#avm oc eraser
Damn you Eraser... you such a monster... that cat did NOTHING to you...
Eraser:"I hate animals!! Disgusting, annoying little creatures!!" She tries to fix her bracelet but nothing works, she punches a tree in frustration.
???:"Frustrated I see! Apparently we're both frustrated..." A voice sounded from behind the trees. Eraser looks towards the voice quickly pulling out an iron sword from her inventory. "Hei hei, no need to be aggressive with me... Maybe we can work together..." The stranger comes out from behind the tree surprising Eraser and leaving her in shock. "I would like help finding my team, and I can help you with your problems if you want..." Said the stranger with a strangely malevolent smile, raising ther hand to her.
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—; ; 🌿 STICK OC ! ; ;—
Have you ever thought on; “What would be the most traumatized oc of Mysti / Berry?” This oc is the mos traumatized yet, having some that are really hardcore. So you’ve been warned:
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Himawari is the oc which has been through really a lot, having only 15 - 16 years old, he has gone througth [disclaimer, a lot and kinda triggering]
For starting, since he’s a dragon, he only comes out at night because the vast majority of the dragons who lived in the town were murdered, he had to fight to save his younger brother [The lil brother and his mother died 😭], His father left when he found out that he would have another son, he is afraid of anything for a too serious trauma [ A bunch of idiots harassed him on a lush cave and now he’s afraid to sarkness, to be alone, to blood and abuse], sometimes he pulls the feathers from his wings as "punishment for their stupidity", but as they grow so fast it is a hellish martyrdom, they almost cut his tail, he has a serious panic to people, he does not know how to socialize, he has an obsessive compulsive disorder for hurting himself on parts he shouldn’t do like his thighs and legs, he tried to commit suicide, when he was very young he was abused by his best friend [which he does not remember because he was very small], he has a severe panic to the crowds, he wears loose clothes to cover fire scars and cut scars, the horn that it’s broken when he is stressed too much drips a green liquid that causes him too much pain if it falls on his legs, severe anxiety crisis if someone touches him without permission, and his tail was almost cropped down
But not all is bad, since he’s descendant of a dragon scented sensation-name, Himawari, which in Japanese means “Solar flower”, a warm and cozy sensation and a smell of flowers are produced when someone says it, he’s immune to anything but the scars will keep, since he’s a dragon he can’t die, the eternal deleting [the thing that could erase a world to the ens] is worthless against him because he’s immune to this, and he’s really heart warned <3
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Eraser continues walking through the server, appearing to be looking for someone. She regards every small or large mob around her with a look of disgust. As if she hated everything she saw.
Eraser:"Pathetic world.... Pathetic game..." She stops in front of a cat that won't move out of her way, with a look of annoyance, she activates her blade. The cat looks a little scared and starts walking backwards. She chuckles to herself, driving the blade into the chest of the animal that let out a hideous mew of pain, she forces the blade deeper, practically torturing the animal until it disappears and a piece of string drops from the mob. "No blood? Serious..? How annoying..." The blade disappears and she keeps walking ignoring that she had kittens watching everything and hiding behind a block.
If she saw them, she would do exactly the same.
Eraser:"Show up at once!!! I know you're here!!! Neither one of you is afraid of what I can do with your stupid little game???" She screamed in frustration. She receives a call on her bracelet and answers it, Only to receive an unexpected call.
???:"Why are you taking so long...?"
Eraser:"Master! I'm so sorry, These stupid kids are hiding! I can't find them!"
???:"Try harder! I want the one with the green eyes... Their power is what I need to be one step ahead of my dream... You know what will happen if you fail... Don't you White...?"
She swallows, visibly nervous.
Eraser:"Yes, my master... You will have them for your collection..." She asserts, keeping herself calm.
???:"Perfect.... I won't accept failures, only successes..." The communicator hangs up, leaving Eraser shaky. She starts to laugh. Within seconds her silver bracelet turned black, her eyes darkening as she tilted her head back as she laughed louder.
Eraser laughed but then stopped, took a deep breath and wiped her face which was stained with the black mucus that came out of her black eyes. After that, he looked around smiling deviously.
Eraser:"I was wondering where you were this whole time...." She lifts her head even higher, seeing the person in front of her.
MT:"I'm tired of seeing your bastard face...." He says holding the staff. She chuckled raising her arm to the side activating her blade. "I hate your laugh..."
Eraser:"What a pity... You used to like it..." She charges at him in seconds but he then defends with his staff and kicks her back. He places an earth block on the staff and uses it to form mounds of earth towards her. She dodges the mounds of earth and jumps towards him to attack him, he dodges and changes the block to a gold one and uses it as a hammer to hit her hard but she manages to dodge the attacks.
She trips him and he falls to the ground, he dodges her blade that lives in his head and he defends himself with his staff. He switches the block to an obsidian one and he uses the shit to throw it away from him. She dashes forward again but quickly he creates an obsidian wall around him. As she starts trying to dig into the blocks with her blades he starts looking for another one to try and fight her when he hears the sound of an arrow hitting the block.
He hears that Eraser has stopped hitting the blocks and seems to be moving away. MT quickly begins to undo the obsidian protection, seeing that Eraser was being auvo of several arrows that came towards her from which she cut in the air with her blades. MT looks where the arrows were coming from and, It was Yellow, Blue and Purple!
MT:"What are you doing here!!??? Go away!!!!" He yells at them.
Blue:"And let you have fun alone?? No way!!" He says shooting arrows towards Eraser which are multiplied by Yellow.
Eraser cuts all the arrows and Blue ends up with not one more. Eraser laughs and starts towards them with a smile.
MT:"DON'T GO NEAR THEM!!!!" he uses the staff to create an obsidian barrier in front of her but she was faster than him and went through the obsidian and kept running towards them.
Blue grabs a sword and runs towards her wanting to hit her but she dodges the blows and opens a cut on Blue's face who falls to the ground letting the sword fall far away. She tries to hit him with the blade but Yellow protects him with the command block. Eraser looks at Yellow and attacks her but Yellow protects himself with a shield and expands it leaving her away from her.
Eraser then looks at Purple who starts looking for a weapon in their inventory, only pulling out a pickaxe which makes her laugh a lot. she lunges at purple's direction with her blade ready to slash at them.
MT:"No, NOOO!!!" He runs towards her and Yellow too. Yellow uses the command block against Ala, hitting her bracelet causing a huge shock wave that sends everyone flying away from each other. Yellow drops her staff away from her with the command block, Eraser himself gets up, seeing that his bracelet was damaged. She gets pissed and starts running towards Yellow with the other blade. Blue panics by running and taking a speed potion, picking up the command block from the ground and using it to defend Yellow trying to activate the shield. He didn't know how it worked so until he found out he used his speed to fight her and try to defend with his sword. She laughs and clicks on her functional bracelet and it opens a portal on her floor that teleports her behind him, he manages to defend himself from her attack with the sword, But when she was going to use the option to open the portal again, he hits the bracelet with the command block, and that causes a huge explosion of energy that throws them away.
Yellow and Purple run to help Blue who had been caught in the explosion, MT went to them and saw that Eraser was away from them with his broken bracelet and sparks that went to the block. Electricity starts to come out of the block, everyone stares at it scared, and MT knew something was up and grabbed the three and told them to run. Eraser manages to escape and the block starts to shake, and in seconds, an expression of energy happens, Blue and Yellow manage to protect themselves with Blue weakened with half of health, and a LOT of purple snakes from the farm, getting caught in the process.
Everything was dusty, Yellow came out of hiding to see if Purple and MT were ok. She goes into shock when she sees them, purple was fine but MT received a lot of damage, he was alive but very injured, his cape was burnt, his leg was badly injured and his back was screwed. Yellow went to him but then saw what happened to the block, there was a force of energy that went to the sky, causing the skybox to darken, and that energy seemed to open a vortex in the sky. The smoke starts to settle, and with it they could see a figure in front of them...
MT:"W-who's there– ARARG!!" MT tried to maintain his posture but was in a lot of pain. Purple was desperate for his good as Yellow readied her weapon. Blue comes out of hiding with a hand on his stomach, he was injured and very weak but he wouldn't leave his friends in case it is dangerous.
???:"Don't worry..." The figure approaches them, revealing little by little what they were like...
Yellow:"I-impossible...." Yellow was in shock, everyone looks at MT and the stranger in front of them.
Blue:"Orange... Since when do you have a twin...?"
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What are eraser and the evil second planing to do?
Eraser:"Are you saying you're from an alternate universe?"
Evil!Second:"Yes, a universe where I don't waste time playing pathetic and childish games like this... And where I care more about my own interests... Which I believe are similar to yours..."They smile looking at Eraser.
Eraser:"Oh, I feel like we're really not that different, I wonder how your little friends are."
Evil!Second:"Friends? Bah! Never in dreams! They are just pawns in my plans to take over the internet world! They are useful, so I keep them close!"
Eraser:"Believe me, friendship is just a weakness that I don't need, Poison and Hunter are just like assistants that I have to take care of!"
Evil!Second:"It looks tiring. Believe me, I have to work with them because I want more useful assistants... I'd prefer someone as powerful as me... But I can't fight Chosen One, I already did that and I lost!" They clenched their fists, "I will never be stronger than him.... That's why I need to face beings stronger than me... That way I will become stronger, and no one will stand in my way!!" They laugh to themselves, Eraser smiles.
Her plans weren't going as she'd hoped, she needed any help she could get, and this evil version of Second Coming can not only help her with what she wanted, as it was exactly what she wanted.
Eraser:"My initial plan was to take over Second Coming and take the command block! My superior needs them for their plan." The Evil Sec looks at her with a hand over his chin, thinking. They then smile and put their hands on their hips.
Evil!Second:"You can have my support, but first I need to be sure what exactly you want to do..."
Eraser:"Easy, my superior, The Collector, has an obsession with anything that surprises them! They only choose the most powerful ones, and when they saw the Second Coming of this universe, they were amazed, they needed them to be able to create armies of powerful stick figures! Second Coming and Chosen One are perfect for what they plan to do! Destroy this universe and reprogram everything in ther own image!!" She was smiling heavily, her eyes glowing red. Evil Second Coming smiled, somewhat interested.
Evil!Second:"If I agree to help you, I want to be able to give my power for such an act! But I also want to take over this new world they want to reprogram!" She laugh.
Eraser:"Of course, they promised that ther chosen warriors would be on ther side to destroy the stupid world we live in, it would also affect the humans... Creators." She says with a full face smile. "Humans would be severed from the connection that holds our worlds together, we would never be connected to them again! It would be just us, stick figures, and them! The Collector and ther warriors!"
Evil!Second:"No humans..." They smile, starting to laugh, "yes!! That's what I want!! No weak, pathetic humans and creators!! We will be the rulers of this universe!! Nothing would stop me if I were one of those warriors!! Not even Drake Lord, not even Chosen One!! I'm tired of taking orders from him!! It's time for ME, SECOND COMING, TO TAKE THE LEADERSHIP HERE!!" They kept each other laughing out loud.
