anubisbride · 5 years
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Red and Blue Serie: K-Project Izumo Kusanagi: Anubis_Bride Seri Awashima: @cutewarrior_cosplay Photo: @Venthora_cosplay Edit: @Anubis_Bride #k #kproject #kcosplay #kprojectcosplay #kusanagiizumo #izumokusanagi #kusanagiizumocosplay #izumokusanagicosplay #kkusanagi #kkusanagicosplay #kusanagi #seriawashima #awashimaseri #awashima #awashimasericosplay #seriawashimacosplay #kawashima #redclan #blueclan #seriizumo #izumoseri #kusanagiawashima #awashimakusanagi #fbm #frankfurterbuchmesse #frankfurtbookfair #fbm2019 #frankfurterbuchmesse2019 (hier: Frankfurter Buchmesse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5tPmSJo05h/?igshid=miprfy2zng06
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keidezzmiamor · 5 years
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shuuv · 6 years
Case Files of Blue, Chapter 3. The Revolutionary King(?) Page 114-125
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. ***
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention, still dripping wet with seawater and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent. Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.**** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” *****
*i have no idea what he was making, like maybe a scuba suit with a back pack or smthh
**at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
***Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
****the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
*****The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
PS i may have made a mistake in the names back in the scene where fushimi visited hidaka it may have been munakata instead of fushimi, ill have to recheck again later ^^;;
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its-mitchan · 7 years
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Cumpleaños de placer (en Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/2GIWrjqgNG
Es el cumpleaños del capitán del SCEPTER 4, sin embargo, trabaja demasiado, así que su mano derecha, la teniente Seri Awashima, decide llevarlo por un trago en la noche a su bar favorito sin contar que el dueño de tal bar les tenía ya preparada una buena sorpresa en la que los someterá por completo al placer.
[Debí ponerle R+20 a esta cosa :v] PA…
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nikiharamai · 9 years
: Scepter4 guys talk too slowly for me to handle. 👑 Anime- K: Returm of Kings Characters- 🔵Awashima Seri (VA: Sawahiro Miyuki) 🔵Akiyama Himori (VA: Takahashi Kouji) 🔵other scepter4 members 👑 🔎|#Anime |#Kproject |#KReturnofKings |#blueclan |#Scepter4 |#AwashimaSeri |#AkiyamaHimori
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anubisbride · 5 years
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The Kings right Hands Serie: K-Project Izumo Kusanagi: @anubis_bride Seri Awashima: @cutewarrior_cosplay Photo: @Venthora_cosplay Edit: @anubis_bride . . . #k #kproject #kcosplay #kprojectcosplay #kusanagiizumo #izumokusanagi #kusanagiizumocosplay #izumokusanagicosplay #kkusanagi #kkusanagicosplay #kusanagi #seriawashima #awashimaseri #awashima #awashimasericosplay #seriawashimacosplay #kawashima #redclan #blueclan #seriizumo #izumoseri #kusanagiawashima #awashimakusanagi #fbm #frankfurterbuchmesse #frankfurtbookfair #fbm2019 #frankfurterbuchmesse2019 (hier: Frankfurter Buchmesse) https://www.instagram.com/p/B49vzp6o1yW/?igshid=1rrgznj9uo7s2
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shuuv · 6 years
After The Death
The chair creaked as Zenjo leaned back. He closed his eyes and rubbed the arch of his nose. That boy that he’d been helping & that he’d been helped by. He was no longer around. From what he had heard, a strain broke out of the grasp of one of the clansmen and attempted to shoot Captain Munakata, Kusuhara Takeru, being the only one that noticed, used his special instincts and aura to block the bullet before it could reach the captain. It had gone right through his head. He died on the spot.
Zenjo wasn’t there,so he couldn’t have seen how it happened. His imagination would only bring him so far. He had a liking to that boy, as if that boy had been his apprentice for years now.
“Without hesitation.” Those words rung in his head. Habari had said the same words before Zenjo had to cut him down. It was sudden, he assumed that they would have been okay and that the war between Scepter 4 & Purgatory House was over and down for. The next moment, he was covered in his king’s blood.
