ya-d-label · 9 months
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izzy-ikigai · 19 days
Maybe we should remind the capitalists that the most probable thing a super-AI would do if it doesn't kill or enslave humanity is hypercontrolled and calculated communism because it doesn't make sense to not distribute resources evenly.
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buster5300 · 9 months
I try to be optimistic about things. I try to think of things getting better, even if it feels bad now. But every day, there is that thing at the back of my head telling me, "what if that dark sky never passes? What if its all for naught, your existence a mere mote among humanity forgotten forever not because you are dead, but because humanity itself has commited autogenocide?" and it scares me. A lot. I wish it'd go away but I know its there for a good reason, probably. Or maybe that too is a delusion, and it never was meant to be? Or is it the voice talking again? I don't know. It's apart of me but it's also not.
I wish. So much it'd just shut up, at least so I can go to sleep. It doesn't help I feel as though being optimistic openly is good for some reason.
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bechdelexam · 2 years
while not related to the previous post i would like to take this opportunity to reiterate this blog’s stance that “autogenocide” is an incoherent concept & should not be part of the alberta grade eleven curriculum
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isayeed-blog · 3 years
20 years after 9/11, millions of victims of 'War on Terror': Reflection ...
We in Bangladesh had a democratically elected socialist government in 1972 - 75: very popular. Sheikh Mujib, the prime minister, received the Joliot-Curie Medal of Peace. Mujib nationalized everything that moved (and was planning to nationalize those that didn't move). His private army murdered several thousand politically active people.
To top it all, he refused to lift a finger to feed the  people who starved to death even though there was more than enough food in the country - it was exported to India. Wilhelm Schendel in his History of Bangladesh (Cambridge University Press: 2009), p 181) puts the number that starved at 1.5 million. All this time, we were on the Soviet side.
I am well aware of America's crimes: America countenanced the murder of 500,000 people during our civil war of 1971 by backing West Pakistan against East Pakistan (today Bangladesh). But our socialist government was even more genocidal: or, rather, autogenocidal.
As were the Soviet Union and China.
I was hoping for a little more balance from the Grayzone. Pity.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
Many on our side see an analogy between our current situation and the closing days of the Roman Republic. I myself wish this was so; fighting for Caesar is far more attractive a prospect than the alternative. But there is an alternate historical analogy, which I consider even slightly more likely; that we are not in the latter days of the Roman Republic, but the Roman Empire.
And moreover, we are not Rome but Carthage. Germany (very ironically) was Rome; this land-empire with its military traditions and its two wars against the Anglo-American thalassocracy being precisely analogous to the Punic wars; America is to England what Carthage was to Phoenicia. In our case, the necessity of high technology to effectively wage war lent a vast advantage to the sea-power with uncontested control of global supply lines. Rome itself even realized the importance of contesting Carthaginian naval dominance, and in the first Punic War endured titanic losses until they could beat Carthage on the seas; Germany did not have the will, or the ability, to do so, and thus lost.
Imagine Hannibal, returning victorious from a Rome burned to the ground and scattered into the Tiber, assassinated by a cabal of Carthaginian priests, who not only proceed to institutionalize their massive informal authority over Carthage itself, but wage a crusade to spread the worship of Moloch over all the known world, and you have a picture of what occurred in America shortly before and directly after the Second World War. Because we are not waiting for Caesar; we have had our Caesar, the difference being that, as a priest of an evil religion, he did not replace a corrupt and decadent republic with based military autocracy, but with the sinister rule of a caste of Gnostic managerialists caught in a holiness spiral.
Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt the forms of the old Republic continued, but their content had been hollowed out. The opinions of the property-holding white man, the original (though expansive) patrician class of the Old Republic, became politically irrelevant; the opinions of the priestly apparatus of educated bureaucrats and “experts” installed by Roosevelt would inescapably begin to dictate policy. Of course, FDR already crossed the Rubicon, not in running for a third and fourth term, but in attaching the unconstitutional priestly apparatus to the levers of American power.