Eraser smiled at that, she spoke the truth about everything. But that was her idea, she knew this Second was greedy and proud, and she knew that soon they would be low low and fa easily controlled by her and taken to her superior, her master...
...and her creator.
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Do you have a human ver. if your oc’s? (White, sombra /I think he’s your oc/ etc
well... I've been thinking about it for a while!
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Tag in the comments who you think Eraser's hair looks like!;3
I have yet to draw the other characters like night, Gold, Sombra and Freedom Guy. So wait ok?;3
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Goretober day 5 - Stabbing
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Characters - Ereser(OC) and MT(Alan Becker)
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Superhero/Abnormal Spark Au Cover
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took a long time to finish this ;w;
I'm still writing the rest of the Fanfic and in the process of doing the character designs too!
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Stickronpa Chapter 1 - Daily Life
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Day 1
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Monostick:"Oh! Are you all listening? Excellent! Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!!"
-I... I was in a room... It was pretty generic, except for the art supplies they had on the desk and shelves...-
Second:"How did I-"
-I quickly remembered... The killing game... I must have passed out... If that's the case, one of my friends must have brought me here...-
Second:"So this place has rooms..? Weird..."
-Ahrg... My head... It hurts again...-
-I got out of bed staggering... My legs weren't calm... They were shaky...-
-I sighed and sat on the bed... My head was full of heavy and frightening thoughts... I felt the sweat run down my face and my knees were knocking with the shakes...-
Second:"P-purple!? Is that you??"
-I tried to get up again only to lose my balance and fall.-
-They enter my room lightly, seeing me slumped on the bedroom floor. I felt embarrassed...-
Purple:"Sec, are you okay??"
Second:"Y-yes... My legs that suck today..."
-Purple laughs softly.-
Purple:"Okay, the others are already at the cafeteria, Blue made breakfast with Night and Chosen..."
-They help me to walk better, along the way they hold my hand, I feel my face blush a little...-
-We left my room, we were in a hallway full of other rooms, on the doors there were pictures with our colors and names. Makes sense, some of us had similar colors.-
-Purple leads me to the coffee pot where the others were.-
Green:"Second! I was worried!"
-Green ran up to me as soon as he saw me and started checking me out.-
Blue:"You passed out yesterday, so Green and this Chosen guy kind of took you to his room."
Second:"Chosen helped me...?"
-I looked at him, who was at a table farther away with Dark.-
-Blue put out a plate of food for me, I was hungry, so nothing better than Blue's food to make me feel full! I love his food! I start to eat and I can't stop!-
Second:"Delicious as always!"
Blue:"Hehe, I know!"
-I looked around, all I could see were Night, Freedom, Som-bra, my friends, Chosen and Dark and Smoke... The others, including Orange, weren't here...-
Second:"Where is everybody?"
Yellow:"I believe that even the quarters of them, I can't blame them, half of them didn't seem to trust each other very much..."
Red:"I mean... we're stuck in a place we don't even know what it is, and this Monostick is forcing us to kill each other..."
-As I said that, I felt my nails scratching the table hard, it hurt a little...-
Green:"Let's not panic! They don't have to be afraid of us! We are friends, we can face a lot together!"
-Dark laughs to himself, this seems to annoy Chosen...-
Dusk:"You are very naive, what we can do now is just investigate..."
-Everyone looks at Dusk who has just entered the cafeteria.-
Blue:"Good Morning to you too!"
Dusk:"anyway, we should be investigating right now... don't you understand the situation we're in right now?"
-We all shut up... They were right... Not one of us knows what to do... Are we really stuck...? No one is looking for us?? Why are we here???-
-Green placed his hand over mine... I noticed I was sweating a lot...-
Dusk:"Chosen, Smoke and Night, you will investigate with me, Blue, Green and Second Dog together, Dark-"
Dark:"I'm not going to investigate shit!"
-He gets up and leaves the coffee maker.-
Chosen:*Sigh* "I'm sorry about that... I'll talk to him later..."
Dusk:"No need, the rest can investigate together. Finish eating and start..."
Yellow:"Won't you eat too?"
-They look at us...-
Dusk:"I don't need food..."
-They leave the coffee maker without saying anything else... How strange...-
-we all finished Eating in silence, and soon after that we decided to follow what they said and investigate.-
-Me, Green and Blue decided to investigate the surroundings, between the main hall we found What looked like a staircase but...-
Second:"Why do these stairs have a metal railing...?"
Blue:"I have no idea..."
-Blue was going to Touch the Grid but then...-
Monostick:"Don't even try!!! These grids are charged by electricity!! If you touch, ZAP!!! you are electrocuted!!! I want you to kill each other, not die by accident!!!"
Blue:"What the fuck – where did you come from???"
Monostick:"I can appear everywhere!! Here, there, under your shoe!! I am everywhere, and nowhere! And I can see everything too!!"
Green:"It's ok! But why does this staircase have an electric grid?"
Monostick:"Simple! To limit your arias! Only if a murder happens will these arias be opened to you!"
Second:"D-again this... Why are you doing this to us??? What did we do for you??? We don't even know you!!"
Monostick:"blah blah blah! I won't say anything you bunch of suckers!!"
-Me and Green hold Blue so he doesn't attack Monostick.-
Monostick:"You brute!! Don't you remember the rules??"
Green:"Blue!! Aggression against Monostick is strictly prohibited!! You might end up dying!!"
-I paralyzed and unintentionally released him....-
-Blue seems to forget his anger after seeing me in shock....-
-No no no no!! I don't want him to die!!-
Monostick:"hihihi!! Exactly!! You had passed out so you must not have heard from your Monopads!"
-As soon as I spoke, a BING came out of my pocket...-
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- "Rules: 1•Every 10pm is bedtime, sleeping outside the rooms is strictly prohibited. morning time starts at 7 am
2•destruction of property is strictly prohibited.
3•aggression against Monostick is strictly prohibited.
if these rules are broken, a punishment will be given!"-
-Was that the rules??-
-I clicked on the Monostick icon, there was more! Rules about the killing game...-
-"1• Only two murders are allowed. If more than one murderer, only the first murder counts and the second is ignored.
2•A body discovery announcement will play when three or more people find a body.
3•You would have half an hour to investigate the crime scene, all doors will be unlocked during the investigation.
4•After the investigation you will be taken to the Trial Ground, Which you remaining survivors must find out who the killer is.
5•After everything is resolved, a vote will be taken, if they vote for the right person, the killer will be executed, if they vote for the wrong one everyone but the killer will be executed and the killer will be able to leave."-
Second:"What.... What the fuck!? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!??"
Blue:"I asked the same thing Sec..."
Second:"N-there's no way anyone can do that!! Nobody would do that!!! Nobody!! N-nobody... No.. nob-body..."
-My voice was shaky and my hands were almost dropping the Monopad...-
Monostick:"Hey!! Hold it right!!! This is expensive!!"
Green:"Second..? It's OK..?"
Second:"N-nobody... N-nobody... Hehe....*sniff*... Nobody...*sniff*"
-I didn't realize I was crying... Green took my hand and put my Monopad in my pocket again... He hugged me tight trying to calm me down... I could feel his hands patting my back...-
Green:"It's going to be okay Sec... It's going to be okay..."
Monostick:"Argh! Disgusting!! Affection!! yuck!!! Go fuck yourself somewhere else, not in front of me you freaks!!!"
Blue:"What did you say your–"
-Before Blue could say anything, Monostick was already gone...-
-Blue grunted, he looks at me with a worried look. Amazing how he changes his mood so fast...-
Blue:"Sec... You'll be fine, won't you...?"
Second:"II... I don't... I don't know... *sniff*"
-My voice cracked again... I... I need to stop crying! I don't want to look... Weak...-
Green:"I'll take you to your room ok? You need some time to calm down..."
-Blue and Green take me back to my room, I just sat on my bed looking at my shaking hands...-
-I must have checked Monopad over a million times... I still can't believe it...-
-I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for half an hour...-
Second:"Well... I have a lot of free time now... I think I should talk to someone to reassure me a little..."
-I get up from the bed and leave the room. Who should I hang out with?-
-I decided to look for him. And I found him in the living room!-
Second:"Hey Red!"
Red:"Hi Sec! How... How are you...?-
Red:"I saw Blue and Green taking you to your room and you looked... restless... I asked what it was and they said you weren't feeling very well and went to rest..."
Second:"O-oh... I... Yeah, I don't feel too well but I'll be fine!"
-I try to crack a smile but I don't think he found it very genuine...-
Second:"Can we... Can we talk...?"
Red:"Yes, come here!"
-He makes a space on the couch for me to sit. I sit next to him and we talk for half an hour, he couldn't stop talking about how much he missed his animals.-
Red:"Sec, are you really okay?"
Second:"To be honest... Not really...-
Red:"Ah... Are you scared...?"
-I try to hide it but I guess I'm horrible at it...-
Red:"You are..."
-I sigh and just nod..-
Red:"Me too but... But when I'm scared I try to think of positive things! Like playing in the mud with Ruben!"
-I smile a little, Ruben was his favorite animal...-
Red:"I... I'm a little worried about him... Pigs aren't the smartest animals... But he's very smart!"
Second:"Yes... I know very well that for a little pig, he is very smart..."
Red:"Yea! I love him!"
-The smile on Red's face warms and breaks my heart at the same time...-
Red:"We're going to go home right...?"
-Shit... I don't know what to say....-
Second:"A-ah... Y-yes! We... We will, buddy..."
-I put my hand on his shoulder and he smiles.-
Red:"Sec... You don't have to lie to make me feel safe..."
-He wraps his arms around me.-
Red:"I already feel safe with you guys with me!"
-I blush a little and smile hugging him back. I promise we'll get out of this hell... I promise Red...-
-we say goodbye and I leave the living room. Me and Red got closer today.-
-I still have free time, who else can I talk to?-
-I end up bumping into Night who was reading a book.-
Night:"Oh, sorry buddy! Second huh?"
Second:"Oh yes, my name is Second!"
Night:"Good to know, hey, I kind of saw your friends with you, okay? Need a glass of water?"
-Again with that sister vibe...-
Second:"No no... I just want to talk to someone...-
Night:"Excellent! Come, I'll make you a snack and we'll talk!"
-He took my wrist and pulled me over to the cafeteria where she made us some sandwiches. They were delicious!-
Night:"So how long have you known your friends?"
Second:"After a few years, I know them when they were created by my creator Alan."
Night:"Oh! You are a creation! Well I got this vibe from you, Chosen and Dark!"
Second:"We... Kind of were created by him.... I was an accident, he didn't want to make another living stick figure since the last time... Dark and Chosen destroyed his computer..."
Night:"Oh, it must have been scary for him..."
Second:"Yeah... Well, as soon as he found me he... H-he tried to delete me..."
-My hands were shaking again... I don't like to think about it... Alan is my friend and I don't like to think that this was our first interaction...-
Second:"I... I can't blame him... And also I was an asshole to him right away... Trying to ruin his reputation on his Facebook... I was angry that he had deleted my friends... B-But then he brought them back in exchange for me helping him get better at animation... Since then we've been great friends!"
