alfiexnorris · 1 year
5. Practicing their ‘mad kung-fu skills’ by themselves.
Alfie had been working at the new restaurant for awhile, and while he worked he had music playing. It was a slow afternoon, Colin was behind the bar, and Alfie was wandering around the restaurant, fixing things that needed to be fixed, and doing the things that needed to be done before he headed out onto the pier to take a break. He had his phone playing music, and he couldn't help but start moving to the music, striking a playful fighting pose and then spinning around into another pose, only stopping when he realized Ava was there and was watching him. "Sooo," he said slowly. "How much is it gonna take for you to not repeat any of what you just saw?"
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beth-garcia · 7 months
Text: Hey!! I don't know if you're still around, but guess who's back.
Text: Avaaa, I’ve missed youuu ❤️
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lesliestedeman · 2 years
She spotted Leslie and his dogs, and she couldn’t help but be curious. A fellow dog lover was always a welcome sight in her mind. She made her way over, pausing a few feet away. “Sit,” she said to her dogs, and they did so. “Do they like other dogs?” she asked him, nodding to his. “Mine do, but I don’t want to assume.” She offered him a smile. She didn’t recognize him, so she figured he must be new around here. So, she would try her best to be kind and welcoming.
“I’m Ava,” she said. “I teach dance around here.” She ran a hand through her long dark hair. “I’ve been here a few years, now, so if you need help finding your way around, I’d be happy to do that.” She cleared her throat a little bit, watching him curiously.
“I also own the local pet store,” she said. “I sell collars, leashes, food, anything you can think of, and we offer grooming and such as well.” She bit her lip a little, hoping that she wasn’t rambling too much with him, but she wanted to find some common interests.
“Welcome,” she added softly.
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Leslie looked up as the woman walked over, he smiled to her, but at her question he looked curious and looked to his dogs again, through his sunglasses. Did they? It would be a chance to find out. He had to keep looking on the bright side of things... New opportunities for himself, new experiences for the dogs, too. He hoped so.  They liked each other so much, even if Virgil needed alone time every now and again from hyperactive Artie.
Ava continued talking, but he didn’t much mind. It was a lot of good information, especially the last bit. He had managed to procure some free essentials from the good people of his local vet after the news had gotten out... After all if he hadn’t been there, both his dogs and he, himself, might have perished in the attack as well... But they didn’t have any new toys and maybe that’s why Artemis seemed so antsy. They didn’t have their own comfy beds and blankets that smelled like home. Maybe that’s why Virgil had been particularly clingy since everything... only a week ago. Hard to believe.
Leslie smiled again, “Well, that’s grand news. We’re badly in need of several items, actually... As far as liking other dogs, well, they’re more used to sheep. I used to own a farm. So...” Leslie looked over to Ava’s pups, surprised at how incredibly well behaved they were. They looked interested, but obediently sat still. Meanwhile Leslie was fighting a little with Artie on her leash and could feel Virgil standing protectively in front of him, his ears back, wary.
“We... could try. Maybe if you were to, uh, show Virgil and Artemis a little love first. Virg, hey, she’s all right.” Leslie spoke gently to the older of the dogs, petting his head. “At least Artie seems keen on new friends.”
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ashxromero · 2 years
💐 give a gift
“Hey, Ava, I got a shipment of makeup pallets and they sent an extra, and I already have it, do you want it?” 
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wildxhayes · 2 years
“That, we do,” she chuckled. “And, no problem! I’m just glad that I could be of some help,” she said. She chuckled a little bit. “I would hope that you’d do the same for me,” she said. She grinned a bit at him, her eyes wandering down to the scars. “What happened?” she asked softly. “I’m sorry, that was rude. You don’t have to tell me.”
“Nah it’s alright,” Wilder assued her as he looked down at his chest. “Uh, these ones,” he touched the long four deep scratches across his chest. “Those are from when the bear attacked me,” he explained before gesturing to one on his shoulder, an obvious bite wound. “This is the one that turned me,” he continued and then looked over his chest. “The rest- various supers beating the shit out of me- or trying to- when I was a fighter,” he explained and smiled at her slightly before tossing his shirt onto the chair He slipped off his shoes and his trousers before he fell onto the bed and sighed. “You got any?” he asked as he looked over at her. 
