#awesome ent ig
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/14/24 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Erroll Shand; Taika; David Jenkins; Save OFMD Crew Theory Thursday; #GLAADforOFMD with AdoptOurCrew; HBO Nonsense; Uproar; Articles; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
= Erroll Shand =
In case you needed yet another reason to love Erroll, he was so sweet about all the birthday wishes and he sent a video in response on Instagram.
On top of that, he responds to literally every message he gets with comments and emojis. Just, really sweet of him to do that.
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= Taika Waititi =
Apparently doing a lot of product placement lately!
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And a "cool video" which can be seen on @fuckyeahworldoftaika
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad poked his head out for a moment to re-tweet @adoptourcrew's #GLAADforOFMD
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== Save OFMD Crew #TheoryThursday ==
Wanna throw some theories in? Reach out on any of the @saveofmdcrewmates socials! Instagram
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== #GLAADforOFMD ==
In honor of the GLAAD Awards show going on today, our friends at @adoptourcrew were doing a campaign across twitter and IG to find out what you were #GLAADforOFMD for. If you're interested in sending them some notes: Instagram
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== HBO Nonsense ==
Reminder: You can Still sign the petition to #FireDavidZaslav, which is still trending at least 3 days in a row now.
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== Uproar ==
Our captain's next movie comes out tomorrow in the use Mar 15! It has come to our attention that it's hard to actually get in and see the movie because it's only available in select cities.
The #RhysDarbyFaction has put together a doc on where to find tickets, and if you can't find them, how to help get Uproar in theatres near you with engaging with various theatres.
Also, the easiest thing you can due to help is like and share posts by Blue Fox Entertainment!:
 Like and Share Posts by Blue Fox Entertainment Regarding Uproar on the Various Social medias:
Blue Fox Ent Twitter
Blue Fox Ent Instagram
Blue Fox Ent TikTok
Blue Fox Ent Facebook
Blue Fox Ent Youtube
Pic Src: Blue Fox Entertainment's IG
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== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Wrecked =
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 15: Lube As A Crew =
Our dear friends over at @astroglideofficial are hosting one last Lube As A Crew, with all of Season 2 in one go! Starts Friday March 15th 12 pm Noon PST ( 4pm EST, 8 pm GMT)
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Mar 17: Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked Watch Party! 
Sunday the 17th of March at 7:30pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST Hosted & Graphics by @Tillychmo
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Calendar Reminder ==
Tomorrow is #OurFlagRTL! Join @OurFlagRTL on Twitter for Our Flag Means Death 1 x 10 and a Season 2 binge to celebrate the German release!
#OurFlagRTL - 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 4:30pm GMT
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== Articles ==
Our Friends at Tv Insider wrote a very awesome quote regarding the cancellation of OFMD while talking about Rhys Darby and his appearance in the new Night Court series.
"Night Court marks Darby’s first TV appearance since Our Flag Means Death ended in October 2023 and was criminally canceled in January. While we’re still grieving that loss, it’s great to see Darby in another romantic and comedic role so soon." https://www.tvinsider.com/1126692/night-court-rhys-darby-dave-foley-duke/
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I hope you had a reasonably good day. I was a bit out of sorts and if I was weird to anyone I'm really sorry, wasn't anything directed at you. Reminded me very much how we need to be able to forgive ourselves, and even though we can preach one way, actually doing it can be really difficult sometimes, especially in the moment. I'm pretty worn out tonight, so I'll leave you with @thelatestkate's wise words, please always keep on keepin' on. The world wouldn't be the same without you. Love you crew.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I realize they are different interviews, but they embody the same thing :)
Tonight's Taika Courtesy of @livwifeofkarl
Daily Darby Courtesy of @izzy-hands
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fuckyeahkimyoojung · 4 years
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Hi loves! My latest post is up #ontheblog Jen Finds Gems
New Post has been published on https://www.jenfindsgems.com/more-than-migraines/
Opening Up About my Health: More than Migraines
On October 11th the symptoms started. I went for a bike ride on a beautiful Sunday morning (feeling a little nauseous, but ready to power through it). It was pretty hot and I biked farther than usual so when I returned feeling more nauseous than before and a little “out of it”, I figured I was just dehydrated. I remember speaking to my sister and brother in law on the phone about an hour later and suddenly starting to feel a migraine come on. I figured if I just take it easy and drink some water with my usual migraine meds, it would pass quickly.
It didn’t.
