#aymeric x mizuki
pumpkinmagekupo · 1 month
Day 19: Soar
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I don't need wings to fly through the air.
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Nor little magitek vehicles to glide above the earth
I don't even need an airship to carry me above the ashen grey snow clouds.
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Because whenever I see you, my heart soars higher than any vehicle could ever bear me.
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My darling evening star, my precious light, you give my heart wings to soar high into the heavens. I could ask for nothing more than just to see you smile at me.
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Prompt List
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hanajimasama · 4 years
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For you put the dream in my reality Kiss me goodbye, love's memory You put the dream in my reality
The fight with Zenos takes a turn for the worst. How can Mizuki saves the ones she loves when she can barely keep up with Zenos? It's win or lose.
-Hero loses...almost....-
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pumpkinmagekupo · 7 months
Revolutionary girl Mizuki?
So the wonderful and most glamourous @erupan (♡˙︶˙♡) drew me Mizuki and Aymeric!!! from my Rose Princess AU
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-crying- (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I just! Look at it! The sparkles! The shoujo! Aymeric's beautiful face. His precious smile!!
-is crying in a pit of emotions-
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pumpkinmagekupo · 6 months
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SO! I got an absolutely amazing commission by the super wonderful @humblemooncat (♡°▽°♡)
-crying- Look how precious they are.
The 'What if Mizuki actually gave Aymeric her love letter' (o;TωT)o
-still crying-
I love it so. ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ
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pumpkinmagekupo · 11 months
What if-
Mizuki walked Aymeric through the well decorated halls. Aymeric stopped at the corner where a stone archway stood, with a red backdrop. "It's a picture opportunity." Mizuki explained "The Great Gourd really knows how to decorate,"
Aymeric squeezed her hand as she tried to walk on "So we could..also get a picture?" he asked shyly.
Mizuki smiled bright "of course! I just..I didn't think you would want to-" Aymeric followed Mizuki into the little booth and a small ghost floated past. "So now we pose. The ghost will - well I'm not overly sure how this all works but our picture will be ready when we leave."
"So fast!"
They posed and the ghost twirled and nodding at them before vanishing.
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"that was fast-"
"Very efficient." Mizuki chuckled and taking Aymeric's hand again, guided him to the room she was desperate to show him.
The room had the biggest pumpkins in the manor. "Aren't they grand?" she asked,
"they are."
Mizuki stopped in front of them and turned to Aymeric with a nervous smile "could you crouch a moment.." she asked, Aymeric complied. Mizuki cupped his face gently and kissed him softly.
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Both of them flushed red, they were married now but public displays of affection caught them off guard. "You are so beautiful." she sighed as they parted.
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"You stole the words from my lips and the air from my lungs." Aymeric retorted with a smile across his face. They kissed again, savouring the bliss and uninterrupted moment.
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"Thank you for coming with me." Mizuki smiled "I know you're busy-"
"Never too busy to spent time with my beloved wife." he replied, kissing her horn fondly. They enjoyed the festivities the manor had to offer before heading back down to the lobby.
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They were gifted not one but two pictures. The second made Mizuki want to perish. The little ghost in charge of pictures had spotted an opportune moment in front of the big pumpkins: Mizuki and Aymeric looking longingly into each other's eyes.
Aymeric albeit flustered was overjoyed "I shall have this framed..I have just the spot on my desk-"
"Your desk?!" Mizuki shrieked in panic.
Aymeric frowned "yes, you are quite right.. but I shall need a larger version of it to frame on our wall." he nodded and went to go seek one of the helpers. Mizuki was hot on his heels "Aymeric, no!"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
Sohr Khai: one last kiss
Aymeric gasped as they arrived in Sohr Khai "With every step I am greeted new and beautiful surroundings." He looked over at Mizuki with a smile "you must witness such things all the time as an adventurer."
Mizuki opened her mouth to speak but Alphinaud spoke first "we do. This might be my first in a dragon's sanctuary though."
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Mizuki saw the scenery but her first thought was: I am in charge of safely delivering Ser Aymeric back to Ishgard.
the second: I have to absolutely protect him..I- what would I do if I couldn't protect the man I ....I love....
