#azriel shadowdaddy
Here Comes The Sun
Azriel x You
Word Count : 3.8k
Summary : When the Spymaster of the Night Court discovers your little crush, you end up crossing a lot of firsts off your list.
Warnings : lots of sexual tension, use of nicknames (Sunshine - Reader/You), mention/insinuation of loss of virginity, mention of masturbation, oral and fingering (f recieving).
Author's Note : written for this anon ask, very lightly edited so please forgive mistakes/mispellings.
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The crowd at Rita’s tonight was especially large, you think to yourself as you huddle closer to your friends. You had made the trip from Day Court especially for one of your dear friends birthdays. After hours of dancing, you were now gathered next to the table that Mor had taken over for your friends and hers. Rhys was snuggled in the booth obviously preoccupied with his mate  and Cassian was moping, bouncing one knee and eyeing the exit, biding his time until he could go home to Nesta. The rest of your group, including the birthday girl, were standing in a tight knot trading laughs and waving their hands in animated conversation.
Except you. You had pushed yourself to the outside of the group, overheated from all the dancing. You allow your eyes to roam around the large room, the music picking up into another lively song. Your gaze slides along the bar before it lands on the dark figure you’ve been avoiding all night. Azriel, the Shadowsinger, Spymaster to the Night Court. 
As you dip your chin with a secretive smile, you turn back to your group.
“I see your little crush hasn’t faded since the last time you were here.” Mor practically shouts over the music.
“Who? Me? What are you talking about Mor?” You feel a hot flush of color creeping over your neck.
Mor just tilts her head in response with a smirk, right in the direction of the bar you were just staring at.
“Azriel? The Spymaster?” you feign a shocked face with a laugh. “He is way out of my league.”
Mor leans closer to your ear so she isn’t shouting. “But you aren’t denying it.”
The flush of heat reaches your cheeks now. “There’s no harm in looking, you know,” you answer with another laugh.
“You’re right,” Mor smiles wickedly. “No harm done.”
As she turns back to the conversation with the birthday girl, you turn towards the table top. Grabbing your water from the table, going for a piece of ice you can cool your fingers with and press to your overheated face. Shaking the cup you realize it's empty and risk another glance towards the bar. 
An elegant female catches your eye, dress glittering and legs as long as night. She is sidled up just next to Azriel’s stool in the corner obviously trying to get his attention. It is then that you notice he is paying her no mind, not even to politely decline. Because his eyes are on you.
Another flame of heat licks at your cheeks as your eyes lock with those light hazel ones. Dipping your head quickly to turn back to your friends, you feel a slow cool breeze sliding over the back of your neck. Before you can even question the source, a hand grabs your arm.
“You want me to grab you another drink?,” one of your other friends asks.
“No, thanks. That’s ok. I should probably head out anyway. Early start tomorrow and all.” Tomorrow you were headed back to the Day Court. Scholar duties wait for no one, not even a good friend’s birthday.
Slipping through the crowd past the churning dance floor, you spot Mor and the birthday girl pushing through the hordes of people in an attempt to reach the bar. Catching their eye, you wave a little wave and head towards the coat check.
Throwing your coat over your arm as you step out onto the street, you are blissfully thankful for the cold winter air that hits you. It was much too hot inside and your face is still heated at a low simmer. The fleeting reminder of those eyes on you from across the room bring that heat straight back up to a boil.
Those light hazel eyes, those swirling dark wisps of shadow, that single dark lock of hair that doesn’t seem to stay in place and falls across his forehead.
Enough. You admonish yourself in thought.
You decide the night air will do you some good and begin the short walk just a few blocks to your inn instead of winnowing back. You don’t even make it half a block before a whipping mass of shadow blocks your path and you slam into the very solid body within it. 
Stumbling backwards a step, you stammer out an apology. “Oh, I’m sor–”
Those eyes.
“Leaving so soon, Sunshine?” Those eyes are focused solely on you as Azriel’s deep voice sounds.
“Oh, um. Yeah, I was just heading back to the inn. I’m heading home early in the morning.”
“But the night is young. You’ll miss all the fun, Sunshine.” 
“I get it,” you force out a giggle even though your heart is pounding. “Sunshine - I’m from Day Court. Very cute.”
Azriel chuckles, the vibration sweeping over your skin. Your face isn’t the only thing that feels hot now. 
“Not what I was going for, but a cute coincidence.” He emphasizes the word cute in your tone. 
“Then why did you call me Sunshine?” 
Why are you out here alone on the street talking with this male? 
It wasn’t that you felt unsafe. How could you with the Spymaster at your side? It was just that being alone with males wasn’t something you did. Ever. The scholar dorms were separated and all of your roommates were female. The occasion had never arisen before. 
“Look at you,” he purrs. “You are practically glowing. That is why I called you Sunshine.” 