In the final decades of Rome, barbarian kings used weak emperors as puppets, using the Roman imperial form as a thin cloak for the same style of governance that served the Germanic tribes in the Black Forest. Likewise, the imperial-bureaucratic forms instituted by FDR are being themselves hollowed out by barbarians. We are not totally there yet, but Indian caste-nepotism, “BIPOC” racial revanchism, and Chinese managerialism are working their way into the theocratic power apparatus of the Left. Eventually, academia, journalism, the three-letter-agency, and the HR department, will be entirely skin-suited. Some time later, just as the barbarian kings of Rome did, the skin-suit will be cast off, the puppet disposed of, and these three main currents of barbarism will feud and war openly with each other over the ruins.
Because we are Carthage, and not Rome, these struggles have, and are, taking the form of ideological disputes rather than hot civil war. The power struggles of priests, of course, spill over eventually into hot civil war, but this is my main explanation for why, unlike Rome, we did not experience frequent and bloody civil wars over the occupancy of the throne. We have, of course, experienced multiple ideological civil wars, with last decade’s holiness overthrown by Current Year holiness.
Sounds pretty bleak. But in Rome, we can count several figures of latter days with the will and honor to attempt restoration. They failed, but it is not up to me to judge whether or not such an enterprise will always fail. Trump is one such figure, and his problem is a lack of loyalists, just as Majorian and Aurelian were betrayed. But Trump is no conquering general; Rome had, even in late times, an existing tradition of blood and honor that could produce great men. We do not have such a tradition; our priesthood has ensured the destruction of all such “aristocratic” enclaves that can breed reaction; especially in the case of the military, whose upper ranks are staffed entirely by priests loyal to the regime. Mutiny is always possible, but mutinies need leaders. The great warriors and intellectuals of our times are leading lives of pure obscurity, for our society is remarkably efficient at promoting affable mediocrities (a necessity when the claims of the priesthood are lies from head to tail) and divesting the energies of the competent into atomic and meaningless pursuits. The fat neckbeard arguing on internet forums over Star Wars canon is a frustrated theologian; the skinny geek optimizing strategies for competitive videogaming a frustrated military officer.
Everything in our society is fake and gay, and even people showing glimmers of greatness or competence have been faggotized. And it is not as though such people are even curable, by and large. For such exacting and laser-focused men, it is necessary that they be bred and raised with a sense of civic duty, to cultivate their will-to-power and the confidence it takes to rule. That is what I meant when I spoke of a “tradition of blood and honor”; it is not necessarily even military, for the WASP elite of the American East coast had these aristocratic traditions for diplomacy and civil service, even if put to evil ends.
To find who will take power after the fall, we must look for bastions of incipient elites. The BIPOC coalition is too retarded, generally speaking, to rule anything. (BIPOC itself being a new designation meant to separate dumb and holy subhumans from competent east asians and high-caste indians) However, the BIPOCs are conspicuously holier than anybody else in the left’s eschatology. If they end up in charge, we are looking at the Cambodian autogenocide or Mao’s Great Leap Forward on an even greater scale, ending as Haiti ended unless stopped by a Stalin. In Haiti, by the way, and here I am speaking to the lesbian mulatta commissar reading this in horror, they killed and literally ate the mulattoes after they were through with the whites, a fact that should make you just a little bit uneasy about your future.
I consider it unlikely that the Chinese faction will come out on top. East Asians are already having their POC status revoked, hence the new “BIPOC”, and they’re still licking inner party boot. But supposing that the Chinese turn America into one big Toronto, life under our Judeo-HAPA mandarins will probably be materially safer and better for the Amerikaner than it is currently. On the flip side, he will be reduced to an entirely fellaheen existence as social and moral decay continues unabated. I like greatness, and this state of affairs would seem to me grotesque and intolerable.
The Indians have a decent shot, being able to hide behind the dumber and less competent members of their race. The high-caste Indian, however, is perfectly content to live on top of a festering heap of human and literal garbage; in fact, he probably feels a great unease in a society that does not look like the great slums pouring their filth into the Ganges, and will strive to recreate his homeland in his conquered land.
