#b’arzz o’oomm
soranatus · 2 years
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BEETLE-VERSE — Fake concept art from a Blue Beetle animated movie 🪲 By George Kambadais
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abbigaildraws · 3 years
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Thanks so much to @crea8ive-traveler91 for the first image, omg look at this everyone
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kryptonavatar · 3 years
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puddingmcmuffin · 8 years
Elusive, Reachpeach, and Turtlebug for the shipping ask. :3
Elusive (Black Beetle (Dawur)/Green Beetle (B’arzz O’oomm))
who’s the cuddler: They can both be pretty cuddly if they want to. It just depends on Dawur’s mood at that moment if he’s the cuddler or not.
who makes the bed: They both do, but B’arzz is the one who spends the time to make it look nice. Dawur will just throw the sheets back on and leave them in whatever haphazard condition they end up in.
who wakes up first: B’arzz, who usually gets up pretty early. Dawur stays in bed for as long as possible.
who has the weird taste in music: B’arzz seems to enjoy music from Earth, which Dawur doesn’t really care for at all.
who is more protective: Dawur.
who sings in the shower: B’arzz. He usually only does it early in the morning because he’s worried that since Dawur doesn’t like Human music, he’ll probably also not care much for Martian singing. Dawur doesn’t know B’arzz does this, because whenever B’arzz is singing, Dawur is concentrating on ignoring his scarab who keeps yelling at him to get out of bed.
who cries during movies: B’arzz.
who spends the most while out shopping: Both of them are pretty good about not spending too much, but Dawur is more likely to spend more if he sees something that he thinks is cool.
who kisses more roughly: Dawur.
who is more dominant: DAWUR
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 8
Reach Peach (G. Gordon Godfrey/Reach Ambassador)
who’s the cuddler: Gordon.
who makes the bed: Gordon. The Ambassador likes to leave it messy to annoy him.
who wakes up first: The Ambassador. Gordon has a weird sleep schedule and ends up sleeping in when he can. When that happens, the Ambassador will sometimes stay in bed with him for a little while.
who has the weird taste in music: Gordon, although it’s just that he’ll listen to songs he hates right before he goes on air just to get his rage going (it’s usually pop songs or stuff like that).
who is more protective: Gordon.
who sings in the shower: If he’s tired enough, Gordon will sometimes accidentally be mumbling the lyrics of some of those pop songs while in the shower. If the Ambassador hears him, he’ll usually make fun of him for it after.
who cries during movies: Neither.
who spends the most while out shopping: Ambassador. That man is materialistic as all hell.
who kisses more roughly: Both. It switches between the two of them.
who is more dominant: Gordon.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 8
Turtlebug (Zarkon/Reach Ambassador)
who’s the cuddler: Zarkon.
who makes the bed: Neither of them really bother with that. If they’re on Zarkon’s ship, one of the Galra drones will take care of it. Otherwise, it just stays messy.
who wakes up first: The Ambassador.
who has the weird taste in music: Neither of them really have strong feelings for any sort of music. They’ll both listen to whatever happens to be playing, but overall they don’t care too much.
who is more protective: Zarkon.
who sings in the shower: Neither.
who cries during movies: The Ambassador will pretend like he’s about to cry. Zarkon’s seen it all, so movies really don’t do much for him. But if the Ambassador is also bored with what they’re watching and wants attention, he’ll become very quiet and tense whenever they get to the “sad” part of the movie. And when that happens Zarkon notices pretty quickly and usually goes for an arm around the Ambassador’s shoulder, and the Ambassador responds by leaning against him. (the Ambassador is curious to see how long he can do this before Zarkon figures it out (Zarkon actually already figured it out he just doesn’t feel like stopping the Ambassador))
who spends the most while out shopping: THE AMBASSADOR
who kisses more roughly: The Ambassador. Zarkon is usually worried that if he’s acting too aggressive it’ll escalate and he’ll force the Ambassador into a situation that he may not be entirely comfortable with. So Zarkon pretty much lets the Ambassador do what he wants whenever they’re making out, and because he’s an ass, the Ambassador will try to goad Zarkon into doing more.
who is more dominant: Whenever whatever it is they’re doing starts out, the Ambassador is usually the one in the more dominant position. But at a certain point Zarkon will just be like “fuck it” and take over.
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 10
Thank you~
Send me a Ship and I’ll tell you…
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abbigaildraws · 3 years
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Meet the children of Martian Manhunter, J’anna and B’oarzz M’orzz! They are twins, and have faced troubles sine birth, due to the fact that twins on M’arzz are not only extremely rare, but looked down upon. This is due to the fact Martian twins, for an unknown reason, have their abilities split, leading them to be only half as powerful as a regular martian.
J’anna got her name in honor of J’ann, the sister of Martian Manhunter, as well as the mother of M’comm and M’gann. She is a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and has actually been so for quite some time, due to being chosen after her father being stranded on Earth for decades. She had been extremely close to her father, but was only filled with determination to keep her family safe an d sound, which led her to being a candidate. J’anna refused the ring for many decades, due to not wanting to leave her family and home. However, when her father became a superhero and founding member of the Justice League, she finally accepted its power. J’anna is a highly respected member of the Green Lantern Corps, and has been a training partner to many of the most legendary Green Lanterns.
Her brother, B’oarzz, got his name from B’arzz O’oomm, a very close friend to the J’onzz family. Due to the fact he was immensely young when his father was suddenly taken away from him, he was immensely devastated, and it led to shaping him as an individual. Reserved and silent, he is considered a mysterious being by many. His relationship with his father is strained, due to B’oarzz not knowing his father very well. While not a member of any superhero team, B’oarzz has his own designation, and is immensely close to his younger cousin, M’comm.
Asks are open for any questions or requests about the AU!
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abbigaildraws · 3 years
AHH we’re getting Green Beetle this season!!
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