily is all :’D, Emily’s the one to be like “uh Aubrey hello !! That’s your dad” but she’s never met General Posen before so I can only assume that Aubrey’s shown Emily pictures of her dad and her and idk that’s just really cute
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qcboeifzzz · 4 years
0 notes
brittany-snow · 7 years
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can we just...
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Vampire Hunters Incorporated Volume #1
Vampire Hunter Aubrey Posen is joined by talented young witch Stacie Conrad and vampires Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale to form Vampire Hunters Incorporated, an unorthadox supernatural taskforce protecting humanity from the forces of the Other Realm. But when a mysterious and powerful figure from Beca’s past turns up and threatens them all, will they be able to protect each other, nevermind humanity?
VH Inc #1 - Till Death Does Not Us Part: Chloe Beale had never noticed anything odd about her roommate. So imagine her surprise when she finds her covered in blood with a dead man in her arms, fangs and all.
VH Inc #2 - The Hunter: Stacie Conrad works for Aubrey Posen: Vampire Hunter, using her witchy powers to help her hunt down creatures of the night. With The Hunter, they're an unstoppable force, until the day that Aubrey gets some worrying news about her friend Chloe...
VH Inc #3 - May The Best Woman Win: Whilst hunting for vampires, the VH Inc stumble across an old enemy of Beca's. Could this be the end of Vampire Hunters Incorporated before it's even really begun?
VH Inc #4 - Birthdays Are Overrated Anyway: When a mysterious package arrives, the VH Inc. must work quickly to save the life of one of their team
VH Inc #5 - Not All Campfire Stories Are Fictional: When they're called to a summer camp that's had four kids go missing in the last eighteen hours, the VH Inc. must figure out what's luring them away before it's too late.
VH Inc #6 - No Rest For The Wicked: A very rare night off turns deadly for the VH Inc as they try and unravel the truth behind the mysterious happenings that have been plaguing the circus. What exactly is causing it, and can they stop it before it's too late to save someone?  
VH Inc #7 - You Give Me Fever:  It’s Valentine’s Day and something weird has come over members of the VH Inc. Things are about to get heated...
VH Inc #8 - Double Trouble: When Gail's latest diabolical plan is put into motion it promises to leave no member of the team unscathed. Can they work out what's going before it's too late to save each other and themselves?
VH Inc #9 - The Greater Good: Whilst trying to deal with the aftermath of Chloe's kidnapping and a string of frustratingly unsuccessful missions the VH Inc find themselves called before the Council in order to answer questions about recent events. With the fate of the team hanging in the balance, can they convince them that they do more good than harm?
VH Inc #10 - All That Remains: With the mole compromising every operation the VH Inc undertakes the team takes dramatic steps to try and flush them out. But with their plan comes a chain of events with potentially deadly consequences that will change everyone's lives forever.
VH Inc #11 - The Long Night: Rebecca Mitchell started off her life as the youngest child of rich aristocrats and found herself yearning for more than 19th century politics will allow her to have; she wants adventure. On the night of her 25th birthday a fateful encounter will give her more adventure than she can possibly imagine, but it is not without its deadly consequences. One thing’s for sure: Beca’s life will never be the same again.
VH Inc #12 - Darkness Is All I Have Left: In the wake of Chloe's decision, Stacie and Aubrey struggle to keep what's left of the VH Inc intact long enough to help their friend and take Gail down. But without Beca, and with Gail wreaking havoc all over New York without any sign of stopping, can they do anything other than watch everything fall apart?
VH INC #13 - Until The End My Dear: It all comes down to this. With Beca’s return can Vampire Hunters Incorporated and their rag tag band of volunteers finally take Gail out for good?
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captainvoyager · 3 years
Mitchsen: Kiss Me Now
Beca Mitchell expected a lot of things to happen after she sang “Freedom 90” in front of the world. Somehow kissing Aubrey Posen in the elevator on the way up to her hotel room was not one of them. But honestly it was the first kiss she had that made her feel like all the stupid talk of butterflies and melting against a person might not be stupid.
“Are you sure about this?” Aubrey asked as her hands settled on Beca’s hips.
“Yeah, Bree,” Beca answered before tilting her head up to kiss the blonde. “It’s been a long time coming, hasn’t it?”
Aubrey laced their fingers together as she walked with Beca down the hall once the elevator doors opened.
Beca was eager to get the hair spray out of her hair, the makeup off of her face and the clothes she wore for her performance off of her body.
Aubrey looked just as eager to strip Beca of all of her layers.
“Come on,” Aubrey brought them into the bathroom. She turned the shower on before turning back to the shorter Bella.
“I thought about this, you and me and what it might look like if we ever broke and gave in, not what I imagined but I like reality more than fantasy,” Beca admitted as Aubrey carefully undressed her. Aubrey taking control of the moment felt right in a way that Beca couldn’t explain but loved.
“So you thought of this over the years?” Aubrey raised an eyebrow as the corners of her mouth twitched up.
“You haven’t?”
Aubrey laughed as she leaned in to kiss Beca again. “Of course I have.”
In the shower the pair took turns taking off makeup, washing hairspray out, swapping kisses and allowing their hands to wander. It was the kind of moment that neither had allowed themselves to much, a moment with their walls, feet thick for both, to be let down.
The pair dried off before moving to bed, both facing each other on their sides.
Wordlessly after a few moments of basking in the glory that they were finally here, they moved closer to one another.
“Have you been with a woman before?” Aubrey asked as her finger tips trailed up and down over Beca’s ribs.
“Once or twice. But living with Chloe and Amy I couldn’t bring someone home and I hate sneaking out after,” Beca tilted her head as Aubrey’s lips pressed soft kisses there. “You?”
Aubrey chuckled as her fingers moved lower on Beca’s torso. “Let’s just say all those years of working on oral positioning has more uses than singing. I’ve put those skills to use as needed over the years.”
Beca groaned at the idea of just what Aubrey’s mouth might be able to do.
“Show me,” Beca whispered.
Aubrey’s grin bloomed as she moved her hand lower to allow her nails to scrap against the inside of Beca’s thigh.
“Why don’t you make me?” Aubrey challenged.
Beca shivered at the bite in Aubrey’s words. “I’m usually the one made to do the thing.”
Aubrey’s smirk only grew wider. “Fantastic,” She pressed a firm kiss to Beca’s lips. “Grip the headboard for me while I go down on you?”
“Make me,” Beca challenged.
Aubrey laughed deeply as she rolled fully on top of Beca. “Gladly.”
Beca moaned as she felt Aubrey guiding her hands to rap around the bars of the headboard.
“Keep them there, if they move, I stop,” Aubrey whispered into Beca’s ear before slowly kissing down her frame.
As Aubrey started, Beca was glad to have something to hang on to. Maybe all those times Aubrey drilled into her head about breath control wasn’t as innocent as she thought.
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beca-mitchell · 4 years
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i wondered if i could come home (yours is the first face that i saw) (1/1)
Summary: Chloe works in New York. Beca works in LA. The quarantine brings them together virtually. God Bless technology.
Word count: 4,335
Read below or on AO3.
Beca had initially been ridiculously excited about the prospect of staying home. She hated dressing up just to go and sit, spaced out at her laptop.
Now she has free rein to just wear whatever the fuck she wants while spaced out from the comfort of her own home.
A quick glance around however indicates that there isn’t much to call home anyway. When Beca had moved to Los Angeles with nothing more than her laptop, twenty USBs packed with remixes and original music, and a luggage full of clothes, she had pretty much expected this.
This being the whole struggling artist thing. Her father had advised against it, her step-mother had advised against it (not like Beca really was planning on listening), and her mother was—
Beca would rather not think about it. Of course, she wouldn’t.
But she did—it was all she could think about for those first few weeks in Los Angeles. Those first few months.
When she had first made the move, she had fantasized about her mother kissing in her on her head (a phantom memory if anything) and telling her how proud she was of her for chasing her dreams.
She had imagined her mother’s arm around her shoulder as they made that final descent into LAX.
She had imagined her mother’s proud smile when she had signed the papers for her first real job in the music industry—that breath of fresh air that really cemented in her memory that she had made it. She was there in the city of her dreams. She had moved across the country from Atlanta to Los Angeles.