Your face flames even hotter now if that were even possible. Another slow cooling breeze passes over you, this time down the side of one cheek. The source is clear this time. Tendrils of smoky shadow pass through your peripheral vision as the coast over your shoulder. Before a thought could fully form in your mind, he slips to your side.
“May I escort you?” Your attention falls to the shadows that twine around the elbow he offers you.
“To the inn? Where I’m staying?”
“Did you have another place in mind?” His mouth quirks up on one side with a dangerous glint in his eye.
You shake your head a bit as your brain kicks back into gear. “If the night is so young, how come you are out here offering to walk me home?”
Azriel laughs. His chin tilted up, you can’t help but to notice that smooth expanse of tattooed neck. 
“You caught me Sunshine,” he says, bringing his gaze back to you. “It just so happens that a little birdie told me –” He leans down, lips dangerously close to your ear.
“- that you might have a little crush on me.”
If your skin could get any hotter you would burst into flame, right here in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Mor really should keep her mouth shut,” you spit out in a sudden burst of anger. 
“It wasn’t Mor who told me,” he says as he straightens.
“Then who?”  You tilt your head to look at him, confused. Outside of Mor, your other friends had no reason to randomly approach someone from the Inner Circle.
“Like I said Sunshine, a little birdie told me.” With a flick of his wrist he holds out his hand, index finger extended in a point. A vortex of shadow swirls above it, forming into a tiny bird. Wings flapping as it lands on his finger like a perch. 
You crack out a sharp laugh. “Spymaster. Right. I should have known. Well, like I told Mor –” you peer at him with a mischievous grin. “There is no harm in looking.”
In an instant, Azriel spins to face you fully. One arm smoothly planted to brace against the brick wall behind you. “So you aren’t denying it then? You do have a crush on me?”
Your head is spinning, your heart pounding, no witty comebacks spring into your mind. The only thing forming is a low heat in your belly.
“No, I’m not denying it.” you say breathlessly.
“Well,” he starts, staring right into your eyes. “It just so happens Sunshine, the feeling is mutual. And while there may be no harm in looking.” He leans closer, his finger glides down the side of your face before hooking under your chin. “It’s so much more fun to touch.” 
Before you can utter a single word, his lips are brushing over yours. The first tender kiss lands softly against the pillow of your lips, barely any pressure behind it. The second has you reciprocating with a gentle push of your own. The third is what causes all thoughts to flee and a sigh escapes your throat.
You feel his lips pull into a smile against your own. “Don’t you agree?”
You stand there frozen. Dazed, head empty. “I’m sorry,” you breathe. “I forgot the question.”
Azriel releases another low chuckle and again the vibration coasts over your skin. This time suspiciously close to your ear.
“I said,” he rumbles as you feel his nose brushing against your hair. “It’s so much more fun to touch isn’t it?”
The tip of his nose begins dragging lower, like a cold piece of ice sliding down your heated neck.
“Azriel, wait –” you say sharply.
He pulls back and stares into your face again. “What’s wrong, Sunshine? Did I do something wrong?” A sly grin across his classically beautiful face. “You’re standing here like you’ve never been kissed before or something.” 
The only answer is your bewildered stare, another bloom of color rising to your cheeks.
He jerks back slightly in shock. The look quickly covered with that impenetrably impassive mask so familiar to the Spymaster of the Night Court.
“There’s – I mean, the right – it’s just never come up before,” you stammer with a shake of your head. 
You watch as a heat reaches his face. The flame igniting not across his cheeks, but in his eyes.
“Sunshine,” he whispers softly, his finger still hooked under your chin. “Was that your first kiss?”
Once again, your words fail you.
Pushing off from the arm bracing the wall, Azriel brings both hands to the center of his chest. “I am honored to be your first,” he says nodding into a slight bow. “And maybe – if you so desire –” the sensual tone of his voice deepens. “I could be part of many more firsts for you.”
That flame of need is still bright within his eyes.The inferno no longer blazes up your neck and face as it doubles low in your belly, slipping down and settling squarely between your thighs. 
Isn’t this what you wanted? What you had fantasized about for weeks after that first initial sighting of him? Isn’t his voice after he first introduced himself to you the one you replayed over and over in your head? That deep timbre inside your brain as you ached for some privacy in the overcrowded dormitory to touch yourself? It’s not like you were saving yourself for any particular reason, it had just never happened.
“Yes,” you breathe in a shudder. “I do so desire.”
The flame in his eyes flares higher as he turns to stand at your side, a feline smile pulling at his lips. Azriel offers you his elbow once more. With your eyes still on his face, drinking in the crinkle near his eye and the tilt of his mouth, you slip your hand smoothly into the crook of his arm. 
Before you can even lift your leg to step, blackness surrounds you. What were once wispy strands of shadow now surround you like a sheet, obscuring the street around you from view. You draw in a gasp. This was not the winnowing you were accustomed to. It felt entirely different although not necessarily in a bad way. Yet before your gasp could be released fully, the blackness receded and you stared about you in wonder.