On October 13th I visited my primary Doctor for my symptoms. My migraine was still present but I was feeling dizzy and nauseous. I knew something was wrong. I made the mistake of mentioning that I thought I had vertigo, and after doing a few manual tests (follow my finger, touch your nose, walk in a straight line, etc.) the Doctor said that’s what it sounds like so let’s treat it as vertigto. He preseribed me a anti-dizziness medication called Meclizine and told me that in order to recover and help with the dizziness, I should see a physical therapist.
What? A physical therapist? This won’t pass on it’s own? I have to see a physical therapist to help me walk “normal” again? How did this happen? How long am I going to feel this way? I had so many questions! I visited a physical therapist twice before I realized that there was a bigger problem that lied ahead. The therapist listened to my symptoms and concerns and ran a few tests on his own (the epley maneuver) and realized that this didn’t sound like vertigo at all. “I think we are dealing with something bigger here Jen,” he told me.
I kept that with me. Something bigger. Okay… but what? No one could give me answers.
I was a mess and everyday functions seemed difficult or damn near impossible. I couldn’t move too quickly. I couldn’t look around a room without getting pains. It had gotten to the point where just turning my head from one side to the other felt like the room was violently spinning and I was beginning to have double and blurred vision in my right eye. I couldn’t lay flat, sleep on my right side, or sleep in total darkness because that made the dizziness worse. I felt like I was free falling in the dark and of course that made me super nauseous.
Saturday morning I woke up ready to vomit and I almost fell to my feet. Walking was too difficult because I swayed from one side to the other and I had to run and grab a wall to hold. I fell to my knees and crawled to the bathroom, vomiting for hours. When my husband returned home (he went to drop the kids off at family’s house so he could take care of me) I was hugging the toilet, sweating and holding my head with my eyes closed. I didn’t know if I was having a stroke, a seizure, suffering from brain tumor, or an aneurysm. I was terrified.
That day Nick took me to the Emergency room. They drugged me up and ran countless tests from MRI’s, MRA’s, CT scans and heart evaluations. I was picked and prodded by nurses and Doctors and the on site Neurologist told me that my exams came back fine. He said there wasn’t any area of concern that he could find but he wanted me to follow up with ENT for a possible inner ear issue and then follow up with him for brain evaluations as this could have been linked to my migraines. He also prescribed a medication by the name of Topiramate which is an anti-seizure medication that is used to treat migraines.
After coming home from the hospital, covered in EKG tabs.
I have been suffering from migraines for over 20 years and they never presented themselves in this way. What was happening inside my body? Why now and why wasn’t anything showing up on the tests? I was confused and I was scared.
I was released from the hospital the next day, more confused and afraid than ever. I had no idea what was happening and what I was supposed to do from here. So this is it, I thought. This is how I’m going to feel forever.
As the days and weeks went on, I continued to do research, pray and research more. I made an appointment with an ENT Specialist that left me in tears because he said whether this is an inner ear issue or a migraine issue, it could take years to recover. Years? What the hell! I can barely walk without holding on to my husband or a wall, I can’t be in a bright room and too much noise or movement is over stimulation for me. Years?
That night I found two blogs that gave me relief- The Dizzy Cook and Jennifer of Migraine Strong. I read their stories and instantly felt closer to answers. They spoke about their experiences with vestibular migraines, dizziness and other symptoms, their road to recovery and their treatment plans. Every night I went back to their words. I studied their plans and their courses of action. I took notes of what they did and how it helped them. I looked up the books they recommended and the supplements they took and then… I found that Jen went to Dr. Danner in Tampa that specializes in migraines and neurology! He’s here in Tampa?! I HAVE TO SEE HIM!!
My first appointment with Dr. Danner was on November 4th. He listened to my concerns and helped me understand that what I was experiencing could have been an inner ear issue or be a migraine issue however regardless of which one it was, it would be treated in the same way. He encouraged me to follow a migraine elimination diet to help me find what my triggers are, start taking at least 500 mgs of a magnesium supplement everyday, keep taking my prevention medication, and follow up with him in a month.
I followed the elimination diet to a “T”. I fell in love with a book called “Heal Your Headache,” and I went down rabbit hole after rabbit hole of vestibular migraine research.
A few weeks went by my dizziness subsided but I started to notice that the migraine prevention medication that I was on was giving me adverse effects. I had crazy brain fog, to the point where I found it hard to hold conversations or keep a thought for longer than a few seconds. It made me crazy exhausted, depressed, and I lost about 20 lbs. It made my body feel cold (literally) and I felt frail and weak. The day before Thanksgiving I called Dr. Danner and asked if I should keep taking this medication or stop based on these symptoms and a numbness I started to feel in my right leg. After careful consideration, he recommended that I stop but continue the other migraine treatment plan and follow up with him at my next appointment (which was about a week and a half later).