But eventually, with time, after one let-down after another, Beca’s USB pile grew smaller and thinner and her job became less of a temporary thing and more of a full-time thing to keep her afloat.
Are you still proud of me? She wants to ask.
She can’t quite envision the look on her mother’s face—hell she can’t quite envision the look on her father’s face or even Sheila’s face—if she were to look around her small (but cozy) apartment.
Is this what you wanted for me? Beca wants to ask.
Change just doesn’t seem to come quick enough in a city with plenty of time to spare and too many hungry dreams to fulfil.
 * * * * *
 And then there’s this.
The whole quarantine mess.
It’s a form of change, Beca supposes. Maybe not quite the one she needs at that moment.
*New Notification from Outlook You have a new message
From: Aubrey Posen
CC: Chloe Beale
To: Beca Mitchell
Subject: HR and A&R Documents and Procedure — Microsoft Teams Meeting Request
Beca groans. 
 * * * * *
 Being a producer isn’t bad. It lets Beca flex her creativity from time to time (very, very minimally) and she gets to say she’s worked on interesting musical projects.
Grumbling to herself, Beca settles down in her chair after wrestling with her hair and brush. She figures she looks moderately presentable. She even swapped out her sleep shirt for a non-sleep shirt for the purposes of this video conference.
She has no idea who Chloe Beale and Aubrey Posen are anyway, but she’s already moderately annoyed that they both insist on video conferencing when this quarantine has made evident that literally everything can be done via email.
Beca takes a calming breath. The raise is a good thing. It came at a good time. It’s a good thing to get a raise at a job she hates especially when the alternative would have been to be let go. If she has to deal with HR for the sake of this, she will.
Not like she can do anything else.
The call comes in almost as soon as Beca wheels her chair closer to her desk. She fumbles, picking up her headphones and hitting Accept.
“Hi,” Beca says, waving awkwardly at her screen. “Uh. Wow. Hi.”
Almost immediately, Beca wants to clamp a hand over her mouth. She settles on dropping her hand into her lap and clutching the fabric of her shirt to distract herself from the embarrassment rising in her.
The young woman splashed across her screen is incredibly pretty. Almost intimidatingly so. Striking red hair, loosely draped over her shoulders in comfortable waves. Soft-looking lips pulled into a gentle smile.
And her eyes—Christ, Beca thinks—her eyes are what draw Beca in the most. Startling blue. The clearest of blues that Beca has ever seen.
“Wow?” The woman smiles at Beca. “That’s quite the greeting.”
“Sorry,” Beca mumbles hastily. She ducks her head. “Surprised to still talk to people during all this, I guess,” she lies quickly. She figures saying “you’re hot” wouldn’t be the most appropriate thing to say despite how true it might be.
The red-head quirks an eyebrow at her. “I’m Chloe Beale, nice to meet you Beca Mitchell.”
Beca can’t fight the smile this time. Chloe’s voice is nice. It’s beautiful and melodic. “Hi Chloe. Nice to meet you,” Beca parrots back. “Weren’t there supposed to be like...two of you in this meeting?”
“Oh, yes!” Chloe chirps enthusiastically. “Aubrey will be joining us in just a second—oh there she is,” she says just as Aubrey’s profile image pops into Beca’s screen, cutting the size of Chloe’s face on her screen in half.
“Good morning, Beca.”
“Good morning, Aubre–”
“It’s technically afternoon for us, but anyway.”
Beca clamps her mouth shut, choosing to push her lips into a forced, polite smile. She catches a glimpse of Chloe coughing behind her hand, clearly stifling a laugh of her own.
“Did you want to run through some of the documents and responsibilities, Chloe?”
Chloe clears her throat, professional mask back in place. “Yes, sure. Well, Beca, as a senior producer—”
 * * * * *
 With half-open eyes, Beca drags herself from her bed the short distance to her desk. Foregoing her chair for the moment because she has no intent on actually sitting down yet, Beca opens her laptop and logs in to Outlook and Teams before opening Logic Pro X and GarageBand.
She has been working on some tracks for an up and coming artist as well as overseeing the production on an EP for a new artist signed to a label, so she’s kind of expecting a shitload of emails to start her day off. That can wait for the moment.
When she gets back to her computer, coffee mug in hand, Beca notices a notification marker on her applications.
*New Notification from Teams
Beca frowns. She’s not the usual recipient of messages ever. But when she sees who exactly messaged her, she can’t fight the grin. She puts her coffee down with some reluctance and opens the message fully.
Chloe Beale Hey sleepyhead, you’re finally up Thanks for sending the paperwork back yesterday
Beca Mitchell fyi i am three hours behind you timezones or something as aubrey would say
Chloe Beale Who doesn’t start their day at 6am?
Beca isn’t quite sure what to make of Chloe entirely. She’ll blame the echoing loneliness around her—loneliness being all she feels these days—but she would be lying if she weren’t totally and shallowly attracted to Chloe Beale.
But she barely knows her. In fact, Beca would go as far as to say she doesn’t know Chloe at all. Chloe could just be another faceless entity in the long string of entities in Beca’s life. Just another missed connection.
Beca sips her coffee, blinking blearily at her screen.
Beca Mitchell do you start your day at 6??
Chloe Beale It’s good for you!
Beca Mitchell coffee’s good for you
Chloe Beale i’m more of a tea drinker myself good for the voice
Beca Mitchell singer?
Chloe Beale used to be
Beca arches an eyebrow. She had known, from the sound of Chloe’s voice alone, that she was something special
(And sure, Aubrey had a nice voice too, but it had been used primarily to grate on Beca’s nerves so she’s choosing to look past it.)
Beca Mitchell whats the story there?
Chloe Beale Hmm maybe one day :)
Beca Mitchell all i have are days to spare for you
Beca hits send before she can regret it and immediately winces at how unexpectedly flirtatious it sounds. She moves to type a quick cover-up, but Chloe beats her in sending a message.
Chloe Beale i like the sound of that
Beca’s fingers hover over her keyboard. She can’t bring herself to admit the same thing, even though it’s true.
She does like the sound of that. Almost as much as she had liked the sound of Chloe’s voice.
 * * * * *
 It ends up being so easy to fall into a routine when Beca realizes that she has something to look forward to with each subsequent day.
A routine that perhaps even involves waking up earlier so she can spend more time sending Chloe dumb GIFs and debate the best bagel spreads.
It feels nice.
It feels like something Beca could get used to.
Even if Chloe is incessantly cheerful and ridiculously chipper at any given point of the day. Beca kind of likes it.
It reminds her of sunshine and a much-needed breath of fresh air.
There is the added bonus (or nightmare) of Chloe’s incessant need to abuse the video conference tool.
“Beca, make sure you have those documents signed. A&R needs them as soon as possible.”
“You couldn’t have messaged this to me? Or emailed?”
Chloe grins, blindingly so. Beca doesn’t even try to look away.
“Where’s the fun in that?”
Beca tugs at the collar of her shirt (another new shirt) unconsciously before she realizes what she’s doing and drops her hand away. “And you’d know all about fun, would you?”
Beca shakes her head, mostly to hide the smile that rises on her face.
“Nice shirt by the way.”
 * * * * *
 Okay, fine.
Even that isn’t something that Beca finds herself annoyed with.
 * * * * *
 Beca bites her lip, hitting SEND before she can stop herself. The email flies away from her, an email detailing a request to video conference with Chloe for some dumb, made-up reason.
Well, no, there’s an actual reason and it’s that Beca wants to hear Chloe’s voice. That’s a good enough reason.
*You have a new Outlook Notification. Chloe Beale has Accepted Your Invitation.
Beca smiles.
 * * * * *
 Chloe Beale I’ve always wanted to visit Los Angeles
Beca Mitchell Come over here then!
Chloe Beale Maybe once this is all over
Beca Mitchell Oh right
Beca Mitchell Well if you ever need a place to stay…
Beca starts to sweat. She thinks about deleting her message, but what good would that do? Chloe has already seen it.
“Fuck,” she mutters aloud and promptly chooses to chicken out.