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leibxedelman · 2 years
“Oh, I’m fine,” she said softly, smiling lightly at him. “I got into a little bit of trouble, but nothing too crazy.” She cocked her head to the side. “What about you?”
“Oh I holed up in my apartment, called every single one of my ex wives, and made an absolute mess of myself,” he laughed lightly. “It was ah, it was embarrassing,” he admitted slightly. “So what makes you so happy to see little old me?” 
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andrews-gina · 2 years
“ hey, what’s your favorite snack? “
"The strawberry t-tarts from the cafe."
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hurt comfort prompts
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dhanilyman · 3 years
[ @ava-montgomery​ sent... " hey, everything's gonna be fine. stay where you are, i'm on my way. " ]
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“I don’t know where I am... exactly. Um...” Dhani took a deep breath, trying desperately to calm himself down before his heart monitor in his collar would alert Quinten to anything.
“I drank too much... I’m-- I can hear the beach...” Despite what Ava had said, he was walking and talking, moving further into the woods... Something was starting to look familiar. He stopped, looking at the house looming infront of him. Warren’s house. Why the fuck was he out here? The house was abandoned, Dhani clocked that immediately. Hedges were a little overgrown but not terribly. The Institute took care of it’s property but houses like this weren’t a priority.
“I’m at Warren’s...” Dhani answered after a moment, his voice sounding far away even to himself.
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jodylinnel · 3 years
[ @ava-montgomery​ sent... “ change isn’t easy. ” ]
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“No... but this was not at all how I wanted things to go. And... Oh god, Ave. I just-- I feel like surely I had something to do with this. What I did to Elijah. Just when I think things are going better... he leaves the Island. And I’ve been a terrible boyfriend to Fawn. I haven’t spoken to them... I was trying to give them and Elijah space to work things out before I ...came butting my nose into stuff again.”
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not leaving | ava & cherry
[ hurt/comfort starters ]
“Hey, hey, it’s alright… I’m here. I’m right here. I’m not leaving you…”
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She didn’t know who the woman was, but she had scared the vampire away. Cherry clutched the woman’s arms, shaking and pale, terrified from the sudden encounter and attack. She shouldn’t have been out at night, but she had lost track of time and was trying to get back to her cell.
“They--- just came out of no where-- I didn’t see who it even was...”
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alfiexnorris · 3 years
🎄 for  our  muses  to  decorate  the  christmas  tree  together .
"You sure you don't want to put the tinsel on first? It may make it easier to hang the bobbles and bits after the tinsel's on?"
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beth-garcia · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day!
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( https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1733/4835/products/IMG_1034_grande.jpg?v=1643194904 ) @ava-montgomery​
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elivsschvfer · 5 years
“This isn’t supposed to be going anywhere so don’t get attached.”
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     "It isn't? You have no idea how things could turn out in the furture. Things change all the time." Elias says lowly as he leans forward into Ava's personal space. "You simply cannot tell someone not to get attached when they've been given such a lovely gift." He places his hand on Ava's hip, looking her up and down before smirking. "So, I'd just keep that in mind."
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ashxromero · 2 years
“Oh, yeah?” Ava grinned, her eyes shining with the mere thought of enjoying something like this with Ash. “That’s awesome. I really can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve. I’m sure it will be epic,” she chuckled.
“Well I’m not doing anything right now, if you want to come over to my house, I can try a pretty look on you and see if you like it?” she offered as she smiled cheerfully at Ava. “I turned the office in my house into a whole makeup studio- I mean, it’s not just for pretty makeup, I do horror makeup too, but the studio is pretty, and I can do any kind of makeup you like!” 
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wildxhayes · 2 years
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞
"Yeah, but you know let the ladies have the bed yeah?" Wilder chuckled a little awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Besides, I- I have a hammock just outside, I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable,"
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leibxedelman · 2 years
❝ you don’t know how glad i am to see you. ❞
"Well, I'm always happy to see you, but even more so after that storm- are you okay? Did anything happen to you?" he asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her with concern.
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