#australian institute of hypnotherapy
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quitsmokingexpert · 3 years
Special Facts About Selecting Quit Smoking Treatment Brisbane
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The number of smokers in Queensland continue to rise at a higher rate when compared to other state or territories in Australia. This shock finding has been released by the Australian Institute Of Health and Welfare. Keeping this in mind it’s crucial to think about Quit Smoking Treatment for people in Brisbane, before it’s too late. Whether it’s active or passive, smoking is always injurious to health.
What gains can you achieve from quit smoking treatment?
About health:
According to the expert surgeons in Brisbane, quit smoking is an important consideration for a smoker in order to improve the state of living. Quite impressively, the quality and length of his/her life extends to a new high. When a person quits, his/her body starts repairing the damage caused from smoking. Of course, the results are quicker and bigger if the smoker takes this step at the early stages of life. Eventually the results are slower and lower in the later stages of life. For quicker results, it is recommended going for Quit Smoking Brisbane Hypnotherapy Clinic.
Breaking the cycle of addiction:
Treatment to quit smoking ca actually help you to re-wire the broken connection between brain. It is important to break the cycle of addiction. The huge number of nicotine receptors inside the brain will turn to normal levels even after a single month of non-smoking.
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Taking a look at the wallet:
Smoking cigarettes can be costly. Not because that cigarettes are costly but because of the health complications that arise from the addiction. The most common problems that form from smoking is tuberculosis. It is not yet understandable, that why do people consume poison and that also by buying it! Poison should not be consumed even if they are gifted free. Smokers are simply illiterates and nothing more.
Hearing and vision
Quit smoking treatment can help you gain smart and sharp hearing. Even mild hearing loss can be caused from smoking. People often stay away from the core facts and think hearing loss is caused from ageing or other complications. They are simply dumbos. Many hearing problems are seen, have developed from excessive smoking. A cigarette a day, can even prove to be harmful when it comes to hearing loss.
Looking at your vision, stop smoking if you don’t want to roam around blind with a stick in hand. Quitting smoking help in improving night vision and preserve the overall vision. It works by stopping the damage caused from smoking. Choose the Best Quit Smoking Hypnotherapists in Brisbane if you want to stay away from all these complications.
Heart risks
Smoking brings your heart to great risk. By choosing to quit, the chances of heart risks can be diminished. Quit smoking helps in lowering your BP levels and simultaneously the heart rate improves almost immediately. Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy in Brisbane works amazingly and every smoker who have minimum sense should opt for this treatment to save the future generation.
Tap on the link to know more learn: https://www.quitsmokingexpert.com.au/2021/08/04/special-facts-about-selecting-quit-smoking-treatment-brisbane/
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trigafy · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://hypnotherapyhypnotist.com/hypnotherapy-2/
Product Description ‘Hypnotherapy’ is the definitive text if you want to learn all you need to know about hypnotherapy, from how to do hypnosis, how to work therapeutically, how to set up and run your own practice, and how to generate alternative income streams. Hypnotherapy covers: How problems are formed, What trance is, The Set model, How to do hypnosis, What to do before and after you have hypnotised clients, Emotional needs, Innate skills and abilities, Observation skills, The Rigaar model, Self-hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, Ideo-dynamic healing, Strategies and treatment ideas for many problems hypnotherapists work with, Setting up in practice, and Alternative income streams to make additional income. There are also two annotated session transcripts so that you can see all that you will have learnt being applied and follow along to see how it all works in live sessions (One session is an improving a clients artistic abilities, the other is helping a client that feels they can’t say ‘no’ to people)
Price: $23.03
Best Hypnosis Training
In this hypnosis training I teach a hypnotic induction I call the “sneaky clap.” This is a shock induction and invokes “fight or flight” in order to induce hypnosis. I hope you like it! Our students say that this is the best hypnotherapy training in the USA.
Do you want to get hypnosis training for free? Go to my website: http://www.worldsfastesthypnotist.com and sign up for the weekly instructional newsletter!
