#aunt bridie
harrietmjones · 2 years
[From this post]
Haven’t been sent a fandom, just wanting to do this Derry Girls one for myself. 💚
The character I least understand: Out of the main lot, I guess it would be Michelle.
Interactions I enjoyed the most: Any combo between the group, though I enjoy Orla and James. Also when anyone gets caught by Uncle Colm.
The character who scares me the most: There’s no one really but I guess, Tina O'Connell.
The character who is mostly like me: Clare (tiny bit of Orla).
Hottest looks character: Father Peter I guess (sans ponytail)?
One thing I dislike about my fave character: They don’t come separately, so I’d say the occasional genuine negative feelings and reactions towards one another that the group have had.
One thing I like about my hated character: Jenny Joyce knows herself as a person, at least in my eyes.
A quote or scene that haunts me: Sean’s death.
A death that left me indifferent: There wasn’t one, as far as I can think. They all made me feel something. Actually Aunt Bridie I’d say.
A character I wish died but didn’t: There’s no one, can’t pick.
My ship that never sailed: It did kind of sail but I guess in terms of what we see in the show, I’d say Erin and James.
Other fandoms I’ve done:
The Marvelous Mrs Maisel
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thesituation · 2 years
the ghosts of my great grandfather and great grandaunt who left ireland as political escapees are popping the biggest bottles rn i just know it..
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agaypanic · 6 months
The Fella Part 10 (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
The Fella Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Request Something!
Summary: A family occasion takes a turn for a worse when Mary tells her aunt Bridie to drop dead, which she takes seriously. At her wake, Michelle has the bright idea to bring laced scones, which are taken and distributed among the guests.
A/N: credits to @crumpets-are-better-with-jam for writing out the script of the episode for me :)) btw just a warning, it gets a bit heated a little towards the end, but not too much i think. Also talks of drugs bc duh
It was becoming a bit difficult to keep up with who knew about Y/n and James’ relationship and who didn’t. Y/n’s sister Erin knew that she fancied James, but wasn’t updated on the fact that they had been dating for over three months now. Clare knew that the pair were going out after catching them kissing at the Take That concert a few weeks ago. But the rest of the group and the teens’ families were none the wiser.
Except for Y/n’s father, Gerry.
One night, everyone was hanging around the Quinn household. There were movies, loads of chatting, and some dinner. But with so many people in the house, it was hard to have even a moment alone with James. So, while everyone argued over what to put on next, Y/n snuck out to the front room, boyfriend close behind.
“I thought we weren’t gonna try to keep things a secret,” James said as he leaned against the wall, Y/n tucked into his side and holding his hand.
“I know Jamie. But with situations like this, I think it’s better to sneak away. I mean, imagine the shock that would come to Mammy, Granda, or Michelle if any of ’em found out.”
“Yeah…” James sighed, realizing Y/n was right.
“Now imagine if all three of them found out at the same time.” Y/n laughed at the idea while James’ eyes widened in horror. “Besides, wanting a moment to ourselves isn’t all bad, right?” She asked, looking up at the boy.
“Right.” He mirrored her soft smile before leaning down to catch her lips in a kiss that was eagerly returned. 
So eager that the two didn’t hear the door open.
“You’re lucky it’s me catching you two instead of your mother,” Gerry spoke, startling Y/n and James, who jumped apart. He felt a bit awkward catching his daughter kissing her boyfriend, but he didn’t look too surprised that she had a boyfriend in the first place.
“Da, I can explain.” Y/n tried to go on, but Gerry held up a hand, signaling her to stop.
“I already know.” He said with a smile, hands clasping behind his back. “About you two. Never would’ve if they didn’t decide to film that concert you girls went to.” That new information mortified Y/n and James. But they didn’t have time to fully react, because Gerry continued. “I think the three of us should have a little chat.”
The conversation wasn’t as bad as Y/n thought it would’ve been. Gerry was clearly happy and okay with the relationship, just wanting to make sure that they weren’t doing anything too serious. That topic might’ve been the most embarrassing part of the interaction for Y/n.