Night:"That must be a lot, hun?"
Second:"That was a long time ago... Now I kind of live on his PC with my friends... We play Minecraft and League of Legends and talk about pokémon! Hahaha, once I even got into one of the pokémon games! I became the champion of Johto!"
-She seemed to like my stories, she was a good listener.-
Second:"But and you? Why are you a spy?"
Night:*sight*"I kind of just turned into one... Before that I was more of a Keeper..."
Second:"Guardian of what?"
Night:"My brother... For many years I was trained to take care of him so when he grew up I would protect him... He's not really my brother... But I see him like that..."
-He seems very important to her...-
Night:"I'm worried about him... He's very special... And... He's always in danger... He was born with a power that can be used for evil... My life goal was to protect him... Being a spy or rather a guardian agent I guess would be a better title is only secondary, I was chosen to be a spy because of my physical and mental abilities."
Night:"Nah, it's very annoying... At least I always know if he was okay... But now I can't and it makes me worried..."
-She was head down...-
Night:"If it wasn't for this idiot killing game... I'd already be trying to run away... But I don't want to leave either of you alone either... Especially you and your friends..."
-She smiled at me... That made me feel a little more relaxed, she's definitely really nice...-
Night:"Finally, it's getting late Sec, we better go.... Can I call you Sec right?"
Second:"Sure! I don't see a problem with that Night!"
-We separate, she takes the dishes to the kitchen to wash them and I head back to my room. Me and Night got a little close today.-
-I look at a monitor in the corner of the hallway.-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
-Again that feeling of discomfort. I feel a pain in my chest, holding my shirt tightly...-
-I felt her hand on my shoulder and I almost jumped.-
Second:Y-Yellow! You scared me..."
Yellow:"Are you ok Sec..? Blue told me what she hears... I'm worried about you..."
Second:"No need Yell... I'll be fine ok..? Better go to sleep..."
-I yawn and go to my room. I look back and see her go to what appears to be Blue's. I smile, not surprise at that..-
-I go to my bed and lay my head on the pillow... Rolling over in bed for I don't know how much longer until I sleep... This discomfort, this uncertainty... This fear... I don't want to die... I don't want my friends to die.... I want to get out of here.... Inhale and Exhale... try to calm down Sec... Take a deep breath... Close your eyes... Sleep... Sleep...... Sleep....-
Day 2
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!!"
-Is this really going to be the morning announcement..? Ahrrg...-
-I get up feeling discomfort in my back, This bed is rubbish...-
-I get up and put on my coat, I open the door to find Purple already in front of it.-
Purple:"ah! Sec! Are you awake! What a relief..."
-They looked relieved to see me.-
Second:"Good morning Purp, how are you?"
Purple:"I'm doing fine, the others are already at the cafeteria, I came for you..."
Second:"Okay, I'm on my way to Purp..."
-I smile and go with them to the coffee maker, I was surprised there were more people there.-
Second:"Apparently more people decided to leave their rooms today..."
Dark:"and what was that supposed to mean...?"
Second:"It's not meant to mean anything! I'm just glad everyone is together trying to fit in..."
Eraser:"Ha!! Don't make me laugh dear, are you stupid or just naive..?"
-I felt myself watching, I covered myself with my hood.-
Blue:"Cut it out!! You are making them uncomfortable!!"
-Everyone stops looking at me... I hate being staring... I just held my hoodie not wanting to take it off... I was embarrassed, and afraid of being judged....-
Red:"Nobody will talk bad about you, You are amazing Sec! Remember this!"
-Red's smile made me a little more comfortable... But I didn't want to take my hood off yet...-
-After half an hour, I'm playing with a spoon on my table, Red, Blue and Night are washing the dishes, Green is keeping me company and Yellow is going to talk to Professor Smoke.I can see MT across the room staring at White's desk... What's their story...?-
-I see Chosen and Dusk talking at the entrance, what are they talking about..? My table is close to the entrance, I think I can hear a little...-
Chosen:"And what did you find?"
Dusk:"Nothing yet... I'm still investigating, but without even a way to investigate the other floors, I can't go any further..."
Chosen:"Shit... We have to find a way out... At least without having to kill anyone..."
-I wasn't sure what they were doing, I was bored... Thoughtful... I wasn't sure what to think...-
-White got up from her table and left the cafeteria, then MT got up and followed her... They sure have a story...-
-Me and Green decided to leave the cafeteria but...-
Chosen:"Second, I'd like to investigate a bit with you. Me, you and Dusk!"
-I looked at them and at Green.-
Green:*Sigh*"You can talk to them..."
-He stares at Chosen with a suspicious look And walked away waving at me...-
Second:"What do you want to talk about?"
Chosen:"We want to dig a little deeper... Dusk is making a list of things we've found and I'm sharing what I've found."
Dusk:"Did you discover something useful yesterday with your friends?"
-I paused... I... I didn't get very far in the investigation...-
Second:"I-I... We just found out about some electrical grids on the stairs to the next floors... We are forbidden to pass until... U-until...."
-I paused again!! Shit!!-
Chosen:"Until a murder happens... Shit..."
-Dusk pulls out a large folded paper from their pocket.-
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Second:"Is that a map..?"
Dusk:"I've already looked at all these places... In fact the stairs are blocked..."
Second:"There has to be a way out of here..."
Chosen:"And we'll find out soon!"
-I was still unsure about it...-
Second:"Why... Why are you sharing this with me...?"
-He pauses for a long time, I raise a curious eyebrow...-
Chosen:"I just thought you should know, I know you want to hang out with your friends more than anyone else! Investigating would be a good way to do that! You can call them too, we all need work Together..."
-I'm not sure about his intentions... But I could feel that he was being sincere...-
Second:*Sigh*"ok... I'll think about it..."
-I say goodbye to them and go to my room.-
-I have a little free time but who should I spend my time with..?-
-I decided to leave my room and knocked on Green's door. He opens the door and greets me with a smile.-
-He had his headphones on and holding an electric keyboard. I guess he was playing music.-
Second:"hei, Sorry if I'm bothering you..."
Green:"No, no! Come in, Sec!"
-He made way for me to enter. His room was full of instruments and music records stuck on the wall.-
Green:"Are you feeling better Sec..?"
Second:"Ah... a little..."
-Well, I was more comfortable around him... I sat on his bed and he sits on the corner of the bed.-
Green:"So, what did you come here for?"
Second:"Just talk."
Green:"Ah cool! I was making a song, well... That's all I can do here at the moment... But so, what do you want to talk about?"
-We spent half an hour talking about music and instruments, I definitely don't know how to handle those things...-
Second:"Hey Green... How can you put up with all this...?"
Green:"Song? Simple, I just think about what I want and–"
Second:"N-no! The killing game! How are you when you put up with all this??"
-A silence takes over the room...-
Green:"...I just try not to think about it... And to think on the bright side..."
Second:"What positive side?"
-I saw his face turning red when I asked about it, he was looking to the side.-
Green:"I at least still have you guys..."
-I felt my face burn, I covered my cheeks with my hands embarrassed.-
Second:"I-I... I'm also glad that at least I have you with me..."
Green:"That's great..."
-We both looked at each other for a while until we realized we were close to each other.-
Green:"A-ah... What else do you want to talk about??"
Second:"Oh a-ah..."
-I was embarrassed... I cleared my throat and started to speak.-
Second:"When... When did you start playing music?"
Green:"Me.... I started very young... Since I was a child I always liked to play music.... My father saw this and... He took advantage of my innocence.... He used me to record music that he sold to make money... Over time I lost motivation and inspiration... My music wasn't popular anymore... My father threw me on the street... I was found by an orphanage and I didn't want to fit in anymore.... Until I met Blue... And yellow... And Red.... After a long time we started to take care of each other, we learned to fight to defend ourselves and we left the orphanage when we had the chance! I hid my passion... I... I was afraid my music wasn't good anymore... I never played music with you guys until that day I saw Red, Yellow and Blue playing with their notebooks Since then I've come back to love making music..."
-I could see a happy smile coming from him... It makes me so happy for him...
Green:"That's it... That's my story..."
Second:"Green... I'm sorry this all happened..."
Green:"Don't be sorry, I'm much better now with you guys!"
-He smiles at me... My heart was light but also excited?-
Green:"Well you better go, I need to finish this song ok? Then I'll show you how it turned out!"
Green:"Oh, and sorry for all the times I made you sleepy, hehe..."
-I laugh, yes that's true, but I don't really care.-
Second:"It's okay Green, I can't stop you from having fun with something you love so much!"
-We both laughed. Me and Green got closer today.-
-We say goodbye and I leave his room. But you still have time to spend, but with whom?-
-I've been wandering the halls looking for someone, and I find...-
Second:"Purple's father?"
Indigo:"You? Hump..."
-He shrugged.-
Second:"Ah... What are you doing...?"
Indigo:"Wondering what my child sees in you and your little friends is so helpful.."
Second:"Okay.... Want to talk...?"
Indigo:"Arrg... Fine!"
-We keep trying to make conversation... But I don't think he likes to talk much...-
Second:"Look... Purple never told us about you... They said you were the reason they had... Aaaah....."
-Shit... I can't just say that Purple betrayed us twice and tried to destroy Minecraft!! I don't think he would't even take It seriously to be exact....-
Second:"S-so... What makes you the Ultimate Champion..?"
Indigo:"I'm a fighting tournament champion... I've fought in thousands of world tournaments, I've never lost a tournament I've entered!"
-awkward silence...-
Indigo:"Maybe.... I lost it once... But only once!!"
Second:"W-what tournament did you lose...?"
Indigo:"It was... It was the day Purple was born...."
-I paused... You mean he lost the tournament to see Purple with their mother...?-
Indigo:"I couldn't leave her alone... I promised her... I promised her I wouldn't leave her..."
-He looked uncomfortable about it...-
Indigo:"When I got there... They were already born... They were so small... So, so small... I remember holding them in my arms and... For the first time in years, crying... It was the best day of my life..."
-I saw him crack a small smile and then it disappears...-
Indigo:"But all that is in the past.... Today I'm just...-
Second:"Happy to see Purple again..?"
-The cold stare he gave me made me shiver...-
-And so he left... He didn't even say goodbye...-
-I think... I think we got a little close? I don't even know...-
-I decided to go to the living room to think... There I started to hear crying... Purple??-
-I saw them sitting next to the sofa crying on their knees.-
-they try to wipe away the tears, I approach them and sit next to them.-
Second:"What happened, Purple..?"
Purple:"M-my father thinks I shouldn't trust any of you... That I should stay away and not trust anyone... He thinks it's best for me not to be alone with anyone, He said any of them could kill me in seconds..."
Second:"Well... If they tried they would have to go through me!! I would never let anyone hurt you or anyone else!"
Purple:"I know... But he doesn't understand how... How kind you guys are to me... I feel more comfortable with you with me than before..."
Second:"It's good to hear that Purp... You are our friend and we care a lot about you..."
