#aurie rambles
insearchofnewdreams · 2 years
Apparently I did my eye makeup for nothing bc my hair is wild as hell and doesn’t want to move out of the way of my eyes
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distressed-bird · 2 years
my brain is going into 15 different directions at all times,
going 100 miles an hour on the highway with no brakes,
there is no past to dwell on or a future to overthink it’s just all the present and racing through the now and having fun while you do it
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being into doctor who and joining tumblr is like ‘oh this is the David Tennant website and i’ll become a bigger DT fan’ and then you spend time here and realise ‘oh no i’m actually obsessed with the other Scottish Doctor Who super fan old man, Peter Capaldi’ and i think that’s beautiful
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Me: alright, time to sleep!
My brain: Commander Shepard probably has different names across different alien cultures and societies because even if people know what their name sounds like originally, not all species have the biological configuration (i.e. teeth, lips) to make the sh and p sounds and names are often adapted across languages anyway. Some of their names might preserve a phoneme or two and tweak the rest to fit the sounds a species favors (clicks? trills? something else?); other names give up on the original sound altogether and instead come up with a word in the target language that can be interpreted as “a shepherd,” names that mean “guide” or “watcher” or “usher.” Names that get made up when an alien says, in their own language, “Commander Term-for-human-that-herds-animals” and then whatever that sounds like gets contracted into a shorter, more manageable name. Maybe sometimes Commander Shepard hears folks greet them and the translator says Shepard, but what they hear is something entirely different: an echo of their influence crossing cultural boundaries, a galaxy-wide awareness of the role they have to play.
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how beautiful did he look, as he sat amidst the lilies, maidens bedecked in gold bathing him in milk and rose petals as he accepted them graciously. lashes fluttered shut with golden orbs hiding behind serenity bathed eyes, calm despite the repetitive chant of his noble name.
'long live deus auri!'
priests chanted the holy name of the mighty god whose blessing seemed to have livened the nation with plenty joy, smiles rising on the face of every citizen. the city was bathed in lights and lamps bright as every gust of wind sang melody of the ardour.
music and incense had filled every nook and cranny, and travellers had gathered from the corners of the world to behold witness to the occasion; and to have their own hands filled with the generous king's gold—who was as gleeful as a father could be at the occasion of his eldest son's coronation.
he stands once the ceremony is completed, long brown hair open as they fall over his defined shoulders. to call him beautiful would've been both accurate and laughable, for he was more aptly compared with the sun than any petty word that could be used for anything else. the priests gather around him as he bows, a graciously swift movement as they slip the silks on his chest and the gold jewellery fitting of a crowned prince—enhancing his beauty a million times.
and had you blinked for even a moment, you would have missed the way his gaze fluttered ever so softly in your direction, atop the balcony which provided a view to the multitude of princesses who had been invited to the ceremony, as the garland of lotuses was slipped on him—the most silent gesture that very loudly said one thing—he would look forward to the day he can do that to you, and claim you his.
he turns back though, as quickly as he had looked, and then greets all with the most pleasant of smiles. all cheered loudly, but none's heart would've known the turmoil of anticipation that yours did. you understood very well the undertones of this coronation—it was his request from the king, who had been more than happy to oblige, so that he would have the right to ask your hand from your father who would only be willing to hand over his daughter to the noblest of men.
you have to prevent even a slip in gesture or airs to make for the sudden attention that you garner then, and your father smiles in the distance, old eyes gleaming with great understanding of his loveliest daughter's visage.
its a lovely affair then—the crowned prince and you sitting together near the lake of lotuses as he smiles at you with the smallest of desire in his gaze, as though trying not to let his composure slip—
'tell me, lotus-eyed, would your father allow me to take your hand in mine now?'
but your father knows the answer as he listens vaguely from near the rose bushes, even more than both of you who remain oblivious to his watchful gaze as he secretively smiles.
all that awaited now was the marriage ceremony and the rituals that follow with it—the best man wins the hand of his divine daughter. he knows he won't have to be partial, though. quite vain then would be his long wait of four years; looking for the valiant man who could dare to woo his daughter, the lady known for her very beauty and immaculate character in the land of wealth and trade.
he takes no worries when he smiles gleefully though, allowing the love birds to engage in peaceful conversation, fully trusting that his daughter would never do anything to make him bow his head low in shame. his eyes gleam in joy as he internally rejoices.
deus auri is the most competent of all in the seven continents, after all.
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header credits: @cafekitsune !
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anima-virtuosa · 1 month
realized minecraft is 3D art and every change you make to the world is creating art. even if it is not building
different ways the world is altered, patterns of torches left and blocks broken & placed in certain ways
but your base is where most of the art happens and it is shown in building even if it is like the messiest attempt at a dirt house. and all the little things like ways chests are organized or where you placed nametagged pets
one of the reasons i consider it my favorite game except i don't view it as a game but more of an artistic/storytelling medium
(reposting gracie art 'cause it fits here)
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aurizonaicedtea · 9 months
why is bridget in may's hoodie are they Lesbians???
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tskva-happens · 9 months
seems like so far the #1 enemy of the bg3 modding community has been... *checks note* age. just like... any signs of age whatsoever.
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thataurifox · 3 months
Watched Captain America: Civil War with my partner tonight. He said Bucky with the mask on looks like Ranboo. Neither of us can unsee this now. Help.
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(We had a very good time watching though, for the record.)
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aurirosario · 8 months
wanted to check out all the bg3 channels on larian's discord server, ended up closing the app almost immediately LMAO can't believe all the takes i've been seeing on tumblr are somehow more bearable than whatever discussions are going on in there
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waterfall-ambience · 4 months
was gathering character design fashion inspiration and saw wizard inspired fashion runway pics, googled the supposed designer to see if they had more work, and notes about their stuff + more references i could look at , and discovered that it was all AI (so no, there's no references and inspirations i can read up on). vishma maharaj i despise you and every other ai "artist" like you
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insearchofnewdreams · 2 years
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I feel both incredibly stupid yet comfortable,gonna stomp around my apartment like an angry princess @prettyboyeddiemunson
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like-dogs--shianni · 7 months
I miss Variel :(
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do you ever read so much fanfic that you forget reality? like it just struck me that canonically Kaz and Inej are not together right now, like physically, and i completely forgot like isn’t that so wild?
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I just think it would’ve been cool to have an argument with Joker at some point, especially in ME2. Where is all the tension about him being the reason Shepard stays behind a moment too late in Alchera? Where are Shepard’s feelings about him being all-too-willing to get into the new Normandy? I just think that if you put their survivor guilts and personal crises in the same room for more than 10 minutes you would get something messy and it would be so interesting.
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nat-seal-well · 6 months
In the Christmas cookie fic, Auri’s 100% gonna take some icing and smear a little on her face and then ask Morgan if she wants to clean it up for her. (Morgan does, even if she doesn’t like human food.)
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