#audibly I cannot make any other noise than squeals of delight
shower-racoon · 8 months
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍☝☝👍👍👍👍
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luzarya · 3 years
Summary: It's just another day for Yuu and Engel at the Mostro Lounge.
ao3 link: here
warnings: none
songs: this
part: 3/3
-> 1 (first)
-> 2 (previous)
word count: 1,950
That is what one would describe the lounge as. Lively.
There was a singer on stage, singing ever hypnotically. They had captured most of the customer’s attention, drawing them in with their voice.
I'm gonna wear blue
And find a pair of flat black leather shoes
But shine more than a diamond, mine could do
And add something new
Engel took an order from a table, their footsteps unheard as they yelled out the order to those preparing it. In a matter of minutes, the drinks came out, Engel quickly swiped the drinks, already walking back to the table.
They set down the drinks to the Savanaclaw students, who only glanced at the drinks in acknowledgement.
To another table they go.
I drop a hint and then my keys
And then I cast a net
To catch someone who's even searchin, night he won't forget
The night continued on like that, taking orders and serving them. Many more people came in by the sheer number, enraptured by the voice that sang.
Engel was one of the few waiters out there- the other being Octanivelle students, who were inherently less affected by the voice. After all, a siren cannot enchant a fellow mer like they do with non-mer.
Engel stole a glance at the singer- their beloved Yuu. It was near the end of the song, and Engel knew that as soon as Yuu would finish their song, there would be an influx of orders for a proper meal.
Gonna drop the yellow pages
Finally then she had a thrill
To dress me up and make me look like someone else instead
It's time for my rehearsal, the ultimate reversal
You see, I've got it planned
I'm coming back as a man
With the last of the notes of the song, there was an audible increase of chatter, customers talking amongst themselves. Engel didn’t bother to listen to the chatter. They had to focus on their job, otherwise they knew they would make a mistake should they listen in on the gossip.
“How’s the night going, Engel?”
The question broke Engel’s concentration, as they turned to the owner of the new voice. It was Jade, who was manning the counter- it looked like everyone had a drink or a meal, so the vice dorm-head had free time, it seemed.
“Oh! Everything is going well, Jade,” Engel enthusiastically replied, as they gathered another batch of orders, “Is Yuu taking a break right now?”
“Yes,” Jade smiled, “Although, if you wish to catch them before the next song, I suggest you do so in the next few minutes. They have another song coming up, though I suppose you know that already.”
“I see, thanks for the heads up! I’ll see you in a bit, Jade!” Engel nodded as a means of farewell, their hands occupied. They left just as Jade their own farewell, their feet quick to take them to their destination.
After setting down the plates to a group of Scarabia students, Engel then speedily walked to the employee break room. Upon opening the door, Engel squealed in delight, running up to an exhausted Yuu, who readily accepted the unexpected hug.
“Well, hello to you too, my love,” Yuu chuckled, “Careful with the suit. I don’t want your efforts going to waste, aight?”
“Ahhhhh, Yuu!” Engel only squeezed them tighter, “You did wonderfully! You never cease to amaze me with your voice!”
“It’s a compliment, silly goose!”
Engel released Yuu from their suffocating hug, eyeing Yuu up and down. They wore a suit- one that Engel had created with their own two hands. It was a tux, but with extended tails (the rear end of the fabric, from what Engel had learned). It suited Yuu well, giving them a slightly more feminine appearance with how long and ruffled the tails were.
“Ah, your makeup is a bit smudged,” Engel noticed. “Let me get the kit Vil gave us…” Engel left Yuu’s side for a moment, retrieving the item, then returning. Utilizing what they had learned from Vil, Engel managed to fix up Yuu’s make up. It was put on in a way that it made Yuu’s face look more masucline than usual. It was enough that no one would recognize Yuu bare-face, allowing them to evade others from recognizing them as the hypnotic voice from the Mostro lounge.
“Thanks, love,” Yuu quietly replied.
“Anything for you, my dear.”
An alarm rang out, disrupting whatever moment Engel and Yuu had. Yuu gave an apologetic look to Engel, who, in turn, only shook their head. Engel pulled Yuu up from their chair, and led them to the door. Before opening the door, Engel raised Yuu’s hand and kissed it softly, watching Yuu’s face become flushed from the small action.
“Good luck!” Engel teased, as they opened the door and left, leaving Yuu a moment to their thoughts. Yuu shook their head after fully processing it, and then left the silence of the room, entering the lounge.
It was time for another performance.
It was quiet.
No one would have thought that this was the same lively lounge from a few hours prior. It was empty, save for a few souls that needed to stay behind, and clean. Azul sat at one of the booths, Engel and Yuu in front of him, Jade standing at the end of the table. Unseen, Floyd was elsewhere, the sound of food sizzling distantly heard.
“Thanks to Yuu’s performance, we earned the same amount of profit as last week.” Azul looked over the papers, quick to do the math of how much was earned. He was evidently pleased with the turn of events- a smile staining his beautiful face.