-I put my hand on their shoulder and they smile at me softly...-
Purple:"Thank you Sec... I just wish I could defend myself alone..."
Second:"Well, Red can teach you how to fight! We all can!"
Purple:"I-i don't know... I don't know if I can do this right..."
Second:"You won't know until you try!"
-I smile and hold out my hand, they stand up holding my hand and wiping away the tears.-
-We both went back to the dorms and they said goodbye to me.-
Green:"What happened?"
Second:"They were having a problem... I just talked to them and now I think they're a little better now..."
Green:"That's great..."-
Second:"yes... I wish I could help more..."
Green:"Who knows? we can have lunch together tomorrow! That would be cool and it would even lighten your head!"
-I smile at Green and he smiles at me too.-
Green:"Good night Sec, See you tomorrow!"
Second:"Night Green..."
-I wave at him and enter my room.-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
-I looked at the monitor on my wall and sighed. I need to get my friends out of here... But for now I better sleep...-
-I lay on my bed, I was really tired...-
Day 3
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!!"
-Another day, same thing...-
-I still feel this discomfort in my back... I got up and put my hood on again, I left my room and decided to go to the cafeteria.-
-Blue was already there making breakfast, I decided to talk to him.-
Second:"Hey Blue! Good Morning.-
Blue:"Hey Sec! How are you today? It's better now?"
Second:"A little..."
Blue:"That's good, hey want to help me with breakfast? The others haven't woken up yet."
Second:"Sure! I really need some distraction right now, making breakfast with you can be cool..."
-He smiles at me and I join him in making breakfast. Omelet, toast, orange juice, some healthy fruit, pancakes. And it all smells good! I can't cook very well and he's always the best at it!-
Blue:*Sigh*"I wish my Netherwart were still here...."
Second:"Still with this addiction?"
Blue:"I know! I just... I can't live without... As you say... it's an addiction.."
-He looks down... We worry a lot about his addiction... He keeps himself very calm but if he doesn't have enough he gets kind of... Strange sometimes...-
Blue:"I asked Monostick if they had any, and they said no... Arrg... It makes me uncomfortable... And he called me a junkie!! I'm not a junkie– Arrg!!"
-He cut his finger with a knife!-
-He keeps staring at his finger muttering...-
Second:"You should be more careful with that! And no, you're not a junkie! You just have to try to control yourself..."
Blue:"I know... But... I just can't..."
-He held his finger tight... He held his hand.-
Second:"Calm down, there must be a first-aid kit somewhere..."
Blue:"Don't worry If, I'll be fine! It was just a very small cut look!"
-The cut wasn't small at all, and there was a lot of blood coming out almost staining his entire hand. Fuck, even my hand was stained with blood!-
-I took a cloth and put water on, he tried to clean the cut while Blue groaned in pain.-
-After that I'll look for some way to make this bleeding stop...-
-I tell him not to touch anything and put the knife away. I continue preparing breakfast while he waits at the table, watching his finger as the others enter the kitchen.-
-after everyone enters the kitchen I distribute the dishes to each table, I felt like a waiter hehe.-
Green:"Did you make Sec?"
Second:"I helped!"
-I gave a wink to Blue who giggles and starts to eat still feeling his finger hurt.-
Purple:"Blue, what happened?"
Bleu:"A-ah, nothing!"
Second:"He cut his finger."
-And within seconds Purple grabs Blue by the wrist and pushes him out of the cafeteria with a bit of difficulty.-
Blue:"H-hey!! What are you doing!!??"
Purple:"I have first aid kits in my room, I'm going to take care of that cut right away before it gets infected!!"
-We laughed seeing the two of them leaving the cafeteria.-
-We started to eat breakfast when suddenly...-
Monostick:"Oh! I see you're having fun and a lot Ha? Good good! Now everyone to the main hall I have a very important announcement!!!"
-We all looked confused, after eating our breakfast we headed down to the main hall. Purple and Blue arrive soon after.-
Blue:"What does this motherfucker want now...?"
Monostick:"That seems to be the way to talk to your... What's my superiority title again? This isn't a school so I can't be headmaster, and this isn't a show so I can't host... Neh, I see I'll think about it later!"
Sombra:"So why are we here...?"
Monostick:"Simple! I'm bored! Serious! Where's the kill??? Where's the blood?? You are so much peace and love to me and it makes me sick!! Because of that... I prepared a very very special motive for you, pufufufu..."
-We all looked at each other confused and nervous...-
Orange:"What... What kind of motive..?"
Monostick:"Simple! One of you is already planning a murder!!"
-My stomach twisted… I felt like throwing up and covered my mouth. Green and Yellow worry and surround me...-
Night:"Stop keeping secrets!! Just tell me who it is!!"
Monostick:"no! It would be so boring!! How about playing Russian roulette and guessing who it is?? Hahahahah!!! Good luck with that!!!"
-And just like that, he was gone...-
-Green looked at everyone in the room, everyone was in complete distrust...-
Orange:"Okay.... Confess!!"
-We looked at MT who was staring at White.-
Orange:"I know you very well CONFESS THAT YOU ARE BEHIND ALL OF THIS!!!"
Eraser:"I?? I would never do something like that! Besides, I'm not doing anything wrong! You who are accusing me without evidence!"
-She started crying realistically... Everyone stares at Orange who gets nervous and angrier with her...-
Orange:"Regardless of whether or not you have anything to do with it... I know you are planning to kill someone... I know you very well..."
Green:"How do we know it's not you?? You tried to kill us back in the day!"
Blue:"I would say that about someone else too..."
-Blue looked directly at Dark...-
Dark:"What was that supposed to mean???"
Chosen:"Control yourself Dark!!"
-Chosen was holding Dark's shoulder.-
Sombra:"Hey Freedom, would you do that to get out of here and see what It happened with the other Stick people?? I know you would, hahaha!!!"
Freedom:"Your.... And you??? I have no doubt that a shadow like you wouldn't do the same!!"
Indigo:"You all disgust me..."
-Everyone was arguing with each other... I was just too stressed... This... This was too much for me... I can't... I just can't!!-
-I felt my knees touch the ground, my heart was racing and I was hyperventilating... I felt hands on my shoulders from behind but I didn't have the courage to look who they were... I I was very restless....-
-.... I opened my eyes... I was in my room again... I looked around only to see Blue by my side...-
Second:"I... I blacked out again...?"
Blue:"Sec! Yeah... Yeah you blacked out again dude..."
Second:"I-I just... I don't want to believe it! T-there's no way anyone would want to kill one of us!!.... R-Right..?"
Blue:*Sigh*"I don't know Sec... But hey, you're strong, I know nothing can bring you down man..."
-He smiles and punches me lightly on the shoulder. His words made me a little more comfortable and I couldn't resist smiling...-
Second:"Thanks Blue..."
Blue:"Anytime, man!"
-He leaves the room waving at me and I get up out of bed... Even though all this still makes me a little paranoid... I... I should try to lighten my head...-
-I have a little free time, maybe talking to someone will help me a little...-
-I went to the living room, and I found...-
Eraser:"I know you're there, young hollow head..."
-I almost jumped! I decided to make my public presence and enter the room a little nervous...-
Second:"H-hey, I wanted to know-"
Eraser:"You want to talk to me because you don't want to be alone, okay, maybe your company isn't so unpleasant..."
Second:"Oh, oh-okay..."
-I'm not sure if that was meant to be an insult or not...-
-I started talking to her and asking some questions but she didn't seem very interested...-
Second:"So....What's your problem with MT?"
Eraser:"Orange? Ha, He and I were very good friends! But let's just say I might have done a few things that might have made you a little suspicious..."
Second:"What did you do?"
Eraser:"I stole, lied, betrayed, nearly killed and abandoned him! That's it!"
-I... I don't know what to say...-
Second:"Why?? Why would you do that??"
Eraser:*Sigh*"Look here kid, every Stick person is born with some purpose! Especially the ones that were created! My purpose from the beginning is to be the cruelest and most unforgivable person there is! And there's no way to change that! I know your type, you think you can be a hero because you have a pure and kind heart! But I don't have it! I don't have a heart! And I feel really good!"
-Those words made me a little uncomfortable...-
Eraser:"There is! Do you think anyone can change for the better because of your little friend Purple and Orange? Woooon, you're a cutie! But there's no way to change who I am kid..."
-She stares at me even more uncomfortable....-
Second:"O-ok.... I-I'll be going then...."
-He opens a thin smile and I just pull away from her and start taking faster steps until I know I was far enough away from her....-
-I don't want to say we got close.... In fact I'm afraid to get closer than that....-
-Okay, I think I have more time to spend... Maybe I should talk to Dusk, I don't know them well enough...-
-They must be investigating somewhere and... Oh! I found them!-
Second:"Hey Dusk!"
Dusk:"Second Coming..."
Second:"I was thinking about talking to you... What are you doing...?"
-He says that staring at a monitor on the wall that was turned off.-
Second:"Could you tell me more about yourself?"
Dusk:"What do you want to know about me?"
Second:"Well, if we've been staying here for a while, it's good to get to know each other better! So what do you like to do?"
Dusk:"We won't be trapped forever... I'll find a way for us to escape. And you shouldn't ask stupid questions like that..."
Second:"Stupid questions?? I just asked a question to understand you better! How stupid is that??"
-They stare at me with an expression I've never seen before...-
Dusk:"No..... I didn't mean to be rude... I just don't know what to say about myself.... Nothing in me is necessary for our survival, I am not important and much less interesting..."
Second:"It doesn't have to be interesting for me to want to know more about you!"
-We are silent for a moment, they then sigh.-
Dusk:"Okay look, we're stuck in a place with no windows or even an exit, because we know we might as well have been kidnapped. I know you want to help everyone and protect your friends... But you can't do that forever! You are not a super hero, you are not the protagonist of a story! You're just a stick figure! That's it...."
-I was silent for a long time...-
Dusk:"Say my advice..... Trust those who have already proven you trust... But not those you've never trusted before...."
-And after that, they left...-
-I don't know how to process all this... They.... I don't know anymore....-
-I decide I won't ask any more... I don't even know if we got closer...-
-I go to my room and see Purple's door. I remembered what Green and I talked earlier and decided to knock on their door.-
-After a while they open the door, they were... Crying.? Again..?"
Purple:".... I had another conversation with my father... He still doesn't want me to talk to you...."
Second:"Oh purp.... Look, I came here because I wanted to know... Do you want to have lunch with me and the others? We can make our own food! What do you think?"
Purple:"I... I don't know......"
Second:"Come on, we just want to help Purp! I think a snack with friends can help you..."
-I smile at them and extend my hand.-
Purple:*Sigh*"Ok Sec... I will... Especially since I... I enjoy your company... You are my only friends in the world and I can't see myself without you...."
-I blush a little and laugh. They hold my hand and we both go to the cafeteria together. After I've taken them I'll go get the others and it doesn't take long for us to go to the cafeteria and start making our food together.-
-We were all having fun... It was like nothing wrong was happening...-
-We sat at the table and spent half an hour telling stories and laughing at jokes and eating our snacks.-
-It was a lot of fun! I looked at Purple every now and then, they seemed more comfortable and happy. And that makes me happy...-
???:"WHAT THE FUCK!!??"