James, on the other hand, seemed scared shitless the entire time. But Y/n suspected that her father wasn’t so hard on him because of how he was treated by his father-in-law. He probably didn’t want to create some kind of a cycle. Plus, Gerry was pretty fond of James, even before he learned about him and his daughter being an item.
The entire talk played on a loop in Y/n’s head as she sat in church with the rest of her family, waiting for their relative’s wedding to start. Soon enough, the familiar tune of ‘Here Comes The Bride’ started to play, and everyone in the room stood.
“Where do you reckon Aunt Sarah is?” Y/n asked her sister Erin, noticing that a family member was missing from their pew. But her question was soon answered when Sarah entered the room and started walking down the aisle, dressed in white. “Good God.” 
Gasps and murmurs filled the room as Sarah went to stand with her family in the pew, revealing a horrified bride and her father behind her.
“Jesus, but that taxi took forever, so it did.” Sarah sighed. The bride-to-be looked at Sarah, absolutely appalled as she passed by. “Ach, isn’t she gorgeous?”
Mary rolled her eyes and looked up towards the sky as she took a deep breath.
“Give me strength…” She muttered.
Y/n was a bit surprised that the Quinn family, mainly her aunt Sarah, was still invited to the reception. But that didn’t stop her from trying to have a good time. She, her sister, and her cousin drank and danced around as they waited for their friends to arrive.
Soon enough, Erin spotted their friends, nudging her sister and cousin to gain their attention. They quickly ran to the venue entrance to meet with the other girls and James.
“Muthafuckas!” Michelle yelled in greetings, arms spread out and grin wide. 
“How’s it been?” Clare asked with a smile.
The sisters and Orla all had different responses, but had the same reaction when Mary snuck up behind the three of them.
“Girls!” The shout startled them, and everyone whipped around to look at her.
“Jesus, Mammy,” Y/n muttered.
“I said you could invite one friend to the reception. One!”
“Mammy, they don’t come separately,” Erin said, rolling her eyes. She thought her mother would’ve learned this after years of friendship.
“We’re like one big set,” Y/n said, gesturing to the group of teenagers.
“Aye, we’re pack animals, Mary,” Michelle said. Mary was about to say something, possibly tell them to leave or further reprimand them, when James spoke.
“I love your hat, Mrs. Quinn.” He said with a smile, eyeing the accessory. Mary smiled, and the girls were surprised to see that her slightly sour mood had seemed to disappear.
“Thanks, son.” She said, giving him a nod before looking at the whole group, a bit more serious. “No wild carry-on. Do you hear me? We’re in enough bother as it is. Best behavior.”
“Completely.” Clare nodded, taking the commands to heart.
“You’ll have no trouble from us, Mary,” Michelle said with an innocent smile, which should be worrying. Mary walked off, and Michelle turned back to the group once she was out of earshot. “Okay, girls, who wants to do drugs?” Y/n snorted at the complete 180, but Michelle was completely serious.
The girls, mainly Michelle and Erin, like always, had a back and forth about the drugs and someone named Macca and so on. Y/n used this moment to turn to James, almost glued to his side at the back of the group as they all walked around the reception party.
“Trying to butter up Mammy, are you?” She asked teasingly, thinking about how James’ little comment completely changed her mother’s sour demeanor.
James laughed a little, throwing his head back, and Y/n couldn’t help but smile stupidly at the boy. He shrugged.
“Well, I figured I might as well start now to try to get on her good side. It’s only a matter of time, I think.” Y/n nodded in agreement.
“We could tell them.” She suggested after a small moment of silence. James perked up, both surprised and delighted by the notion. “I mean, like you said, it’s only a matter of time. And they’d probably prefer hearing it from us over walking in on us doing something.”
James’ cheeks reddened at the sentence. He blinked a few times, his mind clearly drifting off to some kind of thought.
“And by something… you mean like-” Suddenly, the lights dimmed, and music started blasting through the speakers. Y/n lit up in excitement along with the rest of the room, while James looked a bit confused at the commotion that started to happen.
“‘Rock the Boat’! It’s ‘Rock the Boat!” Clare squealed as she recognized the song.