The cobblestones beneath your feet were replaced with gleaming hardwood, the chill of the winter night gone. A fire was already burning in the fireplace as you scanned the room before you.
“This isn’t the inn,” you state as you finally release your breath. 
“No. It isn’t,” Azriel rumbles out another laugh as he releases your arm. “I thought you’d prefer a little more privacy. Plus the beds at the inn aren’t exactly made for wings.” He shuffles his wings with a sly smile as he turns to you.
“You know from experience?,” you smirk.
“Does that bother you?,” he asks seriously as he steps closer. The usual buffer between bodies cut in half, you can feel the heat of him radiating.
“Does me being – inexperienced bother you?” Another rush of color floods your face and you press your still chilled knuckles to your cheek in frustration.
“No,” his tone is still serious as he gently removes your hand from your face. “It doesn’t bother me.” The fingers held so tenderly in his are brought to his lips, the same sweet pressure from his kiss earlier laid on the back of your hand. “It’s – intoxicating.”
You feel your breaths shorten as he steps even closer, his front pressing against yours. Azriel drops your hand and brings his up to your chin once more, this time tilting your head to the side. His other arm snakes around your waist. 
“Knowing you’re allowing me to bring you pleasure,” his warm lips brush against the side of your neck. “Pleasure you have never known before,” his kisses shift lower. “That it’s my name you will cry out as I give it to you,” his teeth graze your collarbone and his wings tremble with his words. 
“Azriel,” you sigh, leaning your head back even further. 
Sliding his hand from your face to the nape of your neck, his face comes up to meet yours. “We are just getting started, Sunshine.”
His lips crash into yours just as you bring your arms up to his shoulders. Gone are the trailing soft kisses. This is just need. Bruising, nipping, need. Your tongue meets his as it enters your mouth, searching. You push back as he deepens the kiss further, needing to be closer. Wanting more. Your hands slip into his hair, threading between your fingers as you try to get closer. 
He breaks the kiss just for a moment to reach down and grasp your thighs, hauling you up to wrap your legs around him before he eagerly returns. Your grip around his neck tightens as you hold on, your heaving chest pressed up against his. You feel him moving and in a moment you’re being lowered to the bed, mattress meeting your back. 
As he pulls himself away, standing upright before you, you notice the damp stain left on the front of his dark shirt. Right where your thighs had been spread around his waist. As he unbuttons his shirt his gaze drops down to where you are looking and he runs his thumb over the wetness there. 
His shirt now tossed aside, he steps near you again. Hands sliding up the outside of your thighs to your hips, the fabric of your dress bunching as he pushes it up.
“No need to be embarrassed.” He says as he sits you up so that he can gather your dress over your head. “You're about to be dripping on much more than my shirt.” 
As he tosses your dress over on the floor with his shirt, he peers down at you, just looking, hands held still at his sides.
“So fucking beautiful.” His hand reaches out and caresses your breast, filling his palm with its weight before drawing his thumb across your tight nipple. The sensation causes you to gasp and you feel it in your core. He seems to be lost in thought for just a moment before he leans over quickly, snatching the pillows from the head of the bed and tucking them directly behind you. 
“Lay back,” his voice barely above a whisper. You follow his instruction, your body angled so that you are sitting up partially on the edge of the bed. “I want you to watch as I make you come undone, Sunshine. I want you to remember who put that look of bliss on your face.”
As he speaks, that swirling sheet of shadow moves behind him along the wall. As they fade back into their usual state and return to his shoulders, you see that a large full length mirror is left in their wake. Azriel drops to his knees beside the bed as you take in the sight before you. His broad muscular shoulders kneeling before you, wings tucked in tight. His hands snaking along your hips and your face flushed with arousal. 
One scarred hand nudges at your knees and you spread open, watching reflection as you do. That same hand now moves to your soaked panties, one index finger sliding through the gusset and his knuckle brushing softly against the outside of your folds.
“All this for me, Sunshine?” It comes out like a growl. With a pull, that finger begins lowering your panties down your thighs. You bring your knees together just long enough to slip them off completely before you spread wide once more. 
In one swift motion, Azriel’s hands are under your knees and you are being pulled to the very edge of the bed. He hooks one leg over his shoulder and the other he pushes firmly wider. You don’t even have a chance to react before his face is at your core, his tongue lapping at your arousal.
You squeak out a sound of surprise and you feel a muffled laugh against you. The vibration of which turns your sound into a moan. His tongue has parted your folds now, making a slow circuit around your engorged clit. 
“Is this what you thought about as you touched yourself?” He doesn’t even lift his head as he speaks. Your moans continue as your head falls back and your eyes close. He breaks the circuit of his tongue to dip down toward your entrance. 
“How quickly did you come with your fingers while you imagined my face between your legs, Sunshine?” Returning to that sensitive bud once more, his tongue picks up a fevered pace. The cry that leaves your throat is positively sinful and your leg begins shaking against the palm that holds it open. 