-It amazes us, whatever it was we run out of the cafeteria and into the next hallway.-
Night:"What is wrong with you!!! Arhg!!"
-Night had a bleeding arm! Red and Purple run to help her while the others try to get MT away from White who was holding a knife with some blood on the blade...-
-She... She tried... No... No no no, no one would do that.... No...-
White:"Are you still surprised?? I don't even care to get out of here! I just want to have some fun...~"
-Have fun??? Is she sick in the head?-
Chosen:"You're insane if you think you can get away with this!!"
Smoke:"And even more in public! You sure didn't think much about it..."
Orange:"I've been following her all day!! Of course I would see what she did!!"
Sombra:"Geez, for a Manipulator, you're horrible at trying to get away with attempted murder... Maybe you're desperate to get out of here...?"
Dark:"I knew it would happen sooner or later... But I thought the first victim would be one of the colorful ones!"
-he pointed at us...-
Blue:"What the hell do you mean by that???"
-It was all very chaotic... Everyone was talking for each other... I couldn't pay attention... Everything seemed so loud I couldn't hear anyone... I felt my heart speed up... I... I... I don't....-
Green:"Let's go...."
-Green took my hand and led me away from them, everyone stopped to look at him... Did he say something I didn't hear...?-
-He brought me into the living room and sat me down on the couch. I was hyperventilating a lot... My mind was a mess and I didn't know what to say at the moment...-
Green:"Sec... I'm sorry this didn't end as nice as I thought..."
-He sat next to me holding my hand...-
-I blush a little looking at him...-
Green:"You're not the only one stressed about it... I... I'm scared... Very scared... I tried to hide it but that's too much for me...."
Green:"I promise, I'll find a way to get us out of here! And that way... We can be safe... Back at home.. playing Minecraft and watching videos together... Nothing will happen to us ok..?"
-He held my hands gently while looking into my eyes... I felt calmer and more comfortable with what he said...-
Red:"Green, Sec!!"
-The others enter the room together and sit next to us. Blue had brought me some tea to calm me down while Yellow stroked my back. It brought me a comfort that I don't feel when I'm alone... It was like a soft blanket that you refuse to throw away... I love them... More than anything in the world... I love them...-
Second:"But... Where's Purple...?"
Red:"They went with their father... He scares me sometimes... I don't like him very much..."
Second:".... me either...."
-We didn't do much for a long time...-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
-As soon as the nightly announcement rang, we all went to our rooms.-
Green:"Sec, are you going to be okay..?"
Second:"Yes I will I promise Green..."
-He stared at me for a few seconds before speaking.-
Green:"Go to sleep ok? I'll bring you one of my quieter songs for you to play to sleep ok?"
Second:"Okay Green, very kind of you..."
Green:"Okay, but I recommend you stay in your room and? Lock the door and don't go out, okay? I'll pass the CD to you under the door..."
Green:"I... I don't want you to be a victim of her..."
-I gave him a brief hug. He hugged me back and we said goodbye.-
-I locked my door and waited for him to come back with the CD.... Why is he taking so long...?-
-I spent a few minutes waiting getting pretty preoccupied and paranoid.... I don't know, I just got up and went to the office with the key when I saw the CD being passed under the door Just like he said.-
Second:"Thank you gre—"
-Before I could thank him I heard his footsteps heading back to his room... He seem agitated... I didn't care much and put the CD to play, maybe he was looking for it and went to sleep, today was very busy too...-
-The CD was calming and I felt peaceful...-
-I ended up waking up early, I left my room still tired, I went to the bathroom when... W-what...?-
-b-blood.... There was blood on the floor!!!-
-I tried to stay calm, BUT THAT WAS BLOOD!!! I saw that there was a trail, and there was water in the shower stall, some blood on the floor....-
-I followed the path outside and down the hall between The main hall and kitchen had much more blood.... I felt like I wanted to throw up....-
Monostick:"Good morning participants! It's now 7 am! Time to get up from your petty dreams and seize the day when you can!!"
-I ignore the morning announcement, soon I heard...-
Blue:"What's it?? You look agitated and..."
-I looked at Blue, Green and Night... They seem to have noticed the blood on the floor....-
Night:"What the fuck...?"
Blue:"It looks like it goes all the way to the main hall!!"
-They run to the main hall, Green tried to comfort me, I was in Panic but... Who...? Who died??-
-I ran towards the main hall and entered along with Green.....-
-What I saw... I wish I had never seen..."
[End of Chapter 1 Daily Life...]
[To be continued...]
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Stickronpa - Prologue part 2
-We all looked at Purple and then in the direction they were looking... It was a dark blue stickman... Was he... Purple's father...?-
???:"Um... You...? Here..?"
-He looked at Purple with a cold stare, he then looked at all of us and saw them hiding behind Yellow.-
???:"Hump, still being weak like before hun?"
-He crossed his arms staring at us coldly, Green didn't like what he called them...-
Green:"Nice to meet you.... I'm Green, Ultimate Musician... And you...?"
Indigo:"Indigo is my nickname, and I prefer to be called that! But others also call me Regular Blue, and my Title is the Ultimate Champion!"
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Indigo:"I see you haven't changed a bit since the last time we saw each other...."
-Purple was silent...-
Indigo:".... How is your mother..?"
Indigo:"I never heard from her again... How is she...?"
-Purple kept silent...-
Purple:"s-she is...."
-I looked at Green, he looked nervous too... What happened between this family...?-
Purple:"She.... She's fine! And-she's doing very well..."
-I felt that they wanted to cry...-
Indigo:"Ah.... Good for her..."
-He looked to the side and then walked away. Purple started to hyperventilate and Green tried to calm them down.-
???:"Hey, are you ok? If you need it, there's a kitchen in this place! I can get you a glass of water!"
Green:"Thanks for the offer, but who are you?"
-This woman in purple had appeared. She smiles nervously.-
Night:"Oh! Sorry about that, I saw his friend like that and got worried. But in the end, my name is Night, and I'm the Ultimate Spy!"
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Red:"Wow!! Are you really a spy??"
Night:"Well, more or less, I've just been hired by a worldwide protection Agency! The last thing I remember is getting me ready for a mission, but other than that I'm kind of new to this kind of business!"
-She kept a firm and motherly posture, shouldn't she be an Ultimate sister, mother or guardian?-
Night:"But in the end, I was serious about it! They need water to calm themselves down better..."
-She puts her hand on Purple's shoulder gently, Purple seemed calmer...-
Purple:"T-thank you...."
-She smiles with a thumbs up. That other Stick person approaches her from behind.-
???:"Miss Night, I see you're settling in!"
Night:"Yes doc. The better we get to know each other, the better it will be for us to work together to find a way out of here!"
-Were they some kind of doctor?-
Smoke:"Good to know. I'm Professor/Doctor Smoke, I'm the Ultimate Scientist."
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Yellow:"Are you a Scientist??? Wow amazing!!"
-Yellow starts acting like a fangirl, Even though we've just met them.-
Blue:"Nice to have a scientist here with us, huh?"
Green:"Yes, that can be of great help!"
???:"I don't see how he can help anyone! We're stuck, stuck hear??"
-We turn to face a stickman with a red scarf.-
???:"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you... I just want to make sure everyone is safe and free!"
Red:"very considerate of you!"
Blue:"Yeah, but how could you do that?"
???:"I promised all Stick people in the world that I would protect them! And that includes all of you!"
-Protect all sitick people?-
Freedom:"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is Freedom guy, many call me Free, I'm the Ultimate Freedom Fighter!"
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-Night stared at him, what was she thinking...?-
Red:"What does that mean?"
Freedom:"this title I believe was given to me for my accomplishments in freeing Stick figures from slavery several years ago!"
Red:"How horrible!! Who would do that??"
-He was silent, facing the ground and clenching his fists tightly...-
Second:"..... You're kidding, right?"
Freedom:"Oh... You... You must be the type that has a "nice" Creator."
-He sounded a little....cold...-
???:"Don't care about him..."
-I jumped, where did he come from??-
???:"Hahaha, I'm so sorry Kiddo! But don't care much for him! He hates Creators, but don't feel so bad!"
-He spoke in a youthful tone, but clearly he was much older than he sounded...-
Sombra:"Oh! Where were my manners?? My name is Sombra, I am the Ultimate Shadow Storyteller!"
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-He looks at Freedom Guy with a smirk on his face. Do they know each other? That's what it looks like because Freedom snorts and walks away from us.-
Red:"Do you tell shadow stories??? This is so cool!!!"
Sombra:"Yup Kiddo! It's more of a hobby than a profession! Sometimes I enjoy telling stories to an audience, tales, fables, folklore, legends and stories! It's very captivating and catches the attention of many!"
-He said with a big smile on his face. He was charismatic but something about him made me...uncomfortable....-
Sombra:"Well it was nice meeting you kiddos! See ya soon!"
-He says goodbye to us. I look at Yellow, she was counting who was present among us in the hall.-
Yellow:"14... There are 14 of us here..."
-Everyone looks at where red is getting ready, one more person had entered the room!"
???:"I see I'm not alone in this place..."
-It was another one in orange, like me and MT! But... Younger, and... With hair?-
Orange:"But what- what the fuck is that on your head??"
Orange:"Stick figures don't have hair!!"
Night:"I am proof of that..."
-Blue was almost laughing.-
Dusk:"Let's get this over with, my name is Dusk, I'm the Ultimate Prodigy."
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Sombra:"By the way, I know very well that there are Stick people who have hair! It's just unusual! But not impossible!"
Orange:"I've never seen anything like it!"
Second:"Well... It's nice to meet you!"
Dusk:"I'm not sure about you..."
-huh? what is that supposed to mean?-
-Before I could ask anything...-
-The door opened with force and everyone turned their attention to the entrance....-
???:"How long ago Orange..."
-A woman in white... MT knows her...?-
Orange:"I should already suspect!! You who brought us here!!"
???:"~Wah Orange! How can I be if I have no idea how I got here either?~
-She spoke in a sympathetic tone, but that only seemed to irritate Orange.-
Orange:"Don't come with your tricks you bitch!! I know you're behind this!!"
-I couldn't believe it... Until she opened a sly smile....-
???:"I don't need to hide anything, but it would be fun..."
Orange:"I know you're behind this!!! This is one of your sick little games!!"
???:"Oh, how I wish..."
-She laughed, her laugh made me shiver...-
Eraser:"Well, if I'm going to be stuck with you useless people... I better introduce myself. I'm White Silver! Better known as Eraser, the Ultimate Manipulator... ~Nice to meet you...~"
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-her voice shifts between that deep, intimidating voice to that soft, docile voice... It give me the creepys...-
Orange:"Just admit it!! You who brought us here!!"
Green:"Calm down Orange! We don't know that!"
Blue:"Yeah man! Calm down!"
Eraser:"I already told you, idiot! I have nothing to do with it!"