Beca Mitchell I know a lot of people who’d love to have you and i’ll bring you to all the best spots around town You know, me being an expert and all hahaha
“Fuck why did you say that?” Beca asks herself, resisting the urge to slam her laptop closed. She winces when she notices her unfinished work in the background.
She’s kind of more focused on the little indicator showing that Chloe has seen her message and the subsequent lack of response.
She is unfortunately sorely disappointed by Chloe’s response, despite her own attempts at haphazardly diffusing the situation.
Chloe Beale Sounds awesome!
Right, Beca mulls to herself. There hadn’t been a situation to begin with.
She lets the disappointment carry her through the rest of the day. The disappointing feeling—It is familiar but somehow more striking.
 * * * * *
 The thing about Chloe is that she makes everything easy. She never makes Beca feel bad about asking too many questions and she never makes Beca feel totally lame for taking up her time. She assures Beca that it’s fine—that she doesn’t mind at all. It makes Beca feel like a rockstar for about two seconds before she remembers that it’s Chloe’s literal job to be kind and nice to people she works with.
They’re technically coworkers. Just that. Nothing more.
And then there’s the whole...is Chloe even attracted to women conundrum. It is nice to think that Chloe is attracted to women—that Chloe would be attracted to her of all people.
It’s just such a big what if question.
(And of course the “we live 3000 miles away” issue. That issue.)
There is a strange underpinning of something else—something that Beca can’t quite place. It sends a swooping sensation through her stomach when she thinks about it. The past month or so of communicating with Chloe was rife with tense, interesting moments that make Beca second-guess herself every time.
Barring the times when she word vomits all over herself, Beca is surprised that she’s maintained a connection with Chloe for this long.
 * * * * *
 The dreams start near the end of the first month of knowing each other.
The awkward part about waking up from a dream about somebody she’s never even met in person is that Beca has no idea how to conduct herself. She barely knows how to do it in-person—conduct herself—let alone doing it online.
She tries to settle on something to occupy her mind while she works through some musical/creative block.
Her fingers type in chloe beale into Google before she can help herself.
“Fuck it,” Beca whispers, hitting enter.
She is surprised by the breadth of hits that Google returns to her. Interesting ones, nonetheless. She learns in short order that Chloe does voice acting on the side. Nothing overtly taxing, but it pleases Beca that Chloe has somewhat of a creative streak. She notes a few well-known animated series and some other gigs here and there.
An old YouTube video catches her attention.
Acapella Finals 2011
Beca can’t stop the grin that stretches across her face when she recognizes Chloe, red hair and all, front and center and singing.
She knew Chloe was a singer at heart.
She pulls up her chat before she can stop herself.
Beca Mitchell *pasted link* I see
Chloe Beale Oh my god!
Beca Mitchell Google knows all
Chloe Beale You were Googling me?
Beca’s smile drops. “Shit, uh—”
Chloe Beale Kidding! i googled you too. Didn’t think you were a taylor swift girl. All those remixes… <3
Beca blushes before she can stop herself. That had been a brief foray of fame—literally five minutes—when Taylor Swift herself had linked to one of Beca’s remixes. Beca hadn’t been savvy enough to capitalize on that in any way, however.
Beca Mitchell oh those... I wish i had more original things to say
Chloe Beale Your music is beautiful, just like you are I mean that in a totally non-weird way of course
Beca isn’t quite sure they’re saying the same things, but maybe they are. Chloe’s unwavering faith in her feels wholly misplaced more often than not.
But it’s nice.
This is nice.
Beca lets a smile consume her.
Beca Mitchell Flattery will get you everywhere
Chloe Beale That’s the hope
Beca Mitchell Back to acapella… i was wondering if i could pick your mind for an idea i had for this track i’m working on
* * * * *
 The transition to Facetime and phone calls as opposed to Teams video conferencing was a fairly recent one. Beca discovered that Chloe is an equally eager texter. Emojis and all.
“Your voice somehow sounds better over FaceTime audio,” Chloe teases.
“I was going to say the same,” Beca replies before she can stop herself. Her heart flutters. “I wasn’t the one in acapella in college, after all.”
“Oh you would have fit right in. I would have whipped you into shape, I’m pretty sure. Or maybe you would have helped us win instead. Being as talented as you are and all.”
“I wish I could have known you then,” Beca says bravely.
“You would have changed my life,” Chloe admits. She says it with a smile, but there is no hint of a joke in Chloe’s tone. “I don’t sing anymore,” she finally says. “Not after that last acapella competition. The one you sent me.”
“Oh, why not? Your voice is…” Beca trails off, struggling to find words. For all the time she spends with music—literally layering vocals and instrumentals—she cannot understand how she cannot find appropriate words to describe how Chloe’s voice makes her feel. “I’m sorry...I’m usually better at this. Why don’t you sing anymore?”
“I had to have surgery for my nodes in my senior year of university. I’ve been too afraid to sing again.”
That breaks Beca’s heart more than anything. “But your voice is okay now,” she says lamely.
“I haven’t really had an opportunity to sing again. Working for B&R Records is the closest I can get to the music industry. Not that I ever thought I’d sing professionally or anything.” Chloe sighs, then her voice softens even more. “I admire you so much for pursuing your dreams, Beca. You’re so much better than you know. I’ve listened to your stuff.”
Beca swallows.
Her heart isn’t fluttering.
It is racing, almost uncontrollably.
 * * * * *
 They talk for hours.
Beca tries not to think about it as she wakes up to her phone pressed against her cheek uncomfortably and the faintest memory of Chloe humming something hauntingly familiar.
“Shit,” she mutters, realizing that her heart has yet to stop thudding with the force of emotions she feels.
 * * * * *
  *Google search history
online dating
quarantine dating
flights to New York
amazon delivery time
online dating in quarantine
relationships in covid-19
online date ideas
 * * * * *
*iMessage Notification
From Chloe Beale install netflix party!
Beca Mitchell Already did! waiting on you...
* * * * *
 Chloe ends up being the person Beca calls when she receives yet another change request for the track she had been working on. She isn’t allowed to move on to another track until this artist is absolutely pleased with the track and Beca understands how contracts works and stuff, but holy shit, she’s had it up to her damn forehead with Pimp Lo and his incessant demands to keep his music trashy (Beca’s professional opinion).
“I want to quit,” Beca declares to Chloe. She knows Chloe is done with work for the day even though Beca has about an hour or so left in her “shift” (she has decided time is a construct and she’s signing out for the day due to creative differences).
“Don’t quit,” Chloe says quickly. “And um...don’t tell me that. Professional responsibility and all.”
She says it with a joking tone, but it still stings ever so slightly for Beca. The reminder that she and Chloe are coworkers and nothing more. She’s sure she’s going to hear even less from Chloe as time goes on and when everything kind of goes back to “normal”.
But she kind of doesn’t want to stop talking to Chloe.
“It’s just annoying,” Beca complains.
“Oh honey, I know,” Chloe sympathizes. Beca warms at the term of endearment.
“Beca, your music is good,” Chloe promises earnestly. “I’ve listened to a lot of music over the past few years I’ve been working here...just promise me you won’t give up, okay?”
Unexpected anger wells up in Beca. She identifies frustration, annoyance, and some measure of pain—all of which have to do largely with this entire situation. Somehow, she manages to tamp it all down and focuses on the sincerity of Chloe’s voice.
“I just don’t want to...have my ideas shot down like this anymore,” she finally murmurs, taking a breath to steady herself.
“I know,” Chloe promises. “It won’t always be like that though.”
“I’ve been out here for a year. Verging on two.”
“I know,” Chloe repeats, sincere understanding in her tone. “And it sucks that Hollywood just eats people up and just...I don’t know. Spits them back out like that. But...you’re special. I know you are.”
Beca shudders with her own attempt to stifle a sob. “And that’s your professional HR opinion?” she asks, trying to make it sound more like a joke so Chloe doesn’t take it badly.
Chloe scoffs, then lets out a giggle. Beca wishes more than anything she could see her face. “Yes, that is absolutely my professional HR opinion and I think you should take it. I don’t come cheap.”
It’s less than what Beca hoped for. She had hoped for something a bit more—something closer to the kind of reassurance Chloe had been giving her over the past little while. This feels like two steps backwards.