“Happy fuckin’ days!” Michelle said, and the girls ran to the dance floor. Y/n was dragging James behind her, who seemed slightly alarmed by everyone’s intense enthusiasm. 
Everyone sat on the floor in long, giant rows, fighting for space. The girls were able to push their way to the front, synchronously dancing with the rest of the party people. There, the girls continued their drug conversation, with Y/n and James now joining in.
“Look, Michelle,” Clare said to the girl behind her. “Drugs are illegal, drugs are addictive, and perhaps most importantly, in this country, you can lose your kneecaps if you’re caught doing them. And I like my kneecaps, Michelle; they suit my knees.”
“You do have crackin’ kneecaps, Clare.” Orla smiled at the girl, having to leave to the side and turn her head to look at the blonde.
“Is that true?” James asked, lips close to Y/n’s ear.
“What?” Y/n turned around, almost startled by how James was to her face. “Clare’s kneecaps?”
“No. I mean losing your kneecaps.”
“Oh. Clare’s a bit dramatic, Jamie.” The girl turned back around to face ahead. “But she’s a bit right, I think.”
Before any conversations could continue, a dull but loud thud was heard from a corner of the room. Everyone looked to see Aunt Bridie lying on the floor, with the Quinn family looking at Mary in shock.
The next few days felt tense at the Quinn household. It was mainly the teenagers being fearful of Mary, because they believed that she was the reason for her Aunt Bridie’s sudden death and didn’t want to be her next victim. The house had never been so clean and tidy.
“I just cannot believe it.” Mary’s tone was almost flat as she stared off into space, clutching her teacup and rarely ever sipping it.
“Listen, Mary,” Sarah said, sitting in the chair beside her. “No matter what you’ve done, you’re still my sister. I’ll stand by you.”
“I haven’t done anything, Sarah.”
“Exactly, love. Everybody knows you didn’t mean to kill the old boot.” Grandpa Joe paused to take a sip of his coffee. “God rest her soul.”
“I didn’t kill her,” Mary responded, immediately tired of the assumption.
“You know what I mean, not kill.” Joe looked around as if he would find the word he was looking for on the wall. “Hex.”
“I didn’t hex her either, Da.” She said defensively. “It was just a very tragic-”
“My mother, she had the gift too, y’know.” Joe interrupted. “By God, that woman could make her enemies drop like flies.”
“Look, I don’t have any gift,” Mary said, letting go of her teacup to lay her hands flat on the table to show finality and seriousness. “There’s no dark forces at play here. I just said somethin’... unfortunate that happened to-”
“Cause her death?” Sarah asked.
“Coincide with her death.” Mary corrected.
Ah, yes. Mary telling her aunt Bridie to drop dead and then her actually doing it was just an unfortunate coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less.
Meanwhile, at the sink, Y/n dried the last dish that Erin washed and handed it to Orla to put away. The three girls had been working as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Mary. Erin was the first to speak, turning around slowly with a nervous tone.
“Right. Well, that’s the dishes done. Would you like another cup of tea, Mammy?”
As if remembering she even had a cup of tea, Mary looked down at the cup and took a quick sip.
“No, I’m fine.”
“I’ll just grab the Hoover n’give the stairs a bit of a going over.”
“Aye, and I can sweep the hall and such,” Y/n added, trying to remember the last place she had seen the broom. 
“And I’ll maybe do a bit of dusting,” Orla said.
Mary raised an eyebrow, suspicion of the girls pulling her out of her dazed and solemn mood.
“What’s gotten into you all?” She asked. “What’re you up to? What’s going on?”
“Nothin’!” Erin answered, still seeming a bit scared. “We just thought that we should pull our weight a bit more, Mammy.”
“You do so much for us, Aunt Mary.”
“Aye, Mammy, you deserve a bit of a break.”
“I can’t hex people, girls,” Mary said frustratedly. “It was an accident.”
As if on cue, Gerry waltzed into the kitchen and smiled at his wife. He placed a hand on her shoulder as part of a greeting.
“So, how’s the Wicked Witch of the North West?” The question seemed so loving and innocent. Y/n would’ve laughed if Mary hadn’t seemed like she was actually about to murder someone.