Second:"If... If you don't have then who–"
-I couldn't finish my sentence before the lights went out.-
-I felt Red grab my arm in fear.-
Yellow:"What's up??? blue?? Green??"
Blue:"I'm here Yelly!! Don't worry!"
-We all got close, and then the lights came on the stage.-
???:"Oh! Everyone is here at last!!"
Chosen:"Who are you??"
Freedom:"You who trapped us here??"
???:"We can say yes! It was me! And no, she has nothing to do with it!"
???:"ish! You're annoying, old man!!"
Orange:"OLD MEN!!???"
-We looked at the stage which was surrounded by smoke.-
???:"I was waiting for you, you know? It took a while for everyone to arrive that there was even part two!! Haha ha!!"
-W-what were they talking about...?"
???:"But finally everyone is in one place!! Because now...."
-Whoever was on stage took a long pause... And then...-
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???:"I! I'm your host!! responsible for watching you participants!!"
Red:"Participants?? Is this some kind of game??"
Blue:"Who put this brat as a host???"
Monostick:"Brat??? HAHA!!! I have no age, gender and much less sexuality!!! I am Monostick!! And yes small reddish!! This is a game!! A really fun one that I'm sure You Will love!!"
Dusk:"And what would it be..?"
Monostick:"A killing game, of course!"
-Everyone stops in shock... They... They can't be serious... Right...?-
Blue:"Hehe... Hehe... You... Are you kidding, right..? This is some silly prank isn't it?? HUH???"
Monostick:"nope! I'm 500% sure it's a killing game!"
Yellow:"What the fuck?!"
Green:"what the fuck in deed!!"
Sombra:"Let me guess... Do you want us to kill each other...?"
Monostick:"Yea!! You're so smart you'll get a cookie!!"
Smoke:"And why would we do that...?"
Monostick:"Simple! To be able to be free!!"
Monostick:"You must have realized by now that you are trapped in this place, with no exit, no windows, no outside communication! You are trapped!! At least..."
Indigo:"At least what??"
Monostick:"At least until someone commits murder!!"
-W-what!? T-that will never happen!! Nobody would agree with that!!-
Eraser:"What would the rules be?"
-Everyone looks at her...-
Orange:"You're not thinking about-"
Eraser:"To participate? Why not? ~Maybe it will be fun...~"
-Those who were close to her moved away, they were sure to be even more suspicious....-
-I felt a pain in my chest, why.... Why is this happening???-
-Where are we??? What happened for us to be here??? Why??? why??? why???-
-Red hugged my arm shaking with fear... I was also very afraid... Hyperventilating... In Panic.... In despair....-
Monostick:"Now! I'll explain the rules! To be able to receive your freedom, You can kill at least two people and not get caught after a trial!-
Monostick:"Yea! A trial takes place after an investigation once they find a body! After half an hour of investigating for clues, you will be taken to the trial ground! Where would you survivors point fingers at who you think is the killer!"
Sombra:"What if we don't get the right one...?"
Monostick:"Hihihi! Then everyone but the killer will be punished! And the killer can go! But if you get the right one, only the killer will be punished and the rest of you will stay here until another murder happens!!"
Dusk:"And what kind of punishment would that be...?"
-Monostick paused for a long time with an evil smile...-
Monostick:"An execution!"
-Everyone is in shock... Everyone in complete disbelief...-
Monostick:"Now that everyone knows about the rules, I hope you make good use of everything here, at least until a murder happens... MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!"
-And then.... They disappeared laughing Machiavelliically...-
-The hall was completely silent... I was in Panic and Red was squeezing my arm in tears...-
Indigo:"One more reason not to trust anyone..."
Chosen:"That's what that freak wants with us... That we don't trust anyone..."
-everyone looks at each other...-
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-they were looks of distrust... fear, seriousness... despair...-
-All those looks were too much... I... I couldn't take it.... I wanted to scream but... But... I just...-
-I... blacked out...-
-This was the beginning of a life of despair... Fear and mistrust... A life I wasn't ready for...-
-Even with my friends... I can't take it all...-
-I can't... Can't... I can't... I... Can't... I... I..-
End of Prologue
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[To be continued..]
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Goretober Day 3 - Decapitation
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Characters - Eraser (OC) and MT
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AvA/AvM super heroes AU [Chapter 1] – Awakening Part 1
"Wake up... Second Coming"
The orange one opened bright green eyes, blinking blindly from the bright ceiling light covering the fragile eyes. They slowly sit looking around, some sort of empty room, the walls were white and clean, the floors were padded and there was an open, dented door.
They try to get up but fall to the ground, legs shaky as if they've never walked before, they crawl to the door looking out while trying to get up. Nothing, nobody, emptiness, just a hum of dim light from the hallway, a smell of burning and spoiled food.
They leave the room leaning on the walls, They crawl until they reach the end of the hall, they look at their terror and fear, it was a body! A dead body! They jump to the floor in amazement and crawling backwards to the wall with heavy breaths, they cover their mouths in Panic.
The body seemed to be decomposing and it seemed torn apart. They swallow hard and try to get up trying to ignore the horrible smell. They manage to see a half-open door and crawl over to it, putting their hand on the icy doorknob and quickly opening it, falling to the outside of the building.
“arhg...” They groan having fallen to the hard floor, cling to the doorknob pulling themselves up, they were in a dark alley, but in the background they could see a bright light coming from the back of this stinky alley.
The orange one crawls along the walls, one foot after the other they manage to form steps, approaching the bright light. They lift their hand towards the light, seeing what they've already seen, anything serious better than what they've seen inside.
The strong light almost blinds them but when they re-opened them they separated with a big city, tall buildings that you could barely see the top, people going from one side to the other, Cars and motorcycles that made a very loud noise, the orange one seemed sensitive as they would cover their ears with their hands as soon as a motorcycle passed.
Looking around, they saw strangers and strangers, starting to wonder if it would be better to go back inside again, their breath getting faster as they began to race. They run anywhere, crossing the street at a red light, almost getting hit by a car.
"LOOK WHERE YOU'RE GOING KID!!" The driver groans with them from inside the car, honking very loudly, The orange cover their ears crouching on the floor surrounded by noise that bothers them. They feel a hand on their shoulder, a pedestrian was trying to calm them down, but they quickly run away, bumping into more people on the street, some confused, some annoyed.
They run until they start to get tired, they come to a small park in the center, it looks calm and empty and they go there to look for a calm and empty place.
In the park, they could finally see how dark everything was, it was night, the city lights practically made them forget about the dark sky surrounded by stars and the silver moon. For the first time in all their time in this confused world... They were smiling.
The silence It was almost hypnotic, they look around, looking for someone but there was no one, just the calm sound of crickets and the wind.
They cover their arms with their hands, feeling cold, they were only in shorts and a generic white t-shirt, and even though they had been running a lot, they were still cold.
They truck and sit under a tree in silence, bringing their knees together and leaning their forehead against them. Everything was very confusing for them, they don't remember anything, not even if they have a name!
Then they hear a sound, a string melody, right behind them, behind the tree, they try to look behind it, seeing then, that there was someone there! They thought they were alone, who was this stick figure?
They carried some kind of slender instrument, a little wavy and with a few strings. They sees the hand of the stick figure, it was green in color, with a sweater of the same color with patterns of disks and spiky sound waves.
Whoever it was, was making a soothing melody with the instrument the orange didn't know the name of. Then they hears a bad out-of-tune sound coming from the instrument.
“Damn it!" He grunts in frustration,"It doesn't work!" The orange man hears for the first time the voice of the individual on the other side of the tree, he looks frustrated, they notice the presence of some crumpled papers, and look at the stick figure again.
“Come on Green... This is for this festival, it has to be perfect!" He says staring at the music sheets in his notebook, "If not, I won't get funds for the orphanage..."He sighs in frustration at the result of the song, ripping a sheet from a notebook and tossing it along with the other crumpled papers.
"they're counting on me... And yet I'm uninspired..." He lowers his head leaving the guitar aside and hugging his knees disappointed with himself.
He hears his guitar being played and looks in the direction of the string instrument, meeting a curious orange stick figure with a hollow head and a messy white shirt.
"h-hey!" Green pulls the guitar away from the stranger, whereupon he jumps back and starts crawling away with an expression not of surprise but... Fear? Both staring at each other, Green could see very well that this stick figure was scared and almost hyperventilating.
"Hey, I won't hurt you..." He reaches out but the orange covers ther face shivering, "Sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to." He gives them a gentle smile, the orange one seems to calm down a bit.
The stick figure's tone seemed sincere and gentle, this gave them a little more calm.
"here, wanna try?" He offers the instrument to the orange one, he looks interesting but hesitates a little, Green holds their hand and approaches the guitar strings.
Little by little Green tops the orange playing the guitar, they seems to like the melody they made, Green smiles, "See, it's easy!" They smiles. "well I better go home, you should do the same" he takes the guitar and the rest of his things, but he feels the orange holding his instrument a little nervously and looks at them.
"What's it?" He asks, looking at the orange rubbing their own hands and looking down.
"I... I don't have a home..." They spoke in a low, soft, shy tone, it seems like he's never spoken to anyone before, the musician looks at him silently, thinking about what he should do.
On the one hand, this was a stranger, someone Green had never seen before, least of all in this town, but on the other hand, they seemed harmless, even lost, and from ther earlier reaction, Maybe they were afraid of something...
Green sighs, "ok, you can come with me, but first, what's your name? Mine is Green!" He greets them smiling, the orange tries to touch and shakes his hand but accepts with an awkward smile.
But when they were going to say their name... They stop, their eyes widen, they... "I... I don't... I don't remember..." They start breathing fast confused, sweating.
"Hey hey! Calm down!" Green puts a hand on their shoulder trying to calm them down, "Do you at least remember something that might help you remember who you are..?".
Orange tries to think deeply, closing ther eyes to try to remember, but all that comes to mind is dark and confused, all he could hear was a hum. Then they hear a voice...
“Second Coming”
They remember! They remember something, it doesn't look like a name but a "title"? Even they didn't know for sure, but that's all they had.
"S-Second..." They speak softly, "Second Coming..." Repeating looking at Green, who look at them.
"Doesn't sound much like a name..." He pauses with his fingers propping his chin, "Can I call you..." He pauses and looks at them, "Sec?" he asks with a gentle smile.
Sec... Sounds like a nice name, the orange one smiles, "maybe..." They replied shyly.
The two smile at each other, Second helps Green pack his things into his backpack and tossing the crumpled up papers in the nearest trash can before leaving the park Green goes to a car and drums the guitar in the trunk and opens the passenger door.
Sec seemed curious about the machine, Green laughs seeing Sec's rather cute curiosity and they help them to fasten their seat belts. Green starts the car, driving to his apartment.
On the way, they pass a street surrounded by police, a store looks like it was robbed, The police were receiving a complaint from the store owner.
Looks like the police didn't arrive in time and the thieves left half an hour ago. Green snorts, the police in this city are very useless! They never arrive when people need...
"Green?" Sec noticed Green's annoyed expression and he shook his head and continued driving.