When I had my follow up appointment, he asked me how I felt. By that time, the numbness in my right limbs had started to feel like a heaviness and my leg would sporadically “lock up”. My leg and arm would move (or not move) on their own and it started to worry me. Dr. Danner had his office staff call in an appointment for me with Dr. Sunil Reddy, an awesome Neurologist in Tampa that could take a deeper look to see if there were possibly any other neurological issues going on.
I have been going to my Neurologist and weekly physical therapy appointments since.
Today I experience less migraines and the spasms in my arms and legs are few and far between. These spasms are believed to be linked to Transverse Myelisits which is inflammation of the spinal cord. This was determined from a neck MRI that I had that showed some scarring on my spine. Sometimes Transverse Myelitis can progress to MS however sometimes it is a one time event that can heal on it’s own. After several brain MRI’s, my Neurologist does not see any lesions or scarring on my brain and does not see an area of concern there. My next order is to get an MRI of my spine and we will monitor and make an action plan based on the findings there.
I still have no idea what triggered all of this to occur and if they are linked in any way. Did my migraines progress into something more which caused these other symptoms and issues? Was something lying dormant and now decided to progress as I got older? How does your spinal cord even get inflammed? Is it something I did??
I’m still learning and I think that my greatest lesson is that I won’t always have the answers. But I know I’m not giving up, and all of this taught me that I’m more of a warrior than I realize!
I am writing this because I hope to help someone that may be going through something similar, just as Jen and “The Dizzy Cook” helped me. When all of this started to happen, all I could do was think of how much I wanted to write about my experiences for this reason. I wish that I could have given you a full synopsis of what I was experiencing in live time, but things progressed so quickly that I seldom had time to process them fully, or the energy or brain power to do so.
I’m sure I left out a lot of details. Like me crying every night wondering why this was happening. My husband having to physically hold me up to walk and take a shower because I was too dizzy to stand. The lack of confidence I had making eye contact with people, in fear that they would see my eyes darting from side to side or trying to focus. Wondering if people were whispering or thinking I was drunk when I stumbled to walk at my daughter’s Gymnastics class or my son’s Taekwondo class. Seeing more Doctor’s, nurses, emergency rooms and Specialists in the last 4 months that I have in the past 5 years. The time, money and MEDICAL BILLS I have racked up since this all started.
This journey has been humbling and frustrating, but I’m happy that I am stronger now than when I started.
I hope that this has helped you in some way and I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you here. If you haven’t already, please check out my blog post on my recommendations for dealing with migraines and follow me on IG for more health and wellness tips.
Stay encouraged and stay positive friends.
With love,
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msmemaaaa · 6 years
What an awesome start for 2019 😍😁
Lots of wonderful surprises we’re getting with the start of the new year! Let’s start with 2 great surprises, Eric opening a new Youtube channel and Eric joining Andy’s agency TOP Media!
1- Eric created a new YouTube channel and posted his first video on it on 190101, a TEASER video!🎉🎉
he said: “Hello, I’m Eric of AguTV. In this new year, instead of game I decided to try youtube as my hobby. I’ll try to share from honey tip (useful tip) of cooking for beginners and also about my only know-hows step by step if there’s a chance. I’ll also accept some exchange of opinions and recommendations from the comment in the channel or the topic/subject, Happy new year everyone~!!!”
and he opened an IG account as well! Welcome back to the SNS world again, Eric-ah!
2- Another shocking news is: Eric joining Andy’s agency TOP Media!!!  🎉🎉 🎉🎉
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this means there’s no E&J anymore? (Eric’s own agency) this means RicDy are together in the same agency now?!! WooW
I love this news! I always thought it’d be hard for Eric to run 2 agencies; his own & Shinhwa Company, beside being his group’s leader. Too much responsibilities for this guy :( .. He needs to have some free time to focus on his solo activities too, so I’m happy for this move. Now, we’ll have more solo work from Eric and more focus on his role as leader & CEO of ShinCom.. & more RicDy 😍😁
So now, the  agencies associated with Shinhwa are: Shinhwa Company (For the group activities)
Solo agencies: TOP Media = Eric and Andy Liveworks Company = Minwoo & Hyesung CI ENT = Junjin Office DH = Dongwan
3- Minwoo’s post for the new year,, an awesome post with a beautiful message ❤❤ 😍😍
End the year wonderfully with the people you love ~ 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 #Shinhwa #ShinhwaChangjo #4ever
all members together in the pic, with the message “End the year wonderfully with the people you love“ with six orange hearts and “4ever” as hashtag! 🧡 
six together, together forever 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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What an awesome start for 2019. This year is gonna be a wonderful year for Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjo inshaAllah ♥
so happy for those wonderful news. ♥
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papapamedia · 5 years
  We are delighted to announce that the management of budding media and entertainment powerhouse, Salt of the Earth Entertainment is here with this amazing star studded musical concert; “DJ BOBBI RED ALERT CONCERT” a one of its kinds DJ show that is set to change the Nigerian entertainment industry for good. Through this mind-blowing event, DJ Bobbi will be providing a platform to entertain about 3000 people and empower 15 young minds.