“Who put fifty p in the eedgit?” Joe asked, glaring at Gerry. Gerry looked at him confused, wondering what he had done this time.
Mary groaned, dropping her head into her hands.
“God, how am I going to go to this wake?”
“It’ll be grand, love,” Joe said. “But listen, say if things do get heated, try not to rise to it. The last thing we want is another dead body on our hands here.”
Mary stared up at Joe with a blank expression.
“I’ll do my best, Da.”
Later that evening, the Quinns and McCools arrived at the wake. Everyone seemed a bit surprised and startled to see Mary, clearly believing the rumors that she had been her Aunt Bridie’s undoing. After a slightly awkward encounter with Eamon, Bridie’s son, the girls escaped everyone by going upstairs to the room that held Bridie herself.
“She really suits bein’ dead, doesn’t she?” Orla said after a good moment of solemn silence, staring down at the woman.
“What?” Erin seemed disturbed by what her cousin had said, but Y/n nodded.
“No, yeah, I agree. I like her better like this.”
“Y/n, she’s dead.”
“Oh, so you’re saying you liked her better living?”
Before Erin could answer, the door to the room opened. The girls turned to see Clare peeking her head through.
“Can we come in?” She asked in a whisper.
“Why are you whispering, Clare?” Y/n asked, tilting her head in confusion. Clare paused, thinking it over.
“I don’t know.”
The rest of the group crowded around Bridie’s casket. Michelle and Clare walked to the end by her feet, and James decided to stand behind Y/n. He rested a hand gently on her shoulder, as if to comfort her, and she raised a hand of her own to lay on his, as if to thank him.
“Thanks for comin’, guys.” Erin sighed, seeming slightly distressed now. “It’s nice to have a bit of support in this very difficult time.” Everyone seemed very confused by the statement. 
“You thought she was a dick,” Michelle said.
“I never said that.”
“You did, Erin,” Orla said.
“I’m pretty sure we all thought she was a dick, but you were the vocal one about it,” Y/n added.
“Aye, I’ve definitely heard you say it,” Clare said.
“Okay, can I just check something?” James asked, clearly focused on something else. The girls looked at him, waiting for him to continue. “Everybody else can see the dead body, right?”
Everyone took a glance at the body in question, trying to figure out what the problem was.
“It’s just Bridie, Jamie,” Y/n said.
“It’s Bridie’s corpse.” The boy corrected. “It’s Bridie’s dead corpse.”
“It’s her wake. What were you expectin’?” Michelle asked, rolling her eyes.
“Haven’t you ever seen a dead body before?” Erin asked.
“Of course not!” James nearly yelled, shocked that Erin would even ask such a question. Michelle scoffed.
“Christ, but the English are weird.”
Orla leaned down close to Bridie, taking her face in her hands and looking up at James. She had that childlike but absentminded wonder in her eyes and smile that she always had.
“You can touch her if you want.”
James flinched, moving his hands to Y/n’s hips as he took a slight step back. As he moved back, he maneuvered Y/n to act as a shield between him and the dead body and Orla. James looked at Orla in disgusted shock.
“Why the hell would I want to touch her?” Y/n snorted at James’ suddenly high-pitched voice.
“It’s nice.” Orla smiled brightly.
“Stop it.”
“It’s just a dead body, James,” Clare said in a comforting tone, trying to get him to calm down. “We’re all gonna be one someday.”
“Oh, thanks for that, Clare!” Horrified, James brought Y/n closer until her back was pressed against his front. It was as if everyone else was some sort of strange or bad energy that could only be warded off by Y/n, and she was happy to go along with it. “Yeah, that’s helped!”
“It’s okay, Jamie,” Y/n said, patting one of the hands gripping her hips. James relaxed just a bit, but was still weary because of how weird this whole situation was to him. “Calm yourself.”
“It really makes you think, doesn’t it?” Michelle said solemnly, staring at Bridie for a second before looking at the girls. “Death.” She sighed dramatically, and everyone immediately wondered what she was up to this time. “It just… just makes you wanna… do everythin’ and just… try everythin’.”
“What’s going on, Michelle?” Clare asked, looking at her suspiciously.