“I wish I could see you,” Beca blurts.
Chloe doesn’t say anything for a moment. A moment too long. Beca’s face heats embarrassingly quickly. She is so thankful that she is alone in her apartment.
“I’m sorry,” Beca apologizes. “That was weird. And I didn’t mean to make things weird. I’m not weird, I promise. Maybe a little. But not like that.”
Chloe laughs. “Beca, it’s okay. I know what you meant. Or what you mean.” She laughs again, this time sounding more breathless. “It’s just...I guess it’s just late and we should probably...table this for another day.”
Beca’s heart plummets.
“We don’t have to table anything,” Beca says quickly, stung by the rejection. “Forget I said anything.”
“Goodnight, Chloe.”
 * * * * *
*iMessage Notification From Chloe Beale Beca, are you okay?
*iMessage Notification From Chloe Beale Call me when you can
 * * * * *
 Beca notices she has a request from HR for a video conference. There are no other details, but she knows it’s from Chloe. Her stomach tenses uncomfortably as she stares at the words on her screen. The conference is set up from about five minutes from now so she has about five minutes to get her shit together.
She hadn’t meant to ignore Chloe, she had just been a bit too absorbed into her work (as a way to avoid Chloe).
But she isn’t mad with the music she’s been making recently. She probably has Chloe to thank for that. For being an inspirational source.
She can do this.
She looks around, taking a deep breath as she takes stock of everything that she has in her apartment. Her eyes land on something by her window and she goes to grab it.
She returns to her computer just in time for the call.
“Hi,” Beca says, blinking into her computer screen. “Hi, Chloe, is everything—”
“You know, radio silence is probably the worst way to woo somebody.”
Beca thinks she might still be asleep. “Sorry?”
Chloe seems to be fighting a smile. “You don’t even know how cute you are, do you?”
“I’m not cute,” Beca says automatically.
“You are. In a hot way.”
“In a hot way,” Beca echoes. She grins. “Are you calling me hot?”
“I saw you checking me out that first day. Obvious even through webcam.”
“I didn’t mind. I...never minded. Which is what makes this so hard,” Chloe says, lowering her head a little. She worries her lower lip between her teeth, leaning closer to her camera. “This is so weird and so hard. I didn’t expect to just...fall for somebody while we’re all just trying to figure out how to make things okay again, you know?”
“So…” Beca swallows, wondering if this is the appropriate forum for what she’s sure is about to come out of Chloe’s mouth.
“I like you,” Chloe admits. “I think you’re brave and talented and incredible. And there’s so much we still have to learn about each other, but I have been driving myself crazy thinking about how much I want to kiss you.” Chloe clears her throat and holds up a small pot of pretty, purple flowers. “These are for you. I couldn’t really go to the store to get a fresh bunch. But um. If I could, I would.”
“Isn’t this against company policy?” Beca croaks out. She can’t quite believe what she’s seeing. “Like can’t they see everything? Even videos?”
Chloe shrugs. “I don’t care. Not really. Look around, Beca. Nobody really cares anymore. I just wanted to talk to you.”
Beca covers her face with her hand. “This is super embarrassing.”
Chloe giggles. “Oh stop. I’m the one literally holding out flowers to my screen.”
“No, it’s just—” Beca holds up the potted plant she had stolen from her windowsill. “Here. I brought this for you too.”
Chloe gasps. “A cactus? You shouldn’t have.”
There is a brief silence before they dissolve into giggles. It makes Beca feel the most complete and whole that she has in while.
“I’m sorry, by the way.”
“Were we even in a fight?” Beca asks aloud.
“No,” Chloe admits. “I just...thought I scared you off.”
“I think I scared myself off.” Beca crinkles her nose as she frowns. “If that makes sense.”
“That makes a lot of sense. I think it’s the most sensible thing you’ve said so far.”
 * * * * *
 Eventually, the time comes where Beca can go outside again.
Beca knows what it means to have sunshine on her face. There is no shortage of it in Los Angeles.
There is no shortage of palm trees, of warm wind, of endless beach views.
There is no shortage of too many dreams and too little opportunities for those dreams to come true.
But this—the excited yelp Chloe lets out when she pushes off the pillar she had been leaning against and the solid weight of Chloe’s body nestled firmly against her own as her arms loop easily around Beca’s neck—this is so much better than anything Beca could have dreamed for herself.
She can feel her mother’s smile, warm like the gentlest of sunrises against the back of her neck. She can feel the weight of a new pile of USBs in her bag and a fresh outlook on life.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Chloe whispers, her voice real and solid and there.
“Me too,” is all Beca can say.
She kisses Chloe like it’s the first day of the rest of her life.
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aubrey-plaza · 4 years
AUTHOR: aserenitatum / @theron (prev. monae/kate-siegel) FANDOM: Pitch Perfect (movies) PAIRING: Stacie Conrad/Aubrey Posen - Staubrey STATUS: draft WORDS: currently 8721 TAGS: set during Pitch Perfect 2, based on that behind the scenes gif of Stacie pulling Aubrey into the mudpit NOTES: Happy Birthday Kim! Thank you for being literally the loveliest person in this fandom and for always supporting and encouraging my fics (and even supporting me through all my other fandom hopping lmao). Writing is made so much better and fun by knowing that you’ll be reading and I’m so grateful we as a fandom and me personally get to know you <3 I’ve been working on this but it’s become such a long project that I didn’t manage to finish it today in time but I’m sharing just a lil sneak preview so that you know that your gift is on its way!! I hope you are having the best day and that we may be blessed with many more years of you!
Stacie Conrad, 3:48 PM Hey Aubrey! I’m assuming I can put you down as a definitely for Worlds?
The phone buzzes at the chime of an incoming text and slides off Stacie’s middle and her reflexes are quick enough that she manages to grab it before it slides off the couch as well, fingers unlocking the screen as she checks her messages and frowns with a Cheeto halfway to her mouth.��
Aubrey Posen, 6:02 PM Who is this?
Stacie pops the snack in her mouth and licks her fingers clean, ignoring her show on the large television to navigate to her camera app to take a selfie. Her front-facing camera opens and she winces at the sight of herself, hair that had been previously pulled into a neat French braid now wild and askew and framing her face not in a good way, there’s Cheeto dust on her chin from where she’d been trying to toss them into her mouth, and her mascara is smudged making her look like a raccoon. 
She looks awful. 
Stacie immediately sits up, which already makes her look marginally better. She reaches behind her and tugs the elastic from the end of her braid, dropping her phone for the time being so she can use both hands to finger comb her hair loose and even though the braid Chloe had put in for her wasn’t super tight, her scalp still feels lighter with her locks flowing freely. 
Fingers under her eyes to wipe her smudged makeup away and to brush off the remaining orange dust, and when she lifts her phone again to look at herself, she looks much, much more presentable. 
She snaps a quick picture of herself smiling and shoots it off, ready to toss her phone to the side until she sees the bubbles with three dots pop up that tell her Aubrey’s typing. 
Stacie Conrad, 6:10 PM {img attachment} it’s meeeeee
Aubrey Posen, 6:10 PM  Oh! Hi Stacie. 
Stacie Conrad, 6:11 PM wait do you not have my phone number saved?! 😭😭😭 I thought we were friends 🥺😭😩
Aubrey Posen, 6:12 PM You’re ridiculous. And no, I don’t but I’m saving it now with that picture as your contact card
Stacie Conrad, 6:13 PM why not 😟 ur breaking my heart 💔 that’s fine bc it’s a cute picture!!
Aubrey Posen, 6:14 PM  It is. I had to get a new phone because SOMEBODY pulled me into the mudpit
Stacie Conrad, 6:15 PM 😮 what a terrible person but you really shouldn’t have your phone with you when working near such dangerous sites who knows what could happen?
Aubrey Posen, 6:16 PM A rogue Bella with a plan?