An electrifying visual musical concert that will feature performances by top Nigerian Artistes and an international act NYANDA (Brick & Lace), DJS, seasoned Comedians, Actors / Actresses and Nigeria’s no 1 live band; Salt Of The Earth (the indomitable team).
The most unique feature of the night will be the awarding of full scholarships to 15 lucky participants into DJ Bobbi’s scratch academy as corporate social responsibility (CSR), these candidates will be picked from a raffle draw at the event. The Red Alert Concert is sure to be the talk of the entertainment industry for a long time to come.
THE HOST of this awesome event will be no other than the Multiple Award Winning International Video DJ BOBBI; CEO Salt of the Earth Entertainment and a senior partner at Wow Global Records UK. A DJ with many sides a Producer, Song Writer, Serial Entrepreneur and Humanitarian who has used the platform life offered him to make a change in the society. This prolific DJ with over 15 years of experience was born in Lagos where he honed his skills on the streets.
DJ BOBBI as one who understands the call to duty,  served his country Nigeria by fighting drug trafficking and abuse with The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for some years before his passion for music inspired him to leave the public sector to pursue his love for music. In his search for ways to add more value and take the game a notch higher, DJ Bobbi introduced video disc jockeying to his profile, being the first to do so he garnered follower-ship on the tube and digital platforms, with attention to details and a commitment to excellent delivery DJ Bobbi has proven himself to be the “party machine” and an icon in the game.   He has a vast client base and numerous awards to his credit.
SALT OF THE EARTH ENETERTAINMENT has promised that “DJ BOBBI RED ALERT CONCERT” will be one of the best and biggest music concert the beautiful city of Lagos, Nigeria ever witnessed. The event will feature major stars from Nigeria Entertainment Sector ranging from Music, Comedy, Fashion and Movies. We are bringing top class entertainment to the people.
It promises to be live entertainment at its best with Comedy and Music, which will feature arties like Nyanda of Brick & Lace, Niniola, Reekado Banks, Rema, YCee, Soft, T-Classic, Yung L, Jaywon, Dice Ailes, Crayon, Idahams, Emex, Magnito, Dija, Mr 2kay, Ajura, Okiemute, Idyl, DJ Jimmy Jatt, DJ Neptune, DJ Humility, DJ Kaywise, DJ Sose, DJ Consequence, DJ Moonlight, Dj Switch, DJ Nana.
Hypeman:  Holy Face  |  Comedian:  Kenny Blaq 
Media Partners:-  Soundcity FM, Urban TV , Correct TV , OnTV, max, Spice TV, Trybes TV, Televista, SoundCity TV, Urban Radio, Correct FM, Silverbird TV, Rhythm Fm, Naija fm, Beat FM,  Classic FM, MUSIC AFRICA, Cool FM, WAZOBIA, Nigeria Info, RainbowFM, WFM, CityFM, Brila FM, AFRO MUSIC POP, POP Central, Inspiration FM, TVC, Rave TV, AMC TV, UNILAG FM, WAP TV, Kiss FM, REEL E, Empire TV and many more
Venue: Bay Lounge water front, Lekki- Lagos Date: Sunday, November 3rd, 2019    |       Time: 6pm [Red Carpet] Gate Fees: N2,000.00 (Regular) and N500,000.00 (Table for 10)
For Enquiries / Sponsorship / Participation / Advert
call: 08034370332, 07031319794, 07060932861
The event is packaged by ‘SMILE GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT‘
Email Address; [email protected] Twitter:  @videodjbobbi    |      IG:  @vdjbobbi www.djbobbi.com
VIDEO DJ BOBBI RED ALERT CONCERT (2019) SALT OF THE EARTH ENT.  Presents  “VIDEO DJ BOBBI RED ALERT CONCERT (2019)”       We are delighted to announce that the management of budding media and entertainment powerhouse, Salt of the Earth Entertainment is here with this amazing star studded musical concert; “DJ BOBBI RED ALERT CONCERT” a one of its kinds DJ show that is set to change the Nigerian entertainment industry for good.