You feel his tongue curling, cradling your clit just before he pulls it into his mouth and sucks. The leg you have over his shoulder tenses, pulling his body closer to your core. With a pop he releases and brings his eyes up to your face. 
“Watch,” he says with authority. Just the tone of his voice has you practically vibrating. 
You follow his command as he lowers his head. You stare at the image before you. His hand pressing into the flesh of your trembling thigh. His tongue picks up that pace once more and you see yourself shudder as you moan. Releasing the grip you have on the sheets, you bring your hands up to his head, staring at the sight of your skin against the black hair as you thread your fingers through.
The picture is – intoxicating. Just like he said. On the edge of the first orgasm you haven’t given yourself, you fixate on the bob of his head between your thighs, your breasts heaving with your labored breath, the sweat beginning to glisten against your skin. 
It’s too much. Quicker than you’ve ever been able to finish before, you feel that tightening in your belly rushing you towards the finish line. Azriel’s tongue dips again into your entrance before resuming his pull at your clit with a groan. 
“Azriel,” you pant out. “Oh, Az– I–”
“That’s it, Sunshine, keep watching,” he says quickly before returning to his task. Just as you feel that familiar flutter starting, you feel a finger at your entrance pushing in. 
You choke on a gasp as his finger fills the void and begins curling inside you. Clenching your fingers you pull at his hair, eliciting a deep moan from his chest. One more curl of his finger and you are falling over the edge. You watch in the mirror as your face twists into pleasure, your muscles contract and you pull your leg tight against his back. Your other leg now trembling freely as his hand moves up to your hip. The ripples of pleasure draw out as you watch, longer and longer until you are pulling yourself upright by the grip on his hair. 
“Azriel!” you cry out in a sob. The orgasm gives one final wave before you fall back onto the pillows, releasing your hold on him. He lifts his face from your core, but the finger inside you remains. Gently, slowly he continues pushing it in and out of you, the sound of your release squishing around it. You shudder with aftershocks at his continued movements.
“How did you like seeing me between your thighs? Was it everything you imagined?” You can hear the smile in his voice as you gather your breath. 
“It was –” you sigh out at a loss for more words. 
He halts his movements, pulling his hand from your body. Then Azriel is standing before you, grabbing your hips and shifting you to the head of the bed. Bringing his knees up to the mattress and crawling over you he asks, “How many firsts was that, Sunshine?”
He settles his weight over you, the hard length of him evident against your core. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer, you laugh. “I lost count.”
Az’s face breaks out into a bright smile as he brings his mouth to yours. Tongues searching, heads tilting before he pulls away nearly a full minute later. “The night is still young, Sunshine, what’s next on your list?”
He gives a testing thrust against and you laugh once more as you wrap your legs around him in answer. 
Hours later, you wake in the pitch black of the dead of night, a muscular arm wrapped around you and a wing slung over your body. Pushing gently against the hard chest in front of your face, you start to push up to sitting. The arm around you tightens, pulling you back to the mattress. 
“What time is it?” you ask.
“Not time for you to rise yet, Sunshine. Go back to sleep,” Azriel’s half asleep voice is even sexier than the one he whispered in your ear with earlier. 
“I should go.”
“You don’t really want to walk the streets back to the inn at this hour do you?” He smiles sleepily as he cracks an eye open. He would winnow you if you wished, but he couldn’t resist teasing. 
“No, I mean – I’m heading back home to Day Court today,” you snuggle back into that hard chest again. “But I don’t want to.”
That sleepy smile graces his face once more as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “So don’t.”
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historiaxvanserra · 6 months
Another WIP?!?!
Azriel and healer!reader?? hurt/comfort?? dark nature aesthetic?? pining?? slow burn? CORRUPTION KINK?!
we all know I'm going to do it anyway
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
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I have a feeling Azriel is very good with his hands.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
writing Azriel smut 🤝 listening to Zayn
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shallyne · 2 years
You Azriel stans are so weird
You're like "Throw me in a cell and punch me in the face, Daddy" LMAOOOO
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artists-ally · 8 months
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imxnotxhere · 7 months
Acotar Men Fic Recs
** Updated 09/02/2024 **
I already made a list for azriel which was actually meant as a list for all the characters I read for but I read a lot more of azriel fics because he's my baby and the list was getting too long. So here are the rest of the characters and I also added some more azzy drabbles sorry
Azriel (drabbles)
az spitting in your mouth - smut
az pleasuring his mate with truthteller - smut, big fan of truthteller
azriel... - fluff, smut
azriel's hands - fluff, smut
dioxazine part 2 - fluff, smut, modern au, art school au
the lord's work - smut
if you should die before you wake - smut, rhys x cass x azriel x reader
just hold on - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
double duty - smut, rhys x reader x cass
what's mine - smut, rhys x eris x reader
mine - smut, check warnings!
