Haretrap and Burntsky
I didn't want to wait any longer, so here, have an evil weasel and his poor eldest child (Michael was born first)! (Or hare, but lets be honest we all like calling him a weasel)
WC William Afton is....Haretrap! Hare because it's an unassuming prefix and is fun to give to a character like William Afton. Trap because.....duh.
WC Michael Afton is......Burntsky! Burnt because of how he died, and sky because of how he ended his father.
So, anyway, Haretrap had a relatively normal life. Growing up in JewelClan, gaining a mate in Lilyvalley, and having two beautiful kits. But one day, Blizzardberry burst into camp with a horrific accusation. One of the other warriors had been found dead! And Lilyvalley's scent was on the body!
Of course, Haretrap didn't believe it, and his two kits, Burntpaw and Goldenpaw were too scared to pick a side. Furious, the newly made leader (the old one had died less than a moon ago) exiled Lilyvalley, Haretrap went with her. Of course, the kits came along, Burntpaw not wanting to leave his father and Goldenpaw following his lead.
After they left and made a temporary, Haretrap decided to go hunting, and went a little close to a twoleg house. But that's when he heard a horrible cry. Running there, he saw it was two warriors from JewelClan. Polarcry, and Springstare, the latter being trapped in some sort of machine. Polarcry was trying to get him out. Blizzardberry was Polarcry's sibling, and Haretrap remembered that.
He snapped, and shoved Polarcry into the machinery, dooming Springstare who was already trapped, turning away, blocking out the cries of the two and returning to ther little camp.
One moon later, Haretrap was sobbing over the dead body of his mate, two stillborn kits, and one surviving kit, who would become WC Elizabeth Afton (who's coming up on the requests anyway).
Knowing that they had to find some kind of shelter, the four traveled on and on until they found an abandoned twolegplace. A cat with kind eyes welcomed him there, and they found a surrogate queen who was willing to keep WC Elizabeth alive.
Life was alright. Until, once again, disaster struck.
Burntpaw and Goldenpaw had snuck out exploring, and Burntpaw found a cave. Goldenpaw was nervous and scared of the dark, and Burntpaw thought it was funny, shoving him inside the cave.
Neither of them knew the scent of badgers. Or rabies.
Burntpaw ran back to the abandoned twolegplace, distraught. The first cat he found was WC Henry, who immediately started to gather a small group to go confirm the story. The second cat he found was WC Elizabeth, who attempted to follow them. She went in the opposite direction.
Onto a road.
To say that Haretrap was angry would be an understatement. He hid it well, though. Nobody suspected anything that would be unexpected for a father in his situation.
He chose his path, and began to walk in darkness, aspiring for immortality while Burntpaw was left to deal with his trauma.
One day, he encountered a strange beast, who introduced itself as "Jaggedwings". (Rainsoul, the spirit of bad endings. The Pantheonic spirits have multiple names.) Jaggedwings offered a deal. Lives for lives. If he killed enough cats, Jaggedwings would gift immortality to him and resurrect his victims.
Haretrap accepted, and the murders began. Until the ghosts of his victims chased him into a grisly death, trapped in machinery and crushed to death.
But he wouldn't quit, and after getting tired of life as a emaciated skinbag in Limbo, did quite possibly one of the most badass things I've ever had an OC do.
He stole a life from StarClan, rushing through the border separating it and Limbo with assistance from Snickers (Jaggedwings told him it would be neat) and killing the first spirit he could find, waking up in his own rotting corpse, and as such, Marrowtrap was born.
When he woke up he discovered that there were new murders going on, driven on by the rage-filled spirits of his past victims possessing corpses.
And his son, Burntpaw, had given himself a name. Burntsky.
Filled with rage, he began his own set of new murders, until he came face to face with Burntsky. It was until he spoke that Burntsky recognized his own father, and Burntsky did possibly the second most badass thing I've ever had an OC do.
He called upon StarClan to assist him, and they certainly assisted, striking down lightning onto Marrowtrap's body, killing him and mortally wounding Burntsky.
As of now, that mostly ends the story for Marrowtrap and Burntsky. (WC Glitchtrap and WC Elizabeth are a whole other story, along with the Funtimes and Glamrocks.)
To finish it off....
Here's Haretrap!
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And Burntsky!
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That was really fun!