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#icpentertainment #miami #nyc #india #jamaica #london #tigra_net #uk #paris #MiamiParties #MiamiVIP #repost #host #presenter #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #hollywood #bollywood #sandelwood #sonypicturesin #kannada #astinmartin "never let anyone tell you to give up on your dreams.. just believe in yourself and keep putting the work in water your seed everyday.... trust me im a living witness that if you dream it you will have it and become it! ☆☆☆☆☆ this is one of my dream cars and it will one day be a present to myself for all of my hard work, faith, dedication, endurance and sacrafice for all of my passions in life.... i have harnessed the power of prayer and faith, so much so that i am so afraid to speak anymore things into the universe.... my followers God is so awesome!. I'm in awww of his supreme excellence and strategic timing and for every success even the tiny little small ones i remain humble and give him all the honor glory and praise... amen...." - Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) - Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Facebook www.facebook.com/icpentertainment
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yfmwasteent · 8 years
Y.F.M Stamp!!! BIGHAND-NO SMASHES Billboard 100 Chart Hit "Broccoli" #broccoli Spell My Name Right!!! Mixtape Coming Soon!!! More Music and Videos from BIGHAND-NO @bighandno On IG!!! Support!!! I will send you free music. W.A.S.T.E ENT!!! BIGHAND-NO "REV EM UP!!! SINGLE OUT NOW!!! ON ITUNES, CDBABY, AND ALL ONLINE MUSIC OUTLETS!!! BUY IT NOW!!! MUSIC VIDEO COMING SOON!!! LET'S GO W.A.S.T.E FILMS PUTTING THAT WORK IN ALL DAY!!! VISIONS OF VISIONARY!!! LifestyleMoves!!!Y.F.M Stamp!!! Get Your Free Music At www.waste-entertainment.com Music Tab and Be Sure Tune In To Our Online Broadcasting Project at www.wastetv.net #Amazing #WASTEtv #music #awesome #trending #goals #salute #dreams #wasteentertainment #wasteent #Amazing #yourfavoritemanager #yfmstamp #grind #trending #salute #lifestylemoves #vacation #travel Top10Markets #Maryland #DistrictofColumbia #Virginia #NewYork #Pennsylvania #Texas #California #Florida #Georgia #NorthCarolina
0 notes
zalafyudin · 8 years
Take Care!
Assalamu alaykum.. =))
Hei ceu! (again) =D
Sebelumnya mo ngucapin makasih banyak udah repot2 nyempetin bales blog saya. Sampe harus daftar bikin blog baru.. Woahh.. pasti butuh usaha banget.. Dari kepikiran buat bales, niat bikin blog baru, ampe ngetik tulisan yang bejibun.. Apalagi semuanya dilakuin cuma lewat hape (ga kebayang dehh kalo dulu ngetik skripsi jg cuma pake hape =p). You’re just awesome!! =))
Kalo ada kata yang lebih keren dari kata “keren”, itulah yang bakal saya ajuin buat ente. I highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!! =)
Ada bbrp pesen yg mao sy sampein lewat tulisan ini.
Pertama, makasih udah mao kenal sama sy. Iya, walopun cuma saling bales lewat tulisan dan cuma liat foto masing-masing, buat sy itu berarti banyak. Jarang banget bisa ngobrol sama wanita yg kadar “bocor”-nya setara bahkan mungkin lebih dr kemampuan sy. v^_^ Hahahahaa… =p Tanpa harus jaim atopun ngobrol dengan bahasa yg kaku.
Ke-dua, makasih buat doanya. =)))))))
Karena doa adalah senjatanya orang mukmin, sy selalu percaya doa bisa mengubah sesuatu yg mustahil jd lebih bae.
Terus tentang pengakuan ente yg pernah stalking IG kitorang dan berpikir sy org yg seru, wahhh, terus terang sy ga brenti senyum2 sendiri sambil terus baca kalimat itu berulang-ulang. =p
Ahhh, sy pernah punya fans. Hahahahaa… =D
Well, ternyata qt pernah saling mengagumi. Walaupun jalannya gapernah saling bersinggungan.
Tapi satu hal penting yang sangat berarti buat sy. Semangat yang timbul untuk selalu di jalan Allah yg dipicu dr kenalnya sy sama ente. Kalo kata ente kmrn “kegiatan spiritual” (ya ampuunn, bahasanya “spiritual” amat yaa.. udah kaya aa Gatot-nya Reza Arthamevia). Hahahaa.. Dan ini adalah hadiah yg paling indah yg sy dapet dr ente. Hehee..
