#avm 35 spoilers
samthecookielord · 4 months
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I really liked this short XD very fun!!! Also yayyy purple and mango tango ^w^
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kikosartsewer · 4 months
CW Bruises Okay this is a bit late to the party...but uh have some AVM 35 sketches because this ep has my brain for some reason
Thank you KittyAdventure for giving me this bit of diolouge to draw out
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I also like the idea of Green, after calming down a bit, understanding the humour behind that whole situation…even if she still doesn't find it all that funny, so I drew that out as well... And also the idea of Mango having a "realisation" during the last part of Greens musical outburst-
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miraclesnail · 4 months
the gang really did just do nothing but set up drums and guitars to jam out while green fight for his life 😭
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nocturnal-ds · 4 months
I nearly screamed when I heard Rhapsody in Blue.
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cloudypuffartz · 4 months
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Loved this new episode ^_^
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sasvictori-blog · 4 months
Spoilers I guess? Of AvM 35
I love the new episode, the music, the humor and see King again after 5 episodes of avm, but I hate not being at home and drawing on my phone
Btw the little 2 seconds of the king duo in the episode and their reaction are just perfect to one of my littles head canon
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So basically
Hc: King (for obvious reasons, at least for me) keeps having some resentment and hate towards Minecraft but at least is not trying to destroy it anymore and recognize the game itself wasn't responsible for gold dead but he keeps himself away from anything Minecraft related, keeping the portal only and exclusively because of purple (to make it easy for the kid to get in their favorite game)
So yeah it is funny to me imagine purple literally pulling him to Green's show saying things like "is just some music come on nothing bad is going to happen, you'll see how good green is with that stuff" he accepted because he is a music fan, he even take with him his fancy binoculars and then bam! the green one almost died in like two occasions, a plague becomes freak, he gets a first line sit to see how irresponsible the color gang can be with the staff and blah blah blah, the poor man is in shock and purple is just trying too not see how actually bad the things ended up (and their bestie almost becoming a pancake but meh they almost get red to do the same in a silly prank)
I want to say that I'm going to make a mini comic about all this but I know myself, I'll probably just don't do it but who knows maybe yes
So yeah that's it
(I'm still learning english so if something is bad write or I don't make myself clear I'm sorry and I always accept corrections!)
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thebaddexample · 4 months
Spoilers for AVM 35
Don’t usually post about this, but I had to after seeing the last episode
Ft: exactly one (1) gender hc
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Better quality pic-
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light-blue-pancake · 4 months
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what's with characters from shows that I like suddenly getting swarmed by bugs?
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limeleviathan · 4 months
spoilers for AvM 35
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tansypawz · 4 months
spoilers for avm 35 [note block concert] below the cut
i need that little shit dead
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starfilled-galaxy · 4 months
(uh idk if any avm fans except xenon follow me but js in case, avm ep 35 spoilers)
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danrishy-ava · 4 months
No words
AvM 35 spoilers!
(Includes HC I adopted from @/multifanforever : Green and Purple are able to 'speak' music and doing it when they can't find right words)
The door of the backstage room slammed so violently that all four of them thought that the doorframe would just break. No one dared to knock or speak, they kept staring straight, sometimes exchanging the hesitant looks. Green was pissed. And it was a huge understatement. From the moment he came back to his sense and more or less recovered from the stage falling on him, he didn't say anything that the rest of the Color Gang could understand. The concert went the opposite of what it was supposed to go like.
Blue was the first one to try and knock on the door. They slowly raised their hand and asked, hoping that Green would hear them.
"Green? Do you need a healing potion maybe?" They asked softly. Green definitely wasn't in the mood for the talk about the concert, but maybe he needs some healing after the physical damage he received.
"I don't need anything!" Unfortunately, Green wasn't ready to even see anyone. He shouted through the closed door. Everyone could almost see him clenching his fist. "Leave me alone!"
Red stepped forward, but Orange grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled back. He wanted to protest, but just the look on youngest's face was hint enough to understand that they should leave Green to be. The Color Gang slowly left the corridor. They still had to clean up the stage after all...