The castizo future is another option; the problem is a lack of castizos. Most latinos settled in the US are of low human quality; the whiter and smarter latinos back home tend to stay home, because they are in charge. However, the Cuban exile community in Florida is one to keep an eye on, for they are not only generally aligned with the values of civilization, but are an actual elite, collectively kicked out of Cuba, and an actual community, that has the potential for cohesion. Like at home, they have an imperial multiracial identity that brings along their swarthier cousins as allies and footsoldiers.
Finally we come to the Amerikaner, but the Amerikaner has no elite class; in fact, he never did. Trump is their representative, but they have no loyalists to send him, and the cultivation of an aristocracy from their ranks is his greatest necessity if he wins. In our Rome-Carthage analogy, the victory of the Amerikaner represents itself a barbarian conquest, a revolt by a janissary people, subjugated long ago, that has since fought the wars of the evil priests. (Carthage itself was notorious for using janissaries) Though it will wear the garment of FDR’s Empire, it would in content be a far older form of rule, a ghost of the frontier and the West, the clannish politics of the small town (and I say that with respect) elevated to a grandiose scale.
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #175
Tues Aug 13 2019 [01:20 AM] Wack'd: Apparently the High Evolutionary recreated all of Earth? Okay
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[01:21 AM] Aleph Null: huh [01:21 AM] Aleph Null: just like them megaton rainfalls [01:21 AM] Wack'd: I kind of assumed High was mostly about mutating animals [01:22 AM] maxwellelvis: Uplifting. [01:22 AM] Wack'd: Tomato tomahto [01:22 AM] Aleph Null: wasn’t spidermans unn limit ted [01:22 AM] Aleph Null: about a high evolutionary planet [01:22 AM] Wack'd: OH MY GOD HIGH YOU IDIOT OBVIOUSLY SHE FOUND LIFE
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[01:22 AM] Aleph Null: what earth-XXX did that take place on [01:23 AM] Aleph Null: probs a TRN [01:23 AM] Wack'd: No idea [01:23 AM] maxwellelvis: According to Spider-Verse, the same universe as the Animated Series [01:23 AM] maxwellelvis: According to X-Men '92, not that one. [01:23 AM] Aleph Null: ‘kay [01:24 AM] Wack'd: Anyway it's a brief fight [01:24 AM] Wack'd: Galactus uses the Power Cosmic to throw High into the Negative Zone [01:24 AM] Aleph Null: :nanika: [01:24 AM] Wack'd: And that's that [01:25 AM] Wack'd: Reed, Johnny, Ben and Gor are miraculously transported back to Counter-Earth where they proceed to...trip Galactus [01:26 AM] Wack'd:
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[01:27 AM] Wack'd: Okay so Sue's definitely around here somewhere
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[01:28 AM] Wack'd: Sue is here! And found a planet willing to commit autogenocide!
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[01:30 AM] Wack'd: So uh [01:30 AM] Wack'd: This planet's got somethin' going on that doesn't agree with Galactus [01:30 AM] Wack'd: And he gets some serious food poisoning [01:30 AM] Aleph Null: probably don’t like being eaten? [01:31 AM] Aleph Null: not everyone is into macro/micro vore y’know [01:31 AM] Wack'd: I mean they did invite him [01:31 AM] Wack'd: Probably because they knew Galactus would get sick if he ate them [01:31 AM] Aleph Null: he like beerus in dragon ball except if you’re on his good side you also get your planet destroy [01:32 AM] Aleph Null: really just vore all around [01:32 AM] Aleph Null: also if i was a member of an alien race i would not agree to sacrifice my planet to give galactus a tummy ache [01:32 AM] Wack'd: Enough vore talk--transformation fetish incoming!