Oia, ada satu sebab knp sy lambat ngehubungin/kenalan ente. Sy selalu merhatiin wanita yg sy mau dr medsos mereka. Maaf ya ceu, sy ga terlalu suka sama org yg suka ngeluh di medsos (kaya mantan presiden itu). =D Karena menurut sy, 20% org sekitar kita gapeduli kalo kita susah, dan sisanya malah seneng krn qt susah. Hahaa.. (apasihh jal?!) Well, dulu secara gasadar sy jg sering ngeluh sihh di medsos ampe akhirnya suka ketawa sendiri liat “kebodohan” jaman dulu.. =p Hahaa.. berasa alay banget, krn kt Ridwan Kamil kan "mengeluh adalah caper yg tidak elegan"..
Dulu mungkin ente msh kesel sama “Dia yang Tidak Boleh Disebut Namanya”. Saya perhatiin  dulu ente sering kesel sendiri kalo liat status di fb ente.. Hehee.. v^_^ Itu sebabnya sy blm mau kenalan sm ente, krn buat move on dengan sebenarnya butuh proses. Sy mao ngasih waktu, tp prakteknya ternyata waktu yg sy kasih terlalu lama.. hahahaa..
Tp semua itu mulai berkurang setahun belakangan bahkan mulai hilang, baru sy berani hubungin ente. No offense ya ceu.. Hehee.. piss.. v^_^
Saya lakuin begini gacuma ke ente kok. Sebelum sy kenal ente pun banyak yg ngajak kenalan. Entah itu dikenalin temen, nyamperin sendiri, ato hasil match2an aplikasi2 nyari temen. Dan selalu sy pantau medsos mereka (entah itu FB, twitter, IG, path, line, dll). (Iya ini mungkin kelemahan sy. Selalu nyari tau sendiri. Jarang bahkan mungkin gapernah nanya temen. Bukan gengsi sihh tapi malu. Hehee..) Ada yg sy mentalin krn ga sreg sama kelakuannya tp kebanyakan sihh pd mundur sendiri pas sy jawab “kerja di bengkel jd montir” tiap ditanya kerja sy apa. Hahaa..
Mungkin keadaannya bakal laen kalo sy jawab, “Saya kerja di salah satu perusahaan semen ternama sebagai teknisi yang bertugas menjaga Mechanical Availability yg telah ditargetkan dari setiap Heavy Equipment (alat berat) yang beroperasi di quarry plant dengan cara melakukan pengamatan/inspeksi, identifikasi masalah, dan perawatan secara berkala, juga perbaikan sesuai identifikasi kerusakan dengan kesadaran yg tinggi terhadap faktor keselamatan kerja serta suku cadang yg pas dan dalam waktu yg sesingkat-singkatnya.”
Wahh, ngetiknya aja udah puyeng gimana pas bilang nya. Hahahaa..
Walopun bbrp ada yg balik lg saat tau sy kerja di ocim. Hahaa.. Well played, huhh!
Saya punya prinsip, org yg betul2 ngerti dalam suatu bidang, dia bisa menjelaskan bidang yg dikuasainya itu secara sederhana. Karena itu, montir adalah kata paling sederhana yg bisa sy bilang tiap ditanya kerja sy apa. Jelas banget kan, “montir”. Tapi bbrp dr mereka mungkin malu kalo punya pasangan kerjaannya cuma montir. Hahaa..
Oia, bbrp waktu belakangan mungkin sy jarang chit-chat sm ente. Hehee.. No offense ya ceu! Jangan tersinggung. No hard feeling, please! Bukannya sy mo ngejauh, tp sy pengen ngehormatin igun. =))
And don’t take it personally! Ga cuma ente kok. Sy ngelakuin ini ke setiap temen wanita yg udah jd istri/kekasih sahabat sy. Salah satu yg sering sy lakuin, tiap abis chit-chat (entah syapa pun yg mulai), selalu sy akhiri dg “Salam yaa buat ‘mereka’ (suami/kekasih mereka).” Termasuk ke mantannya igun dulu, walopun pas chatting, igun lg ada di sebelah sy. Hahahaa..
Ente gausah sedih ceu sama keadaan sy (hahaa.. yakali! Syapa juga yg sedih). Buat sy, tiap org punya caranya masing2 untuk bahagia, dan sebelum membahagiakan org lain maka qt wajib bikin diri kita bahagia lebih dulu. Gimana mo bahagiain org laen kalo qt nya sendiri ga bahagia, iya kan?