“That’s great,” Engel softly replied. Yuu quietly sat next to them, unable to speak. The performance had left Yuu drained of all energy. It took too much energy to even speak.
“The number of people asking about Yuu increased,” Jade casually commented. Engel raised a brow, slinging an arm around Yuu.
“Is that so?”
Jade noticed the interaction, and chuckled, “Fufu, worry not, I do not believe they were asking for malicious reasons, Engel.”
“If you say so,” Engel happily chirped, though there was an edge to their words. Azul briefly glanced at them, but didn’t comment on it.
A slam grabbed their attention, as everyone turned to look at the source of the noise. In very typical fashion, it was Floyd- who kicked the door open, a large plate of some sort of pasta in his grasp.
The eel mer sauntered over, placing the large plate right besides the papers.
“Floyd, careful with that.” Azul moved his papers, scooting over to the end of the table and moving the papers, so that they wouldn’t be any stains. Jade took a seat, as did his brother, although Floyd sat next to Engel.
“So,” Floyd began, giving some utensils to his brother- who graciously took them without a second thought. “How long will the contract with Shachi-chan and Selkie-chan last?”
Yuu didn’t say a word.
“Hmm,” Engel pondered, “I think it’s for life?” They had signed the contract, although they had forgotten most of the details already- it’s been about a month or so since they did.
“Correct. It’s for life,” Azul paused his reading, “Yuu will be under my employment until retirement, since I’ll be providing them a means to live once they graduate from here.”
“Oh?” Floyd smiled as he took another bite of his meal. Engel eyed the plate- it was large. And the twins already ate a good small portion of it.
“What about when we’re fourth years, and the year after?” Jade questioned, wiping his mouth. It was a valid question, considering the fact that fourth years would have to leave the school on internships, then there was the fact that Engel and Yuu were technically a grade below them.
“Who do you take me for, Jade?” Azul grinned, propping his arms onto the table, “I have a plan to ensure that the business continues when we’re in our fourth year. After Engel and Yuu have finished their fourth years, I’ll make sure that they’ll live comfortably down in the deep blue sea.”
“Really?” Engel’s eyes sparkled with hope, “Thank you!”
“No, no need. I have to thank you,” Azul corrected, “The two of you brought in more profit than I would have by myself. Truly, Yuu’s voice is astounding- it’s quite the good thing that their voice is almost useless against mer. And you Engel, you brought in a few customers yourself, if a bit fewer than Yuu had brought in. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Yuu glared at Azul, but they remained silent. Engel wondered how they brought in customers, but they had a suspicion it had to do with the fact they were a selkie- Engel didn’t quite like the implication of it, but they too, remained silent.
Azul continued, “With the profits, it’s more than enough to pay for your living expenses, now and in the future.”
“Oh? So Shachi-chan and Selkie-chan are gonna stay with us forever?~” Floyd appeared to brighten up at the idea, turning to look at Engel.
“It does seem that way, fufu.” Jade smiled. Engel felt unease by it, although they couldn’t pinpoint as to why.
“Nonetheless, we’re doing well, financially.” Azul sighed, picking up the papers and organizing them into a folder. He glanced at the clock on the distant wall, “We should finish this up and head to bed.”
With that, they cleared the table.
Ramshackle dorm was quiet, not a sound heard, save for the subtle footsteps. Engel and Yuu made their way up to their dorm room that they shared. Engel clutched onto their pelt, which was large enough for Engel and Yuu to fit inside as they had came from the Octanivelle dorm in the cold.
Engel never had their pelt more than 20 feet away from them.
They entered their room- spotting a snoring Grim on the bed. On performance days, Grim was left alone to his own devices. The two mer quickly shifted out of their work clothing, donning comfortable clothing. They gently moved Grim, laying themselves down. They faced one another, Engel’s pelt laid over them, with Grin right at top.
“Today was nice.”
“Yea. It was.” Yuu lazily smiled, their eyes droopy.
“Sleep well, my darling.”
“G’night, love.”
Yuu quickly fell asleep, but Engel didn’t. Sure, they were tired, but they remained up to look at Yuu’s sleeping facial features.
They recalled the time when Yuu was introduced to them, after their mother was taken away. They recalled when Yuu had become their friend, and consequently, their beloved. They recalled the painful moment when Yuu was taken by the carriage after the two of them were drawn into the forest. They recalled how they searched for Yuu for months. They recalled when they, too, were finally brought to this world, better than the old, and thus reuniting with their beloved. They recalled Yuu’s first performance, and many more moments.
It was hard, no doubt. It was one plight after another, but they stood together through it all, even when they were separated for a good amount of time. Engel touched their bracelet- its warmth brought a smile to their face.
Sure, they’re practically bound to Azul via contract for the rest of their lives, but that didn’t matter. They no longer resided in the old, barbaric world. No longer did Engel have to fear the worst, and no longer did they have to worry.
After all, didn’t they promise to stay together, even through hell itself?
Engel fell asleep with that last thought on their mind.
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