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[01:33 AM] Bocaj: Hey [01:33 AM] Bocaj: What the hell [01:33 AM] Wack'd: That's an extremely good question [01:33 AM] Aleph Null: i think we need to call in an expert [01:33 AM] maxwellelvis: I'm just as clueless as you guys [01:34 AM] Bocaj: But who? [01:34 AM] Wack'd: High turned Galactus into a giant brain and then made him incorporeal [01:34 AM] Wack'd: To the best of my understanding [01:34 AM] Aleph Null: wait i’m an expert [01:34 AM] Aleph Null: uh [01:34 AM] Aleph Null: i got nothin [01:35 AM] Aleph Null: maybe he just transformed him into energy brain-last? [01:35 AM] Wack'd: Yeah okay, High turned Galactus into a being of pure energy [01:35 AM] Wack'd: According to Reed [01:35 AM] Wack'd: HEY CAN THIS COMIC SIT STILL FOR TWO SECONDS
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[01:36 AM] maxwellelvis: I think we've had enough FF for tonight [01:36 AM] Wack'd: Aaaaaaand it all comes together [01:36 AM] maxwellelvis: Also, hey, hi, since when could Impossible Man change his colors? [01:37 AM] Wack'd: Impossible Man is a hive mind, which meant there was only one actual life on the planet, which means Galactus basically just ate a fuckton of junk food [01:38 AM] Wack'd: "Terminal indigestion." [01:38 AM] Aleph Null: cosmic mcdonalds [01:38 AM] Aleph Null: mc...vorenalds [01:38 AM] Wack'd: Oh. Oh good
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[01:40 AM] Wack'd: Well, that arc came to an abrupt end
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[01:41 AM] Bocaj: So presumably someone with the power cosmic IE Silver Surfer could cure Ben any time they want [01:41 AM] Bocaj: And Norrin just did not [01:41 AM] Wack'd: In fairness, he never asked [01:41 AM] maxwellelvis: He can't actually. At least for a long time he couldn't. [01:41 AM] Bocaj: Hm [01:42 AM] Wack'd: Meanwhile, on the letters page: Roy Thomas quit being an editor to stay on Fantastic Four since he could work from home [01:42 AM] Bocaj: Living the dream [01:43 AM] Wack'd: And one letter-writer likes that an actual change happened, and that Ben is evolving as a character, and please don't change him back [01:43 AM] Bocaj: Whoops [01:43 AM] maxwellelvis: Womp womp [01:43 AM] Wack'd:
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[01:44 AM] Wack'd: All right, only two more issues until we've cleared 1976. Let's do this [01:47 AM] KarkatTheDalek: Don't tell me what to do, Brian Jordon of South Bend, Indiana [01:48 AM] Aleph Null: yeah brian [01:48 AM] Aleph Null: i bet you’re not even indian
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duke-and-acceptance · 4 years
The new single "Autogenocide" from Adelaide band Sloven's up coming new album, "Drowning".
Blackend Doom/Black Metal/Metal/Death/Sludge
This band is amazing to see live, the vocals are so fucking intense and some of the guitar work in their other songs is incredible. Would highly reccomend giving it a chance.
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Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links - March 1/2021:
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) deserved to be publicly blamed for the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Khashoggi as outlined by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence report blaming MBS for the murder. https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/reports-publications/reports-publications-2021/item/2186-assessing-the-saudi-government-s-role-in-the-killing-of-jamal-khashoggi
This was followed by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan opening the door to new possible sanctions against Saudi financial entities. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/25/joe-biden-speaks-to-saudi-arabias-king-salman-before-release-of-khashoggi-report
The Biden White House’s first steps in the Middle East already signal the breakup of the pro-American axis fashioned for the region by Trump, which hinged on a set of military and diplomatic pacts binding Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel.” https://www.debka.com/new-biden-policies-snub-saudi-prince-uncover-israels-reputed-nuclear-program/
Then Israel used its own warplanes painted to look like American warplanes to attack Iranian positions in Syria.  Israel followed this by bombing one of its own ships and blaming this on “Iranian retaliation.” https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202102261082201357-iranian-revenge-owner-of-uk-ship-hit-by-blast-in-gulf-of-oman-reportedly-close-to-mossad-chief/
To further underline the point, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh was attacked on February 27th with missiles launched by unknown (i.e. Mossad) assailants.  This prompted the U.S. Embassy in Saudi Arabia to issue this warning:
“The U.S. Embassy in Riyadh urges all U.S. citizens to take immediate precautions and stay alert in case of additional attacks.  Actions to take if you hear a loud…” https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/SaudiArabia.html#/
On the public fake perception front, we have a scene with a body double Biden boarding a plane. Central casting couldn’t find enough convincing-looking Secret Service agents so some with jeans and work boots had to do.  The vehicle looks like a rental that hasn’t been washed around the door handles in weeks.  Notice how the “Prez” starts running up the steps until he stumbles, forgetting China Joe can barely walk now. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iEQx0OzJW578/
Here’s a photo comparing Joe Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki with Mark Rockefeller Zuckerberg.  Clearly we are dealing with either close relatives, Mark in drag or clones.