knocked up - smut
vampire!rhysand drabble - smut
professor!rhys headcanons part 2 - smut
soothing - fluff, aftercare
easy like sunday morning - fluff, smut
my body keeps saying it's yours - smut
home to us - fluff
rhys as a pleasure dom - smut - technically a drabble? blurb?
mirror mirror - smut
daylight - fluff
shrinking violet - smut
if i catch you i fuck you - smut
mirror mirror - smut
take it - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
on the strategy board - smut
pools of sunlight - fluff
halley's comet - angst, smut
drabble - smut - az x cass x reader
runaway - angst, smut
fox hunting - smut
closed until further notice - fluff, smut, coffee shop au
smut blurb
smut blurb II
destiny's battleground - angst, smut
my lovely throne - smut
despite our differences - angst, smut, series
the prince of blood part 2 part 3 - vampire!eris
servitude - smut
thumb prints - smut
sly fox, dumb bunny - series
the burning of the autumn leaves and the roaring of my yearning heart - angst, smut
soul on fire - smut
a court of four horsemen - smut, part of a series
fire on fire - angst?
riding eris' face - smut, drabble
riding eris' thigh - smut, drabble
cauldron fated - angst, smut
making out with eris while giving him a handjob - smut, drabble
praise kink eris - smut, drabble
solecist night - smut
yell at me again - smut
personal problem - smut
the moon on a string - fluff
drabble - smut
drabble - smut, az x lucien x reader (kind of)
dom lucien - smut, human!reader
a high lord's scholar - fluff
new mechanisms - smut
sweet like peaches - smut
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mischiefmanagers · 3 months
Rhysand Fic Rec Library 🦇💜
"Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord. Rhysand is the most delightful High Lord. Rhysand is the most cunning High Lord."
here's a list of one hundred Rhysand x Reader and Rhysand x OC fics to celebrate the most handsome High Lord ✨
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @sarawritestories
The Most Beautiful High Lady 🥀💞
You Looked Like You Could Use a Partner 💞
by @lalacliffthorne
starshine (series) 🥀💞
by @marvelsmylife
Not As It Seems 🥀💞
Protecting his high lady 🥀💞
I think I wanna marry you 💞
by @swansworth
The Handsome Stranger 🥀💞
My High Lady 🔥
by @writingsbychlo
how we survive 🥀 platonic Rhysand x Reader but it's AMAZING
Home To Us 💞🌼
How to Save a Life 💞
by @azrielsdove
The High Lords 🥀🔥
Til Death Do Us Part 🥀🔥
Money, Power, Glory 🥀
Beautiful Girl 🥀💞
by @historiaxvanserra
What Our Souls Are Made Of ���💞
by @honeybeefae
Pretty Little Tears 🔥
by @wishfulwithwine
The Great War 🥀
by @leafsandstarlight
Against Your Brother's Wishes 🥀💞
Easy Like Sunday Morning 💞🔥
Welcome Distraction 🔥
Little Reminders 💞
by @cherhys
Anything, Always 🥀💞
Colliding Visions 💞
by @k-daydreams
Touch in the Dark 🥀
by @azsazz
Dioxazine 💞
Lavender Haze
Hung Up 🔥
by @jeannineee
Pining 🥀
Daddy Kink 🔥
by @ughthatimagineblog
love and loathing 💞🔥
forever and a day 💞
by @fieldofdaisiies
I Never Mean to Hurt You 🥀
by @daydreaming-nerd
The Bonds That Break Us 💞🥀🔥
by @hellcat8908
Returning Home 🥀💞
by @thehighladywrites
This Isn't Goodbye, This Is Simply See You Later 💞🥀🔥
Just One More, I Know You Can Do It 💞🔥
by @lure-of-writing
Where my soul can rest 🥀
by @saphirered
The Ice Queen and the High Lord 🔥
May We Meet Again
by @bookish-whore
'Til Death 💞
Never Made A Difference 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
mine 🔥
Knocked up 🔥
by @itsphoenix0724
Promises 🥀
by @fanttasttica
I hate you more.. 🥀
Shy priestess 💞
Finding you 🔥
Your love healed me 🥀💞
Just love me 🥀
One plus one makes three 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Dance with the devil
Make a bargain with me 💞🥀
by @azrielbrainrot
My Body Keeps Saying it's Yours 🔥
by @b00kdiary
by @solbaby7
Lose Control 💞
Put On A Show 🔥
Testing the Waters 💞🔥🌼
by @luxsky
Kicking out 💞
by @themusingsofacurlyhairednerd
Warm Me Up 💞🔥
by @starstruckunknown-princess
Black Rose 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Needs Must 🔥
With Me, Always 🥀💞
Shrinking Violet 🔥
Forget Me Not 💞
by @lanitalay
At sea 💞🥀
by @redheadspark
Truth 💞🥀
Carry 💞🥀
My Pleasure 💞
Title 💞
by @azrielslightintheshadows
Game night disaster 🥀
Between you and danger 🥀
by @danikamariewrites
Take Them All Down 🥀🌼
Only For You 💞
Pointless Meetings 💞
Pranks 💞
by @bloodycassian
winter court runaway
by @thevanserrras
The Stolen Night 🥀💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
Winter Without You 🥀
Love Needs No Voice
by @prythianpages
Wanna Be Yours 💞
by @milswrites
Out of the Mountain 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Requiem for a Dream (series) 🥀💞
Broken 🥀
Flight Patterns 🥀💞🌼
Subtle 💞
Scream 🔥
Plot Measure 🥀
Drumming Song 🔥
Family Matters 🔥
Pieces of You 🥀🌼
by @clairebear08
Questioning Motives 🔥
by @serpentandlily
Falling Apart for You 🥀
by @shadowdaddies
Heavy is the Head 🥀💞🔥
Crawl to Me 🥀🔥
by @throneofsapphics
if you insist 💞
surprise reunions 🔥
by @azriels-shadowsinger
Reunited 💞🥀
by batboylover
secretly mated 🥀💞
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Azriel Fic Recs
Note: I do sometimes link my reblogs bc there is literally nothing I hate more than clicking on a link only to arrive at the ghost blog page.