Yes... I shall do my best to be his shield.
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And unlike Haurchefant. Aymeric caught onto Mizuki's reckless behaviour after the first battle encounter.
"Mizuki!" he was fast and rushed in front of Mizuki to parry an attack. "Tis a knight's duty to take the lead."
"I have a shield!" she argued "and it wouldn't do for you to get injured-"
"Pray have trust in your comrades," Aymeric said, glancing over his shoulder to her, "I should not fall to easily."
"Ser Aymeric is very dependable." she heard Alphinaud say
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But Aymeric's plea fell on deaf ears when Mizuki took a blow for Aymeric that put her on her knees.
"Mizuki, please." Aymeric stood in front of her like a shield.
"I have - I want to protect you..." she admitted "I couldn't stand to see you hurt-"
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Aymeric turned to help her up once the enemies were felled "And I you."
"Oh! Ser Aymeric is very attentive!" Alphinaud gasped in awe. "I should take notes on being more knight like-"
The Banneret coughed nervously. Something's were oblivious to the young elezen.
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And again when Mizuki tripped over a stone and Aymeric caught her majestically and shared a brief hug.
"Good save! Mizuki are you alright?" Alphinaud called.
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When Mizuki was casting a spell, Aymeric made sure she was protected and the first sign of danger, he placed her behind him.
"That he is so observant during battle! What skills!" Alphinaud had not stopped singing praise for sometime.
The Banneret was almost astounded at how oblivious Alphinaud was.
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Aymeric and Mizuki had not been vocal about their relationship, few people knew. With Ishgard how it was at the moment, their relationship would not be well received.
But up in the skies there were few people to bare witness.
Before they confronted Hraesvelgr, Mizuki stopped on the stairs and turned to Aymeric, reaching to touch his face gently. "I don't doubt your strength but please be careful-"
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"I am not the one still nursing wounds from what happened at the Vault." Aymeric reminded quietly "I will make sure we all return unharmed." Aymeric blushed and coughed nervously "I would request something of you before our fight?"
Mizuki smiled "I will do what I can-"
"A kiss..to bolster my spirit-" the pair blushed wildly. Mizuki nodded shyly.
"I think I can manage that.."
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"oh, Mizuki did you trip again?" Alphinaud asked, having noticed his commrades had fallen behind.
The Banneret snorted out a laugh "yes.. a trip." he looked away quickly when Aymeric glanced in his direction.
"Forgive us for our delay." Aymeric said, with a bow.
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"you look rather flushed Ser Aymeric..are you alright?" Alphinaud asked fretting around Aymeric "should we rest-"
"We should press on. Hraesvelgr awaits."
Mizuki followed behind them trying to quell the redness in her own cheeks.
"You're going to make a lot of people jealous in Ishgard when that comes out.." the Banneret whispered teasingly, making Mizuki pull her hat over her face.
my hc is that despite being around Alphinaud is so very oblivious to Mizuki and Aymeric's relationship and doesn't find out until around the events of Baelsar's Wall.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
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A hero is someone who gives of themselves, often putting their own life at great risk, for the greater good of others.
Also see: protector
a person or thing that protects someone or something
and this summed up Mizuki.
She always found herself in harms way. It was for the greater good.
So when Aymeric insisted her join them for brief journey. She instinctively put herself before him constantly.
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It wouldn't matter so much if she didn't return. If Ser Aymeric did not return it would most certainly matter and his would be sorely missed.
But Aymeric as a knight would not let such notions slide and took his place at the head of the group.
"My lord!"
"Tis a knight's duty to lead the battle." he said, "what that you would be injured-"
"it is an occupational hazard but there will always be others to take this mantle-" Mizuki replied trying to step around him.
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"I would prefer you return safely..." he looked down at Mizuki and quickly looked away "and please...you know I much prefer you call me by name.."
"oh.." Mizuki blushed "Well then...lead the way Aymeric..the sooner we work together the sooner we can talk more..." Mizuki brandished her staff "I will see you safely returned to Ishgard."
