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*Yawn* Is that all you can dish out as questions and comments? ;-)  Keep going!  
Keep things going.  Just $1!
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iamaleximusprime · 5 years
Please help my good friend AutoKnight01, also known as Princess Deadpool.  He has been hit with MASSIVE debt due to medical bills and does not have enough insurance to pay it all off.  Your help would be greatly appreciated or at least spread word of it.
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naomiknight-17 · 7 years
autoknight01 replied to your post: Had the weirdest dreams last night[[MOR] Mom and...
Soooo in your dream I was a slum lord?
You had inherited a property you didn't need that for some reason had an old falling-apart library on it
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samrosemodblog · 6 years
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Finished commission for @autoknight01
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aero-mod · 7 years
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commission for autoknight01!
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autoknight01 · 8 years
Crystal Mountain Ponycon
Okay so here’s the deal. Princess Deadpool is gonna be at CMPC in Salt Lake City one way or the other but right now I’m trying to find anyone else who is going who wouldn’t mind splitting a car ride with me. I live in Fresno and I’m gonna be either driving up through Reno Nevada or down through LA to get there. If there is anyone who is going or wants to but doesn’t have a place to stay, I can offer you room in the one I will be staying in at the hotel the con will take place at. The convention is on june 17-18. So I plan to leave SUPER early on the morning of june 16th in order to get there and have some time to relax before the con starts.
If you are interested, message me through my ask.
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naomiknight17-blog · 8 years
Oh no....I hope lulu will be ok
The doctor said we shouldn’t be overly concerned right now, but wait and see what the blood tests say.
It’s likely that her stomach upset was caused by her eating a nasty insect or something she found on the floor that wasn’t good for her. She seems to be nearly completely recovered from her awful stomach illness.
As for the weight loss and thyroid issue, well, we’ll know more once the blood tests come back. She’s probably gonna need an increase in dosage or a new medicine - we have to wait and see.
Thank you for your well wishes
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Is the mareep giveaway still going on? Am I too late?
I still have a boxful left!
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ambris · 9 years
autoknight01 reblogged your post:Where do you live anyway?
You think Bakersfield is bad? Try living in Fresno.
Fresno is just about the same from what I've observed. It's just bigger is all.
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iamaleximusprime · 7 years
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Buttons for friends at BronyCon by AleximusPrime
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naomiknight-17 · 7 years
Current Commissions List
Please note that I try to complete these in the order for which they were paid, which is the order listed, but in some cases if I get stuck on a piece I may work on another to break my art block, so sometimes things may get a smidge out of order. I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience!
I realize some of these are excruciatingly late, and I have no adequate excuse, but rest assured I will finish all of these to the best of my ability. I will update this post as I progress through the list.
Without further ado, the list:
Ask-Scylla - 13 Page Comic, fully shaded COMPLETE Alexander-and-Friends - 2 Character Shaded COMPLETE MR-Leach - Single Character Shaded COMPLETE Sonder Griffin - 2 Character Flats COMPLETE Autoknight01 - 2 Character Simple Scene Ray10k - 2 Character Flats VladSpellBinder - Simple Scene YamiPirogoeth - 2 Character Sketch NotSafeforAnyWoona - 2 Character Flats DJFulePony - 2 Character Shaded Aspect-Rei - Simple Scene The-Pone-Zone - Simple Scene DarcySupremist - 3 Character Shaded SpawnofHastur - (Bulk Order of 3) 2 Character Shaded Ask-CloudandNimbus - Single Character Shaded Soneseven - Full Illustration Aspect-Rei - Full Illustration (ANONYMOUS) - Full Illustration Ask-Scylla - 2 Simple Scenes
Laptop Fundraiser Illustration featuring characters from the following donors:
Ask-TicketandStarSparkler Stein Aspect-Rei NightSkyGuardian Czairkolmoslink Travels-With-Scarlett MorseApple
If you have commissioned art from me or donated to the laptop fundraiser a while back, and you have not seen finished art OR your name does not appear on this list, please contact me immediately via ask or submit.
Thank you!
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pettankoprincess · 10 years
*Sends you a tight hug because I think you need one* Don't give up on everything quite yet. Granted I don't know you very well but I don't like seeing someone I know so sad.
i don't know
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naomiknight17-blog · 9 years
You're sick again? Man big sis that sucks. The germs in canada just don't let up do they?
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, a girl I work with was similarly sick on Saturday, so I bet I caught this from her
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ambris · 10 years
autoknight01 answered your question:Oh man, I need to do a character fusion thing with...
Stocking from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt?
While that would be perfect, it's been done before. Someone did a Twilight, Panty, and Zoe Trent character fusion. Since I'm already doing Twilight, the other would honestly seem kinda redundant.
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naomiknight-17 · 7 years
Had the weirdest dreams last night
Mom and I were looking to buy a property on which to buy a new house. We went to look at a property that @autoknight01 had apparently inherited and was looking to sell. 
First I was opposed to buying it, because there were weird hollow hillocks and holes you could fall in in the front yard. I can’t explain in words how it looked - real earth could never hold itself together that way. It was unsightly and dangerous
But Mom insisted we at least have a look at the dilapidated building on the lot before deciding, so we made our way around the strange landscaping and into the building.
There were chunks of wall and roof missing, and parts of the floor had alarming gaps or were far too bendy underfoot - but there were neato antique signs hanging around the place - this used to be a bookstore? And a library! It was once grand and beautiful. 
We made our way to the surprisingly-still-existing basement, and by that time a bunch of other people had shown up to view the property. I was very nervous that the floor would give out under the weight of the extra people, but somehow it held
In the basement there were a bunch of leftover books, so so many. And on some dividing walls there were, like, folders hanging on the wall, jutting out into the room (irl shit would have fallen out of them but DREAM LOGIC)
I took one down and there were original paintings and limited art prints in them. And there were thousands of these folders. The cost of the property could be offset entirely by selling off these art pieces alone. What an unexpected treasure!
But here, things started getting weird. I don’t know where Mom went. The other ‘property viewers’ started looking.... anachronistic. Like they were all dressed as if it were early 1900s, Titanic/first world war era. The building was back to its original splendor. I had somehow fallen back in time and was trapped
I was torn between panic at my situation and dumbstruck wonder at how beautiful everything in the building was - extensive, pristine library rooms. An art exhibition hall, a merchant’s area, a swanky bar (for some reason),
But I had to get out, had to get home. Some whisperer told me that I had to leave through ‘the 101st door’ or by ‘the 101st image’ and that I would know it by the ‘witch’ standing beside it.
I didn’t know what they meant, but I went searching. I found a beautiful, glowing woman in Victorian dress standing at the very end of the art exhibit hall, beside what I though must have been the 101st image - a painting. To her right was a set of 4 doors leading outside. Excited, I ran out through the door closest to her - 
I was wrong. Now I was trapped in Victorian times. I tried to back up through the door, hoping it would return me to the right time period...
and I woke up
so uh
whaaaaaaaat the fuuuuck
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