#b’oarzz m’rozz
abbigaildraws · 3 years
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Meet the children of Martian Manhunter, J’anna and B’oarzz M’orzz! They are twins, and have faced troubles sine birth, due to the fact that twins on M’arzz are not only extremely rare, but looked down upon. This is due to the fact Martian twins, for an unknown reason, have their abilities split, leading them to be only half as powerful as a regular martian.
J’anna got her name in honor of J’ann, the sister of Martian Manhunter, as well as the mother of M’comm and M’gann. She is a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and has actually been so for quite some time, due to being chosen after her father being stranded on Earth for decades. She had been extremely close to her father, but was only filled with determination to keep her family safe an d sound, which led her to being a candidate. J’anna refused the ring for many decades, due to not wanting to leave her family and home. However, when her father became a superhero and founding member of the Justice League, she finally accepted its power. J’anna is a highly respected member of the Green Lantern Corps, and has been a training partner to many of the most legendary Green Lanterns.
Her brother, B’oarzz, got his name from B’arzz O’oomm, a very close friend to the J’onzz family. Due to the fact he was immensely young when his father was suddenly taken away from him, he was immensely devastated, and it led to shaping him as an individual. Reserved and silent, he is considered a mysterious being by many. His relationship with his father is strained, due to B’oarzz not knowing his father very well. While not a member of any superhero team, B’oarzz has his own designation, and is immensely close to his younger cousin, M’comm.
Asks are open for any questions or requests about the AU!
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