After the funeral, Hidaka crouched in the toilet, tears rolling down his eyes nonstop. He couldn’t believe it. Had his best friend really died? He bit his lower lip and thought of every moment they had spent together. Training in the Dōjo, every mission they had been on together & eating soba with Enomoto, Fuse, Goto and Zenjo in the dimly lit room after hours.
He shut his eyes tightly, trying to process his death over and over again. Thinking of every second and how he could have prevented it. If only he had locked the culprit up earlier. If only he had restrained him tighter. If only he had moved away the gun. Kusuhara wouldn’t have died.
At roughly 1am & technically a the day following the funeral, Enomoto sat at the desk in the Blue Sky dormitory, in the room he shared with Fuse. Despite being a hard worker, well-trained soldier and highly educated in the world of technology, he seemed to have a difficult time writing the report on the case.
He recalled Kusuhara jumping out, and as he looked at the captain in disbelief, the Blue King was stained by his clansman’s red blood. His glasses were splattered with that viscous red substance and mouth agape. The next thing he knew, his glasses were fogging up. Enomoto was soft and gentle in nature, but the gruesome scene caused him to run up to the corpse of his friend and grasp it, shouting his name over and over again.
At the same time, Fuse sat at the counter of the kitchen in the Blue Sky dormitory. Arms resting on the table, the cool water in the cup turned warmer by the minute. He looked at the table, trying to reminisce everything and even begun to question his life choices. At this time, Gōto walked into the kitchen.
“Couldn’t sleep huh?” Gōto asked.
“Seems like it’s the same for you.”
For a moment, silence was the only thing between the 2. Gōto walked to the kettle and filled his cup with warm water. He looked solemn and lost, as if in a daze. While he is often know to be quirky, weird or “supernatural “, he had never looked so sad before.
“Hey, you believe in ghosts and things like that right? Would it be possible to make him come back?” Fuse asked, with a quiver in his voice.
“Sorry...” Gōto replied.
A ball of air formed in Fuse’s throat. The closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fist. Hitting the table hard, “Godamnit...”
In the more refurbished female dormitory, Awashima Seri had just finished bathing after a long day of work. She too, had a lost look in her eyes. At the corner of the room laid a bamboo sword, one that she would often bring to dōjo practice. As she picked up the sword, she ran her hand over it.
She thought of all the times they had sparred in the dōjo. Kusuhara has always lost “beautifully”. And after their trainings, sometimes she would send an anko care package to help him recover, only to be whacked again next practice.
The one time that he had managed to hit her was quite shocking in all honesty. She even carassed the are he hit to verify it. A gentle smile formed on her face as she touched that area once again.
Fushimi Saruhiko walked across the outdoor training grounds of Scepter 4. Wearing casual clothes after returning from a private errand from the captain. He looked down at his PDA, with his other arm in his pocket. He was in the process of strolling back to the dormitory.
All of a sudden, the bespectacled boy stopped in his tracks and looked up. Then his eyes widened. Just for a moment, he saw what seemed like a high schooler, smiling at him and saying “Fushimi-Kun, were you out late again?”
In the main Scepter4 building, only one light was left on. In the captain’s office, he perched his arm on the table and rested his head on it. His other arm was fixing a puzzle.
That was the only sound that filled the room. Fushimi had left a few minutes ago but it seemed as though he had been alone in that room forever. Earlier that day, Zenjo had him pinned up against the wall by the collar so he was fatigued to say the least.
Kusuhara had often helped him bring the puzzle to the dōjo and back to the office. It was depressing to think that the task would never be the same again.
During the funeral, he remembered a man with a limp moving towards and exchanged a few words with Zenjo. Since he was from the riot police, was he close to Kusuhara?
Like his face, Kusuhara’s hands were somewhat soft. He had once requested Kusuhara to wash his back, but instead he watched over it and saved his life.
The puzzle was finished. Taking a look at the full picture he had fixed, he leaned back and thought to himself “To have such dedicated squadmen, I certainly am lucky. Thank-You.”
In dedication to kusuhara takeru my no.1 and first true love i hope we get to see more content of u i loved u sm i went to watch the movie twice and a ticket was $13 but hey it was worthit bcos i almost missed ur poster <3
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its-mitchan · 7 years
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Happy Marriage (en Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/KzbBUHkeNG
Bien dicen que todo es miel sobre hojuelas hasta que la pareja se casa, puesto que ahora deberán convivir el uno con el otro la mayor parte del día, soportando costumbres y hábitos distintos. Todo matrimonio debería ser parcialmente igual, también para dos reyes.