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Blogs to just read through
@azsazz @azrielhours @daycourtofficial @assassinsblade @illyrian-dreamer
@utterlyazriel @imaginesmai @solbaby7 @fieldofdaisiies @writingcroissant
@pellucid-constellations @flickering-chandelier @shadowdaddies @solbaby7
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The Orange Peel Theory (fluff) Hug (fluff)
Buried Underneath (angst) Golden Hour (hurt/comfort, fluff)
Unrequited (angst) A Pair of Spies (hurt/comfort)
Illyrian Assassin (fluff, hurt/comfort) (series)
The Shadowsinger and the Inkbird (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort) (series) In a Years Time (angst, fluff) The Artificer (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort) (series)
Love and Loss (angst, hurt/comfort)
Haven (fluff) Losing Forever (angst, hurt/comfort) The Breakfast Club (fluff)
No Going Back (angst)
Low on Hope (hurt/comfort, angst) (series) Speaking of Forgiveness (angst, hurt/comfort) (series)
When You Hold Me (fluff)
The Basic Rules of Friendship (fluff)
And I Wouldn't Marry Me Either (angst)
I've Been Waiting for You (fluff, hurt/comfort) Dandelions (fluff) (series) When I Kissed the Teacher (fluff)
The Orange Peel Theory (fluff)
I Laugh Like Me Again...She Laughs Like You (angst)
Hidden Feelings (angst)
The Cliff (angst) (series)
Pushed to the Edge (angst, hurt/no comfort) (series)
Notice Me! (fluff)
Annual Visit (fluff) (series)
Of Nightmares and Memories (series) (angst)
I Can't Sleep with You Still Mad at Me (hurt/comfort) Everything Reminds Me of You (angst, hurt/comfort) I Broke the Lock You Were Screaming (hurt/comfort)
Rainy Season (angst) Baby, Mine (angst/fluff)
Banned From Intimacy (fluff, 18+)
My Hands are Searching (angst, hurt/comfort)
Archeron Sister AU (angst, hurt/comfort) (series) Untitled (fluff)
A 'Tea' Party (fluff)
Scarlet-Tipped Secrets; Peonies, for You (angst)
Centuries Coming (angst, hurt/comfort)
Worlds Apart (tog x acotar crossover, hurt/comfort) (series) Nap (fluff)
All the Time in the World (angst)
Bright Smiles (fluff)
Finally (fluff, pregnancy)
Clingy Bat (fluff)
Another Love (angst, fluff)
Jealousy (fluff)
dividers by @cafekitsune
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jiarkives · 1 month
julia’s favorites ! (v)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ♕ - nsfw ; ☆ - series
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jujutsu kaisen
♡♤ throughout heaven and earth - gojo satoru
♡ drunken angel - nanami kento
↳ @chuluoyi
♡ sleepy!megumi x shy!reader - fushiguro megumi
↳ @just-jordie-things
top gun maverick
♕ slow ride - jake ‘hangman’ seresin
↳ @vivwritesfics
☆ time warp - james potter
↳ @astonishment
☆ what we were, what we are - james potter, sirius black
↳ @jimblejamblewritings
♤♡ opening about past sa (tw!) - remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♡ talking to a cat - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
♤♡ temper tantrum from draco - sirius black (cbbh universe)
↳ @ellecdc
♡ blurb - james potter, remus lupin, sirius black (poly!)