“Yeah, what are you on about?” Y/n eyed the girl with a raised brow. Michelle suddenly seemed excited, a stark contrast to her fake grimness.
“Do you wanna see something’ class?” Michelle then threw her purse, which was, for some reason, big and bulky, onto Bridie’s feet. Someone would’ve reprimanded her for disrespecting the deceased by using Bridie as a table, but they were too busy watching her pull a big Tupperware out of her purse. “Prepare yourself, girls.” She then popped the lid off to show what was inside. She looked at her friends excitedly.
“Scones?” Erin asked, clearly unimpressed.
“That’s right.”
“What’s so class about scones?”
“Scones are lovely.” Orla countered, seeming a bit offended by Erin’s uninterest.
“Aye, I like scones.” Clare nodded.
“No, these aren’t any old scones, girls.” Michelle insisted, shaking her head. “These are funny scones.”
“Funny’s the right word, alright,” Y/n said, reaching for one of the scones in the bin to look at it. As she dropped it back in with the rest, she looked at Michelle with a tilt of her head. “What’s so special about ’em?”
“They’re drug scones!” Clare squeaked, pointing urgently at the food. “She’s put the drugs in the scones!”
“Too fuckin’ right, I have,” Michelle said with a grin. “I wanted to do brownies, but this was the only recipe my ma had, so…”
“I don’t think it’s that hard to find a brownie recipe, Michelle,” Y/n said. 
“I’m not goin’ out of my way to find a brownie recipe, Y/n.”
“We talked about this, Michelle. We agreed.” Clare said, bringing the conversation back to the drugs.
“No, we didn’t,” Michelle argued. “Anyway, drugs aren’t illegal when you put them into food. Everybody knows that.”
“I’m not so sure about that, Michelle,” Y/n said.
“Is that right?” James asked sarcastically, almost glaring with bewilderment at his cousin. “I’m not sure that’s right.”
Just then, the door opened, and everybody froze. An old woman walked in, and the girls quickly recognized her as one of the caterers for the wake.
“Any cups up here?” She asked, walking towards them while looking around. She spotted the tub, and before anyone could stop her, she reached out and grabbed it. “I’ll take that.” The woman said simply before leaving the room.
Everyone stared at where the scones had once been, panic running through them all.
“What the fuck just happened?” Michelle asked the room. Y/n looked at the girl with wide eyes.
“I believe a caterer just took your funny fuckin’ scones to give out at our great Aunt Bridie’s wake, Michelle.”
After another moment of feeling frozen, everyone went downstairs as fast as possible without drawing attention. Defeated and not knowing what to do, the girls sat down on the steps. As they settled, they watched Joe pass by with one of the scones in hand.
“What are we gonna do?” Clare asked frantically.
“It’s fine,” Michelle said shortly. But everyone could tell she was just as panicked as the rest.
“It’s definitely not fine!” Clare hissed. “There’s drug scones down there. People’ll eat the drug scones, then we’ve drugged those people, Michelle.”
“Our granda included.” Y/n butted in, resting her chin on the top of James’ head, who was sitting on one of the steps just below her. “Lord knows what’ll happen to him.”
“So?” Michelle said, clearly worried but trying to seem aloof. “Drugging people isn’t a crime.”
“You’ve a very loose grasp of the law, Michelle,” James said, rubbing at his eyes in disbelief and exhaustion.
“What kind of person brings hash scones to a wake?” Erin asked with a scowl. Michelle scoffed.
“Typical.” She said. “I try to do a nice thing, and this is the thanks I get.”
“A nice thing?” Y/n repeated in disbelief, turning back to look at Michelle. “Oh yeah, how nice. Let’s all get hopped up illegally at a wake. Oh, wait. We can’t, because someone took your stupid scones!”
“It’s terrible,” Clare added, sounding as panicked and scared as usual. “There’s old people down there; what if an old person takes one?”
“Why does everyone get so sentimental about old people?” Michelle asked. “Old people are arseholes.” 
“We’ve got to get ’em back, girls,” Erin said, starting to get scared of the thought of any of her family having a funny scone.
“Look, I’m not disagreeing with you. I bought that stuff so I could get high, not your great Uncle Colm.”
