#auto correct kept trying to change matsuda into masturbate
ive been going though a lot of death note stuff and ive seen a bunch of different ships (which i chill with like all of them idc what you ship)  but one of my favorite that i came across that i had never really though about was Matsuda x L. Now its not my otp and im fully aware that it could never happen in canon and im not here to argue about it either. 
the reason i love it some much is because ive spent like the past week thinking about the Wammy’s kids reaction. And it is wonderful.
(this is like an au where Kira gets caught and like non of the main characters die i haven't worked everything out )
I dont want to get into the logistics of how they find out, but imagine them learning that L is with someone and everyone loses their fucking mind because how. and then they learn its a guy some are a tad surprise but no one really cares and are more mad at themselves for doing some hetronormative bs. so now all this does it lower the possibilities of who it could be.
Now most of the kids of the kids try to find out and either give up or dont want to overstep boundaries except of 3 of them Matt, Mello, and Near. while Mello wanted to find out who it was on his own first they are able to have a truce to find out L’s partner’s identity, because like they really really really want to know. 
i would like to say at this point that the expectations for L’s partner at this point are through the fuck roof like the standards are sets so high L and Kira combined couldn't surpass it even with like the help from god or something.
It takes them month of intense investigation to find out anything and the finally are able to narrow down the suspect list one of those people being Matsuda. Near decided he is the most likely because he is was on the Kira case and is one of the few people to have ever actually net L in person and knew it was L in front of them.
So they focus their investigations on him.
They all think that this man must be intelligence because even if he isn't L’s partner he was on the kira case and every one who was working to catch kira must of had high intelligence right?
so near starts doing throughout research and background checks into this mans life as far as preschool. Matt carefully bugs the place and hides trackers everywhere he could think of. Mello has a different person following him every day. 
Near finds nothing unusual he has a clean record and good grades (i dont think  matsuda was an idiot like he wasn't L or Light smart but he was a detective at a young age and while idk how Japanese law enforcement works i imagine detectives have to be decently intelligent) , but besides him being mark for have excellent marks in the shooting range he found nothing that caught his attention. Near considered that these file were fake or at least tampered with just to protect him from standing out but didn't find evidence of that either. 
Mello was worried the he would notice being followed but he never seemed to notice and even if he saw the guy he would act friendly to them and once strikes up a polite conversation, witch had scared the paid stalker half to death and mello was shocked to see how one he was annoying nice, two didn't seem to see though the guys obvious lying, and three just seemed extremely naive and trusting. Mello didn't find anything that could show he was with L, but he expected this. what he did expect was how unlike the person he imagined. This guy regularly went to work and the gym and in his free time would go on jogs through the park and the shooting range, was very social and helpful to everyone he met . Mello had imagine someone much like the antisocial L not this butterfly. Something mello also noticed but would never admit to was how attractive he was like damn dude got muscles for days. Something he did note was if he ever got asked out by anyone male or female he would politely turn them down and it the person ever got pushy about it he would reveal he was in a relationship with someone else but never gave any details about them, Mello thought was a possible connection because he never saw him with anyone in a romantic fashion, but it could still him just being polite. One final thing he thought was strange was he was sometime a part time manager for the pop star model Misa... which was weird mello thought but whatever. 
Matt’s tracker didn't reveal anything mello didn't already find. the bugs didn't find anything other of the ordinary either. the guy watched TV sometimes and friends over that talked about mundane things and would often tell matsuda he was being annoying. He would sometimes call this girl Misa and they would talk about the most stupid of things. This guys was an idiot Matt though after hacking into his computer and find nothing of interest expect for some sad google searches of things that either everyone should know or at least should be common sense like seriously dude. their were a lot of sweet’s recipes though despite this guy not seeming to ever eat anything sweet. 
Once they got together and talked about their finding they were like no this man could not be him L would never be with someone so stupid, sociable, and well annoying. they were frustrated for wasting so much time and effort and no have to start back for square one. Matt removes the bugs and mello stops stalking the poor man and their investigation continues without a single break in the case.
(Now on L’s side of thing the reason they couldn't find a connection to Matsuda and L is because L is extremely careful to keep Matsuda a secret from anyone that could hurt him or try to use him to get to L. L will be gone for weeks at a time trusting  matsuda to be loyal and  matsuda was because god dammit he would of be a good bf or try to at least. and if they had investigated him a little longer they would of saw he went on a mysteriously paid for vacation to another part of japan and stay in a hotel with a Rue Ryuzaki for about 2 weeks) 
While the boys never give up on their investigation they do have other thing to focus on and while they still tried to find out who L was with the started to focus more of their energy on other things. until on day L invites them all to work on a particular difficult case. not necessarily because he couldn't solve it on his own but because it was suggested to give them a kinda “field training” with L.
And to much of their shock and dismay the only other person with them is the same fucking  matsuda that they had been investigating before.(after a while  matsuda quite the police force and worked and be with L full time) He didn't seem to add much to the the actually investigation but instead acted more like another Watari and did a lot of the physical work of the investigation , like going undercover and actually apprehending the suspect with other officers, things like that. 
At the end of the investigation they almost managed convinced themselves that this is just a coincidence and no way are they together yeah its jut a coincidence. 
that is until the end of the investigation and Matsuda give a like peck on L’s cheek. 
Near, Mello, and Matt while all doing it in different ways 
absolutely freak the fuck out.
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Kiyomi I can see being some kind of witch, harpy, werecat or banshee. Matsuda I can see him as a "goofy" creature like leprechaun, a male fairy or uh angel lol
Death note fantasy au for @reaperlight and @rneronia
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kiyomi werecat
- werecats are not like werewolves and never revert fully back to a human form. They also have control over when they transform.
-kiyomi is tall for a werecat in human form at 4'5
-larger than an average cat in cat form.
- always has a her tail and ears showing, not becuase she cant get rid of them but cause she likes them
- very territorial
- she goes from large cat to human/cat hybrid to monster cat and has the ability to change to anything between those categories
- full monster she has 7 inch claws and 6 inche fangs. She is very very big and threatening
- stays in the human form most the time but will sleep and relax as a cat
-only becomes a monster when threaten/threatening
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Matsuda as a will-o-wisp
-a wisp is like a fairy
- a glowing light form I've choosen this for matsuda becuase seeing a wisp usually means the person is chasing something they cant achieve like matsuda trying to gain the respect of his colleagues.
- usually he wears a white button up and vest with a red tie. (He doesnt need clothes he just wants to)
-his form can shift regularly and he can go from having legs to just a tail, hands to tendrils, his face will sometimes fade so the features are blank. He has control over this but it will change on it's own as well.
- his voice changes from an annoying echo to a barely audible whisper he had no control over this
-he can change his size drastically from being only 6 inches to 12 ft tall he usaully remains around the 6ft range.
-he is fire but the flames wont burn you unless he wants them to, otherwise its harmless
-he goes from being solid to transparent and translucent he doesnt control this and he often goes unseen.
- when he is angry the flames around him get more intense
-is only trying to help and guide people.
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