↳ @moonstruckme
♤♡ say don’t go - james potter
↳ @pretty-little-mind33
a court of thorns and roses
☆ suspicious - azriel
☆ mate - azriel
↳ @blog-of-a-multitude-of-fandoms
☆ everything is not as it seems - azriel
♡ cassian: the annoying brother - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ use somebody - azriel ft. platonic!lucien
♡♤ capture the mate - azriel, pregnant!reader
♡ i know something you don’t know - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ snapshots of time - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡ your little hand’s wrapped aorund my finger - azriel ft. platonic!cassian
♡♤ hickeys and the marks we leave - cassian
♡ save your tears - eris vanserra ft. lucien vanserra
↳ @daycourtofficial
☆ low on hope (tw!) - azriel
↳ @violet-shadows
☆ untouchable - azriel ft. brother!rhysand
♤ falling apart for you - rhysand
↳ @serpentandlily
☆ arrows and ashes (tw!) - azriel
☆ forget me not (tw!) - azriel
↳ @assassinsblade
☆ of oblivious minds - azriel
♡ all over again - azriel
♡ by the book - azriel
♤ to feel at home - azriel
↳ @pellucid-constellations
♡ what we make of what we’re made - azriel
↳ @illyrianbitch
♤ take them all down (i) — (tw!) - rhysand
♤♡ take them all down (ii) - rhysand
↳ @danikamariewrites
♡ forever and a day - rhysand
♡♤ love and loathing - rhysand
↳ @ughthatimagineblog
♡ colliding visions - rhysand
↳ @cherhys
♡♤ false confessions - azriel
♤♡ how we survive - azriel ft. platonic!rhysand
♡ home to us - rhysand ft. nyx
↳ @writingsbychlo
♤ in this shirt - azriel
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♤ in every lifetime (i) - azriel
♤♡ in every lifetime (ii) - azriel
↳ @shadowdaddies
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (i) - azriel
♕♡♤ all my dreaming (ii) - azriel
↳ @theeveninghour
☆ flame, shadow, beast - azriel
☆ the artificer - azriel
♡ heads will roll - azriel
♡ he feels safe with you - azriel
↳ @florencemtrash
♤♡ was any of it true? - modern!azriel
♡♤ second chance - cassian
♡ you drew stars around my scars - azriel
↳ @flickering-chandelier
♡ bumps, blunders & baby kicks - azriel
↳ @acourtofmishapandmistakes
♡ finally - azriel, fairy!reader ft. platonic!cassian, platonic!nesta archeron
↳ @itsswritten
♤ escapism (tw!) - azriel ft. past!lucien
↳ @thewulf
♡ count on mom - bruce wayne ft. bat family
↳ @alisonwritesimagines
♕♡ still wanna play? - jason todd
♡ meet the family - jason todd ft. bat family
♡ guard dog (i) - jason todd
♡ guard dog (ii) — (tw!) - jason todd
↳ @mostly-imagines
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♕ divider — @bunnysrph
305 notes · View notes
highladyivy · 3 months
Fic Recs
💕 Fluff
❤️‍🔥 Smut
💔 Angst
📚Multi Chapter
📖 WIP 📒 Completed
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Be Yours by @writingsbychlo 💕
Forever my love by @bat-boys 💕❤️‍🔥
Overwritten by @illyrian-dreamer (11 parts) 💔❤️‍🔥 📚📒
Hobbies by @milswrites (12parts) 💕💔📚📒
Notice me by @heartless-tate 💕
Teach Me by @solbaby7 (brief Elain x Reader) 💕
Always by @redbleedingrose (9 parts)💔💕📚📒
Not again by @fanwarriorfictions 📚📖(Rowilen Daughter)
An Education in Malice by @illyrianbitch ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
A Court of Soul & Shadow by (AO3) 📚📖
When the heart is still longing by @illyrianbitch 💔
I’ve been waiting for you by @prythianpages 💕
You drew stars around my scars @flickering-chandeliers 💕
I heard your voice in a dream by @flickeringchandelier 💕❤️‍🔥
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A Place For Dying by @illyrianbitch 💔
A Court of Healers & Plotholes by @witchysquirrel 💔❤️‍🔥📚📖
Mama Mia 2 by @assriels 💔💔💔
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Knocked Up by @tadpolesonalgae ❤️‍🔥
The bonds that break us by @daydreaming-nerd 💕💔❤️‍🔥📚
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To Be Wed 2 by @bloodycassian (AzrielxReaderxRhysand)❤️‍🔥
Handmaid by @littlestw01f (NestaxReaderxEris) ❤️‍🔥
Blurred Lines 2 3 4 by @solbaby7 (readerxRhysand&Azriel) ❤️‍🔥📚
Double Duty by @azsazz (RhysandxReaderxCassian) ❤️‍🔥
If you should die by @azsazz (BatBoysxReader)❤️‍🔥
Tender by @shadowdaddies (batboys x reader) ❤️‍🔥💕
But Home Is Nowhere by @mirandasidefics 💔📚📖 (endgame pairing undetermined)(Ruhn, Azriel, Lucien)
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Lucien x Reader by @gothicbabydollz ❤️‍🔥
Care for you by @shallyne 💕(Feyre x Lucien)
About Last Night By @readychilledwine ❤️‍🔥
Nothing But A Curse by @stormhearty 💔💔💔
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Coming soon
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The Dilemma by @shadowdaddies (Az & Cas present) ❤️‍🔥
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Happiness in the heart by @munsons-hellfire 💔💕
Love and Lust by @surielstea ❤️‍🔥💕
Gust & Flame by @invisibleanonymousmonsters 💔💕📚📖
Remember Me by @thelov3lybookworm 💔💕📚📖
The Fox and The Fawn by @utterlyotterlyx 📚📖
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"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" *pointing*
Except the seat is just Azriel in a chair with his legs open in a manspread.