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MI6 and CIA sources both told us that “Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class-action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.” https://principia-scientific.com/lawyers-promise-nurember-trials-against-all-behind-covid-scam/
MI6 notes, “Our own independent counter analysis of the so-called public health emergency which brought our attention to the German lawyer who has a 100% chance of success in a Nuremberg type trial or civil Tort.”
Also, genuine Christian religious authorities issued this statement:
“By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate urgently warns against vaccination autogenocide.  the arch-heretic Bergoglio occupying the papacy notoriously promotes genocidal “vaccination for all”, saying, “It must be done!” Today, every Christian must know that Bergoglio, who worships the Pachamama demon, does not serve God but consciously opposes Him! “  http://vkpatriarhat.org/en/?p=19869
This means the fake Pope Francis who replaced the real one last year will be exposed, Pentagon sources promise.
In Canada meanwhile, an aware citizen showed how easy it is to push past the fake Covid tyranny by blowing right past “Covid-19” border controls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faQBnrr_Uqo&pbjreload=101&ab_channel=THEGREATREOPENING
There has also been a leak of the original plans for the “Covid-19” move towards totalitarianism.  This leak, seen below, means the plans are no longer going to be allowed to go ahead.
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These are just a few of the signs the fake pandemic is unraveling all over the world.  What the liarcracy in charge of the West failed to realize is that no matter how long or how hard you try to avoid it, reality has a way of catching up with you.  Reality is a harsh mistress.
Pentagon sources for their part told us the following statement is true:
“Pay close attention.  You are watching a movie.  A lot of what you are seeing is completely bullshit and fake.  It’s so outrageous on purpose to get your attention at this point.  It will continue until it has accomplished that goal fully.  There is no Biden presidency.  The real Biden was executed for his crimes long ago along with Clinton.  No that woman in purple the other day wasn’t Hillary Clinton.  You are seeing actors and some have masks.
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That’s why Biden keeps referring to himself as the mask president.  This means they are the good guys in this movie on the team of freedom.  This whole election was fake along with a fake inauguration.  Fake executive orders.  Fake oval office.  It’s all bullshit.  Wake up.  The military is right now controlling our country until the new elections in a couple of months.  Insurrection Act has been signed.” https://gab.com/stephenhunter9/posts/105771054961975508
If California continues to trail-blaze the future for the rest of the United States, that future is now clear: It is a high taxation society with a huge, impoverished, unemployed and unemployable destitute class where the middle class is annihilated, organized gangs and general chaotic street crime including muggings, rapes and murders metastasize in all major urban areas and gangs more numerous and heavily armed than the police operate openly with impunity. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/california-collapsing
There will also be a massive offensive to remove this fake leadership soon, sources in Western and Eastern secret societies promise.  For operational security reasons, we cannot disclose details.  However, a hint can be found in the fact that an Air Force base in Texas is getting ready to test its infrastructure against an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack. https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2021/02/air-force-base-prepping-emp-vulnerability-tests/172325/
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emotionallaborunion · 7 years
Self-betrayal in “Prowl Great Cain”
"This is a song about a guy who betrayed a guy, and he feels bad about it because they didn't kill the guy that he betrayed. If he had killed the guy, he probably would be able to just not think about it so much. Like, if it was movies, then maybe he would be haunted by it and wake up in the middle of the night. But realistically speaking, out of sight, out of mind, it would have been better if the guy had died in prison under the horrible torture that he handed him over to.... It takes place in Cambodia after it is no longer Democratic Kampuchea." -- John Darnielle, 2011-04-06 - Mercy Lounge - Nashville, TN
"Autogenocide is 'the mass killing by a government or regime of a section of its own people'. The term was coined in the latter half of the 1970s to describe the actions of the Khmer Rouge government of Cambodia, to distinguish such acts from the genocide of groups considered 'other' by a government, such as the killing of Jews and people of Slavic origin by Nazi Germany." -- Wikipedia article, "Cambodian genocide"
"We push shame away as fast as we can, covering it with more tolerable states of being." -- Patricia DeYoung, Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame
"Prowl Great Cain" by the Mountain Goats sets the Old Testament story of Cain and Abel in the context of Cambodia in 1979. The second line in the chorus, "Prowl through empty fields, great Cain" ties together the story of Cain, the farmer who was condemned by God to wander the Earth, never to be able to grow crops again, with the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields. The first line, more cryptically, declares "I feel guilty, but I can't feel ashamed."