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shuuv · 6 years
K: Yoshino Yayoi
The following is purely fictional and from my mind. It is not canon!
*Ding!* You have received one new mail!
Yoshino Yayoi was once again, in her small room. She had recently graduated from university with a business degree and was looking for work. She hadn’t much in her resumé though. She was what one would call “average”. She didn’t specialize in anything in particular. Not especially smart as to pass with all As but she didn’t fail or struggle in any subject. She was apart of the Student Council board as her club activity and acted as the Treasurer, so she knew how to use spreadsheets and count their funds.
After graduation she went on to College and simply chose the closest one to her home before choosing a university with the same mindset. And after researching, she decided that she’d work as an officer in the government, with stable pays & days off etc. But what she didn’t expect was that she would be put in the Census Division of the Tokyo Regional Legal Affairs Bureau Annex 4, or so the email said. The office was nowhere close to her home, so after a few days of consideration, she accepted the job offer and decided to move into the dorms provided.
The email also gave her a set of directions and people to contact if she needed to, for example the dorm keeper, staff manager and Lieutenant Awashima Seri? She’d heard that Lieutenant Awashima was the second in command but why would they give her her contact information? Fortunately for Yoshino, her question would be quickly answered. Upon stepping into the female dormitory, she was greeted by a blonde-busty woman.
“Ms Yoshino Yayoi, correct?” The woman was taller than her, and had a bigger frame. Her deep, mysterious, royal blue eyes pierced Yoshino’s choco brown ones.
Yoshino gulped. “Y...yes, maam” hesitantly, she let out. Pushing a ball of air down her throat, she clenched her fists. A million thoughts went through her head, such as “Does she like me? She looks super scary...” Her eyes darted around the room, mainly because she was nervous. Partly because she didn’t know where to look. Because of their height difference, if she were to look forward, she’d be directly staring at her superior’s bosom.
“You don’t need to act so formal, you know.” Awashima’s mouth broke into a soft smile. “We’ve reviewed your resumé, and we believe that the best position for you is in the General Affairs Room, with one of the best in our organization. However, he does have some handicaps, as such you’ll be assisting him. Like a secretary.”
“I’ll do my best!”
After a tour around the premises of Scepter 4, Yoshino changed into her office uniform and entered the General Affair Room, also known as the Camellia Gate. After Awashima knocked on the door, a low voice grumbled.
“Come in.”
“Mr Zenjo, this is Yoshino Yayoi. She will be assisting you from now on.” Awashima introduced. Yoshino expected a middle, or even young aged man which was good-looking, or even average. But what she saw was the complete opposite. Zenjo Gouki was middle-aged. He was tall and muscular, strong jawline and a low voice. It was easy to tell that he wad a battle veteran. Using the information Awashima had given her earlier, plus his strong build, Yoshino couldn’t help but wonder why he wasn’t on the frontlines. At that time, a soft thing rubbed against her foot.
“Meow...” it was from a small black cat. Instead of greeting her superior, Yoshino looked down and her eyes widened and sparkled.
“A Kitty-Cat!” She smiled started playing with the cat, named Kuro. Like a toddler playing with toys for the first time or a kid getting their first pet, she immediately started playing with Kuro, and he seemed to like it.
“Looks like she’ll fit in well, I hope that she will grow well in your care.” Awashima said, before bowing and leaving. Zenjo couldn’t help but give a withered smile. Would his new assistant be like his old one?
The End, or is it really :^)
hii im starting a fanfiction series about how some characters got into where they are before the main series bc gora didnt only gave a brief summary :^)
As for case files of blue, i was forced to take a break due to finals :,D i initally wanted to continue translating but im a few thousand kilometers away from the book rn bc my stupid ass left it at home :,) there should be a new update by the end of the week though!