Saya selalu yakin, ada 2 kemungkinan dalam memaknai kehilangan. Pertama, akan terjadi sesuatu yg buruk kalo sesuatu itu tetep ada di sy. Ke-dua, sy bakal dpt/digantikan dg yg lebih bae lg. Bukankah baik menurut qt blm tentu baik di mata Allah?! Bole jd qt benci sesuatu padahal itu sangat baik buat qt dan sebaliknya. (QS 2 : 216)
Hmmpp, dlm kasus sy sm ente, sy pikir sy belom/bukan org yg baik buat ente, maap banget ya ceu. Dan mungkin Allah udah nyiapin yg lbh bae buat sy kelak. =))
Bagi sy, semangat yg ente bawa udah cukup berharga buat sy. Banget malah, hahaa.. Semoga qt selalu istiqomah di jalan-Nya.
Dan tentang igun, hmmpp…
Dia adalah org tepat buat ente. Iya walopun sifat sok bersih dan keras kepala nya kadang-kadang agak ngeselin. And he is a little bossy sometimes. Hahahaa.. vn_n Tapi sekenalnya sy sm igun, dia itu pekerja keras, punya kesadaran yg tinggi tentang pendidikan, punya manajemen keuangan yg baik dan yg paling penting selalu ngejaga sholatnya.
Semoga jalan kalian dimudahkan, diberi keberkahan, dan bisa menjadi alasan/penguat kalian masuk Surga kelak.
Satu pesen sy buat ente, Jaga diri ente baik-baik, untuk saya… =))
Salam alaykum.
PS: Semoga qt tetap saling mendoakan dan bersemangat dalam kebaikan.
Makasih buat nasehatnya, “perlu buka hati”. =))
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fuckyeahkimyoojung · 4 years
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[awesome_ent_official] l#김유정 #어썸새가족 . 🎉어썸이엔티의 새로운 가족이 된 김유정씨, 환영합니다!👏👏 🎉 앞으로 어썸이엔티와 함께할 김유정씨에게 많은 응원과 사랑 부탁드려요~🤗💕 . #kimyoujung #welcome #환영합니다 #오늘부터_1일 #새로운시작 #꽃길만걸어요 #🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷
#KimYooJung #AwesomeNewFamily . Welcome Kim Yoojung-ssi, who have become a new member of Awesome ENT!👏👏 🎉 Please give a lot of support and love to Kim Yoojung-ssi, who will be with Awesome ENT in the future~🤗💕 . #kimyoujung #welcome #Welcome #From today_day1 #New start #Walkonlyonflowerpaths #🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷
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#icpentertainment #miami #nyc #india #jamaica #london #tigra_net #uk #paris #MiamiParties #MiamiVIP #repost #host #presenter #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #hollywood #bollywood #sandelwood #sonypicturesin #kannada #astinmartin "never let anyone tell you to give up on your dreams.. just believe in yourself and keep putting the work in water your seed everyday.... trust me im a living witness that if you dream it you will have it and become it! ☆☆☆☆☆ this is one of my dream cars and it will one day be a present to myself for all of my hard work, faith, dedication, endurance and sacrafice for all of my passions in life.... i have harnessed the power of prayer and faith, so much so that i am so afraid to speak anymore things into the universe.... my followers God is so awesome!. I'm in awww of his supreme excellence and strategic timing and for every success even the tiny little small ones i remain humble and give him all the honor glory and praise... amen...." - Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) - Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Facebook www.facebook.com/icpentertainment
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#icpentertainment #miami #nyc #india #jamaica #london #tigra_net #uk #paris #MiamiParties #MiamiVIP #repost #host #presenter #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #hollywood #bollywood #sandelwood #sonypicturesin #kannada #astinmartin "never let anyone tell you to give up on your dreams.. just believe in yourself and keep putting the work in water your seed everyday.... trust me im a living witness that if you dream it you will have it and become it! ☆☆☆☆☆ this is one of my dream cars and it will one day be a present to myself for all of my hard work, faith, dedication, endurance and sacrafice for all of my passions in life.... i have harnessed the power of prayer and faith, so much so that i am so afraid to speak anymore things into the universe.... my followers God is so awesome!. I'm in awww of his supreme excellence and strategic timing and for every success even the tiny little small ones i remain humble and give him all the honor glory and praise... amen...." - Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) - Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Facebook www.facebook.com/icpentertainment
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#icpentertainment #miami #nyc #india #jamaica #london #tigra_net #uk #paris #MiamiParties #MiamiVIP #repost #host #presenter #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #hollywood #bollywood #sandelwood #sonypicturesin #kannada #bellanycmag #redcarpet #fashion #astinmartin "never let anyone tell you to give up om your dreams.. im a living witness that if you dream it you will have it ☆☆☆☆☆ this is one of my dream cars and it will one day be a present to myself for all of my hard work, faith, dedication, endurance and sacrafice for all my passions in life.... i have harness the power of prayer and faith, so much so that i am afraid to speak anymore things into the universe.... God is so awesome!. I'm in awww of his excellence and strategic timing and for every success even the small ones i remain humble and give him all the honor glory and praise... amen...." - Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) - Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Facebook www.facebook.com/icpentertainment
