#augghgh /neg
s-ccaam-era-crepe · 7 months
where is that 'i was raised by a woman who hates me' post. i need it
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goodmorningdove · 6 months
ooh also tell me more about the dautri aima and their, like, life cycle and stuff!
So the dautri aima are an evolved from of the kosei aima. Aima in this context basically means universe eater and kosei in this context means friend. (though in actuality aima is spanish for soul and kosei was something that got abbreviated but i forgor) all aima eat universes, specifically the soul parts.
anyway dautri aima are named after the people of the universe that the first one came from (dautri means twothree and its bcz there are two sects but all their names have three letters) Dautri aima specialize in extracting souls from living universes, and once they gather enough energy they kinda mitosis. excpet its not an even split its like a lil rain drop. that droplet dautri aima will burrow itself into a living universe and slowly drain its life. once they have absorbed enough soul energy they will have absorbed so much that the universe no longer has enough soul energy to hold itself together and will tear apart, and the dautri aima will search other universes for food. Hailey was less that 24 hours away from this point went Chalia entered hailey's subspace and then posessed hailey. this was only possible because chalia's soul was like 99% hatred and hailey was like "AUGGHGH NEED TO EAT EVERYTHING" so instead of only part of Chalia's soul heading towards Hailey, the whole thing did. All Dautri aima specialize in one emotion. Technically it can be any emotion, but it's usually a negative emotion as it's easier to sow fear or hate or depression than it is to sow happiness. Fun fact! Fear is the most common Dautri Aima speciality!
Much like how Impurrnity is just a cat, Dautri Aima (and kosei aima) are more like crows. they are very smart, and you can train them if you try. But like also they literally do not understand morals and just want food. And entertainment. But mostly food. Dautri also cannot die via old age. They can only die when eaten (by impurrnity or another dautri aima but a dautri aima can only eat a dautri aima of the same speciality). Sometimes a Dautri Aima will revert to its larval form and burrow into a universe when food is scarce and it is starving, but usually they just dip in and out of universes, staying in the subspace and influncing their preferred emotion to form over others (by nudging things like a ghost would)(100% of true ghost hautings are dautri aima btw)
if you wanna posses a dautri aima you either gotta do what chalia did or do this whole ceremony with a subspace entity present or a false god present (most gods are false because true gods are just. kosei aima.) (kosei aima recently got a revamp on how they work let me know if u wanna hear that at any point)
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