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"and I you, my dear. Perhaps then you might actually rest." Aymeric added, with a coy smile.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
Lost in despair
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In the beginning I saw loneliness, it swallowed me like quicksand and for a time I accepted this to be my forever. The people around me tried to help but the pull of inadequacy was stronger and I let go of their hand and sank deeper into despair.
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One day I saw a light, a brief window and alone: I ran. I grabbed at that sliver of hope and it turned the quicksand into water. Even then I could barely keep my head above the surface. I waded through the years trying to find me.
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And yet I found myself still running: searching for something I didn't know the words for. I grew and grew until despair pulled me under once more. The friends I found: taken from me.
Weakness made apparent and laid bare for all to see.
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But you were there. The waves calmed and I found myself running for a new ray of light on the horizon, the stars themselves could not shine like you.
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I ran and ran. Through any storm fate could throw at me.
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Despair may still nip at my heals but the sight of you fills my heart with joy. It races excitedly. I embarrassingly jumped into your arms.
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Forgive me. I couldn't resist. Your arms so warm and comforting. Your soft smile welcoming me home. Such bliss.
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Home is where the heart is and my heart is with you.
And I will always run straight back to you my dearest evening star.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
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-high pitch screaming- IT'S SO WONDERFUL!!!! I just...I can't...(*♡∀♡)it brings me great joy.
Thank you to @shiroishi-art for this amazing commission!! I love it so ;w;
(♡°▽°♡) they they kiss..... -faint-
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
Home at last
I am so super excited to share this beautiful and wholesome art commission from the amazing @erupan (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I just. I can't. It's so perfect ( ╥ω╥ ) I love it so so much.
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a little snippet of the work that inspired it ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
Distant Worlds
Their meal finished, the pair retired to the living area, sitting side by side on the loveseat to enjoy a cup of Ishgardian tea. The welcoming warmth of the fire soothed his weary body, and setting his cup down, Aymeric glanced to his side and realised Mizuki had fallen asleep against him.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 1 year
Send ❤️‍🔥 to see them with someone to whom they are attracted (whether or not they admit it) or someone who is attracted to them. Or both.
(COUPLE'S PIC!!! Show us them being lovely Pumpkin. <3)
Thank you for the ask! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Here are some I took during All Saint's Wake last year
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It's the best I got but they make me happy (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
When the light fades
The battle was long but ultimately ended in the Scions favour. The glaze over Mizuki's eyes cleared as she fell to the ground.
"Thank you my friends," she smile weakly "and I'm so sorry..you had to bear this burden. Forgive me."
"Tis us who should ask your forgiveness." Y'shtola said "We couldn't save you-"
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"Protect this star...and our own please." Mizuki asked, her voice barely audible as she fell backwards staring up at the blinding light above her.
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Aymeric...my evening star..my love..forgive me
I wanted to live out my life with you..
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A searing pain flowed through his chest, and he felt the wetness of tears on his cheeks. “No.” He stared down at the shattered jewel. “My light...no, please...tell me you’re still coming home.” Aymeric wanted to believe she would return hale and whole but something in his heart knew that he would hold her in his arms again, only in his dreams. 
More gpose to go with No Greater Sorrow
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
Tricks and Treats
Mostly treats.
long post
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Mizuki was overjoyed to spend her favourite holiday with her precious evening star. That Aymeric had time in his horribly busy schedule was music to her ears.
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And she was going to make sure Aymeric enjoyed his time and make sure she stocked up on his precious hugs and kisses.
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"Thank you for coming." Mizuki said, as she guided Aymeric up to the balcony. aymeric dipped to plant a kiss to her horn.
"I had a wonderful time and-" he smiled at her warmly "I got to see you in such a cute outfit." Aymeric purred "and see you smile and enjoying yourself makes my heart soar." Aymeric cleared his throat "I have also made note of all the desserts. I shall do my best to recreate them at home."
Mizuki turned to him with sparkles in her eyes "your baking is the best! I cannot wait to sample them." she grinned, leaning against him savouring his warmth.
"Next year- I would like to make an outfit for this holiday.."
"I can make us themed outfits!" Mizuki exclaimed happily "I cannot wait for next year."
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
What is Love?
