tears-of-boredom ยท 5 months
ive never been more tired, not since i went to dashcon
(shut up!)
(back at dashcon-)
[i dont remember if the anecdote or nap is after?]
i need to make an anecdote-!
-anecdote made, and im naked.
hey question-
hey mj, im naked! or im not anymore
so i just had a dream were you were naked and, why did we break up again?
whuh hoh ho! you getting a bit of sellers remorse?
(alfred laughing)
umm i dont think thats a thing
well that throws my whole joke out the window -anyways, we broke up because you keep sending me into existential crises-
oh shit, that was what i was gonna talk to you about! ever thought about world philosophy, and the dichotomy of good and evil? so Kant says that lying is always bad, but in moral relativism some actions are good all the time, but some actions are good only sometimes, so lying-
im gonna take a nap
*yawn* what a good nap
-wait I napped for 12 hours, thats just sleeping!
so i wonder if scorpio is here I hope he doesnt poison me
hey spider, im also an arachnid
my name is spider arachnid boy
im starting a youtube channel its called uh,, ScorpiPlaysVideoGamesLiveOnTheInternet
this is what watching the same playlist of comfort videos over and over does to a man.
ill be going about my day and just hear in my head "oh- i dont like that it still gives you the cards after you've already won!" "-oh it still gave me the cards!!" "Don't worry, Daddys home!! eugh jaugh yeagh" "its me, Wad-e-o"
"waters a bit green just the way i like it. hey josh you remembered to put the mud in the pipes? ...josh?"
"could you touch the fire for me guys- could you touch the fire for me guys -could you touch the fire-"
"you just slide under it!"
"i need you two to die."
"oh there's spikes there, i meant to tell you that"
this is just how my brain is. anytime the word "piss" is said I only hear "go piss girl". but saying these references out loud doesnt make any sense. there has to be so much pretext you know, to understand them. the lore for my brainn.....
theres no way in two tits of a rats ass
there! theres a left! -i know! i had to push it right to go left!
The Bridge
-oh i didnt get two feet
you know I shot this bottle earlier
the taunts are coming from...inside the house?
holy mouse sensitivity,, havent i played this game before?
oh no bob, dont sell us out! bob are you selling us out right now? no! im selling wade out
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