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 24 days
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Reading Lists
Happy May!
Please make sure to check all warnings before reading. But if you do enjoy a story, maybe leave a comment and reblog to support your local neighbourhood fic writiers.
Ari Levinson
That Secret Place in the Garden by @witchywithwhiskey 🔥
All Over Again by @pellucid-constellations
Bucky Barnes
Brats Don't Get What They Want by @lanabuckybarnes 🔥
Bucky and Bluey and You by @jobean12-blog
Bucky has fun with you and a toy by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Domination by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Finally, Back by @lives-in-midgard
His Empire of Desire by @bucky-barnes-diaries 🔥
Just Please Don't Leave Me by @delicatebarness
Mafia Bucky's Girl Gets Arrested by @buckybarnesb-tch
Oral Fixation by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Roommate Bucky by @angrythingstarlight 🔥
Southern Cookin' by @eat-limes-bitches
The Interview by @simplyholl 🔥
R&R by @pellucid-constellations
Spiteful, Wicked Mate by @ervotica 🔥
Timeless by @shadowdaddies
Eris Vanserra
Ferocious Beasts with Soft Bellies by @daycourtofficial
Jake Jensen
A Helping Hand by @buckymorelikefuckme
Curiosities by @muddyorbsblr 🔥
Distractions by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Like A Queen by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Talk to Me by @vbecker10
Lucien Vanserra
Fireleaf by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Multiple/Poly Partners
Just One Night by @danikamariewrites (Azriel x Cassian x Nesta x Reader)
No Need to Decide by @quinzzelx 🔥 (Azriel x Cassian x Rhys x Reader)
Pathetic by @sweetcarolina-24 🔥
Teamwork by @thyme-in-a-bubble 🔥(Avengers x Reader)
Nick Fowler
A Little Bit Where Nick Wants You To Warm His Cock by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Steve Rogers
The Horny Misadventures of Steve Rogers by @lokischambermaid 🔥
Little Perv by @buckys-wintersoldier & @lanabuckybarnes 🔥
Who Vibes for Vibranium by @late-to-the-party-81 🔥
Another Ache by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Brown Paper Bag by @little-miss-dilf-lover
Co-workers by @sebsbarnes
Delicate by @pretty-little-mind33
Don't Blame Me by @pretty-little-mind33 🔥 - Epilogue - But Daddy I Love Him
Outta Your Mind by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Tristan Flynn
Can't Believe It by @throneofsmut
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
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"Good morning Azriel,” she said, laughing softly, leaning in his to ministrations.
“Good morning, my darling.” he murmured back, kissing her nose lightly.
A breathtaking, full smile graced her lovely face. The sort of smile he would beg on his knees to glimpse each day, each morning he awoke.
She truly loved when he called her that, he realized.
Something within him again reached as he observed the light in her eyes.
Let her be mine today.
Chapter 22 | What Bloomed in the Darkgarden
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rheaxs · 12 days
here's a thought: I've noticed that people (despite shipwars) want Azriel to be the 'shadowsinger'more than just AZRIEL?!
may it be fanarts, reels, tiktoks, fanfics, he's always referred to as the shadowdaddy/ shadowsinger. it's honestly kind of sad, coz what i really want is to know Az as Azriel and then as the shadowsinger. sometimes i feel like people just use shadowsinger to equate him as hot (which it obviously is) but there are fewer people who actually want to see the real Azriel, despite his job/role as a shadowsinger. Yes being a shadowsinger is amazing, but sometimes people forget that it's a role/job/tittle, they also forget that he has an identity besides that aswell.
like he’s a person(fae) after all, not just the shadowsinger. tbh, i would rather read him as normal fae, with his interests, hobbies, humor, etc rather than read about " ShADoWdaDdY 🤪"
[only adding elriel in the tags, because last time i was sent death threats from GA shippers, and surprisingly tamlin and elain sippers?¿(lord knows what that was)]
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jmoonjones · 9 months
Each shadowdaddy with their respective gaggle of shadowbabies: Azriel has the typical shadowbaby we're used to, while Ruhn's are smaller and darker. Dorian has larger, paler, smokey-blue shadows. 
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Then a little look at how Azriel's shadowbabies gather gossip domestically (eavesdropping), internationally (disguises), and directly from the tea-leaking source (who else?!) ☕
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