ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Fantasy world AU - there's a great evil that must be stopped. Homra is one of the powerful groups who wanted to help defeat the great evil but everyone is having trouble. Yata, a novice magician, tries to summon a being that could help and ended up with the human Fushimi. Yata thinks there's probably a reason for it and that Fushimi might be the hero they need but Fushimi thinks otherwise. Fushimi and Yata get close and Fushimi wanted to be the hero Yata wanted him to be but he fails.
Homra leader Mikoto gets stronger and Yata's fanboying over this made Fushimi think that he shouldn't have been summoned as he wasn't actually needed. Scepter4's leader sees potential in him and recruits him anyways. Fushimi's goal is to help S4 defeat rhe great evil and maybe take down Homra as well as a way to show Yata that Homra isn't awesome and Mikoto isn't a hero.
Imagine Yata summoning Fushimi and being like ‘maybe this guy is a great hero…?’ and meanwhile Fushimi is standing there nearly starving to death because fantasy worlds don’t have Caloriemate. Say there’s this mysterious sorcerer named Colorless who’s been causing chaos in the world. Homra is like your standard D&D hero party and are one of many trying to stop Colorless and his demon hordes but even they’ve been having trouble making any headway. Yata’s a novice magician who looks up to Homra’s leader Mikoto, he thinks Mikoto is amazing and can definitely defeat the evil. At some point though they come upon like this prophecy about how true evil can only be defeated with help from another world. The same mysterious library that contains the prophecy also has a hidden spell as well and Yata decides to secretly take it. When Homra found the prophecy Kusanagi rebuffed Yata’s suggestion of summoning a being from another world because it could be too taxing for a novice and he was worried for Yata’s safety. Yata though wants only to help Mikoto and decides to cast the spell himself.
He expects a great warrior or amazing hero and instead he gets…Fushimi, who was just isekaied to this new world and is already insulting the mage who summoned him by wondering who the shorty in the Halloween costume is. Yata thinks this guy is an asshole but he figures Fushimi must be some kind of hero right, if the spell called him. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says Yata must have failed his spell because Fushimi is no hero. But then imagine Fushimi really quickly picks up on a lot of the magic system in this world and comes up with all these strategies to counter the demon hordes and Yata thinks Fushimi’s super amazing, see he really must be a hero. Fushimi tries to downplay his own abilities but really the more Yata looks at him with shining eyes and calls him amazing the more he starts to believe it himself, that together he and Yata can take on the world and Fushimi can be a hero. Unfortunately during this big fight against Colorless one of Fushimi’s strategies fails and he’s nearly killed, only to be saved by Mikoto who defeats Colorless once and for all.
In the aftermath Homra are celebrating that they defeated the great evil but Fushimi is miserable, watching Yata fanboy over Mikoto. Fushimi feels like if he failed what’s the point of him even being here. Meanwhile the demons haven’t subsided though and Kusnaagi is beginning to suspect there’s an even greater evil behind Colorless who has finally awakened, Yata’s like even if there is Mikoto-san will kick his ass. Fushimi coldly tries to tell Yata that he wants to be sent home but Yata thinks he’s kidding and blows him off, Fushimi decides to run off on his own thinking even his terrible home life back in his world is better than being useless here and watching Yata look at someone else. This is when Munakata shows up, he’s part of a squad of like royal guards who protect the kingdom and have also been resisting Colorless. Fushimi doesn’t see why Munakata would want him, a normal useless human from another world, but Munakata sees potential in Fushimi and offers him a place in S4.
Yata is obviously devastated and every time they meet after that Fushimi taunts Yata about what a useless hero Mikoto is, sure he killed Colorless but now this stronger evil called the Green King has taken Colorless’s place. Fushimi keeps trying to convince Yata that they’re enemies but really Fushimi just wants him to see that there’s no such thing as heroes, and Mikoto especially isn’t one. But then eventually imagine the Green King manages to defeat both Homra and S4, leaving Mikoto dead or at least incapacitated and both groups are sent into hiding while the Green King’s forces sweep over the land. This is when Fushimi switches sides yet again, going over to the Greens and Yata can’t believe that he summoned a traitor to this world even as he can’t stop himself from worrying about Fushimi’s welfare. 
Shortly afterward the previously impenetrable shield that was surrounding the Green King suddenly develops a crack and Homra and S4 are able to launch a counterattack, something they were unable to do before. Yata ends up finding out from Munakata that in fact this was the plan all along and that Fushimi was really a double agent. Yata realizes that this must be what the prophecy meant, that Fushimi really was the ‘hero’ who would turn the tide, but at the same time he realizes that the prophecy didn’t say anything about if the hero would survive. Yata immediately rushes in while the others focus on defeating the Green King, Yata just wants to find Fushimi and save him because regardless of Fushimi being a hero he’s too important to Yata for Yata to lose him now.
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timelessusagi · 1 year
Not sure if someone already made this poll, but I got the idea today and felt like a fool for not coming up with it sooner.