Breaking news!!!
If you are interested in becoming a certified hypnotist, there is good news. The Atlantic Hypnosis Institute (with Sean as Senior Instructor) will be opening its new office in Augusta, GA USA in December 2016. Here is the website for further information!
More details will be available soon!
Mid-America Hypnosis Conference 2013 “Hypnotist of the Year” Sean Michael Andrews is a certified hypnotist who was recently performing hypnosis research in Heidelberg, Germany. He is the Supervising Instructor for the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute. Sean teaches the nurse anesthetist course for the American School of Clinical Hypnosis International. He is also the Director and Senior Instructor for the Atlantic Hypnosis Institute. Sean has taught in 17 countries on five continents. He is a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and he holds a black belt in Taijutsu Karate. Many consider him to be “The World’s Fastest Hypnotist.”
He is certified with: • National Guild of Hypnotists • National Board of Hypnosis Education and Certification • International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association • Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Website: www.WorldsFastestHypnotist.com Youtube Link: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGlaCPCnLyRqXTdgT3tpuNA
Haven’t we all made a New Year Resolution to lose weight? It must be one of the most common resolutions ever. But when February rolls around, what’s happened? We’re back into our old habits again. How can we change those habits? Is hypnosis the answer, and, if so, why?
Weight loss is a complex issue, and this article isn’t going to give you some step-by-step eating or exercise plan that promises that you will drop X amount of kilos in some ridiculously short time. The one problem with all those one-size-fits all plans is that they assume an average person with average activity levels. The plan that helps a man in his thirties with a job that involves physical labour to lose ten kilos won’t work for a woman the same age who juggles a sedentary office job and three small children. And it’s a proven fact that a lot of those restrictive diets don’t work. All they do is make you crave all those forbidden foods (making it more likely that you blow the diet and gorge on that substance) and also messes up your metabolism so you put on weight more easily. What’s more, a lot of those diet plans tend to involve fancy foods that cost a bucket and are fiddly to prepare. As for those pills, don’t get me started!
Of course, diet is only part of the equation when it comes to weight loss. Exercise is the other factor. Even if you ate only small amounts of vegetables, lean meat and wholegrains, you’d still put on a bit if you just sat in front of the TV all day. And if you’re doing a very physical job, you can probably eat vast amounts of the sorts of food that would make the people who write diet plans for the glossy mags faint with horror. So again, it’s not a case of one size fits all.
Fundamentally, losing weight comes down to willpower and our ability to change our habits. It’s down to your mind, as a lot of things are. Hypnosis is sometimes used to help with losing weight because hypnotherapy targets the deep beliefs and patterns of thinking, changing them from deep inside.
It can often be helpful to take a look at the ways we think about weight loss, body shape, exercise and food. What’s a myth? What’s the truth? What beliefs can be changed via hypnotherapy? Not all of these beliefs will ring true for you – we’re all different, after all. If you decide that hypnosis is the right course of action for you, you might need to explore some of these beliefs and thinking patterns with your therapist to pick the right course of action and the right changes to be made.
Belief Number One: I just can’t resist chocolate/cake/cheese/beer/your particular favourite.
The Truth: You can resist whatever your particular downfall is if you think you can. Believing that you can break an addiction is always the first step in overcoming it. But food-related addictions aren’t like other addictions, e.g. smoking. You can’t avoid eating, and there’s always going to be a situation where you are offered a portion of your particular nemesis. However, with the right mindset, you can be in control so you only have a little bit. You can be stronger than the cookie jar. It is a case of willpower, and hypnotherapy is one way that is often used to help give willpower a boost.
Belief Number Two: Healthy food doesn’t taste as good as the fattening things.