Stacie Conrad, 6:17 PM but you looked so good covered in mud 😍
Aubrey Posen, 6:18 PM so you’ll forgive me if the first person in my new phone isn’t the same person who got me all muddy 😠
Stacie Conrad, 6:19 PM 😘 so, you in for Copenhagen?  Chloe said you’d be
Aubrey Posen, 6:20 PM Yes
Stacie Conrad, 6:21 PM Awes! You know… now that you have a picture of me, I feel like the nice thing to do would be to send me a picture of you
Aubrey Posen, 6:22 PM I just got out of the shower
Stacie Conrad, 6:22 PM wow you skipped right past the pictures and buildup and went straight to sexting? woman after my heart does this mean you’re in a towel right now?
Aubrey Posen, 6:23 PM No, it means that I’m not sending you a picture. Good night.
Stacie Conrad, 6:24 PM good night??? it’s like 6pm
Aubrey Posen, 6:24 PM I have plans
Stacie Conrad, 6:25 PM with someone or something? 😈😈
Aubrey Posen, 6:25 PM I’m not going to tell you
Stacie Conrad, 6:26 PM I’ll just start imagining things
Aubrey Posen, 6:27 PM I know; that’s why.
Stacie Conrad, 6:27 PM oh Aubrey you don’t know what you’ve just started
Aubrey Posen, 6:27 PM I think I do 😉
Stacie Conrad, 6:28 PM a WINKY emoji huh? wow okay well you enjoy your night. think of me when you light a candle for the mood.  first rehearsal is next thursday at 6 in the auditorium. pls bring running shoes because beca wants to punish you with cardio
Aubrey Posen, 6:29 PM I don’t consider any type of exercise a punishment
Stacie Conrad, 6:29 PM so many responses, so little time
Aubrey Posen, 6:29 PM And now you’ve wasted your comeback. Goodnight Stacie.
Stacie Conrad, 6:29 PM byeee
Stacie groans at the sound of her phone chiming with an incoming message, rolling over and burying her face in her pillow while cursing herself for leaving her ringer on instead of silencing it like she she does every day before bed, and she’s about to fall back asleep when another message comes in. 
She cracks open an eye to glance around the small room, whining softly when she notices that it’s not entirely light outside yet and cursing whomever is up at the early hour and sending her messages. 
She desperately wants to ignore her phone and go back to sleep but there’s a small, niggling part in her that can’t leave it be, and the knowledge that there’s somebody texting piques her curiosity and won’t allow her to [rest] so she rolls back and flails for the phone somewhere on her night stand. 
She flinches when she screen lights up, squinting at the sender of messages and both eyes widening when she reads who the texts are from. 
Aubrey Posen, 6:57 AM Good morning! {img attachment}
Stacie sobers up at the sight of Aubrey’s smiling face, her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail and wearing minimal make up, clearly wide awake and standing outside because Stacie can see the lake behind her and the glint of the rising sun reflected on the surface of the water. 
She slides back down into bed, curling up as she types out a quick response, her own smile never budging as she hits send. 
Stacie Conrad, 7:01 AM VERY cute! but waaaay too early so goodbye
more to follow soon!
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unholyhelbig · 4 years
ISS Immortal | #HW203
Summary:  Beca is sent on the mission of a lifetime when an odd signal is received from a ship that was meant to come home but never did.
Read on Ao3 
The air was cold in the cabin of the ship. Beca Mitchell had always expected space to be cold. There was an undeniable lack of oxygen and an even more undeniable lack of human life. She would place her nose as close to the glass as it could go and watch it fog up before using her finger to trace little designs onto the darkness.
She had read through every single book in her stash during these stretching three months. Each moment of her day was spent crossing tasks off of a checklist; make sure the windows are sealed. Refill the fuel used the night before, eat breakfast (She found that one odd until she nearly missed it a few nights in).
Beca started to reread the first novel that she picked up, her eyes wandering from the words to the vast emptiness outside. It wouldn’t be long before the shuttle made initial contact with the station on Jupiter.
It was a large and beautiful planet. Unpopulated for the most part. Her company had sent another ship before hers before they lost contact entirely. Beca’s main task, not the little ones that she put check-marks by each day, was to make contact, to swallow back her fear, and forget the static-filled final communication they had all heard.
The conference room was cold too; its walls were gray and the table that rested in the center was a dark mahogany. There was a tape recorder, its last button being pushed down as if to hold the black film in place. Aubrey Posen had her fingers pressed against one another. Her cuticles leaked crimson, which they had never done before.
Beca hated the way the chair squeaked when she sat down next to the woman. She hated the Chanel perfume that she wore and the way a charm bracelet with a little star jingled each time Aubrey shifted. Even more, she hated the way the woman stared at her, almost through her. She didn’t’ say anything, she hit the button.
1200 [10-31] Rodger. Clock.
1221 [10-31] Rodger. roll.
1222 [10-31] Rolls complete. Pitch is programed.
1223 [10-31] One bravo.
Beca clenched her jaw hard enough for it to ache. She imagined her teeth shattering. Aubrey had a stony look on her face and part of her wanted to mouth the words. She hadn’t slept. This was all standard protocol. What was Beca missing? She could run these codes in her sleep.
It burned her to hear Chloe’s voice on the tape. She sounded elated, her whole crew had been. Beca remembers the way, just five months ago, she melted into the woman’s touch. She had breathed in the licorice scent and pressed her nose into a fiery mane of hair. It was hard to let go then and hard to listen now.
Aubrey leaned forward and pushed another button on the recorder. Despite herself, Beca strained to listen to the words. They were too fast. When it finally stopped, her head pounded and her mouth was dry. Still- she sat quietly.
0900 [11-04] Houston to ISS Immortal.
0901 [11-04] Copy.
0901[11-04] Was wondering if you had AUTO optics selected. Over.
0902 [11-04] That’s Affirmative.
0903 [11-04] Roger. Looks like to us we need a PROCEED, Jessica, to get the sextant pointed at the star. Over.
They were taking pictures, marking every single star that the team before them hadn’t gotten to. Chloe had an eye for the probes and the lenses while Emily kept an amazing aim. Anyone would be proud of the team. Anyone would be proud to be there. Aubrey fast-forwarded the tape again.
0600 [11-22] ISS Immortal to Houston.
0600 [11-22] Copy.
0601 [11-22] Breach in line, hull point of ship took some damage. Over.
0602 [11-22] Stand by one.
0607 [11-22] intrusion breached. All good on our end. Over.
0608 [11-23] Nice work, Beale. Debris?
0612 [11-23] Bet you a cup of coffee on it.
0613 [11-23] Copy.
Aubrey drew in a shuddered breath. It made Beca’s lungs ache. She had forgotten about the cold of the room. The little strip of skin by her thumb had been effectively peeled away and the frigid atmosphere made it sting something fierce. Her superior reached to fast-forward the tape once more, but Beca found herself stopping her.
“wait,” she rasped. Her fingers were wrapped around Aubrey’s and they squeezed tight. “It wasn’t debris, was it?”
“No, it was. That’s what our team believes anyway.”
“Then what? They all… They all perished because of a natural thing. Something that we were all warned about when we signed up for this program. I don’t understand.”
“Something got in,” Aubrey whispered.
She hit the little button and Beca found herself withdrawing her touch. She placed her hands in her lap like she was sitting in the last pew in a church instead of in a stuffy board room with a woman who could barely keep her sweet emotions in check.
0614 [11-24] Houston to ISS Immortal
0614 [11-24] ISS Immortal, do you copy?
0614 [11-24] Copy. We copy. Medic standby.
0614 [11-24] Stacie? Over.
0614 [11-24] Negative, she’s indisposed. Over.
0615 [11-24] ISS Immortal, what is the issue?
0616 [11-24] Emily is sick. Stacie soon after.
“It started with a fever. That soon progressed to chills and vomiting. It was bile at first, whatever they could keep down. And then it was blood. Chloe said it was more than she had ever seen.” Aubrey leaned back in her chair. That stoic, medical side of her started to shine through again. But it was quickly outweighed by sadness. “They were the two who repaired the damage the day before.”
“It could have been anything,” Beca cupped the back of her neck and dug her nails into the soft skin until it burned.
“But it wasn’t, Beca. It was something none of us could explain. We heard it all.”
“I don’t know if I can.”
“You have to.”
“No.” She slammed the edge of her fist into the table. It shook that retched tape recorder and the chairs that remained unoccupied around them. Aubrey didn’t flinch, though her vacant stare made her regret the action. The side of her hand was numb and then it tingled with feeling. “You want me to listen to all of them die? My team? You think that’s easy for me?”