Who's the "I" in the song? I think it's Cain himself, or the character meant to be the 1979 Cambodian stand-in for him. The Cain character in the song is the person who betrayed their brother, or someone else close to him: "Wonder if you'll ever get the chance to ask me why I turned you in." So Cain addresses himself in the chorus, "Prowl through empty fields, great Cain". (The alternative is that that's the voice of God telling Cain to "prowl through empty fields", but it's not God who feels guilt or shame, and I don't think the chorus would switch perspectives in the middle.) I'll call the narrator in this song "Cain", since we don't have another name for him.
Cain doesn't need to prove to himself that he has no reason to be ashamed, which is what "I feel guilty, but I can't feel ashamed" would probably mean if he was saying it to anybody else. In the privacy of his own head, he's merely observing his own experience: he can't feel ashamed. But if he feels guilty, he must know he's done something wrong. It's easier to live with guilt than shame, but to be unable to feel shame is to be missing a section from the range of emotions it's possible a person to experience. In its own way, that's a hard way to live.
An editor of the "Prowl Great Cain" page on the Mountain Goats wiki wrote, by way of explaining the song's title and chorus, "God cursed Cain so he could grow no crops, leaving him to wander. God also marked him so that if anyone were to harm him, that person would be paid back sevenfold, ensuring that he would live the rest of his natural life in a cursed exile."
I like the interpretation here of God's marking of Cain as a condemnation of Cain into loneliness and isolation. If people think they will be punished severely for hurting you, they're not likely to get to know you at all; they're more likely to avoid you, since hurting someone you're in a close relationship with is inevitable. Cain's mark only protects him from bodily harm -- not from enforced solitude and its accompanying emotional harm.
"I saved my own skin, but I live to fight, I live to fight another day." The price Cain paid for "saving his own skin" is not shame (which he isn't feeling), nor is it guilt (he just justified his action by reference to his need to survive), but rather, isolation.
Especially since the song suggests the person Cain betrayed is still alive, in a sense, he really betrayed himself. The other person survived, but Cain is left to live with the guilt of having chosen to turn his friend in for certain torture and probably death, a guilt that is independent of the betrayed person's actual fate. Even if you haven't lived during a genocide, you may have had the experience of having to make hard choices in order to survive. And those choices, too, often involve sacrificing pieces of ourselves.
"The soldiers who carried out the executions were mostly young men or women from peasant families." -- Wikipedia article, "Khmer Rouge Killing Fields"
About 25% of the people of Cambodia were murdered under Pol Pot's regime during the 1970s. There were, presumably, many people who had to make the choice that the narrator of "Prowl Great Cain" made: to betray their own friends or relatives in order to save their own lives. Choosing between death and intolerable guilt is not an enviable choice to be faced with. Since this is a Mountain Goats song, it takes the perspective of the person who chose to survive, suspending moral judgment.
How does it feel to be both the betrayer and the betrayed, to be complicit with genocide -- something that violates every moral value you have -- in order to save yourself and to, perhaps, be of service to someone else once you're in a place of safety?
"Since You are banishing me today from the soil, and I must hide myself from Your presence and become a restless wanderer on the earth, whoever finds me will kill me." -- Genesis 4:14 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
In Genesis 4, Cain hid himself from God's presence; in "Prowl Great Cain", the narrator hides ("Rummage through the gutted storehouse now / And lick the sweat from my brow") from further violence, and survives to see "the trucks roll out this morning", maybe referring to the retreat of the Khmer Rouge army following the Vietnamese invasion of Phnom Penh in 1979. Whether they fear God's judgment, or the violence of the Khmer Rouge, neither character reveals any internal judgment. But wouldn't you feel ashamed if you killed your own brother?
