thebillyengland · 2 years
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Youtube marks the official World Government Summit video about a new world order as “spreading a conspiracy theory”. 
I’m going to say that again, but in a different way... The World Government Summit had a conference entitled “Are We Ready For A New World Order” and YouTube marked it as spreading a ‘cOnspiRacY tHeoRy”.
Are you paying attention?  
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tumblr liberal, you attempting to change your dress code policy as a teenager by spitefully wearing spikes to school is not the same as “spitefully” opting to not vote for a presidential candidate who is gleefully shipping weapons every 36 hours to another country to commit genocide. You not being allowed to wear spikes for 6-8 hours for 5 days a week for 9 months every year is not the same as millions being murdered, starved, etc, in other countries. Do not fucking lecture me if you cannot conceptualize human lives beyond the abstract. god.
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The last year has been a massive wakeup call for me as a gentile in a lot of ways. But one of the things that's stuck out to me is the realization of just how staggeringly moronic it is to see pro-pals say they have nothing against Jews, just Zionists, with a straight fucking face. If your tolerance towards Jews only extends towards at best 20% of the global Jewish population...I mean holy shit guys. That is NOT the showing of solidarity that you think it is.
So, part of it comes from the public perception of Zionism (from propaganda) vs the reality. The public perception is that Zionism is an evil, oppressive, colonial attempt to steal land from these poor, innocent Palestinians (who weren't even called that before the end of WW2). I'll deal with the reality of this in the next paragraph. And so, this view, propaganda pushed by Iran, Russia, and their puppets, has become heavily entrenched in the Left, because it hits all those lovely buttons that most Leftists have installed because of bullshit ideological purity, and that's an entire other rant.
The reality is this. The basic idea of Zionism is that the Jewish people should have self determination in their indigenous land. The only other ethnic group from that linguistic-ethnic group is the Chaldeans, who are largely Aramaic speaking Eastern Rite Catholics, and they consider their homeland to be ancient Chaldea, in modern-day Iraq. The Carthaginians are dead, the Phoenicians absorbed into everywhere else. And also the Samaritans, which are... complicated, but largely never left Samaria, and number about 900 people.
Zionism has many branches, and yeah, some of those are kind of shitty. And you can find shitty branches of any other group. Among Leftists, we have Tankies. And this isn't 'anyone I don't like is a Tankie', this is 'Authortarian Leftists and those who support Authortarian rulers who claim to be Leftist, or just will support anyone who opposes the US are tankies.'
But let's focus on our own bad branches before we go after someone else's. I personally find the Kahanists to be reprehensible, but at the end of the day, I'm a goy, and unless I'm tagged in by a Jew to go after them, that's their own internal shit to deal with. With all my groups, I've got volkist pagans (and despite bullshit claims, Zionism isn't volkist), tankies, and dealing with the shitty centrists in the Democratic party (because until we have national fucking ranked voting, we gotta deal with the party system as it is).
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exhaustedalien · 1 year
I'm playing some rdr missions as jack and thinking about how despite everyone's actions they didn't just fail to keep him from repeating the cycle of violence but left him in a position where he would be uniquely susceptible to the charms of a charasmatic anti authortarian figure, the promise of family and an opportunity to harm the systems that failed him and his parents.
If Dutch left journals or a manifesto would jack resonate with them more than anything John or Arthur left behind?
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evilroachindustrial · 2 months
Anyway, what's happening in Venezuela is why you should vote in as many elections as you're able to because once an authortarian is in power, it's incresibly difficult to remove said authorarian from power via peaceful means.
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winemom-culture · 2 years
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I’ve always considered myself a “gentle parent” but the absolute dissolution of any meaningful definition or standard set of practices behind the phrase that I’m seeing in online spaces (especially the ones where a LOT of moms convene, like TikTok) makes me not want to be associated with it anymore, honestly. When I first started learning about gentle parenting in 2014 when my son was born I understood it as an umbrella phrase to basically mean “come up with more thoughtful ways to discipline your child without the use of any corporal punishment, garner permanent results via developing their critical thinking skills wrt right vs. wrong and help them foster better self-esteem.” Now it’s devolved to “don’t express negative emotions or scold your child in any way,” like, I wish that were dramatic but I see it happening in real time, there’s thousands of comments like those on that one video, with thousands of likes each. I don’t know if these people have a large following I did not bother to click through to their page, but the reason I think this is happening to new moms in droves like this is because there are SO many “gentle parenting influencers” out there I do see against my will who seem to just have a really rudimentary understanding of gentle parenting as a practice, and have obscured it to mean “all nice, all the time, overcompensation for our upbringings.” I am definitely no child psychologist myself, but I know enough to know that an overly-permissive parenting style is not great for children, either. The woman in this video did not hurt this kid, she did not destroy his creativity for life. Kids do need to experience consequence, sometimes. Really just kinda makes me wonder about the potential consequences of overcorrecting the authortarian parenting of the past, y’know.