“Oh Christ, I didn’t even think about that,” Y/n muttered. Colm was already a character to begin with; him being high as balls would probably turn him either more boring or unmanageable. Y/n stood up and faced the girls. “Here’s the plan. I’ll head to the kitchen to grab whatever’s left. The rest of you go and find the ones that people have taken and pray that they haven’t taken a bite yet.”
“And remember, girls,” Erin said, standing up with her sister. “Be subtle.” Everyone nodded and split up to do their tasks.
Y/n went to the kitchen and quietly crept to the swinging door. She took a quick look, saw that the few people inside were occupied with different things, and carefully walked in. She was surprised to see her father ranting about cross-contamination and using different bowls. Y/n wondered if he had been roped into helping in the kitchen, but whether he was forced or had volunteered, she smiled at the sight of his sudden passion.
Y/n spotted the scones, about half the amount from the last time she saw them, now plated on a serving platter. While reaching for the plate, the door opened behind her.
“Now listen here, you.” Y/n flinched and turned around quickly, recognizing the voice to be her granda Joe. But he wasn’t looking at her. As usual, he directed his pointed look to Gerry, who looked at his father-in-law, both confused and annoyed.
“Yes, Joe?”
“I just wanna say…” Joe trailed off, getting closer to Gerry and putting a hand on his shoulder. Gerry and Y/n looked at the old man in bewilderment when he laughed. “I think you’re doing a fine job.” Then he patted Gerry’s cheek before turning around and walking out of the kitchen. “Keep up the good work.”
Gerry and Y/n turned their shocked stares to each other once Joe was out of the room. The only thing that broke their eye contact was a timer going off, which somehow snapped Gerry back into his working mode. Using the opportunity of her dad’s distractedness, Y/n swiped the platter and walked out.
The girl soon realized that she and her friends never agreed on a place to meet after retrieving the scones. But not wanting anyone to see her wander around with a platter of scones, she snuck back upstairs, where she was surprised to see James slowly wandering the hallway.
“Hey,” Y/n said with relief, glad it was him instead of a stranger. Or worse, her mother.
“Hey.” He smiled at her, holding up a scone as he walked closer to her. “Found your uncle Colm with this.” He sat the scone on top of the others.
“Thank God you got it before he took a bite.” Y/n laughed lightly, James joining in. “Were you just waiting for someone to come up?”
“Yeah, I thought being up here would be better than wandering around where everyone else was.”
“Smart.” Y/n nodded once, looking around the empty hall. “What do you suppose we do about all of these?”
The two thought for a moment, racking their brains for an idea. James suddenly snapped his fingers.
“Remember when you snuck over to mine that one night, and we watched Goodfellas?”
“Aye, Ray Liotta was a dream, wasn’t he?”
“Sure.” James rolled his eyes at the comment. “But do you remember how Karen got rid of the drugs?”
Y/n took a quick second to think about whether or not she did, in fact, remember. The most memorable things of the night she snuck over to James’ were Ray Liotta, the snacks James had snuck up to his room, and kissing each other to keep loud talking or laughs from gaining the attention of the rest of the household.
“You think it’ll work?” Y/n asked once she remembered what James was talking about. “I mean, these are scones.”
“What other options do we have?” James asked. And to be honest, Y/n couldn’t think of any.
The sound of a knob turning startled the two teens. They scrambled to hide the stolen platter of scones behind them just before the bathroom door a bit down the hall opened up. A middle-aged woman that Y/n barely recognized walked out, and Y/n and James smiled politely at her as she passed.
Once she was down the stairs, James and Y/n ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind them.
“Let’s just wait for the others here,” Y/n said, balancing the platter on the sink so she wouldn’t have to hold it any longer. “So… what d’ya wanna do?”
It took a few seconds of silence before Y/n and James rushed at each other, quickly becoming a mess of tangled limbs and clashing lips. The couple rarely had time alone for things like this, the heat of the moment always being ignored because of the fear of being caught. But with a locked door, a few minutes of making out couldn’t do much harm.