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nikiharamai · 9 years
K ep 9 review part2 [Read caption for more details] 5. ["Resonance Hammer Effect".] Let's start with Resonance. It occurs when a structure naturally oscillates at high amplitude at specific frequency. Basically, it means if something is at the same frequency as something else it will cause something to happen and will result in stronger vibrations to its resonance state. This often leads to unexpected behaviour. In which this case, Shiro is most probably wanting the slate to stop giving any more powers to people which in turns goes to my hypothesis of every single one losing their bestowed power, even the Kings. I think that this Resonance Hammer Effect will be similar to Sympathetic Resonance (google it) where the one striking it will probably be Shiro. 🔗🔗🔗 6. [Kusakabe Izuru(KUSAnagi IZUmo).] Hahahha Kusanagi and Awashima acting as a couple was probably one of the only things I was smiling about. They had managed to get a pda with the list of guest but ofc when Saru appeared..😳 at this moment, I honestly want to just hug Awashima. This whole season is making this ice woman show her feelings, be it sadness or fear and even worrying so much about others!😣 ➰➰➰➰➰ 🎵Bgm: Asymmetry inst. |#Kanimereview |#KReturnofKingsReview |#nikiharamaiopinions |#Anime |#Kproject |#KReturnofKings |#redclan |#blueclan |#silverclan |#KusanagiIzumo |#AwashimaSeri |#IsanaYashiro To be continued in next part
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nikiharamai · 9 years
🎥K: Return of Kings Episode: 8 Characters: 🔵Fushimi Saruhiko 🔵Awashima Seri 🎶Bgm: K Missing Kings OST- Death of Gold King (This song is feels!) ________________ 🔎|#Anime |#Kproject |#KReturnofKings |#Blueclan |#Scepter4 |#FushimiSaruhiko |#AwashimaSeri 🔷🔹🔷🔹🔷🔹🔷 Can we just...stop having to see Mamashima Seri looking all worried and fucking sad in every ep!?😭
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nikiharamai · 9 years
: Read⤵ 📹K: Return of Kings Episode: 7 _ Characters: 🔴Kusanagi Izumo (VA: Sakurai Takahiro) 🔴Yata Misaki (VA: Fukuyama Jun) 🔵Scepter4 members _ 🔎|#Anime |#Kproject |#KReturnofKings |#Scepter4 |#Homra |#YataMisaki |#KusanagiIzumo |#AwashimaSeri ➰➰➰ There is a reason why I made the video squared...Izumo's upset face is pretty obvious in this scene. Look at the mouth...he is angry, Yata-chan. Also, I swear I need to see Seri smile in this season!😫I only see her with her stoic or worried expression!😖
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nikiharamai · 9 years
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: what are you doing to her behind the scenes, Reisi... ➰➰➰ 📷K Project Characters: 🔷Munakata Reishi [King] 🔹Awashima Seri [Right hand man] ➰➰➰ 🔎|#Kproject |#KMissingKings |#KReturnofKings |#Scepter4 |#MunakataReisi |#AwashimaSeri
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nikiharamai · 9 years
-(4/5) 📹K: Return of Kings Episode: 5 _ Characters: 🔵Awashima Seri (VA: Sawahiro Miyuki) 🔵Munakata Reishi (VA: Sugita Tomokazu) _ 🔎|#Anime |#Kproject |#KReturnofKings |#Scepter4 |#MunakataReisi |#AwashimaSeri 🔍 _ Munakata Reisi is finally going back to his ruthless self. I fear what his next move might be... Seri's expression made me feel down too...
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nikiharamai · 9 years
-(6/6) 📹K: Return of Kings Episode: 4 _ Characters: 🔴Kusanagi Izumo (VA: Sakurai Takahiro) 🔵Fushimi Saruhiko (VA: Miyano Mamoru) 🔵Awashima Seri (VA: Sawahiro Miyuki) _ 📌|#anime |#kproject |#KReturnofKings |#KusanagiIzumo |#AwashimaSeri |#FushimiSaruhiko . . . Saru...😏
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nikiharamai · 9 years
- 📹K: Return of Kings Episode: Return of Kings PV _ Characters: 🔵Awashima Seri 🔴Kusanagi Izumo _ 📌|#anime |#Kreturnofkings |#AwashimaSeri |#KusanagiIzumo |#IzuRi 💛 💙 💜 💚 ❤ Because who doesnt freaking want them to be together!? Izuriiiiii~~~~😍
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