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If you LIKE this IG post then SUBSCRIBE at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator www.icpentertainment.com @richardoliverjr @icpentnyc #richardolivierjr #la #miami #nyc #jamaica #india #tigra_net #russia #miami #MiamiParties #MiamiClubs #MiamiVIP #southbeachparties #repost #poolparty #photographer #videographer #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #positive #inspirational #fashion #nyfw #bkfw #designers "The devil has been hitting me from all angles since my move to miami... financial issues, fake niggas showing fake love to me, client prospects that don't understand that if it aint about the $$$ don't be hittin me up nigga i aint getting up, don't be calling my line stop wasting my time, a woman i care deeply about go completely MIA on me indicisive playing with my feelings and emotions :-( but through it all ive stayed positive, optimistic kept the faith and now know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper... and God said that he would never give me more then i can bare..... and now here i sit the Versace Mansion presented with a unique opportunity to be apart of a wonderful family and contribute my talent and skills to the empire ☆☆☆☆☆ my God is awesome ♡ Remember this followers Gods timing is always perfect! No matter what hardship your going through hold on to his unchanging hand and never give up on your dreams! ☆☆☆☆☆ Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ His next project: A Romantic Comedy Feature Film (his first) More details to come.... For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Website: www.icpentertainment.com (at Miami South Beach, Florida USA)
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If you LIKE this IG post then SUBSCRIBE at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator www.icpentertainment.com @richardoliverjr @icpentnyc #richardolivierjr #la #miami #nyc #jamaica #india #tigra_net #russia #miami #MiamiParties #MiamiClubs #MiamiVIP #southbeachparties #repost #poolparty #photographer #videographer #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #positive #inspirational #fashion #nyfw #bkfw "The devil has been hitting me  from all angles since my move to miami... but ive stayed positive kept the faith and now know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper... and God said that he would never give me more then i can bare..... and now here i stand on the steps of the Versace Mansion presented with a unique opportunity to be apart of the family and contribute my talent and skills ☆☆☆☆☆ my God is awesome ♡ Remember followers Gods timing is always perfect!" - Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ His next project: A Romantic Comedy Feature Film (his first) More details to come.... For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Website: www.icpentertainment.com (at Versace Villa)
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If you LIKE this IG post then SUBSCRIBE at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator www.icpentertainment.com @richardoliverjr @icpentnyc #richardolivierjr #la #miami #nyc #jamaica #india #tigra_net #russia #miami #MiamiParties #MiamiClubs #MiamiVIP #southbeachparties #repost #poolparty #photographer #videographer #celebrity #screenplay #montage #moviemagic #filmmaking #screenwriter #featurefilm #finaldraft #positive #inspurational "The devil has been hitting me  from all angles since my move to miami... but ive stayed positive kept the faith and now know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper... and God said that he would never give me more then i can bare..... and now here i sit on the patio of the Versace Mansion presented with a unique opportunity to be apart of the family and contribute my talent and skills ☆☆☆☆☆ my God is awesome ♡ Remember followers Gods timing is always perfect!" Richard Olivier Jr. (Celebrity Host, Personality, CEO of ICP Ent., actor, writer and Executive Producer & Director of the Rhyme Impersonator Show Web Series & You-Tube Partner Channel) Follow him on Twitter & IG @richardoliverjr Website: http://bit.ly/2fpaRzQ IMDb http://www.imdb.me/richardolivierjr "SUBSCRIBE" at www.youtube.com/therhymeimpersonator and WATCH! Seasons 1-5 of his Web Series and other cool content on The Rhyme Impersonator Show You-Tube Partner Channel. ☆☆☆☆☆ His next project: A Romantic Comedy Feature Film (his first) More details to come.... For Bookings, Red Carpet Event Hosting, Hi End Coverage, Digital Marketing and Advertising Rates for your event business, product or brand E. [email protected] Website: www.icpentertainment.com (at Versace Villa)
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