Y/n’s hands buried themselves into James’ curls, tugging at them as he backed her into the wall next to the door. A hand cupped the back of her neck while the other stayed gripped on her waist, keeping her in place. Not that she’d want to leave.
James’ lips strayed away from Y/n’s, leaving featherlight kisses across her cheek and jaw before settling on her neck. The hand on Y/n’s neck pulled back her hair, giving James the access he needed to nip and suck lightly at the sensitive skin just below Y/n’s ear.
“Are you marking me?” She asked, breath hitching. She wasn’t opposing the matter, far from it, really. But she was a bit surprised to have this kind of behavior coming from James.
“Just a bit.” He replied breathlessly, kissing the slightly sore spot before returning to Y/n’s lips. “For a bit of fun, y’know?” Y/n giggled. She was lucky that she could probably hide the soon-to-be mark by keeping her hair down.
“Sure, just a bit of fun.” She replied, pecking James’ lips a few times.
The two were able to get themselves straightened out just before the rest of the girls found them. They closed the door behind them, and James caught them all up on the plan.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” Michelle sighed as she and the rest of the group broke apart the scones and dropped the crumbled bits into the toilet. “It’s fuckin’ heartbreaking.”
“Believe me, Michelle, it’s better this way,” Y/n said, grabbing another laced scone. “Granda’s had one, and now he’s acting, like, really fuckin’ weird.”
“You’re being paranoid.”
“He was nice to Daddy.” The group made noises of shock and disbelief. “Exactly. And if Mammy starts asking questions…”
“You’re Ma won’t trace it back to us.”
“Are you serious?” Erin asked Michelle. “She traces everything back to us. She traces things we haven’t even done back to us!”
“Are you sure this’ll work?” Clare asked James.
“This is how you get rid of drugs, Clare.” He said confidently, as if this wasn’t the first time he’s had to do this. “I’ve seen Goodfellas, like, twenty times.”
“Aye, good movie,” Y/n commented as she brushed her hands on her jeans to get rid of the crumbs that stuck to her nervously sweaty palms. 
“That’s not the only way.” Orla countered. “I watched this film once about this girl who was tryin’ to hide drugs, and what she did was she shoved them right up her—”
“I’m not sticking a scone up my hole, Orla.” Michelle hissed. Orla shrugged, raising her hands in defense.
Once everyone was done breaking down the scones, Clare sighed, seeming as nervous and panicked as always.
“Okay, I’m gonna flush.” She did so, and everyone watched as not much happened. “Is it working?”
“‘Course it’s working,” James said, still sure of his plan.
But then the water started to rise, and everyone started to panic.
“Jesus Christ!” Erin yelped in a high-pitched voice. “Why is the water rising, James?”
“I don’t know! The water didn’t rise in Goodfellas!”
“We’ve clogged it.”
“Who has a plunger?” Orla asked, seeming to be the most calm of the group.
“I’m afraid I left the house without me plunger tonight, Orla,” Erin replied, clearly sarcastic. 
“Aye, me too,” Orla replied seriously. “Nightmare, so it is.”
The toilet started flooding faster, and the girls scrambled around in a panic. Scone water was beginning to spill onto the floor, and everyone had to stop themselves from gagging as they tried to find a way to clean it up. This situation couldn’t possibly get any worse.
“Dear God…” Everyone whipped around to see the adults of the Quinn and McCool families, plus Bridie’s son, Eamon. Erin laughed nervously, deciding to be the one to find an excuse.
“It looks worse than it is.” Was all she said, which really wasn’t much of an excuse.
“My mother was right about you people,” Eamon said, horrified and angry. “Wild animals have more manners.”
“We didn’t have a plunger, Eamon!” Orla shouted.
“Get out!” He yelled. “Get out!”
The teens did so gladly, running out of the bathroom and out of the house. They gathered on the front lawn, and they couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the evening. But they still feared what would happen when Mary walked out.
“The night wasn’t all that bad, I think,” James said quietly, only Y/n being able to hear him. She looked up at him curiously.
“How so?”
Instead of speaking, he raised his hand to cup her neck, gently tapping where he had bruised her. She gasped, pushing his hand away before the two of them fell into laughter, not caring about the confused looks their friends gave them.