“It’s not supposed to be easy Beca. It’s going to prepare you.” She didn’t’ wait for another objection before starting the tape again. Beca wanted to plug her ears and scream until everything was drowned out. But instead, she rubbed the side of her hand and cursed herself for injuring it in the first place.
1245 [11-24] ISS Immortal to Houston
1245 [11-24] Copy
1246 [11-24] Emily is dead. Do you copy?
1249 [11-24] We copy.
1250 [11-24] What do we do now?
1253 [11-24] Standby. Over.
Beca felt as if she wanted to get sick herself. She regretted the big lunch. Chloe’s sullen words sunk to the bottom of her stomach like a ton of bricks. They had prepared them for everything, it seemed; the hull busting, running out of oxygen, every single machine aboard the ship failing them in a single moment. But not this; not some unknown illness.
“They put her,” Aubrey swallowed roughly “They put the body in the storage compartment and kept an eye on Stacie. That’s what Chloe said. It was the last thing… it was the last thing she said before what I’m about to play you next, and Beca?”
“What you are about to hear does not leave this room. It doesn’t. And if it does I will not hesitate to put you in the ground myself. Are we clear?”
It seemed like an eternity before Aubrey finally hit the button. Once she did, there was nothing but static and distress. The formalities were gone and the screaming had stared. Beca wanted to move her fingers up to her throat because she knew theirs would be raw and torn and filling slowly with the taste of blood.
0467 [11-26] Houston… Fuck. Houston respond.
0469 [11-26] ISS Immortal, we’re here. You’ve been dark for two days. Over.
0470 [11-26] Bree? Bree is that you. God damn it, I’m so happy to hear your voice.
0471 [11-26] What’s happening up there, Chloe? Signal not clear.
0471 [11-26] She wasn’t dead, or maybe she was, and then whatever made her sick brought her back.
0471 [11-26] Emily?
0473 [11-27] Shit… yeah, yes. Emily. She was fine and then she wasn’t. And then there was blood. So much fucking blood.
0473 [11-27] Copy. Where are you now?
0476 [11-27] Houston to ISS Immortal, do you copy?
0478 [11-27] Chloe, do you copy?
0479 [11-27] I copy. I’m in the bottom brig. I can hear her walking above me. She can hear me too, I’m betting. I’m sorry, Aubrey. I knew you were counting on this to go well.
0479 [11-27] No, Chloe. It’s alright. Stay quiet.
0480 [11-27] You still owe me that cup of coffee.
0480 [11-27] Sure. We’ll go to that little shop on 9th. Stay quiet now, okay?
0497 [11-27] Houston to ISS Immortal.
0520 [11-27] ISS Immortal, do you copy?
Beca had been going through the motions, keeping her mind focused on those little tasks that she was given. She didn’t’ know the difference between day and night, fine and far from it. When her eyelids did grow heavy enough to close, she would hear Chloe’s voice. The screaming and the static, and she would jolt awake.
Aubrey had called this a rescue mission, but it felt more like suicide to the young pilot. They held onto false hope that Chloe had somehow made it, that the thing… whatever it was, that took all of them, moved on and left them to their own devices.
Chloe was strong, she was determined, and she scared the hell out of Beca on a good day. But it wasn’t a good day, it was a bad one. It was the worst one that Beca could remember. The rest had blurred into games of chess with herself, that horrible crackling static of the radio, and her own foolish hope.
She was awoken one night, or maybe it was day, to the sound of an easy alarm and the flashing red light of the controls on the right panel. A foreign object had struck the side of the craft and the radio was crackling with noise. She was sweating despite the cold.
“Houston to ISS Condemnation, do you copy? Beca do you copy?”
Aubrey’s voice was frantic. She groaned as she pulled herself out of the uncomfortable position that she had landed in. Her neck was aching, a pinch moving down her arm and to the base of her skull each time she quirked it a certain way.
“Yes, I copy.”
“Our sensors are going haywire, is everything okay up there?”
Beca looked around at the packaged meals that were strewn about and the black and white chess pieces that threatened to float through the air had they not been secured. She traced her fingers over the patch on her breast and the other on her wrist.
She pressed the small button on the side of the radio “I bet you a cup of coffee it was debris.”
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020
DAY FOUR (#HW204) Possession
Summary: Aubrey's grandmother dies and leaves Aubrey the home that's been in the Posen family for almost 200 years. Beca and Chloe join Stacie and Aubrey in checking out the house. They find more than they bargained for.
"Oh, my God, Brey," Chloe said as they parked in front of the Victorian house. "This place looks amazing."
"Yeah, Aubrey," Beca said as the friends exited the car. "How old is this house?"
"My great-great-Grandparents built it in 1835," Aubrey said, moving to stand next to Stacie. "It's been in my family ever since."
"Come on, babe," Stacie said, holding her hand out for Aubrey. "Let's check it out."
Aubrey took Stacie's hand and let her lead her toward the steps to go inside.
"I can't believe you inherited a house that is almost two hundred years old," Beca said looking up at the house in awe.
"It is amazing, isn't it?" Aubrey responded. "I want to thank you guys for coming with us. I haven't been back here in years, and have no idea what to expect once we get inside."
"If the inside is anything like the outside," Chloe said. "It will be aca-amazing."
"Really, Chlo?" Beca said. "You couldn't just say amazing like a normal person?"
"Aca-nope," Chloe said, laughing. "I aca-could not."
"Please stop, you aca-weirdo," Beca said, laughing as well.
"Leave her alone, Beca," Aubrey said. "The inside is aca-amazing, I promise."
Beca follows the others inside and is surprised at how amazing the place looks. It felt like they had gone back in time with the obvious craftsmanship that was on display.
Beca was also impressed with how clean everything looked.
"How does this place look so clean?" Beca asked. "I thought you said it's been empty for almost a year."
"My mother had a cleaning service come in and clean the place from top to bottom," Aubrey responded.
"This place is truly amazing," Chloe said, also looking around in awe.
"I gotta say, Posen," Beca said. "You were right. It is aca-amazing inside."
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Four (^_^)
After thoroughly checking out the first floor, the girls followed Aubrey upstairs. Aubrey stopped at the first door and opened it, showing a good-sized bedroom.
"Chloe, you and Beca can stay in this room," Aubrey said, stepping aside to let the couple enter. "Stacie and I will be in the Master bedroom down at the end of the hall on the right. We'll come back once we unpack and get things settled. We'll need to figure out what to do about dinner."
"Okay, Brey," Chloe said. "Come on, Beca. Let's unpack and put our stuff away."
Beca placed her suitcase on the bed and unpacked, laying everything out neatly on the bed before placing things in the dresser and closet. Chloe did that same and they were done in no time.
"Do you want to check out some of the other rooms before we meet up with Aubrey and Stacie?" Chloe asked.
"Yeah," Beca said. "I like that idea."
"Come on," Chloe said, grabbing Beca's hand and leading her out the door.
Chloe moved to the door across the hall and opened it.
"Wow!" Chloe exclaimed. "Look at all these books."
"Look at this desk," Beca said, running her hand over the wood. "It's real wood, too."
Chloe walked over and ran her hand over the desk. "Mmm, that's nice. It looks handmade as well."
Beca put her hand over Chloe's and slid her hand up Chloe's arm. "I personally like the feel of this much better."
"Wow," Chloe said, grinning. "That was cheesy."
Beca smiled and pulled Chloe into a kiss.
"Ow!" Beca cried out, pulling back from the kiss. "What the Hell?"
Beca looked down to see a book lying on the floor. A book that had just hit her in the back of her head.
"Where did this come from?" Beca asked, rubbing the back of her head as she bent over to pick up the book.
"It must have fallen off one of the shelves," Chloe said.
"I guess," Beca said, eying the shelves. "Pretty good aim for a shelf."
"Let's continue our exploring," Chloe said, kissing Beca once more.
Suddenly, they were both getting hit by flying books. Beca grabbed Chloe's hand and dragged her out of the room, slamming the door behind them.
"What the Hell was that?" Beca yelled.
"I-, I don't know," Chloe stuttered.