I hope you have a wonderful day/night/insert time zone appropriate word here, and I hope to see you again!
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idrawrainbowz · 2 years
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Coming soon
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goofygoldengirl · 2 years
Ok storytime. So a long time ago when I was in the sixth grade, I read A Wrinkle In Time for language arts class. I really liked it, so I got the three sequel books: A Wind Through The Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, and Many Waters. AWTTD I was a little disappointed in because I wanted the three W sisters to come back, and I didn’t like the principal. ASTP, I couldn’t keep up with the time travel plot at that age and I thought the ending was a letdown. But Many Waters?
Hoooh boy Many Waters
Many Waters was the book where you could tell that the author had no idea if she was writing for kids or teenagers. It was written in the same register and style as the previous three books, but man oh man did Many Waters blow my twelve old mind. It had everything that made me blab about it to my friends for days. Semi polyamorous love triangles, seduction, making out, illegitimate children, the word virgin, the vaguest sex scenes ever written, description of topless characters, that one really scarring part where one of the characters spends three days in childbirth and nearly dies because her baby is half human-half giant. And wanna know the kicker? The whole book is a retelling of Noah’s Ark.You know, from the bible. And to this day, I find that to be very hilarious. 
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Mrs Afton as a warrior cat
Of course! WC William will be a much longer post, so instead of making this a double post like I originally planned when I saw this, I will give him his own.
Mrs Afton...I know what your headcanons are and what the clusterfrick (not sure how I feel about swearing on this account) of canon might be, but to me her name is Caroline in fnaf.
But for the warrior name, we have....Lilyvalley! This may seem unusual, but look up the words "lily valley flower", then look up "lilly valley flower language", and then you'll see why I chose it.
For the backstory, I'm unsure why she and her mate were cast out. Knowing William, it may have been murder, but wouldn't it be fun if she did the murder? WC William believes it's fake and she's innocent, (but tbh he doesn't care about murder), and leaves with her! Now I know.
After that, Lilyvalley found out that she was pregnant! I'm switching around the order of the siblings as we usually think of them, so WC Michael and Graypulse were born as part of the same litter, and Lilyvalley died during the birth of WC Elizabeth. Ooh, mayhaps the other two in the litter were stillborn, or died shortly after birth? I think yes.
She doesn't have that large of an influence on the story after that (WC Elizabeth is gonna get to be a girlboss), but she does go to StarClan, because one murder isn't usually enough to get StarClan to condemn you. You need to be a really boring or just a little bit worse than that to go to hell.
If you want any more elaboration or would like another character, do let me know!
I hope you have a wonderful day/night/insert time zone appropriate word here, and I hope to see you again in my inbox! Thank you!
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Elizabeth Afton as a warrior cat
Sure! Let's get into it.
Her name used to be Shiningkit. Then Shiningpaw, until she died and renamed herself to Riddlesong.
Like the others, she became a ghost, but she didn't just stop there. After her father died a second time, a little friend (Springstare) told her about the pact her father made with Jaggedwings, and she decided to finish it. But she needed friends to assist.
Luckily, a litter of newborn kits with a newly dead mother were nearby. These were the WC Funtimes! Riddlesong lead the kits to a nearby twolegplace, who's twolegs took them in.
That's when something fantastic happened.
She met more friends! One that looked exactly like her father, and two others, a young tom around her age when she died, and a she-cat who was around the age of a young warrior. These were WC versions of Glitchtrap, Gregory, and Vanessa. (Based on my own interpretations of the whole GGY thing: Gregory helped Glitchtrap in exchange for food and shelter, and feels too shitty about what he did to tell Freddy)
As the funtimes grew, she would almost always be there with them, appearing to them near-constantly. Talking to them.
When the time came, they ran away from the twolegplace, and Riddlesong found a near-intact corpse to posses, using the fake name that WC Glitchtrap suggested, Elizabeth, to form a group a la the Kin from canon warrior cats.
Keep in mind that when she died, she was mentally the human age of eight, and she formed a gang.
Eight year old forms a gang is kinda the plot of Rise of Scourge, right?
Here's what she looks like.
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Meanwhile, Jaggedwings knew nothing about this and is just like 0_0.
So, thank you for the request, this was very fun to write! If you would like more elaboration or have another request, please do visit my inbox again!
I hope you have a wonderful day or night, and I hope to see you again!
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