If someone asks why I added Rengokusha to the list, I just thought it would be 'fair' since I have also listed Cathedral and they are both old clans which we don't know to much about
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rinaizumo · 3 years
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That was the... well, technically first attempt at ‘inktober’ I lefthanging till a lot later. First presented at WFB 2021. At least it fits the topic, I guess XD
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willofhounds · 4 years
When all said and done I couldnt have asked for a better King preview
The man ordered a straight black coffee in a gruff voice. The woman replied with a cheerful smile, "Right away, Mr. Aizawa. How are your students by the way? Still giving you problems?"
Aizawa growled, "Problem children. Every last one of them."
Izuku snickered unable to help himself. That was Awashima's favorite nickname for him. She said on a regular basis that he was able to find more trouble than anyone else. He had to wonder if that played a part in assignment.
Aizawa turned to glare at him as he questioned, "Have something to say?"
Izuku shook his head as he quipped, "Nope."
The waitress rolled her eyes good naturedly at him before asking, "What can I get for you?"
"An iced caramel latte if you would please. And one of your pastries. Whichever you would recommend."
"That will be 650 yen please, Mr?" She queried.
"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."
From the corner of his eye he caught Aizawa stiffening in surprise and disbelief. Dark eyes were suddenly on him with more interest than was normal. Izuku wisher he had thought to bring one of knives with him. As it was he was without any weapons. His aura alone wasnt enough for offensive tactics. It was mainly used for capture and defensive tactics.
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zsocca55 · 5 years
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Just rewatched K project the other day and got into a nostalgic mood over this anime. My love for textures, shiny buildings and colorful filters come from seeing this masterpiece of art, even though I still can’t manage to do the backgrounds convincing enough. But I’m trying! As for the blues...aaaah....I don’t really like them. Well, okay, I love the Special Ops Squad and even Awashima (without the fanservice she would be total badass), but I’ve never come to like Munakata that much. Fushimi is best boy, no argue in that tho. I’m more of a red team enthusiast because ever since I was a kid I’m obsessed with red. But if any of these groups were real, I know I would probably avoid punks like those in Homra and because of my responsible, order-liking nature I would most likely choose the blues. K project (c) Gora, Gohands Art by Zsocca
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esoniko · 5 years
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K: Tales of Midnight
An Eso Niko Fan Fiction
Following the grand explosion of events at Ashinaka High School and the fall of the Colorless King, Saruhiko Fushimi of Scepter 4 is sent by Blue King Reisi Munakata to investigate the theft of the Kawaguchi Algorithm, a piece of technology that coincides with supernatural energy, only to discover another player is afoot, wielding an aura darker than the blackest sky at Midnight.
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xkazuraix · 5 years
Day 14 - Reisi Munakata ❄️
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keidezzmiamor · 5 years
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irukoberry · 5 years
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My Deviantart
My Twitter
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miaolgbaicai · 6 years
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blossomisaki · 6 years
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Recap of SIDE:BLUE movie
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
Yatatoulle AU: Yata gets cursed to becoming a rat and couldn't return to his family in this form. He's forced to live in the streets and gets taken in by a group of rats who eats mostly garbage though their leaders have realized the best kinds are at this restaurant. That's how Yata found himself at Scepter4 restaurant where he and the Homrats steal garbage while avoiding being caught by the ones working there.
It was pretty busy one night and the newest member, Fushimi, who only applied to work on the tech stuff is asked to help in cooking. He doesn't know how and Yata helps him. They become friends but they have to keep this a secret: Yata cause he doesn't want the other rats to think badly of him and Fushimi is just worried everyone would think he's crazy and he might lose his rat friend (Niki finds out where his little monkey is working at and wants to torment his son by trying to capture Yata).
And uh, just like in Beauty and the Beast, Fushimi falls for the beast: in this case it's a tiny rat who can cook.
Fushimi falling in love with a rat is a new one on me XD Say Strains still exist in this AU and Yata gets attacked by one on his way home day, turning him into a rat. Poor Yata absolutely freaks out and tries to run home, but when his mom sees him she tries to chase him out with a broom. Yata’s all miserable because what if he’s a rat forever and he can’t go home or anything, he’s all alone. He can’t communicate with humans but he can talk to fellow rats, which is how he ends up getting taken in by this little family of rats, led by this huge imposing red rat named Mikoto. The rats mostly eat garbage which Yata expects will be gross (especially because Totsuka-rat keeps trying to ‘experiment with new recipes’), but it’s actually pretty good. It turns out that the rats always steal from this one restaurant, Mikoto really hates the four-eyed guy who runs the place and figures at least they can get all the tasty garbage they want at this place.
Yata starts going along with the other rats to steal garbage and he’s warned never to go inside the restaurant because it’s dangerous and there are traps everywhere. One day though the restaurant is really busy and Yata finds himself watching everyone inside, feeling this pang of nostalgia that he can’t go into restaurants or be with people anymore. He leans on the window and the screen falls in, causing Yata to tumble into the kitchen. As it happens S4 restaurant is super busy that day and on top of this they’ve had a lot of call outs due to an illness going around, and therefore Fushimi, the tech guy, has been called to work in the kitchen (it was that or waiter, and his hatred of people overrides his hatred of vegetables). The problem is Fushimi has no idea how to cook and he’s just staring at the recipe book he’s been given all annoyed, like how is anyone supposed to read this. He starts making food but he keeps removing all the veggies and spices, Yata is scandalized and yelling at him like you’re making everything unhealthy stop it.