"Are you two okay?" Stacie called from the doorway of her and Aubrey's bedroom.
"This place is haunted," Beca called out, squealing as she felt something hit the door she was standing next to.
Stacie laughed. "What? You can't be serious."
"I think Beca's right," Chloe said, as she hurried down the hall toward Stacie.
Chloe looked over her shoulder to see Beca right behind her. Chloe told Stacie what had just happened with the books.
"Really, you guys?" Stacie asked.
"What's going on?" Aubrey asked as she joined the other girls.
"They think the house is haunted," Stacie replied.
Stacie told Aubrey what Chloe had just told her.
"Let's check the room," Aubrey suggested.
"Yes, let's," Beca said, turning to walk back down the hall.
Beca stopped at the door. "Go ahead and check it out."
Stacie walked past Beca and opened the door. Beca moved to stand behind Chloe.
"You said the books flew off the shelves on their own?"
"Ye-Yes," Beca said, hiding behind Chloe.
"So, why aren't there any books on the floor?"
"What?!" Chloe squealed, walking over to look inside the room. All the books were back on the shelves. "I swear they were flying off the shelves on their own."
"I believe you believe that happened," Aubrey said, consolingly.
"It DID happen," Beca exclaimed.
"Then explain this," Stacie said, waving her hand around at the full bookshelves.
Beca looked around. "I, uh, I. . .can't," she admitted.
"Come on," Aubrey said. "Let's figure out what we're going to do about dinner."
"Okay," Chloe said, still looking around the room. "I am hungry."
"Me, too," Beca said. "Let's go."
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Four (^_^)
After ordering delivery and eating dinner, the girls cleaned everything.
"That's the last of it," Chloe said, placing the last plate in the cabinet.
"I want to check out the attic before I do anything else," Aubrey said. "I used to love exploring up there. My grandmother kept a bunch of my great-grandparents' stuff up there."
"I'll go with you," Stacie said.
"Um, do you mind if I go alone for a bit?" Aubrey asked. "Don't get mad, but I'd like to reminisce a bit and you'll only distract me."
"It's fine," Stacie said, kissing Aubrey. "I'll explore the upstairs with Beca and Chloe."
"Thank you," Aubrey said, kissing Stacie. "You're the best."
Aubrey leaves the girls and makes her way upstairs. She reaches the stairs leading to the attic and pulls the rope to lower them. She slowly makes her way up the rickety stairs, cringing every time she hears the wood squeak in protest. When her head crests the opening, she takes a moment to look around. She gasps when she sees movement in the back left corner, and immediately drops her head below the opening.
"It was nothing," Aubrey mutters. "You're just freaked out about what Beca and Chloe said happened in the library."
Aubrey takes in a deep breath and moves her head back up to peer over the edge into the darkness. Nothing appears to be moving so she continues up the remaining steps and pulls herself up to her full height. She sees the single bulb that is used to light the attic and takes another deep breath, blowing it out slowly as she starts to move forward. Her first few steps are tentative, so she stops for a second and straightens her shoulders. She quickly moves to the center of the attic and pulls the cord. She gasps and blinks as the light illuminates part of the attic.
Aubrey looks around and jumps when the shadows appear to move. She lets out a shaky laugh at her own imagination playing tricks on her.
"Chill, Posen," Aubrey mutters. "There's no such things as ghosts."
Aubrey spots the trunk she used to look through when she was a child and rushes over to it, dropping to her knees as she throws the top open. Aubrey pulls out the first item she sees and holds it up against herself.
"I always loved this dress," Aubrey whispered to the empty attic as she looked down at the faded garment. "I used to imagine my great-Grandmother Aubrey wearing it while she fixed dinner for her family. "
Aubrey stood and took off her t-shirt and jeans, replacing them with the dress. "It finally fits," she said, surprised.
Aubrey then searched through the trunk and found a pair of old shoes that looked like ankle boots. She used her toes to take off her sneakers and put on the old shoes, buttoning and lacing them up. She stood and ran a hand down the dress, smoothing out the wrinkles.
"Babe," Stacie's voice came from the stairs. "Everything okay up here?"
"What are you doing up here?" Aubrey asked.
"You've been up here for a while," Stacie said. "I just wanted to check on you."
"That's very kind of you," Aubrey said. "As you can see, I am quite fine."
"Yeah, you are," Stacie said with a smirk. "Beca and Chloe are waiting for us downstairs."
Aubrey furrowed her brow, and asked, "Who?"
"Don't mess around, babe," Stacie said. "You know exactly who Beca and Chloe are."
"Oh," Aubrey said. "Of course I do. Let's not keep them waiting."
"Don't you want to change first?" Stacie asked.
"Why?" Aubrey asked. "Is this not an appropriate dress for entertaining guests?"
"Oooo, role-play," Stacie said. "Kinky. I like it."
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Four (^_^)
Stacie leads Aubry down to the main living room to find Beca and Chloe making out on the couch.
"Oh, my," Aubrey gasped, fanning her face with her hands.
"Get a room, you two," Stacie said, laughing when they jumped apart.
"Fuck you, Conrad," Beca said.
"That kind of vulgar language is not allowed in this house," Aubrey yelled. "I never in all my days heard a proper lady speak in such a manner."
Stacie and Chloe both snorted and laughed at the look on Beca's face.
"What's with you, Aubrey?" Beca asked. "I mean, you're always busting my chops but you've said way worse than that. And what's with the get-up?"
"I would never," Aubrey said, putting a hand to her chest.
"Oh, I forgot," Stacie said. "She's into some kind of role-playing game. I'm definitely getting some tonight."
"Getting some. . . what?" Aubrey asked, looking at Stacie with a furrowed brow.
"Seriously?" Stacie asked, confused now.
"Brey, are you sure you're okay?" Chloe asked.
"I'm just fine, dear," Aubrey said. "So nice of you to ask."
Beca looked at Stacie and mouthed, "What the fuck?"
"Who wants lemonade?" Aubrey asked, clapping her hands. "Mr. Sumter brought us some fresh lemons this morning, and I made up a large pitcher. It won't take me but a minute to get it."
"We'd love some, Brey," Chloe said. "Thank you."
"Actually, dear," Aubrey said. "I'd prefer it if you call me Aubrey. I truly don't like having my name shortened, Rebecca."
"I'm Chloe," Chloe said quietly. She pointed at Beca, saying, "She's Rebecca, I mean Beca. She prefers the shortened version of her name."
"I'll remember that in the future," Aubrey said. "I'll take my leave and go retrieve the lemonade."
Aubrey left to make her way to the kitchen. The three friends watched her leave and remained silent for a few minutes. Chloe was the first to break the silence.
"What the Hell is going on with her?"
"I don't know," Stacie said. "We've role-played before, but she always breaks character first. She seems really committed to this."
"This seems like something more than role-play, Stace," Beca said. "It's like she's possessed by her great-Grandmother or something."
"She's not possessed," Stacie said loudly.
"After what Beca and I saw in the library earlier," Chloe said with a shiver. "I'm with Beca on this."
"No, no way," Stacie said, shaking her head. "Uh-uh. Nope. Not happening. There is no way my wife is possessed."
All three jerked their heads around when they heard a loud crash. They saw Aubrey standing there, with a hand to her chest and her eyes wide as lemonade puddled on the floor at her feet.
"Babe, are you okay?" Stacie said as she ran over to Aubrey.
Beca and Chloe ran over as well.
"What did you just call me?" Aubrey asked, looking at Stacie.
Stacie stared at Aubrey but didn't say anything.
"I'll get a mop and a broom," Chloe said, skirting around Aubrey to get to the kitchen.
"I'll get up the glass," Beca said, stooping to start picking up the larger pieces of glass.
"Move, Beca," Chloe said and ran the mop over the liquid. "Once I mop everything, we can get the glass up."
"I'm going to throw this out," Beca said. She went into the kitchen and dropped the glass into the trash can.
Aubrey jumped slightly at the sound of the glass landing in the trash can.
"Oh, my," Aubrey said, looking at the mess at her feet. "You gave me such a fright when you started talking about your wife. We don't have women like that around here. You really shouldn't make jokes like that; it is an abomination against God for two women to be together as a man and woman are."