... Green heard the footsteps getting quieter and quieter, as his friends were leaving. His mind was loud as well, silencing everything around him. The amount of emotions that were flowing through was extremely high and much more than he could actually proceed.
Green kicked the wooden block than they used as table and it flew to the opposite wall. Everything that was on it fell down, vase broke, note sheets scattered around the room. Green picked up one of the sheets. It was the best music he ever made, he worked so damn hard for this concert.
And he didn't get a chance to play it. His time was completely ruined. The applause and cheering the audience gave in the end of the performance weren't his. They didn't hear his music. All they saw was him being completely humiliated by that stupid army of silverfishes. And even his friends were applauding to these bugs. They had fun, they just played with the creatures that made their friend feel so miserable and mad.
All while Green's dream to make a real concert was getting crashed.
He felt hurt. For everyone it was just entertaining show. At least it looked like that. Green crumpled the sheet in his hands, throwing in at the wall and breathing out. He still was so mad. So hurt. He couldn't just get over it. Couldn't move on and accept that things again went wrong. Not when he spent months planning this day. Not when he worked so much for nothing.
Green hopelessly fell on the wooden stairs, hiding his face in hands. The flow of the emotions wasn't getting any easier. Anger was standing out, but everything else kept overwhelming him the more he was thinking about the whole situation. Anxiety, embarrassment...
When that silverfish just appeared, gut feeling told him it won't end good. The performance was already not as perfect as he wanted it to be. He could see audience exchanging looks, whispering and such. Green was already nervous about how the whole concert will go, and the unexpected guest just made this anxiety worse.
And everyone saw it. His helpless attempts to return control, to make the performance go as it was supposed to go. He invited to many people. So many familiar faces, so many people he now wanted to avoid so he could escape this embarrassment and shame. Hell, even Purple and MT were here! And he just failed the whole thing he was so excited about.
He stood up, passing back and forth through the room. The note sheets were getting crumpled under his feets. Green took off the jacket and threw it on the floor, pushing away. He felt like he was the biggest disappointment for not taking control over the situation. On the other hand, how could he predict the damn silverfishes to get so tempted to play music exactly in the moment he was leading the concert?
He slowly sat on the floor, leaning on the wall. He hugged his knees, burying his face in them as tears come to his eyes. The happiest day of his life turned into the worst. And he didn't even know who to blame anymore...
... Suddenly he heard a voice from behind the door. It wasn't exactly a voice, no words were said. But he still could understand everything on some different level. Familiar, soft and comforting violin-like tone appeared out of nowhere. The melody was saying so much, so many things he didn't even realize he wanted to hear. He didn't realize as well that all this time he wasn't silent and kept letting his own musical voice speak for him.
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The violin melody was soothing. Green rubbed his eyes, feeling tears on his palm after doing so. His breathing slowly started to slow down, as voice from behind the door kept reassuring him. It wasn't his fault that things went this way. He didn't overreact, he wasn't at wrong for being hurt with how the concert turned out.
Soon tears stopped flowing, the breathing became even. Only headache was reminding him of this breakdown he just had.
"Feeling better?" Purple asked from another side of the door. The voice, this time real one, was quiet, but Green could hear the worry in it.
"Yeah..." Green slowly turned to the door, not sure if it's a good idea to open it or not. "Thank you..."
"Any time." Green could almost see their smile. He closed his eyes as Purple continued. "Anyone would be upset in your place."
Green let out a relieved breath, leaning on the door. The feeling of being hurt with the situation didn't disappear, but he felt better. He felt heard and understood.
"Take your time." Said Purple, as if they felt that Green wasn't ready to come out yet. They both kept sitting in silence for quite some time, occasionally exchanging their musical voices. It was mich easier than picking words.
Everything went terrible today, but at least Green had someone who could understand how he feels without any word...
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hazardsk8r · 4 months
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thank you alan becker team for the new reaction gif…
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