The Truth: This is a matter of habit and what you’re used to – in other words, it’s in the mind again! Some people are astonished at the idea that what tastes good and what doesn’t is a case of conditioning and the mind, but take the case of Vegemite. Australians, on the whole, love their Vegemite. But hand a Vegemite sandwich to someone from the USA and you’ll see some interesting reactions as they bite into it. It’s simply that the Yankees aren’t used to Vegemite and haven’t grown up with it. With a bit of help from the mind, possibly with the aid of hypnosis, you can change your eating patterns so your palate changes. Once this has happened, you will learn to like the tastes of unprocessed healthy food, which will help you along the path to weight loss.
Belief Number Three: I don’t have time to exercise.
The Truth: This will depend on your individual situation. You might be working 10-plus hours a day at the office. You might have small children. You might be confined to a wheelchair. But surely, there’s some way to build some activity into your day of some sort. You possibly need to give up something else in your day to fit in physical activity. But we all know that we can find time for the things that we want to do. And here we are, back facing the issue of willpower and motivation again – the mind again! Creating a positive reason for exercise is a great way to be motivated to get active. Instead of telling yourself “I’m going to dance/run/play football so I can shift these kilos”, change your thinking patterns to more positive ones “I’m going to dance because I love music and it makes me feel happy,” “I’m going to work towards competing in a triathlon,” “I’m going to play football so I can make some more real-life friends,” and so forth. Positive thoughts are often more powerful than negatively phrased ones, which is a technique that every hypnotherapy counsellor knows when it comes to planting suggestions.
Belief Number Four: I’m so fat – I look nothing like those models in the glossies.
The Truth: You certainly don’t look like those models in the glossies, but this doesn’t mean you’re fat. We all know that those girls are half-starved (or even anorexic) teenagers who have been photoshopped into something hardly human. Again, a change of thinking is needed. You need to learn to accept yourself and what the normal human body looks like. Yet another mindset that hypnotherapy can try to change!
Want to know more about how hypnosis works? Find out at Positive Tranceformations (Click now to get SEO for real readers, not robots, using Semantic Writing by Rick Rakauskas)
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Become A Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
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Professional Hypnotherapy Training Centre and Services in Perth, Western Australia, Australia is offered by Rebecca Privilege.
With years of experience, Rebecca offering Professional hypnotherapy services in Secret Harbour , Perth, Australia. Our Diploma is recognized by all major organizations, including the AHA and the GHSC (UK).
Contact us to schedule a free consultation at 0411 176 055.
Visit: https://hypnotherapytrainingcentre.com.au/
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How to Choose the Best Hypnotherapy Training Program in Australia
Are you interested in becoming a certified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia? If so, you’re likely looking for the best hypnotherapy training program available. Choosing the right program is essential to ensure that you get the most out of your training and become a successful hypnotherapist.
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At the Hypnotherapy Training Centre, we understand how important it is for you to find the right program for your needs. We offer a comprehensive training program for individuals who want to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia. Our program includes a range of courses, from introductory and advanced hypnotherapy techniques to clinical applications and psychology.
When selecting a training program, it’s important to consider the following factors:
Accreditation: Make sure the training centre is accredited and recognised by the relevant governing bodies in Australia.
Expertise: Choose a centre that is staffed by experienced, qualified professionals.
Course content: Ensure that the course content is comprehensive and up-to-date.
Cost: Compare the cost of the various programs to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money.
Location: Consider the location of the training centre and make sure that it is convenient for you.
At the Hypnotherapy Training Centre, we offer a comprehensive training program that is designed to help you become a certified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia. Our program is accredited by the relevant governing bodies and is staffed by experienced and qualified professionals. We also offer a range of courses, from introductory and advanced hypnotherapy techniques to clinical applications and psychology.
Our course content is comprehensive and up-to-date, and our pricing is competitive. We also offer flexible payment options and special discounts for group or bulk bookings.
At the Hypnotherapy Training Centre, we understand that choosing the right training program is essential to help you become a successful hypnotherapist. We are committed to helping you find the best program for your needs and providing you with the tools and resources you need to succeed. Contact us today to learn more about our training program and to get started on your journey to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist in Australia.
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