"I-It's nothing Sec..." He looked annoyed, but Sec doesn't press any further. One thing that Sec still didn't know, that in this city there were vigilantes, heroes and villains. The City is full of dangers on every street. And on top of a tall building, there was a figure watching everything around the city.
After arriving at the apartment and walking up the stairs together, Green opens the door turning on the lights, "home sweet home!" He says letting Sec enter the house from which he starts to admire the place.
Music records stuck to the wall, fluorescent lights hanging in the corners of the room, a music radio in the living room and a flat screen tv in the living room. A bed next to a window with a desk full of lyrics in Papes on it.
Sec starts to explore ther new friend's apartment which they was smiling at with Sec's reaction as if they had never seen a room. The smile fades as he realizes that maybe they never had a home before...
“where do I stay?" Green pays attention again.
"Ah, you're going to sleep on this mattress!" he says pulling a second mattress from under the bed, "i just need to get some extra stuff to make you more comfortable!" He goes to a closet and gets some blankets and some clothes for Second.
Second if he sits on the small sofa in front of the TV and takes the control curiously, he presses a button turning on the TV that scares them for a second. There was a news on the TV about the store they passed earlier, commenting on the police being late, some people being injured in the incident and the manager saying
"It took a full hour for them to arrive!! We called them as soon as the thieves broke in!! I don't understand what it's so important that my store, my family's store, isn't a priority?? And the safety of others?? These people are scared!! There were kids in the store!! I feared for my life!!" The man in the interview looked furious and almost in tears from the stress.
Green hearing this couldn't help but mutter over the police's incompetence, He was squeezing the clothes he was separating for Sec in frustration.
"I at least knew they were found, but not by the police!! The Watcher showed up and kicked them out of here before they could do anything!! He got them out of here and when they ran away, He went after them!! I don't see the police doing anything!!" Second was curious.
the report shows a recording made by one of the people in the store A mysterious figure in a dark hood appears frightening the bandits and being thrown out with great force and then fleeing the scene, the so-called "the Watcher" It ran at a speed that didn't appear correctly in the video! It was as if he had disappeared.
The report then shows the bandits held by ropes in another street not far away as if they had been caught by someone stronger than them.
Second seemed impressed by the video presented, "who was he Green??" They point to the TV with a smile, Green was distracted but Second's voice snapped him out of his trance.
"O-Oh! This guy is the Watcher! He is called that because he is a vigilante who watches over the city and people when they are in danger!" He looks at the TV and then at the clothes he held in his hands in brief silence.
"No one knows who he is, much less where he came from, they just know he's been protecting the city for years alone." Green puts the things he set aside for Second on their mattress.
"all right Sec! you're going to sleep here, some clothes for you and a blanket, the night gets really cold." Second goes to the mattress and sits on it like Green.
"Comfortable!" they say laying down on the mattress little by little with a smile, Green laugh, they look like a child.
"you are now my roommate! i wouldn't leave you with an uncomfortable mattress!" he says sitting on his bed, It wasn't the first time he let someone sleep in his apartment, a friend of his always went to sleep there after nights of hangover, he always let him sleep on the mattress (after a shower of course, this friend is pretty sloppy.).
Sec smiles at him, "thanks Green! you're a nice guy!" Green looks at them not knowing what to say, he blushes a little.
"Oh... y-you're welcome!” He smiles a little embarrassed at the compliment. Nobody ever praised him like that.
Second yawns lying on the mattress and starts to fall asleep, "Good night Green..." They fall asleep slowly hugging the pillow under their head.
Green smiles and covers them, they go to the TV to turn it off and look out the window. He thinks a little about the world outside.
If Second acted so easily like a child... They must be naive and innocent about this world they live in... How? Green didn't know He looks at Second and smiles again, all he knew was that he wished he could help Second no matter what, they were pure, Green could see that.
"good night Sec..." He covers Second with the blanket that smiles and Green takes off his coat and puts it on the couch and throws himself on his bed to sleep too.
He looks at Second one more time, Si wondering where they came from, and why are they so... different, before closing his eyes, "It's not like I'm normal either", he told himself looking up at the ceiling and slowly falling asleep.
Elsewhere, In a place seemingly far from there, a person in a lab coat and a battered face is put against the wall with the collar of his shirt being forcibly held. "I swear!! I don't know what happened to them!!" He cries covering his face against his attacker.
"you had ONE JOB!!! and failed at it you useless!!"A stick figure throws the scientist to the ground with force, "you guys worked to make the T.S.C project! NOW WHERE THEY ARE???" the scientist was crying, The assailant laughs and takes a cipher from his pocket and walks to the other side of the room.
"You know... You're pretty pathetic, you know... I've brought someone who can motivate you a little..." He flashes a crooked smile turning on the light across the room showing a young man strapped to a chair.
"Dad!!"The scientist panics, it was his son! They caught him, the man starts to tear up.
"please!! Do what you want with me!! Just don't hurt my son!! He's all I have!!!" The home The man cries loudly begging for mercy from his attacker.
The one in navy blue smiles, "So tell me... WHERE IS IT!?" the man hesitates but the aggressor points the syringe at the boy's neck who was crying.
"please dad..." The boy cries.
The man grits his teeth "OK!! I'm talking..." The one in navy blue smiles evilly and pushes the syringe away from the boy. "We sent them to Stick City! To another lab! To ensure they continue the project responsibly!! And to help people!! And not to you "The Collectors"!! You monsters... I know what you do...." the navy blue guy rolls his eyes, "I said everything I know!! Now please release my son!!!" He forced his eyes closed.
He then heard slow applause. It came from... From his son??
"wow, you're getting better with your transformations..!" The lights flashing for a few seconds, the boy's form changes to a totally different person... A dark gray Stick Man,With a devilish grin, pointy teeth and bloodshot eyes.
"He fell for it, Beast..." They both laugh, with the impersonator letting out an unnatural laugh.
"D-Does that mean... Is my son okay??" The navy blue goes to the door still with a smile.
The Beast stands face to face with the scientist, grabbing him by the back of his lab coat, "I'm sorry... But I must admit..." He smiles a demonic smile, "It was like a delicious snack..." He licks his lips, his eyes turn black and his teeth get sharper.
The navy blue locks on the door, from the window it was possible to see the beast change into a larger, beastly form before the room was surrounded by screams of horror and the grotesque sound of blood being splattered and flesh being opened....
"Eraser... The kid's in Stick City... It'll take a while to get there, but I'm sure it won't be difficult for you..." The navy blue smile, turning the card in his hand, As he walked away from his victim's screams...
On the other end of the line, a woman in a white suit was listening to everything and opened a slight smile, "what makes you so happy Miss White?" asked a woman beside her.
They were in a car, being driven somewhere, "Oh, just family in the interior! They're getting ready for a visit!" She turns off the communicator, only she could hear the call.
"oh, I'd like to meet them!" The other equally dressed woman smiles, the woman in white looks out the window, and opens a crooked smile full of bad intentions...
In the distance at the top of a building, the one known as 'the watchman' was watching the city from above He removes his hood and mask, showing a small scar on his lip. "I feel like tonight was the beginning of something bigger..." He pauses, looking to the side, Eyes glowing like burning flames.
"or something worse..."
[To be continued...]
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AvM Minecraft server AU season 2
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Synopsis — with Second Coming being controlled by the server intruders, Green takes the lead to save them. Each member will have their own challenge to protect their home and find their friends. Red will have to go to the world of ender and his mobs friends in search of greater help. Blue and Yellow follow in search of MT and Jacob as they think about their relationship. Green? He tries to keep himself serious about this situation, but at the same time, he still has his doubts about his feelings, especially having to keep Purple around. The strangers plan something bigger, and Second is just a pawn. Will the Color gang be able to stop them? Or will they need outside help?
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Send your questions and be part of this story!
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Hello how is the life of green and purple? ÒwÓ
[Trigger warning for blood]
Green:"I think we're on the right track... Well, I hope..." A little nervous
Purple:"Don't worry Green, we'll follow the path and find them!" Purple looked a little confident, Green has never seen them as confident as he does now, he smiles
Green:"Yes purp... We'll find them and save Sec!" Green continues running in the direction they were going, "let's go, it was getting late!" He was right, it was getting dark and it would get very dangerous very fast!
The two reach a spot in the forest where it started to rain, they go under a tree to dry themselves. Purple was a little cold and Green gives them his coat to warm them up, purp blushes and smiles, they realize that Green was cold himself and shares his coat with him smiling. Green blushes looking to the side.
Green:"Do you... Do you think we're really going to save the Sec..?" Purple looks at him, and with a determined look holds Green's face gently
Purple:"Why do you doubt yourself so much Green??" They ask looking deep into Green's eyes. Green holds his hand, she was still a little injured from having punched the ground before, Purple sees the bruise and takes Green's hand to analyze it better. "Why Green? Why do you doubt yourself..?" They take a healing potion and a cloth to soak and wrap it around Green's fingers.
Green:"I..." He sighs, "I've spent so many years letting the Sec lead agent that... I kind of don't see myself as a good leader like I was before..."He grunts in pain as Purple wraps the cloth with the potion in his hand. "I admire them... A lot... But they're stronger... Much stronger than me..." They look away. "I'm just afraid of failing... I'm afraid of losing everything if I don't find them..." Almost crying. Purple finishes wrapping the cloth around Green's hand and holds his hand tight.
Purple:"Green... I admire you a lot... a lot..." Purple approaches Green who ends up walking backwards a little hitting his head on the tree. Purple stops and starts laughing, Green blushes and laughs too, "Green, you're really nice... you're kind and a good friend and leader..." they blush, "that's why I like you a lot... " Green blushes very surprised. They realize that the rain has stopped and they saem de baixo da árvore, Purple returns Green's coat, "let's look for Second, together, like you said Green..." Purple extends their hand to him smiling, Green smiles and holds their hands with a blush on his face.
Poison:"Oh! How cute... And disgusting!!" They look up to the top of the tree, seeing the navy-blue person Stick. He jumps and lands right behind the two, his presence makes Purple horrified, they remember him and start to fuss. They remember when they were alone in the forest, he appeared to them harmlessly and then attacked them from behind wanting to take ther Elytra, They tried to run away but were caught by the other two. After that, the woman in white held him behind his head and stuck something hard in the back of his head, After that they lost consciousness, and memories. Purple screams in fear, they were very scared Green looks at them worriedly and looking at the navy blue he pulls his sword out, he wouldn't let him catch him off guard again! "Finally! A real weapon!!" Navy blue pulls out the axe, the same one he used to throw at Green the other night, Green feels his hands shake remembering the pain, sweat started to run down his face. "Woooon, are you scared..?" He laughs, "you should..." He advances towards Green who defends himself from the ax with his sword. He was pushing the ax harder against the hold and Green seeing an opening forces his foot into his chest and forced himself to push him away from him.