"The ground is cursed because of you. You will eat from it by means of painful labor all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. You will eat bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground, since you were taken from it. For you are dust, and you will return to dust." -- Genesis 3:17-19 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
I don't know if "lick the sweat from my brow" references this passage as well, but it seems fitting; like his father before him, Cain has to eat by the sweat of his own brow ("lick the sweat from my brow" is, I'm assuming, an imperative addressed to himself), but he must bear the additional hardship of not being able to cultivate the earth, instead having to scavenge for food.
All of this evades the question of who, exactly, the Cain in "Prowl Great Cain" betrayed. The quote from JD says "what is the Cain figure I want who has betrayed his brother?" But that's outside the text, and within the text, the only thing suggesting at the relationship between the "I" and the "you" in the song is the use of the name "Cain". The song doesn't tell us much about the identity of the "you"; we have to guess. The story ends with: "Sometimes a great wave of forgetfulness rises up and blesses me / And other times the sickness howls and I despair of any remedy." If Cain is haunted by the memory of the person he betrayed, wouldn't the "And other times..." line mention that person? It's not a "sickness" to miss someone who is gone, whether or not you did them harm. Guilt as a result of doing something you know to be wrong is a normal emotional reaction, not a "sickness". That's what makes me look further.
To side with someone, a person or an institution, who means you harm is to betray a part of yourself. In the extreme, that can mean destroying -- or at least disowning or dissociating from -- part of yourself. This is something that people tend to do when they're in a situation of captivity and ongoing violence: if you can escape from violence, you do that. When you can't escape from an abuser or captor, siding with them is a way to survive: when you're at somebody's mercy, resistance is not necessarily the way to preserve your life. But coming out of it alive doesn't mean coming out of it whole.
Reading the song literally, Cain turns in his brother to save his own life. We don't know whether he sends him in to be jailed or executed: from history, we can guess the latter. "I wonder if you'll ever get the chance to ask me why I turned you in" suggests Cain thinks his brother might still be alive; on the other hand, the second verse's "Thought I'd seen a ghost up on the boulevard, between the broken bits" suggests death (who would the ghost be if not "you")? But perhaps the ghost is wishful thinking: "It's hard to tell gifts of the spirit from clever counterfeits."
Reading more figuratively: If you experience shame you can't escape from, putting the shamed part of yourself in jail (cutting yourself off from it) saves you from feeling shame, while perhaps leaving you with guilt about killing off a part of yourself.
Moreover, if your attempt at killing part of yourself fails, you've damaged yourself and still have to live with a part of yourself that feels shame, disowned or dissociated as it might be: to force a part of yourself to live "in a cursed exile", unable to connect with other people or even the conscious part of your own mind, is worse than if you'd done nothing. "I can't feel ashamed" doesn't mean there's no shame, only that it's not being consciously felt. You can feel guilty about what you've done to yourself to survive, but you protect yourself from the less tolerable emotion, shame -- or so you think.
When the "great wave of forgetfulness" comes, Cain can ignore or silence the shamed part of himself that lives on in exile -- but that forgetfulness only visits him "sometimes". The "sickness" that howls at other times is the wounded but still living version of himself that continues to carry the shame he can't feel; that's why he recognizes its calls as only a "sickness", because he expects it not to be there at all. He thinks he sees the ghost up on the boulevard because it would ease his mind to have some proof that his shamed self is gone for good. He knows he didn't really see the ghost, because he knows it's still alive and howling. He knows this because, at least "now and then", he feels "the prickings of his conscience", which is to say, the imperative to connect with the exiled part of himself. It's not likely to stop, so while at the end of the song, he's free from the violence that precipitated this self-destructive act, he's not free from the burden of guilt over who he has become in order to survive that violence.