Yata decides to fix this himself and is caught adding pineapple to the food by Fushimi, who is grossed out that a rat touched their food (also imagine he throws knives at Yata until Yata ends up caught underneath a colander or something). The food is taken out while Fushimi is distracted and it comes back with rave reviews, everyone is so impressed because they didn’t know Fushimi could cook. Fushimi bluffs his way through it and then takes Yata back home with him, trying to figure out if this was some elaborate trick by ‘that guy.’ Fushimi’s having CalorieMate and coffee for dinner and Yata can’t take it, as soon as Fushimi opens the little cage he’s in Yata runs to the kitchen and starts making proper food. Fushimi can’t believe he found this weird hyper intelligent rat and all it wants to do is feed him healthy food.
The two of them start becoming friends though, Yata helps Fushimi in the kitchen and Fushimi lets Yata have free run of his apartment and sometimes talks to him, muttering about how stupid is he that he’s talking to a rat. Yata thinks Fushimi is kind of amazing though, maybe Fushimi even like has Yata use his computer because Yata still knows how to read like a human and Yata’s able to type out what happened to him. Fushimi agrees to help find the guy who changed Yata into a rat but he’s also torn because what if Yata leaves once he’s back to normal. 
Eventually the Homrats come to ‘save’ Yata and take him away, while Yata tries to explain that Fushimi’s not a bad guy. Fushimi sees Yata leaving with them and assumes Yata’s abandoning him, not realizing that Yata’s trying to explain things. Right after Fushimi leaves is when Niki suddenly swoops in and catches Yata in a net. Niki’s been trying to track Fushimi down since Fushimi ran away and he’s managed to catch Fushimi’s little friend now. Niki catches the other Homrats too and only Mikoto escapes, Mikoto has to go find Fushimi to get him to save them all. Fushimi though thinks Yata chose to leave him to go back with the other rats and refuses to go along to help him, which is when Mikoto shows up and just starts biting Fushimi’s leg until Fushimi agrees to follow him. At this point Fushimi’s boss Munakata shows up, wondering what vermin got into his kitchen as he and Mikoto exchange glares. Fushimi doesn’t want to explain but Munakata just nods and tells Fushimi he’s free to take the afternoon off, Fushimi can’t believe his boss gave him a free day to go save his rat boyfriend but it seems he doesn’t have much of a choice (and ultimately true love is what reverses the rat curse and Yata turns back to normal after Fushimi offers to go back with Niki in exchange for Yata’s freedom, the now-human Yata works with the Homra rats to kick Niki’s ass and then they all go back to the restaurant for dinner).
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aoinami41 · 6 years
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"You loves red so much, right? Mi~sa~ki~" G o d my brain won't stop imagine angst things I'm sorry . . . --- Media : A5 sketch paper Tool(s) : mechanic pencil, drawing pen, KOI brush pen, white pen Character(s) : Fushimi Saruhiko & Yata Misaki from K-project #fushimisaruhiko #yatamisaki #kproject #kアニメ #klostsmallworld #kmissingkings #kreturnofkings #ksevenstories #homra #scepter4 #gora #gohand #traditionalart #AStudyInBoredom https://www.instagram.com/p/BvalfBald-t/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19q6b4vns6r55
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rinaizumo · 5 years
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Now that the WFB (Winter Fandom Battle) 2020 is about to start again, I suddenly realised that previous years I did a whole lot level-cover designs, headers, footers and other staff.
In 2018 we went with music performance/bands design. Not the K-Idol type, rather, what sort of music could each clan represent/play sort of thing. All the albums were intentionally named starting with ‘K’! ;D  This was a ‘discs cover design’ series. I drew the pictures, coloured them, added background and texts,l but to be fair - I didn’t draw the backgrounds themselves, used some from the internet.
For Blue Clan we went with neo-classical music. Despite having couple covers made the 1st one was chosen in the end.
Album name ‘Ken o motte’ with ken deliberately written with 2 kanji, one meaning ‘sword’, the other - ‘knowledge’, so combined it can be either ‘bearing sword’ or ‘bearing knowledge/wisdom’. To understand how their music could sound listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFppTBdCse8
Ah, in case one reads russian and has diary.ru account K-Project team takes requests here http://wtf-inside.diary.ru/p218551838.htm
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hewiste · 6 years
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shuuv · 6 years
Case Files of Blue, Chapter 3. The Revolutionary King(?) Page 114-125
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. ***
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention, still dripping wet with seawater and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent. Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.**** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” *****
*i have no idea what he was making, like maybe a scuba suit with a back pack or smthh
**at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
***Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
****the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
*****The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
PS i may have made a mistake in the names back in the scene where fushimi visited hidaka it may have been munakata instead of fushimi, ill have to recheck again later ^^;;
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