Stacie stood there dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond to Aubrey.
"It's getting late," Aubrey said, smoothing down her dress. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to retire for the evening."
"Goodnight, Brey, I mean, Aubrey," Chloe said, as Aubrey started walking away.
"Goodnight," Beca called after her.
Goodnight, ladies," Aubrey said as she started up the stairs.
"I'll be up to check on you in a few minutes," Stacie said.
"That's not really necessary," Aubrey said, turning to look at Stacie. "You should just go to your room. I'll be fine."
"Oh-kay," Stacie said.
"You still don't think she's possessed by something or someone?" Beca whisper-yelled at Stacie.
"I, I don't know what to think," Stacie said.
Beca and Chloe finished cleaning up the glass and lemonade that had been spilled. The three stood looking at each other.
"Now what?" Stacie asked. "I mean, I'm really worried about Brey."
"Maybe we should all go to bed," Chloe said. "See how she is in the morning."
"That sounds like a good plan," Beca said. "What do you say, Stace?"
"Okay," Stacie said. "But, I am going to check on Aubrey before I move into another room for the night."
They started for the main stairs and jumped when they heard, "Why would you move into another room for the night?"
They looked to see Aubrey standing about midway down the stairs, dressed in her pajamas.
"Um, I, uh," Stacie said. "I didn't want to disturb you since you said you were so tired."
"That's sweet," Aubrey said. "But, totally unnecessary."
Beca felt as if she was watching a tennis match the way her head kept bouncing back and forth between Aubrey and Stacie, wondering what was going to happen next.
"It's been a really long day," Chloe said. "We were all just saying were we tired and ready for bed."
"You're right," Aubrey said. "It has been a long day. Come on, babe, let's go to bed."
Stacie looked at Aubrey, standing with a hand held out to her. She took Aubrey's hand and let her lead her upstairs.
"Come on, Beca," Chloe said. "Let's go to bed."
"But, I'm not really tired," Beca said.
"Neither am I," Chloe said with a wink.
"I'll race you," Beca said, and took off running toward the stairs.
Chloe laughed and ran after Beca.
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Four (^_^)
Stacie yelped in surprise as she entered the bedroom behind Aubrey. Aubrey pushed her up against the door and started kissing her.
"Wait, wait," Stacie said, gently pushing Aubrey away. "I thought you were tired."
"I just said that so we could come up here," Aubrey said.
"Could you just stop for a minute?" Stacie asked. "Please?"
Aubrey stepped back, holding up her hands in defeat. "Okay. I stopped."
"I'm sorry," Stacie said. "But you were acting really weird downstairs earlier. And I'm worried about you."
"Weird, how?" Aubrey asked.
Stacie looked around the room and noticed the dress Aubrey had on earlier. She got an idea.
"Put this dress back on for me," Stacie said, picking up the dress and holding it toward Aubrey.
"Role-play," Aubrey said. "How fun."
Aubrey stepped away to remove her pajamas and put the dress on.
"How's this?" Aubrey asked.
"Perfect," Stacie said, pulling Aubrey into a kiss.
"Mmmfff," Aubrey said, pulling away from Stacie. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Kissing my wife?" Stacie said.
"How dare you!" Aubrey yelled, grabbing Stacie around the neck.
Stacie gasped and pulled at Aubrey's hand, but she didn't let go.
"I am no one of those women," Aubrey said, her face inches from Stacie's as she yelled. "Keep your filthy hands and lips to yourself, Heathen."
"What was that?" Beca asked, looking up from where she was sucking on Chloe's breast.
"It sounded like Brey," Chloe said, pulling her shirt closed as she sat up.
They heard a loud thump and jumped off the bed and ran to their bedroom door.
"Should we check it out?" Chloe asked as they listened at the door.
"I don't want to walk into a sex situation between those two," Beca said.
"Aubrey! Stop!"
"Stacie sounds scared," Beca said, opening the door. "Let's go!"
Beca and Chloe race down the hall to Stacie and Aubrey's room, Beca barges in first and stops. Chloe runs into the back of her, sending them both to the floor.
"Brey!" Chloe screamed, seeing the blonde with a grip on Stacie's throat, holding her against the wall. "Let her go!"
"Stace?" Beca cried out.
"Dr-dr," Stacie tried to speak.
"What?!" Beca yelled, jumping to her feet and grabbing Aubrey's arm.
Beca pulled Aubrey's arm, trying to loosen her grip, but nothing happened. She then grabbed Aubrey around the waist and pulled with everything she had, but it only seemed to cause Aubrey to tighten her grip on Stacie.
"Dr-dr," Stacie tried again.
"Beca, Stacie's trying to say something," Chloe said.
"I know," Beca said, releasing her hold on Aubrey. "But I don't know what she's trying to say."
Beca looked at Stacie with tears in her eyes. Stacie's eyes were rolling into the back of her head and all Beca could see were the whites.
"Dr-DRESS!" Stacie was finally able to gasp out.
"Dress?" Beca said, looking at Chloe.
"Tear the dress off Aubrey!" Chloe yelled.
Chloe pushed Beca aside and grabbed the back of Aubrey's dress and pulled straight down, ripping the garment from Aubrey's body.
"CHLOE!" Aubrey yelled, releasing Stacie. "Why the Hell did you do that?"
Stacie fell to the floor, gasping for breath. Beca rushed over to her.
"Dude, are you okay?" Beca asked.
Stacie could only nod.
"Babe?" Aubrey said, looking around confused. "What's going on?"
"We need to get the Hell out of here," Chloe said, grabbing Stacie by the arm. "Beca, you get Aubrey."
"No," Beca said, keeping her eyes on Chloe. "She's half-naked."
"Grow up, Beca!” Chloe said. "And help Aubrey."
Chloe put an arm around Stacie's waist and Stacie's arm around her shoulders. She then half carried, half dragged Stacie out the door.
Beca glared at Chloe as she walked past with Stacie. Once they were out the door, Beca grabbed a blanket from the bed and threw it at Aubrey. "Put this on and let's go!"
Aubrey wrapped the blanket around herself and followed after Beca. Beca caught up to Chloe and Stacie, wrapping an arm around Stacie to help Chloe get her outside.
The couple got Stacie outside and sat her down on the porch steps. Aubrey walked down a few steps so she was in front of the three.
"Would someone like to tell me what the Hell just happened?" Aubrey asked, looking from Chloe to Beca, and finally to Stacie. Stacie looked pale, so Aubrey knelt down in front of her and took Stacie's face in her hands. Stacie flinched slightly and Aubrey let out a small sob. "Babe? Are you okay?"
Stacie grabbed Aubrey into her arms and cried into her shoulder. Aubrey held Stacie as tight as she could and cried with her.
"Let's go home," Beca said. "Please? Can we just go home?"
"We need our clothes," Stacie choked out, her voice raspy. "And the keys to the car."
"I'm not going back in there," Beca said with a shiver.
"I'll go," Aubrey said.
"NO!" Three voices scream out.
"Um, I, I'll go," Chloe said, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"Okay," Beca said, flinching when Chloe glared at her. "I mean, okay, I'll go with you."
(^_^) Pitch Perfect Halloween Week 2020 - Day Four (^_^)
The next day, the four friends were sitting in a diner in the hotel they stopped at after escaping Aubrey's grandmother's house.
"And you think that dress I put on caused me to be possessed by my dead great-Grandmother?" Aubrey asked.
"YES!" Three voices replied without hesitation.
"I swear I don't remember any of that," Aubrey said.
"Do you remember doing this?" Stacie asked, her voice still raspy.
Stacie pulled the scarf from around her neck and Aubrey felt a tear fall down her cheek.
"No, I don't remember doing that," Aubrey said.
"I tried to pull you off her," Beca said. "But, you were too strong. You were scary, dude. Scarier than usual."
"Beca!" Chloe chastised.
"What?" Beca said. "She was."
"Beca's right," Stacie said. "I don't ever want to see you like that again. I say we find a realtor and let them sell the house. We weren't planning to move here anyway. Your great-Grandmother's ghost will have to find someone else to possess."
"I can totally get behind that plan," Aubrey said, leaning in to kiss Stacie.
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