theaspieworld · 4 months
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This is how the autism brain works and creates decisions SUPER INTERESTING A study was carried out by researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and Carnegie Mellon University in the US. This was a cross-sectional study comparing the brains of adults with high-functioning ASD and adults without ASD. The researchers found there was greater communication between some regions of the brain in adults with high-functioning ASD than those without ASD, but less communication between others. This pattern also showed differences between different individuals with high-functioning ASD – so not all people with this diagnosis had the same pattern of brain signalling at rest. The brain differences did not appear to be related to measures of childhood history of ASD IQ scores. 1.Communication Autistic people have a grater communication pattern in certain areas of the brain to cause functions and decisions to a non-autistic person. 2.Low vs High People with lower support needs show different brain signal patterns than that of people with higher support needs, showing that their rational for decisions are based on personality. 3.IQ The decisions an Autistc person makes are not based on level of IQ, they are to do with the personal affinity. Please let me know if you have anything to add to this conversation by leaving a comment below. I read every single one! Also follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/x246zlOTMTw?si=4EwNljsr1jEJlFus https://bit.ly/44JYckA
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thecpdiary · 4 years
Autism Sleep Patterns
A new study in the “HealthDay News” in January 2020, suggests those who deal with autism have shallower than normal brain waves which may play a role in serious sleep problems.
Previous research has shown that between 40% and 80% of children with autism have sleep issues, such as trouble falling asleep, waking frequently during the night and then waking up early.
According to researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, identifying the causes of these sleep disturbances is important in being able to find ways to ease them. Researchers recorded the brain activity of 29 children with autism and 23 children without autism throughout an entire night’s sleep.
According to the Study Leader, Ilan Dinstein, Head of the National Autism Research Centre of Israel found that children with more serious sleep issues showed brain activity that indicated more shallow and superficial sleep.
Normal sleep patterns start with periods of deep sleep marked by high amplitude slow brain waves, the study’s author explained in a university news release. This study found the brain waves of children with autism are on average 25% weaker and shallower than those of children without autism.
The study also showed that children with autism, had trouble in entering deep sleep, the most crucial part of achieving rest and rejuvenation, according to the report which was published recently in the journal ‘Sleep.’
The next step is to determine ways to promote deeper sleep and larger brain waves in children with autism, the researchers said. It could include increased physical activity, behavioural therapy and drug treatment, such as medical cannabis.
57 years in and I now have my answers.
Source: https://www.webmd.com
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