Green:"Purple!! Run!!" He turns to Purple and dodges a navy blue attack and tries to hit him with the sword as he attacks him with the axe. Purple starts running from them but is stopped by the woman in white who before they can reaguri she grabs them by the neck. "Purple!!!" Green defends himself by dodging but stops when he sees Purple being caught, the navy blue uses it to hit him but he dodges it taking a cut only on his arm which forms a rip in his coat. "arrg... Shit..." The one in navy blue attacks again with the axe, Green dodges back holding the sword with difficulty.
Poison:"Haha ha!! I won't miss this time..." He looks towards Purple, Green notices this and advances towards him... This is exactly what he wanted, he pretends he was going to throw the ax at Purple,but he then hits Green in the arm causing him to scream loudly in pain. The ax digs into his skin causing him to fall to the ground, Poison laughs and pulls the ax from Green's arm with force making him scream even more. Now Green had an open wound on his arm, and it was huge...
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Purple was mortified by his friend's screams and starts kicking the woman trying to get free. She raises her arm and creates her blade with the bracelet she was wearing, she points at Purple's chest with an evil grin.
Green:"N-no!!" Green, between groans of pain, crawls towards them trying to reach them, Poison kicks him hard and takes his sword stepping hard on his leg making Green scream in pain even more.Eraser laughs, she throws Purple to the ground next to Green, the one in navy blue takes Purple and drags him close to Green and plunges his sword into their leg until he reaches the ground, making Purple scream in pain. "STOP!!! stop..." Green and Purple start crying, both in pain and afraid of what these monsters can do...
Eraser:"woooon, that's cute! You know, friendship is one of the things that make you so useless and pathetic... That's why I made some changes to your little orange friend..." The two's eyes widen, She can't be talking about the Sec... She laughs seeing their discredited reaction. She knows from the front, showing the vision that horrifies Green and Purple... Second, with glowing white eyes and a hood around them...
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Green:"Sec..." Green starts crying, "what did they did to you Sec..."
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White, how do you have that bracelet weapon? And why did you mind control Second?
Eraser:"oh that? were made based on Dark Lord's Virobots bracelets! an "informer" of ours gave us the blueprints on how to create the bracelets! and about the orange one, they are important for our superior.... Their powers are much more powerful than you can imagine! They just needed some... 'Improvements'" she smiles and starts to laugh.
Poison:"Hump! You're not the only one who should have cool toys! I wanted my own toys!" He snorts pushing Purple tied next to Green who was staring blankly after had seen what they did with the sec. "I wish I could upgrade my lab!! New and sharper syringes!! Different poisons!! New ways of doing experiments..." He says this looking at the two hostages with a disturbing smile...
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Purple felt a chill, they get closer to Green and hold his hand, the hand of the arm with the open cut. Purple hesitates to look at the wound but he had to see how serious it was. The sight was grotesque, they could see the torn flesh of his arm, and the smell of blood was nauseating, Purple covered ther mouth in horror, and Green looked dead, he was breathing but his eyes were almost empty, as if his hopes had just completely disappeared... They found Second... But what they found was very horrible... Second followed the woman's every command, as if she controlled them. Purple then remember of what that anon said before, that they should hit them in the head! Purple, even tied up, tries to shake Green.
Purple:"Green..." They whisper, "Green... Answer... Remember what that anon said?? That they were controlling them?? It means if they were right about that, it means all we need to do is hit them Behind the head!"They talk low just for Green. He lifts his head, looking in Second's direction, his vision blurry and hearing buzzing, he could see Second right in front of him, looking at the woman in white as she fiddles with her bracelets. Green's eyes were red from crying so hard when he saw the Second like this, He wished this was all just a bad dream... But it wasn't...
Green:"I don't know Purp..." He shakes his head, "I don't know how to get out of this..." He starts to think again. He was in a lot of pain. Not for the badly injured arm, at this point he doesn't care about it anymore, for him, he could die from blood loss he wouldn't care! He just wanted his best friend, and the person he loves more than anything, to be safe and well, and he failed at that...
Purple wanted to be free so he could hug Green, but in this state, he can only lean his head on his shoulder. Purple is then pulled by the arm by Poison, Green panics and starts reacting in fear of what they could do to them. Purple starts screaming trying to force their feet into the dirt for them to drag away from him, they start crying in Panic. They started to try to kick them but his leg was still injured and he barely even moved properly and every movement only opened the wound further. Green try to forget about the broken leg and try to get up in vain, he fell on his face on the ground scratching his chin and looking at Purple who was dragged against his will and thrown in front of Second and the woman in white who controlled them. Whatever they were going to do, Purple was fixated on Second.
Eraser:"Second Coming..." He smiles facing Purple and pulling away a little like Poison who crossed his arms behind his back. "Kill them..." Purple's eyes widen as well as Green's as he forces himself up even with his whole body hurting and forces his legs to run towards Purple. But poison unfortunately notices him doing this and gives him a knee in the stomach and an elbow in the back causing him to fall back to the ground spitting blood.
Poison:"You know... It would be fun if I could do some experiments on you... I already like it when you cry..." He laughs holding Green's head tightly and forcing him to see Purple being executed in front of him.
Second slowly raised their hand which carried a strong green energy, aimed towards Purple, staring at them with bright white eyes and the veins that went to the back of their head. A sphere of green energy formed in their hand, each second seemed to get bigger, Purple crawled back in fear facing Second. Their eyes filled with fear and tears, reflecting on Second's white eyes, Purple just stared at them, and Green just watched, wanting not to look, muttering several low "no's" that were muffled by the sound of electricity getting more energized.
Purple:"Sec..." Purple whispered closing their eyes, "I love you..."
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in seconds they shoot.... and hit the ground next to Purple. they were panting, their eyes glowing with their natural greenish color. everyone in the place was in shock, did they break free from control?? They look at Purple heavily panting, little sparks shooting out of their eyes.
Second:"P-purple...?" They whispered in a weak, almost tearful voice. Then they start screaming with their hands on their heads, Purple and Green start to worry, Eraser was squeezing a device in their hands that seemed to control mind control. Second's agonized screams distracted her enough that Purple kicked her hard in the heel causing her to fall and knock the device out of her hand. Purple if you drag to the device before she got it with a little difficulty, she tries to take it back but they won't let it kick her in the face and try to get up. poison was going towards Purple but Green grabs him with one hand, being kicked by him but not released Purple manages to get up limping and with force they throw the device on the ground causing it to break. The device breaks and Second's last cry of pain causes a massive shock wave to appear in the sky and spread through the server, and shortly after that they fall to their knees on the ground.
Poison kicks Green hard causing him to release him, he gives Green one last kick that sends him rolling to the ground, badly injured.
Purple:"Green!!" Purple, still injured, runs to Green and picks him up crying wanting to wake him up since the meso was losing consciousness, in addition to his health bar he had only two hearts two and a half hearts. "Green...." Purple hugs Green desperately.
Eraser:"You little shits...YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!" She was furious with the pieces of the device in her hands, "POISON, KILL THEM!!!" she orders, poison smiles taking his ax and facing Purple and Green ready to hit them. Eraser looks at where second had fallen, her eyes widen... "Where... Where did they—" Before she can finish, Poison is hit by something fast and thrown away from both of them.
Second:"STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!" Second's voice was steady and serious. And in seconds they takes them both in ther arms and takes them away from that place and away from those sociopaths Annoyed Eraser throws the broken pieces to the floor and scream in frustration.
Second arrives at a point farther away from where they were before, pausing to leave Green on the ground and Purple right next to them. Purple was glazed over Second still in shock that somehow Second It was themselves...
Second, panting, they look at Green seeing the worrying situation of the friend they cared for so much, But they understand, and they knew what to do. Closing ther eyes, Second leaves ther hands raised over Green and Purple, sparks went out from ther eyes and small strong sparkles begin to surround the three of them.
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And slowly their wounds begin to close up, it causes Purple a little pain, and they could have sworn they could hear Green groan in pain very quietly. After the wounds close, Purple looks at Green's health bar that he was refilling. They were relieved, they then feel Second's weight on their shoulder, they look at them worriedly. Sec was panting, they used up a lot of their energy and now they were very exhausted, they then start watering with their hands on their head, they had a lot of headache.
Purple notices something stuck in ther head and tries to take it out, it was the device, trying to take it out caused Second pain, Purple closes ther eyes and rips the device out which makes Second scream in pain. Purple throws the device away, a device resembling a small metal spider, it had some blood that belonged to Second on the tips of its pointed legs. Purple looks at Second again, they look at him, and without a word the two hug each other, letting the tears fall on their shoulders. After many tears, both of them get up, Second takes Green in their arms and the three of them head to a nearby cave for themselves to hide and shelter.
Purple picked up some wood on the way to make a fire for them to warm up. Second, they were hugging their arms, shaking, not from the cold, but from fear... They were afraid of what those monsters could do... They hurt Green, Purple, Red... They didn't even know what they did to Blue and Yellow, they were too scared... Purple sits next to them, they both look at Green who was lying on Sec's hood under his head. Green was unconscious, even safe, Second was still scared, they cry again with Purple comforting them with hugs. Those three monsters were still looking for them... They managed to save the Sec... But they still need to get rid of those monsters...
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MT walked through the trees, wearing his old king's cape torn after fighting the color gang. He was looking at his ancient crown, never more did he wear it... He was thinking about Jacob... Jacob lied to him about who they were... MT stops and punches a tree in annoyance.
MT:"LIAR!!! THEY ALWAYS LIE!!!" he starts punching the tree until it breaks the block. He was panting with rage.He looks at his crown gritting his teeth, "ARRRRRG!!!" He throws the crown away, falling off his legs as he sits on the tree. He puts his hands over his head in a cold sweat and panting heavily. "Shit...." He picks up his shit that was in the inventory looking at it in his hands, a blank stare... He remembers something that at least looked like a good memory...
MT:"And...~ ready!!" He presents the staff to someone, White...
White:"Very well done Orange!, did you make it?" She asks analyzing the shit carefully.
Orange:"Yea! The Villagers taught me how to do it! Check it out!" He takes a block of earth and puts it over the tortoise opening, the block floats and with one quick movement,Orange makes a small mountain of dirt appear from the ground.
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she claps her hands smiling impressed.
Orange:"What did you think?" He turns to her.
White:"That was amazing!! With this staff you can do everything!!" She looks excited and he smiles
Orange:"Yea! I can also use any type of block in Minecraft! Can you imagine the different possibilities of that?!" He also looked very excited. And to think that they were so close, he made that staff to show her... And in the end she betrayed him and left him trapped in the Nether...
MT became infuriated and threw the staff to the other side, bringing his knees together and sinking his face into them, letting himself be carried away by his tears of hatred... He didn't trust anyone... No one at all... The last time he trusted someone, they hurt him... The best thing for him is to be alone...
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Light purple:.......(teleports to a white girl)...???(thought: where I am I have no idea TwT)
Eraser:"huh?" She looks at the fox, "Um... A pink fox...? What a ridiculous little creature..." She kicks the little fox hard... "Stay out of my way you little thing!" she keeps walking. Poison, the navy blue, follows her and then Second, who looks at the fox without expression of his own, continues to follow the two. They were heading towards the other side of the server. To the opposite side of the mountain they were before...
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