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cnbnews · 5 years
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两个老人乔森潘(Khieu Samphan)与农谢(Nuon Chea)在多年前说出这样的话。
谓的“过去”是1975年至1979年间的柬埔寨;至于“没有杀很多人”,两个老人所属的“赤柬”(Khmer Rouge)政权在不到4年时间杀害了大约170万人(一说约200万人),除了少数族裔的占族(Cham)与越南裔,绝大部分受难者是柬埔寨主要民族高棉族。换言之,这是一场人类历史上罕见的“种族自我灭绝”(autogenocide)。
另一个“有期”的则是ECCC。柬埔寨副总理兼内政部长韶肯(Sar Kheng)17日表示,ECCC的工作已经完成,不会再有任何人遭到起诉或定罪;处理完乔森潘与农谢势必会提出也势必会败诉的上诉之后,ECCC就可以关门大吉。
赤柬暴政的死难者人数超过南斯拉夫内战与卢安达种族灭绝的总和,找出加害者并绳之以法绝非难事。但问题在于,ECCC不像ICTY与ICTR是由联合国一手主导,它是一个“混合法庭”(hybrid court),是联合国与柬埔寨政府妥协之下的双头马车,连30位法官都是各自任命15人。
今日的金边政府虽然是由赤柬的死对头——越南——扶植,但与赤柬并非不共戴天,总理柬埔寨洪森(Hun Sen)本人就是出身赤柬军方,国会主席韩桑林(Heng Samrin)与两位副总理韶肯、迪班(Tea Banh)也是。另一方面,柬埔寨政府于1994年通过大赦法案,豁免赤柬高阶领导人以外成员的罪责。
洪森从1995年就上台掌权,是当今全世界在位最久的总理,而且任期终点遥不可见。柬埔寨名义上施行“君主立宪内阁制”,国会每5年改选一次,但其实它是个典型的“非自由主义民主体制”(illiberal democracy):公平的选举、独立的司法机构、能够批判监督政府的媒体一应俱缺。
“全世界在位最久的总理”当然无法忍受,于是柬埔寨救国党在去年遭法院强行解散,党魁金索卡(Kem Sokha)一度被以叛国罪逮捕入狱,后来被软禁在家。
等到今年新一届大选登场,柬埔寨人民党选得虎虎生风,让其他19个“花瓶政党”碎碎平安,一举拿下国会全部席次125席!��造举世罕见的“民主奇迹”!只有古巴的“全国人民政权代表大会”(Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular)可以比拟,北韩的最高人民会议与中国的全国人民代表大会瞠乎其后。
在这样的政治体制下,尽管有联合国介入,尽���有3亿美元经费,柬埔寨的转型正义之路还是只能从大路化成小径,从小径化成荒烟蔓草。当然,ECCC这12年来对柬埔寨民众作了一番政治教育,散播了转型正义、有罪应罚(non-impunity)、司法课责(judicial accountability)等观念种子,或许将来都有萌芽的机会。
蔡英文连任无望 习将加强打压台湾政府
32年前超生孩子被抢 四川政府当中介
中领馆受袭 巴基斯坦找出3袭击者 一人疑是政府员工
《石涛聚焦》D & G 倒血霉! 成为『川习峰会』前 中共威胁川普政府与美企的牺牲品 大腕儿忽悠 爱国粉傻叉紧跟 文宣与外交唱双簧 中共下贱 猥琐 龌龊 谁碰谁完蛋
原文链接:阎纪宇:170万具尸骸铺成的转型正义之路 柬埔寨即将走到尽头 - 新闻评论
本文标签:国会, 政府, 柬埔寨, 正义, 法官, 法庭, 联合国, 转型, 转型正义
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isayeed-blog · 3 years
What did Bangladesh’s independence mean for Bangladeshis?
Food hoarding, smuggling, racketeering - and the death by starvation of 1.5 million in 1974 (nearly as many as perished in Kampuchea).
- Willem van Schendel, (A History of Bangladesh, (Cambridge University Press: 2009), p 181)
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bechdelexam · 2 years
“autogenocide” undermines the concept of “genocide”. just say “crimes against humanity” or something. 
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bechdelexam · 2 years
sorry to the high school curriculum but autogenocide is an absolutely incoherent concept
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