Long past sunset, Aymeric was sitting in his study, a book open in his hands though he had failed to read any of the words in it for the past twenty minutes. His stomach was jumping around anxiously and a sharp knock at the door made him jolt straight out of his chair, the book falling to the desk with a light thud. “Enter.”
He tried to recover his composure as his steward announced, “My lord, Count Edmont has arrived.”
“Wonderful - could you bring us some tea, please.”
“Of course, my lord.” The steward disappeared; Aymeric left his study and headed down to the living area, steeling himself for the conversation he was about to have. 
He found Edmont seated near the fireplace. “Count Edmont, good evening. Thank you for coming at my behest,” Aymeric greeted him, bowing as the older man rose to his feet to offer the same courtesy. 
“Far be it for me to ignore such a summons.” Once they were seated Edmont raised his eyebrows. “How can I be of help?” 
Aymeric went rigid. “I-that is-” He suddenly found himself tongue tied. Oh, by the fury- he groaned inwardly. The steward’s timely intervention with the tea was a good diversion; Aymeric took a deep breath as it was poured. Sitting up straight, he tried again. “I wish to ask for your blessing to marry Mizuki,” he said firmly.
Edmont stopped as he reached for the cup, retracting his hand. 
“Should I not have given it, I doubt it would stop either of you,” he replied with a teasing tone to his voice. “Although she is not legally my child, I am honoured you would seek my approval first.” Edmont nodded, finally reaching for the cup of tea. “Of course you have my blessing.”
Snippet from: What is Love
Aymeric is determined to propose to Mizuki but luck is simply not on his side. (°◡°♡)
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
*drops in and leaves random question because who needs official OC ask lists*
What would Mizuki‘s and Aymeric’s dream vacation look like? Beach time at the costa del sol? Or maybe romantic cabin in the woods? Sightseeing tour through all of Eorzea?
Thank you for the ask!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Aside from Aymeric's little notebook of places he wants to visit from Mizuki's adventures. He so desperately wants to see the world as she has.
And Mizuki would gladly take Aymeric to see all of Eorzea and more. To see the world with him would make her extremely happy.
They'd go around and experience the world not as a hero but as a romantic couple enjoying the sights and sounds. Aymeric learning new delicacies from the locals, wanting to cook them all.
Mizuki finally getting a chance to see the world not on fire and with her most beloved person ever. She's getting souvenirs for her family.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 years
All Saint's Wake
Aymeric sipped the unfamiliar tea, a pumpkin spice blend. It was nice but..he would be happier if Mizuki were here. They were supposed to meet here and yet she was running late.
(All Saint's Wake spoilers and long posts)
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An adventurer's job is never done. I must keep my spirits high.
He found himself at another table sampling more All Saint's Wake treats. All of them reminded him of his precious wife. "I wonder if she would like a teapot like this- or all the tableware.. I must place an order of them."
Aymeric took note of all the treats and managed to get the recipes from a passing ghost, who was more than happy to share the spooky knowledge with him.
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Still Mizuki was not there.
But..he felt someone watching him. Looking around he saw something dart out of view. Intrigued Aymeric gave chase.
Finding himself in an even eerier than normal graveyard. He jumped when he spotted a ghost hiding behind a grave, it was illuminated by moonlight.
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"Trick or treat" a familar voice cheered, jumping from behind the gravestone. Removing the costume and place a large orange witch hat upon her head. Aymeric blinked. "Did I scare you?" Mizuki asked sheepishly.
Aymeric sighed deeply "You did my darling light. By the Fury you did startle me." he shook his head with a smile on his face. Her soft laughter filled the air and it made his heart race. "I thought you forgot-"
"Forgot?! I would never!" Mizuki ran up to him and hugged him tightly.
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"Now my trick is done. It is time for treats!"
"they are quite delicious-"
Mizuki's mouth hung open "you ate sweets without me?" she asked, her lip quivered sadly.
"I was-"
"It's alright." Mizuki grinned "Your lips are the sweetest treat I need."
Aymeric blushed madly, his ears felt like they were on fire. "Ever a smooth talker my dear."
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(♡˙︶˙♡)There is more to come. I went a bit crazy
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