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the-plantman-is-queer · 6 months
Here's some real material consequences of Biden being president: Palestinians are being slaughtered indiscriminately.
The United States of America is a war-mongering imperialist superpower that has spent every year of its existence indiscriminately slaughtering innocent people for monetary gain. Blood oils the gears that grind this terrorist state ever forward, and I am furious about it. Palestinians are in my thoughts constantly, and the unspeakable horrors they are forced to endure.
I don't want Biden for a president, and I sure as hell didn't want him for a president four years ago. There isn't a single politician who doesn't have blood on their hands from the sacrifices they make, and you seem the sort to extend that culpability to the people who vote for them judging by how many people you've sent this exact ask to. So if voting makes you guilty, what does not voting do?
Will you weep for the people you condemn with your inaction? Will you look down and see there's blood on your hands too?
We are in an era of concurrent genocides happening all over the world. There is no ideologically pure candidate with whom I can absolve myself of all guilt by voting for. There is no one I can put in power of a murder machine for which the result won't be more deaths. But by not voting you are doing less than nothing. Politics are not a business you can boycott. Your inaction comes with the consequences of more and more people left for dead. You have to play the bloody fucking game, as distasteful as it is.
Put pressure on your politicians. Boycott *actual* businesses. Protest campaign events. Scream your dissent. Answer the stupid telephone surveys about voting issues. Go to town hall meetings. And when it comes time, vote for the people who will result in the least amount of people dead. The United States as a "democracy" is dangerous enough. Letting it descend into an authortarian fascist regime isn't going to help anyone.
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khorneschosen · 6 days
Certain people do not deserve the right to vote. If left to their own they would exist as they currently do, authortarianism or poverty.
Races do not apply but ethnicities do.
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raisab332012 · 6 months
Answer to In Dune and Dune Messiah its implied that authortarian and religious fervour is a bad thing. Yet the later books imply that they were necessary to save humanity from slow extinction. So is Herbert saying these terrible acts were j… by Dan Bradbury https://www.quora.com/In-Dune-and-Dune-Messiah-its-implied-that-authortarian-and-religious-fervour-is-a-bad-thing-Yet-the-later-books-imply-that-they-were-necessary-to-save-humanity-from-slow-extinction-So-is-Herbert-saying-these/answer/Dan-Bradbury-22?ch=18&oid=1477743751613386&share=018fce3d&srid=7KVRc&target_type=answer
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thebillyengland · 2 years
Whatever you do, don't click "TUMBLR'S YEAR IN REVIEW". It's nothing but virtue signaling leftists propaganda --- in other words: degeneracy and trash.
@Tumblr in a nutshell.
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hezigler · 1 year
Watch "The GOP’s Assault on LGBTQ Existence | Robert Reich" on YouTube
Authortarians always use minorities and marginalized communities as scapegoats.
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sysy-studyblr · 2 years
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wednesday 12/05/22
i spent the entirety of this morning doing history, i’m currently on castro’s social policies and boy did this man suck. he shoved everyone he didn’t agree with into labour camps to be treated like war prisoners. honestly horrible
♫ some - steve lacey ♫
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To me some of the strangest anons I see are ones who act like if you have an opinion about someone other than what they’ve said explicitly, or even discuss alternate opinions based on a bunch of factors, that’s morally wrong. While at the same time they clearly have very very strong opinions. (I also think it’s pointless to have any celebrity conversations in a forum like this one while ignoring closeted celebrities exist, but maybe that’s just me)
I do find it deeply strange that some people claim the moral high ground, because they believe everything celebrities say.  And also deeply strange when people get worked up about celebrities lying.
I think the best way of looking at it is that they’re under no obligation to tell the truth, and we’re under no obligation to believe them.  
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aunti-christ-ine · 4 years
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too-many-plants · 4 years
can’t believe i’m saying this, but congratulations to mitt romney for being one of the only gop members to have any balls. and i can’t believe i’m saying this either, but history is going to remember romney as the only member of the gop to vote to convict the first time (when tr*mp should have been removed from office before he could harm our election system more) and also one of just seven gop to convict this time around as well - and history is going to remember that act as courageous and bold
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moghedien · 4 years
I swear its so fucking weird every time I get confronted with the part of tumblr that’s unironically tankies with various pride flag icons 
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