“I’ll see you Monday, then?” He asked when they had calmed down a bit. Y/n caught a glimpse of her mother leaving the house before she answered.
“If I live that long.”
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tex-treasure-chamber · 3 months
Auntie Bridie's shrewd eyes darted to Jim. "Séamus." She greeted coolly. "Didn't know you were in town. Just come in from Dublin, have you?"
"Aye," Jim lied.
Auntie Bridie turned her piercing stare to Tex, taking in the sight of her hand in Jim's. "And who are you?"
Tex cleared their throat. They offered their hand with a shy smile on her face. "Howdy! I'm Tex Sonata; I've been living with Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, living with them while I attend the local university." she drawled, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am."
Auntie Bridie's sour expression melted and much to everyone's surprise, she smiled as she took Tex's hand. "Just call me Auntie Bridie," she replied warmly, happy to speak to anyone that wasn't Joe's girls, "how's Derry been treating you?"
Tex's shy smile morphed into something sweet as they thoughtlessly squeezed Jim's hand. "It's been mighty nice, Auntie Bridie. I'm really happy to be here."
Auntie Bridie spared Jim a knowing smirk. "Aye, I'm glad to hear that."
"So, Eamonn, any craic with you?" Aunt Mary asked, taking pity on Jim. "You seeing anyone? Should I maybe buy myself a new hat?"
"Aye sure Mary, that thing does nothing for you." Aunt Sarah muttered.
"Eamonn isn't seeing anyone." Auntie Bridie answered before Eamonn could.
"Is that a feeling, Bridie? Or an instruction?" Uncle Jerry quipped.
Tex cleared their throat loudly in the tense silence that followed and, ready to split before he made things worse by laughing, Jim tugged them along toward the drinks table to let the adults bicker like wains and as soon as they each had a glass of champagne, they set off to find the actual wains whispering amongst each other.
"What're we whispering about?" Jim asked, grinning ear to ear.
Orla brightened. "Dru-"
"Just talking about goss from school," Michelle interrupted, shooting Orla a glare.
Tex laughed softly. "Go on then," they drawled, giving Jim's hand a soft squeeze, "give us the 411."
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shitchannel4you · 10 months
I'm back. Allso buu my recept
Hay there. I'm back again. I'm back and try to do my best sens I have been gone and have been so tired after what happened earlier. Hope you all are fine. And I'm sorry for not been ACTIVE all the time. I HAVE BEEN so devastated after my aunt have been deported out from Sweden. I HAVE BEEN SO SAD SO I COULDN'T CONSENTRATE. BUT I TRYING TO COME BACK AGAIN.
You heard right. Birdie The seagull have a message about me. We both have been gone for a wile. Birdie on vacation, and I worked. And yes. I HAVE moved out from my childhood home. Now I'm part time free. However. Bridie and I came up with a idea if you could support ja so I could rescue my economy sens I faild SAVING my aunt from deporting and not then the rent have been sky high expensive, it Will not be possible for me to handle it as I planed. However. IF I succed to find a second job. EVERYTHING would be better for me. But meanwile, I HAVE TO find away to pay my loan. And thats why I created my recept ås I want to share and sale to. just $1. Then It's fine. Go to gumroad and buy my recept. You choose the price.
Hope you Will like it. So Pleace. help me.
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lovebooksgroup · 1 year
#BookReview My Not So Functional Family by Bridie Jabour @ZaffreBooks @kellyalacey #bookblogger #Reader #booktwt #Sharingiscaring #Uplit
My Not So Functional Family by Bridie Jabour Claudia is getting married in a week. Well, she’s supposed to be.Arriving back at her childhood home, Claudia is faced with spending the week with her her arguing siblings, dramatic mother, and nuisance aunt. Desperately awaiting the arrival of her best friend Nora for moral support, Claudia starts to question her relationship.What if her ex-boyfriend…
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thesituation · 1 year
it’s so funny how both my ancestors and adrian’s came to nyc at the same time like i bet my great great aunt bridie directly oppressed adrian’s wop ass flop ancestors in brooklyn and now i play overwatch with his boyfriend
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